Exeter Advocate, 1903-5-28, Page 52.4
Out= brorricati,
published every Thersday Morning At the (Mee.
IMIS or suBsowimx.
One DellAt set aimum .paid, klAYaraee. $1.50
nets° paid. -
,15-eleireat444.24is ,Isastto,o wx4, 4543-10-1-cw.
nmeroriseentionett notilatiartearages are Paid:
vestiseinetits Ivithoatspeeilleddlisetiens will be
pablislied utd orbid and charged Mccordiegis.
Liberal discount made for tranScleat advertiseateats
insertol ter long period.% gserydeseripdela et JOB.
Shylock was the man who unveiling the Menurri
war/ted PC4111(1 of 11.111114111 Osborne. Lie B
fleshThere , are many vete herritt.
Shylocks new, the convaleSJ
cent, theconsumptive, the Brantford, ,Niay e6„ --T
sickly child , the pale young, which had been arrang
•• antv• - bration of the holiday h
3.5r°rnall Mit withOUt a hitch.
and they Can get it---taKe thee prevailed, anti tb
rscriNO torneilout to the finest stsie. sad ,-,,, •c• _a •
ntedete yaws, Oarless messy orders, los tor COtt S .urnmsion.
gomtwag. subsexipileas, ete., to he. made payable
Mtempt to Investigate Ketatti,cky As, CITANODD E4CI1 WEDNESDAY
sasolnatien. Wheat.„, 10
Jackson, Xy„,, 0,..__An,rith the Rarley- ..„ - 2038
State militia on guerd the Grand Jury
ot J3Teatbitt County began an Inifts- 1Potatoee, ▪ per
• wop.m..ft
ta M ligation of the asassination of Law. Ray, per ton.- - ' '' „ '7 00
e* Jane James B. Marcum yesterday, lie 'Flour, per ewt. 1 05 2 IX/
w4s, Otot sOnte ti nie ago while "15 10
•mg the court house, EVeryone who . - 11
enterea the cOlirt houSe' Iva% Searched 10o Ineo, - .5 00 5 50
for weapons. The witneeses Were : Live liege. per cwt.-. 5 15
not to be foend. Tom CocipAl, one iDreesed „.„„, 7 7 7 75
ProaraMmo of the_principals in the case. sent word 'Shorts per cwt.-- 1
ed for the cele- from Winchester that be 40, not pro.: fr Bran per
ero was sassfsrl pose to answer a summons tbet wonkl
egaeer4,4 wea,. rest Ins life, and seid that his feat
eanie frOm thos c In • ab .• 41. 4., les fid.bz.
0 large crOvida Colonel winiaeng in° etim°,nfnal.cleds" of -C""a/ I a ill e 41.411(4,11.
tbat Ailed the city from all over the lite SUMMOned the visiting var. I Are symptoms of a weak, torpid or
surrounding country shared with' rii:nsi;3°;roonnalis:tao-leal, and asked thet_no etagriant conclitioll of (nu laclUeTs or
Brantlerdites the oPiaion that oevor correspondents werle)edle'enlit aoutte.nt-"g libeere'ed4::,,,d;$4treo teWg3lee.rntin, gsotiluaSrorttrearidY
CIllas.11, Sanders,
vet -o.wP,,..,..vovs."•'wta----vsetssvvst..mvro-...votteser
Rrores**Imati, Cards.
msut.w., 1.111.s„, 40, Ps
/*PA, PAS., H000r graduate of
111"11-1 went* usiverists.
Teeth extrareted wIttont, any paie, ot2Y bad acCtiff
of4,-..e fonsea:s incwir,„ woof, s',ele gala greet,
Herm Orainate of Tomato Volvewity
&View> of Mutat Saramrs et dateas Atio
Oradote et 134,aaolo Seltvota of rioeilietic nosthl
OxitlitetIcrAlle leetIlagna
Alleintanw, 0914 ani Vuleanito Sales nude to the
neatest wooer plate. A no -foals hormloo m-
ato-910W uaectfer paialsisestracileo (4 teeth.
