Exeter Advocate, 1902-10-30, Page 6'••••,••,,44441••••••••4
lees to-ue-0-e-.4eateetee-V-7...
At the OM
mealtime he often had to listeu to
ilite„Penie2P-teei-S*.esse..,,,A seet-V...ie
ill the old man's bitine sarcasms) mid '
IfON,ItfindiPgS, stiehe did. not filet
himself ally Sort OX a raartyr, for
a the mother was alweys them, and
te iv este was Sarah. and George. all ot
,%k i them, geetly supplyiug bis eeeds.
They didn't need to talk, ne
'Ettsal'&44,..0,48.eligragi .."74., ,e+ige .thought.
Malcolm, Claire leaned bade come thie laight. 'when be had been. aa
,i the farm house for nearly a. month,
lortabey ond looked idly freen the
the old MAUI Woo taken sick, in the
car tolndow at tine stviitlY Passing . ,„i r.
greeet gelds. dotted with bright iill°d-tog neo- went tor the doctor.
splashes ot color wItere the -wild i ;Tim Premed to be a. pleasant, Intel -
ruses clustered. lie scarcely remeut-Iettge,11t, illadte of. PerbaPs, nel years,
laced wben he hod had time te ItOr^i'41ACQ''M ell4°Nrett =Retire' bine end
.gratefelly accepted Ws invitation to
About the
2 ....House
White kid elmes„ I1i weite glOves,
ean be kept fresle by the us e of gaso-
lites. They should be eleeneed every
tittle they are wore. AO temater bow
little Soiled, because the hard rub-
^.* 'while tee Made the reSt of htsitneg AeCessOry ct thdirt
gnt, stenewhat grainly.." there's 'rourdis..
from spots muelt *Oiled raises the
• uothitig to Wel-eat IdlY givIng In the course of the drive the con- nalee inbaring the aPPegrAege of the
twaviaed otteatiou tessea this. _tee:Aim drifted to
emend'the Wr
inte's 'shoe and eousing it to soil more
, ihousehold. 'Hew those young pe-o,easily. Wet a main pee eleen
The wash berere, pr. Westell heet"ple ean be satisfied with a lile line'nvetite flannei in gasoline and rub
tehl boat tri. very plam terms that ehat InPre then I razz corap,re- from the toe uPward With ihderA
donne aneelete sent and eliefoz ddheeet,,hend," remarked Molcohn. rekes, rubbing till dry. Do not
save him from au enfereett V4let"1/2Qn „IOUSt be utterly without entbition," have the flanuel too wet. Wizen at,.
• ot three or four years. Go out LaTI e doctor wattle no reply for a few ter an cleanness the white SA,Oes
L? country." he hati sa,id ±mirautes, thee be said slowly, with look gray an4 ehabby they can be
sitert. erisp tome, -141'1 tahe leas'rd•ui odd look, upon his face, lateen transtormed into tan shoes by the
•iri 0- quiet farmhoode* Ititere the.,Yknon'te. Geerge and Sarait ever slime use of tincture of eaffron. Mix ten
deti't tahe paper or eiiscoss Penh-theyooesoce began to go ta sebool in letat drops whit three teblespoonfuls of
salt. Mix with warm teeter until
about as thick as better; pat into a
doable boiler and set late the oven
end Cook ter doe hours,
/snit Cheese. -One min one-Sol:nth
cup, straMed tomato jence, (me can
nut butter, oue-balf zup brownel
fiourone-halt teaspoonful salt, mix;
essele''for three u4 ene-balt hours,
Ithit'ddl? P.M]) OGYPertrell,
Many art
ticles ot food ere grea
absorbers of gases, and should /lever
be set away without being closely
envered. Among thata moy
counted WA and butter, tittle)), Ore
MO1014.417 StIoCeptible to ettuespherie
A Naval, Surgeon Says the Sever-
ed Reads Live After Dee
Does decaPittetioa cause instan-
taneeus death, Dr. Oliver De Note
ton deelares that it doge oot, and
equeleeimne ere based ea per -
semi ebservetion seined as a, 'wit-
Pees of nearlY AftY eneewitione-
Dr, Norton. hos beep,. Arousal the
world severe' thnee, lie has Peen
JaPanese, whieli Dr. Norton attend.;
ed, the Nictims were made to kneel
over the graves which had iseee
dug for them. When they were dea
capitatecl heacle and bodies fell into
the trenches.
