Exeter Advocate, 1902-11-27, Page 4'wile. venlig .. Vain, ave and •,:414teatirrkts 1$ tutensely sail, and the te
-sus Woult11* completed by 1011,104 — • — •
with InaChinery better thinge ate hop. eau* here teem Athens ettahe deeprst sympathy of all gees ont,
tell for. Already its adeentaees ats-11 ago. He WAS pehater lie• trade and bunt' 4aire
regarj twdead sbepp.alrotemuwrc, :night was eters on the streets very &nal resting place, on Sunday, the
• 1440011 tite worse of. Neer, He may spirit of Mtn. iliehard Stoneman. She
emitior buoicat„, it is said that Mr. John 3MeNatightou,
the pophear Reeve, of Stanley towu- REJECTED
ehip, -ta in the field. fel. Couuty Council.
lor, a. change having been beoeght BECAUSE OF BAD COLOR,
about by Ma John Torrence moving
ththae. LSanders,Editor and Peop
THE rzopz.6* WI41, JUDGE.
FAillog to secare n Ivor:Mon majority
la the Ontario I.egOslature by ballotboh stuffingethe destruction of ballots,
Perihrre bribery and the perpetration
of almost every other huown election
scltdote of doubtful erigin. flon.(. W.
oot of this division. No doubt Me.
MeNatighton will be elected by a. large
* *
Is the any other ma* under the
vault of heaven just goite inde.
pentlaut as the Canadian farmer—lots
to eat, driuk arid wear, wood to burn,
fancy ices for his stock and other
pro:hots? The Canadian farmer Wed
long may be wave) is on easy street,
and when he gets free mail delivery,
Boss appealed to his friends of the Celt- farm telephones, parcel post and free
teal Prietnt for assistance. But the entrY foto tite- Vaited States fue
to oust
most expert thieves failed. . hhe Prntl"e ILe tyln Ural this eatth a etBow
Douala sohberiaud from o—ananville Statesman.
Sontia Oxford. Now it transpires that suoT TuE hue
Mr. Sutherland was aske4 to sell WHILE
self body an soul to the Liberal party, St. Thonta$, Nov, 23.—Charles Stau.
His rewerd was to be a the spot cash too, a num abont 3.3 years a age, be
order. Me. Setherland refused to be long,ing to Poet Stanley, while in cont.
bought, I -low aliont men who seek to 1::aa13::
buY Parliemeotariam'? In St- Louisx by the latter‘in the weeds on Satiurday
the courts have sent a nandier a such aftercoen. The eletrge entered the
citizens to prisons to serve terms cote leg just abovhthe Ithee„oTheennfoorttzsua.-
eting luatiS yeas. That Is a *131°1414 41oTriZgrgl:$11:iit;- on."4Na.10 M.
remedy for Ontario to employr tater. cern traits, et is thought the leg will
tweet* the men who are interested in he saved.
thee:di:nee thereare responsible for the
punishment of criminate. Aod 'ITALIAN KILLED.
?anew the reeve's will eecape for aOnt.. Nov. 21.—Lest
Pergeale Votleoutt, an Itellen, 3
hoe. It is for the people to eons-U.0de ware. utast, bowies in;moult ote ,e,
hetuselves the judgee in this ease, and „0 ?Almost instantly Hk by being etreck
an opportunity will offershortly tbel, by a train an it Waa eothing 'through
the St, (-lair tunuel, Itis legs were -eleetions,
easeeeseesesses...... Isevered from his hotly, close to the
/reek, and he was otherwise terribly
afAciu C,O;13(piztp eat and bruised Coroner Fraeer hn
chhh-si paoelled a jury this morning and held
at -Outpost ou the hotly. The jury
The Census of cam tie es ewe /he. hronight It verdict of aeeideutal
gressieg at a east of $4,10 per day, and .'_—--------hn a short time It is rep -tested that Mt F A crehhEhhr.
Blot: will he able to annotinee the utrai. swath Fah Noe. ;meet nestple 0
bero sheep killed bithertadeh lthi% itetye, nettle a grnesome lend in the C.P.
