Exeter Advocate, 1903-3-5, Page 1•
. 1903; •0. IL SANDERS, EDITOR,.•
"to; •
••••,( ,,,zrkrry414. el**, _ Vs."'"Pr
We have prepared tenrseives for a geed .5. nring
trule in Lace Cartains. Sew. Art X4Bsliatt..3 and theeit-
eries. We bot one good* from teauttfacteter's agent
arms giving tr3 e War ntlirt114tt1g:' 0174•11,tlw41•41,311 utiontaer
of hoeving curtain gouda. Oer ittekes consist of Swies
,Nottt ingletw 2111041f iet ;MITS. and can lee relied DO
in, being extre good valet'.
Our TACO, Curtain pritas are21.,tree ;Pea itie.
ittl:te 81, $1.)5, $1.7A. 81-75. ed, 82.4v, ,0)2,21,
fVerr.3.wit; a pair. These gen-ids ara 10 'es to
less than the regular prices.
irn's Engliah Linoleum, 4 ywed
wide, $2.50 fun width,
for you at alutost the cost price. A short thue age. we
were enabled to bny single webs a carpets from one of
the biggest denims In Canada. This advantage g.tiveh
us the privilege of pnrehaeing ratings at very 1.w
price% \Ye give you the beneet "of our purchase, '
Hemp carpets worth 2.1e. for :Me. a yard,
rain einpeta worth Kee for 3;ir. a yard.
Vnlon carpets worth ere. for ler. a yard.
Woall carpet.; worth WAN for, th.a yard,
3 ply Englieh mead e-uTet worth .$1.25 tortrre, 44 rad.
patent Tapestry worth We. AOr We. a yard.
Anualnieter cal pet worth figr trs co, V341
:Ire :411 114eW pet terns hit now
Buy roni toted * alve marten
Poplestone Ozrdiner.
Mre. O. Fritz and son, Ward.. haVe ¥r &all Pollock and children left
returned to Zurich, after a pleasante for Yorkton Man., Lest week. -Mr.
visit with friends here. -Mr. Jacobi Ales. Outlet, who has been eerionsly
Kellerman spent Thursday in Zurich." ill wale aiMendeedls. Is, we are Pleased
--Mr. O. W. Snell bus successfolly to et4ete, convalescing.- Miss Leah Dia
passed his final examinations in the I rand is tycovering from be' recent 111.
Musical TheorY emirs(' at Anterlea'si ness, ae IS also Miss Lizzie jellinean.--
geeatese musical institution, the New:Mr- Ezra Smith rkeentlY aiSPoseil of a
England eiinservatorY i)f Music ae valueble driving bore to :Mr.& Estee.
Woodbant fleilsall
The Bev. J. flarZ was PleasantliS Mr. tames Arnold. a Windsor,. is.
prised by the people of the base line, t here visiting ais ant4.a.miss 1,44,rum
Coopee'e appointioant, a few eveeinge; (newt spout 04 few days in man', due.
ago, giving hian nt big load of oats.itaa the eveele_eliss same. petty aaa
They took possetaron of the*Parsemelg„ retnieted from Luean where she
and enjoYed themselves mall miamgnt been visiting frinds.-Ainald MeAr-
leaving their pastor a richer mei hen- thole of London Collegiate Institute,
pier man. The Rev. gentleman is vel%•,v spent ti few days et tife:hoine here laele
much estoerned hispallshloliersang weeta-31iss Ethel CI:twill has reenrei-
tbey took this means ta ShOwl9g ed home from Brantfeati aisle Fii44-1 t4in, Mass.,. (Mang, gee,. The high. of the Bronson line,
et,t mark. made Ly any :indent being
seeieese. t Mise Het ie is visiting - 133
slight manner their eslilinathnu foe , 1,1..•Fas visitir.g -.Mies Olive S'el-
ilfe. We congTatttlate 0. W., on hter! eialtdebryee
Cet tt ' brother. I)r.
&II ftbents
DtTv's gineardine,. is the guest
t.of Ning,$51:10.1 gar,...41 V.,' ple.„1:10oF
ilatedee. -it,1 a John Dome)", of :cella -as- 0'!1
K IrUton lc•r„ ca/ltil WI it feW Of his friends here': ozeof..-rmst'"t.110 ••eA'.1 7')', to -r4. her. --Mr Aiken PICE44„ Feeter bee
cietreta, plyiabg tenet' or toe -*orisons xdani--
Harry Copwia who has teen set.' hist weeete also attended the 21111,...441"- "'" " toting the !Irv -stunt bros.vit & tars.*
r r cO'f•?..,rax,«,7 e
tering front ankloattaele oPkralis 17itge i"tillee---NY. mult ^",rs; I Nn". i iil o'4"11 Al" ( • aaglititatit ehate r-11.1t•rf-di ,risirant,
*lightly Tango ove d. -Miss &oquboufl Jetee•',e iViv111 omi extenuk, Dew. , ha% e the w 4,,fc 3v.t_ons.
