Exeter Advocate, 1903-7-2, Page 3E@UALLy GUII r :a s$ A story is told of an English bish- op who was reproving one of the clergy for Iri& interest in hunting, "It is unfortunate," he said, grave-.. ly" "that your name should appear in connection with the sport; most unfortunate," The elergynlan had known the bishop for many years, so he ven- tured to Murmur a query ae to whe- ther the blsbop considered hunting worse than attending halls, "X itnow to what you refer," said the bishop, with a slight accession of color, ,,sift 1 wish yols to under -- stand that although My natew cep= veered aa that of n guest et Lady roclsworton's ball, I Was never in the same room with the dancers," "And .that," said the tier g3 an, quickly, "is exactly my position, T AM never in the same l:.ieici; with the bounds," A, WOMAN'S A VIC31l. Ten .'}apse Who Suffer ream Head. aches, Dacleaelxee and Ailments I'ecmmlliar to the Sex, 4>tery woznaa Feeds plenty of pure, lutared blood and sound nerves to carry her safely through her times of pant and a.mckneas, -.Pr. Williams' .'.ilk ring afro good in a special way fur 'Mensal. They eetaelly rotate Stewe heelth-glviug blood. They give erase, Strength and: visor. They atirlaulate Alt the organs to perform their Anse - Done regularly and well. They btui sin all pains and depression, all eadaeltes Arid baackaebee, and all the seeret dietress that only as sermon krnewaa, Dr, Wi#lia ns' Pink rim bring the Sparkle to dull wee and the xos r glow of heelth to oheeka once pale brat pinehed with silent suffering. They bring health and strength when ail else !veils. Mere is a bit of strong proof from hfrae. John ¥eIRerr, Dhickney; N.W.T,, who sage; "For leonme yearns I Was greatly afflicted with tho ailmenta that make the Wog of eo ataxy of ray sex noisier - able. I tried mom taedicine; but l'emuid nothing to relieve use until I began the use of Iir. Williams* fink nip, ip, These pi.l.le have zuftde um feel .like a new person; the almost con - tenuous suffering I endured has pass- . gd away, and lifer no longer seems tbo burden it once dict. T know other wonles Wllo have been similar- ly lueneiltted, and I think the pills sero worth their weight in gold to all who suffer front fonielo complaints or general prostration," All oyer tine land aro suffering wo- men who ran obtain new health and strength through the use of these pals. Only the genuine should be !taken and these 'bear the full name, **Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People" on the wrapper around every box. Sold by all dealers at ISO costa a box or six boxes for 0.0, or sent by snail by writing to tho Dr. Nilli.a.ma' Medicine Co., I3rockville, Ont. OIILNESF TITLE 7.IOLDER.. lung Lu, the most powerful man in Mina, is the nephew of tato Ent - press Dowager, and the father -in - Jaw of two brothers of the Emperor.' Elio probably has more titles than any other living man, and the eti tquette of the Chinese Court requires hat all o1 theist shall be used as follows, wl.ion he is addressed upon alfl1elal Iauslnese. Expositor of the Ancient Classics to the Emperor. Senior Guardian to the ITeir-Ap- parent. Gaand Secretary of the Wenl>,ua Tbrotto-hall, Senior Minister of the Vtenyuan Cabinet. Comptroller -General of the .Affairs of the Board of Revenue. Imperial. High Commissioner. Inspector -General of the Banner /Armies. Generalissimo of the 'tVuwet Army. Sup{tente Conenandant of the Laud and Naval Forces of the Peiyang Atd'ministration. Captain -General of the Forces on. Service. Minister of the Presence. Iiiinfster of the Grand Council. Chief Minister of the Department of State Affairs. Hereditary Noble of the Seventh and Eighth Classes. AN ARTIST SAND. curious sight in the streets of Tokio is to see an old man seated on a smooth piece of ground having round him little piles of sand of different . colors, red, blue, yellow, .black, etc. Placing a pinch from each pile in his right hand, he will draw on the smooth ground the -flg ua•e of a man or woman, the dress all properly colored by the sand trickling through his fingers. It is done with great rapidity • and shows remarkable dexterity. MIASSEY-R RRIS CORN gATi- NIEtSTER. 