Before leaving' China Dr, Norton
commuateated his views •on decapi-
tatiOn VieesOonsut Lengtorne at
Canton, Langhorne afterward
tended a number of eeeentions and
hie observations. bear ant Dr. Nor
tons coutention that behedi
ang does
not' catlee statatanecnie deeth„
Grue f
infinenees. eendering theta. imat fee , es the peinippineed That Cold
awl. eat Valonese Anita:MAP ise n
aitet. rent4i4ing' uneevereCt io oleownext the allienl tercet mar ieto emsed A
IOW hoattlfs, ruiveriged CharCoAl The Klondike excitement
e‘ the relief 01 rekin be accolopaoled great demand for dogs capable o
f is ept newhere butter f
powerful absorber a gases, And it A them. It Wes en this VATedition drawing sleds, aed maattY dee% of
dish Okar
etad milk state', wilt purify the air
vthzetL breeds Were taken them by
ai preeent inenece to the famtly.
It eliould be often reziewed, Flour,
jellies, Was, etc., all atosorb gases,
and ebouln hept closely covered
ape in a. cool, well ventilated ressiel,
Water, too, /s an absereer, mad if
left, stmulirg uncovered a long tense,
And du"' le`rve :5't°111'. gleicirt.ls Uttie brown eehoolimaine uea there. olive oil; clean the shoes well as is entirely unfit for drinking or ceok-
here. )70E4 :tire tO liv?ither a /They wive teteily emote? teen Ihsoilea Wageswill mi
make a bad seen: re" Puritans,.
that be • gathered the deta too •
forme the basis of hie declaration oewcomers. Dut to me, writes TaPe
than the death a 4. man Iselleaded is pan Adney len Our Animal Friends.
net inetentaneeoe, At Canton be toe weal dog of the north will 3.t -
wised the eXeCutiOn Of thurtY" ways he the dog wittne breed IMO
been for geinerotesns ocenotomed to
the cold awl the hard work and the
Willem- that must a one time tan
to the lotof the dogaltbough be
may be owned by the best and kind -
of ir,estere.
ten 1 pitied the poor "outer
trAY ening Along aseltwarally
with. need down. as if asizamed of
the drudgery of dragging loade, and
contritsted bis beering with tte
caV per :ler busies lett,?r ler „reedy for an einds of ant awe seam% ruls thw Mintelre witlt 0.•
ikT4 leaeten So Maieolue; Ara entraseae; these :youngsters did 1101,111("1 TWO COMAS Win lie
had atreented Ids Wet •:/eratral They were alweys at thetsuMeient.
eetwe• severet wsehs. bought no Iiiethltend of their cleeses, even tkaotatel0 If seep is bought In large gwr:z11,1:
leo to a enean "soilage eoese al) miles etizeir father kept tbein out of ectooll Ales, e3 or ee worth at a time.
VUZ, and tilit)r?e, rvi)la )1Le" match of tte time to wort. Evenifllast =idit imger limn if 13* -ed
It seems to be the custom to ar-
range a miscellaneous collection of
PhotograpbS end britea-bree PO top
tiA0 pleao, enahleg a sort of dist
say:r.;• ootitir..g licriS frzer-eis- ftliese days he was tte seem crelsted J when freell- 7-oel iVawaY vow:roils play ,Fhelf uoble vestruntertt.