In order that tideway lode et correct R. Yerdi here this Intoning. Tko Tillttel);
frt11.°11'$hbie' 1e ba' pbed
tutwrt''ertel. altelr4Z.L0 :41:1el4rd, when
the Vethitt$ DePartment uht41 3 litun4•Ithe.y 63AV the Itudy of a, man' lyiug in
her a "adding netchines." Under the lenivert. Be was lying on his Side in ;
old eyeteeth it was doulitfid if the Cenelfoth Wattle of weter, mad was quite,
- I -1's ; lune wee Proetor Moore
Hundreds of packages of butter are
rejected each week by enpert butter
buyers itt ealla00, simply becanse the
color is bad. The shade demanded by
hotue consumers and for export is the
Jone golden tint which can only be
rodneed by Wells, Richardson th Co's
tuproved Butter Color, Other eolors
sold by some dealers are poor ietita.
tions, and lutist continue to give boo-
ble and cause loss of money to all
who use theta. The goverument
creameries and schools and the most
experienced ereauterynten and dairy-
men in Canada use Wells, Richardson
Cois Improved Butter Color at- all
seasons for the produetien efptize
butter. N'o Bluth no impurities.; every
drop pure and clear. All drugeists
ond dealers.
tlerighar C0144. none:mean met °Veer throe
s.itments are Quickly relieved be Wee -Crest: -
(gee tablete. tea Ceate ver bee. Alldnereista
Ushorner Mr. Wm, Bari, of the 7th
eon., is suffering from a severe atteek
of inflamation a the Inegs and but
slight hopes are entertained for his
his recovery.
Mitchell: Mr,. Wm, 5hir1an, who
bi MwrthsT, tadpliavi1111 wet o,s.oc&litieTere7rim:18-
• y while hendling lumber. OW of his
;vms was beaten and be will be laid
ri; for sonae week&
CUnttmz A rather young Woking
ample bove int s townlYednesdey ev.
oitht with a team end double .eeateti
rtage, ctrrying bet two passengers,
getting a ring and papers"
y aecosted a well known citizen to
where they ori,ght find •a ...minis.
e hesitated, but finally directed
• PrsnThe parties were ; FOU* StrAg.§ Preeident Castro ranee:a, to
GREAT BRITAIN' .A.Mi) avax.ikau
The tTnited States 'Will Net Molter
Veneznela Against the Reeolte
lited Niedeeds.
Washington, Nor. 25, --The State Dee
partrilent ta theroughly well informed of
the tenth to which Greet Oritain, Goer.
mauy and ether European powera pro-
pose to go in their eleeliegs with Vote.
zueia. Great Britain mad Germany have,
faet„ +Sounded tee eepeetmeet to leer*
whether any objeetione wood be etee.e.
to active me.asurea on their pert to
cure the eolleetion debt* due their ,
citizeos ace:mut et violated. conces-
sions. and the •d.estruetion. of their pro-
perty incident to the internal dissenstens
winch: tore ra,,eed in Veuezuele to see. •
erel years peen The depertment
been ,esetireutely ca.utients deatior,„ with
these !equities, hut the eubstanee et its
reelies. In all cases has, hem set mat
the declaration of President Reeeevelt
that the 'United States diet not etnlatrae
the onroe eeetrine to mean that it
.siteuttl elteltee aoy of the Amerieen re.
publice iteeinst. the essults. of their awn
taliettee&, 4weie10.tiene of Inteteatioual
emetaity. The. onle condition made by
• the President, woe that the punishment
intlieted even any of these South and
'entre! American repetilice by Euro.-
een power must not tnelude the seizure
by that power el any American soil.
Cologne. flermauy. Nen 24ln .re -an.,
evidentV inspired: note The Cologele
Gazette to -day 44ayst—gngland sheuld
eertalely teeth Veueznela sharp
When sea air is ordered to a, netVOUS person, she usually
rushes down to the seashore, spends all bet- time Olt the beath,
frets more or less over' the expense,
and returns after two or three weeks
to make up by extra work for the
brief holiday. The result is an etes
aggeration of nervous troubles. The
time given to the cure WAS WO Amt.
trt ghtshhINIO
eno $101traereoneogr
tt, Agee*
aoage. * C;Cior
rue ot Nytie and aleee peed recognize the dernaude of justice anl.
rgoson, of Mauchester.
°thereto The silent messenger
lie' tO the home of John s'itimriliass
Monday and called away hie eldest
son, aged 16 years, who had been a sof.
tem. front consumption tors:nue time.
The fitneral took place Wednesday.
