Exeter Advocate, 1903-3-12, Page 8,OMFORT
_ - : 1,
N%�b.at njoredoes a ulan
waa fox- opinfort, Oegant
mije, tlum �4 linely tallored
, � 11 ^conlbines
grzwe, stvak. with ease. A
watl we4trhl�,* $aWlh g3t,-
ments must beat home in
and 041 Plly cc -
()or new laiterials antl M-
L eaulpelont workIlMn-
Wil A1113bit. us to offer Von
Jost such st�rv- ive.
W. IV. T A X A N*
merchant tallor.
_11essrs. tlauctroral 144 J!iAllott; snippect * T. W1.0. Aqvs� ClovQr a#d Tiviothy.
ad n g Xonday. Advance Coulici4 Xo� 207, R.T,, of T. Farmers wantit . ig good clean Clover
a carlo. liorses to, W! nipe
Miss Elliott accepted �.A� position was pleasedwith the attendance la%�t and Timothy seed will do well to call
AVe had a splendid on W. IL Levett before pt re z
as nulliner wlth�Xessm. Snell& Monday evening
Rowe, -1 hising.
comweilvint'; her duties last week� meetink, ana three initiations. I'Ve Price and quality guaraut"d.
hopet6 double our this W, LDV=T.
The ebattles of the lateDeuRi, ins. vear. All of onrinembers; are kindly t, Tributo ot Rgsvqpt.
of rsb�lrnel were d's'nosed of bv "lie" ieqoested to be present At.
tion ou Tuesday, last, reallzill� good our next- On vrida� ev( , ning of last week the
prices. meeting, -Mar-Oh Ift. The, "Contest- home of.514 Ch;m. Snell, Sr., was the
411W 11',kvO beell APPOluteil W1 All 311� scene of a gathering at friends. for the
Turkish ScalpFood is tbf�,best dress- raug"llients, made, for an exc'elletit
A restorer of grey hair in th
urpose of expressing regret on the cc-
��'ing e,
program. Relnembe�
date, &1reb -s
caZ-16a of the dcpt%rtiire_o,f �Vrs: Brool�
martwt, Sold by C. Wz. Exeter� 50
cents A bottle. and her B041 William to Crystal 01ty.
Aville 31, Vincent, R'ec,,-Se17, Mail. Both have, been life 'Jong resi�
As good as any. , ea the best, White wcst Agrou -spid b
Qrs� dents of the vIllago yflieIrkh.
Ziad Golden NN'Tavaotte- poaltry� Eggs On Saturday. March 7tk the
com- dispositions, coupled with their tuany.
15 flor MO. X Sl�X-160- mitteeppliolite4to prepare the pro, other estlinable woven
Rev. Wright, of cli4ton, will have in for the, next weeting, met ill a,�Iiain of frieAlsbip which neither
charge of Ae weeL-night services in %cl Public Sebool, Exetei �. There tivieliordistance ean sevium As
Memoir- were present, 13lessrs, Gowaus. An(i
tangible toleu of esteenj 1
lieb they
1, !at ebt irell t O -M 44b t �rb ursday, Y 'snuand J�obnsion and UR
i . isses Hanill. Aire bold Mvs, 'Brooks was presenteil
�i Mr. Tiios. wbo for Inany Iton, Walroodand Calling. The varl- with it silver cak-e dish and- Me. Brooks
years has lleeu clerking with the R, 011$ items on the program were ar,, a, travelling case and an 1. 0. 0, F. ell t,
piekard Co.. has accepted a sim.11ar 0 ranged for. Prov isloii ww, made for blem.. Tile address was read I)y Mr,.
sition with, Messro, Carling Bros, I one ��ession in which the male an
4 fo� 0. Snell an
the prose
litations 'xn
Food to vou 9 male teacberms will ineet In separate, by Urs. C Brooks. Both were take"
, % rooms far the discussion of 40caltles, iiholybysurprisesind with emotions
i pi -s and pivesalld see. tkoii tWv wl , The, invitation of the East Ruroil alino;t, incoutrolable, accepted. these
tj7rjve� It is the best and ebiapest
� b es
0 stock food In the market. Sold bV 0. Te4c. ers! A*sOcLition to U014 o, union evitlene , of grateful appreciation.
