Exeter Advocate, 1903-4-23, Page 5TfIE
(5zeter Ataiorate,
Washed everY Thum lay Moraiog at the oft,#.
AlmaT-wrnnET. nxwggn„.
ADVIPQATg, P14.10,1.4E1 1 fig 9.9.MRANY
Oete pauper eiraure if veld in advattee. $140
if not sepal*
4,4,•zoqVt4o.i4;!". ...-q.t/oet 4.2,FN-F74c;e1..
11To paper disotratiumea stall on arrearooes oxe void,
Adverxisements without, sped irertioas will he
put,lisfted ontil forbld and isitarge4 osoordiroly.
Tarot -al disoaant made for transtient ettisements
inserted for long p:rio41s. Foeryde.seriptien of JOB
pRINTIINWtonced oat in the Guest Beond
1231)deratenteS. Cheq.,w3. tottaatT ciders, te„ for
advertiolez, sanwrinti,141, etc.. t9 be mode onIable
Chas. fl. Sanders,
r.R13:013, Ann In3,
t•ittar.14.19%S..„ grontoote of
Tomato trolvaeotr.
Tezon extraoted 7a,F laajto„arzy kod,e1oets
o,,:ttz*tra gAtitizx med. N174%
41,1 -ms Azimasox• (pax& Laos
elPiarfiST -
Get the Most
Out of Your Food'
you don't and can't if your stomach
if Weak., A weak stomach does not di-
geatt all that is ordinarily taken into
It gets tired easily, and what it fails to ;
digest is wasted.
Among the signs of a:weak Stomach
AM uneasiness after eating* dts of neve
lealte headache, and diatagreeablebeit'th-
114103 been tranbled With fu. -
years and tried every remede I Learn
het never get an:511411g Mat Sara nle tenet
until I took /lootre Sorsepor1114, I cannot
Prase this medicine toe highly for the geed
it hes done me. 1 RilWaY-5, tete it in tee
epriee and fall anotwould not he witheut
OP W. A. titrattir. BelleY111e Oak
Hood's Sarsaprll&
Strengthens and tones the etoreeteh
the whole digestive system.
tang, in the
ll000r fhooleate a! 1r roOrernty orol !loyal
Collegoofltr000d Sau-oeoos &Ataxia. Also reit
Groloare of COO•ageo.; Oto.ol Priht9ntt:',. linnt7.Mr*
Oath tpn-413,121,- altntrI,11.11
A/Nonmetal, OMui Volomito W*S ieMe „
neateil;atatmorlooxItle. A nt.,xfoolo tianntr;s4
axothato Pod for roinie,4s etio,lioa teetia.
taff,,,ce eae deer e onto of Casaba; Cros. eltro. 2ter,
11. 7; 11.11.1l1hRit 741.4
a7itA Coonoo.
Norgeon 4o:on " Par..% Maio
4, Ont.
• . •
✓ A111141,417,snils k.k411.:4414,. /q -
r. tn.
, ,
1;1'7,17,31atnst.7::Z,..,nsV411,6--,c1?4, 3..4 11=
rtatTak. lit411V.E•iTifa, )1M°
• Olootoo 4 11,-, fox,„"nolo - •
%V- 1,31,411P1 Ver, 01-.1e .O Cool,
so,i) lartiOit
,-• ;a!roex.:E,1 t..7a L'ol'ar4 11• -.1,44",t 110.
1. D7C,C,a tr.
1,144‘1,k 444"
eirer non- this
l'oil000e it
.110iBlif0111081011010.IINY.Pii. 110:
We :ad them, if up.-41gle to
othlititt mar,•41.9iyatc.ent. 11•51
first rlatip them tneintoin
the legit rittivtaitttll
solliand 1.44r4. iReqoired.
J. W. Wii6reiilltVII4T.
Pt ineip31.,
he running, b'ok4 the
b• - I th-4 flows through"
thewhis ha, to •come from ,
The springs of red 1402fla;re
f011ad in core tti tlite
1:44Waiek4he 116)11114' er and
snv red 41,303 al,0
4110110/44,0/.70, frOria t141 spiCcu. Healthy
1171,. A ••1-.^'
• atto v , rar, P 11;
11,01f 4t tee.
t4Y.lG;;. 111; • ,T,..trot;ool?,
▪ - •
Toles Phosplioate,
Saki and /tVC-Mmuito
dmog M 'rn.
able vaedietne dtrcovevel.
Iliuqtax.$ cuartecta to cum all
nnao ..., Wcatnesi. oft Meets of gala
ercxtc,14 Watal rxe.n5tve crx5 of To.
• Orsttua or IltlynnIssta. Molted on. rertipt
011)11e0.0n0113a4401.1t1X.O. (?:'..i,
..totifeI4e. sum na roe to aura .
2110 Wood, Cosopituye Wtudrer• Ont. „
Wool: Pitollitudine is ;1diii ietor
by V. Brownini; and V. Lutz
Too!sons Bank
(V:a.-at4 re 1 lot• 1fl at, 1)
ittnd ont, 71 yntteat.