Alliee eve dear sionth et Carlin Divas stem TAeter,
'&' F1,A
Colleze of re
In shim. toireau
rani Samoans Ontario..
vitear, Pasin
Scott's Emulsion is fiesh
and blood, bone and, muscle..
Weeds the nerves, strengthens
the digestive organs and the
feed the whole body.
Par • nearly thirty years
Scotes Emulsion has been the
great giver of human flesh.
We will gend you conee
ces fvect.
SCOTT & 'SOWN% Chemists,
tO, ta0n KO,
sac. *ad Ssoo ; Amnia&
arry tit to sleep ma the
belt a an e g nitseet railway
power house itt,Windaot. The engine
was etArted ttud Little was
desoat, S
St, Marys. May fire .started in
be upper flat cit the A. Beattie & Co.
block at one p.m. The grocery and
.drygoods stock are total loss. erloo.
Any owing to .iyalen The lire as op,
er control at 2 The total itis
will be 'heavy. The amount, 0 insur-
ance lint fibtainnido at present, The
had a holiday been more Attingly or themselves, but owing to it be with» healthy actionnt those °mann
better observed in tb:$ place, The
soldiers from Toronto and from flaw
UrGla have enjoyed themeelvee thor-
oughly. They heve not been over-.'
worked in the ;natter 0 drills and pr-
, acieSs and they a eem well eatiafrsd
wish the ttip iu event a the day
was. of course. tbe unveiling by Sir
Frederieli Borden of the monument
which bas been erected to the memory
of Limn. Osborne. Limit. Builder and
Sherritt, the three Brant-
icir4 aoldiers 'Who were killed fighting
in South Afriea. Sir Frederick arriv.
about it o'clock and was net at the
station by committee connected with / Unn4Port Line steamer Minnetonka.
&tit Ottlurs., ro.1 ter,
F [1
co. ro4nro,-,arm.
ea -.3 Oh!rve,„ tnnntly Ma 4
Casks -se. 23 win sirs 1, Ss•.
Janet ifMei'VO
4.4 Val2J
1114"A •h1; •
Th* cons an
Paid lip . ....
ite:aerve, . • •
JAM. ELLIOTT. Oretatet 3Ieeseeoure
• --n,x1=1;
eaGV Teach of the mountain from They ere eoemotoy Atwood by 10$3
which any one a them might be sing.
led out and shot there is some nna.
Mint. and the Colonel was asked to
Change the locatioo,. Some 0 On
correspondents are wearing soldiers'
uniforms in the hope that this will
protect them
The Bulgaria Beund tor
Nearly moo Passengers.
New, York. May 4, -The Atlant
the unveiling. and waS eSCorled tn- the 1, reported that on May grot, in lath,
armories, where he Made irispeetion of . nide 4l.To, longitude 30„58, she spolge
the local military stores and equipmeat, the German -steamer Bulgaria, net nue
The troops then "formed a•hollow der Feral:la:A The Bulgaria did mot
about the monumentand the, rvpure assistance, The Bulgaria cars
veilmg was proceeded with. The fled 2.9® steeragePos5enger4, bound
ordained bands played 'Wearer. My 1 front Hamburg to tialifax,
Ged. to Thee," and a prayer of &dice -
tion WaS. offered.
lcs KULed r50 MaCednniall LIMN -
and V.1.1-lut .4y0aP6)
Grain is Nigher -The British Live
Stock Tcesie--Latest Quotation%
The Visible Supply.