Lutz. Exeter. meeting with them In Clinton was ful- 'A'Ir. Brooks, oil bobalf of litimself and
ly considered. hat its the Ifteputive inotter-Oanked those present for the
Mr. Phil, ROwellfre has UlOved his Committee bad deelded 1 t"' ei be It bad al�
falldly to on wbex* lie intend.$ to Meet in as NOV -o , -r
4%,�eter and the proulgraul ways beenhis objmt to gait
i) and bold
MaTking his future home. Mr. Row. � committee, had notautbority W make thirespeol and esteem, of hi f
s dends
eliffe dad thadly are, good citizens and I banges it Wris thought fest not to hy.a. proper course of con u a .
d ot 4,..d it
their tuatly friends here wiU regret of e
ni accept, the invitation this time. Messrs. iias gr4itifying to llmow *,bat this oil,
their 4V ov;4 aawans and Andvk-ou and Aftz,5e5 ject 14444 fk-u attained'as evideoved by
Rgpfor h,,UellIng from puro bred Hamilton, Wabrond and Carling were themaw-N, 11 Attention5of the last
lclit�kea. White and 001611 for fewday;� ' r.BrooksaBsured those
dottes eggs, 15 for *UA J. 8=401t. the evening session of tile tirst das� present tbat althoogh they would he
Mr. Tlio_,z. Case, of the London Road. Tho Institute meets otay 21stand 22nit, faraway, vet tbe old 66me Anil Old
north Last Week, pureltaBed from. Mr. W. Z 9. 19, NQIV* friends iiWnld Always be held dew,ly In
5, mill. of town, the old Nevoll farm_, flata said, *The ROMA,,$ govern the meloory. Aftera few brief lVillarMi
situated on the god concessimi'of Illay, world. but it is the. we
niou who gov, by Rev. Dr, Hannona
beinglot 11. The plive paid was ill ern the Romaui�' tromulunity wereiierved and then all separated
the neighborhood of Is ever better than It's with feelings of regret ot the 104s*
Tho .1,3-farth Sun con-Inctosi by W. wen who destroy a healthful coustitil. Following is thp oddress.-
-THE- Westcott, sun of Mr. J.T.Westcott. tion of body hy'luterporance And an Uctvr, Upiph 6th, 1WJ
" irre WRIX
of town. was completely destroyed 'by -gular 114" 4,41 a5 ma"Ifoutly kill
R_ 11V"111�1�0
reou Saturday i4oiiilug, last abot& themselves. as those who hang, or mr, w, X umex%
Ban lu Fortunatelyfor.MrAVest- poison, or drown tuemselves. Sher. 144% R,19%rx-lt is with fedur Of 4".p reant
-Da to eave UA Arkd tv�
cott there was $25M Insurance on the The second meeting of the thnt we learo 01.votir lutfttl 0
content,% Woman!$ Christian Temperance Vition 'au"O'IT yon to depArt isitboU4 in Foolo CW;W0 wmo,
I Yl� C%v��Q "F Tx�nfilmn Qtsr oAn nf-91� Was held at Mrs. Blasdell's, Andrew mr, exiom-'k-Z qxr Aff fqxr vp��u g
If you require
aQ TO,,
Glass Blue Grass Seed,,, Etc. I ;,
ow ir &0*4
& RA MIANS & 1-.70N
*M A 1 46
1414d oil? valift,21 on Ta",qy. amb, rd. �U-
lij i4nd specialist. diseaw.i oyv� M. M W� 141m4p tl� WA, in
-tud,thrwtt. will 1W at the le-oul. (r1VrJZWp %%%I 1QV0-
........ . ........... ZOAW.W no,:o. mal-Va4tesweropresentas could be.,
coinortablywated. IL Hooller
A-flerolal Hotel. Exeter. Wed. ell Ist'.