141(A,SSEY-HiABRRIS GO., Limited, added the Corn I3jarvester to'. their long line of up-to-date fanning im-- plements because their nein roux patrons wanted*. a MassoyJlarris Corn Harvester. Irs success in theheavy crops of recent years has been marked. Its excellent work and wearing qualities pronoanco it a suitable mate "foo' the Mtassey-Harris Grain Binder, which is sold by the tens of thobsatnds every year. The l Fasseyh3 arris Corn Harvester' has am all -steel frame-, The Gears are the largest in use on corn bind - era. The Dividers . are of ample length, add the machine has a wide range of tilt. - T'ho Butt Pan can be raised or lowereri tosuit different lengths of corn. This admits of the :13un;dles being :properly bound. • - 'Pim 1,6soliter is the lamous Massey,- /lands assey/larris Ki otter, which has done such unfailing work on the' Grain: Binder • , fIin, it1assry Ei1drris Corn I -harvester. should be the choice of .every pro-. grosr ve 1arm er who appreciates gi`nitty, a,'ra-watn.t,a loud value for 1,4s onnuan Sunlight Soap will not burn the nap off woolens nor the surface off linens, B,EDvcE$ Exiazzaz Mit ter the 0Abtf4e* Elie,. 14 azl I> iseientifo principals count for anything the patent inflated air pad truss should be a enters. It horde the partes in ouch position slut with fair play they most heal, It is light hntl eomforIebio to wear, and your confidence is restored the moment is 1. adjusted. You pen rocure it only from the .Beit and Truss AlfR. Q4.,, lIern a Speetaiists, 433 Spading d,vo„ Taronta. Write no•wrw. 22-47 GAVE T P IK DESPAIR, Teacher e -"Suppose" Johnny, you have as stocking on one foot and you Pot another. .Stocking on the other foot. how many would you have on both feet?" Iloy..-"X never wear stoekiugs. ' Suppose your father lids one pig in 3t pen and he. buys another pig and setDs it in the pets, how may pigs woOld there bo in the pen?" Joy..' "Dad don't keep pigs." The leather heaved a heavy sigh, wiped the perspiration frosts his seho- lastirt brow and invent at it again .With • renewed courage: - "Suppose you hurl one jacket and your father ,node you a present of another jacket, how many jadeite would you bsxothen?" 3.3ey -"1To aln't that Mind of fath- er. • He never gives nothing away." Teacher --"Suppose you have one apple and your mother gives you an- other one. what will you have then?" Boys "Storeseh-aehe. Our apples are all cooking -apples." Tian teacher then began to auspect the- boy was not well up in arith- metic; but he resolved fo make one more effort, so lie said; --- "If u. poor little beggar -boy has a. colo and yon girt biro one More, how many would he have then?" Iloy<--"I dune; I *Ways eat tray own tunes," The teacher gave up tbo exatuluai- tion and dismissed the class, "These aro good chickens," the dealer declared. "If that's true," replied the ehrewd housel eeper, "there's no truth in the old saying." "What's the old saying?" " 'The good die young,' " I)lel anyone ever hear of a girl hav- ing her picture taken with a frying - pan in her hand? 13M31F'S WI i,PARI , Every mother is anxious for the stealth and welfare of her little ones. and: Baby's Own Tablets is the best Medicine to make baby well and ke,ep It well. Thousands of metbersi'keep the Tablets constantly in the house -they say they wouldnot be with- out them. As proof of this Mrs. Geo. Kilgore, Wellwood, Man," says: -"Having used Baby's Own Tablets tor sero time» I can truthfully say that they are the best medicine Ia saver over used for little ones. I think so highly of the Tablets that i always 'keep thong in the house." A medicine, like Baby's Own i"ab- lets, which so many mothers praise, is the right ono for your little ones. Phey are guaranteed to contain nei- ther opiates nor other Carmfui drugs Ind can be given to the youngest in- fant with perfect safety. Good for teething troubles, constipation, diiar- thoea, simple fevers, worms and all the minor ailments of children. Sold by druggists, or may be had by .nail at 25 cents a box, by writing the Dr. Williams, Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. It does not benefit a man much if be happens to be ,on the right road but headed the wrong way. There -never was, and never will he a universal panacea, in one remedy, for all Ills to which