Only two Weeli5 ago Mr. Mounings S
lost his %vire by the eanteallment.leav-
ing to his eare threedeughters and two
eons, This donttle afflietiou to 31r.
equity. Genitally and ether States have
also $erioue ground* tor complalet, and
it is time the relations a veneztleu,
wanls forelen pawere slmald be defieed.
evidencea its
by the essliandiug ba'elleareerlof trustieady baba% end eer Setanaley TiliPre peesed away ttl
startling revelations are anticipated.
The machinery liana -Rae to that adopt -
by banks and other institutions where
columns of figures have to be added
quickly and accurately. "Up to the time
the machines entered his depertment.
Mr. Blue seems to have been unable to
secure either speed or accuracy. The
inventiou of the device deserves the
hearty thanks of the Canadian tax-
payer. and those who in a moment 4)f
'weakness have accepted early census
have wataleved to the pletee %%bete his
body was found,
Coboueg.:tion.211.-s-Acting on the ad-
vice of a telegrem received about noon
Chief Cout;table Rase met the Mum
expretis 'front the east, and arrested
Themes Farsidee and May Ethel Seg.
er, husband of the woman. upan whose
information the cenple were arreeted.
In hie information .Sager eharges his
wife with the theft of 1$40. •• The par-
ties gave their plaice if residettee as
wire itt her 52cal yent. and bad been a
sident of Clinton for near1y20 yeere,
doting whielt time she bad become
widly acquainted, and she was looked ,
upon as a gated. kind neighbor. Suomi
Ulm hlinteter Peen Not WaOt
Smoet in *be $onate.
t Nov. 2See-The
Alliauce of Selt Lahti
eselettleue etrougly .opperiu
oeoseili election te the Unite
te of Iteed Smoot, one Q! the
eitiee of the Mention Church.
of the resolution* will be sent
Airy AliMisee et promite
in the eunntry at once, and also
bly to President Roosevelt, every
smftfl and Vetted Statee $ea
two years:Igo she suffered a paralytic g , and others prominent lu pelnied
stroke. when elle was conflated to bed r Wee Oh! PrGtest heads ;--"We Protest
for several weeks, but she was so far against tne proposed eleetion of Apostle
recovered as to be ;Ode to be aroma: hl et to the United States Senate. he.
two werhhotheelloweverothesufiferedan- use the majerity of the Mormon apes
other etteck., and in her failing streng- to ohich he Iteleege, and with
tit it was Seen that notmuch &wee hie he works in harmony, are living
remained for her recovery, death emu- etilygamone relaliens in violation et
ing to her relief' On Sanday afternoon. the ete. eyelike made te the people of the
She lea% ee to menern her demise a heart ,
A cure is now within the read; or Pol.T4a stands alene—the use any
ST. JA5IES WARS are As good
for the nerves as OM Sea breeze; but
in case of nervous weakness, like the
sea breeze, they require time.
jAmits WAIMItS me a tisFue
btlilder and a reconstructive, not a
Stiinulant. Quick tempt:teary results
are not to be expected ; but perma,.
rent improvement will follow their
i?atient use.
S. jxorks Sts.S. itClpf,toutach,
digest food awl scud the nutriment
througig the 'blood, and tb,is is the
honest way to get. health and strength,
the kind that lasts, flevelopS and
breeds th0 energY WW1 =OM-
pliate$ Watelt,
4rtotr, stemma* txpertence
ahtt to apereelate the great
value or the no puree wetere,o
Dr, engage D. en=p,
IVoft?4 izenot wra
tiou; 0 Omar totieuts
ocog,4 uteri wool.
where dealersart voteelliagtbt
int*, they gr*isistkdopestIV0
ipt ot price at tne Canadian
braucn; at. Jiiroa Wafers ett,, ntit
St. Cithtlitat St, liostuukl.
very sufferer; titer medicine as an assistant is not
necessary. Eat good, plain, nourishing.
food, plenty of fresh air and outeleor
crease, atul use PoLlito as directed,
d asale itarhetceataeustilet w. nfldeleepsettlocgretchs ettobtir 5is a1 noa is oweexp etpveirn1 lisalli.tehbebeeeitneig: ,et 0soldry beo y
hut a, caw -oral, mehiro or ow Rooky may procure a sample bottle for Is cents.
