Exeter Advocate, 1903-3-5, Page 3A PEW POINTS. Listen patiently to every man": tounsel, good, bad, or indifferent, and forget the most of it. The length of a man's life signifies but little, if lie merely squanders his opportunities. It is quite true that contentment May be found in ;the abodes of pov- erty, but she is not a permanent iRoarner anywhere, A roan ru..ay teach the Golden Rule tit the Sabbath school and foreclose to .xnortgage on the widow's home the mmext day.. • \Shen a doctor, an undertaker, and ginnnill keeper 'locate in the same blocs,, a graveyard is necessary to fully round out the picture. WOIY1EN'S Nrornptly Relieved and Cured, by Williams' Pink Pills 7 k, lyilliams' rink kills are woe. merle's best friend, They enrich the blood, tonne up the nerves, and streeigthcn the vital organs to per - terra their functions regularly. They bring the rosy cheeks end shapely torula that; tell of geed health and happiness. To the growing girl tbe: are invaivalase, To the mother they are a necessity. To the woman of forty-five they n%ean relief and race, Br. it'itlianee' Pinit Pine are the best zncdicinte that sefanco lies devised for Wonnen at all periods of We, These fulls succeed when all else fails. Thousands of grateful women en- dorse the truth of these statements. Mrs, John White, Sahanatien, Ont., says t -"It gives me pleasure to bear testimony to the great value at Dr. Williams' Fink Pills as as cuss for the ailments that ailii0 so many wo- men, I suffered greatly raidthe periods were very irregular, but thanks to these pills I am now quite well and free from the pains that Made my life almost a. burden.. I cheerfully give any experience for the benefit of suffering WOillen." Beraember that substitutes cannot cure and seg that the full nan*e "Dr. willianm' Pink Pills for Pale Peo- ple" is on the wrapper around ev- ery boss. If in doubt send direct to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont., and the pills will be mailed. post paid, at 50c per box, Or six boxes nor p2.0. ODDS AND ENDS. A beneficence to the unfortunate What frayed your linen Not Sunlight Soap— No, indeed aziamcno EXPEW,$ x t<ts3S ror the Octagon Ear ai, t -i Ceylon .Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces* andis sold only in lead packets. Black, Mixed and Green.. 'AP= tea 4rinki"+ t "Salads" (srsc'SF tee► ti Mtn. Ilousekeep -- ",John, sou really Must have the landlord Bowe Lord Initchener's post as eon:mnan and see for himself the damage the der-is-ehief in India is worth. $30, - rain did to our ceiling," Mr, douse- 000 a year, and is tenable for seven years, keep ..,,, "1 can't without letting him see the damage the Children have done to the rest of the boom," A Tourist in Scotland, observing en ancient couple arguing and gesti- culating in the road, in order to avert bloodshedd asked the :lase of 15.9.4999. Taos. Stella, of Eglington.. says :"I clave retnoved ten corns from my feet With l:iolloway's Corn Cure." Reader, t;o thou. ;ad den iii>owiSe "Ma," said a, little boy, "ought the teacher to whip me for what 1 the dispute. "Ike're no tleesputlri did not do?" "Certainly not, any at en," answered the map: "we're!, boy," replied the mother, ""Well.,, baith to the Sams mind- 1 has got replied the little fellow, "be did to- , Bait -crown in aw pooch, an' she day Innen l didn't do my sum,.e things slie'a nits taaun to get it au• think the, sananee,,, SUM Regulator•.—Mandrake and dap Minn are kuoivit to CNert, a% powerful in- fluence en the liver and kidneys. rester ng then% GO heatithfnl action, inducing a envier now of the secretions and impart- ing to the organs complete power to per- form their functions, These valuable lin eri dtentsent-er into the composition of Parma:Q's Vegetable Fills, .and serve to render them t%ie rtyirecable and salutary Medicine they are. there are few pi11 t :as efrectira,o.s t .ley in their nation, 3xaudte's papa is night editor on A newspaper. a fact which Maudio apparently hasn't learned; for when some one asked her a few days ago What her father did for a living she replied: "I dive it up. I fink he's a