Di St, AtZtly6, WOuti the gilleSt Of MISS OSit t"11111A4S Zind around. this Ye 4 Cri^:z4W•1 %Vt. tvir-fir tlioao stiree.Y.-, ,.%1,1,‘I haat, v,-.02{..wie to mrn andt
Bents It ter for tit few 41:4,11,s dtwing the • left for their home in White- Ittri., venture, - Mr. Thomas Nittd,14.11 pyico
VI 41'44 "'AIM J. Brtaihs Miee Vitea water. -"4 1111".4k47.--P4rIb'.1 has pureheekel Prnee; 4" ketr IfY,11.
- Citerlb Menne left Let weele farear
let .1,444w:ion sm.44, few gul„s in Ginn, rAge. Leo.. i Leonia Alitiett, of London. t"' Ilterly„ Man., 1.1t here he la -as taken a. pe..
on Mst wc4,./.; wit ii their erothee,_, t tete oe Lem% bras moved to oar VAL. visititag F1 leads her% - sr,". ion HI 0 0,i,44. kewli Wee
J, W1141 140S been fon an ! lege. We weleoure biro to oor midst- end Thole. C41.71'''' leig fv1v 413N11 3i411 1121.44,, Vire, !e.'s is a A:Met, ifallosltiollfi,
trood"'d ▪ to friends in 1i:irk-ton nod 1; Ts, bas not to Parches. for the West. - We are ideased toe,late ,atraide lama, anal 111, Wa Irma
sieinity. hes returned tn her home in ! ter. --Mr. Cabe of Nehreelia. the lutproveowet in health ef Mr. and n„ amaea mega. pae way, la seeetth
flambee, Men, -Rev. IV. Stont wits friende e tame! bet -re -Miss Mario Me- , Mae Trethatt. - Mts. J. ..etjace; Gar- ,t,ef
114'4's1.14f tql h load. =•eventy Ileargey, ilandltdin was hOl"tsro4. tilt' 144" t'4 ""dell"• will remain liere till 1143 1.g• "Ott
leis a mt& few evettings ago, This act ns leidientai4 at the wedding or • D11. -see M. lieitilferd eta., J. Avila mem kis,. teen „
tor id ineumbenev, and etteh winter he Tuestlite, Feb.21. !let . ;
t f
14""t4n IP 14S "4-14"-M r." ,atr.C40: iff'W :10' ago, A thair Wee
' kindly temetubered in a stroller way.
as visiting friends In 1 oteet.-eisee phowd lwzn. lw olive lapa iaa
ie the eixth winter of ttie preeent Itee, ",`,. her tamale. .Mies Martha Collison, , ere etteiteedc the mopeds 4,14 „idea, ot ..41 3. of w •H t t
Greettway f Kerte after ;4 game:nit %lea r. it Li friend, -
- Corbett Mr. Jahn Dawson, of eleaaelea te here, returned 1,3 bee home in look itial Ignited the
TAINI0e001 Mquitulhas E4git.son„ P.n. and ton Lest week.- Mr. Frenk Ettts. 1,1s, math Yss hi a bell. VA trts.rzately the
4 reuewing old artputintencesharee-Tba' %her W.i!Ilds in this vieluity.-Mr. Ring friefuls het e. Ile inteials leaviaer "'" Li.f"31' h spreidi
in a 31,,w allys ror aa, sap. jaw; ;eat wisiesitt meth ditlieelty svos g.