and hone
eRomerrtitst notroltuenmdeyoo.tiztlat nfelenu5d: sift0)011: rad:1415a tbobtatitlenwaito bgeotdePtinviticod ;too
Pul-hio, which is the achievement of the unY address
Address all letters to
The Puleftle co., Toronto* Oat.
returns ie troid wee. Tbr 00101044m, 0 n art tt 41 the) Itvoei „Ai e, 4 „ rate.' State!, as well ae m viola- century an medical seience. Puletto Nan
held I ittete Healing thrtief lt Termt. tt h,13111L, 114. tlIneS• of the eriminat StOto(Vj of Utah.. absolute cure for Consumption:1 Threat
baS varouAllt wonders for the Liberal
to to Ther proltaidy e remanded "I' Pwehot t win nirthlinlAsoni Mormon apostolate *amide as one and Lung Troubles, Coughs, Col and all
b e tr t euenee link to Deseronto to stand treel. the last sieges of his Ith. the lin-
- le b th or indireetly encouraging or eonnivhnt ienr""•°=, '1.7*
of his loved one, while passing throngh 114`111 before the immunity as direetly
trt, :ma Mai still be relied on to ae- here for 4day or two, awl then taken
comp le men mor ex a a
other COnteUraptiVe Sifilpt0a1s.
p: y
gering s e 'JOS'? 10 as te o1 e past the etintilatallett of polygamous reth
NOTES it :V ,O3Lif NTS'
eight years. Mrs. Stoneman was for- ous throughout the nelson church
'CAUTION! nerly miss Nicholson, of Hay and was The vigorous and riettrous execution el
This is not at gentle wortle-but when a sister to Mre. Audrew Johnston, of Lew elm the Edniuntle-Luelm law i
POSTAL enevsntes. n think how liable yon ave not to tide State would drive the Mormon
purelutee for 73e., the only remedy unh The late Mrs. 3hrry Ann Holywell, Church and the majority of its apostles
,.. ersally known and a remedy that bas of London, Ont., bequeathed $2,e09 to into cill4N, or throw nein in prison with -
The following statement shows the
$rEns't revenue of each nf the neer"' had the lamest sale of any medicine in the Welliegtou etreet Methodist in twelve menths, and Apoitie Smoot
ng Pn'St nainen in tlas ncnifit'S. and the the world since 1808 for the euro told elen elt aud 8500 each to Vielorm Hos- dare mit oppose sneh polgowous ewe
salaries of postmasters, less allowauee tteatment of Consumption and Throat plod and 011 Aged People's Houle, ditions."
for rent and Nei, for the past fiseal and Lung troubles wahout losing its James Lettemetb, a hehtehaeher
year. as &Iowa by the last report of great pordarity all these years, you and painter by trade, committed std.
the Postmaster General, viz: win t tankful We tailed your atteu- /lull right Dade ed Off,
Place Gross BOVenne SALM' ite• tion to Brisebees German Syrup. eide Bowntauville Friday evening 01
, by taking a dose of prossie neid. lie Kansas Citee 310., Nov. 24 . ---Chief
Myth 81452 27 $ 572 00 There are so many ordinary cough. was 10 years of ;the awe lime" a wife Pollee Hayes announced to -day that the
oh 3 73 930 00 remedies made by druggists:tea othere but no familse bullfight seheduled to take place in Cow
nso 00 that are cheav and goud for light colds vintion Hall on Thanksgiving evenil
Clinten 433.4 .31
Exeter 2397 52
Ooderich 6505 70
Hensall 1302 01
Seafortb 4305 65
Wingham 4$07 75
Auburn 368 19
Bayfield 515 69
Belgrave 550 82
Benmiller 108 71
Bluevale 318 87
Brucefield 400 59
Centralia 214 20
Cratthrook 193 92
Crediton 648 02
Dashwood 348 OS
Dungannon 708 53
Ethel 44.8 27
Fordsvich. 620 48
Gorrie 913 85
Kipper) 360 37
Londesborough 305 2-1
. St. Joseph 128 13
Varna 322 10
Walton 358 51
nVroxeter 816 36
Zurich 690 33
* *
At the present time the daily press
are telling the old, old story of how
easy it is for strangers to drop down
.-in a community with some new inven-
tion, and dispose of it for two or three
times its actual value to the residents.
