Exeter Advocate, 1902-11-6, Page 8YOU GAN HAVE A WARM TIME. All winter in one of Tim - anis suits and overcoats. Never a better Tine of real good ones. Never a better line of maderatepric4d owes. Never a better line of low priced, ones. Then there i$ this certain kt-o.buy suit and. ove. coat of me you genasgood a one as the price you pay can buy and if the At and workmanship dont prove satisfactory you get your money back, "RICES GOFROM$12.00VP. WE WANT YOUR CLOTHING TRADE W. W. TAMAN sh tet ?G'ril-o.« Ee Marr. Bowyer llii O8Q1IR IIR ii taaw TORONTO D. S. HOL T, STKWAHT, President. General Man, Capital authoz izetl. , .. $2,000,000.00 Capital Subscribed. ... 51;,,00,1100.00 EXETER ER BRANCH BRA.NC'HES. A;naherstbawg Unionville Clinton Mount Albert New Market Exeter Stonirvilie Stirling Ottawa. Montre;al,Que., Sutton,Que„ Perth St. Catharine-. Milverton. Toronto I\`aten•ltai*, Qne. SAVINOaS DEPARTMENT, Highest rides of interest paid on d pO5its of SLIM and upwaarb. Com. pound la;alf-yeaarly. Deposit receipts bated. Money loaned to fermiers on their own notes, at lowest rates. Drifts bought Wel sold, Mowry Orders. p to Able anywhere in Canada, issued at very lost testa'+, Collections made at reasonable rates. We make n specialty of New York and Sterling Exchange. tet our rates. before buying; or selling. A. GENRit.an Ileac rxo Bret:MSS THAN- S.aa' ED iT EN..`iER BRANell. 17« N". tiLADM 11, F E. KA RN, tiolicitor, .l]anaag 250. in advance for the ADVOCATE to Jan. lst, 1903. The Sifton murder trial is again in progress at Loudon. Don't think that because a span, has a bund on bis hat that he is musical. Don't refer to the powder on a wo- man's face unless you want to get blown up. Miss Martha Lewis sang a. beautiful solo at the James street church Sun- day evening. =Yesterday (Wednesday) was. Guy Fawkes Day and discovery of Gun- powder Plot:, ;.Tr. E. S. Iloward is carrying hie.. right arm in a sling, the cause being a number: of Job's conefortere. Don't marry for money. but always for love—but if agar' has money there is no herrn in trying to love her. Look on the bright side of everything and if it is something you axe baa} ing it is better to -look on both sides. Prof. Burgess, of London, occu ppied the pulpit very acceptably in the Triv- itt Memorial church on Sunday last. A concert will be held in Gidley's Opera Hems?, Exeter, on the night of Nov, 2Sth, an aid of the Exeter ceme- tery., Mr. 3 T.:Manning has disposed of his butcher business to Mr. Fraauk Weed, who takes possession, on Mon- day next. Miss E, Beers,whose home is in Exe- r, sang with pleasing effect at the Street treet Mission Hail, Loudon, .on untidy last. Mr. Robt. Sanders would be obliged f the party who harrowed a book of entitled Uon.1►etee Stetling,woziid turn same att once, I inn going to ,attend the auniversa- ry services of the Presbyterian church and hear Rev. J. O. Stuart. of London, on Nov. 10th, morning and evening. i , The Olataario Provincial Winter Fair of cattle. sheep. swine, dairy and pouf. try will be held at Guelph on Decem- ber 8tb, 0th, 10th, lith and 12th, 1002. A, temperance meeting will be held in the school roans of the Main street Methodist church to -morrow (Friday) evening for the purpose of orgaauizaug for the Refereuclura vote, Rev. J. G. Stuart, B.A., one of Lon - most respected pastors, will eh the atnciivets;u'y seevices of the byteriau chum!), Exeter, on Nov. An invitation is extended Wall. otbell match was played on the 1 grounds on Friday night last *.ween the school team and aar picked. aaggrel ation from the town, resulting in a Natatory for the forzner of 3 goals to 1, Rev. \iillyaard gave a very excellent and stirrang Tenaperaance address at the opening of the R.T. of T's on Mon- day evening. It is to be regretted that so few were present to hear the aur - dress, Mr. Chas. 13. Snell, of the Exeter Eleetrie Light and Power Co., has pur- chased the interests of the late 11.4'.C. Tremain and is now sole proprietor. We -Malt M , Snell every success in his undertaking. The concert booked for Tuesday night, llth Inst., promises to be eine of the best ever put on in Exeter. Tick- ets tither than course, 23e., nae. and atu. Doors open n -. 