Exeter Advocate, 1903-3-5, Page 4Ozder Chas. H. Sanders editor and Prop WIWItSPAA's 5, 1903 Varila HAPPILY Wet% -A. very petty and Interesting event toek plaee on ‘'.nue.s- 4:ey. Feb. 2Ith., at the henee a the revide's paremte Mr. and Mrs. Jelin lohneten, of tine Beverele road. near here, wheu tbeir ouly daughter, :.‘lise Serah beeanie the Wet. ele rhouris 'M. Johnston, of the Nile. Wile groom tkilati. Etle stand under - heenleeineen- ;5.-c:a ,is, -,•:4 -os; 1g t ht. •;rin.D.T g.tVi.. liter Away, dee sweer entente z ite na web A -4 '1%;t$ Pt: MatY Erin) e -ewe. 3.';.•la,,•ViLlt,," the ateeeeette„ ee the tetiee teeet ;eye ie .= eel:, deo, greeni. tied ie. - eine Bev. R. A. Milner et Ingle noon. The bride nanet thermiug, zt- tired in white otteettlitt, trinamee with neetlellions Of lace, weeding, a bee:aline ;eat At and nerrying lenennet of white enenetieue, She was itteseeted by Zen Le Johnetenestjot the enetain, view wee eimilerlly attired. reed Masi- Ethen Beattie, of Seaforth, most heentifedly attired in white silk. ear- elen the a ing a 111111di-Nalleb, Ate41 hibile ;Mid P41,4740'4 the duties of mead of bream lin u. wet. ebng 4.441334,01r. The greeatt was ,elety, sap. Theeted by J. Wellington Johnston. brother of the bride. The brithee tea - veiling dress 'n'itt3 Moe eloth with waist of eream broinieled :elk and hmtehed Worm tritunatel with ap. Olique lace. The preseats were Immo erons aral eostly aud show the high es teenin whieh the bride is held. Among them were a, eosteb and held, :Unit •allt presented by iser permits end v. piano Iftemi leer brother. The nrtam :deo preeented the bade. b; ides. Zit #E#11 and lite.441 ,4 with hillittl• 3-ptn" a few berate SZ1V:3t 741 WAWA.; and SOPialt chat 1;'• Y.: • neewu aLl#4#- W zurz.Z rt,r,r DifiXOND: -DYES. ,.:ke ..flotne ..'Dyeing ..Easy. ar .Pleasant The most. wonderful helpers ILL the benne to ecorennie:11 elressmg are the Diamond Dyes. Thee- are tio easy to iaSt. that Orel) CAM dyi arieh #tral perfeet color Switli tbein, Diet. ationd Dye* tualee failed awl dingy $kirts, Mouses., (ewes, eeekete. ee fee I.ires, enstains and draperies look like new. In the Diamond Dves there are speelat (lame for dyeing all eetteti and mixed goeile and seeeial tiyes Ate peepateel for coloring all al getels. EitC11 color of the Dia- mond Dyes is guaranteed to give roll eatiefaction when ;wed acemelleg to direetioes. Have yon received our tiketv Dye Book, sheets of designs for Hooked Mats and Rage, and our dyed Moth s:iimplet-10 If not, send your neene and address tin n Postal Card to The Wells ez Riehatelson Co., Lted, 203 tdoimtaitt S. Montreal, P. Qt, end you will ,get them r&.!. of cost, liuUett Mr. jantes Snell bee rented the far his brother, Wilitiern. on the grave for a term of two ,yeare1 and will fell peseeetiell Aped 1st.. -31e. W. Killough. who recentty inoved, the Sanderson farm on the gravel road hes rented le to his neighbor, M. John Oarrett, and held an unreserved sale OU Sat iirdity. He and his fether have letoght oet Mr. A. Cottlee planing Will at Exeter. nu4 purposes moving there -- to„ -Mr. Henry WiliNellt lutepurcluteed he Inietterit farm of M. SVu Snell, payiug therefore 87.3'O. --The inny ievele 0 Mt. Henry Allep "milt be plettsed to learn that he is recovering. from his reeent jUne Samuel Torrence. 0 ManitobaIs visfting e- t:veit end friend-, in and Vtitialni.) bit* 1"13.-Mt."4• sMiNS hi.45 reVidianea hs reeent e. 31;mily tolten&4unitwhit Ion a her 11e' thL tttglAMOrwt of the Mole. ehtn ;ht Ienoleelearte Mies' R., paursie The piteentratiou at ter weepy...Sewed with 1& iv Wen „Melee, while R. Ned 73. evetreer, ete eet, Nee, etettedeetteete. men.a very Mang „ .11;gige7inet"4. ;atidreee. ln whieh he noted thefailliftil nintne renew e e•eeielienel eerviee ehe bed :tendered douritig the own for :a. few ti ity-i aware; trent two yetire she had bele the paeltion. 