ISeferantent of the Lenre Stepper wtre' Hel'e try:sell dimwit here with At
q dispensed wiled die odindhoi, in tile '°uof lag otit.lare. envonti. tth bi..-,, far;$1, HietiN .V1VO4 itin g,:rst,.jr sliipmj,.. 4,,,, lino; - tsai.lia...i.ol„ A31 zttar ao ,J.,,,,,,-. g'...-eri talO2
lietereue ebourb, -e. pleas...ant Coupe recently lenoeht from Mr, B. Germette. hey of r'vollmt Peollie tew evening - tt4P DIP r 1451 t eviler but
. , spew, by predeol. waited.- Woe. K vie tend finuil% left or
evrae epeet taw eventw-s 739za ;a the, , 31r. 111.4t1Ileu bedtem the f4-4144444 ego. wieteh plexiatit V.744w. Wero' r0'1
home of Mr..44441 Gletelluning 4. lin 274 lam
4t 4E4 tee tut arakiretwrm thei;., a to 31144.- -MiS.4 NiiCe Wilistott
13;•,r4T101444:4 411F., _Vann ),,,inty,. 1411104R were itiK1 .511, DP2t7A It aa, of Paithat.
"N11 trAIIIV that ft„'w ` 1 • "I 4140 4, -The Direleete
t te 4844,=,10, 1)4 evalaing tar ' a
'p Laaa potiaG cidalia4.1.1-vaa.tpair.; in Nice . • le"netti'e oftlee. Pa ;lee
Ilia Aft ss h 41 retie aer Ot341 ifor
-4;wel.q^::' :12411 tnr -4; ilno auleeletwir pre-, eing n41'4 't Ut1.7-Ao
t2.101-; u vuavil,a4 liala dozon :50anol...▪ ;`.-. ‘C ql.t° 1t4 the aoniestet
sweat eineite. them. gal hitiVie 1 Oa ir now F114414, Us Mr.
Veg dill 4. lane eta; efEar. 0,44utrit Irftglo 3leeter Felluetrate Elea
teble, jj tt ,raiewe lrieh bee.' e t4, zed eeetoela Ile tow
- - , • .
ir-u1,-=.0 41 00 alt" 4-4 et Air esereise.
_ .
We bevel:Intel/lifted rrivete feeds for hoe 3fr. Addington Bglsseoherly who ' ("114.1"01IILII't 14'1e5. The stimptuous; J. le 1er hes been rewinding
ve%tirient apart fano or village property, at hae, heel) ht the west tor the :rit 6/ , Fawner MIS rIPPVI.S1 111000II SIM o'eleek, ! a werk velltives and friends in
W1111-11134 elrefq;„.. e Viet Imes 17.1.c.* eta ;11110.1 a pig' Whitt
MOSIWY LOAN, Gravid Demi LIfflup ahai. a number tothe usalaal and _ •
* 1 1 1 Af Clinton, Witithrop and Htylield.
lowent rotes of interest. ilY4 %MP It IMP ale. ter
months, returned Tuesday.-. fr. and s pi n n sor compl.a.r.„,A grant" concert, ion ed.
Ineesoe CABlaalf 11. of Zurielnepent Wednes. anti deneing "until the hehl in theee ebineh hell here on
parrlacrN'eteognoter, day here. the gnsets of Dir. and 3Irs. tree emit' hottrs when all returned to the evening of Marcia 13. A eplendid
RoNxy /.0A/1.-- - Jos. Brennen-Messre. Harmon Gill ti
r respect ve tomes, w s n
1 1 i hi g th prim un lubmg prepeted, eintiesting
/3:4•9.13Jegner' sPe1-1811,11,113Y -with fib t d h tes my returns f dialogure iveitatione, quartettes,
, gen it 05 an 05 S ; v
In/Ve* largo amount a titivate funds to "menus ea eexeteer.-air. rit. um, of their wedding day.
loan on WM grad villoge propertied gt low tines sale was largely attended, and choritses, trios, duetts. and solos, the
kto3 ofinterest• proceeds are to he invested in libra-
ever:Ailing Mild well,-DIrs.Slank. who
„ Zappe, left kw Berlin Thurrelity.-Mr. &WW1 Stephen. are welcome.
ey for the Sunday school of No. le,
S% Cieeintex,
Bertester. meta Street Exeter. has been staying with her sister, Mee
jolm Preeter Owlet Thursdey in
P.12.10Tr Gravelle gave a dance to a nuinlwr
Loudon on business. -Miss Mlle John-iteal ratotenndinsuranco Agent ti"),Y,°"Dg PCuPlear"ad berenn Wed' ston is visiting friends in Clinton and Tuekersmith.