burglar, 'tense be's out all night." $100 Reward, $100 Tbrre is mora Catarrh in this section et the country than all other diseaaees put together, anti nail the last few a eat Was supposed to pronoun d it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by ionstextly failing to cure with soca[ treatment, pronounced It incurable, /Science bas proven catarrh to he a constitutional disease and there- fore requires Constitutional treatment. halt $ Catarrh (Sre, manufactured by in Gentian tittles is the municipal F, J'. Money d4 Co., Toledo, Ohio, la tea r onh sar- i cue the tt l u. u a ` 9 the onlyca sty ttn,lrci i �� n �ninternally in doses tale frac, it is Quo in every thirty-eight London- h iraln 1Q drops to a tcaspoosttul. Tt acts crs is receiving pauper relief. In the ; directly an rho blood anti muton,+ sur• county tltStrtcts of England ono in i faces of the system. They oiler one hen - every forty -ono is a recipient of deed dollars for any ease it tails to cure. Send for circulars and testiauoni- ale. Addrgs i, F. J. CIIJ NBY k CO.. Toledo, O. Soil by Druggists, 75c, Bail's Family Rills are the best, 1—s2 charity. Tho South African colonies and islands owned by Germany have no local legislature or even crown ,s,, councils. Each is ruled by an auto- crat appointed by the enriperor. 'The drinking of kerosene is such a growing evil in Trance that men - Teacher -- "Now, Master Ktrhy, you should bo more correct in your sures are being proposed to. combat composition. Yon say 'I love it. This vice has long pr$vailed sahool' Now, school cannot bo lov- amon the Indians of the South po ed. Can't you use a more correct rifle and to such an extent that the expression?" Hurler Kirby — "1 Importation of k8rosene for .drinking j bate school." Is an important trade in Peru • and Bolivia. SAFETY FOR LITTLE ONES. nflothers Should Exercise Great Care in Choosing Medieino for Children. Every utile ane needs a medicine fat same time, and mothers canna, be toe careful in making a selection. The so-called "soothing" prepare, Cons, invariably contain opiates and other harmful drugs, which stupify the little one, and pave the way to tw constant necessity for the use of d;arcotic drugs. Undoubtedly the ?very hest, and the very safest medi- cine nedicine for little ones is Baby's Own frablets. They are mildly laxative and gentle in their action and cure all stomach and bowel troubles, re- lieve simple fevers, break up colds, preyent croup, and allay the irrita- tion accompanying the cutting of teeth. Where these Tablets are used little ones sleep naturally, because the causes of irritation and sleep- lessness are removed in a natural way. Experienced mothers all praise this medicine. Mrs. II. l:I. Fox, Or- ange Ridge, Man., says :—"Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine I have ever used for children of all ages. They are truly a blessing to baby and mother's friend." These Tablets are guaranteed to contain no opiate, and can be given to a new-born babe. Sold by all 'druggists, or sent post paid, at 25e a box, by writing direct to the Dr. ;Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, %Ont. Physician at Hospital — "low did you happen to* -fall from the top of the .ladder?" ' Patient - "A pretty woman was passing, and in turning to look at her I slipped and fell:'' Physician -- "Ah the same old story -a woman at the ' bottom of itl" We behove I1fNRRD'S LINIMENT is the best, Matthias. Foley, 011 City, Ont. Joseph Snow, Norway, Mo. Chas. Whooten, Musgrave, N.S. Rev. R. 0. Armstrong, Musgrave, N.S. Pierre Landry, senr., Pokemouahe, N.B. Thomas Wasson, Sheffield, N.B. 8--59 France spends annually for her col- onies a little more than 625,000,- 000, 25,000;000, while thee`" aggregate of its business with them, export and import, is but $62,000,000, and but 4,000 a year emigrate to French col- onies. SETTLER'S LOW BATES WEST. Via Chicago and North-Western Ry., every day from Feb. 15 to April 30. Colonist one-way second class tickets at extremely low rates from stations in Ontario and Que bec to points in Coloreds>, Utah, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon. Washington