Exeter Advocate, 1903-3-12, Page 6Wear! `"hat#s " the greatest thing in the
wori+,»—in anything that's worn. You get style,
fit and. finish too, In
all Y:i
�--_ ut the one thing we emphasize is their
Wearing Qualities.
"Granby Rubbers wear like iron:" _.
THE SEORET OP LA•L`.i$ During the South African war 789
of our men were killed by accident
or by lightning, and 13,250 died ot
OA Pure, Rich, Red Blood and
Strong Nerves,
You, can alavays tell anaeniio mei- F+or Nine Years—Mr. Mr, Samuel Bryan
They Thedford, writes For nine ,years I
and women, are pale,, weak suffered with ulcerated sores ou my leg;
-slid languid the victims of knead I emended over *100 to physicians, and
excites and backaches, easily tired and tries) every preparation I heard of ex was
always averse to exertion. They raaanzraen died for stieh disease, but could
can't• eat. or they can't digest what get no relief, I at last was recouamended
they do eat. Their unstrung- nerves eo rave lar. resulted,
ric Oit a that,
which has resulted, ai<ter using eight bot-
dill sleep; their temper is irritable; ; ties(usius it internally and exteruaU,),
their vitality vanishes. And it all in a eoluplete etire, 1 believe it is the best
conies from poor Blood end unstrung m;claov'tahersi the wQ11 ,ae it Wbait this
peeves. you can promptly banish, ,.
aalaetdia by erait:hing your blood me"
and toning tip your nerves with Dr.
Williams" Pink Pills. They bring Sugar and salt will both, preserve
good appetite, sound sleep, Wight meat. because they absorb the lnois-
Spi'-its avid perfect health. Tney are :'cure in it, tend $o provost 'deeorapo-
lncompearably the greatest health-isitfon..
givins medicine that science has yet
discovered. All over the world, BRICGIiT'BABIES.
grateful people prove the truth of
these statements. 3tiss A. , Qat Those Perfectl SLTe7A Are
Talc".;er. Geed i;t, Ont., says: I do" y y
now what would have be:ome Good, Natured and 1€apply.
°I' me bad nt not been for Dr. NCR' When a baby is cross. peevish or
7iunrs' #'fait Pills- hly blood r eea:*ed slepless" the mother lcuay be certain,
to have turned to water, and X Wits -lint it is not well. Bela etre littlan':
i y2ilgeii With ht .deelzes. drivel1 ailtneittS coiatnzag troiea soaue derange-
t,t24 gklaGr"cal frostlaticaaa, ltventual went off the stomach or bowels
l r, I hecatesse so weak I could seance- tvhieh the niokleer's watchful eye may
y rose .it I I tried Segal net detect which nevertheless melte
•cines. eat tl ev dial not het tinea
u'1 b 1? tkaeauselves! manifest fan irritability or
Then I eses eavise d to try- Dr, Wile
$, ep
A Iae of
Baby's fws
Bents irk Pls" aied soon beestin
ird�a;e¢ llt.t#ut from them. inqat1eis given to snelt time will
after taking them for a fety weeks, !,slaeeditly put the little ore right and,.
feel my ipstmeugtla and 2azailtla roe will give it healthy. natural sleep.
tweed."'and you have a positive guarantee
Iteon't waste brae and ';or-ey ee that there is rant a perticle of opiate
p5' 1Nnting with other needicirtes, or learnatut drug to the medicine.
wl-.en Pr, 1Cillianis' Pink Pills -sill Thousands Of mothers give their
aueete =flee o you well. you can get i Children no other medicine,. and all
them front any defiler in medicine, mothers who have 11se1 the tablets
or past paid. at atic, per box. or ni.^C Prat'Fn the4ne Ura. A. AScPvnaid,
boxes for .$2.r00, by writing direct Nerta'air Oat., set's .---`•rg'11) -":s Own
to the Dr. Willi:awe Molions, eget, Tablets are the best staedicine for
Brockville. Orn-, little ones 1 have ever used, and I
- , olnle•Ts keep theta in the house is
:ass A# emergencies." Good for cbil-'
dren of oil ages from birth upward.