conducted the devotional exervises,
WO.. May oft. Wec Atest. 0.19!40 as @m ex-
-fitted, 'ox visit lil'OfAtAblY deVOUDS PArt Of the time to =r v�jwni a.r.4 Zgvv. ut tQJ* yea WX
Ovric-.,, Torzono. olas�-i�s I H
'Urole A practleal Bible reading. A compilt- tal. -.,A a
will W NNO.�.k�vll 16t NEW WALL P A `E m V`
too wasappainted to Visit the village UU-14,pf Vald two V4 fewphuth %114;,h J!"pipt UIR to
RXECV-41yu orrim, -Vv%Wm-&T. X$$ Vera JAQWQ�, WU44 bas been 50V council to ask for the uso of Town cl fte U�� W."mm b IKU, h P3
Are U44 b.T M�
westdont. H. 8. Holt, Esq. forlog froula gatherlug ill the bead Hall orreading roon),in which to bola t4A Now is the 1101atandeon-
far f';0"Ietimo. underwent a Bair *3 their Z -0,00F 01 tn aire 0 to, tn= cz,h othir WUIV thrro mlitional, de-
oenk% 44, stewartRsq. gic weetingi. .
D. opi ratltm at tbe Uands of 1)m. ny Ikka'.,va"t time to
apilointed for each of the, 4 Iffereat de -
We *= wimpa buy
of work, via :- I). It*, H. 511
;W, Rollins, Monday, kta for t 'I A W.4 suitable
Savinggs 13=& Departmeu vi.moval 4�f the trlable. rhe or tments &P74,MV 4-1
Wal'aper, Temperance work In Sunday 1, $I_,d 1; -your wall pa- or
PA 'twing.
ftvIg Dr,
Mftn� Wilsasacqa-sand thopatient:s r-choills., lure. V. 11ranks,anti-nareotice; 4g64 elf,44%
Missionary work- In Z14594% celebrate, pers. We jooms, din-
g ituon
Tile uew fir"I. announced, to ta&p lumbi -r caaqq, Xr& Millyard, purItY The regular invetin of TA -
44L. F. & g%. ning- rooms,
0VQr the It. Pickard Co's busdue�%i here and motlipts weetingb; F owst L64 o IM, have a large
0 has since euldergone a change, Mr. Elliott, presswork. The IS Monday as lit, partook of a special StoCk Of AM.
_ns&�ne, ge. N
awn and 31, . Inondquatoloational and N1V811h%014T1N`7_ bed -rooms,
M Bennett having oritUdr, be ebaractm t to occasion Whig the ail -
R. X llqwe, who tot! many years has joined b every lady who Is loyal to nual inspection of tile workings of the
""ETER, CREDITON., condue-teil it fornititre lousluess bore. God, atig the home, 81111 the best in- indge by tile D. D. 0. X. Rt. 'Wor. erlean and lia]14 etc., now
has taken his ylaces The new firta will terests of our town. The next regular Bro. R, M, CasBolq,,of Stratford, Tile
ay, 3lare
r. F. NAM, V, W. (PILMOV74 lie styled SnQl & Rowe. meeting is on Towd It 17th at work of the %,bI I d gi was put o cau"Idian pa- open for your
N""Py' The lecture given by Mr., Watson, of Mrs. R. R.1110tvs at balf past three. I Wor. Jiro, U if. Dickson and the
(ITAIMA's, A; SrANDVAY. &2,14a" Kineardille, In tile Jecture rooln of the neeeseey. W.C.T.17. pers pr e t t luspeetion.
o cers. and it Is needless to my tho
James streit 011tirch, ort Toestlay even. pra"bytory of llarcut exemplification was a4intrably per.
ingi on the 20th ceatury Man, was The Presbytol fornuia, evoking much eulogy and
not largely patronized, but those luat- Hippen, on To' of nlllvn met at ralse fom tho worthy representative
SCIRINTIF IC ay, March 3rd. Re, In
tondativo were amply rewarded for poris of committees of C of Grand Lodge, and who, at the con VALUES UNSURPASSED*
-hiletiall Bo.
theirtrouble.tbediscourRO being Ill- deavoraud of church life and work clusionof the work* ellaracterized it
EYE SPECIALIST teresting and Instructive. were subinittod, And after deliberattan as belug absolutely perfect, the ritual- NIOELY TINTED. REST QUALITY.
