Exeter Advocate, 1902-11-6, Page 3ROW TO AITOID POTATO, ROT pORDZIVME MIXTURE SHOULD BE USED FREELY. Useiol Bee for Making the Mix- ture, and, How to Apply It to the Vines. If potato grow ere could ouly be led to realize that late potato blight or rot cannot be cured but van be Prevented, they w14 USe 13OrdeaaN snixture Mere freeky than they do. It is ouito true that the late blight iS not an annual, visiter, neverthee less no one can prophesy wilen it veill put in an Unwelcome Appearance. After it nataes its preseeee 5risithie by the leaves turning brown, and daaing uP it is to late to save the era's, for iaegicides are ;oily preven- tives and not remedies, It (loge little if ar.y goad Us Apply the af- ter the caseasse appears; ad the epraying iuust, be done before it can be Onownwhether or xeee an et- breen will eccur. 'Pus t is thAt if the blight does Dot appear the money epent in spraning appears to tn,ve been thrown oevey. Experi- ments non only in Canada but in the Vnited States halm demonstrated that spraying' is prontable whether the late blight prevail or Pot. Though early blight is oineeet cen. Ulu to appear unlese prevented, end its deonege. not :so noticeable in any one seasofl. as tbat of the lato blight. yet fully as great in the age gregtete, may be Almost wholly avoided by Qprayirig. dieeeee caueve the brown dean spate on the leaves. which are merited by eonCen.^ Ida rings. and which nometiraes ate Wt. ;so PlInit (41 the ieof surfaeo that tile nutratlen of the plant is envious- ly elmelmil. For this diseaFe, as for the iota bUgIt, Bordeoux mixture is an annost perfect preventive. Its protective power would probably be complete could each Peen be entirely toated with a, thin Myer of the de- posited Rule nut copper sulphate, beeanne the et:ores of the diseese roeld then not Ono any vulnerable Tbe meant tbis complete volition is obtaimed the more per- fect will be the protection, anel it ean oely secered by SpiWifig earn -- Piny WITII A FINK NOZZLine Vb1OBordeeux onxeure Is not ponentons to inerets it is very die- testefid to titem, aid Paris green combined with it eau be more even- ly distributed by the sprayer than in any other way. ll'he lime in the Bordeaux mixture will cameo the poison to adhere to the leaves so time its protective influence is strengthened and the period of its efficacy prolonged. Flea beetles as well as the ordinary potato beetles tan scarcely attack the leases with- out beim poleoned; and applied with the Bordeaux mixture Paris green will not burn the foliage an it Sonle- tilllea does when applied as a dry powder, or when simply mixed with water. iany authorities, too, be - that the Bordeaux mixture ft'- lX a fa.vorabie influence up- on potato foliage not due to its er- ase. feet upon dfseaeee or insects. These reasons ,cornbine in favor of using It on potatoes: mut In the experi- ments made. the application of Boa- (leauxe mixture and Paris green Were profitable even in a. sett,Soll when fun- gous diseases were scarcely notice. ble. Ile Bordeaux mixture for use in potatoes ebould be made as follows: Tune six pounds of copper sulphate Shim: vinvol) .tern1 tie if. up in a piece of thin eloth-an ordinary salt bag will auswer well -then suspend from a stick laid across tho top n a coal oil or other barrel half with clean water. so that the ling may be just beneath the sarface of the water, when the copper Sul- phate will dissolve in an hour or two. Ls another vessel slake lour pounds of fresh lime in sufficient wa- ter to Irma° a. thin whitewash. Strain ibis through a. fine sieve or sad: to remove all lumps. When the copper aStOW.IIEL/Ei CAME. An Interesting Story From an Icelandic Settlement. • From the Logberg, Winnipeg, Man. The readers of Logberg have long been familiar with the virtues of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills throligh the well authenticated cures published in these columns each week. Many of our readers are alSo filde to vouch for cures which have oome under their own observation. This week "Logberg" has receiwitd a letter • from one of its readers, Mr. D. Wal- terson, a prosperous farmer living at Pro, in which he gives his own experience in the hope that it may benefit some other sufferer. Mr. Wal, terson says: "Some years ago I was suffering so •greatly from rheu, inatisre in my limbs that I Was for a long time unable to do any work. I