30 concert cert a t S. Plan of opera t Dr. Lutz's. Mrs. Yager. who bas been residing with her brother. lir. L'ri Cunning- ham, has rented Mr. John Cud.nore's dwelling, recently vacated by Mr. Crawley, on Huron street, and will hove therein about the 1511i inst. The new ¥olsons Bankin course of ereet.ion is fast nearing completion. Caapenters, plumbers and decorators are now engaged on the interior work. and when finished it will he one of the most handsome banks in the west. A. ]ate and jolly load ct youngt7 1; J 3 ped-, lr pple drove out to the home of Mrs. m Wm, Hicks, con. 2, Stephen, on Tues-' day evening and spent a very pleas- g ant time. Mrs. pricks and her daugh- ters are excellent ough-tersareexcellent entertainers and their guests were highly pleased with the evening's pastime. ENEW TMLOR SHOP halving just opened up n. Tailor- ing Establishment in the shop recent - ]y vacated by Mr. J. H. GRIEVE on the East side of Bain street, I am pre- pared to do all kinds of tailoring in the latest styles and at lowest prices. Latest Goods, WP hare just laid in an assort- ment of the latest up-to-date goods for srtaxes, OVERCOATINGS, PAvTIN GS, Etc. Get our Prices. Before buying elsewhere we in- vite you to get our prices and see our goods. It will be fashionable, some- thingthat you will feel dressed in and it wi11 be big value for your money. yet. tOfi.s. SOIE3TIFIC EYE SPECIALIST T. P. SMITH . w1LL BE AT THE..... . COMMERCIAL HOUSE, EXETER Men and Boys' overcoats ri up to style at Stewart's. Imo /Osten? Cleared Dp. filet { Edgar Down, who so mysteriously " disappeared a. little over a year ago from 1Vhalem where he was engaged in teaching school, has been heard from, his parents here having, received a letter from him a few days ago writ- ten et Batavia, New York State. The reason he gives for leaving is that he was studying too hard and being tired NOT COAL of teaehing adopted the means he per- sued in getting away. Ile says he is having good health and is doing well. Two Deaths. 0114 BilmRil Less than a year ago an inmate of va of the House of Refuge escaped from that iustitutzon after dark and was e found frozen to death next morning. he John O'Sha wandered out one night in. recently and when discovered at day- Mr. D. Rozel has sufficiently recov- ered from his. attack of typhoid as to be able to be out around again, We understand he intends moving shortly to Sarnia. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal, have begun the distribu- tion of their new pictures "Alone" and "Purity." A few copies have been re- ceived in this locality and those ivlzo have been fortunate enouglk to get them pronounce them the best they have ever seen. The Family herald has also ranch improved during th past year and the combination of t two pictures and Haat best of all fa ily papers is certainly a big dollar'sbreak was in an unconscious state and worth. Early Wednesday morning Mrs. Chamberlain, who has been residing with. Mt. and Mrs. Thos. Creeeh, l!uroia street, :the latter's sister, passed peace- fully away after many months suffer- ing from that insidnous disease, con- stineption. The deceased •came here• some time during the summer and has been on a gradual decline ever since. Hee remains will be taken to West Lorne, to -day (Thursday) for inter- ment, The deceased was also a sister of Mn Peter McDonell. of this place, and was in the 23th year of bey age, The following timely continent from the .Advance lap Iies,.to more towns than Dutton: "Is it not time that go. ing away bridal couples were relieved from the. nousenical and impertinent custom that prevails in Dutton and elsewhere? Parties 'vbo would not think of intruding on the private eere- naouy, think they are justified in as, seuabling at the station, where the bride and groom are sized up, stared at and inaade the subject at' many whis- pered comments. To this is added the rice and the gravel throwing by every Tom Dick , k and Harry, l:I rr � until , it hasbe- comes(' obnoxious that bridal coples refer driving to another Station so as to escape running the gauntlet of s -. ing eyes and the showrs of rice, The whole thing is a gross impertinence and the sooner it is done away with the better." For Salo. A few faarrow cows, half fat, Apply