and California, also to Victoria, Vancouver, New `Westmins- ter, Nelson, Rossland, etc. Pull par- ticulars, rates andfolders can be obtained from B. IL Bennett, Gen- eral Agent, 2 East ling street, Toronto, Ont. 24 Mrs. Jones — "Oh, dear me; please tell me how to word this telegram to my husband. I want to tell hut that the baby is sick, the conk is ARE WE FARMERS SLUT) ? The Detroit Journal recently issued A - especial export number. It con- tained an nrticlo written. by Mr.. It Q. Morris, the United States COD- Sul in `Vindsar, Ontario.. Among other things, he said "It is commonly known 'here that. Same of the larger concerns in the United States, in order to undersell competitarS here, have shipped into Canada machines of a former and older pattern. The American farmer will 'buy nothing that Is not strictly up-to-date, and at the end of every season there are left over some ma- chines that will be a. year old the teat season, and these machines may lack some new innovation, but will da the work and are `just as good' an the up-to-date machine, and these chines^' -back numbers—are shipped into Canada at a much reduced in- voice value, thus saving duty, and they are just as acceptable to the Canadian farmer as any machine." So, according to no lees a person than. a Consul of the Republic to the south of us, we farmers who buy United States machines are really buying the obsolete machines gather- ed at the United 'States implement agencies and shipped into Canada. It is not to be wondered at that the United States machines shipped into Canada de not wear or give satis- faction like the Canadian imple- ments. One could hardly expect this to be the ease under the rather ex traordinary conditions cited by Mr, Morris. Sir William Muir, tubo bas just re- signed the principalship of the Uni- versity of Edinburgh. at the ago of eighty-three years, has been in the public service since 1837, spending numb time in India, His home is a perfect museum of Indian .and Scotch curiosities. Among themis a velvet cap, made out of w part of John Knows breeches, and placed on the head of all the recipients of Uni- versity degrees, including those that are honorary. The cap has been quite lately on the bead of Lord litchener. Sickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup stands at the heart of the list for ail diseases of the throat and lunge. It acts like mnggic in breasting up a cold. A cough is soon subdued, tiglatuess of the chest le relieved, even the worst case of consumption is re - bared. while in e'liered.tvhilein recent cases it may 1)e said never to fail. It is as medicine pre- pared from the active principles or virtues of several medicinal herbs, and can be de - ended upon for all pulmonary com- plaints. The average human 'body contains 3 lb. 13 oz. of calcium. Pure cal- cium is at present worth nearly $300 an ounce tx: Pinardl s liniment Cures Dandruff! 'WHAT PHYSICIANS SAY. One cannot survive in an atmos- phere containing more than 1 part of carbonic acid gas to 233 of air. Star, registrar general of vital statistics for Scotland, declares his opinion that bachelor life was more destructive to males than the inost unwholesome trade or the most in- sanitary nsanitary surroundings. Tests in tenement houses show that in five minutes after sweeping 2,500 germs settled on a saucer three inches ,across. In the same length of time before sweeping •sev- enty-five germs settled on the sauc- er. A writer' in Charities places the number of crippled children who ap- pliedfor relief at the New York hos pital.s during the visit of Dr. Lor- enz at S,000, nearly all of whom were sent away because of the in- adequacy of the hospitals for their care. Dr. Flick in 'a lecture on tubercul- osis • warned especially against mov- ing into houses previously iouslyr ocean ed by consumptives which had not been disinfected, and also against the em- ployment of consumptive servants; and emphasized the efficiency of cleanliness as a preventive measure. A simple method of taking castor oil, according to' Medical News, without