May ,ra„T,S. May
nna, May g6. ---One hundred 20.11. AlaY
edonian insurgents were kill./ oats 7. tegi"ow klif°Ducw
origin of the tire is unknown. tater. c village of Sincrdeas. Valid; Of Batley
2.11° 114111111"g ill "ett.431' '1114 LbO 1141-g"11 the Lake of Preslre (which is southwest 'M44''vrdi'ZreYe'e'X't V'5%, week 4
stni.4; at drygenkls and agieteeeries cam- „ bUetelel ever age beat Oetreened
letely mined, the prxnelittel dotinogelifey aci:oreing to a WOW bushels,
S2altiril; st4w14. Inente , an $4.exitee. taeurgents. who Iteel ralude,.4; z1;a3.,
" Pat'. '.5,411 Page in the n;11 wore held toi".7et ters3sis Names e
40,1,o oo ;1;
a, I jt
Po al t t a 714Z lir itat.ilit l'aill•tiietied
I ••, r Tla :11
tg,1111 A tal,:a4114
t in; la • al. o A hl.„N .;
VA 04
:1,1 la 71;lie);,
b water ;,11 -*s. bend- ! gespatch 'fixe Nene Freie Pree • • Chte&e. laarltetS.
mice on $1.1.0104., Tho itiP55e$73:Kna 9,uallttiairei 43,5 4y4Prante,.
log u p wet ei ;eve -- •• -- .Z;
Homeseekersp Excursions
Waskada ... Moeselaw. ,s $30
' Winnipeg ....% Regina.. - ... )
Y et fr $
Pr. Alberto-) 03
Macleod-. ,so
Calgary , ..
. Estevan
Elgin. .....
Arcola. .
. Grand View- I
Swatt River...) •
10-0. Nr oopc
it7 I;";
•1 .p.T17., c",:
ficriAza ttnwsa
tlreiglIntgaa, wilna Vuniecila
eeee;sntteeoere ce, Won il*re
r, e'" 3 U.!" .
•ef t .!%
" t a 47 ±1.01:1 '!i;137.
4 t
oil la! Spann
mil 7:mmi
4:Q7,ml tlireerexq
aepeeee exam 111WJ teed
iitt44.-ke41 Turhish tab*. arr-lt 34 NaF /11411:,i\ ',11" CI7711
tug iaiited fc.1 Ipaltir.Fi. ;Rai Iola., jets". A‘,1-14.044'
itnate27;•. ali wen.. 4)1 "1101141-4F.
The British Cattle Marlret.
ikon -n up LT 4-ar•nuilw by tile. `rurui.,! 4 4 t4-444'.
of energy, lack of courage. and some.
times by gloonay foreboding and de"1 asl
taten ill with kicluey trontle;
becante oo, wca. X could ocarcely get ATOUSIda
It too % seedielne without benetit,Sticl Arian
decided tr• try Ileee'a .003.pari114. Atte
the tirot bottle teL so ntneta better Wet
centlinied its ow. ona•sixbottles made coo
a now woman, When .n*7 little ghl Wee,
bony, she could. Ant Ileep anything on ber
Morose/4, and We 'gave kfoogo arsalaa,
Villa which cured her."' thee. Tgeetea
qs 'Wellacelverg. Qat.
ood's SarsaparWa
res kidney onti, Jiver troubles,. ra.
ves the haelt: mad Wilde up the
w aystern.
All the Antbra Ito In t
• renowned strip of land of asiy,
litteen by aeventy near the
center at the State of Rent:sylvan*
centained all the true anthracite cod
In the world. Here Is concentrated the
01101114Q114 Vglite41 wealth 0 all the an,
thracite coabcarrying raQroads, whose
inliannee And prestige have been nod Wool wanted
woo lbs. wool wanted. for
which the highest inail4et price
will be. paid.
Received at rk:ililer 0.14,
t villa. W.irehonws.
S Ix R. N 0
• . AND •
C74114ENT .1,111.XPR
We have for SO.I.e
113oiler 80 h. p.
1 Boiler40 p.
1 /3oiler and Engin
30 h. p.