tried in many ways to obtain •ri cure, both by patent medicines and medicine prescribed by doctors, but without obtainixer any benefit. saw Dr. WilliamsPink Pills adyer- Used in the Logberg as being a cure for this trouble and determined to give it a 'trial, 1 bought o dozen boxes and before half of them were used I felt a great change' for the better. This ioaprovement continued from day to ,day, and before 1 had used all the pills I was completely cured. Since that time I 'wave Bev- er had an attack of this trouble. M - ter this I unid the pills in several other ,use and no other medicine has been so beneficial to me. 1 feel , it my duty to publicly give testi- mony to the merits of this wonderful medicine so others similarly afflicIed 'may be led to try it If you are Weak or ailing; if your merres ore tired and jaded, or your blood is out of condition, you will be wi-Se to use Dr, Willitties' Pink Pills, which are an unfailing- cure for all blood and llarVe troubles, lint he 'ra you get the genuine, with the full name, "Dr, Willianis' Pink Pills for Pale People," on the wrapper e,reuml every box. Sold by all me- diVeze dealers or sent post paid et aa cents a box oj. six boxes for $2.50 by writing dieact to The 'Dr. Williams' Medicine CO., 13rockville. Eve Tempted Adam; And Adaxn has been tempting Bre ever since. Imagine a man selling a woman rancid butter while keep- ing her attention 11Ne1 on a "Prize" given With the rancid butter 1 A wo- man may be tempted by "prizes" to buy common soaps, that she may not lower will Soon. rain her - clothes end beads, But she aeon Mule mit the difference between common soaps and Sunlight Soap. $he ihmle $onlight Soap-Octazon Bar -a Prize in itself. Her eiothea as longer, arld, ber hands ape esared from eceenta. no stapbate has all dissolved. pour the lime wash into a, barrel, waviiy. stir,. ring. the toixtuee all the time. Now 'MI up the barrel to the top svita waterand the itur sready for use. TO. APPLY- *MIS MIXTURE the foliage the heat and crteap- eet way is to ure a Proper spraying pump and noenhe but it these be nOt 04 band good restate which will well repay the trouble may be Wes ained by Applyiog the mixture- with watering cane suppliea with fine oses. A great advantage of this snixtuee is Viet Pttris green, the catly prep.- Mel meetly fur the Colorado Po- tato beetle, call be pplied et the same time. To do thin ale. Jamee Fletcher. the Dominion Ilutoutolo- Wet, advisee mixing from a quarter to bell a pound of Paris green with a.little water so as to make a 'thick pate. and then dding thi to tho forty -We galleus of Bordeaux mix- ture, which renders the poison of eX. actly the same strength ati when wed with plain water These mixtures met be kept eon- stantly stirred Netlike being used, beth the lime in the Bordeaux mixture and the Paris green quickly sink to the natant of the mixture if left undisturbed. The Bordeaux mixture is a pre- ntive Temedy. and the time to ply it in any locality in inst. be re 4140 blights treatul of vieualln a peer there. the object being to keep the plante duriug the wkolie of the time they are liable to iujurei covered with the fuogicidal preparation. The early blight in Ontario and Quebec generally appears at the end Of JUIlfie or the begiunieg of July. The late Iniglit or potato rot in most parte of Canada evident shOWS itself until August. Spraying ehould1 therefore, be begeso early in July and be repeated every two weeks at least outil the seeond week In September. Tbree application, of Bordeaux Mixture aud Faris green may ste- am experiments showing in plots !prayed three times ne mach as 52 bushels more per acre of Merchanta- ble potatnee than in the unsprayed Plata; Antii thoess sprayed live times, 02 bushels more to the iter0 than in the unsprayed. Department of Agriculture, Otta- tva. ----a GAVE. 