Paid up Capital
Fnn4'2,150,1,109. eservaw
.T.A.S.EL,httrrr, (;RNERAT. )1.14x.tor.r..
eau: 1tyar.e.-1t) a.m. to ,14 Ivan; Sin:Masi 10 a.
to 1 p.ta,
tnki tag !nisi -less tr.ttraaeted
Monty afix3a.o 1 ta good Fartutr9 at loweit rotor.,
Savings Dank 1ope:At:4 from in nod inboards reek.
ed. interest allowed at highest eurrent rates.
Messes .t Mumma. N-1). urr.Ents,
Solicitors. Olanalrtr.
We are giving *ex_cenent
malt% Lathy t ^o.‘ttni
are full ti4 fat.
Se* Yes Era ul,ion make, hew
lOod by feeding the Lonv
marrow and the spken vath
the iiLLAN tl:e pure
cod liver ot
For pale schopl girls and
invalids and for all whose
blood is thin lull pale, Scott's
hmulsion ls a 14e:Isa1t and rich
blood foodl it nvt only feeds
the blood -making organs but
gives them strolgth to do
their proper work.
f I.', -.."11.441•N
snorts IloWNIZ, Ctionias
Toronto, Ontario.
zne, end Sooe ; nil dramisis.
. Dear °hijack.
ably their stublSo-tield where yot
Dear old dad:.
la y you range it at yotir Wait to and
Dear old Jack,
And when ;at length you're led
Ti your evrelesting bed.
!Vny Diann pat you head,
• Brave old Jeek.
May there be it -heavenly eat,
Dee t• old Jack,
For yon to hustle and point at,
Dear old Jack,
And when yon corner her,
MaYs be raise her golden, fur,
And her hies sonnd like a purr,
Foolish Jack. •
look haelrwrod through the years,
Dear old Jack.
And my ey. 'Gm flow with tears,
Dear Old jack.
For in quest of fin and feather
-We have tramped hong in PS together,
Nor cared for wind toe weather,
True old Jaelt.
satisfaction since Re- 1 xiwer beat, 29 444:1 :MIT tree,
in.odellinfY, our mill. .„ Deer old Jack.
• Then the oire that on you grew,
Dear old Jttek.
Often have I seen it wag
As pia sniffed the empty bog,
Nor shared yonr master's jag,
Wise old Jock.
If men were 01113 true as dogs,
Dear old Jotek.
Slips world be feweren life's cogs,
Dear old Jotek.
And ' fri end sh p's snored. trust,.
Would mit fail limit:Ise or rust,
All one deal -trigs be more ;jest,
- True old Jack,
Now tbeytell us yoto aro (load,
Deni-• old %fitek.
Let us hope:von 41.11 up ahead;
; •'Dor old Jack. s
In the field we tetonpiog theotigh
At i tseend may we find 'you.. • ,
Pointing, ever etannehand tree,
' . 1.7'; tit hi' n I Jack
Tiloroftoitts BoRkof
Capital Paid Up
• A general Banking business transacted.
Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on
Savings Bulk accounts and Deposit Receipts. •
CommercialLetters et Credit issued, available in
China, Jayan anti other foreign, countries.
Triwelling Letters of Credit issued to travellers in
all parts of the world,
altos -PYSII.., CorsERAT. klANATFIR.
• W. S. LIISI-1,01,M,
Alfred Allan, a. V.P.R. special police-
man 1 Vancouver, was ttrrested
charge. of shooting Frank Rogers.
Rogers is deed.
Cook's Cotton neat Compotna
Is successfully used monthly by- over
10,000 Ladies. Safe, eRectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Copies Cotton Root Com-
posed. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous. P.rioe, No. 1, $1. per
box ; No. 0410 degrees stronger,13 per box. Ito.
1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8-eent
Stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Opt.
orlios. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all
responsible Druggists in canada,
rouelia, colds, hoarseness, and otheeehroat 0. I and No -.2 are sold it) Exeter by
, silinents are quickly relieved b Vatia-Creso- Iatt '4' and J. W. Bun -WO 1)g, 15Vng
Line tablets, ten ceotsPer box All druggists.' g s
Eritisli Live Stock Trade, -,Whet is
Firroar„„Latett, Quotations, . ilYalartea;.. ::::::::
MAINS WILL LIE IN STATE, j -Monday :evening, April •?0, Oats- - • - - • • - - • • • • • - • • • • 29 30 I
Tooto tLawrnce Ma
was eels. and little was doing to a.uy Floor er ewt. rouer . 1 05 2 00 1.1
rnS, eavt.potatoes, per img........ 8 .5 00 i 1 •
04,4er of the Iltrooeiort„,..,.mfrdstorts 're-dee:4 trade at St. lawreriee Market Hay, per ton ......... .. . .. 7 00 8 00 2
Who Will conduct the Service-- . Roo. '414er4 o'os no grain offered fer , Teletex., „ .... 15 1.0
Pubtlo Bediea to. be Representrt. Drcs"se(1 I. -legs -Trade was uiet and VggS .. - .. • *-- - ..- .. - .. - - - -
- sale.