11-^Melmo. taf 0,nig4 ,d.a# 4,144,14pm Ilme gee egteeent to teh. 'doe eieiting pool -he t itteatirenlinfee dii..tatim she had -See ewe eteetdo. Iva Ito,: wetqc fee found, neeeetary to reeign; in omelet- ittatlitP.V. where he 1148 iteeethed -ki»i n bile tendering her the Lest wish- 414-7411C't N°1104711 r4"41'1,1% "It Hen 44111, es of the eangregetion, uskeil her to novelle the gift Ain at meek of ebteent front them Witctle. In At Wier feel- ing reply, oliss Carter thanked them heartily for the kindnece and good wishes that had thus been eutended to her. ewe: et few deye in town Lost week. - %Lei Mies Mary i . &4 Weedetoek„ ge the gneet of Mre. W. J. Brannon). - Mr. Tent Norton. of S. Catharines. 1445 ; town 134 13el4 An. tiAA reFiigned hie oodtiell 'with Me. j. Sehmelt. Mr, HMO' Noll sue- eteed,snn. Weseey Neil is itterning ate lethinel with :qr. 0. Wobleof it A f ter belie; wit limit the 'eke - Mg! light Zee row weete , they te ed ene ageha NVetbee,day evening.- Mies 'nee and .7kIts :41'.17.#•11noy ;ilk ended the 7.titli ;mar.: #neftitilics t 'Du o and in - 1C“ tillrhr-t the weeleettee. John itul- . of lelettsvilleis speeding a, few ben:with friend -3 in t hie vielniteeliee fag Ewen vet:eh:rated and unable to attend ere hie duties as bakeree-Mr. F. 13. Holt - "eke, Mane:zee of the Merehentst Bank het" moved his family told household meets to (Aiwa lest week. and :we ino envitying the lemee reeently %molted e1r. Ca mill tell. Prior to lettving ellaireingt Mrsellolt by were pleasantly eeteet lined iind welt', made the m4te- rna'••14 t WO leetatiful presentee :Mr. lit:elle. eeeiv ing a gold headed cane end an illuminated address and Mrs. gulthy a bandsome enntialabra chow - tate yet iota eilver mounted mirror cen- 2.1/14•4•,!,.—On Sunday last the Rev. 'Williatns.31. A. occupied the lbe eenleit in tlioly Trinity church, pretehing th.annual Missionary ser - mime. The Rev. gentlemen is a very lever ;old eloquent speaker and his seeteons were interesting: and instruc- eive and Wer.'. received. -Daring lent special seniors will be beld each Weilneeday evening in the Holy Ten- Ehurch. Some sped preachers 'neve been secured for these services. Granton Mrs. Charles Westman spent a few deys in London during the week. - Miss Mildred Squire, of Toronto, is home for a. few days owing to the ill - mess of her mother. -Miss Gilpin at- tended tL,. nsillinery .openings at To- ronto thie week. -Miss Gereie Down - nag, of St. Marys, was the guest of Mies Olive ienster for a few days dnr- the week. -Mr. A. Larkin has sold his property to Mr. Wilk. Gowan and in- tends leaving in a few days with his &ray for the West. -Mr. John Moore our popular tinsinith, has left our vin Inge; end accepted a good position in Edruenton, for which place he will eeave for in a few days. -Rev. j. A. Andereou, of Sirkton, occimied the pulpit of the Methodiet church on Sun- day, preaching two excellent serrnoue, eat ehe Interests of theeeducational fund. -.Little Clifton Langford, who had his leg injured by being jammed and which was quite painful: IS feeling better..— he executors of the estate of William Levitt, deceased, have sold his late residence to Mr. James Langford, who wilr take possession shortly.--Mr.Fred 'Arnold bas given up Mr. Carrie's farm elite will leave in a few days for Mani- toba. We wish Fred every success. Pnesenereereyer.