Exeter Advocate, 1903-2-19, Page 8BIG
This Mouth it
A. large assortment to
select from.,
W. W. T .M ,
$14.50 for a Man's good .4ustrel-
jail Coon fur coat, The best thing
for the season. Just about half reg-
ular viable, Stewart's,
Thecountry editor may not know i'' -
ell, bet he doesn't live long in a cont.
inanity without knowing aa(laced sight
aatore than he publishes.
.Mr, T. G.Harltop, who has been scan-
dnctiag as general store dere for singe
time, has moved, the stock to. Claude;.
boye where he has again opened up
Feed English ,Stock 'Via is to young
pigs and calves and see how they will
i thrive. It is the hest and cheapest
stock food in the market, Sold by 0,
Lutz, Exeter,
Mr. Peter McDonefl, wbo has been
residing in Mr. T. Dearing's house on
Elizabeth etreet, has moved into the
dwelling on Haulm street vacated. by
.'.lir, Jean Kessel,
31r. :Mustard occupied the pulpit in
he Presbyterian chetah tau Suudawy
gorging last and Rev. R.I.Q. Cranston,
of Cronnai•ty, in the evening, in the
bsenee.of the pastor.
The press and public speak 'very
highly of the clever wallets that accotn.
porgy the little,* Pieks, on Satan clay,
Merchant Tailor, Exeter. ti Feb: aa woe, at°feetel es Qpeee bowie,
Plan of hall open now at Dr, Lute's
Drug Store,
Mrs. Fred Marsh, an inmate of the
House of Refuge. diet on Fele S. She
Bove or ot b til reaaehecl the gond old sage of S
CQi1Q1Q stars, Sha* ware fcaraateti; +nP talttdericb,
sand hoax been a resident of Castle
French for some time.
May 'hacker s Pickanizrniee„ one of
?Mal up Capital.,.. ,....el tteeriLJ,f1U the hist concerts ever presented tothe
Surplus.......... .,. , - . - , ^ ,Meant* Pea)ple of Exeter, will appear in Qui.
Py's Operas #Iters?, Saturday, Feb. 21.
j 1003. Plan of hell now opens at Ila:
leate's dreg store. Prices 25e.. Mee and
liner) Oneee . TonoxTo, Mle,
tnvf friends
ytra v. ;r. .-I.
tn.w°il .r�
1 le to with regret of lutea
ara,aaltered sedons ilinese in Loudon.
.alt'vea'aal weeks ago be was taken down
+xsith an attack of pneumonia from
which be never recovered and at last
counts be is in a low comhtion.
Dr. Ovens, of London, surgeon, clean
Pce"sxtent. H. S. Holt, 1°.sq.
General Manager, le. L Stewart, usq.
Savings Batik Department.
,trier ardkeen eat a +.E talebe r
ra*e•e$ azi*crest artsazv eat
/e "tae° tw era*,"a+raaq, 1,-3rs rind ti )eCiaali' , d1 e:aS4es e,ve, eaar.
reit t r e,":. ,atter can r es a: r ra err n nose and t 'tai e tII d, will 14 at the t'aIIAt•
>ra a 1 •,• s revalue Notch Beater. 1l eslrle arty,
M stela Ith; Wetlan 11,1. 1,luil let:
taeWile :Slay f;Alt;1 osl. Juni, else,. Ii -tt.
013,,,.5,- Viral it' Meal. Next elect
'' , i71,/ Fad, CREDITO4 eo inD 1 rlt, 414Metall 0th.
:... 'iS a`a:"s. It.,.a. 4..1,4'; .1" �� Th4` E'� (400.,+rs°a4at^4'ting a t144" Wean.
'-' ` Ira ¢ita4t4• ww i11 �ee neat in the Iter ,a,lial;
I#,+axon➢ t, f the 1'.11°asaa^ -. 41,04 Painlaav 1444
t,eeee7:ars .ti ree-eN 4 E'! , Vale at Ct pan, All the 1c t1art•:a of town
anal 1..u4142.1r; Whet are inatele•le"ai In DO.