Prices are unchanged. Light-wiqaght hogs tildes, per 100 lbs .. , . . , , 0 0 ;All l' itA,S, 111 „1, .
" - J . RilY, &
Toronto. April 21 0
. _. ot, of a).- bout is 1 d •
: heavies at 67,51/ to V.76,
are nuoteo at $S4.0 to §9 per end. arid Li" bogs, per owt,,„ „ ,
cousioration . for the general lixoelltioNtaikr. 11 t.hnothr. :q3Nuoetreedoellastliere trt sir4 greSrstse4peAir7W5t'. - ' - ^ 7° 4(irl 3g4..)-a:FAcTrit.E,
Immic thg three hours during at -:-.4 tU 411' 'IIIIC151211tT2 :.":1qQ171;ItTeadrY fr)3171:17ePTeStLe.1.7"::::::::: .. ... .. '''''
wizicia. dag maains of til late Lit pt. and quotations ore steauy let" ;ear;
E2CLi- it012$C 40,41.2, * b sate.ba.t twev4- • 'The V. "bi S'
Got,-.4.atar will lie in G '1. t".. ls; e 4pply. ...
512.1°7...T83. Irert.:rsvezOtste ilitrisrei aoillattercaineliV: . Wheat " • - . 41:2241..::: 141111.;394 A4Y.P.1st;311 7 DT:etektiS;11le.S.
-ate a„ca dieting.
1(41-Lcyrnent made on Sunday wiii he F,Per:; 7,- "-- ''„';14;!•P''l i'.3.4"
1.4...sikli4.4cavi/Ckcji; II.:-/s31:1.1"yriOc4..1's' a ta ft cor.::.ol 11 pitts-Irtile.4.. .t i:e.".:..4.11:.3t::::,.,,,ki.,-1, 31..si146%:444e1:stiii.jer: t
_tyn. Ilt,41,:te #.1:a ''.a..:, evainnenced, 3114 14^n... s
ititua.',1C11.1.k.tirtit.14...-447,igeif. ,:la-.e(if,a31;e4..;n1:1 '.".s.i"c 1'4 2 7"1"..ecn 4eereaL4;1 '
▪ Rev, A. Gene:iee, ii...0., awl Rev, l' BratiOa earda Nattom
.1k-testi:mg 1'.':.k.to4:„ il).l.). Rev. Pritt-
e.ezii t:averA veil‘it he; the speake.r.
nte ofciciell peeeranime ars'aneled '
erday was giveri epee e,s foliows:- *9
4FZQC$TAIO,Il. tIcntroal Live. Stook. II
The general ef 'Lis illonor the late porellre'ele e.,,Te411,=;e1.7,,T,„vereel„nr&egeballelt
Lieettereent-Cee ....:.:., T: ViEl taire vieee et :iiteeic-...",' .i'e''"e•-•'.yr-;,-"i .-4-7,7a-0"
3 ta'ellie.k. f1"
wiL l l'i, 4: Z.^,,", 4;3? etteratoen t',) at 2;.• r4:.: --t ..;11-4'....tt-lateatr41.4-:ti-.Tit:
-4-1?•111 t :v4'412t Cezetetery, previous tet eblietta:^7.-- e' -,1' A --''';'v-, in lare,e loather:4
v. l'oio:4 zit 4 a44'•,..'"6., 4 4041 eerviee will Zeilli.I.F,.!''.:5 8"'',.• with, Ilre2 wee Pre'
bt- Leid at Ct,-..-.:t...#1,-.:na II oat:ie. Tile ter liA.",,, .F'-.P.,4'r 48`;';‘-';'43t-14- ',V .,1" "4g9e" ridt'
, - - win t:e i 1 ,s:"e teem s gcs $ gt V.,:,.., r 'r noi ;lis. i Xo4°E;,- totod-ste7tle sildd :
•!.., ill the evc000.:4 oat IttosLiy kits ittriVi • 7 v w - ,l''iiiiiti the coqumon .
4 - roi irum .;: to 5 us Inver-n:4y eehi. e‘ 1,.;r4..., -:',.a' 14„,',•,=?.1r.,If.mtii.ar .„rilv;
noon,o ow:). n4444 :reel go..eo in tire Man '-` '' ,t,, ;-- tt, ' 2",:6ot-4 '',.44
1..„._.0.::: te, zz.,!::34 ton u.t...tovi,Any for at form ....; a.... ft':.-, t• cell. _F:It 110L -ZS Sk4'.1
11%,;". c,t'lliCrli.,,P1,'F?. i",.: tlKow. vgaing 'keel " at -u- "'-' rev Pi veleliea orf Mt, Car4t,
n., tE'V...iNCO. TL/4' roilote 44 the pr0000. Et Buffalo Cattle Zalarket,
$tti,T4 trir:r4 be fmnt 641Vernillent House.. Ellf,1 ;-,;,'O:o1o, 11.97.,, April :0.-etattle-.