1 Boiler and Engine
16 h. p.
vo4ttog of evetT _Description in
•Bras e and Ir = tat order.
Pipe and Fittings qr all sizes kept
constantly in stock,
Po d t
have just rectiyed (plane
tity the beet grade a Pint -
land Cement for present delivery.
Cloth Sacks to be returned free.
earl be had At either eeotealla or
Enter Storehouses,
tor years in tereang the lowe_r•price4
tribunate male eut a the demestie mar -
eta of the Exit. 011ie the most et.
ethos Weallena Wed tor this purpose
elemoroue outery against the
called "smoke nuisance" -nu =Alma
high has resulted in much bridat.
•el unjust, diserlminatine.
, ;which practieelly Rubble the use et ,
-orererakesi fuel in our lareor (Attlee.
• fuel that is not xeratvolled by auy ova- WM f.J...V.0iA•ZA.0•11.
toination or VoirratiOu a capitalists, j
• and which cannot b, *tied up" like -
nthraeite eve], at the %Illicit mil eapelee
few iaterested individuate.
In tbe Fart, in the small etrip of ceast
was'. n SlaT 23.-„Vsi• Clean exile, ; , Muhl -sting' lareeto ettlioS ef the
One knreired axel rint ;are were
tioutel in the ruins.
• IUI , 114 -02; Arg, -,47190:.11 ',1°:(1; • 17xdtel1 Statee, the beneeliolder Uneeee•
,1,14.„,n4 fuel but
a • rotioll'In and, ntititraolto coal. Forgetting
A MQ , sti cattle. tol t•a FOlt
144:;11-.'-'44* 1144F 'i5'. --4'X'44" 123 the ways a our forefatiteree and TiOw
t forbidden by laW to USS bituminoue eoal,
Llar.."7,;c1-414.4to - Le▪ g" elatoes Are jM" 11.4131, :143Y le-ilecdPte• ; frtslered in .tliis antliva,
Eaet Buffalo Collie Market. the inventive evalue oi our etovemithere
volve6.1. tbs• i"Simo $ps1 ot•22T9 Pito hot-bcd.-pratincv; only burners for
Ll tut, 4.141 -cer lenzair tWilt Mite air' and b
hc:Itn: '4 CHOICE FAt"ILY
13„. lioren, a fe.,,,z;,,e, ra • . bard coal; ter our az:lima, 4)111(
▪ t$4 4.ero aria fecu-,
I sits tssls S'; 1,7s: r,1/4(411,1111; tt,,1,0 tO , alive to the forced demand, u
eteyee, c,einetteeee diet ite bee in his' 0,1-1n, ,,h;at dpaiand: prima•anu oxtr apartniente, our retell deallere
peoeteioicel a written et euesexon te a ,
whedeeale brilievy eelletne, inlilpTcd, tint
Maesaeliwastie melt. which inv011see
;s :pus. ,satiabine. esilfesqsva WW1 44.!nn 640•.cs•instas, Sts to , of rrodoefflol. WHEATLES
%-sa.-van IV* IF1 44A. St., to
- U71:4•Prd' 4.• SLL, tidier% tl•CI ittiq but anthracite coal for sa aad 1
° $3, to Zt.,;5• Who. MI.C.Ta to. i t - I
1"1.z ttz gogla, Troilucing area, cutting sltort thoir Sup, ." Prinness!!
!avrtf, Si,' viirruortl, meo to 1011 s e st sum eos. •
A i571,V,4 ;54,1 niuqt go without fuel or burn
leWt1 prominent veteel,.tore who. ere xxi tewor; tf",'1,1 (q5 to no; , corporation gee at four or five times the l
' IA ,o1; bitaw:
Iv a Boston inerehent. a member • $.3 The lavoi forbi•idhvt The u.1 of Itifirai- • Oliva kfa Fleet t
1 :as • s 31 s,,i Leslie York.Frin larger Ole; ellss "(•.