-A large number of be friends and neighbors; assembled at the home of Mr. end Mrs. Richard Welden a few evenings ago, to bid them adieu on the eve of their depar- ture for their new home at Lauder, Mane for which place they left on Tuesday. After an impromptn -pro- grana wits given on address was read by Mr. Edwin McRoberts end two nandsome cbairs, upholstered in crine eon and myrtle green plush, were pre- sented to Mr. and Mrs. Walden, end e splendid beaver cap for Mester Harey. After bountifal .refreshments and 11 delightful time was spent, all went Nome feeling that it was indeed better to give than to receive. Mr. and Mt. Walden were taken greatly by sine rise and heartily thanked theiv don - nes for then, kind remembrances. We are sorry to Jose such good neighbors, nut we hope and trust that they en:1y ne blessed .evith heal th ancl proepe rity eu their new home. Creattan sr,V19,1r1' tfeniartv C41uo 4 r.Notim,y, 74 nee Werett and dateehtere of Wine n Pee Motti.. :40 ttIV ttilieStt4 of Mr. and 3 Telette Faliner.-31r. R. R. Wale ker. our Machete has his ice all stored, tieing put to a great deal of in- enienee, owing to the soft weath- er mad poor sleighing. ---31e. Geo. Hilt bee left for Detroit Monday, Where be has emceed a si1uattion.-31e. Nelsou Beaver, of Morvistoet. is the guest of his uncle, 31te Chris. BeaVen-MISs litafiley, of Listowel, visited her uncle, 'eh% Chits. Hoffman, of Crediton East1 tee week. -Council meeting was held ie the Town hall, Monday. leathinas- tere, poiflt1kt'pt't' nsd fenteviewere were appoint/A.-Mr. Frei Kerr is at- tending the Briektnakerst Aesociation it London this week. -Miss Albertina Wuertit came from Detroit Tuesday in order to wait upon her mother,Mrs. N. Beaver, who is seriously ill. -Mr. Jos. Beek, of Saltford was theguest of Honey Eilber, 11.1.e.P., on Sunday. - Mr. Ezra Fnist, our popular baker, is indisposed. We trust ho will soon be able to MMUS his duties in the bakery line. Ilis brother. Mose, took his place this week in the shop.-3iessrs. Fred Young and Art.Zwitater spent Sunday in London with friends. -Mr. Wm. Greenlay has been engaged by Mr. It. E. Walker to assist him as butcher this coming season. -Mr. 0.11. Sande's, of the Exeter ADVOCATE, was in the village Friday. -Most of our citizens are busy sawing and splitting their wood. Some claim to have records but they do not care to give partica. lars.-Mrs. W. S. Chisholm spent a few days in Ingersoll last week. AnnaVnesearn.-The sixth anniver- sary of the Evangelical church, -will be held in their handsome church next Sunday, March &h. Rev. J. A. Schmitt, of St. Jacobs, will be the speaker of day. He will preach in the German language both tnorning and evening, while the reeirient pastor, Rev. Denim, will speak in the English in the after- noon. Special collections will be tak- en at the respective services. All are invited to attend, 0i:cr.-The cold hand of death has egain entered our midst and has taken away one of the oldest residents in the Township, in the person of Mr. Rich. Sims, who died at the residence of his son, Mr. Frank Sims, on Monday last, at the ripe old age of fie years. Mr. Sims has been blind for several years, but was able to .find his way around the house and farreeuntil a few weeks ago when he suddenly took a turn for the worse. His rernams were interred in the Fairfield cemetery on Wednes- day, the Rev. Knowles officiating. He leaves to mourn his lose, four sons and one daughter, who have the sympathy of the vicinity in this their sad be- . reayernent, Kippe Mr, John B. Dinsdale recently sold to Mr. Thes.Berry, a fine nine -months' oId filly; for which he received the einig sum of $35. The colt was sired by the Shire stallion, eBlaisdon Win ;hue," aud was a particularly fie aol mal. It certainly pay's to raise gond norses.--Tlie Methodist church in this village has merle arrangernents for rSI5 tertainment on Friday evening next. rhey have engaged Prof. J, B. Alc1Cay, or Toronto, for this occasion, who is highly spoken off. He will be assisted IN a quartette from Exeter. Mr. Mc- lety is nn old ki ppo n boy and no doubt ii fiends will be plelsect to see and ilear him.