A :amber of the young men of towd:
ery pleasantly entertained a like num.
On Tuesday night last, it is needless
Only 25c. the yard. Stewart's. quite in evidence aed a good time was,
to say that youth and beauty were
shirt waists. New shades.:new st
Onk a,
spent. A dainty luneheon was served
sic .Ma: O'Brien's lunch parlor at the
lit sruses Dolman Ptazetland C'rynt arnnelusi0n of their much enjoyed
Stock for sale. H. E. llustun. • d"ate.
Monday. night the mercury t The lecture given by the Rev. 'W. J
drop, registering 51 dec=rees Clark, of the First Presbyterian
ertt. chinch, London, Friday ?Agin last on
ingeniousFrenebmaubasinvent "The Ee entiaals of 1Ze, was oue of
ed a paper whiskey flash. :Now is the the most interesting ever delivered
time to subscribe, in the ebureb. Mr. Clark is n force.
If the easing "De .td in Leve" bud tz
meaning this town would never be
without a funeral.
This is an age of trusts, but most of
the women know their husbands too
well to trust then.
al,le, fluent speaker, at all tinges
pleasingY to his hearers and with the
strain of wit and humor wakes the
discourse all the more interesting.
A Tuekersanith correspondent to
the Clinton New Ern. says: "Mr
Amos Townsend went to Exeter on
For lame hack and dera)agetnent of Tuesda • to meet Mt. AleConvo , of
the kideeysi use Dix ,Kidney Pills. o Loudon the District Manager of the
sail . b
w t..
Y Lutz.Deering Harvesting :lrtcititle Co„ to
,Z ' • M
For a,tat 1.
a t,tr3,anl-t
e itching of the: legs • complete au,tattt�a.rua±its for the taking
inhorses try )ns blooddporifi t and
of the
o this
tattoo . uld a ,
l w C. I.wttx., company On Aha. lath Itr`3t, Ilia broth -
Mau was barn to rale but it would et, Mr.Sam Towvnsend accompanied
be bard to convince the average wo- him,"
Haan it is the golden rule.
Poor old Eve was to be pitied, be-
cause theere was no other woman's 9
clothes she could criticize.
Mr. Frank ank Middleton, of Wallace -
burg, has again taken a position in the
Sutherlatr,d-Innes works here.
Mrs. Morlock, who has been residing
on Huron street has moved in with
her daughter on Main street
Mr.Allaa is moving into T. Dearing's
cottage, Mr. McDonald having moved
into a house nearer the mill.
This would be a better world if peo-'
ple would take their own advice in-
stead of giving it all to others.
The main who refuses to pay a news-
paper subscription is usually too mean
a thief for the law to trifle with.
Some people who have no confi-
dence in newspapers, believe every
word they read in medical almanacs.
The man who neglects bis own .busi-
ness to watch the doings of a compet-'.
or,will be likely to advance backward. 1
When a man gets so miserable that
he wishes he had never been born he
is not apt to be by himself in wishing
The Exeter Hockey team were de-
feated in a friendly game at Ailsa
'Craig, on Friday last by a score of
The greatest trouble with some peo-
ple about borrowing is that their
neighbors • do not hart. what they
Turkish Scalp Food is the best dress-
ing and restorer of grey hair in the
market. Sold by 0. Lutz,Exeter. 50
cents a bottle. • •
Rev. R. M ill yard and Rev, Ayearst,
of Luean,'exchanged pulpits on Sun-
day last, the former preaching anni-
versary sermons.
Mr. G. K..Heaman bas been award-
ed the contract fore the mason work
of the new Methodist ;' church': at
Bethel for $1,425.
If you want to save meney order
your magazines, newspapers or 'other
foreign periodicals at the Arivo-
CATE office: It will pay you: We
are agents for any of the above pwib-
We take the following from the
Christian guardian:—Rev. Dr. Wil-
longhby's daughter and daughter-in-
law, RI.
Watson,Mrs. G. (�
R. t
� and Mrs. Har-
old with ww ztir their children,
sailed from New York on Wednesday,
J`anuar'y 2S, by the "Friesland," for
South Africa, via. Southampton, Airs.