ei the !ee.iileteeo
e t:. i0.••
• I •cd • our • .1041.1 S111)It Cz
• otherl legielation a tim wortlt kind. l'Arnt, -
ee % :41r, 31..47311few : , • a .
ff.; IkecaucaN A not pro mit taii7. TIO:t apt]. 3„,, /lop alwavs
n hie 123. 1 • 1 r e ? ,aex 2a32,0,11. few from nqiug es:4(114ve 18118001L4 firen 1 jury. eheep tim heaviest em, (Weer known -
;4140 91..v.147 and, ,faamiliv b.lemoie there/3 no re
ere I
SHOOT IF YOU DARE :" I ls 1:i....41,:47,4;122: a .2:i5S.I'lliii.17;i1741:2..,S5122.1)2114110 geflleirlInVitd;v4:11::11,y7aitzeiit. ,ItIth(04rteiN111,1
S4.tra';tl32rr 1 s r, si, 6:4 to 6.1.i0. no aethraeite coal mined or coneumed
there the rich and poor alike burn
bittuainoue coal, all carefully screened
i‘ilnlidnolliri:(eVir)tt;drnief;1.-; 1.1‘2•311:14$4.1stte.ruf;:t*ei4111111.1111,141t
ti021 prevents the escape of 'wasteful
-inolte. For smoke is simply unburnt
coal, is nearly pure carbon, and should
The Last Challenge of a Lonely i
the arrival of i
t.xe gendarmes all the
disturbance at 34.12n° ="t44'44'4;8 -i ' '*181gb"; P."'d 1.„,;).
th 15: ,13,:nv, :id_ to .i74,.•;9: heifers, $2.ou
occurred during a
challenged, answere 1 "I.
4.. - am a Croat:. re to we lower; InilVal i, d t '' • '
Ms.). • - " '''11 to ""' ; buns; V t ,
. calNea, /..1 oa to ' " A
. 4.0r,S.--Ittnelpts to -Kay,
: Texas fed
over. 10000; "Era."
be consumed. -William Jasper Nieolls III
rioters fled except one. who -b " 1.Si 2° .S2 'w. -II
, Cillg kal,tratt te-morro. t.V., 1 ,,6:10, left
Then " *
Cdcage Live Stock.
•Vienna May• incidentlChIeaia, May '5.-CL411.1-rtecilPtti
t.1. a station near Agrain. On t° Sr'2"5" e4)".14'Si "11 r°eil°rE4
Pedeus done et te, •• , to; Pu0r m
, team. his shirt open, he ex- to sm. sou 1, % 2 "nice beovv. 1.5
'5'181 tO $G.10' rOOd to l• 12 1111 "(2112
claimed, "Shoot. cowards, if tend school recently brought home a
cs, to t .$- s:, • 'eavY• '''."'•°5 to $3 15.-11 I ' i mell girl etho has Just began to at -
'sumo '
..diately a shot rang out, and
yon dare.1 1,....e.- a a. -4 hat Of Stile -.I. ' g 'Is* A s
the. caPret!'ectliejlel s.s.i.ria. tir I..' t* '
..,..___ ....._ _ ,p.t..., ion.; ,is at $4..4 to SO.10. 1 to
eriqo : pumpkin -seed, and told her mother that
r ings •ot ;11,114ti p-75,1.0 $1.169: native, lamb: o, 1 the teacher said Olt •Alti ffh the seed
Croat fell dead. Large meet
, a which the Ban .was 27,07"' c-uattle. exi,- i I In° aY* 1 VAS • '1,.: '' *CM:
protest against the,upo, ee to S5.70. official Sat' d•
merit in Croatia t artents--C I iogs, 11,49 ; awe% I , avInte the 'rillps•gli would be 'ello
denounced. have be I
Spelato, Ragusa and elsewhere.