'UP FORTUNES. ni••••••••• Soma Wealthy Girls Who Illarried For Love. While many people marry with the object of obtaining wealth, there are others who go so far as to give up fortunes in order to espouse the man or woman of their choke. Not so very long ago the daughter of an American inlilionniro /tad to choose between ber lover and a for- tune, and she renounced the latter. She was engaged, but her choice did not please her father, and conse- quently he called upon Iter to give up either one or the other. The de- cision involved the return of thou- sands of dollars in bonds, a mune sten, find various other property ; but nevertheless she remained true to the man of ber heart. Another wealthy girl adopted t similar course a year or two ago, aud the step she took caused quite a somatic:in among her friends and ac- quaintances. They could not Under- stand how a wealthy girl could give up all the treasures of life in. order to become the wife of a compara- tively poor man; but she did so, M spite of threats and entreaties. In another ease, a few months ago, a girl who Was heires,s to a fortune renounced it, and became the wife of a laborer. The story of her wooing was quite a romantic one. It appears that one day while listening to a band she became in- fatuated with .one of the players, Who was a laborer, and the two soon got an speaking terms. The love was reciprocated, but naturally such a, line of conduct did not meet with the approvai of the young lady's father, a wealthy meeker. Pe threatened to disinherit his daugh- ter, but all to no purpose, for at the end of •a courtship of only a few months' duration she Married the laborer. Her father thereupon tore up his will, which he had made in her favor; and cast off the girl without the pro'Verbial farthing. He also disposed of property valued at 000, whiCh be had been holding in his daughter's interest, and foi- bade her to enter' his house again, It is to behoped that the girl's Married. libo SVili imply compensate hoe for -,the peeuhitu7y:loss she has sustained, but many people will be sceptical enough to think that when the glamour has worn off shewill long for; her Wealth cgain. Similarly,- another ' 1W1 CSS 'fell in love : with a, collieri and ultimately Married him, Burin' a snake at the collieries the man obtained .work On a farm; - where the .guiszsiv him, mid was captivated. Her goardian. Sent her fiatiay, as he .digapproved the choice ; in the hope that abSence, which is geperally etda [led -with Making . the heart grow fonder, would, in her case, help :her to for - gate the wild infatuation of her. youth .: In thii. hoWever, he Was d, - appointed, for after es thee .the gui returned, and the , lovers Were; .Inar-H 00. When the case-iVae reported the collier and lus Wife were living not very far assay frOni the !mine of her wealth and luxory, Such a tr:insition weidd: he :Very: net iechl4e, one 'Would imagine, „ to a 'girl of taSte:aed eefinemene. , • • WANTED. ELTAoLK PARTIES- TO EMT as' for .us at their homes, whole or spare time. We furnish menhine and all material necessary to do the work, and pay yen good prices in cash as you complete 4, Send stamp for full particulars at once to Tbe Dominion Knitting Co., Drug- gists' Corporation Bldg., Toronto, Canada. PEESONAL POINTERS. Notes of Interest About So e Pr cnieinent People. The King's onaehman never knows where he is to drive until Ilie Ma- jesty is actually seated, in the car-. liege., This is a continuance of the rule which came into force when Queen Victoria ascended tiw throne. At Raby Castle, the seta of the Duke of Cleveland. there is an cantle fare in the great halt which has been burnieg for many centuries. It is the special care of twe of the laske'a ee- tainers. and as there is a good. sal- ary attached to the post it is oolY reasonable to suppose than many can - twine still will pass before the ere firialler expires, Among the art treaeurca poeeesevel by Baron Ferdinend de Rothschild Ls grandfathers clock widish cost or- ginaUy $140.001. The ineebauiata records the dey of the week. month of the year, end the pbeees of the Moan. The quarters are ehireed on different tells, apd rere thiog with these cloche) it hue second -amid. Tho case stande 11. feet •higb. It once enerked the time in the palace o11j XVI Queen Maria Christine. the ex -110 - gent of Spain, is one of the best bil- liard players of Europe. In her girlhood days she aequireen remora - able ekill, aud often challenged her relatives among tbe Arelidulsee, of whom scarcely one eouhl hold hie own against her. Ateong the deep cares et tier earlsr Regency billiards languished a little:, but with her semi* approaelt to mauhood the quemes interest in tbe game revived. Over eighty *ere of age, the vet- eran Kart of I-vice:Ker. is the proud •bolder of quite on exceptional rec- ord. •Pie has been married twice and bas bad no lower than eighteen children. the youngest