Watson will join her husband at Bark-
ly East, Cape Colony, where the doc-
tor is located, and Mrs.iWiIloughby
will reside in Cape Town, where her
husband is in business.
A Nissouri correspondent to the St.
Marys Journal thus refers to the death
of a former resident of Crediton and
father of Mrs. Win. Mitchell, of this
place:—In the death of Mr. Francis
Evans of Cherry Grove, WestNissouri
township loses one of its pioneer sett-
lers. He was born at Wicklow, Ire-
land, 82 years ago, and came to this
country when about 20 years of age.
He settled on lot 21, concession 4, West
Nissouri, which farm he cleared up and
lived upon it until twenty years ago
when he sold out and moved to Credi-
tor]. From there he moved to Michi-
gan where several of the sons reside,
but some three years ago he returned
to the old homestead at Cherry Grove.
His wife survives him. Besides her He
leaves to *tours bis loss a family ofsix
sons and 'four daughters. They are,
Henry and Walter, Cedardale, Mich.,
Edward of Detroit, W. J. and George
of Cherry Grove;'Decouesey, of Thorn-
dale; Mrs.' Jas. Smith and Mrs.Richard
Gleason, Cherry Grove; Mrs. Willie
Mitchell, Exeter; Mrs. Thos. McFar-
lane, Deckerville, Mich. • 'Mr. Evans
had many friends and was highly 'es-
teemed by all who knew him. Ile was
a member of the Methodist church and.
had assisted materially in the building
of two churches in the township. He
had enjoyed good health up till his fa-
tal illness. All the members of his
family were home for the funeral.
W. Clark visited lois father here _
Snap,- •Ladies' pure wool serge
dress skirts, black oe naavv, Heed Orin the week he left Monday for z7
throughout, faced with velvet.. Reg- his ho e prior to his depot^tooter for r
War 'value, *3 .and $1, clearing at
his Dome in 'Winnipeg.
$1.50, Stewart's.
Mas, J, A. Stewart, and daughter,
Miss Kathlene, returned last week
Roe T,Qst from a pleasant visit with friends in
Since the beginning of Janattw, as MA -
Bowman -01e and Toronto,.
b Give bhck iutthaaude$gl>7, last seen Mrs,l'F"ntt,. Hawksh.aw,wvho was con-.
sail, Any fined to her bed several days last ween
one bringing sauce to 1,4, D, alordon, through illness, has t'eeovered, and
the d olsous Bank, or James Peer, Ex able to be out eronnd again,
eter, will receive suitable reward. _No Mrs, Gutter, of St. Catharines is
Dale to harbor said dog agree this no- visiting friends in tonal anef ricfnity,
tice or they will be prosecuted. the guest of, ttss. A. Cottle and Mrs,,
x4lFasaae;s. Hoey, London Road, South,
Tatere will dos a convenntion of faint- Oonne llor° john Manning left T nes.
ers of the South Rifling of the County , day evening for the West, where he
of Huron, held in BLOWN Hall, lien- will visit at "Crystal City and other
sail, on Saturday, Feb, 28th, at 1.30 p. places before returning. Enronte be
rt., sharp, for the pox pose of orgamz- will join his brother, Luther, at erdty-
ug; as FarmerAssociation iat the Rid- enhurst, where he has been visiting
ing; TThe objects and thus of the 'As- for the past two weeks, and they will
soetatioa will he fully explained at the continue the journey together;,
meeting. A good representation of .
farmers front all parts of the Riding Around.
are earnestly requested. About Its
roar a xaae Man".
Mitchell; While returning from do -
"Ica t" wedding was solemnized rat ing
ipped me onnug last alu hey walk mad frac-
once of his .ants above the wrist.