Strath coma ) • 40
Rea Dear. . t
Going. El 4th, returning At(trST 4th (all rail
orS.S. Athabasca.) (Ming olt:slE istit, returning
until ACGUST 13th (ill -rail or S.S. Athabasca.)
ar. JULY 4t1, returning until .8E1'1E1111E1a t;t11
(all rail or S.S. Manitoba.) 'rickets are not good on
"Imperial Limited." For tiekets and pamphlet giv-
ing -full particulars apply to 'your nearest Callahan
Palfle4t gent, or to
4.11. NOT:KAN,
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Younge St„ Toronto.
s, n
The Lawyer and His Fee.
-A lawyer geeerally suits his fee to his
advice, hut in a case cited by the Phila-
delphia `Times" one WftS forced to re-
verse the order. Ills success in so doing
Was good evidence of his fitness fel' his
, When this:particular lawyer was trst
i i • f '
rom a welt. to-do farmer,
.Four marvelous free remedies for who was in need of legal advice con-
cernint? 1115 Tir,hta, he thought had
been.' ignored by the seebon hands on a
Pennsylvania railroad. The lawyer looked
up the statutes, and told the farmer
what he should do.
"Row hutch?" Queried the farmer.
`Well, let's call it three dollars," re-
plied tile laWyer.
The farmer handed. over a live -dollar
hill. The lawyer veined embarrassed.
But after eearching,throngh his pockets
and the drawers of "sis dc -els, he rose to
the oCeasion and pocketed the bill its he
reached. for a disrsest.
"1 pstess, neighbot," he remarked as
he resuined.his seat. "I shall heve to give
you two dollars' wOrtir more aclviee.'
stranding a n s ession he re -
'Prevented and- Cured. eeived a. call 1
aft sufferers reading this paper. New
tion, Weak Lungs, Catarrh,
and a rundown system.
Do you cough? ,
Do your lungs pain you?
Is your throat sore and inflamed?
Do you spit up phlegm?
• Does your head ache?
Is your appetite bad?
Are your lungs delicate?'
Are you losiog flesh?
Are you pale and thin?
Do you lack stamina ?
These symptoms are proof that you
. have in your body the seeds of the most
dangerous malady that has ever deva.s,
ta.ted the earth -consumption.
You areinvited td test what this system will do for
you, if you arc sick, by writing for a
and the Four Free Pmparations will be forwarded you
at once, with complete directions for use.
The Slocum System is a positive cure for Consump-
tion, that most insidious disease, and for all Lung'
Troubles and Disorders, complicated by Loss of
Flesh, Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis and
Heart Troubles.
Simply write to the T. A. Slocum' Chemical
Company, Limited, 1,9 King Street West, Toronto,
giving post office and express address, and the free
;medicine (the Slocum Cure) will be promptly'sent,
Gave Herself Away.
The gentlemen were still in the dining -
room, and the ladies in the drawine-
Coonl were discussing husbands and their
3hortstsmings. "Well," said Mrs. Fussi-
love, cheerfully,"I've nothing to com-
plain of, for my husband neither drinks
nor gambles, nor goes to his club." "But
does he smoke?" enquIred one of the oth-
er ladies. "Not very much; that is to
say, he enjoys a cigar after a really good
dinner; but he hasn't smoked now for
.noie than three months." And Mrs.
Fussilove is, still innoeentlr wondering
h tl e all roared with laughter so
tl t.t1 en eame ap from the dm-
, , Perscris In Canada seeing locum ree offer In •
Amerin'an 'papers please sena- for samples to la, ' le .111. _
• ;ng -room to see what the. joke was. .
• ,Toroeto., Mentioa thts paper,
en ieldeat Liebach, sheep; 44' att eg 610; hogs. vs. 'And. what vvi tlx
a ber e color of the vines
• - Leading Wheat Markets.
Cash. al replied that the teacher bad of.etaughtri
asted the mother. The little gi
Closing pres_sar her that. "Bute' said her m ntl
day rilOolVi, rawtear, for we have ,pure° plkiner.-v"iii"eu
. r „,. rden." "Of course I do, but ;
• ain't expected
we are taught."