to Job» Spaesan.au, Exeter, Roy wanted. Good smart boy wanted to learn printing. Apply at tills office. Grand liiaslcat Treat Coning C. M. Parker Concert Co., Tuesday night, �'ov.lith,Oidley:'s Opera House. Eras ine )and. Roller tor Sale. A second band. ' horse power, eii- 4 gine and bailer; in llrst.claass working order. Will be sold very cheap. Ap- ply at .a 1�voCATn office. Wanted, A smart boy to learn the anerea»tile business. State age and quaaliticatio,n. Written application to he sent to box M, Exeter. on or before Nov. 10. PQFPI.ESTONE eG G ARDINER. T. P. Smith coating. If you have defective eyesight don't fall to consult with T. P. Smith, the Noted Eye Specialist, of Elora, who will he itt the Commercial House. Exeter, on November' 7th and Stix. See "ad" in another column. To the Christians anat'temporzanco Werk- erw of Exeter. The R. N. Miily,ard . will preach fo three Sabbath •afternoons in Wille Opera. House, this month, the 10t 23rd and 30th, at 4.30 p.m. The a,ub- jeets will be Responsibility, Tempe mice and Duty. flood music in eon lection with thesis serviees, :also a eo lection at eaeh service to defray e, nooses, Nail Torn off'. While cleaning grain with a Fannin .mill in his burn near Devon, on Satur day last, Mr. Sid. Davis met with sinful accident by getting bis right and caught in the cog wheels of the ill. The nail of the second linger was torn completely olf while the lin- er was badly lacerated and his hand therwise injured. The injury is a died in a few hours. Neither of these That 11 b b'nb !top c deaths would have, occurred as the did had the doors al the House .be lucked. The manager says the doo are not locked for fear of fire breeltin out and so many of the inmates beiu old and feeble it might lead to some of them being caught. Such being the case it stands to reason that there should be a night-watchman, either lock the doors and run the risk of a fire breaking out. or leave them open, as at present, with a quite pos. Bible recurrence of the unfortuuate, happenings to which we have drawn attention. rt The following is the standing of the pupils in the public school here for the month of Qetober;--Claes A. ---Kenneth Whlte, Edward Hooper. Class 13.— Victoria Miners, Winnifred Carling, Winora I3owerd, Class C Mahler Qaarling, Class D... -cure Elliott, May Wood, Millie Hyatdana» and Mary Murry equal, Hazel Browning, .Ade. win Brans, Irene O'Neil. No, on roll 40, average attendance 41. R. N. Anderson Teachers« J. N.Robertson � Sr. IV , —En.t McPher son, Itlaa. Arm strong Jr. IV . ---Willie Bissett. Edna Bissett, Bella Hawkins. Dolly Werry, No. on roll 50, average 43. C. Walter, teacher. Sr.Ill.e.Ethel �i.osper,Noi a Hayton, Maude Johns, BlancheSheere. Jr. I1I. -'Violas Welsh, Jennie Harton, Agnes Rattner, Albert Ing No, Ott roll 40, average 2(1. M. E. GUI, teacher. i Sr. III.—Case Howard, Sophia; Wen- rv, Lillian Amus. Jr. ILL -Lone} Ileywood, LeLenante Millsrai.d, Willie Armstrong. No. on roll 42, .'average W. H. E. WatlaoniI, teacher. Ste IL I%, Stewart, W. Antos. Jr. C. Piekel, N a on roll 43, average D. Pringle, teacher. Ste Part IL�-MayJewell. Ida Welsh. `lid. Part II.�--Mabel Sutton. Blitnehe Atkinson. Jr. Part IT. ---Reggie Bis- sett, Jiermie Elliott. No. on toil 42, average 38. S. 3. Irwin, teacher. Sr. Part ILS -Barry Sweet, Bylmore Harness, I3d11�. Arc" �,aty, Young Creech, Gordon Taylor. Willie finell, :slid, Pt. i1.- Stella Southcott, Harry Enke. Jr. Part H.—David Hall, Fred McPherson. No. on roll 40, average r31.. F. E. Catling, teacher. Norwood aur wood llorfler$ a a a sor r g i c, the coal siteetion is what is bothering the mind of y the public to -day. It is ivmomentuous question and while the situation is en grave do you know it is no good worrying, about it,it_._ ) �, for is not true that rs trouble you most expect often never .comes. It may be the same the coal. inh c zl g situation, Set it aside and listen to our stove talk if yon are thinlcnig of bur- g ing anything, in the stove line. We every the following lines:— g Aced in itanditon. The many .friends of the Rev. .7. W. Ten Eyck, rector of Trivitt Memorial church, will sympathize with hien in the loss of his brother, who died in Hamilton Iaa ati cora t roast