• .11 the people would. only stop and think
they would. never sign an agreement
which, nine times out of ten, turns out
to be a promissory -note fer the "trial"
of the machine or article. If the in-
vention is a, worthy one the owndic
will not nesitate to leave it with re-
• sponsible parties for a fair trial. The
. better way to do is to order all you
need through the m2Nrch an ts and agents
who are residents iu the district and
then if the article turns out infcsrior,
you will have some responsible party
to fall back upon. Travelling agents
are here to -day and gone to -morrow,
no one knows where. Most of them
carry their earthly "belongings in, 0
baud valise, atici if you have been duped
bi- one, the easiest, way out of the diffi-
culty the best—pay the price and re-
solve to deal only with local men in
future. The local knell can procure
any and every article or piece of ma-
chinery—but they will not handle no
reliable gools (-Upend upon it. Surely
the f,Irmer has seen enough oC the
man with the patent hay Sork, the rid-
ing plow, and all the other new in yen
tions sold only by "our travellint
830 00 perbnps, lad or severe Coughs, Broil- would not he permitted The tan -bar
2025 45 chitie, Croup—mul especially for Con -
482 00 surnption. where there is difficult ex.
1624 00 pectoration and coughing during the
1440 00 night s and mornings, there is nothing
191 00 like German Syrup. Sold by ;di drug -
252 00 gists in the civilized world.
298 00 Sold hy C. Lutz.
60 00
105 00
180 00 Itr.O.7 OVER BY TRAIN.
lee 00 St. Thomas, Nov. 25. --Locomotive
100 00 Foreman Davis of the Wabash, made
270 00 gastly find in 'front of the depot this
180 00 morning about ten minutes to seven,
270 en He was going to work, and, as is his
100 00 usual custom, went along the station
330 00 platform towards the depot. He was
820 00 met by two yonng mete who called
lee 00 his attention to a dark object lying
me 00 on the main line alongside the plat-
. go 00 form. Mr. Davis immediately went
170 00 to the spot and discovered the body of
100 00 a man lying across the north rail, 'his
803 00 dead lying on his hand between the
320 00 rails. He lifted the body up,and found
it to be that a Wm. Brown, a car re-
pairer. Upon closer investigation Mr.
Davis found that Mr. Brown was bleed-
ing front a wound in his abdomen, and
called for assistance. The unfortun-
ate man was removed to the baggage
room, but life was found to be extinct.
How Mr. Brown same to his death is a
tnystery. The last train over this track
was the mail train, which left the sta-
tion fifteen minutes before the body
was fouud. Judging by the position
in which Mr. Davis found the body,
Mr. Brown roust have crawled under
the cars for some purpose before the
train started. It is possible that he
was repairing some defect. He was on
day duty, and must have been on his
way to work when the accident oc-
eurred, • The injuries to •Mr. Brown
were slifficient to cause death. instan-
taneously. An inquest has been or-
• James Paton, of,Port Enron, an
ploye of the co-operative store in
city, attempted- to commit suicide V%
day morn Mg by cutting his throat SY 'Lib
In London a curious experiment was ring has teen placed in the hall. bulls
recently tried he a, South American and matadors from 3fexitse are in the
tamed Papuss. *Having wrapped, around
hie body three hundred and fift:v yards
of flannel he lay down in a sort of glass
coffin, which was thenehermetically closed
and plated at the 'bottom ef a large tank
filled with 'mon. By means of an elec-
tric ventilator ana of a tubes one end of
which passed into the coffin, it constant
supply of fresh air was assured, and this
air was the only nourishment -which Pa -
puss received during the eight days that
the experiment lasted. An eight days'
Last is not an extraordinary occurrenee,
but 'what is particularly interesting ahoutt
the present ease is that the faster did
not consume any water.
The "Lancet" has unearthed the curi-
ous fact that nearly all the important
events in the life of His Majesty Xing
Edward VII. have happened on a Tues-
day. He was born, baptized, and mar-
ried on a Tuesday; on a Tuesdtly he was
appointed a member of the Privy Court -
ell; on a Tuesday it was definitely ascer-
tained that he had contracted typhoid
fever, and it was on a Tuesday he at-
tended the public thanksgiving service
for his recovery. On a Tuesday he suc-
ceeded to the throne; on a Tuesday the
Royal Standard was first hoisted at
Marlborough House, and on a Tuesday
His Majesty underwent an operation
for perityphlitis. Students of "the oc-
cult" may be able to deduce something
from this dominance of the day dedi-
cated to the god of war in Che life of
the King, but without any such deduc-
tion. the series of coincidences is a very
remarkable one.