Being a man well n in years. the
bones may be slow in ruing*
Godes ieh.. On Tuesday evening otter
well known eitieen, George Evans,
died at his residence. after ;k long 111,
nese. in presence . e)f bis family and
doctor" The deceased gentleman hand
siren confined tea his bed for three
months, but that e sr+bing Mrs. Evans,
noticing a ebaange, sent for his aittend=
ing Al. ., and an oboist an hour after"
Mrs Ewe;atts, withnnt a pain and with
as pleasaant Smiler passed to " Dalt
bourne whence no traveller returns,'"
St. MaatTs; A quiet wedding toad;
. residence o Mrs, George
Brown, Feb. II, when bet" second
,ar! 1
d ater Miss
daughter.Laanra . became ea !11,
4 e
bride t)
fMr. Ezra '
.zt it o � .�
hl t e
. f Learning.
I,t' n t
ton, E;sex County. The Rev. Thomas
Manning Odielated at the ceremony art'
which only the neer relatives wad "the
friends of the bride were present, The
t was unattended, wore as
the manse yesterday (Wednesday)
uroruing by the Rev. W. at, Matto,
whereby Mies Harlem, none and Mnn
�aannes Wright. t$ Point Edwin.), a
mer z esident of Henasali, were made
xn:aar and wife. The interesting cere-
mony teak place a at $ o'clock after
wbicb the newiy'°'maarrietl couple were
driven to the st:atitan when they took
the Sae train for their foam, home in
Point Edward. They will have the
well wviehes of thein mane" friends fin,
their future happiness.
Tribaate: aY RCSPCct;,
O Thursday evening of bast week a
reepeetuble gathering took place ;at the
home of Mrs. rocks, Exeter NOrth, the
object being to ,present Mrs. Brooks plaice et the t tl f M
with an address and, purse of money,
es ,wt'ara tangible r
l token e t 1
k n ft>•
K esteem .
art t t ww lt..
i h h
She a ,
li E b� l !Foliose'.
ld a:Ii t
art °
community. �
�' tt ,
ing ie the aadthes,.
nekn lea s. (tee m%
when a se Pear:eel Mat periled rerFenter your rase
rem asrasmaar grass we were ae r very sen ser
"easy stem pew na.; rid taeaseree was a a aaaae er
bride. who w
o e eheatte eel rat_t r t A'rr7F ortaa Alia. a ti::n,
ert•;'ras,.,aat e p ta+,..,, r:si ve !neesea t, ,. gown of ww:'hite organdie ie trimmed,with
tea ra1-ht re Pet ear) urea Eaux very mosey revery re-
# +aleneien
ne. awl she carried
re,henr see mei ;eel, A,A4 a• ,same bantatt, She was green aw;;
"II aa"a;5t gfi'r;"51Wtn5,ca4 cwntsaiSaiRaataa., try her melt. Mr. Robert Davey. and
1 wee ate, w -
o : a ;
h sister.
la the
wai\1a�m�x St:?E.f!'%ci;i aietia ezt lr P'447( weingm6r h asthe br dapiety
pee) ever mane rra,.r
ci-e "#glnwg6#St'brown 4dygs cloth� entered the shooIleagoawe'7...1,-,.5•r7aa �cs.te�,:r'with
Y . , b. toad, a.a 1n'
l8Ibitrks wi. t,icn at axatraly 4, ?4➢vn . 'wpata,laav�•• l:t>a
,Dtpt^^4-11 al emotions apnoea. ata.r rta0r4�•oi+iv alieteei
than Ata. and
ea:44a,l:a` 4 e, ar4"a•t"ptrri_ awes, r1 bit noes Mrs, Johne Muir. 'I'he1; had tato
of �II «at4 Anil gamer t) . " ,.° " .n, 41:1• n. ➢t.^ bright. `„ .
e4t ata n, The t veein,, ar.1, t. , right. nntviligem ebildven,
w ire :af tem:it- it' Spent stn staelial chat. at. :and nsuthan➢ as ft at ti ro to I"etla VOt a, a^.at°.
.3 boat l:ear:i Minutes, x°sed tela b�• nt.aligaartl ^ as°lt"'t t'awt°er..