- We regret to 1/1213ti.011 that I Mr, James 31111er, an old and macb re-! - spected resident, is at. present in v# ry poor health. At times lee suffers noieh ' pain from au old trouble, Whieh he least b ale:it:ye toilicteercrtiletnodisoNrintaltainoyr ilyiet:107;peeHdiNe. eeeovery.-Messrs, David Cooper aria in. Riley hose returned front the Soo, where they have beec for scene titne. Both look as if the people of the nortl. were good to tben1,-air., Albert Taylor, of London, is spending a few dayswitlt hi parents„ Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Taylor ---Mr. and Mrs. ,J10$# McFarlane, of Dalton, are paying a pleasant visit at tieetiletene oe the tat - tees parente. Me. and Mrs, Kele, sr.. Toronto lelarch 3—TIL xeselee end other friende.- Mr. end Mrs. AZ; tions tbast yr,„2 submitted C. Kyle and family left on Toesday their bailie in the West.--Rev.at the the foothcoraing Congress of Chapa- ti:onion. Reeteite and Rev. F. E. berso Cogulterce °t. the Ent= exchanged pulp&ts on Stuelay. pie; to be held in Montreal during Rev, Hannon is a fluent, eloipient end Auguet bythe Canaeliep 31anufaeture interesting speaker and alway. has a gr$ Associatiet4 were drawn no yes- pneeney wieonieee-Anotber event rA•ot #717.:11..13 at erk942", 7,4 .1 c:111 Ikg1T. ee inaCdt:tol nt good messago•A fee IIIS people. in whieh the reir SeX are deeply lnter. ."-;;I:T-2;Q"Zia7i.;-'4"."•.1;411-6^euTtel"Inm-iver-i ested in took place On NVedneedav. it ttrty7 coneeeset of which three will being the marrlitge of Me. Walter:Me- Donald to Mies Ideiht lleLean, Ti" lag- :tee:Tent ,htletthee'ioeeet'4'-u'eecol aete; 44a; teresting ceremeny withperfortrod by aii0=4.te;lar b7Teti to thq iforent the Rev.31r.Meuenuan In the present e branctms et. ,tuc, as5ociatioa, or large number .4°wilted- guest "1.' Tim reSelintiellA adopted YeeteedaY the eontritetirtee Paleteties: The 1.4.41e; are more in number, end recom- was becomingty attn.-vie in vete- dole-, =cod a$ tolltows costume teed, pre,eented avert; pleas- ,rh4t 14 tr,w il4tg4-ests ,91 gee British , log ellPeturolteet After Yellleg e'an- Empire. and particularly in the inter - pie bad been warmly congratulated ots of tiw tone, mea5nre4 the guea4i-epair.ed to thy, dining room should be adopted Nrbieb would direct where it Vet'y inviting repast was spry. „„A „„„;_,,;„„, he„ ed. and lc) WhiCh all did ample jostler, c'";1401.7`es'atilt*e't the The bride is ono or onr very pop. trte. .TT WHAT CANADA DESIRES. MOM cALNAPJAZT _151.41,M. FAkelet/ARRS' ASSWI4TTO=4. Imperial Defence -Reciprocal Peeeere entfad• Tilrift-Fees011409n4 For CQs txrapire rc1aor cemmerce. Woe and much esteemed young ladiesmat the eeekees colonies eeende tee. and bee teeny friends 1U1' pleased to '.4-41,40' 1.'.? coot/hate to tile ovensei know that she will etiff reulnin 111 Mir Qf Traporial deivogc. midst. The groom is a prosperous , That a reelprocat preferential tariff young farmer in our vicinity and we be estabeteed widen tee empire. Predict for the young couple every whereby at all &owl .noete mewl happiness incl abundant proeperity. goods woy be, admittcd- at a lowcr The presents to the bride were costly., rate of duty teen teecisp weeds, and numerous and very pretty and a etetictdeely teat tec Denise Govern. teigot intimation a the esteem in Anent he menilieeto great a We - which she Is hela hY h"Lnangtiends' ference to the=' when mstituting a tariff in South Africa The Pioneer of AB Mali-Wpeat That ail IrFalies between Great Brit- Foods - Ain end foreien *toe:melee etiould Ieteve Great 'Blatant free to enter Into ouch relativ4'. with tace eolooiee a4411 &petal- eneies 45 might Le deemed expeezent, Malt Breattfest Food is the peat he eteethhelement of a fQ54 clt:ara. pioneer 0 all AlalteWheet Footle. in 1ihJ14Sertire, teetteeen the vevinee_Pnvt5 Malt UriVallifaal Food the dieetetee ief et the ereettee, e'el4 the etwoneaienhe , Alia was ilmt used to Int:tease the di- tveel D'''5ent,te wee' ef shipment° by gestilallitee flavor and ttgod value ti==f •I'M.