being a. boy juet, ten years or age. Ile is also a great-grandfather, and the father -1n - law of no fewer than ;six peeree- namely. the Karla of Dunmore, Dart- mouth, Leitrim. and Liebfield. Lord Belper, and VisCOUnt. Powerscourt. One of the most rereerkable build- ings In -the world is the palace of the King of Siam. It is enclosed in tlazzingly white walls over a mils in circumference. Within these walls re tezuples, public officee, mraglios. stable for the sacred elephant, AC" conuaodation for 1,000 trawl,, cav- alry, war elephants, and an arsenal. There is &so a very flne theetre, where Engliela French. and German •companies frequently perform before the Royal household. The King himself is extremely fond of theatri- cals. It is a traottlonary custom in the Marlborough family, for Melt Duke to masent a Blenheim spaniel to the Duchess when she enters Blenheim Palace for the iirst time as its mis- tress. The story from which this custom had its origin Is that dur- ing the battle of Blenheim a spaniel followed at the heels of the great Duke throughout the day, never leaving him until victory was as- sured, and tale Dutatess, the famous Sarah Churchill, in memory of the incident, forthwith adopted the spaniel as ber favorite dog. The Karig of Spain is of all Sov- ereigns the one with the largest as- sortment of names. They are: Al- fonso Leon Ferdinand Marie Jacques Isidor Pascal Martial Antoine. There is a. reason for every one of these. Alfonso was after his father, the late Alfonso XII., Leon after bis godfath- er, the Pope, Ferdinand was the fav- orite mune of the young King's fa- ther, Marie because be is dedicated to -the Virgin, Jacques in honor of the patron saint of Spain, Istidor af- ter the patron of Madrid, Pascal front the day of his birth, which was the Feast of St. Pascal, Martial be- cause 'he was baptized on the Feast of St. Martial, and Antoine is of the Royal Family of Spain. THE MODERN MOTHER. Has Ways of Caring for Baby that Our Grandmothers Never Knew. • Many almost sacred traditions of the nursery have been cast aside by the up-to-date mother. Even the once essential cradle is now ,seldom found in the house blessed by baby's presence. The modern baby is not fed every time he cries, but when the clock announces the proper time. The doctor approves of this and baby is better for a, but despite regular hours for feeding, nearly all the disorders of Wants are caused by ,the derangements of the stomach and bowels. Mother's greatest problem is a treatment for triese ills that wie be gentle bat effective, and ebove all, safe. Mrs. J. W. Bailey, of Head Lake, Ont., writes from the ullness, of experience when elao says: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my six months old baby who was troubled with indigestion. The results were beyond my expecta- tions. Words cannot convey to those who have not tried them. the worth of these Tablets. 1 will nev- er again use any other preparation for the baby, as I am convinced there is nothing so good as Baby's Own Tablets." These Tablets are a gentle laxative and comforting- medicine for infants and children., They are pleasant to take anasere guaranthed to contain no opiate. lf your druggist does not keep Baby's Own Tablets send 25 tents to the Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont., or Sche- nectady, N. Y., and e full sized box will be mailed, post paid, to your address. • ANCIENT ENGLISIYIN- The George In, in the -village of Norton St. Philip, Somerset, is supposed to be the oldest licensed iriUage aleitouse in England, the licensee dating from 18e7. This alleieut innas may be imagined, le oat without a history. In June, 1685, it was 0CCPPled_ by the Duke of Monmouth, who at Norton, St. Pallas gaiued the one euccess et hie • otherwise disastrous eampaigo. Against this, however, =1St be re- corded tbe attempt on Menonouth's life. There wes a roWo.rd for his body, living or dead, and as he stood at the 'window of the George Ion he was shot. But the would -tie aeeassin raiesed him. and the nue fortunate duke was reserved for a worse fate on Tower Bill. Another -celebrity" who ie eaid to have eleptnt tbe George ie (Myer Crom- well- SEVEN YEARS IN BED. TNI$ WONDERFUL CASK BOB - PERS Oin Tun: MIRAQIILOITS. InTetbing Like It as Ever Been Nearel of - In• Newfoondland Where the Story C011Ica FreezeXt • Nos Created a, Profound Sensa- tion. (iotteile Cove, New Pay, Newfound, - land, Oct. 27.