flesh is heir --the very nature t1 many curatives being such that were he germs of other and differently seated. Siseases rooted in the system of thet, entient -what would relieve ono ill, in turn would aggravate the other. Wd stave, however, in Quinine Wine, when obtain able in a sound unadulterated state, aren=edy for many and greviousills. By its geadnal and judicious use, the frailest systems aro led into oonvalesoenee and strength, by the influence which Qui- nine exerts onlvature's own restoratives. It relieves the drooping spirits of those ts-ith whom a chronic state of morbid des- Tendency and lack of interesten life is a tri;ease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves; disposes to sound and refreshing sleep -i imparts vigor to the action of the blood; which being stimulated, courses through, out the veins, strengthening the health animal functions of the system, therebl) aking :activity a necessary resul trengtheniug the frame, and giving 1if to the digestive organs which natural( demand increased substance -result, rent proved appetite. - Northrop & Lymau of tforonto, have given to the public then iuperior Quinine Wine at the usual rate] and, gauged by the . opinion of scioutist`ol this wine approaches nearest perfection of enz'ln t3Lenerarket.'All clratg;ists saint. • .Slee --"Tin grateful to 14r'r. Chump- lcigh, for sending me his :photo graph." He --"Why, I' thought you. hated him." ' Slre--! 'Yes, but just think, he might Tuve brought it!" LITTLE TROT3GIITS, } IIB AKFAST FOOD. Love quotes poetry while acting Ij Feople Who are accustomed to parr, prose. Contented labor .digs the grave of worry. A man may talk all day, and yet say nothing. Even an empty cupboard contains Much food for thought, Prei?lclice roosts on kt, perch front which facts are barred. It is both fashionable and safe to kick a stun when he is clown. Never get between a dog and Imes bona, or between a Man Arid Imes hobby, It is easy to acquire knowledge if you are"not ashamed to collie.% yontr, ignorance, take of dry toast and hot water for breakfast will enjoy ,the point view of a waiter in .a restaurant of the far West. The traveler from: the Fast -kook his sent et, the table one pleasant morning and gazed, pensively nut of the window until some one approach- ed. "Have you any brealefest food?" he inquired. "Well, I guess yes," cheerfully re- sponded the cowboy waiter. "We get ham and eggs, fried sausage, chuck steak, spareribs,. '>lautter+ chops, ceryl -beef hash, hog and Hominy, light bread. heavy bread, hot bread, cold bread. corn bread, { apple butter, peaeh butter. cow but- ter, coffee, tea and buttermilk, Breakfast food: Why, that's our winner. Name your grub," The son wrote home from college tis follows: "Dear7Dad, I expect to gradu,s:to this mouth and will need a Hundred dollars iinniediatelyy. Send cheque at once„” The old anon yea plied: "Dear Jobe -Times is too tight, I send yen.* a post offlee der for ten dollars. Jest graduate ten donere' worth aro,' :conte home an' go to ploughin'." BUSINESS, The Alien --"Don't you like to stand in a great city street and feel the great poise of humanity?" The Citizen -;d es, but I'tu a pliy sician, anyway." HE'S AT WORK ONDE YORE SIMON V. LANDRY CURED DY JODD'S KIDNEY PILLS, Had I,anie. Bads, Weak Legs, and: Was a Total Wreck Before Ife" Was Induced to 'Try the Great Kidney Remedy. River Bourgeois, Richmond Co., C. 13., June 22.--(Speeial). - One more. remarkable cure has been credited to Dodtt#"e Kidney Pills in this neighbor- hood, and the story is best told in the words of Simn,911 V. Landry, the Oland eared. '.lir. Landry says: "1 was bothered for over a year with Leone Bask, Weaak Legs, and, Palpitation of the 'heart. and gen-1 erral weakness oral shortness of . breath. In fact I Was a total' vreek. I could not work as I gots tired and weal: so easy. "I also bad a weakness in trill stomach, and it was so bad that I, cottdd not bend down to do any - g. I tried many ziiulicines with- gnat getting any relief till I was In - ed to try Dgtld's Kidney Pills. "After I had used three boxes of tlteln I: was able to start work again. I recommend Dodd's kidney' Phis to everybody:" It is cures like these that give Dodd'as Kidney Dills their popular- ity. 