A inumill instrumeal, noted tot, Its ivere ordered to be Sent tothe conve". istic f6iture boing r�dueod to 4% ulcet
antiquity was brought 'to Ur. SftuVl ers of Synod conimittee. The report and the elocutionary effect, grany. Te
T. P. MTH Oidler, of town, tot, repairs last week. of SablAth schools Is to be subatItteil Thelabors of the evening being over, Mi. J. SPACI[MATT,
It Is a violin, owned by Mr. Tobn sil. at next meeting. Lu- %ve was granted the members. "uniberlor about fifty,
ver, of Port Frank, and is three blind. to the couemagation of St. Andrem's adJOUrned to the Contra Hotel dining Hoadilunrtors for th" Celebrated W. E. Sandford Readv Made Clothlilg.
red years old. It Is remat kably well church, lCippen, to tuortgo e the Ing room, where one of the most inag-
WILL nE 4%T THE ...... A&�jx), , inificent spreads ever served oil sudh
preserved considering its great age church property, -fox, the atua o 4,
and its particularly sweet in tone. in consequence of extensive im il'ove. an occAsidn' was in waltin"
COMERCIAL HOUK EXETER Mr. Rich. Ponhale, who bas been "tents inade on the church w W no,%, of the brethorn, the ruenu being as
Was nota. 9,raw and stowed, cold
renting the farin of the Into Tobn 6011061 room, 31r. Musgrave follows.-aysteri
%Sslon or buited for moatitatov of synod, of roast beef,' bolled haul and prossed
-Two (lays only- Sandous., an the Sed conct Hamilton and JAudon, The depubt- tongue; olives, horse-raddisli iind to. FU
Stephen, has given up fartning and wy and lettuce; (is.
disposed of his stock and Implements tiOnsappointed-tovIsit tile congroga. Mato catsup, eel(
On Thursday last by auction. Xr%, ns olVarna and Barfield gave their -o and Ice cream; oranges
MY and 3.MTtD.1Y,'NARC9.9,7#Ii 'INS tio sorttd cak AND
and Malaga, ralseus, etc., etc., green
Avail N Penbale accepted apBsitionam a rail- reports. & very pleasing feature of aelt ton, and coffee. Having
Call early and,. voarself of his rond and tie le -ft to resume his duties the reports was that the congregation and bl
valuableserviceas tbig is a rare op. Monday. of Bayfleld resolved to hicivii , e the done justice to the bantlact, Wor. Bro. MR. DERTA IIN G.,
0; portunity to have your eyes properly inloistees stipend by the sum, of $100. L. 11. Dickson called the gathering to
6 Mr Jobn Moore,who for manyyears Mr. Henderson was appointed conven- order and opened the toast list by Bed Room Set mattress and luo I Sideboards from .......... 10.00 up
ie-sted CVZ�e Of charge- N(i gaess'"i'lf-, has be'en a resident of Exeter, left an , )osing "The King and, the Ovtft'l springs complete ............
bit .1. scientific eertainty. Difficult M er of Home Misson. committee. Mitch
mses accurately fitted. ALT, WORK , onda.%, for Crystal City,'Man., where time was spent in theafterbooll in con- flops wits responded to by the singing Coaches from .... ...... 5.00 Or
e will *in fature reside with his fitra. ference on the state of religion. Sub- of the National Anthem by all pre-
ily. His son Will accompanlealihn ject .,RovivaV' The following were sent. To the toast of the Rmpiro,Bro. Beautiful Parlor Suite ...... 21.00 Rockers from ............ 700. up
,4 fall line of Artificial Eyes added while Mrs. Moore and the remaind er Zinted commissioners to Assembly N. D. Hardon. fittitigly responded.
to ottr stock. of the family will leave in about two apt Anythingand everything found In it firstclass furniture store can be had.
to meet in Vancouver, in June -next: -,South Huron Distri6t and Grand
weeks. W6 wish thim every success ' a7l it -
Messrs. Anderson, Vletcher and Me- Lodge of Caund. Rt� Wor. Bro. 0. s
in their new home. Loan, ministers; andUessr& MoRwen, sels responded most pleasingly, and RePaWng of all kinds attended to.