--(Special.)--Tbis part uf he island has been thoroughly nroued by the meet miraculous cure 9 a Mon vented Jovepli Boon. For eight years thie Tnen hod been ailing and tor seven years of thin time he wee unable to work. Me bad Back Mite and Endeey Comphtint, Ip fact he was all pains and aches. Ho had, been treated from time to time by several doctors and ulthougn be always carebsily attended to their several prescriptions sweetly ae or- dered by them, be got no relief. but was elowly growing worse. Firsdly he wept to the bespital where be remotned ter enven mouth% only to te sent home as an ir4eura- ble Mee. o late tried every remedy 14e could hear et, electric beltslinireente. olio rad other medicines tut all. of no avail. No one ever thought be could ever be 'well again. Ilowever, one day he picked up a. acwaPaper containing an account of how Mr, Richard uirk. of Fortune Mather, had been CUre4 of Tennleago by Deald's Kidney Pills. After read- ing thin Mr. Boon made up his mind to try this remedy and at came be- gan a treatment. Ile ueed altogether twenty-one boxes before he wos able to go to work again, but now be In able to attend to his daily duties as strong tuul vigoroue as any man along the coast. Mr. Boon is a flattens= and in at present, engaged at lobster fishing with no thought whatever of Ids old time Back Ache mutt ether pains. Tbe people here regard this cure as little fauna of maim:Wove. TRICKING A CONJURER. Speaking of mean tricksters., a. co - respondent recently wrote to say he once found himself sitting at the side of a well-kaown conjurer dur- ing dinner at an hotel. He knew the conjurer by eight, mut was therefore preparod for sturtling events. Iu the middle of the meal the ma- gician leaned over and, separating the lettuce leaves on our hero's plate, disclosed a. large diamond ring there. "Dear me, how caseless!" exclaim- ed the conjurer, expecting to see his neighbor start back M surprise. But the said neighbor didn't do any such thing. Coolly picking up the gem, he remarked: "I'm always leaving things like that about. Here, waitress -a, little present for you." And he handed it to the girl lab° was waiting at ble. "Whereupon," my correspoudent concluded, "the conjurer went in to the hall to make rude remarks to himself." NO o b.er o sesses tlee ex site tlaver o tb genuine AOla T oulaTa We can handle any quantity of properly packed Appie Also any quantity of Poultry (deal or alivei) Mae ea. FRP_ N 3tIgt 4; 1 fl 1104tIr WEeNT OUT AGAIN. THE BABILSS COT MIXIII). IT had been out late. When Ile Baby stows are out of faeldoe Jest reached bis reeidence the cieenele now 'In a, certain South. Ogrolina clock was striaieg ave. Heavy. Wantand tte reason is rot far tc. weary. disgusted. he a/Feued Lae seen. An leNcePtIQIIAIRY gs-40 ea. front door with some difficulty and hibitloO Ica, heiag held, laatlng sere eral days. cots Ixdng Provided far tha bealea to elaep in at raght, la- belled with otaraea. As lue4 Woold Pave it, senee misagnvons yontbe slipped iuto the exhibition WI duos Ing the ttig.ba, =need up the tante, and then made oil. Neet morolog pal:do:porn= reigetea. late non yvp,„4 hilee with agitated mothere trying to identify tteir little 'pees. n'No More baby ehows for US," wee the uhnous try. softly toiled up the stales, enterieg the bed chevalier with eleborate caution. Thaok goodness. site was Asleep Ile airopeed into a cbair. end, without talaug (;Ii his voat or het, began to remove his eheee. Oue be placed with care epon the floor. but. etas I as he teen oft the ether it slipped out of his hand fled fell esith a loud rioire. "Witee"" Awoke on tile iretar,t. Sl, e looked at him and then et the owner eunligat that streemed hrough the blind'. "Why. Geerge. valet are am: get- ting up so (duly' for ?" Talk about reprievse ! -nny.iny deer." replied George,. With the cleareet crawl:Alan of which he was capahle, "1 found tadn't FiceP. FQ 1 thought I'd act up Untl go oat. and tea* a. wala." And (nut. tlie poor wreech went. draggiug hiseseit retied wearily for tottr. ATOP the verge of *earl 41 terpor. There tenter mm„ azIft afire:: 'trait bl unlverFal pmeackg,a, ti cue teractr„ fee ell ille to videa flash at helseathe very nattne f many curativee %Ma such tbat were Cut germs of other aa' differently swell uoy aisinfeetunt iy meal -ea -ended by the 4.