Feral nee viline proentlet taught awl old ea nesuay evening. All report IL pleasant
reasonable tema. Several &either houses for sale. Searopt14-11r. weeley sehoenag has Mr. Duncan Ashton left on Wedues-
time.-Mr. lleauntn, of London, spent eurehned it tine young gelding from day for Park River, North Dakota,
Luella tat inns et mm1140141 and the XorthArtst 'Friday here. -Mrs. James Mallard is. N/r, Henry Koehlen-Sin Robt, Rich- where he has taken up some land. His
we are sorry to state, on the sick list. flown hos moved his family died brother, Dlr. PS. Ashton, leaves this
young men are frequently seen wend.. oita, simile is him up with eentreetion %.tueofToron to. is 'visiting at the home
Beetele_ehieter week for the same place. -Miss Sidle
- houeehold effects to
55155. 'TireteeTheF fee .e°,11:teti with. iiie forme'-
- ..ene -
Brinsley. ' Certs. oh Friday toceon ft.,,. a supine
164;4•4 t,11406.4 u'at WWI fat tli,:vii n ti.•;.4,,,R
I We roee ptad Is li,,,de Pawl; ,..111i.--. M 44 x woodeni --1- v. -i... ra.. -oot. Ties
:',.. 4 i .,..4aVa 4 wig ft 4444 hair ro,r44r.. -•-• , lb ;.., t , o., - clifQ.d- • 2 . 1 II- is
, -Mr,.., We tele4See ie ewe' iiie, 1-4t1 ."41.. rd-,Ivi4,:i., 11,, a ,, • -,A .-:$ 1 ',c,In-Af c,i04141 F;114.;77
et 11 the r:.`.4,10lIfia1 15.55�55i.ii a lt3,m....-. sal'. a '1 n451 ] 1 ' ^ ;21 t144 1Ia il,:ii-A.
tee. her t ge :41,-, 4, , ,'‘, i!,-- Lowe,- I4i ' , o•-. ta trai..alit„.
Wal Sill1,11,04 Ily..i %,11 um, 411 14,044w ' : 4f,z,,,,i 111 Ill ,t,,,, 1,11
frono Itot visit,- mv. oLd m,,„ M ft14 V.1.1.3i r 14P11 r,,li 444 ,1,4 1 ';, C.,,114,0,atitli
Ulootataeld and 141IiIiir 11;gIeb'y ,1 c;•••.0146 lil F. A few si na. • ) ,I. a IN° II ,,ph-, a at,
v,:;,1 T te- II %,,,t, ci, fl4 . J ' -,‘ ' .11J ,n c t' U. r ire' ll" --,is -'4.- , ^, E.', J.,l
itontill. ant the PT II MEM- Am a4 1ool4. , Le.valewil11.4,04,,•-,0-41g iti: 04 t .4 4 eve:d 14
1 ellossi frle-hip. te;-;k1s11117 tla'01 kV ' sr% whh tz,,. :1114,:a 41 tie a; 0, 0 eerie:pence,
Ms.bafeasaash, we ul.,h them ever'y !; mete -.idle* C. V. Smith tar. returned
prospeally in their IDPW 11010f.. We ;; hotiwk, afliee nttit,n41114g the 0411144444,s
iiIiiiiS tit0111 fven once midst. ton Billis•eitit Ilituditen alai sl -as a visa with
leyei hers will be Penfield's gein.-Mt '4 1 friends. --Mise Nettie Fulton &attended
Heckle a mi femily lute telien nasseee.jj the millirem y 4 hp.l.teingN at London tide
1 lion oi Mr. Bloomfield's ream on Tues. ,, week.-MasterMte yen Stoneman, whe>
(ley. We !Melt them every stwcess in Wes been ill for the pee -t two months,
their new home. ',! is able to he around again. -The many
PittliENTATION,---,A, very enjoyable { Mends of Mr. G. D. Arnold. will re -
evening wee spent at the residence of' vet to learn that Lw still continues set%
Mr. James Sutton, eon. 4.11c6illivray. 1ou'4e ill.-ti.ThoutasBallantyne anit
on Thursday evening, wheu a largo fatally intend leaving bere for Ihnoles-
emnistnY to ttO* MITO1Per of OlOOt til1 date' MM., abOlit the middle of Much.
provided with lunch baskets, whete. Mr. Ballardyne has already take
assenthie0 for the purpose of Vending en up a large seetion of laud for him -
a pleasant time together, pi lov to Mr. self azul. sons. Being an old and mu&
and Mrs. Sutton leaving for the North respected resident of the township of
west. After enjoying themselves by }lay he will he greatly missed bY a.