Waste parer froa e the combined „,Sold. at 25 cents a box by medicine
British Government offices amounts r dealers or sent post paid by. writing
Qocly dad to no less than fifteen �� ilir'eet to the Dr, I.Villimns4 Medicine
tors. Tho parer is taken qua to at, Co.,. Brockville, Ont.
-lei v,Ittnelnt oiPziaally known 05 the i.
'kiSW 1,,111..V OfIR ., land afterwards {I The I:riti;ll Post Clillcet mak,
fol a3 lalnlb, 111 0 at is i lain. t l i, ea4ka�,flt11) a YefaA (➢.-1, postal attd Pos"
I,lallu Ertl 1 laiitxi unto paaipger agnate, All
tl:e g-tnD's'r lll?9aotn fro= fire OoRerlo-oia:,e orders tvllieh are not redeemed,
.'eut tett ; 'asplz tie'Pa4'inieuts cosa.es to Mary McHugh, a. middle-aged wo-
the e ,,;rete Tia er o eta anksan. Tine rib- `sor.4u , hes linen fatuity itojured at
lion ogee n contains Matter Of a aims- '- threuagix the gat, of op. lord
e ll'il Cittictl nature. but as it ill USD. trr;nislelU5t,ing' 14/uvula up uu srldtpenly' and
fly in code the ordinary person, does striking her on tine !leietl.
not understand it.
Wise ways o1' Women.
No "prizes" offered with common
soaps will long tempt the wise wo-
man to use common soaps, The:
wise woman soon sees she has to.
PAY dearly ter prizesIli the 1o'
quality of soap, in the damage corn*
moa soaps do her clothes and her
hands. The wise woman considers
her health—o soon, ruined if she
were to continue breathing the
steam or adulterated coAii on soaps,
The wise woman recognizes the
difference between Wit soaps and
Sunlight Soap—Octagon Bar. 212
Bxever E 1lITI r .
There never wag' rsind 1uw rtr.111 Dia ft 1 A duel on bicycles was recently
nelveral paeaeeil, i.n oat Prot. c, for nil fought in Paris. Tile twa combat -
ante were placed fifty yards apart
and then ordered to charge, They
rode at ono another at a. furious
pate. but overshot the -nark and
failed to meet. Wheeling quickly
round. they returnedto- the charge,
and We time came together with a
terrific shock. Both were thrown,
while the seconds, who were follow-
ing behind, also on bicycles, fell in
their, turn, and both were injured.
Neither of the combat0.nts touched
the other with bis sword, but in fall-
ing one ran his weapon into himself
and his opponent injured his leg.
Via Chicago and North-Western
Ry., every day from Feb. 15 to
April 30. Colonist one-way second
class tickets at extremely low rates
from stations in Ontario and Que-
bec to points in Colorado, Utah,
Montana, Nevada" Idaho, Oregon.
Washington and Califoruia, also to
Victoria, Vancouver, New Westmins-
ter, Nelson, Roseland, etc. Full par-
ticulars, rates and folders can bo
obtained from B. H. Bonnett, G-en-
eral Agent, 2 East King street,
Toronto, Ont. 24
1pv as wine •Da fiesta 4s Dieteeetie very uaeure
of genius rEtuatives beleiresnnrh that were
tee gertll';tit other and airforce tly s:ate„i
tllz e v ei 'rdate.d In the ss's"enl of the
patient --what woulcdrelaevo one iii, in
Muria would aggravate. the other. We
have, laewa,eer. in. Quintic Wine. when
obtain aisle in a Bound ttneeiatlterateti
Nate, aremedy for many and greviotteiDiw
tF i.r3 gradual -sealatt4liciotzs use, the
:tient ep es: a are peal into convalescence
end strength, by the u 1ueaicewuteit Ljnl-
title CNert"1 en\tlttmre"i own restoratives,
Itrel:eves the dreepieg spirits ot those
with whom a chrome: st:a-e'ef. nierbli des-
peetioney and lack. of interest m life is a
cli' ease. and, by trap uilizeng the nerves,
disposes to touud ilei refreshing sleep—
int pates vigor to the action of the 'Wool,
which boiu;t stimulated, courses through-
out tiie Telma. screnatheniug the healthy
animal functions of the system, thereby
leaking activity a neee-. ary result,
satenad:euingtlte frame, and giving life
to the (Ii;;eettvc organs, which naturally
demand Increased stthsu 11 e -••result, im-
proved appetite. Northrop .0 Lyman of
Toronto, have .Liven to the public their
luperlor Quinine Wino at the usual rate,
tied. gauged by the opinion of se'ieutist't,
Ibis wale approaches nearest perfection of
any in the market. All druggists sell it.