producing any nauseating effects, is to instruct the patient to wash out the mouth with wateras hot as can be borne, and then swal logy the oil, and'fellow this b y rins- g in out the mouth well with hot wa- ter. The first swallow of the, wa- ter cleanses the mouth, Tnakes the membranes hot, so that the oil does 'not stick and consequently slips down easily. Excellent Reasons exist . why Dr CIlomas' Eclectric Oil should be used by Persons troubled with affections of the throat or lungs, sores upon ' the skin, rheumatic pain, cornS, bunions, or -ex ternaliniuries. The reasons .ire, that it is speedy, pule and unobjectionable, 1QJlether takea internally' or applied out- wardly. . 0-03 ill, the water -pipe is leaking, and I want: him to come home at once." Telegraphist — "Oh, if you want him to come home at once you bad better say, 'Good news -- come im- mediately.' IN GOLD. GIVEN AWAY FREE toff,: rvi?71;8 uF5hv'"t' ",3�+'(7a+.w'15 .S-.1 ,"• ) .c "'S.c.�'.:F; to fiREOCd" Mardi. M'SWRYRtZBR LPAPE CPAHE` • Can you arrange the above sets of jumbled letters Intothe names of eight well known faults. If so, YOU CAN SHARE )N' THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE ABOVE PRIZE. It is no easy task. But by patience and per. soverence you can probably make out 5 or S of then„ To the person who can make out the largest. number .ve:'vlll girt the suns of One Hundred Delius. . To the person making out the second largest number the sura. of Fifty Dollars.- To the person making the third largest number the sum of 'Thirty Drillers. To the person maktug the u fourth largest nmtier'tlre sum. of.1'wettty, Dollars, Should two persons send answers equally, correct, the (first two, prizes will be divided:bctween them (each receivingtrue): Should three. send in. e u ll. correct •answers the fist three prizes 'n 01 have fo be divided, (each receiving 569Ao). Should four persons send ovally, correct answers, the whole sum of$eea.00 will be equally divided (each receiv(ng'$go.00), and so owl!. Iikp proport(ans,;prov(dei they Comply with a stmple condittSo about: which we will Write as soon 5s answers are. received.. WE DO NOT. WANT A csNT.OF YOURMONEYWHEN YOU ANSWER THIS ADVERTISEMENT. If you can make out anything like a commove Ilsi. wane us- at once enclosing ^•cent stamp forour reply,. -DO NOT DELAY. WRITE. AT ONCE. Address, PARISIAN MEDICINE CO., LONDON, Orar.uuo RCN' REH I VsRAPRSRE I I RPA SeaE . Frh FroFrozeiaerr In casksofabout 65o rierring's; $i,6opp er coo by the cask, or $t.70 per 100 //rings in half barrels, oo. in smaller quantities. `Labrador liaa $3. THE S COMMISSION C® LIMITED; 'TORONTO; ®o �II� , 1-45 PURIFYING 'WATER, At Wiesbaden, the famous German watering -place, an extensive appara- tus has just been constructed for freeing the drinking water used in the town from all injurious genas with the aid of electricity. Electric discharges in a system of metal tubes generate ozone, which passed through towers containing coarse gravel; the water to be sterilized flows down- ward through, the same gravel, Near- ly0,000 cubic feet of water can be purified in an hour, at a cost Of, about .51.25, There can he a difference of opinion on ulest subjects; but there is ouly one opin- ion as to the reliability of Maurer Graves, Worm Extereolnater. Itissafe sure ad effectual, "Is it good luck to have a black eat follow you?" "It all depends, I suppose, ea whether you're a mouse or a man," For 0:,r slaty Tears., AN OLD ,(.D WI`tLL T.RICD ROMAN'. •:, Mr' twandealo,00tlsingirrupIia1 beennsedfor our ilatx. years lar ruillinna of mother* for tiseir ei.i dreg ,.hale teething. with perfect: Eucees.. 