UP.5irr.-41X etrcee to Xing street,' Iteeelrete, 43.e.o hood; Reovy nicki &Amino', ;
a,:10f, liZ'it12; Street to Youge streetoell geerttl8ej,-..:.;*?..i!Virf;.;4 staioTitetrerYs". '
nnol npVeer-ate street to the 't LI go ;• - o la: O, os" !liak:"..rS, ;54..7.41 10
Ttu? roolor of the peo- 14Elf,':,' t , 1'1.; o Awls, to371. to 21.744
r3 '.. .: 11' 11-.7'. elle 11,-;417.. L•10P,' s
PAblic.F in flee plioei men.' klo;; n: o-,•tVilli-*ISI, t2.11(a .. •
'.. t2-7- 7-":: `-',0.0;f7,1:'4.1, 011!!!! ::IS Stir:."' - ''-
' ... ., i77....:Iii!,1 in 11%4: ,;',-s 41
4 C--:' ..5.• .., ',J 4 VI 4, q4
,-!itiC,g2n-?.. rifl v..:1. :
tr!,4 t3 4 1111A143rc , ,J1
_ e L'n2linnal t A
144-„,tmeoloon cattleo
000cootines. f.l•or14 Argentine
* "foots. .d.
L xn.-Conediies tattle. 6:14
years I Masted tet?
ribly dyspepsia* with grea
lar,Taslliaa„.zottl-,r_asaltrays feeling
PeeTkr, Wert tried Ayer's Sama-,
patilla, and in one Week, 1. Wee
c new at a n."-Julla MeDattatal,
:1;1W:441r:hie Pa.
* a
t that it's
u strong
u . 't WaSf
11171Q and money b
4-yiag some other hind.
'se the old, tested, tried,
A-er's Sarsapa—,
-4.. At 40 ti
4140 L•-;lue. MI 41;0434 13
ee. eee
1n fl<,• "Itvr rm
. 0,7,04,01,da
.e.e.e..1 l'eete.elieele.
Attzulant clarwinta anti pbyiti•
on° fozio
- Boiler 40 h
el 7gie
80 p.
Boiler and
casting, :.f eeee7 74„1.1
004 If!041 '44
Fipo arntl'Fittings oti'41 eizes Lipt
vonetontly in eteele.
Prevented and ?,5
'Pt "fitiOritekilS ffao r(;•:c4.7e.-r.5';w all •
ufferera read.107,111b ELITt*
tion*Wealc Lungs* C‘larr4,.,
swil a rundown 44'4=4
1•,r....• 4, p :72;11".
nee, eves, 1,e.. meltell"1-1 iliCani. VIRE
To. ,.4401:: Clit:o-,142:71ni orl:ii 2i.iii •i -ti th
,-, ll.,,l,--^- Zalf 1E1 2ftir."0 171,14111ortowitnt.1:!,step p.:4.11 :.1,1 mimilly i,araill6p44 kap, i^ 4 ie. The",a) symptealla ere
4) „1,4,.; riaw 5 , 0 11;011:":1,7:1;t317.-w-:47,:::c,i4ei 41:11.1.::.;411411 iitoa: tletli,v44.-20,*;; -4141;40,Aa. mu
) ,, ,, „'. ;. ,
ileri LILA 'it mrzei AI ia it aloilleelov CO+ , traVe in your body the Ri,-.'" .:'; 'Orr 13170 1iij;°T.V1
, _,
1t.▪ 'lfgg et114' 7,1:Ce2e2ieieetaeeltreel„ 141'.1(':4::11::0:4, t7"'•;-74 14-a V^:Z• ' ad Melia bt,;latt;:l that* eltattlae% ia Loa foa a. ' tated the eartle-octrAn'attni.:•:1#.
• tf:ttar Iro,g, .,..;,.r7. Chicago L'eve Stook. ,;i-,blhab..... Tike ionlittg, mcglIS .a 11431Zig ' l'elVIT4,1M; xi eeird: v.:lat (..!.*-1 1:11Q11 t":;:
rain,' 4 t 4 iv ",' on`ns to siaPti, 4,,.;.;,3 4044.1114.4,3 Will itawattos to 4- 41;1„.„ ,44,44pr-011S 111“tgdy that 15",; V.Vi? dk1X4,5,
11- ,eee; .£14(+.31 Id t.,511-.4, tnift,.• 14,-,ey. fee the aim e. If 11.10- FREE TEIF,AL rafr:51-75:artr
, AlliTiO ;;;-4.,- *' {fli,8,..,104.5. ,43. ' ill;ropo.toil v 1 01-74-1; V4-4 eel., 044 feu ,,,,,ia )Z1P.01.01'uTese.a.te weemereeo
TP, i --- a
• a'N 1.1-7.taz . -.5- to er tItilaen. tit 4 itm. n etigiap, tc 4 Tag ,r4..,,i. Tot a witt4 14 r.,
ey 17112 C•QVZ:FOO1O.G4r.c-rtal.