The meeting of the Board hall in If -wt week tht+tla•:atl; 41f the ytlnaiga"3t
toe Town Tial], Maondary, icet. nary valid taming], ;MO the rather. to escape
with Ie
:i(t3, wcitb nli the imeinhers prie the iliPcaast", was rc"tnuved to her grand -
sent. _ The following is the order ‘if fatheps, Alt'. John Devils. It was too
ed, it t' Per chaiduly rman minares orrl�jirt*- nd died early ftonhSundaay sickened
violas meetingPerra p�tits commit -And was interred the sattne day. The
tee. that grates foe furnaces had been ehifdreu were almost idolised I1w* their
earl, th"d• Per wood, that •22 cords hen parents, a nd the later aas mart' lie itn-
been secured at nil, t Per teachiers ii rag;ineed. ctrl' sorely distressed, In elteir
supply, that two dello steff were ea, hour of sorrow they have the heart -
sent through sickness, Per el, Sf, felt s�•tnpathy of the entire eons.
cora" that an additional grant of two anwtnity.
hundred dollen in aid of the Ii" S. Brussels: Considerable exeitemeixt
Department had beerapiedg�eed by the was caused when it became known
'County 'Colleen. Per S. 1Eaarti:t and that as annieher of cattle belonging to
Geo. Braerett, that the thanks of the James Shaw were in the rives above
Board be tendered the H. S. commit- the dam. The enttie had been let out
tee for their effective wotk arid that of the stable to go to the river for wit-
the sunt of six dollars be paid the said; ter .and when a umber of theut did.
committee for travelling expenses. not return the hired man went to see
Per T. Carling and S. Martin that all what was the natter, when to bis bor.
non-residents be required to secure a rot', he found nine elf them had broken
certificate of admission to be issued through the ice. He lost no timee in
for a full term only and not until the calling assistance, and about :50 willing
full fee of such term be paid. Per H. bands respnuded, who, with the aid of
Huston and J Evans that thefollow- ropes and rails, succeeded in getting
ingprepayments ,t •met t
a rts 1 e certified, e Insure except .
I 1 3 ,,, T � tt out all except one, but not before the
ancefor 3 years, $51.00; W. Penbale, were almost lifeless. Two of them
wood, ,
t t.(lil. Per
5 t W. J. Carling tttt that "
sic ,
gc before •
a tla4 • nil
d, could
be got {, t to and
the report of the Principal with sus- barn, and while theme» worked hard
pensions noted be confirmed° Per W. at the t•4"nlaeindrr all afteenuou, only
J. Carling adjournment twvo of the lot survived. This will be
a Meavy loss to Mr. Shawv,as the cattle
were all in good shape and two and
years ear
s ofd .
J. Gemco, Secy.
Are you paying too much for your
groceries? Some ::people are. If you.
want to be on the ground floor, ,buy
your race%riStewart's.
at warts
e 3.AC6iat42A~ft•PAAraar A
Seaforth: At the fancily residence
of Samuel Dickson, Esq.. postmaaster,
at noon, on. Saturday, Februaary lth,
was solemnized the marriage of his
eldest daughter, Marry Ida Maude, and
Stephen Orville zones, of San Francis-
co, California. The officiating clergy-
man was Rev. F. 17. Larkin, of the
Miss S. 7. Armstrong is visiting First Presbyterian church, Seaforth,
friends in Granton. the bride's pastor. The guests were
Mr. L. H. Dickson was in Godericla the immediate families of the bride
Tuesday on b rosiness. and groom and a few personal friends
"Miss May Thomas is ill of tonsil- of the bride. When the bridal party
itis."—St. Marys Journal. arrived at the station they were pleas-
ed and surprised to meet such a host
Mr. Wm. Davidson has accepted a of friends wbo bad assembled to say
position in as
builder. a] et. their farewells and witness their going
l'diss Bertha Shaw, of Dorchester, is away Instead of the storms of rice
visiting with Mrs. #1. E. Evans, S.B.-, { and old shoes which usually assail the
Dirs. Hemp and Miss Mor,lock left{ newly mulled, the &ride was charm -
Wednesday to visit friends in Burling. ingl , coamliment.ed by a gentle show
ton, er of hot house blooms. If the bright -
Miss Elsie McCallum), after a short ness of the wedding day is any augury
illness, has resumed her work in the of happiness to come, then the fair
public school. bride who has gone from ourmidst
will have a joyous life indeed. Mr.