On nldity night last a quitutette Reid and 'McDanus, elders. Messrs, spoke very flatteringly of tfie oxcel. 4
LOCAL DOINGS. from James street church, consisting SmWers and Bell were appointed mem- Ion t and, efficient wtirk of TAbanon W.C.NUSTON
of Iffisses Gill and Davidson' and X09- bersoftbeSynod's committee of bills P orest on the occasion of the Lodgc- of I Gidley's Block. Practioal Embalmer.
ars. Anderson and Heywood. withINflas and overtures, and Mr6 Fletcher of the Instruction held in Stratford on Dee- 4 1
�:11 9 a 9 0
Brown its organist,, drove to Kippen. Assembly's committee. Thene�xtmeet- etaberlast. The Wastofthe -'Visiting I
A train of thought that carries no ancl furnished the music for an elcter- I all was responded to by Br
ing of the Presbytery is to 'he held in Brether 0.
fteight is useless. tainment given in the Methodist Clinton, on Uay 12th; at 10.3 1 0 a.m. J. Zelland, of North Dakbta, and Bro. Mrs. Taylor, of London, is visiting .. It -
present poverty is often the fare- church, under the management of Prof Dr. Sellery, of Hensall; "The Ladies"
tanner of future nower. AcKav, of Toronto. council Proccediums. b!R her parents, Mr. aild Mrs. Dayis,
�ro:,O. H. Sanders, J. A. Stewart, HO Ur
Colucil met pursuant to adjo urn-, 0 ling and J. J. Rnight; t-gost Exeter North.
The girl who uses extravagent lAnga- The tide stems to have turned at last ment at the Town Hall, March Oth
age is often made feel cheap. andRostess" by Bro. W. T. Acheson. Hermon Prior left Wednesday for Was He. Dressed P
in favor of the underpaid Ontario pnb- t 8 o'clock p.m. All members present, An orchestra, composed, of Bros. the West wbere he hits accepted a pos-
When men bnildair castles they nev- lie sobool teacher. Salariesare slowly a 11101
except Oouncillor Manning. 'Niiantes Smith, and Dr. Sellery, Air. Trotti and ition as clerk in a store.
4tr think to put in the troubles. but surely going ut. The next report 8f previous meetingread and confirmed. Mr. Shaw of London, was present and Mrs. Rusk, after a pleasant visit here
If you expect to succeed don'b be of the Minister of duc&tion, to b& is- Cobbledick-Gillespie-that the me- interpersed several beautiful and with her daughter, Mrs. W. 0. Roston, You hear this asked of some
continually squealing, but root. stied soonj will show that the average morial to the Minister of Public Works pleasin selections, which were ap- returned to Godericli Monday.
salary of public school teachers in the orstin e eF, and the
A man who does not want i as prepared, be approved and the Reeve �1,udeymost enthusiastically. The Mr. Alex. Sutherland, who has been p uswe s V n h the kind
,the things province has increaeed S17 for males and Oferk be authovized to sign and piano selections by Mrs. Billin a e d
)�e-can't getis a, true philosopher. gs wFro -6sitingfriends in town, returned to of clot rs s t ey OL
and $8 for females. The increase is forward same to proper authorities.- well received iswas also the singing his home in Wallaceburg Tuesday. be wear.
'We should beas careful about ho%v sinall but it emphasizes the turning of Carried. A deputation of ladies from by herself and Miss Oke. 7
we invest our time as our money. the tide., Mr. Jos
"The wages of sin is death" and theW.C.T.TY. interviewed the Conti- Senior contributed �everttl vocal selec- , Rev. D. M. Ramsay, B. D., of Knox How'are, Yow-Dresse(Z P
Miss E. Pauline Johnstone and J. cil. asking for the use of the reading tions which were admirably rendered church, Ottawa, is visiting his parents
aere is no striking for an increase. room for holding their meetings. Gil- and well received. "The 0 erg of here, bavingarrived Monday evening.