week. :LlXaainilian des. r patch. of Oct, '.'Jlth, concerning his 's death, says;. "General sorrow is felt h, In this city over the death of Aid, ller- vitt Harris Ten Eyck. '.hick aacenrred Temper at noon to -clay in the cit3 Hospital. - He attendedMonda.y nl bt's meeting 1- of the City Calmer], araeaippeared to x be in his usual health then. He had told it friend that day that he was troubled with indigestion, but did not seem to think anything serious was wrong with him. About three o'clock - yesterday morning he became very 111 from appendicitis. and Drs. Griffin and, O'Reilly were called in a attendance ori him. Yesterday evening he was re- moved to the hospital, but it was too late for an operation. The deceased was 52 years of age and unmarried. He graduated from the Ontario Veter- inary College, Toronto, in 1874, and ever since that time has practised in this city. He entered the City Coun- cil in 1892, and had a long and honor- able record in municipal affairs. He was an Alderman for nine terms and gave very efficient service to the city. In 1001 he ran for the Mayoralty, but was defeated by Mayor Hendrie in a four -cornered contest. He was Chair- man of the Hospital Committee and Sewers Committee. He was a staunch Liberal in politics, but was well liked by both Liberals and Conservatives in the Council. Few Aldermen have been. so generally esteemed as he, and the sad news of his taking off has caused grief to many people. He was a prom - anent Mason, a member of Strict Ob- servance Lodge; Hiram Chapter, R.A. M.; Godfrey de Bouillion I.T. and Ra;meses Temple Mystic Sbriners. He was a member of the Oddfellows for several years. Two brothers survive the deceased, Rev. John W. Ten E9ck, Anglican clergyman, Exeter; and Mr. Arthur B. Ten Eyck, Assistant Chief of the Hamilton Fire Department; and two sisters, Mrs. A.D. Chesnut, Toron- to, and Miss Mary at home. The death is announced of Mrs. Sane Farncombe, of London, who died on Wednesday of last week. Deceased was the mother of F. W.Farncombe, of London, and Ernest in the N.W.T., both well-known former residents of Exeter. The deceased was 74 years of age and was a native of England, Sergeant Major J. T. Westcott, who accompanied the Canadian Coronation Contingent to England, was last week made the receipent of a beautiful en- cased bronzed medal in token of the occasion of that memorable event. John feels proud of his prize and he wears it with an air of great pride. We are indebted to Mrs. A. Cottle for a liberal sample of apple -butter. they are at present manufacturing at the mill. It is certainly very palatable and the good lady in charge of that department knows how to make the article to perfection. -The kindly re- membrance is certainlyappreciated by the editor. On Thursday last, with about sixty pounds of steam on, quite a large hole was blown through the boiler at the xeter Salt Works,thus causing a shut own for a time. Luckily no one was the engine room at the time the ing occurred, for if there had been he chances are they would have been old to death. E ---Two. days only - d FRIDAY anil SATURDAY NOY 7th tk and 8th t Cal early and avast yourself of his sc valuable service, as this is a rare op- portunity to have your eyes properly tested free of charge. No guess work, but a sciehtific certainty. Difficult cases accurately fitted. ALL worm GUARANTEED. A full tine of Artificial Eyes added to oar stock. jLOCAL DOINGS. If you want t an thi ng in the fur line you want to see the big stock andi b values.) g t Stewart's. O the merry, merry sunshine, How beautiful, how grand, As once or twice a month it breaks Across, the soaking land. a $ and w'' .c l a .il] e eb i � rate his 61st bitthtb y°on Sunday. Messrs. Bawden and McDonell have disposed of six more of their entsre horses to a gentleman in the Western States and made the shipment on Tuesday. Among the number , was that famous and noted prize winner, Belshazzar. In this horses Ontario loses one of the best horses that has ever been imported into the country. Main street Methodist church ser- vices 11 a.m. the pastorwill preach on the subject of "How to build a new House." This subject is in line with the subjects that have been discussed. the last three Sabbath