-dte ion es a eafeguard against; eetious dieeesea, r. bay, don't Foe. thatcigarettes paralyze the st etoyaeatao I don't loiow. 'yee ertte. bear me boiler wace. dell satO 'It." Me 1.47 M—ve Minds Waled toms .CUMS etc, "MeV will yea imive Scut hair et?" queried tie, tali:satire t=ter. niestael the diengreealale ram trine And "MI" teeter cut (ie. .1.1.011••••••• petieut-traat 1re*.eVe Wilt 1144, up proprietor4 cot ssnorsan Rosana on. 4151355 rCl)n lel/ 14 a 14 qftYgtu"ro, ltesare. Nestaree Lymen Ca awe the -urn uu1d saaGraaal.a.11te ,swe which is nom tieing cola ip tumeUt5 invv-e.110we'rkr. In Qullau* "%ue• ware*, gnantitiesthronahotiz tap Devaluate. It Olital9 able in al EDID54 11 ..t asekeeasa be sea sageeue,. state, resnedy teen:a:4y anre d steo*: ..Leverywhere man soreenesn or emote BY iTs Gradual ;1041 P141010111 u!'e. ‘he beeline it -beelines Vain autil 61.0 *avant irAlle4t bY611,(2811!arel"ehlw c"valescenc° relief. Tide vninahla siteeille foe almeee and etrengei. en the menence which cpt. ...eery in thot,ae5a „de to." 0 wane) nine exerts G011 e. leowu sesieralrrea by."' tbe entlaree as mese ereciene time% Itrelleves the dumping spirits of these geid. the eriNie Or lite 1ell-el-1E1y a g it IA elliT;407(nnonadcgr :42 toutetrt'ez.t !lel; neated frame. To the feriner it it antis - disease, and, by tram unit:tag the :server,. triasablc.* 'lull it' 132 Qverr disposes to eened refreeolna fleet).- Qu -5°' intetarts vigor to tbe action et the bloat, winch bung stimulated, coursei through. 11441 400 veins. strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system, thereby vantine" aCtivity 4 access:ay Nstth, strengibeningthe frame, and giving' life to the 1ligeittre organe. evitich naturally ileuuttul it:created eubstance-result, ill: - preyed appetite. Northrop Se Leman of Toronto, bave given to tee public their euperfor gninine Wine at the usual rate, end, gauged by the opiumn of onetinato this 'sum opproaches neerair, perfection ot ane. in the market. All druggists 1011 44, Hoax -"Now tlid be mate /41.3 mo- ney 7" Joax-nQuIte by accident." Floax--Irow was that 9" Joan. - "lie 3c:et a, leg in a. railway toneeb, and recovered eitunagea." Beware or Ointments for Catarrh that contain Mercury as mercury will urely dealer the sense of small anaeompletelyderange the wholeayateM when entering it through the Mucous surfaces. Such articles thould never he used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they wind° fates fold to the good ran can vosaibls derive from them. Catarrh Ouse, sactindectined by E.T. Cheese & Ca. To - leas, O., coutaies so memory, and, is taken In. tornally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the misdeal. In buying Hairs Catarrh Core be sure you gat the genii It in ttkenints-nm ally and ad e in Tolarie Mo. by T. Cliliney 1: co. liesdeitiaiiii Postal -Vier have to 'put; another etamp on that letter.** Mits Perte="Whe?" Postal Cierien."Bee cameo itae overweight." 11.IC3 rt.rt --ennet, gracious! Another etamp would. Vtat:O it ctili heavier." 'for OTfr 32t117 Teets. 14,14 (MD AKA IVALt.wleoneseeeteem eseebil w aest or orer -TAIDA tx:rD Sean !emetics' of 113-0M1 0for their c Odom TOW Isetbinir. with;tilezi au-zzirai. ionreo too oat tartans Qin gum", *Maya all cam want iNet`i!, anot estbe bed reraydy far Ditirrxa, Is Veasan1 ta pu lave. Ded, greaOts in every t et the . rwentptIrocapta tic.fle. Its saint) la treal.n able. lie sato ar.d oak for Mrs, Window a DeaDalcz and take no attar kind Judge --"Your innocence is proved You are acquitted." Prisoner (to the jury) --Very sorry indeon, gra- tlemen. to base given you all this trouble for nothing." .1•111••••••1 igloarcrs Liniment relieves Neuralgia, 'T never went to a cireus when I was a, little boy." said the rather austere parent. "Was that because your father wouldn't let you go less you would be good?" ;sated the free. youngster. in entire innocence. • mato* Druggists, price 75a per bottle. Ifeire Family Fills are the beat. 11111.1 The ceremony of marriage was per- formed M record them by a Texan udge a year or two ago, Address - ng the happy couple, he is said to lave completed the ceremony and demanded his lees Ili the following ormula: "Kneel down; grab hands; )itched; six dollarsl" Nurses Experience. 