Walter MeRaye will appear in a high ffic I When you want to be well
The merchants' only'road to suceess class concert at Gidley's Opera House, lespie-Cobbledick-that their req nest Lebanon Forest Lodge" was proposed Mrs. R, H. Collins and Miss Bon-
BzApaved with good advertisements. on'Thtirsday, March 19tb. and honored in the usual manner by thron, who have been visiting in Han�
plan of begranted.-Garried. Hawkins-0ob- dressed come and have a
The devil riever enters where the Hall at Dr. Lut7s, will open on Sat., bledick-tbat 0. Baskerville, Sr., be suib made to order. All
thesingingof "For they're all Jolly sall and vicinity, returned home r
Intchstring does not hang on the oat- March 14th. Tickets 25c. and 35c. paidthesum of $3.90, in full settle- Good Fellow,." This Nvas; followed by da, new goods consisting of
men t for br 7.
eide. Sir Gilbert Parker writes to Miss eaking stone to date.- the Junior Warden's toast and "Auld Wilbur Martin, sop of Mr. Samuel
A man is not apt to raise his own Johnson. "You have justified your Carried. Acominunication from the Lang Syne," The gathering broke up Mqrtin, left Friday last for Winnipeg, Sititi7zes Panti7z,
ati le and honbred your race; you Ontario Beet Sugar Association, asking at a late hour. where he will take a positio, 1 19 919,
VepuU on by lowering some body PeOP ebtor." the.cooperation of the Copricil in pr ' in a 0 v e, ro-o a t i 77, �9� Etc.
have made your country you d a- store
"Kit" of the Mail and Empire says of curingGovernmentaidto tbatindustty
Put your interest inyotir work and Mr. McRaye. "I consider him tb6 was read. H awkins-0obbledick-that PERSONAL. Mr;. Wm. Hawkshaw returned
-hen y7 -k will soon be your in- best reader of.Poems I ever heard,,and the clerk.prepare a memorial to the Thursday from Detroit where she wits
t 6ur woi
ter M�
est. Government and that the Reeve and attending the fun6ral of her niece,
Iknow 'half the elocutionists of the
Tbo'negleat of small duties to -day world over." clerk sign and forward same. -Carried, teott *as in Seaforth Mrs. Deven.
operis the way' for greater neglect to. Gillespie-Elawkinstbat the tenderof J. T, Wes bliss Clara I W. J0 H S
Mr, 3' F. Russeirs dviver, . while I ay. 31hott, who bag been the
morrow. x eft A. S. DeVett'for brushea*st6ne at $8.10 W. Taman spent Sunday at guest oF her cousin, Miss. Nettie Wa.1- TAIL OR
It is the thi ngs that peop16 don't E n d standing in f ont of his father's home, per cord be accepted, delivered at Rx- Mr- W, teis, returned to her home in Wing -
'out Exeter north, on Friday night last, eter station'wben kequired.-Carried. his home, Blyth. ham, Toesday. P 0 s R e , the
3 about a pop . ular man t I hat makes brok'e away and made a rively ran Hawkins-Gillespi6-that,tbe Reeve be. 1AISS Lillie Drinkwater is visiting : Miss Allen and Mis s Elli E X e t e r
bimpopalar.. down street. On reaching the owner's 'authorized, to procure legal advice as friends in London. lot, who [?P.st Office
It inay.not 1�e any easie t were the guests of Miss lean Hawk -
r � to coaze a, blacksmith shop it circled. around the to.tbeaction-of tb6 Treasurerin remov- Rev. 1&. Perkins f6ft Monday 0 V s sbaw, returned to their homes in St.
xvoruan than to driVe her, but it is' a buil-ning tbenci� across the road and ing f ands from Molson Bank to,'Sove- itin Toronto and Lindsay
tx%at detil safer. into Mr. E. J. Spackriia�n's iron fence Mary eek.
9 , reign Bank. -Carried. Hawkins�Cob- Mr. Win. Piper, of Seafortb i ' i ' Little Miss Reta Latta, who, has been
and derangement of doing considerable darnage , ,, is, vis. Mr. and. Mrs. Albert Pyin left for ,
For hune back to, the 14edick--thatthe following accounts be iting his mother here. their new fioine in Hensall ]Friday with
the kidneys, use Dix Kidney Pills. fence, bekde-, breaking tbe buggy sbaft passed and orders drawn an Treasur*er her aunt, Mrs, E, J. Spackman,
for over a. year, left for her hoxiie on
an, spdnb last, where Mr -Pym. his secured a
ror sale by C. Lutz. ind otherwise injuring the rigt Or, it forsanie: Israel Smith, dog tags $t.20 mr..A.,Ramsay, of L=
Tuesday night at his home he�e_ position as blacksmitb. Friday.- She went in charge of Mr.
aga in C
�rossing tbo road Dr Tennant C. B Snell, -el�ctric lighting, $79,45-' and Mrs, W. H. Parsons.