Miss Nettie Elliot and Miss Wil- and Mrs. Jones go 'immediately to
liams, of Mitchell, are the guests of their home-iu San Fr`picisco, Califor-
Dr•. aud„Mrs. Anderson. nia. -
Miss Waldron, of the public school Goderieb: On i<
staff, is confined to herr home'owingIb f re the police
to an•attack of la grippe. den lovas. charged before the noun,
Mr. Wln. Horton,magistrate by Emn,aa Bell, of London,
and daughter, with stealing a return R. R. ticket. to
Mrs. J. b. Atkinson, of Oliuton, spent London, and a quarter of a dollar.
Monday with friends in town. The prisoner having . elected to be.
Mr. Thos. Oke, who was unable to tried sutun,arily by the P.M., and en -
fill his position a,t the Oentaal Hotel tered a plea of not guilty, Emma Hell
owing to illness, is again on duty. was sworn, Mayor Lewis conducting
Miss Laura Rau, who has been the the case for the crown. The plaintiff
guest of Miss Ida Mitchell for several stated that she went fora cater drive
days, retbrn d to itches .Frida with Forden, Miss Ella Flowers and
Wm. Slattery, y, .that, she'sat on de -
Rev: ?�P: M. Alartinspent a few days fendaint'sknee that
of this week visiting. his brother -in- r she lost her re -
law, Rev. Mr. Straith, of Innerkitarp er. Shea saided nickel, and a
P � quarter. sill these things
Miss Addie;Morlock and Miss J. „were in the pocket hook, produced,
Miller, after spending:a few. days in' when she,got in the sleigh, as she had
London, returned home Tuesday. even seem them in the purse in Dean's store,
ing. from Which she went direct to
Miss Gertrude Anderson left last cutter. On gettieg oitt of the sleigh,
week for. London, where she has ac said the prosecutrix, these things were
cepted a position in 'a confectionery not in hepcicketl7ook. The plaintiff
tore. was' cross-examined by Forden, but
Mr. Richard Welsh, who has been the direct testimony was not weaken
visiting his parents here for a few days, ed. Constable Gundry said that he
returned to his home in Elimazoo, aapprehened the,prisoner, and that
Mich., Saturday. •,, after he had' searched him Forden
Mr. R. R. handed him,the :const h .
Rogers, who has been in. a lea theAticicet.
New York for the past few wee The'M,gistratesaid that the prisoner
turned home lass' re had been before him' on two:'
t week and will re- previous
mails for a short time. occasions, that on one he had let him
go free, and on the second on s i n -
Ml. Jerry 'Kelland, of Langdon, t spezad
g ,and' ;'
sentence, that since '
e that a
formerly ,
of Exeter, xeter is ''Jud a Doyle' e had allowed
�'111 ft
again in to 0
our midst
Mr. -g
Kellen(' has on sus ended sentence
been in the West over eleven p for theft. Mr.
Years -Seager. then passed <a sentence of six
and is engaged in house contracting, months in the Central with hard labor..
Between the James street Methodist
church; Exeter, and the R. Pickard
Co.'s store, a pair of gold rimmed spec-
tacles. Finderwill'please leave at the
R. Pickard Co.'s. store.
South Huron fiarmers' iristituta.
The second series of meetings of the
South Huron Farmers' Institute will
he held as follows: Hensell, Feb. 19;
Bayfield, Friday the.20th; Sh'
i k a,
Very Low.—A.lot of stock taking •p
g Ste hen, Tuesday the 24th. At each
bargains. Mens Tweed and'ser
g �; • _ g of these laces the afternoon
. 4.25 -regular P meeting.
suits, $ g ar value $6.50 to will commence at 1:30 and the evening
gaitermeeting.at 7:30.
shoes, $L25, regular value $2.25 "to
$3.00. Ladies' fine shoes,` buttoned
anded small vii .