*5114 C4 w heat. No prooeFs tiince brought ont T,he„ar4"Inion deeintal currency has eielanca that employed in thy, I4114V1 tht mettle syetem of weighte leentetectutte «4 deueletes and Doren 'and measures, together with a univer- molt ikakyist Food. it is good to 621 gauge for dellning the thickness of eat; it pleases young* and old; it fine niehes the water t amount of nontlehi mint; it is the 'wet erononneal of meal foods; It is earning more coin. plettely everday the name its thieude breakfast food." Ithyeielans eity .t give it; The altogether setiefacteey far surpasses all other groin foutts. metal% That while the preeent consular sere = vice of the empire is to be commeiel- ed, an effort be made to have it slept pleriented by the eetob"itiament of ine teecolenial ctonvitereial coneuls. mil that the standing of these should be. 1 Irega-#nirol by the British Consuls All Orocere sell it. = throughout the empire. Ailsa Craig The estebliehnient of an Imperial postage system theoegliout the empire. „ not only on lettere, but on printed Deem op SAMUEL PUIPPS.=-The matter awl Fireele. death took place on Saturday it 1,f That in all contracts for Imperial , Me. Semite) Phipps. a mueb esteemed reline work) the preference should be ' and highly respected resident, at the swen as far as possible to British sub- ° age or st yeam The reillainSW4.4170 tak. nets. en to London Mitmlity end the totteral „ That WI Imperial commission, cott- on tette place tiedity Mon effeeee to deifies' of repre,entaeives from Great Mount Mae int cemetery. Dritam ani selfigto ming colonies. ba ° apeointeil to visit all parts of the cm- nEST.---;11 iss Stonehonse un- fortunately sustained a very peinfid pure and prepare a report pointing out Injury at the hockey matela on Friday the resources id the various portions evening, by whieh she bas been yen- of the emeere, un I bow they may best ' serve the interests of the whole. dead unable to atteud to her dnties at the post office and will be compelled to That facilities shoula be arranged remain at home for some time. She wherehY news to 484 ir'un the "Ter - ems bit on the forehead by the puelz "t itf '1Y "Vire 81101214. o g which left a nasty gash over tlip bit .-eeeheee he -ten* legreseentiehTte ;yaw( ;CEN11141. Ttt Irrititoav 11, f.f Perete A rented.7.i which eels. : through the fouetions tintritioni by the. balltilitg aii,,tw and: healthy tisstes liGt ta manifest its a few.: days, " • #7,iseaveris t. 1741.1 a7i4 will "t .rt it has filtittly tlittt• 17e.. di --e t"in. 1-tv ItL49, i or: elze 7 • ._-, in'. 'lent reeve Chine' tht-tt Lit azzlis pthtee. c.iiiereettlitete is; ,J#1.-..7,11is W.' 44p i.A,ortaaelt, digest fo,,.ni vt„w.1 tutttintent through thz,.:bitlozi.,, toict this is tiie ltoir..#1-, way to get teulth and strenoth, the that : lasts, develops and breedsthe guergy wbichaccomplIsbee, 4 (Ill 411.5geg 9true*AQ4irtet4 St • AWA wafers AI@ idmeet If net milt* ope.eltle. I neve great fattit tuvunv, Tett Aeware A. Robinette, Co re •A Seeleeen.releteregierW 40;443 4, l'Jn:0 omaha #14.#1;N .• .71ar.