Miss Minnie Taylor has accepted a Mrs. JAn Rowtly, Sunshine, who Miss Barnes, milliner, after spend-
sition its clerk and Miss Mae S,,11. gral)bed the.horge by the bead or oth- W. J. Bissett, cliarity to Mrs. Sutton,
po ' ly re d ers, who has been,
A$ cashier with the new firm, Messrs. erwisedOUbtless,much more damage $10; do., sending indig(int to Parkhili, has beeir very ill, is slow covering. ing the holidays, at her home- in Tor- "I'd
Miss YT
would have been � d6ne. SUange to 90c.; S. Ba.9kerville,'labor, 50c.; W. J. Mr. Jarma tt,,2 the ry -opening, in
Snell &.Rowe. the horse escaped'unhurt. ine, of London, spent onto, returned to resume . her duties Toronto �et .. mil I
Bissett, wood foi- Town Hall, .$2; do., Sunday bere, the guest of Mr. F., W. with Mr. 110 J.'Spackma'n Monday. ed "t week and has
postage on newspapers and periodi- again taken 6barge of Mr. J. A. Stew-
elals. from, Canada to Great Brital n will Boy Wanted. cliarity to Mrsw, McIntosh, $2: 0. Bas- Gladman. Miss' Florence MpxWorthy, Burwell
Ii 'Ile, ., break I h3g stone, $3.90.�-L met; London, and Miss Ella G. arVs millinery department.
be'reduced toan equality with the do- A good boy wanted to learn prifit- ('111 y sr 'Miss Ethel Sweeti after a lengthy- well stre
luestic ral,e at I once. iDg. Apply at this office. Carried. Hawkibs-LCobbUc&k-tbat at'her home here, has returned to Ca,min, Sunshine, spen't Saturday and,
'E. J. Spackmitu be:r6AppointPd'fo,tib "s' Sunday the giiest of the Misses W
1 - Durham.
Mrs. James'Ferguson's sale of house7 T. P. Smith Corniuz. y Board.�darrled C66bledick�
rar yp�l A runwayaccident occurred Satnr-
rs.Wm. Dllvis� of Hamilton is Carling. street.
botdtffectswas well attended Sattlr- If you have defective eyesight don't Hawkins-tbat tb6 qb�iritv' to Mrs. M day at Bell;*ille, in which Miss John -
;Inv, considering the disagreeable dAY visiting her mother, Mrs; Pisber, fiurm , Mr. Win. Brooks left' "Monday for ston-badflve ribs t)roken in her
fail to'con8plt with T. P� Smith, the- Stittem be diko'n tiniued and. the Tre, - on streeti fall,
ana fair prices wererealiied.. XotedEyq Specialist, �sf Elora, who urer be notitied of'same.-CUriled. 'Crystal City;'. Man.,'where be will the'tplibtered-ribs. penetiating her
F or scratches and itebing of the legs will. be at the Commercial Housej Council Adjoui,ned .6 Friday, 36 h26, Mi�g Harrison -of' Clinton; spehtlmake his fimire � hom6,', taking, ith b
KC wl' I eart. She died"ih -Jweniby Minutes.
-i and Exeter, on March 27t,h and arr�`:d. y e ects. Mrs. Brooks I Mr. Lithgow, wh a
�n liorses try Doms'blood put Oer 28tb:, See a;t7.$,0pm.-0., ie Wedne�da in town, the gaest of Mrs.. I him a'carlond of e 0 was Accomp,
"ad" in anotber',colualn. G. H.,BISSETT,. Clerk; r Amo nyink
rat n
lqtion. Sold by C. Lutz. (D will follow shortly `Mis,sJohi3ston was also bad]
y hurt.