evenings and which are awaking a good deal of in- terest. This subject was' intended for or the evening, but, owing to the absence of the pastor in the evening, he will re it in the morning. The Rev. F. Mellott will preach at 7 p.m. , He is one of the coming men of the ,Meth- odist church. Hear hini, . For fine wear King Quality Boots for men and women; for heavy wear A r h ens tai n calf for " ' c men, women and children at Stewart's. very painful one and it will be some time before he will have the use of the hand again. llalloW con. Friday night passed off without any great amount of gate moving, sign changing or turning things up -side- down in general as is usual on such oc- casions. But one most despicable and cowardly act deserving the severest penalty of the law and one of the worst on the calendar of rowdyism was perpetrated on one of our most respected residents. That peaceable citizens shall be molested at a late uour by a shower of stale eggs, breaking windows and doing other damage, is carrying things entirely too far to be classed in the category as an Hal- loween prank and the guilty party or parties, if found out, should be made suffer for their disreputable conduct. The 1.0.F. The Independent Order of Foresters inaugurating a vigorous winter cam- paign, and for the months of Novem- ber December and January are remit- ting to new members the registration and certificate fees, which applicants usually have toay upon'joining. The order has made wonderful strides during the year, and will add to its membership many thousands during the next three months. Its member- ship roll now contains a good deal oyer 200,000 of insured or beneficiary members. Its accumulated funds reach to almost $6,000,000; and these funds are increasing at the rate of three- quarters of a million dollars a year, notwithstanding that the order pays out $500 every working hour of the year to widows and orphans. A re- cord of over $12,000,000 already paid promptly on death claims stands to its credit. The I. O. F. is undoubtedly a great and progressive institution. The report upon its investments, made by a committee composed of able and independent brethern at the'. Supreme Court meeting in Los Angeles, stated that in all the investments of its funds the Supreme Executive had never lost a dollar. This is certainly a unique experience. riettc e. C. H. E. Rea, A. I . A., p F.R.A.S., the actuary of the 'order,. recently stated in regardto.it: ".After exhaustive test 1 have failed to find a weak spot in its structure." We con- gratulate the order and its Supreme Chief Ranger upon their work.—Tor- onto Daily Star. I The most up-to-date stock of ladies' aideit a h dye Wane new coats is zai the coun- try tr at Stewart's. s. COmMunlcdtloll, To THE EDITOR ADVOCATE. DEAR SIR:—I would be the last per- son in town to find fault without a just reason, but the disgraceful actions of a number of our young men at the north end of the village on Sundays is becoming far too common to be allow- ed to continue. At a certain place dancing, singing, boxing and other un- seemly conduct has been indulged in to a considerable extent and we think it high time the authorities were made acquainted with the facts. Such con- duct is certainly a disgrace to the com- munity and onn-munity;and I hope the, young men who have been thus engaged will take our kindly suggestion qf stopping it at once. A RESIDENT. iiiiint,WWWARAUGgegeeteeVinfil PERSONAL. N O AL ttimagsmemetesesamtaammulma Dr. Anderson spent Sunday with his wife at Mitchell. Miss M. White "spent Sunday with friends in St. Marys. Mr. Jos. Davis spent Thursday night ht and Friday London. in Mr. Robert Sanders left Monday to 1 visit friends in Detroit, AIR -TIGHT DOUBLE and SINGLE HEATERS COAL and WOOD RANGES OAK HEATERS with COMBINATION SELF FEEDER STOVE BOARDS, STOVE MATS, :mac., date. FURNAgE AND MIMING A SPEOIALTY, T. HAWK1N J. SPACHMAN FALL AND WINTER ¶OOLLEN&, i Wool Blankets. We are showing an elegant range of Wool Blankets in 3 sizes with fancy- stripe border. These goods are from the best man». facturere and we are selling them at reasonable prices. Flan ellet t ��+� to Blankets ,I, large stock in all sizes with blue and pink border, Ladies' Underwear. Ladies' vests