^41#.4-41:4, 44.4,474.04q1^0*. .7;-,11,441174.e.P1'ZVP:i; v#314 :47art, weetedealtremeticterelleethe Visited ineherie prlee at the ennaib.ii lkatrea; St. Joints thlfM Cg -t ana et. ettinittee tetegete En, *-- OUR. lithelittUB WCIlt aweriled the ONLY old Medal ea Cre tore at the Peo-Americoo, spd one record there far clean skimming was i with the award. The official records showed our overage for the cadre time to be neterry so per cent. better than competitors` machieen TN e az, LAVAL SCPARATOR CO •• 77 YORK 81`0. TORONTO* ..41..taft1404600.1.......10.40•4•11.41141WINXIMCII.Ci. • . A3....".:ZW17204%......A.ZA:5=7.Ar.4. irrarlantitZliaairdara•AWAtt..W• gookt Cotton Boot Compowta EXETER ta encore:dolly need monthly by over 10,0001sidies.eafe,effectual. Ladies ask our dru gist for Cook's Colton Rol Com, , .4 444 LLl:I PASSED AWAY. -One by one the old foreigners. seteinatn.ittetsist,hermedenastoortsisiinh!e-t, as at pre- Petrol. &terra() eeriest! mixture% pllitiand t bOZ; 20. 1,10 degrees stronger, fa per box; No. eye. We hope for her speedy recovery. k. • . . emitotIonsare dangerous. teloo.lio; 1, 11'r n p mut =time *I 201 2,ma12edort receipt of price rind two 1.cent settlers of the villieee are prissingaway, ' That if the large tracts of land. such sigpla•R.Thumodcrsoldtz/Proftairercodragi On Tuesday morning at the rtpe old as Baffin Land, Prince Albert Lund, responiggiDrugiaiut in Canada. - age of 78 years, 3 months, Mr. Win. " etc., situated to the north of Canada. = Ed werds followed his partner who died are not at the present time .part of , but a few months ago. Deceased luel our Dominion or of the empire. and NV. 1 mad ,nn,.:2 !en' 'mild iti,nxet,ti.` 11 heen ailingfor along time,having been held with a clear title. that steps shout 1 (‘• ;•"1.4 azut J. 11 • Ill owt.ing, L'rug• ' ij A Si wuRRANI & C stricken with parttlysis ;dung a year at once be taken to heve tile posses- l•titis- . 0 I agn and since then has been entirely sign established. MANUFA(ert7RBRS helpleste On Monday he was hiker) FATAL FALL FROM RE. 01 6nddenly worse, passing away elitist = Tilbury, Feb. f5.—Albert Ileatune, Tuesday morning. Deceased. has been a resident of the village for a number of yeare, having in his younger days been connected with the butcher busi- ness Imre meth his son Charles. -V* Hopeless and Almost Dying Mrs, NOT BUYING WARSHIPS. Chilimt. and Argeptine Vessels A.re Not Suitable 'or Britain, London, March 3.—In answer to a question in the House of Commons Premier Balfour said Great Beit - am had reused to purchase the Chelan and Argentine warships under con- Lampman is Saved -By struction in Europe. The Admiralty had carefully eonsidered the matter and Paine'sCelery Compound The Only Spring Medicine That Can Positively -Giarantee Health and New Life to Weak, Diseased and Brokenclown Men and Women. Another marked a,ncl positive vic- tory for Paine's Celery Con3pnund! Another marvellous example of life saving! Mrs. M. E. Lamptnane a lady well known in Woodstock, Ont., redtmed by disease to a mere skeleton, is made well and strong by nature' e health restorer after miney failures of physee clans. This victory, and the scores o 'wonderful mires wrouglit from week to: week by Paine's Celery Compound, create a confide -rice in the great spring medicine that is enduring and far reaching. At this season Paine's Celery Compound'rescnes and perman- ently cures young and old who are weakened ei.nd broken-down by disease; it never fails; its virtues are all-power- ful even at the eleventh hour. Mrs. Lai:Lyman writes a follows: "No living mortal can imagine the sufeevinge I endured for months, a IL brought on by Grippe. I became ner- voles and so prostrated that I could not sleep. Life became a burden and was reduced to a mere skeleton.. I heard of Paine's Celery Compound and commenced to use it. I got instant relief, I continued the use of the compound end can now sleep well all night, and feel rested when morning comes. -My appetite is good, I ain g,aioing in flesh and feel like a new person. I cannot find words to ex- preSs my gratitude for your great, medicine and the wonderful cure ft hue wrough t." ra cone u ed that