PieYing games the comPaoY NV.38 caned large circle of friends. M. Balboa -
to order, when an address was ri.ad tyne, in addition to farming, is vel
and Dlr. and Mrs. lintton presented and favorably knowu as it cattle buyer
with handsome elieltis and a heauti- and his removal will be a loss to one
ful pair of sli pet 5, as n slight token of business circle. -Mrs. R. H. Colline
the esteem w Mt isheld forthem. Mr. and daughter. Katie, and Miss Kate
and Mrs. Sutton was greatly surprised Bonthron, of Exeter, are visiting with
but thanked the (limeys in a kild man- friends In Hensel' and %leinity.-Miss
tier, and expressed themselves as be- Nellie Welsh has returned front bei
ing very sorry at leavings° many kind-vistt to Londun.-Our citizens and the
ft lends.general public who have done business
at the 31o1sons Bank will regret the
Brueefield departure of Geo. Mair, who has gone
Our statton master. Mr. Gray has to St. Thomas to which branch he has
been transferred to Denfield. David I been appointed. Mr. Mair is a genial.
Adair has been appoiuted to the pose.' sociable and obliging young man and,
We wish her a speedy recovery.-Onr
till trres onimprOVed• In the township Of OSnrq, me their way edfitWartl. Some attea c..
Kinnty of Orty; hathlAted aud other timber, railnav ttay„ . r
*Mien sel'en tuile4, pftst ofilre, Phonl, ,chulth,o. Mile "`"" 140 8 ?-iNfessra. John Spackinan of the heart and is quite ill at tittles,- of her
Mr. Joseph Zettel continues in eery Philter left. this week for the West,tak-
nnele.John DleDonidd.--Mr. W.
and Ito h. Sanders called on friends
and alien; would sell or exchange for mall lei- delicate health and it is very doubtful lug with him 41, Carlotta of horses. He
prOVed property At Exeter. here Monday.
......._ _ _ _ ultrold r. cumin, who has been -I-f1
lade twill 1.,cover.- ,51esers,, wndam has secured from Bawden .0 McDonell,
Kaercher and Oliver &teems have ate Exeter, a pure bred Clydesdale, which
li MAMA= HAMS, Exeter. .,_
„I' MI I i T I he purposes selling In the west, togeth-
Neirover.. spentlin5 the winter here with his ve IMO 0111 C I gat).- aeo )
Parties Mind neeatillts to .1 W. Manni7 are re.
ev with a number of working borees.
Thursday. Mrs. Fritz returned with
mother, ett for the West last week. Ieel ermine of 13sbwoot1, wati in town
quested to sst e Sarno Were bfarch lilthe ter whieh Miss Monne Ranstetler, 1 1
time they will be raced in the hands of a eoseeter. has hitu a.nd spent a few days Lb ereduril
AreatintsthilLjnie nte finn may be paid te residence ton 011
been theetuest of Miss Olive Westeott, th k ▪ M Gt.
or to the un ed. left for her home in Detroit, Monday At? W4e f gggeriAX are vie.
• ss e ay Is et, o
' W. J. Boom. Airs. (Rev.) Holmes, who has s ent Ring la the Dominion House. -Mr.
several weeks' with her sister, Irs.
iron AND THREE LOTS FOR SALE, Henry Bender, of Detrott. mama
(Dr.) Rollins, returned to Blyth last his parents, Mteand Mrs.Herman Ben-
ne undersigned is offering for sale that desirable week. der. Babylon Line. -Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
Wickens, of Ingersoll, were visitors
with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Iley, Sr.-& pleasant time was
spent at the home of Miss Minnie Doan
on Wednesday evening by the young
people of town. -Mr. Sairmel Ellen-
bamin has returned; to his home in
Michigan, after a pleasant visit with
friends here. -Miss Emma. Oalfas, who
has been the guest of ,.11.1ss Dora Eilber
for a few days, has returned to her
home hi Dashwood.-Theregrilar meet -
of the 'W.C.T.I7. was held at the home
of Mrs. 3. Geiger on Monday eyening.
Frederiele Puss, who has been
visiting here for the past few weeks,
returned to Sault Ste Marie on Wed-
nesday. -Miss Stanley, after a pleas-
ant visit here, left for Crediton to vis-
it, prior to leaVing for her home in Lis-
towel. -Messrs. Henry Brywn, Jacob
-England and John Levegood. left for
North Dakota last week. -Mr. J. P.
Rau of the Commercial spent Wed-
nesday at Grand Bend. -Miss Carrie
flush, of Sebringville, is the guest of
Miss Melvin& Xoehler.-Mr. John Fuss
has moved to the dwelling, recently summoned to his reward on Wedues-
property an corner of Carling and Nelson
streets, Exeter, being Lots SI, St and SIL /here is
ou the premises a good brick house containing nine
rooms: agood stable (the %%verbal? brick); hen house
and pig pen; fifty frtut trees, hard and soft water
and other conveniences. Will be sold reasonable.