Russia has 461a million acres of
forest. That is to say, more than
one-third of the whole country is
covered by trees; and there arc four
acres of forest to every inhabitant.
The Detroit Journal recently issued
a special export number. It con-
tained an article written by Mr, H.
C. Morris, the "United States Con-
sul in Windsor, Ontario. Among
other things, he said :
"It is commonly known here that
flome of the larger concerns in the
United States, in order to undersell
competitors here, have shipped into
Canada machines of a. former and
older pattern. The American farmer
will buy nothing that is not strictly
up-to-date, and at the end of every
season there are left over some ma-
chines that will be a year old the
next season, and these machines may
lack some now innovation; but will
do the work and are 'just as good'
as the up-to-date machine, and these
machines—back numbers—are shipped
into Canada at a much reduced in-
ivoice value, thus saving duty, and
"they are just as acceptable to the
Canadian farmer as any machine."
So, according to no less a person
1than a Consul of the Republic to
;the south of us, we farmers who buy
.United States machines are really
buying the obsolete machines gather-
ed at the United States implement
'agencies and shipped into Canada. It
is not to be wondered at that the
United States machines shipped. into
Canada do not wear or give satis-
faction like the Canadian imple-
ments. One could hardly .expect this
to he the case under the rather ex-
traordinary conditions cited by Mr.
American hickory is the best wood
in the world, for fuel If 'its ,value is
reckoned a± :100, oak is worth • 84,
beech, 65, and white pine only 30.,
Lifebuoy P-Soa, •disinfectant. — is
Strongly recommended by the medi-
cal profession as a• safeguard against
infectious diseases.
Herr A. Boer, a well-known, Ger-
man schoolmaster, has recently pub-
lished some interesting statistics re-
garding the practice of smoking
among Genian school children, Tak-
ing Ws own school as a generat ex-
ample, he found that in the lower
classes, consisting of boys from Ave
to seven years old, nine pupils hab-;
itually smoked pipes and cigars. In
the two higher classes -boys Aetween
seven and ten years ofd—eleven
snaolters were found, and in the two,
highest oiitsses--boys between telt.
and thirteen—nine used tobacco, In
other words, exactly half of the boys
in his school between the ages of
five and thirteen were .smokers.
Whit Lucke!"
LIAil11e I,FNGR1=QNS.made read)" to a
to rtome ts
, TheZtiter SlicedSmvaed
°<l evil and Hearts, teal, leaf. Potted
Mein' -,eta eta tots at geed teluge to enc,
Are U.S. Oevernnsrnt inspected
Beep in the lease fee- emergencies—tor
upecrs, ter aandwislles—for any times
when seuwant s heal isle geedand we et
It quick. Tee stelae taloa key and
the San isQpen. An appetizing leech LS
reedy lei an iustaute
Libby, ivicNeili S. Libby
Chicago. on. U.S.A.
ten ler our tree. booklet "Lbw to ilia :a
Geed Things to Eat,"
No Inman ever al
take so quickly a;
lighted end of
Tess—"I don't see how she can be
happy with a man like him." Jess
—"Oh ! but she says he's another
man since he's been married."
There are cases of consumption so far
advanced that Bickie's Anti -Consumptive
Syrup will not cure, but none so bud that
it tvill not give relief. For coughs, colds
and all affections of the throat, longs and
chest, it is a specific which has never been
known to fail. It promotes a free and
easy expectoration, thereby removing the
phlegm, and gives the diseased parts a
chance to heal:
Third-class railway fare reaches a
limit of cheapness in India. It is
less than a farthing a mile.
For the Overworked,—What are the
causes of despondency and melancholy 2
A disordered liver is one cause and a prime
one. .A. disordered liver means a disor
dered stomach, and a disordered stomach
means disturbance of the nervous system.
.This brings the whole body into subjec-
tion and the victiin feels sick all over.
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are a recog
nized remedy in this state and relief will
folow their use.
Gerald—"I'm afraid I don't know
my own mind." Geraldine—"If you
did know it you'd be ashamed of
the acquaintance."