The "Eton. Doe" Br
to know anythingIv'
the State oislvonne9f011:‘117enatuuSe:
.represents his district in
Ky. who
krsituinnique characters. To illustrate a
polivi a recent speech, he gave the fol -
I ng account of his courtship: "Take
New York .. GM • 83
Toledo 76% 75% i514 ITAfi
Prominent Attorney Used Knife on 79% 79SS
Duluth, 1 hard .... 78%. st 01 Is
Members of His Family.. do No. 1 nor.... 78% 7s% 79 is
Marion, Ind., May 26.-L. D, Bald- titi„lwAllige' ,2 n".. 83 iiy.
Detroit, NO. 2'rea... _ 77
win, a prominent ettorney and Presi-
dent of the Baldwin Oil Company, fat- British Markets.'
ally stabbed his stepson, Bert Ritter, Liverpool. May 20.-Ovening-Wbeat, my adVice and never give a woman any-
ce.11*d.islalii:tandard California ,
at their home last night and severely
aid never make love
stabbed his wife and stepdaughter, re4 ta:tck. ttlimhg she can't eat,
ter, said to
so to 45 Ss Alanitoba. _o er out of an ink bottle.. Why, when
an his step- I°1,1'• no stock; futures inactive; I COurted rny wife, I just. grabbed hold of
irls.1, Corn sopo,t firm: mixed American. her and said; 'Sally, you are the sweet -
Mrs, John Budd. Baldwin d * Gs 314c1; September. 6s isfid, nom-
6to n,oismiSnda'it: Iu4siy03.4.4cs1;51rtit..unrgi Sair.ie, 4s est thing on earth, and. your beauty baf-
son quarrelled, and Ritter was stab- new,
bed through the right lung, in the neck
tember, 4s 310 nominal. 11011111;allkiiTinerel; fleS the skill of man and. subdues his fereterfered in the ;,:safile' and were cut. Liverpool -Close -Wheat, spot quiet. "I
dolls nature,' and I gott her."
and in the back. The two Women in- excels, 20s 9d to 22a:
Baldwin gave ht iself up.
1 standard Conforms, Gs 0d to Gs SAcl;
walla Ss ed to Gs tithd; No. 2 red winter,
Gs 2d to Lis Ed; bro. 1 northern Manitoba. ir.i.:1;!..laktWar.r.....,,,11`, =A, `'*...ta,,;.=1S5tiFF*.4sr,==="Ea..
IN HONOR OF EMERSON. no stook; futur,s; quiet; Slily, Gs 31.,td; seri.
An Interesting Prograrn.me Was Car- ttnures Stine. 4s 6Tid; July, 4s 517•0; rOnC 11 1 it• I
tember, Gs 1Sad, COrn, spot tIrrn, spo a
miXed; America'. new 4s Sci to 4s 810;
,..optember, 4s Md. Flour, Minneapoll s.
ried Out at Concord, IVIass. gd to 2‘...s.
us Lopdon, May r..3.---Operdwg-wbeat. on
Concord; 'Mass. • May 25.. -Concord passage, buyers indifte"rent operators •
to -day gave itself up to• a general cele- \I)valiTtt'61allIttClensipka. Pr Monday's Danubian
. , 0 ,
bration of the iooth anniversary of the wheat shipments, 736,000 bush; corn, 1,-
370.000 bush. IV eather in England One ad
birth of RalP11 Waldo Emerson, • The warms Monday's Vossian shipments of
irwheat, t's360,000 bush; corn, 400,000 bush.