Apply to
CIMEL is, Exeter.
The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable
hotel situated at Devon, on the London Road. This
hotel is in good condition, and is miles south of
Exeter. This road is largely travelled and for the
right man chalices aregood for a splendid business.
There is a good stable in connection also,11 acres, of
land. Possession given immediately. This property
skIwill be sold cheap, For particulars, apply to
DIcSsoX de MMHG, Exeter, Out.
Sale Reeister.
THURSDAY, MARCH 5. -Farm stock and Imple,
ments, the property of Rich. Penhale, Lot 22, Con, 3,
Stephen. -Sale at one o'clock. II. Brown, .Auc-
SATURDAY, MARCH 'I. -Household Effects, Etc.,
the property of Mre. James Ferguson, corner of
and Simcoe streets, Exeter. Sale at one
o'clock. H. Brown, Auctioneer.
The undersigned is offering for sale Lot 11, South
Boundary, Blanshard, being 108 acres of choice land,
Well fenced and drained. There is on the premises
two first-class Sank barns, open shed, frame' house
with brick kitchen, containg nine large rooms, cellar
under both; good orchard two good wells; 4 acres
hush -mixed timber --and other conveniences. Per-
fectly free from All noxious weeds, such as mustard
and wild oats. Located within one and a half miles
from St. Marys. For particulars address
' St. Marys,
Beingcomposed f North half of the north half of
Lot 17, n the 1st concession of Stephen, situated
three quarters of a mile south of Exeter, „containing
26 acres of choice land, good brick house, hard and
soft...water in house, and two wells in fields also one
in drive house, bank barn, hen and pig houses, and
drive shed, large.orcharcl; containing apples, pears,
raspberries, strawberries, etc., etc. Terms easy. For
particulars apply tO Mrs. Fanny Exeter,P.0„
or to Thos. Cameron, Fiirquhar. • •
Public notice is:hereby given that 'application van
be Made to the Legislative Assembly of 'Ontario at
the next seSsion thereof for an Act to incorporate
The London, Parkhill and Grand 13end Electric Rail-
way company, subject to the consent of the munici-
palities affected and subject to all other rights, to
construct and operate a system of surface railways,
operated by electric or some power other than steam
beginning at a point on South hore of Lake Huron
between the Counties of Huron and Larehton, thence
through the Township of Stephen in the County of
Huron, thence through the Townshimi of McGillivray
and West Williaing, the Town of 'Parkhill and the
Townships of East Williams, Lobo and London to
the City of London, in the County; of Middlesex and
for all other powers negestary for the purpose.
' • A. A. MAcravisu,
Solicitor for the applicants.
Parkhill, Ont.
Dated at Parkhill, Feb. 18, 1003.
Miss Cook, who has been the guest
of Miss Della Treble for the past
month, has returned to her home in
Rev. A. B. Farney, rector of the
English church, Aylmer, spent Fri-
day night in town the guest of Rev.
R. J. M. Perkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hawkshaw at-
tended the funeral of the late Mrs.
Dever at Detroit, on Sunday last, re-
turning home Tuesday.
Mrs. James Abbott, and daughter,
Miss Hunkin, after a. plersant visit
here and Farquhar, returned to their
home in London Thursday.
Corporal Wm. Beaver, No. 6 Co.,
38rd. Regt., who has been attending
the London Military School Of Instruc-
tion for the past twc months, return-
eclehorne on Saturday.
Mr. H. Brshop, who has been resid-
ing in Stayner was here Tuesday and
moved his furniture and household
effects which were storeci here,' to
Parkhill, where he intends making his
future home. •
"The many friends of Mils May
Thomas will be pleased to learn that
she has recovered from an attack of
tonsilitis, and is again at work as
bookkeeper at White & May's." -St.
Marys Journal.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Clionin and son,
Mervyn, and Mrs. M. Carnm, Mrs.
Chas. Godbolt, of Sunshine, arid Miss
Alice Miller, *of Winchelsee, spent
Wednesday in town, the guests of
the Misses Wynn. • *
Mr. John Wanless, of Duluth, spent
a few days with friends in , town the
letter part of the week. Mr. Wanless
was a former Exeter boy his father
having Conducted the woollen mills
here for a number of years...