'rimy" not only relieve but make people able and willing to work. t BELLES OF CHINA. Iafarrlageablo young ladies in China usually wear their hair in long single plait, in vvhich is entwined a bright scarlet thread. The thread indicates that the maiden is await- ing a connubial partner, AROUND T WORLD. The Tinie It Takes to Do It by Different Routes, Twenty live yoara ago Jules Verne. was thought to bo extravagant in bis ronxancing a man around the world in eighty days. /1 everything mild be properly arranged, we could. now make the 24,000 -mile trip In less than forty-five days, according to Mr. Gorrarel, editor of :Brad-: sh'hw's General Railway anti Steam Navigation Guide. Tho trouble is, direct colnneetions are not yet made' between all the lines, so that it re- quires sixty-three days to get around the world, 3f one takes the long sea route, or sixty days if one travels overland. Of the latter, there are two main routes, Mr. Ger- rare informs us. Ile says: "The' one is controlled by the Canadian Pacific Railroad and the Peninsular cud. Oriental line. Tho mere read justneent in the hours and days of sailing to and from Yokohama or I3bng Kong would : constitute a thorough mail service. Tho record time to or from Hong Kong east- ward is twenty four days. From Hong Kong to Vancouver it is 17e days, and from. Vancouver to Lon- don eleven days, malting a total of sixty-two and a half days. There- fore it is possible to maintain a GO day service around the world with an ample margin for contingencies and waits. The other, the foreign route which is most likely to compete with the I3ritieh service, is the trans -Siberian express service which connects Vladi- vostock with the mail steamers for Yokohama by way of . Tsuruga. The crossing of the Pacific at high speed will be possible by the enormous steamers of the' Great Northern Rail- way, • of which two are already afloat. The same company will eon- very through passengers from Ta- coma to New • York and there the ships of the International Mercantile Marine Company will bring them to Europe." Of course, nobody would care to make a .continuous trip of GO days around the world, but such a means of travel would. be used by people as far •as they wanted to g ; and he - sides, it ,would he of great "useto the business world in the. natter of postal transmission. area WWII thee, *.fid aterefin ' t, t Sematic c e .u7 ZS> 1tAlu^ i effer a 03' tt&.T.. Poleeop 250, and 5 ._ !µ lee c': ` ' + How's This.1 wa offer Aae Iinndred hollers Reward for any case of Vatatrat that cannot 130 eared by }fate's Vaterrit enure, F• 4, euMillNy a Co.. Toledo. ren. We. the enders geed. bare known k. J. Cbeney for the lust ]d' Seem., +nand believe him Perfectly honorable to alt business traosecticus and iin»miaciallg able to asrry out any oWlig).,tions • roads Or teen. farm, unser rittle.X, Wholesale Pruggists, Toledo, 0. W,4f,P N . *10itt.M &. J44ItVJA1, M1101454t0 Pruggiets, Toledo, Hairs, catarrh Vero is taken inter- nally. acting directly upon the hioetd end mucous surfaces of ttm esy+stein. Tcstirteniels can. free. Prise 75c. per, bottle. Sold by ail druggists. Rail's Panay fills are the beef, ft i z ,much easier to eliminate Ilistoryr from .action than it is salinunate the Action from Nieto Per :iris Mgr lfeerei as QkA 4sA ViNtaalfart) 144404, -14) Wits levOi `setetng97ru .. tss b1.t*m water err sixty Ow by taitllaus of involve far thele children when eeetWha with YOrfaca vastus. 1G 4443"11,,5 fho r,hetd, fattens the gums. sllsyaall psto, cureai send sella, and as thehot rateds farPI;tthsea. is p.944043 to ilae MVO. end b7 drus;tas in overs put et the arse- "x,irenfr-nveesefsateasls, Its s,wn 4 ine51aolmbtra. and was te.V t apitkefor r nt. Yac ttw s &4at7 in; til 0 2344 lafait-'.T"I under and that some - bile; Naas parted you and Henri, Is t anything serious': Zdhzoi- "'11a`ell» mss. It's the Atlantic Ocean." Au Ectal to Billions lit elra Iae.