T"';erbihrideit lierdild...reloa 3. puree °44 fb-e1.1;e: 0114 kiit Iles wouldn't thitak fonttieg fancy
eeeee atint 1:e essisati tto with hasagelf detest odeee teetot was recoups. tbOrAti41.4; (la riot pac); too orittles on top of the stove if it
1 L'14 4-tird. ide wh*O1-*tenind hie Sesee little wife •Konned as rte.:ply. oe the air should etreelete fiftoef 440 filre.,„oot t"ess ff. was calm,
110,10,1..7 10- wt; t;k1 O., tee' Ivonde' azietet as could lfe was o bard, intezet the bare. Dy pureliaeing ;so( fy fer stove to o move.
"ddtll, es--mi'let got to h'tTe rasing ;old Itd/ow, stud VD nerleet :hew tefere sop is To he eure, We don't build fires A
tteceetilt bare: let nonocei, -ono if ;leeesoused considerable MOW Ma picolo. bot we mean to pot tiro luta
to pay for it, all ri the claileren were, eiived. when touching it. aud we wont
ntof coo it eereo•-" Osenenli they into a
st.'vta's Ptiml 1. 4°4114/V ib.`"t" b" SQ'" - to be free to open the top wItenever
, „.
t• ",-41 weve ali happy' to-I.:multitude of wrinkles ratty te
'c'efddl 4.4 Ye'd'''/V" Veer. Bet elat.e fer,reli was talent 4latootlie1 out, and restore/1 to eon:ze-
e Tee tele; reser.. 4,f Olio's er,41 theism, 1 so e began to notice rising like its oviginel freelmeeebv
bi,"4 a Vet tient leterng jelly era/4.411g it with, orable Wdtcr"
t 1./64• %rtil'7'• """ that winter Willi ;urprar.'e Tar. jtipotige the right nide of the en*
ofo.o ter:, 4%4 to 0 s -o.. a-ne ell terele of troeihaelaen it is almost, drY Iron the
".enr •• •
1C'4 "51.‘" ". 41" ' iLCS. thenree, ount Sarah were es- &'
erso fevorose eed wereoposeys sre ; To remove etairas from the hoiels
41'1° 11"."51'-‘1Ze,, hut they never welet ti.enn 'with raw potato aye Rhea BE OF Jelsep FEET,
vcrt-et 11',417st:wt;!led opt.4" '66 tool., otooto td wort; h.ord, rddreraiteh 0,erh •i;11 000p outer.
we feel Hite it, 'Why Pet keep it
jest A l'ausical instrument and not
put anythiuss on it? Tehare mince will grow restful to the
eyes. aed suggtot sweet Ininteic ,tho majortty tte tom Iv= to ing the native drops upou the
I trilled, STIOW anal curls up for a eleep. Tide
'When the others arrived they toe is the key -note to the •eseeutial thf
Were =Ade to towel. the party being fereucee between the civilized And
errand in A long litwoe. two end Vie peteee deoth
ese ere) oepezols on
three abreast,. A tag was Attached his :meter, the ether wines care oi
to each suen's pigtail and o, similar bisneelf.
tag WAti lestoned to the blouse,. The by time of the Northers dog
Thi' wask for the purpose of idantill- is from sow -fall to sprier:, end
cation d to insure the beryline* ofIthen every deg moat worts. •sinee be
eix Chinese onne afterneon, end
etudied tbe gentesome epeetacle from
a purely scleotide etandpoiut.
tellieg about the spectacle Dr. Nor-
ton seld
wee en a Sunday afternoon in
leSt. November that the wholesale
(monition toek place. 1 was etautt-
111g outside POttery wbere the
ofhckI executima al -ousel is SitESO•teti.
whett there were. loud $houts mid a
;r1Z-4thoirfteClloeijoillefe°011Cdaelfilerd4intliBienng fuoPI:' ojafutnitleinest3hi"C:ilairCtdu,rdyero"aditerttuedc4„
lowed in Utters cerried by enoilee. polinted eared. eliarp-mueoled. wolf-
Tbe melee *Waive Were drown bock (seed fellow who trotted along with
mid pinioned: their hands were' hie lived ereet, Wither lanowleg 110V
bound together told beeddlr 8395 ting anetillug better tbeit just
were on their legs. The litters were the Hos he wets 1e3.4.