in Black and natural wool, Ladies' drawers in Black and natural wool, Ladies' combination suits. Flannels. Plain and twills in grey, blue, white, led ,and (awe. Hosiery Department. You will find all your favorites in this department, fine plain cashmere, heavy ribbed cashmere, ribbed worsteds andsoftndi did in r. wide woollens. Every size from the smallest to largestvariety. CALL AND INSPECT, E. J. SPAOKMAN Meadquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Swofford Ready Made Clothing. Conversation Overheard on the Street:* - e"Have you noticed thoseTables and Chairs in Huston's s shop window. How pretty they are^ "Of course I noticed there, and thought them fine enough to have one each for m parlor and do you theyarequiteyknow chemo and while I was in his shop .I was pricing several articles and discovered that he is selling good goods forlittle money. I advise you to call and compare his goods with others of the same kind. He can save you money. W. C. HUSTON, Furniture and Undertaking Rooms. Gidley's Block. Mr. Frank Snell, of St. Marys, spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. F. Ruse, of Hensall, spent Wed- nesday with friends in Exeter. Mrs. Harry Burgess, of London, is the guest of Mrs. J. E. Barnes. Mrs. Hannon is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. F. C. Mellott, at Hensall. Versey Hardy, who bas been in Man- itoba for some weeks, returned home Friday. Miss Beatrice Webb, of St. Catha- rines, is atharines,.is visiting friends in and around. Exeter. Mr. Irwin, of London, spent Wed- nesday in town, the guest of Mr. A. Walters. Mrs. W. C. Huston, who has been visiting friends in Goderich, returned Saturday. Mrs. Sheere and Miss F. Bissett spent Sunday the guest of Miss Maria Butts, of Kippen. Mrs. T. A. Handford very:pleasant- ly entertained' a. few of her friends Saturday evening. Mr. John Wamsle ,.`late conductor on the G.T.R., is the guest of Mr. Samuel Buckingham. Mr. A. W. Portch, of Toronto, is in town this week soliciting members for the Sons of England. Mrs. A. J. Rollins, of -Detroit, is the guest of Mrs. Dr. Rollins. Mr. Rollins is expected to -day (Thursday.) Mr. Ross Holland, who has been so- journing in Manitoba for the past two months, returned home Thursday. Mrs. Geo. Manson, who has been vis- iting friends in St Thomas, for the past few days, returned home Satur- day. Messrs. Chas. Snell, sr., and R. B. Sam- uel left last week for the wilds of Mus- koka in readiness for the opening deer season. They doubtless will each re- turn with the lawful number—two, each. • Mr. Geo. O'Brien, who has been out West for the past few months, return- ed to his home in Hay on Saturday last. Mrs. T. C. Treblecock, after a short visit with her sister, Mrs. (Dr,) Amos,; left Monday forher home in Bowman- viile. Miss Mary Grigg, who has been on a pleasant visit to friends in Montreal. and Woodstock, returned home last week. Mr. Wm. Hale, who has been em- ployed with the Sutherland -Innes 00., here, for the past four yeas, left with his family on Saturday for EddyMills. Mies Sara Groombridge, who spent the summer here, accompanied them. Mr. James Pickard was taken sud- denly fir Tuesday evening from heart trouble, caused by over exertion and it was thought for some time that the attack would result seriously, but at time of writing he is somewhat better. Dr. Rollins returned from St. Jo- seph's Hospital, London, on Thursday last; fully recovered from the opera- tion he recently underwent. Dr. Hut- ton,who had charge of the practice during: the Doctor's absence left Fri- day for Granton, where he will as"sist Dr. Land. The Doctor is a young man of, splendid ability and socially made for himself many friends during his short stay in `town. IYou can save some good money if you buy your groceries at Stewart's. Clinton: As Miss Ida Wilken, daughter of A. Wilken, was on her way to the Oollegiate, on Tuesday, she met with a painful accident. She was hurrying in the 'supposition that she was late when she fell and cut her. leg so severely that she had to be carried to a doctors office to havethewound ':v orad dressed. It was necessary to sew it up and it will be a couple of weeks be- fore she can go to school: again, ':