Mr. Senfl Elenbaurn, of Kilmaugh,
Micla, who has been visiting his
mother-in-law, .Mrs. Pascoe Kestle,
Stephen, and now visiting Mr. John of' eighty years, and hacl always en -
Brown, at Centralia, will return to joyecl the best of health until recently,
his home the latter part of the week. when he commenced to fail and it was
"Mr. John Manning, of Exeter,Ont., quite noticeable to those around, who
had assiduously waited and taken care
brother, of L. Manning of this place,
left Winnipeg, Monday for Canning_ of him, that his rife blood Was fast eb-
ton Manor, where he will invest in bine away, and on the above day his
western lands. Mr. Manning purposes spirit took its flight. He was a man
spending the summer in 1VIiinitoba."- of stifling quality allithighlyrespected
Crystal City (Man.) Cormier. . a rrion,l, his friends here. He was a true
Christian in everysense of the word,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parsons, f Ed and during his illness he bore is su -
Inenton, where Mr. Parsons has been ferings with weakness and great pa.
engaged in the hardware husiness tienee. He leaves to mourn the death
and lately in real estate, are here
shaking bands with their old friends. ef a lovieg husband and kind father.
Both speak very highly of, the West.
They will return to their home on
He purposes residing at Pilot Mound.
PRETTY WEDnitio.-A very happy
event took place at the residence of
Mr, Thos. Robiusou Toesday, when
his daughter, Miss Mary Be was unite
ed in marriage to Mr. W. P. Fabiburn.
The interesting event, which took
place at live o'clock, was witnessed by
a good number of invited guests, and
the ceremony was performed by the
Rev. McLennan, in his usual happy
manner. After the mystic words bad
been spoken and congratulations ex-
tended to the happy couple the cone
pany sat down to wedding repast ex-
cellent in quality and abundant in
quantity. After which the evening
was spent in social enjoyment. The
tion. We are sorry to lose hun but NV 0 wish him every success.
wish hitu success and happiness in his WErmrsos.-On Tuesday two more
new hotue.-Mr. McKenzie, of Mani-
toba, is the guest of his cousin. Mrs.
Baird. -Hector Reid nnd family left
on Tuesday for their new home near
Oak latite, AM., where they have a
fartn of over COO acres, with goad Imild-
ings. The best wishes of a host of
friends accoinpany them to their new looked very handsome. On the same
abode. -Miss Mary Ross is very ill. day the 'nuptial knot was tied that
-Mr. Alex. Mustard, proprietor of the made ara Geo. Dalrymple and Miss
costinne worn by the bride was simply Brncefield and Hayfield saw mills, re- Vennor, both of Chiselhurst, man anti
elegant and it may be said that Old cently laurchased a fine piece of bush wife. May the good work continue
Sol never shone on a fairer bride. As front Ala. HenryBeacom, of Goderich and great prosperity attend the happy
she is very popular and. an estiumble township. The piece consists of about
sum couples who have crossed the border
young lady her many friends reniem- 42 acres and Mr, Mustard paid and entered the regions of perpetual
bered her in the way of presenting her .
with a goodly number of beautiful,
costly and numerous presents. The
friends of the young couple join in ex-
tending to them all the pleasure and
happiness that this world affords.
weddings took place at which the con-
tracting parties were made happy.
The residence of R. Bell was the scene
of one of the joyous events, it being
the marriage of Mr. Bolton, of Chisel -
horst, to Miss Ford. The bride was
attired in te very pretty costume dB&
for it. He expects to convert it into ISS.
lumber next season. Mr. Mustard has
made several purchases of timber late-
ly and seems to make well out of them.
-Mrs. Chas. Mason, who has been con-
fined in the Clinton hospital for some
time, has returned home and her num-
erous friends will be pleased to learn
that she is very much improved in
health and good hopes are entertained
for her recovery. -Mr. Robert McCart-
ney, se., who has been wintering in
this vicinity, intends leaving for his
home in Moose Jaw district about the
15th (3f this month. Ile intends taking
with him the material for a new house.
Several others in this vicinity, mostly
young men, intend going. with hirci to
try their fortunes in the 'West, among
the number being Mr. Geo. Walker, of.
Tuckerstnitb. Mn. MeCartney was ap-
pointed by the Dominion Government
a member of the delegation of North-
west farmers to go to the Old Country
to work up immigration for the North-
west and to enlighten the farmers of
the old world on the capabilities and
advantages of the great and almost
boundless Canadian Northwest. Mr.