The rerg.tglfivc cf hit; zueanort„, t ata-. ottf v ;# -. 1-07.19 to N.t).
eir..;:4„::,, : , , ,..4oir ettiolt,ilir,,,.:;:.0.al rir ,,... ,11,. i :e: I: 1.1,441:trai, ::4r.: 1.41:11 4 ti I 4 1.. ; , ,EIN: .1t":..114 1.,:;:::,11:1-1,1:3,,,ilitrii;.::.4 .,a11:::: t:. r21:: 0: . .11:,„:.:1:11.1., Ivi, ;1 t2;:.:1:11.:p.ii tu..;;;41,431:::::: to405T:111:7414. 444 44
Waf4 tuattoayed by Pea hhas anal Maltno, Eft.1%IfIrde.P'e:',..:117..;,'Iiftf;',-1..; :.
. '::i'?',Y.'f:St.ra'gc,31'i-:''---,J45-zi
' givoagnext Onke fla.14 eV:VA Q:..!..-",' “, ,az::. tIcCi 11-00
CilpitaPP. Lnalle.1. St) ii"' ; F.2.
rtIPT:,1410t1 di Cr:. late Litioten 4r4 teailling sholviliillig. °rho lailloileg were e e.„ e . ; ; ere , -e-e
ant. , et-m.e„ . go tro.o-o,,,
fir,"Irg 4ePtiV:.elnel'Itr3.1‘fte:;.4toSiellge*reSeitr:eet Z1::•;2:ent74 Grala. ga,adh,PT": atu:70;::01 t" IT". P:s. 14 '411 "r k'-''''''
wan or a Bridegroorn.
I f,' nti IN C.,2,1 ri.Nill.7, 11 nilly- :300 .;' ,..,19 Gni:, ulnoo 41 ot. :Oe 4.41lo:tt lior AmPor:4.e.;alat: paktrCearae411341 taiii,'4•717.o8L-fl.,•ritlit: tl
salutiNce tate h1.4g-tm 1.07t.)1.4in Iv 'i•.:^ I-. a..1:14
flin^" *Il ', ',V MO - l'i ,,,4atti W0170 eueliet - He laid down the paper he Was natl. Ter"w• Mcnt4latIL-11--31m.
or- ilieLtttlran. t4G0vCariegs of Provinces arrt,,,-.,...;,z,,to FA lia,:t.te?5744,1b Leirt13419.11111.1302 tog, and tmtp.3 tv,141,0.1, fryal his sweet ..r. 1 in ,,m
head-1 of chweltea.
The AmhhirItoP3, BhICP2' anl trik.'444.1r. Aittk(kt).11 1!!%::,1,1%1Yi.;,ttlDilar 1141441;14111t ' 41'131r:re rtv dove am ftir one, what,' (1'!'"i'lll'Itlizulliel' w'.1 l'14r:.'"14 r;:';11''' .
Prrey CQUIleill:ozg. and Dorn , ,. , . .
inioa .4:it;i1gVitg; 4,,4ji ,TZT6rti;rtteady ' tille,th ..theer teth"1Y 14'4.4 the bride et died e Mr surd tv morn' ‘,. '
. :
IL ......%.1. . , kilt) rt. 11. thiti Mr.. Thont ... I'
„ tome*. teasterl, ire lot c re hots on (reek , • .•
,:,. zeemaratelo , 1 c,04 ia wa, vita m,,rt„ t aamas, alas! 1 am a oda; ef nawt.ht ea let med 4;i1 Lev ra.„..tt:ss Atut,,,': h ; ; -1 .....aie
Rit.lefSlefitiz,:er ocitZltileleSS*ncamtee' Court ll."2 harat §-ll i 'a% •F24 l.r;le. fa 1,1111c.; sis 14 And he gave unto ber the paper in which. )417 snd,0,0141Y. iz-0..1),,,'J
and other Chief itriticesu. Pr z,a.l.yolniaoree.m.5,0zesnai,....sst ti,
el ::Itttle,ent311:41411:141% he had rmd tho a000mit, of thoh, wed_ juyiag non ateettqauto-.1 :, •,,..." .4 for
ding. And when she had read it, he , 4'01100 ou'llth''. but she " ''' ''''''. o" 11'
The General Come:landing the Mi. Zo.'llir•
liti2. Montreal On trick, are Irlop:i to -U,T)0 tor "Do you not see that the scribe who /about total tattenabti to lit r 10.0' h•dat
vtour•rt-Tr.tde 19 dull. 9uotttuens in spoke again, saying:
Ott the north side of WellitortA etaolallt rollorn in [moots and eeer, in giveth ateount of our marriage leaveth ' 1 1. 1 • elle lt•od le•o•i .4 1 ',I.,. rest.