"Oh, Miss Olga, I can't live with-
out you !" "Nonsense 1' You've
said that to a good many 1" "Yes,•
but not when the cost of living was
so high as this year 1"
Liniment is used, by Physicians
U 41a
Qben be puts
cigar in
For Orcr sixty Years.
A' QLD own WSLL•Tauun RK XBDY. — Mrs
Winslow'soothingSyru has been used for over rainyyearsby mations of motphera for their cbildrea chile
teething, with perfect surreeet It !ooti:es Wochild.
softens the gums, allays all pate, cures wind eerie, and
wthe bertrernedy for-13tarrho:3, Is pleasant to the
tea e. .`fold by dri•" sifts in every part of the wor'd.
•e tvesty-tteceels a bottle. Its value is iecaleulabte.
Se eine and ask for efra. wieslow". Soothing, Syrup
and take ao'Aber kind, 1-19
The Stockholm Dispensing Com-
pany bas sold 25,344,00.0 gallons of
brennvin in twenty-five years, In
1870 the average annual sale to each
inhabitant was 5 gallons ; to -day it
is reduced to 4trarlIons. The total
$uftn Which the company has earned
lid etinto. the municipal trea-
sury during the twenty-ilve year
period ainouats to 522,050,000.
First M. 1J. — '"Jones Will .never
make a success; he's too absent-
inindedi:" Second M. P. ^- "What
did he do?" First M. D. --- "WV..
he wrote his prescription out in Eng-
lisli and his bill in Latin."
As for Minard's and take flu Qthert
During the past 20 years Jews
have acquired 52.540 acres of land
in Palestine. On this land have
been established 22 villages and 13
A. . L ..iOAL CASE
artling Cure Reported physicians' skill At bay, and
From a Small fowu
In Nova Scotia.
h"ronr the Mail and Empire.
Halifax. N.S., Peb, 5.—(Special)--
News has reached hero from the lit-
tle town of S hubeuacadie, on the
Intereolonial Railway, in Hants
County, of a cure that is just as
iluportant from a medical point of
vlew as the operations of Dr.
Lorenz aro from a surgical stand-
point. The disease that has at last
,yielded to medical research is the
long unconquerable Bright's Disease,
that hasfor so many years held
victims at its Mercy.
The patient in this case la said
to have been a young girl named
Alice idaud Parker, and two doctors'.
who diagnosed her case gave it as
their unalterable opinion that
Bright's Disease had her in its
clutches, and that only the grave'
awaited her. The parents, unwilling
to give up the struggle while life
remained, are said to have experi-
mented with special preparations.
and as a last resource pinned their
faith In Dodd's Kidney Pills, with
the result that to -tiny the girl is in
the best of health.
Details of the eure ere not yet to
hand, but it will be investigated. as
both the medical fraternity and the
public are deeply interested in the
None knew thee but to love thee, ,
None named thee but to praise,"
It is singular that the most beautiful poetry ever writteno
exactly applicable to
A gruesome discovery has been
made in an Edinburgh house, the
body of a, woman who had been dead
for a year having been found on the
hos being entered by a sheriff's
"I just asked Mrs. Nouveau -Riche
if she enjoyed Venice„ and what do
you think she said ?" "Give it up."'
"That they only stayed one night,
as the streets were flooded and the -,--*
people had to go about in boats."
.. .%,�•0 a ...
There is a fox terrier in the north
that has taken to church -going en-
tirely on his own hook, but he in-
sists on howling accolupafiment to
the organ.
Messrs. 0. C. Richards & Co.,
Yarmouth, N.S.
Gentlemen, In January last, Francis
LeClair, one of the mon employed by
me, working in the lumber woods, had
a tree fall on him; crushing him fear-
tufly. Ho was, when found, placed on a
sled and. taken home, where grave" fears
were entertained for his recovery, his
blps being badly bruised and his body
turned black from his ribs to his feet.
We used MINARD'S LINIMENT on him
freely, and with the use of three bottles
he was completely cured and able to
turn to his 'work
Elgin Road, L'Tslet Co:, 'Que.,
May 26th, 1893.
How's This 1
Wo offer Ono hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo
cured., by it(lil's Catarrh Cure.