these vessels were not suitable for the British navy. ;a yonnie mate d ete residieir gin the St. Cair euen cad, Newry R let, Was failed Metiday by falling teem tin. liMleOf a tree. He bad elimred the tree, white) was a large one, and bad eatipped of a hollow limb in whieh is eoon was Wilder, when the falling limb struck the one 00 wbieb he was stending. Be fell to to the groond, a distance of forty feet, and was killed by the hill. The accident was wit- neest d by his little brother. SUIT BOA S20,000 DAZIAOES. rairvIew Hotel -Company's Novel De- fence in john Love's Action. Vancouver, B.C., March 3. -An es- i pecially interesting case is on trial before Chief Justice Hunter. John Love is seeking twenty thoesand dol- lars' damages tram the .Fairview Cor- poration for alleged negligence, through which he was badly burned at the time of the Fairview Hotel fire. The company claim that there were adequate escapese etc., and that Lone received his injuries, not through their negligence, but -through his heroic ef- forts to rescue a lady guest to whom he was affianced, but who nevertheless perished. • HR. MARTIN'SPLANS. VIM Defeat Prior Government and Appeal on Party Lines, Vancouver, 13.C., March 3. -Mr. Jos- eph Martin once again holds with his personal following the balance of pow- er in the Local Legislature, and in a letter to The Defter World shows that he has dictated the terms upon which the variously constituted Opposition will unite 20 in a House of 38 to de- - feat the Government on the assembling of the Legislature, April 2, Mr. Mar- tiri declares t At the combination was only acceptel on the unqualified assur- , ance that there will be no attempt to carry on go-vernment by any coalition after the Govermnent's defeat, but an immediate appeal to the country un- der the redistribution act of last ses- sion, and upon party lines. Sttart. Robsciia III. New York, March 2. -Stuart Rob- son, the Comedian, is ill at 'his liome here, and his tour for the next two weeks has been cancelled by his man- eget. 1.1 Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a remedy, to cure Tweeze of the breathing organs, than to take the remedy into the stopach? Established .r879. Cures While You Sleep It cures because the air rendered strongly antiseptic is carried over the diseased sur- face with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treatment. It is invalu- able to mothers with small children. Is a boon to asthmatics: Wheoping Cough Bronchitis Croup Coughs Catarrh, Colds Cilppe and. HayTover Thc Vaporizer and Lamp, which. should last a lifetime, together with a bo.tle of Cresolene, , $x.50. Extra supplieS of Crcsolene Cents and so renis. Write for cicseriptive booklet contaifl. ing highest testimony i as to ts value. vArn•cp.r.srit.EN= IS SOLD Th!LVZIZYWIIZSit. Va130.67.250jelle C. V Notre Dania Street N 01'4 Montreal Vr,-Artcanewoomel SILO RINGS AND CEMENT MIXERS , ... Vire have for eale 1 Boiler 30 h. p. 1 Boiler 40 h. p. 1 Boiler and Engine 30 h. p. 1 Boiler and Engine 16 p, Castings of every Description in Brass and Iron to Order. Pipe and Fittings of all sizes kept, constantly in stock. . JAS. (AURBAY & CO. tritrittercoararacrAttratamitratr, finG OUT OF SHOE BUSINESS decided to give up the Shoe. Business and pat all my time at IlitruesS, I will sell all my stock of BOOTS AND SHOES AT COST Now is your time to secure Bargains. Redttoed To $1.75. Men's Felt Boots, regular $2.25 for $L75. Other goods in proportion. . 14. SWEET, EXETW-) .Attorney -General Campbell has ''iv - en notice that a redistribution :ill 1\411 be introduced in the Mttnitolia. Leg,isliiturc 00 Monday next. Coig5ir, colds, hoe..eness, iuid other throat aionc•nt aro quiekly relievoci by Cresolone • tablets, ten cents per box, All cirriggista