11 *gated t)sot,elaid. snftesta the gnats, tangxaalt sin, cures wind relies eufi rind but for Diarr�acs. Is pleasant t, r A. TweEty 5iacteia ata u Ila Its seism is inc.'i ratable. • s'rse ....i nit for Ai:. Winn:Pw'a Beethin.' Syrup and tate na(lriierkacd. Giles — "There is a tortuno grain ainspeculation," Miles — "How • you u know?" (tiles -- "Itecaue I put ane there." Ward's liniment for sale everidero An amusing street incident happen- ed recently. A young lady left her hushand's side to look in a 'window. On leaving it she took, as she thought, her husband's arm, and continued her conversation. "Yet; see," she said, "you don't even leak at anything I went you to see. Yea never care bow I am dressed; you no longer love me. Why, you have not oxen kissed we for a week, and "Madam, 1 am sorry: but fleet is my misfortune, not my, fault." said the man. turning 'round, The lady looked at him and gasped. She had taken the arm of the wrong man. Featherstone — "I wonder if yo sister realizes, Willie, that during t last month I have given her tens pounds of sweets and some flowers?" Willie - "Of course she does. That's why she is keeping her engagement with Jim. Burling a .secret." For years I had suffered with im- pure blood, and no remedies I used gate any relief, until I took I)r. Attg: •st Koenig's Bamberg Draps, which completely cured me.—August !Wittenoyer, 1,500 Millman St., Ualtimore, 7atd, The largest armor -plate ever rolled was made by the firm of Krupp, at Dusseldorf, last year. It Weighed 105 tons. Mirierdis (Not Cures Burns, etc, Electric power, chiefly derived from water, is now employed upon 1,025 miles of Italian rail and. tramways, A. Small Pill, but Po,verfn1.—They that judge of the lowers of a pill by its size would consider Parmelee's Vegetwable Pills to be lacking. It is a little wonder moan pill& ti"hat it lacks in size it makes sap in potency. The remedies which it carries are :fuse up in thew annul doses, because they are so powerful that ouly small doses are required. 'l'he full strength of the extracts ss secured 1u this form and do their work thoroughly. "Old Pawkins says his business doesn't pay." "Well, neither does .lie." Monkey Brandt Soap cleans kitchen utensils, steel. iron and tinware, knives and forks, and all kinds of cutlery, "Whom do youconsider the great- est reatest hero in this town?" asked a stranger. "Oh, Ed. Summers, of course." "In what does his heroism consist? "He jilted a girl who bas two brothers, both prize fighters." YYv.�. 7lR4t','M1:CC:fSGI W.R'n.C.wwr44YM.'S.:YM..'te.. 4',-- . • N ONE POONLU.L Will build for you good health, through goodnerves, by' using South American Nervine Almost all disease is the result of poor nerve action. Without good nerves neither brain, nor stomach, nor liver, nor heart, nor kidneys, can work well. Nerve food must be such that it will be absorbed by the nerve ends: Such a food is South American Nervine, the greatesttonic known, a ear:e for dyspepsia and all stomach ail - Aimee ADOLPH LE, BODE, B. C. L., M ontre- al's well known barrister, writes: I was suffering from insomnia and ner- vous debility, prostration and exhaus- tion. I took five bottles of South Amer- ican Nervine and au: wh'eliy recovered, The Great South Amerfcrn Rheur,cutic Cure is the only one that has n of a single case of failure in its rocoid. 'Cure sure within three days; relief instantly. 5 t -f ' 7 y ia3.aa'tscad3. *Cos. Ma•a'aa�viia.tc.mt� Any uautiti- of dry. nixed woe, d, suitable for Irick burning, fcr early delivery, State rash prise, f.o.h. jour a et.ion. Address, Sl1Yt1SON 1iR1CI CO., 1 Toronto St, Toronto. "role - phone Main 707. T U '7-19 417. ii The Frost 10 Wire and 6 Stay Fence is tile strongest and heaviest, Wire fence blade—god openings for gad agents ;, v.zste us at once for terms. Ask for catalog. THS F'" WIRE Fi NcE .CO" . V/gL%J,tte. arts. WINNIPAGa MAN. , Ncwllived "1 tea. you. dear" simply can't afford to get you u dress," Mrs. Newliweel '(sol 1 ) -•- "I think you're just bate- , and you're the num wile used to Gall rue your 'angel` and promise me every-^" Mr. Newliwed — "But it's your fault if I don't consider you an angel any more. .An angel wouldn't worry about clothes the way you do." chases burden tawny to lr you intven't yet tae 0 4 i)r let its Ultima Beim es Neural is papa, things have changed ou were young." "Yes, they :e. Folks used to wait fifty years a golden wadding. and now they and it at the start." rely because ,af their great yr are recommended to wear T: Style, fit and finish are almost as imports sit, G1iP.Altillia"' RUBBERS have a stylish, clean cut appearance all their aiwle and are made in all the different shoe shapes. "Granby Rubbers wear late iron." e Mallufacturcrs !NSURANOE COMPANY,. '. 