1 1 Medical men say that a good nurse in a difac.ult case is better than me- dicine, but when we can get a good nurse and good medicine, the pa- tient stands a much better chance of recovery. A few words of advice given below by muse Eliza King, are well worth the attention 'bf all readers : "I have constantly used St. Ja- cobs Oil in the various situations I have occupied as nurse, and. have in- variably found it excellent in all cases requiring outward application, such as sprains, bruises., rheumatic affections, neuralgia, etc. In cases of pleurisy it is an excellent remedy -well rubbed in. I can strongly re- commend it after several years' use and experience. It should Le M ev- ery household." Sister Carolina, St. Andrew's Hospital, writes : "I have found St. Jacobs Oil a most ealaacious rem- edy in .gout ; else in sprains and bruises. Indeed, we cannot say too much in its praise, and our doctor is ordering it constantly." INFLUENCE OF CLOTHES. Jerry ---`'How 'do geed clothes make a man a gentleman ?"- Joe --"They make him feel as if Ile was expected to act like one." There are cases of consumption so far advanced that Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup will not cure, but none so bad that it will not give relief. Por coughs, colds and all affections of the throat, lungs and chest, it is a specific which has never been known to fail. It promotes a free and easy expectoration, thereby removing the phlegm, and gives the diseased parts a chance to heal. Except the Joppa Cate, all the entrances to JeruSalem are closed at sunset. Miourd's Liniment hr sale everywhere The largest public testimonial ever given to an author was presented to Sienkiewiez, the Polish author, Ia,st year. It consisted of a home and L10,000,, They Drove Pimples Away. -A face covered with pimples is unsightly. It tells of internal irregularities which should long since have been corrected. The liver and the kidneys are not per- forming their fnnetions in the healthy way -they should, and these pimples are to let you know that the blood' protests. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will drive theft all away, and will leave the ekin clear and clean. Try them, and there will be another witness to their excel- lence.. - "I am bard to discourage," Raid the rejected: suitor inelocirematically: "Some day a'll make you say you love me, • and then -and not ontil thee -I satin die happy." • "I'll say it now," Said she promptly. "I dOe't mind telling a lie" for a, good eauee.". IMPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP Tile quality standard ken ocean to ocean. Your wane, back if not setInfeetary. ROSE k LA.FIALtatE, Amts. - Montreal , Tee most dangerous pert of the British coast is between Islambor- ongh Head and the Norta Foreland. Next comes that between Anglesea and the Mull of Cantyre, roe MAINTAfttltie ROBUST PEAL,Tit Mardis Liniment Cures Dandruff Jules Verne is now 74 years old. He wrote • his first book, -Five Weeks M a Balloon," at the age of fie, lb ' T1.11 A. Clear, Healthy Skin.-Bruptions of the skin itnd the blotches which blemish beauty are the result of impure blood caused by unhealthy action of the Liver and Kidneys. In correcting this un- healthy action and restoring the organs to their normal. condition, Pornuzlee's Vegetable Pills will at the same time cleanse the blood, and the blotches and eruptions will disappear without leaving any trace. "You don't even know how to snake a lemon -tart," remarked the cookirig-school girl, with fine scern. "It isn't necessary to make a lemon - tart," replied the other. "All the lemons I've ever seen were pretty tart already." osesseseeasaeseeeseaseeeesereereeeeseaese Messrs. C. C. Richards Co. • Gentlemco,-hry daughter 13 .yeara old, was thrown from a sleigh • and injured her elbow so badly it res mained stiff and very painful for three • years. Four bottles of MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT eompletely cured her a.ud she has not been troubled for two years. Yours truly, TB. LEVESOUFa •St. Joseph, Pala., Aug. 18, 1000. asesesana, -seeseseneesaasesseesese...„: Elderly Fiance -"I hope you are not inipressed by the .silly seetimet- teliste who hole that because you've married once you ought not to marry again?" Pretty Widow --- ' Don't let that worry you, dear; I've no such, prejudice. My own dear • , mother wee metaled three times, and I onla hope that in all things I may follow her example," AN ADMIRADLII FOOD 114 COID CLIMAntl. 400