P. J. 011ENEY & Co., Toledo, O.
We. the undersigned, have known k`.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly .honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
W I8ST & TIIUAX, Wholesale Druggists.
Toledo, 0. WALDING. KINNAN &
MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter-
nally, acting directly upon the blood
held mucous surfaces of the system.
'testimonials sent free. Yrice 75c. per
bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Bail's family rills are the best.
It is rather lucky that gids are
angels without wings. Otherwise
they would only be plucking them-
selves to trim hats.
Mistress -"I told you half an hour
ago to turn on the gas in the parlor.
Bridget ?" . Bridget—"Sure, an I
did, mum. Don't yez' shmell it ?"
Keep Minard's Liniment In the Neuse,
Passengers on the London and
Northwestern lino from Liverpool to
Birmingham pass through what is
known as "the Black Country." It
is well called, says the Liverpool
Post. • The effect on the traveler is
anything but cheerful, and he gets
an idea of the physical character of.
the Midland metropolis, which is
much worse than is really the case.
Mounds and hills of black slag are
depressing. But it is possible that
in the near future things may be
changed for the better. It all de-
pends on the amount of public spirit
shown by the local authorities. At
Wednesbury such a mound, with 20
acres surrounding it, has been pur-
chased by the corporation and, at
an expense of about £10,000, con-
verted into a beautiful park. It is
now a finely wooded hill, from the
top of vvhich a fine prospect is ob-
tained of the surrounding country.
Again, at. Walsall a similar and large
er experiment has been made, with
excellent': results. Some pessimists
predicted the failure of the scheme,
but the growth of trees on theslag-
mound has been so profuse as to me-
cessitate the removal of many 'of'
them to other public parks in the
neighborhood. Grass of very fine
quality also grows 3n .much pro-
fusion, Soon the black patches of,
England will "rejoice, , and blossom
. as the rose."
Damping the nostrils with fresh,
cool water enables a human being 'to
smell 50 per cent, better than or-
A. Cure for Rheumatism.—The intrusion
of uric acid. into the blood vessels is a
fruitful cause of rheumatic pains. This
irregularity 18 onvhr„ to a deranged and
unhealthy condition of the liver. Auy
ono subject to this painful affection will
find a remedy in Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills. Their action upon the kidneys is
pronounced and most beneficial, and by
restoring lies
action, they correct iin-
purities n the blood.
On the London and North-Western
Railway 17,000 signals aro lighted
every night.
Minard's Liniment Lumherman's Friend
The first artificer ever ennobled for
his work was Henry do Vic, a con-
verted Arab, who built a gigantic
clock for Charles V., Icing of France,
in 1870. The clock: weighed 5 cwt.
De Vic also received a life pension
of 100 crowns.
Page `pt7 oven ire Fence
with its continuous coil (net crimped) is the
best stock-bolding,fence made. -Page No.
7 wire stands a 3;OO8pounds' strain—common
No. 7 wire only 1,700 pounds. Common wiro
will not ooil---it straightens out again—it
hasn't a spring temper rage:wire has.
The gene Wire ranee Co, Mr/sited,
A'Sontreai: and St. John, N.D.
--2-27 ,
n .„
You -
, Choose.
There is
no case of
tism that
the Great
ic Cure
will not
conquer in
a few days
—acute or
• chronic,
or nervous.
Itgives al-
most i.n-
' stent relief and at once begins
to drive out the disease, root
i and branch, curing in ote to
three days.
George Eng and, a ship:.
builder of Cbatham,-'writes:
"I was laid up for six months with
rheumatism. I procured a bottle of
In twenty-four hours, I was welt end
have not been troubled with rhau-
matiant since:!' .
South American Kidney Cure
speedily and thoroughly re-
lieves and: cures the worst
Kidney and Bladder diseases.