-•--litiaass' ncFS, which is ensesei1l by recessive bile iai thio stomach, has a matrc:etl 03'c -e . vlpnta the nerves, and often menifoosts itself by revere Leath -tette. This is the most tits- trealien headache one can have. There are imelachee front veld, from fever. awl front oilier carries, but the most eaeraiei- ntint erell Is the bilious Iteadecbe. Par- ntelee's Vegetable Piltz. trill ewe itaeuro it alme.t immediately. I11 will disappear assoon 49 the Pills operate. There is nothing surer in the treatment at bilious neadaclie. The world's production of, gold dropped $05.000.000 last year. This was due to the war in South Africa. l [laatd's 1lulrilaot Ceres Colds, etc, 075 'British sovereigns are equal to 1,000 Egyptian pounds. No Rubbing The New Century Washer makes unnecessary to use a washboard. Five or six minutes --easy move - leant of the machine while seat edwill thoroughly wash a tuhful of clothes. Ball Bearings and strong spiral steel springs do most of the work. No process so easy on the clothes or the operator. If your dealer can. not show you the New Cutlery write us for booklet. The Oowswell htnfg, Co.. Ltd., Hamilton, tiongOnt, A gentleman was accosted by a poor fellow, and, in response to his appeal, gave him some silver, telling him to buy a new pair of boots with it. The man looked at his dil- apidated foot -gear and replied: "Aye, sir, they're an old pair, but I assure you, sir, they, cover a warm heart, This plan is slow and not very sure. iR 1 JII • . 'l. _ ads Will kill millions and do it quickly. 10 Cants I:T,Q'C DA'i'1.1S, To many it will cause surprise to learn• -that hot baths are prescribed as more invigorating than the cold plunge. A German physician who advocates the system explains tliat the Yater ' should be at a temper- ature in the beginning of 108 de- grees, Farhrenheit, this to be in- creased until the water is as hot as can be ;borne. The duration of the first bath should _not bo more than five minutest and at no time should it be louger than is agreeteble with no sense of discomfort apparent. He defendshis theory by citing the, praotice common among Japanese fighters. B$S41E 26-03 I N U 433 That was in notching the delicates +got and leave* that are selected Ribbon alt"anei . If you taste tlllo, ti.- : , you willti' oug the Cootie for Plc >g t • right ehoote Blaok. Mixed. Ceylon Breen. .Ask fey Red roohale realrif CIEN DOVLD Bit rirrir What are poorIsaints =de f r ? For Sale, We don't slake them. Our,puts are maderi tags fear. cover the ttio4t 5tuttCe go. t best protection. Seed vs a post .card, raratiotslasar tbir 'IMipsF WO/ E•edaveaAaokitta<lt (si benne env. keta "whited *nth i, Riall$, tY ft SON, Pellet nselrere. • 3414, Mrs, ;*rinks "1 make ascene. but there is staring sa, siv'ely ." Mr, Minks ,-- I'll speak to him." ?,ir. few moments later) " o ;vee?'" Mr. :t4nnul s -- said lie was looihing for atxad thought at fors& tem loe." rs .b' fi • to over of iten- i» ala? We have Mexicans, ;s (0, California Nav*els, It,. Valencia** and yae esk ties. other, 33, .2•1%/LANEWLI L Carload every week. Ali the above ate fu aket prices. We can also haadie a A VE CITRISTIAiI ENDEii.VOR, DENVER For the International Convention, at Denver, July rltb to 13th. the official route selected by the Trans- portation Managers for Ontario and Quebec is via. the Chicago and. North-Western and T3nien Pacific Railways. Special train of tourist sleeping care through to Denver. Tickets on sale July Oth, 7th and Sth. Return Breit August 3lat, 1903. Very low rates from all sta- tion. in Canada. Write for official Christian Endeavor folder, rates and full information to B. H. Bennett, 2 East Icing street. Toronto, Mother (to new nursemaid) -- '`If you can't keep the children quiet, send them up to nue for a While and I will sing to them." Nurse -"Oh. that won't do any good. I've threatened them with that twice ill- acedy," At the Yarmouth Y. If, C. A. Boys' Camp bold at Tusket Fails in August, I found 'MINARD'S LINI- MENT most beneficial for sun burn, an immediate relief for colic and toothache. ALFRED STOKES. General Secretary. Von Bulmer (roaring with rage - "Who told you to put paper on the wall?". Decorator -"Your wife, sir." , Von Blumer -"Pretty, isn't it?". CHEAP EXCURSION TO DENVER. The Wabash will sell round trip tickets to Denver, Colorado Springs or Pueblo, Col„ at less than the one way fare. Tickets on sale July 6th, 7th and Sth, good to return any time before August 31st, 1903. Passengers going via Detroit and over