*ties until alma noon un Faidny.
et; o .1 • t , ti 311 1.411,..... ,.. ,i
• t e --
street, west ,of ., ititc0C Street. Wong 1,,,1'11:: „LI.: 1;11.5,147.11-1 vv,t,r,yli,ri...„ v,,.t\ito,„411.1 ,,,,,, utterly out? Re tegeth that atho a oleo nt nor' snit 11 Ilnau.. v...3! u:-•4 in.
' ' lit t 10( 004" 41.1,) in 1,,zi!to; eevend nateette bride's these was of white satin. ilie ' 'nod who livo, 10401 l'. it• 4:'" % '`11'3:1P•
. 1.3?ente3rear:cri othElheSeinittuCs'e of Com. nyd-The demand_ ta fair and um es .. , On coming Immo she \ow: :ouidetsiy
' front beim. trimmed with point lace
wbieh is a family heirloom. Tho vell. t.-telia.d. With. a violent ieoin in (be
mons. rtl'sigeestrrenielAlaXittla V.:,1344%11804;fert4 allti 475 , wlifeh was very )(mg was aiqa of old howels. No severe was it that ma alical
, -
Pubane Judges of the SoPretne etteer,e-.marhet In notive. IlLw cheeSo. fantfly.lasei Anti it, AS well as the dress, nid was sent kr, mai it Wat, 471 once
Court, judge of the Exchequer. alld Detatelak; Antil -Ind 3fon In country. , was trimmed with orange blossoms. The "seen that her ease WAS t'1,4411.13:1`gly
MeralberS of the House of Com- eat. tlie to e2c: beta creamery, .111O3e to
. gutter -Is canter. Fresh creamer:41n- dwrielisise
Ilaise eit:uti:(1,1el'aored'ewlariliteeletwres)Pberivrel, 2 "'Meal' and fillin thnt 4:44.4' Lt'
other Paiute judvs.
,I ligirs-Market In unchanged: 3IeW
20.g.• held creamery. Mt to 21c. lz,11. was nearly two yards long. She carried
i 4 'rallied but gi ;a dually grew weaker no-
moos..:til she was relieved of lam in:en:A* suf.
The Provractal Cabinet. per dozen tots wee to IF: e• UAW 1•1141 a. bouquet of white roses, and wore an i fe2ing by• the Jabt IneS. V,Ilitol. :An
Speaker of the Legislative ‘'.nsemt. per dozen cases. 12e to 12Lic. „ elegant diamond crescent, on her neck. ;Item s tuo sons and two 'dam:Mos,
Memberssebiy.of the Legislative As-, Clothier previon.• (ley. CloSlng to -day, ments. The mother of the bride wore a t PalllY of all will he emeadt (1. Mr -
Leading V.‘72- at Markets. With the exception of diamond fasten. ' too whom, as well as ha r mdly ''alga to the veil, she wore no other orna- renved husband, the shie,peet s,,,,ein-
Among tae wrentlis to be laid upon ,
Cash, Mae. Caen. Mal% claret -colored satin areas, trimmed with ; pills went to Toronto) on Ft iday matrn-
be one front the Cabinet of the Pra-
the coffin of Sir Oliver llow.at will Tc1,:lire'edgoe - 77% -
1:1••tv York gtf- Tol,i a, pink brocaded front and evliite laze. i mg, leaving' his wife in, ;mem eirtlye
'' • ' " ee,. '7,30 ee.i Y.I.'11, .,, The SLY bridesmaids wore white lace over her ustud health. On al riving at his
vinee. The Legislative Assembly ittinneaxiOlis . , ---1“ : •,,-4 •;,.i:i, 1,4„,:, white satin, with white watered silk hotel in the city a telegram wae. await -
will also send a wreath. DauoluNth0,.11inmor:rti. Terk3e . esei .. i sashes at their side. They also wore ing him acquainting Wm with Mrs.
' Milwaukee, 2 nOr79 i'ili 775.3 773 ``, white feathers in their hair, and carried Hill's serious illness, and be took the
Po you weak.?
Da your leege Filo yen .?
It'our throat aud haeree
eeett slit op leit,at?
Daes yeue hett
le yaw appetit
Are your lungs 44.
Aro yiira
Aro Fee thin.?
Do li
vett lad:War:Idea?