laced, .es '1.00 .. regular
Prices $2.75. - i
, Clt
almost t In
two. value$1.75 to S e '
w See
t wirts:
them. Stewart's.
y es Fur Ca
We pay :thehighest mar-
ket price for No. 1 Red
Alsike auci Timothy Seed;
also Hungarian and Millet
rfoux11.RF4••lCfj� a b
. E. J. S111101111 S It.
a" we s baaww'n such a variety alb' (.14-2111,slios we 44400 itanwisag; thisye'a
and What is more. the ipe aliIi ks and vanes are hatter.
ilok Press odds
Colored Press goods
Tress %Silks
louse ASilks
P a
New Prints.
The best English Prints in Light and Dark colors. Ove
urrdred patterns to select from. An elegant variety.;
"1 $PAli'quas
«Wilk ,tats
cCadies* fancy y Collars
Yea Ribbons
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sandford Readv Made Clotbint
II L1�1fDf�TPIKIj�1Cs
Hawing decided to give up the
Shoe Business and put all my time at
Harness, I will sell all nay stock of
Now is your time to secure
Reduced To $1.75.
Men's Felt, Boots, regular; $2.25
for $1.75. Other goods in proportion.
Seaforth: Miss Charlotte Brodie,
daughter of Mr. Charles Brodie, died
on Friday last, after a painful illness
She was a most: exemplary' young wo-
man, the light of 'her father's home.
and was justly esteemed by all who
know her. Her death is a very severe
e a
b le vement
to her father, brother
br t •
andother e r rel ttlye5
place Sunday afternoon and despite
the very' cold, stormy weather, was
argely attended.
H' 0 IF
Was He Dressed ?
Yon hear tl?is asked of sone
persons every day, and the
answers depend on the kind
• of clothes they wear. '
How are Y'ou Dressed
When yore want to be well
dressed come and have a
suit made to order. All
new goods consisting of
Surtz7 •
�. CG 2tL72,S
0718.7'00t a'
Opposite the 1,J -
Post Office ge t e r
Clinton: Mr. John` Smith met with
a 'painful accident a few days since
from the effects of which he is just
recovering. ' He was going up ii short
stairway in the house when he tripped-
on the last step throwing ,himself for-
ward and falling violently on his chin.
He thonght for a time that his jaw
was broken, (and
no more painful if it was.) The fall
knocked out a couple of his teeth, and
hurt his face so severely' that he suf-
fered most acutely. '•
Furniture of all kinds and at prices to
suit all; who are Weise enough to in-
spect otlr stock, before buying else-
where. We carry the stook and we
make the prices right,
Opera Plock. Practical Embalmer.
Hawing decided to give up the
Shoe Business and put all my time at
Harness, I will sell all nay stock of
Now is your time to secure
Reduced To $1.75.
Men's Felt, Boots, regular; $2.25
for $1.75. Other goods in proportion.
Seaforth: Miss Charlotte Brodie,
daughter of Mr. Charles Brodie, died
on Friday last, after a painful illness
She was a most: exemplary' young wo-
man, the light of 'her father's home.
and was justly esteemed by all who
know her. Her death is a very severe
e a
b le vement
to her father, brother
br t •
andother e r rel ttlye5
place Sunday afternoon and despite
the very' cold, stormy weather, was
argely attended.
H' 0 IF
Was He Dressed ?
Yon hear tl?is asked of sone
persons every day, and the
answers depend on the kind
• of clothes they wear. '
How are Y'ou Dressed
When yore want to be well
dressed come and have a
suit made to order. All
new goods consisting of
Surtz7 •
�. CG 2tL72,S
0718.7'00t a'
Opposite the 1,J -
Post Office ge t e r
Clinton: Mr. John` Smith met with
a 'painful accident a few days since
from the effects of which he is just
recovering. ' He was going up ii short
stairway in the house when he tripped-
on the last step throwing ,himself for-
ward and falling violently on his chin.
He thonght for a time that his jaw
was broken, (and
no more painful if it was.) The fall
knocked out a couple of his teeth, and
hurt his face so severely' that he suf-
fered most acutely. '•