McCartney's notification of appoint-
ment was not issued before he left
Moose Jaw. It remained in the post
post office there for a couple of days
and was then forwarded on to him at
Brncefield. 17nfortunetely, however,
Mr. McCartney was in the southern
part of the Province visiting friends
and had neglected to leave instruetions
here to have his mail forwarded. to
him. As a result the letter lay here
until his return, and.by that time the
last of the delegates wete on the At-
lantic, and Mr. McCartney, being too
late, lost the trip. The delegates each
receive their passage. and expensesand
MO for spending money, so that the
trip will be a most enjoyable ane to
those who have been able to take ad-
vantage of it. Of course he greatly
regrets missing so good an opportunity
of seeing the old world and. having. a
god eine, which none could enjoy
more than he,
Usborne -
Mr. Richard Harvey,a. notice of whose
death appeared In our last issue, was
vacated Mr. Mr. R. S. Richardson. -
Mr. John Voelker and Mrs. Gertrude
Hess, who were attending the funeral
of their uncle, the late Mr. John Zim-
merman, at Tavistock last week, have
returned: -Mrs. John Schlueter and
day of last week, after an illness of
short duration. He was sick only
about a month from a complication of
diseases, butethis, coupled. with the in-
firmities of old age, soon broke down
his constitution, which, hitherto had
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ruby, who have always been rugged and of the harda
been on an extended visit to friends est nature, and he gradually sank un -
here, left last week for their home in til the vital cord was snapped and the
Cavalier, N. D. heart of a true upright end sterling
DEATHS. -Much sympathy is Ax- man was stilled. It is over fifty years
tended to Ur. and Mrs. Norman Pat- ago since Rich. Harvey came and. det-
terson of the Goshen Line, in Sae loss tied in the midst of the forest which
they have sustained throligh the death then spread the length and breadth of
of their infant child. The little one this now beautiful and well developed
had only been ill a few days. -Another toWnship. FIe was a man of unusual
of our settlers have beets called away. strength and energy and contributed
This week' we record the death of Mr. more than the average share to mak-
William Rein, of the Town line, near ing the township what it ie to -day.
Hillsgreen, the sad event occuring on -Be was born in Cornwall, England, in
Wednesday evening, Feb. 25th. De- 1820 and when 26 years of age left his
ceased had reached the good old age native land to seek his fortune in Can-
ada, settling near Bowrnanville and
five years later moved to the township
of Usborne where he remained up to
the time of his'cleath. In religion he
was a Methodist and in politics a Re-
former, a man of retiring disposition,
never aspiring, to public pesitions, but
always took a deep interest in matters
pertaining to his countrY's welfare,
and had a true eSteem of, his duty as a
citizen. As a farmer he had few
equals, acquiring a valuable estate by
his skill and energy as an agricultural-
ist. He is surylved by a sorrowing
wife and a large grown-up family.
sorroycing wife, two sons and seveu His remains Were laid to rest in the
daughters: The fimeral took place on 'Exeter nemetery on Friday last, the
Friday and was largely attended. funeral being largely attended.
SAD NEWS. -Word has been receive&
from British Columbia of the death of
two sons of Geo. Ingram, Jaines
and Ralph, of consumption. Ralph,
accompanied by his mother went to
San Francisco hoping. that a change
would pro -ye beneficial but this hope
proved futile and he died about four
weeks ago. His mother just got back to
Vancouver a couple of days before
James passedaway. James was well.
known here baying taught is S.S.No.le
'Tuckersmith, for some years. He was
also at one time President of the Ep-
warty League and. Bible class teacher
in the Methodist Sunday school. Tle
was a hard student and possessed of
considerable ability, and his Hensell
friends will sincerely regret lice demise.
Ralph the young brother was a steady
promising lad and his early demise is
a matter of sincere -regret.
Betowen-In Mitchell, on Feb. 26th, to
the Rev. C. W. and Mrs. Brown, •a
GALLAGELER.-In McGillivray, on Feb.
23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gallag-
her, a daughter.
WORDEN-NOD,RIS-In Staffa, on Feb.
25, by the Rey. Mr. Henderson,. Mr.
Joseph Worden, to Miss Maggie S.,
daughter of .Mr. and Mr. Joseph
Norris, all of Hibbert.
EAORETT.-In Hay, on Feb. 27, Chas.
Eacrett, son of Mr. Christopher
Eacrett, aged 38 years and 0 months.
HalevEY-In 17sborne, on Feb. 25th,
Richard Harvey, in his 83rd year.
KIRIC.-At, the liouse of Refuge, Cline
ton on March. 2nd, -Robert Kirk, in •