Relief in a few hears. 7:
t -f
is the strangest and liiigl
known. Geed agents
handle a large .number o1 them yearly. If we are not represented in your district,
write us about the agency. One agent in each DocaGty. [Wits jog Cata#o$.
fresh Frozen Sea Herrin
Ia casksofallout Geo Herrings; '$).6o per we by the cask, or >t,7o per too
in smaller quantities. Labrador Herrings to half barrelaf, $3,00.
r 1.45
"Iiii)Tirsoottatreoclil.' •tto Monxet^ealbormesen
any quantity of dry, mixed word, suitable for
crick burning, of early delivrry. State oast:;'.
pprice, f.o.h. your talon, .Addrosa., SIMFSON
BRIO+- CO., 1 Toronto St,, TortSnto. ''etei
phone Main 707
Music Boxes
Our sales of Stella Music Boxes was a' feature
of our Xmas trade. We still have unsold a limit -
•d number of several very popular styles, and
because wo require the space they occupy for the
better displayof Pianos and Organs, we an-
nounce a sacrifice sale ending on the last day of
this month.
The Stella possesses a delightful musical tone, distinctly
different from all other music boxes ; rich and mellow,
yet of surprising volume.
They are of handsome design, in either oak or lnaltogatty.
They aro beautifully finished with piano varnish, and aro
guaranteed not to warp or split.
DURABILITY—'lhe Stella is absolutely tho most durable music box
made. Tho tune sheets used have a distinct advantage
over alt others, because they are made of steel and are
perfectly smooth ; and so, having no pins or projections to
bend or break off, are practically indestructible.
We append a list with descriptions of the various styles, and would
Intimate that as there are but few left, an early order is advisable,
as once our present stock is disp osed of, wo cannot accept further orders
at these prices.
In mahogany cases, 18 inches long, 17 inches wide and 11} inches
high ; has two duplex combs, largo spring motor, and patent speed
regulator to give the desired to ]apo • uses tuna sheets 3} inches in
diameter. Pride regularly, $36. Reduced price (with 12 $26 50
tunes supplied) cc44LLlh� (i11
mahogany cases, 24 inches long. 19* inches wide and 12 inches high;
has large spring motor, two duplex combs and patent speed regulator;
uses tune sheet 14 inches in diameter. l'rice regularly, $51 on
§70. Reduced (with 12 tunes supplied). ....... .. .. t i lAii
In mahogany cases; 27 inches long, 21 inches wide and 12* inches high;
has large spring motor, two duplex combs and patent speed regulator:
uses tune sheet 15* inches in dametor. Price regularly, 1575
inches high; has attractive
Reduced price (with 12 tunes supplied)... J 6!
In mahogany or oak cases ; 211 inches long, 22 inches wide and 1ti
hand -carved front panel and drawer to
hold one hundred tune sheets • has large coupled spring motor, two
duplex combs and patent speed regulator : uses tune sheet 171 inches
in diameter. Yrice regularly, t110. Reduced prico (with eon K 1
12 tunes supplied... 6 V
Terme may be arranged on a basis of one-fifth cash and the balance
in convenient payments within a year by adding I0, to above prices.
Catabgues or any furch:r information rev Bred wi11 hs furnished upon application
9 m 7 9 e
Santa Value of Securities Deposited with Dominion Government t
The Report for 1902 will show the Following increases over 1901 t
cash income $ 137,322.0e Increase for;yeiir, ,22 per cent.
ingurancc Issued 1,301,107.00 luerense for year, . "22 per cent.
Insurance in force;, 3,535,859,00. Increase for year, 31 per eent.
lleci•Oaae to p.c, of guile of death claims to ln'urttnec tat force. 40 per cent.
iPlecrease in per cent, of rote, of expenses to insurance in force, - 14. per cent.
Decrease to per cent of ratio of expenses to income, 14 per cent.
1898—rash Income . 8 29,673.78 leitcrnnce in force>$ ` 92i,60s.0o
)899 -Cash income • 08,4' 5.85 Insurance in force " . 1007,807.00
19o0—Cash Income 35,410.47 Insurance in force . , 2;116;080.00
1180012—fh 1oonne r 10437,,34023..0$07 Suanirn ainicceo tno ffeorrCcee 82:573052,313500:0000
Taste results show that the Royal -Victoria Mite ie steadily comincr to Ilia front in the Opinion of
people who prefer a carefullytnsnagcd Company that issues policies free from unntcissary coalitions
and so worded ae to be easily uudeittoed by the r i urod:
bA'Il11ti11fl A.1.
T. a. 9., General Msnsger.
Agents wattled,"tpp ti11 nnreppt•i•sente,t;districts. Liberal commission will be
paid for busineae. Apply to General Manager, Read. Offlco, Montreal.
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