prAncipal Speaker of the moning was
London-Closco-Number of cargoes or
was A passage, buyers indifferent*o°p'ellT s'
Le Baron Russell Briggs of Harvard. i,:eleat waiting at outports, t
and a feature of the programme eat c:rgeoar ist Plata, May Anda‘juc'rne;
noon Charles Eliot Norton o
stlieecrteci recitation by some of the pupils oil me 4-d: 11
after ed poems of Emerson. In till parcels No, 2 Calcutta Cl'
,IVI a nit o b a , a 1) o u tP lir :,el•taPdT o,b'239rusant9eldi,e. r2,6Wesahse4t,:air,td;
al paid. Corn, mlassaa5uell'owParsysaageivi, asy"
1 hard, half
Harvard, Colonel Thomas_ WentwoRh corn, cargoes La lata
e 20s gd paid; Mayg,'"
Higginson of Cambridge, ',Professor taiiica 1. _
vv Miens James of Harvard and United Mark Lane Miner market -Wheat, for
States Senator George Frisbie were alga dull at •a decline of 6c1; English
- .
among the speakers. dull at a decline rol Gd. Corn, American
' quiet; Danubian_ quiet but steady. Flour,
. American quiet -but steady; English quiet
In Ireland's Cause. ' but steadv.
Malftt.neelT.' 2 1r4eadYsvirii;2,17.Ph-f .SP&Tn7Ft
Flour, spot in.
New York, May 25. -Articles of M. American rnixed, 211 90.
League of America were filed -with the steady.
neggs Patent, 25f 9c. w
corpOration of the Irish Industrial
. May, 24f 2245i -03;e101.18;
County Clerk to -day. The object of camber, 22f 25c. Flour, tone steady; May,
the league , 321 95c; September and December, sof 250.
is to aid and promote indus-
French countrY market quiet at a decline
trial. commercial and agricultural pur- of 50. Weather IFrance fine and warm.
Paris May 25s -Close -Wheat, tone nrm;
May, 24f 000; September and December,
221 38e. Flour, tone steady; September
and December, 301 45c. o
suits in Ireland and for the advance-
ment of the general economic and in-
dustrial interests of that country.
"1 have;kept Ayer's Cherry Pec-
toral in my house for a great litany
years. It is the best medicine in
the world for coughs and colds." ti
.1. C. Williams, Aidea, N. Y.
II.0110011t1Z1M2290.61:124'1.14.A.X g..4.441AVa.
All serious lung
troubles begin with a
tickling in the throat.
You can stop this at iirst
in a -single night with
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
Use it also for bronchitis
consumption, hard colds,
and for coughs of all finds.
Threesize: 25c,, enough for an ordinary
cold; 50*., just right for bronchitis, hoarse-
ness, bard colds,. etc.; 51, most economical
for chronic cases nnd to keep on hand,
3. C. .5.:YP.33. CO., Lowell, Masa.
Clive our Flour mill Ft,.
rial ankrbe COM ivi•t. il k.it
t is all right.
Roller anti Plate griutlers
use to suit
Harvey Bros4
successon; to .r. Cobldediek &on
We are still in the Bleycle trade
and this year show eon* fine speci-
mens. The CUSHION FRA31E is
the Idea wheel -to ride Prices mod-
New Pianos!
Several New Pianos jest put in
stock ; newest styles and the best
makes: It will pay yon to see tbetn,
YOU will be surprised at the LOW
PRICES at which we sell them. •
Organs of the Latest
makes always in stock
Sewing Machines 8cc.
We are leaders in Sewing Ma-
chines -the best mach in es that the
trade produces are on our floor for
your inspsction ;also repairs Need-
les, etc„ for all kinds Of sewiug ma-
chines, always on hand.
Call and See us if in tad of
any of the above.
S. MAR"Fill
BUGGIES .ffavii,
The undersigned will have a
carload of •ganada, Carriage
Company's Buggies arrive on
April 1st. If yon want a first-
class buggy call at the McCor-
mick shop before you. buy.
These are an extra grade of '
buggies and will be in. assorted
colors. Don't forget the stand.
))) 11