St2.7 tsf tht.-T Lietttenaftt.Gover. to too '
The Command, r•in-Chief and stafi.
l.t at
SpLetrteoitu'is2 red Fair 73:0"7,3 So°4% 7,1'2: carriage which conveyed the bridal night. Morel) sympathy is extended
• CARTWRIGHT AND TARTE. bouquets of pink rOses. The interior of next train for home, arriving Friday
'1M' 7.8 th
couple front the ehurch was decorated to the bereaved and sorrowing ones in
with wedding favors, and the horses and nig their ,sad •
toaclunert wore white rosettes. Even the
Two Speeches Dealing With the Pro- ' British Markets.
blems of the Tariff. ! Liverpool, 4-epril 20.-Oponing - Wheat
Ottawa, Aprilt
et. -In the House, tlif.t 41,atti'qc No,
1 standard California; 1 e0a01.111an's whip was deet,rated in honor
after the feeling references of Sir 'Peel to ss ret:ser,;!
leroxideynozrithere 7,1anitomi, 6es Salfite- 1 "SeeSt thou not that in all this writing
et% (118„1 lilAre fall'
,a its of the event'
Wilfrid Laueier, Mr. 'Borden and Mr. tures ste
Clarke to the death of Sir Oliver i
2eeed -value. :csrany_,st.::opliinrinva:lumei;:xglly,,,,rstis I run left out -utterly out. Am I of
4s OW to 4s ond• ' less account than the bride, the bride'e
Mowat and a brief discussion of the 1 u
11 .01:iariet,s pouraccental, n,w,
3ime, 4s1 34,Sdtile0;211,7;" a4usly,dis nsodmilliol'ia.rif.,: '
: mother, the bridesmaids, the carriage,
i the coachman, the horses, and even the
northwest lumber combine, Sir Rich- inaL Flour -Minneapolis, 20s 664 to las , whip, that all these should be written of,
ard Cartwright delivered a speech. of DIL
Liverpool--mose--exeireat, spot steadY1 II and I alone not ine.ntioned?"
740.6s1 standard California,•per ciente' Gs Sd i And again he lifted up his voice and
nearly two hours' duratioa upon the
budget, that will compare favorably 40 6s .8d; Walla, t)s 41,o`d to •-• - • 'N.o. 43 1 wept.
ran winter, Gs ly2d to us 31- Not'.b °nil;
with any tliat he has ever uttered. This in hobo, as Sd; futures :J; No. ofra!Per6lai :. And the bride, who also understood
evening Mr. Tarte spoke for trvc 2-oadn vaine; July, Gs 2,%d value. Corn- •. not the true inwardness of the matter.
ho lays' along the lines of his recent ellat dime"
new, 4s 4 14cinitxseddslalear.lean. per cental, 1 wePt With hi" '
utterances., and gave notice of an am. thing was told anto the scribe
AlsY, 4s 41 value; ltdie,re,till;13.12,dsvtticiii: 1 whAondretelo'reded the 'wedding; and he Tent
,, 4tily, 4s 2SI.,,,c1 value, Flour-Minnespolits:
endment very similar to Mr. Borden's
with an addition, il clause dealing with LOA Gd to 21s 9d. I his do,theS. And. Ile 501(1to111mo-elf;
-transportation. He stated positively oi , "-Verily this 'brid o •
eoicioni must be an
London. April 20. -Opening -Wheat
passage firm but not active. Corn -On pas! ' egregious jaekass. Doth his value, or the
that he had rc,eived an offer of a seat sag'0, (110et and steady; corn, parcel mix- , value of any man, save only a Mittelman -
in tile Imperial House/ but that he had ed American, due to load, 19s 74!4 paia, .
not decided whether to accept it l o'consist in his personal appearance? And
. and May, 19s 43,,:lcl. paid, Weathor in Eng- .
land-Pmo. .nglisit countrY kle.mat mcr- ; of it be do, wherefore gave he not some
140 1. ' ! kets of Saturday, limo Monday'Dana- ; sign ithereof? Wherefore did he not
i Wan shipments of wheat, 37(),000 bushels;
trick mself out with point lace and a
Forty *Chinarneri Arrested. i corn00inbushels.London-Close-Number of cargoeS 211'-! long veil,
and a train two yards long, or
I , 408,
l21.s.--igSvt sa
eral w thoJL. '. 10.ivcenatd,'lArheatoon- passage, buyers indifferent. ertCs.
o„, 'i
coast since last report, MO. . no dress cut 53140113,'with elbow sleeves
, or, at the beast, a rosette? 11 -ow could
pollee raid n aalleged gamblingp
house April, ‘MayParcels No. 1 hard Manitoba, , 20s paid; passage, it be known that this bricleEroom - for
kept by Chinamen
at 103 Queen sto
reet ..-
orn-On po.seo.ge nion, bat not activ.o• 21S whose honor all this display was made,
Most successful raid made by the au- ad paid. Corn-Parcol Calcutta. loading, I Could want hiinselE put down on a level
wesl. and make 40 arrests. It was' the
thorities in a long time, and wee the eta- with the bride the bridee mother, the
2,1t• GO -paid, and April, 23s 3d paid. Wheat ;
-Lo'''a,rcels No.1 hard Manitoba, shipment 1 . ' . -, '
conao•of information furnished to the po- within to. week, 30s 9d paid; parcels No. 2 bridesmaids, the carriage, the cottehman
place. ' Calcutta club, shipment within a month, 1 the h8rses,
lice by Chinamen who lost nioney in the and the whip, by having his
. 30s ild Tiaitl. Wheat -Parcel No, 1 north- i toegery described for strangers to read
Pala; l &lit?"