the great Wabash line, can go via Chicago and Omaha, return through K nnsas City and St. Louis without extra charge. This will give passengers the grand opportun- ity of seeing the World's Fair build- ings at St. Louis. All Wabash trains stop at the Fair grounds. For full particulars address J. A. Richardson, DIstrict Passenger Agent, northeast corner King and Yongo streets. Toronto. Russia has a larger proportion of blind people than any ott=er Euro- pean country. Two out of every 1,- 000 of her people are sightless. Mlnsrdis Liniment E'uras iiibti nria, °Holly - "My horse never shies at anything.' She - "Well, he's used to seeing you, Cholly. Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder is a boon to any home. It disinfects and cleans at the sane time. The new Assuan reservoir now be- ing built on the Nile will irrigate 2,- 500 square miles of' desert, and turn it into farming land. lucarnelkelf tele Butters Eggs, Poultry, Mapte Syrtupand ether produce to a,ds-ttwr tage for you. VAWGON COI1Iit131116N Ctl,e MOWN „ ger- Want ittarket It..TO'C9t+fTCf:, 1-45 4, Tcvaanie-"Do you know, this burglars didn't toueln our iomale p#ate:" Mat I,3lanle--"They ntut Heave been experts." ENNLUSN SPAVIN LINLMEN.'L Removes all hard. loft or oal1puio4 Iuutmi ttnd blemtehesl trona hereof, b.sed .Pa curbs. .phut., ring. tort . awseacr, art s_Frotas,earesect swollen Moat, ogvela1, e trove i•'o by trate of. 0)40 Dottie. warrant the raoea wonderful Simian Cure ax known. Mrs. Matronly -- "You are at thy bottom of the spelling class 'again nye you. Dorothy?" Dorothy, -"Yes anuusnuy." "Il'ow did that happonla "I got too many Z's in scissors.". Bickie's :5utI-Ccnsumptve 8vrnp stoat!' at the head *faze ilei for all fse,'sses the throat and lungs. It acts l ke magil1 in breaking up a cold. A cough is *om subatued, tightness of the chest is. relieves'' even the worst arse of consumption le rad lived. while in recent eases pit may be said never to fall. It is a medicine pre- pared from the active principles or virtues of several medicine' htrbs, and can be do- pended upon for all pulmonary corn. plaints. "What supports the sun in the heavens?" asked the country school. teacher. "Wety, its beams, of: course," replied a precocious young. sten. !BM Liked Cures spate uar.i The largest pane of glass ever made was recently rolled at Koko- mo, Indiana. It is about 18 feet" by 18 feet, and weighed 1,450 pounds. A. Pili for Generous haters. -There are many persons of healthy appetite and poor digestion who, after a hearty meal ar subject to much suffering. 'J'he food' q which they have partaken lies like lead f their stomachs. Headache, de re'ssion, a smothering feeling follole. One so of• flitted is unfit for business or work ofan kind. In this condition Parmelee's •Vag& table Pills will bring relief, They will as• - gist the assimilation of the ailment, and used according to directions will restore healthy digestion. China and Japan have fewer forty eign residents than any other cowls tries. "Itis a Great Public, Benefit." -These significant words were used in relation ter Dr. Thomas' Ecleotric Oil,by a ;Gentle`= man who had thoroughly tested its merits in his own case -having been cured by it of lameness of the knee, of three or four years' standing. it never fails to remove soreness as well as lame ness, and is an incomparable puimoni- and corrective. Five varieties of sharks go as deep as 300 fathoms, and one reaches 500 fatheni;s. IuarEris 1111}111018 Cures coral in Colt Smithkins "There'aa old ` Tiff- hips. I don't care to meet him. Let's turn this way. Last sunnier, I requested the loan of twenty dol- lars. Tifikins - "Well, he ought; ' to have obliged you; he's rich en- ough." Smi>ilitltins - "That's the trouble; l i a © he did." a :. Metal :1r 'na tai: ° smll Riz;5tome,durtl3leand Tow -priced. Specially suitable Or frgrt anadiyisad,nfeneesiluwxgvi-410,4,ce etorlcs,orchsrds,eire. Retails 'ter' OCRiNft,F FF - U l ING FOOT. :restshotit be cheapeet fears yob can ,sirup. Write for full particulars. s9 Page.Il'oirot ieen10 mud Poultry Notting. 'to Paso Vire traco aa, f imttod, WOICOPIlle, OZ041144 Rientreal, f t ., stud f3k John, Yf,I 1 1 '. Win. n. nhAomssaw=cn,==mae+?lmasz=ica c. acnenv