16Tii, ANNUAL NUAL t.i 0: For tit Year Ending 3ist Eiooarabar tw *i. INCOME, 1UO3. Net premiums on New 1'allcics,..,,. ...» ....tar,.... 21'r.lilrr,50 Net Renewal i'rQnrzuna9 1.111,,.,,...,.. .. ............ ,. ai2i:0i:33.1U Total Net Promiuma .,,,,,,..,.....•••••44.••.......oi,err4,5sts.72 Interest .M.,. .,....a. rW 4.14404•44.4 1L'd,07l.13 •.•••••••• . .. . ......•••••S1,240,3110.83 Total EXPENDITURCS I'J02. 1taturcti Endowments and Investment :'olitics and An- nuities ,.... ,..... .. ..,.., S 84,G53.1i0 .Death Claims....,. ,..... ....... .. k 1, t)t,a.20 Dividends to Pofiey-holders and SI,rronder Valves,....... 52,037.83 — Total Payments to Pollcg.holders.................... ...59318.8&8.83 hIxpenscs and Office b"urniture,,,.., ,,.,, , . 281,4124i 'faxes.«.., 8,857.67Dividends to Stock holders, .... 24,U00MO Excess of Income over Expenditures . +... ��* .. Oo0,O6312 Total.......... ............................... ...,.....51,249,SS9.23 ASSETS. 1902. Illunieipal Debentures, Bonds and Storks Loans on Debentures, Bonds and Stocks Mortgages on ileal %;state ....... stead instate Loans on Policies and Life reversions...... ._. Office Furniture, less 20 p, c. written ogT .. ... 0,005.77 Agents' current Accounts... ..: ........ 5,643.87. interest Due and Accrued.,, ..... 50,850:79 Net Premium Outstanding and Deferred. ...« ... ....,,, 210,142.49 Cash on Mand and In Banks... 75,a326.94 Total Assets.,..,. &'4,406,329.19 4444 $2,435,822.89 "s 7 .s(su.00 971,978.41 45,220.80 880,328.29 UA 1t.!T Es. 11)02, Policy Reserves (Government Standard) All Other Liabilities.. Surplus on Policy -holders' Account (including Capital Paid Up, t5300,000) • • 3,758.802.00 45,818.53 Steele 007,11•8.50 24,408,329.19 NOTE For: Security of Policy -holders tree Company holds (a) Surplus as above .. n 607,118.56 (b) Reserve as above .. . ..1 . .. 3,753,892.00 (o) Uncalled Capital Stock.... . ., 1,200,000.00 Total Security tta Policy -holders, $5,56i,O1O.53 Applications received for insurance during 1002 $ti 542,336.00 New Assurances issued during 1902 0,082,880.00 (tieing, an increase over any previous year of more than 51,000,009.00). 'insurance in force Uecetnber 31st, 1902 90,152,880.00 1`he death loss for the year was exceedingly low being only 55.50 per *1,000 of insurance, while in the Temperance Section it was only 550.66 per 51,000 of insurance. The average rate of interest on the mean amount of all invested assets (ledger value) was 5.08 per cent. The following, Directors were elected for, the ensui.tg. year ITON. GEO. W. 3.1055, Toronto. LIEUT,-COL. I3. Di. PELLATT, To- ronto. o-ronto. LLOYD HARRIS, Esq., Brantford. J. P. JUNISIN, 15sci., Toronto. E. R. WOOD', Esq., Toronto, E. J. LENNOX, Esq., Toronto; A. J. WILt(IDO,: Esq, 1C..O., Brantford. PROF. J A.h119S , 3111LLS, Guelph.. R. L. PATTERSON', Esq, Toronto. ZION. J. A. WULailir', Alntrcal. it. It. MLMcLliNNAN, Esq., UorastaIl. At a subsequent iueetiig of the q ti were re-elected :—President, I3on. dent, Lieut. -Col, H. II.'sellatt; Harris, Esq. WILLIASI STItAULit1N, Esq., Dion treat. ROBERT 'AR(3l1:LIt, .Esq., 51ontretlt TION. J. D. ROL.LANI), Montreal. HON. V. N. .L.7+.atW5, Lluebcc. 3). D. 117 .ANN, Esq., 1'oronto, MASON, Toronto.. ROBERT JEsq.. Toronto. 5. G.,BLA T , Esq., :3bronto., B. r. PEARSON, Osq., Halifax. A 1'. BARNIHILL Esq, St. John, N.B, 1w1I. IULAOMEN'LI,L, Vse., Toronto. Directors, the following officers Geo. W. is Ross; First Vice-Prosi- Second Vice -President, Lloyd Low death rate, low expense ratio, and Thigh i.Iiterest-earning power, all demonstrate the sound basis on which the company is doing business. A full report will be sent to all policy -holders. 73ool'lets regarding' the insurance plans of the company and copies of the aannual report can be had by application lication to Head Mee, Toronto, or to any agent of the THIS COMPANY OMPAN , IS THE b=1LY ONE IN AM RICA. WI -a -nein OFFERS SPECIAL ADVANTAGES` 5 TO TOTAL ABSTLIi7ERw.