, ern Manitoba,. pe.ssage, '30s 3d
FIVE PERSONS KILLED. i ;shoat, parcel No. o northern Manitoba, , .
paid. Corn -Parcels mixed American, , And as toe scribe pondered over thiE
- • April, 1914 04 paid; May, 19s Od pato, ; matter, he fell asleep, and dreamed, that
A Wreck on the Erie Railroad With erto.re Lane Miller Market:-Wheet, for- 1 at the next weddiroo he was called upon
..firm, English stroug at advance of
Several Fatalities. to., report, tee bridenToont wore point
ls. Corn --.A rnerican and Yottaibian firm, -, "P
1 jaoe in his in , :\I. I.,e . ,
1 ir •'1O- feotliers at the.
pas. with a fair business. Flour -American
Jamestown, N.Y., April 20. -Five
advance of 3d , Flour -Eng- I
sengers and a brakeman are known to strong at an advalish firin at an advance or Ga. 1 te0het18 tolililliailasec131 9-lovtisi;hiloisraen°gaet beillotSsosgmusa,rea,
lsicacvieullsocistelliiieyir'tsli-vilesuy 110111 74.4415014-wRhpill• Antwerp, April 20 -Close -Wheat, spot , 1„,,,, claret -colored s a tin veil, trousers
74 o. 2 rod winter. 16Th fr. Corio-Spot .frOm- : .wo
miles from Salardanca. A freight train
roaa, at Redhouse, N.Y., ., about eight e.i.,,'1,efit,u.
n251ix.fre.t1,9(1...4 fr. Flour-SPot Mume- 1 With a train two Yards long, and clbowf
; sleeves, aod a pink rose at each cod o
had taken a siding to allovx no vestibulea ---"-
Paris, April 20.--Opentng-Wheat, tone
limited ' express, which loft Chicago Yes- 41e•1 c1 'at 241 55e for ,A.pi...11 and ,22.1: 95c tur loilis nti.soursf4tatehea,rian,n,:llirvicte_W.aterbd silk sash
tereay, end was clue at Now York this . September and December. Flour -Tone 1...j i, 1,4L I I
afternoon, to pass, ThroUgh il.n acchthnt St.p.i.dy a,t oar 30c for April and 311 110c for Then t'ho scribe ,.ftwoke hi a profuse
Lo a coupling, tho freight failed to clear September and December. French conn- perspiration, "and farther the deponent
the 111ain track. 'Oho result was a rear- .try, Nolleat markets (4 111 'at an advance of , 71 it not."
end collision. The bodies of. two women one franc. Weather in France -Fine, ,
and a little girl, ttVC.) 1114-.!11 passengers and
O brakeman of . tile , freight train have Paris-Close7-Wheat, tone, firm at 2ff 70c I Ohildren ry s°0re
for April and 234 for September and De.- ; tl
'been taken from :the w-reckage. rt l', v
- --e- c.oral)er. Flour --Tone 'firm at 33f 450 for 1
Wore badly lyurneci in a rwhich
April and 312 30c. for. $gitcl.pbr 4,1pcl. PEI, i
stroYea three sleepers and two conches.
fie cle-
comber. . '
So far their names have not been learned.*
Express Messetiger Gabler of Marlon,
Vito, was _probably fatally hurt.
40:!.:f3 4;:zua :74- 14-744
*co .04r31o.;oxo•3cl00o
-ousvaaso ammo:too
x.tr coos 51 axwiosaria-uo-o
-antes. so co 414 14140004'4; xszoroi ono
-apnea: laplooci aAplipr.sap o'lpat 04
pun sal= St *123405414340dd11r.c4x7E •05.1$
,44111414-'s430 Jo 441•014 u I140am/ID:3m CI01111V14 00
Ism wogs 9311141. ‘dural perc ;,41,
al.03:"Ven efiaranD 9p740 'tnottoro
strzaop (5rtoz;)
glsmscasa tprito
• -ub.4-
-soi.7.7.rootqlsto C.300:1
-uarprrqo jpous room, sxotinoott ootoi
-nreauf st 1(1 quaunnool 14104:4003
parole/ma Zujapf, npuoaq kt000 4412.4 oat.;
posoosrp rap ..10.10paT.T013 S :ni..1Dsl74-oi
LIZ uoals poiapuai 047 osro.-Joq 00.2
•IS noir, oepeAe saJeD
43001.0045 1141 o1u3 ApotttZt
ere oreei or moo 's0172J0 fluItirezaq oto
Jo asnoslp ozna 'Apautax 13 trl au -maul
onpaaso mom tuaaS lou 11.37toci
,.-411-2.-*- <—