Not only the horses but the powers *1
the law, says the London "Oeronielee
are swift at Ascot, for the course has a
special tribunal for the punishment of
evildoers. No sooner is the pickpocket,
welsher, or ticket-snateher arrested than
he is standing before Sir Albert de Rut-
zen in a little room in the royal stand,
where the evidence is heti.,1 and the ver-
dict and sentence pronou iced before the
offender 1ull3 realizes that he is caught.
Nowhere else does Inutishment so swiftly
follow crime as at this court, which is
decreed by clause 31 of the Indictaille
Offences Act of 1848. Vita race -course
tribunal arose curiously in the eigh-
teenth century from an assault upon a
royal personage. In his indignation at
the impossibility of instant punisnmeat
of the assailant, he ordered that in fu-
ture a magistrate should always attend
the toyal race meeting. This has ever
Goderich township: Dr. S. W. Pal -
mei., of Detroit, departed this life on
Tuesday. H is death took place at the
residence of his father-in-law, Mr. W.
Proctor of this township. Dr. Palmer
,VaS bonn in Middlesex county forty-
two years ago, aucl was a son of the
Lite Francis Paltrier. Ile graduhted in
medicine in Batimove, Mi., and nine
years ago began, the practice in Detro-
it. He was successful and soon bnilt
op a large pract
-, ice, but he applied hint -
elf so closely to business as to itnpair
his health and an attack of pleurisy de-
reloped into consumption. A -few
months ago he came with his wife and
Ltvo childeen to Mr. Peoctor's with the
• le»e that the change would benefit
the, lett the dlsetts.‘ had become too
leeply seated for a ctuelo be effected, a
city, and everything was ready for the
tight, when the promoters. were inform.
ed that the law would not permit the
Aght to take 'lam The hull fight was
made the subject of discussion an a ma.
jority of the pulpits of Itnristuz City yes-
terday. which aroused publie sentiment.
rion, ,Tos. Chemberlain sails tor Senth
Afrlen to -day.
Several Belleville merchants -were emend -
hal try the bogus cheek MIL
Proctor 'Moore was found deal in a rail-
way culvert at Smith's Valls.
The British Home of Coronions adopted
the Brussels sugar eotrvention.
The City ot St. Thomas begins operating
Its own street ear service this morning.
Yarmouth (N.S.) Conservatives nominated
Mr. Thomas D. Corning for the Commons.
The King a Italy hits given *40,000 to
various hospitals to signalize the birth of a
Seaforth carried the by-law to lend ISr.
Sohn Dick of Toronto *10,000 to operate
the woollen mills.
Mr. T. B. Flint was sworn in as Clerk of
the House of Commons and entered upon
his duties yesterday.
The Grand Trunk Railway has decided
to melte Stratford the chief point for the
repair of locomotives's-.
Jews in Roumnula have, by a recent or-
der, heen barred frotn practising law or
'acting as lawyers' clerk. ,
The 'students of the Hanoverian Universi-
ty, Freesia, have decided not to accept any
of -.the Rhodes SchoTarghips.
The Allan Liner Sicilian struck ground.
in the St. Lawrence below Quebec, and
had to returu to port for repairs,
It is estimated that the Otto Herr ICrupp,
head of the great German gun -making es-
tablishment, was itlorth 5150,000,000 -
On good authority it ,is stated that the
railway companies have abandoned the pro-
posal for 0. general advance in freight
Lord and Lady Mint° visited the Court of
King's' Bench in Montreal, and were -en.
terteined by Sir AleX. Lacoste, tha Justices
and the Bar,
A prieate letter received in Ottawa states
that Sir Wilfrid Laurier is much benefited
since been done, arid ;by the above -men- by his visit • to Hot ' Springs, Va. , II e will
tioned act the chief, magistrate of Bow return in three weeks,
street was constituted ex Officio a justice Sir, Henri Eizear Tasehereau and Hon.
of the peace of the County of 13erks,:in John Delights Armour were installed as
order to enable him hold to this court Chief Justice and judge* respeell-eely of,
.scot.- - th , c'epreine Court at Ottawa.
flitch Your Wagon
to •a Star". • ... • •
This is time-honored advice, and wiit •
you. look about for something to hitt.
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