turned over and their occupants Capable of working ter Otte's with*
oPilled out on tbe gl'oloul• Sed -ell Oat a Mouthiel of rono, to may not
CArite in the firet batch, mid these Oda' Ilia labor, yet be knowe bow
arriesal f 'UM othere. riracy end., gide, the rest "Inside" dogs : At a
were forced. to Imeel in tine sixect to economize his etrenap
gth. FerbS
and Wait neerly ten letinaitee for the in a team of dogs eau may be on
Murder Were the ellifiC$ for 'which stop the civilized dog staude, wait -
I -•4 -1? -1
" 11 I- Vt -el I o e ti • • eerier Mother good Meth" 16 to II"i'sten ors By Which Aching' ,Feet
. .
.• • nil o 44 E r etit 4.1
slO" o"! ume. ne ?lime, but, they Leta up tvitla !dry starch with glyrerime two oarts•
4,4 sesesis ii.oeneriellv. a tetora erei -
Ze Alleviated.
Of etarch tO 0Ae Oi goreerint. inoti
t,,,fe4r .D,SfeS.
3.,•.:sz,,,7 4,1e-,c7,-Onise l s2e.es•o., ,...,4...,0 o• ., -Serata arel 1 14041 D.D.111":DDYA betel rata throlegla tine fircgere, f44. These woe sumo hob/wooly front
t',...`,.; 9D;,l'1,..0 ti, ft:N, R01;7;1 1'0414 to av given anti atr%!Itt. eine oesone.sly,
*" ''' "*.' • '4 ''114‘ TI''..2'. '''''''''''''_!".11:" fr,A,C4 fickw.49,., caot in e day 1 pixel ',steins ere of moil A nature as to ilir.:11 ,i;.,,, ,..‘o _....1,„,...., .„, ___, ,,......_..... ....__
t^40DI V 2..,2.1t C«felr V', A !4 -4111r -g 4.4';'1511 till. to go to a r-,T4F-prif:c. piayt,y that ' ieeire fret upplictitions of it:44$1 rja.';''Ail'aaCt4Ce‘t,t,5, lav;,fa‘ x14144:1474,5;7 Vt
,,,Isoi.,* ‘,1,-, to inns- ' toonot eoh *cm. la MAMA. giViVf,l; 4 Vpaa the proper rare of tine rt•Ac4,
, ,, ,,,,I Wiliiek tiDtS condition Of thinge may
.4-11e' re.,4'4'"';„ fa2d1Lii 11014 till rtdat'eev Ift•A%Ar. so I Intel urgling. ithe inealitifultiese of the initelnenn 4:- ult, ,41{It/iteXQtrt' 3311ZrEm"reioolir ti:rubtresw,
eva t -.,,,,,,z4.,, -.-0,e0;21 Bm1A-''''.. t." o,4-.1tgli 1 eptald 1,34., ttrAt.hqr E.14-3 were iPeods larevint 8 II'S 1.4°"1341° t° l'4:e?' Midi am flat feet. or to cora., or
he ssee taIl on44 src(!l enie, teotiee •,ratdoir41. tozeti4er in 0 straiFishter, rim the oioo testi eond elean Tas, useng fainions. /t ,/fi pettty obv/t0413, ,n,uy
tee seeeeteat, zeal, a tzien. tLe woe. ot test fbe ;eopperain end water or ho using /
trouble WWI WheNeVer thelir oec u
each head with the freely to which
it belouged. A AM; tuck out, of
the collar of each nono's blouse end
to this was attached o. paper coU-
tainting an account of the
can nostly draw more than UlAn
would And it vonvenieut to bout. On.
a. trial where men must brerds tine
woe' on newsiness. vie hundred to
ono hundred and ility pounds per dog
i3 the rule, Oceel %CAMS often realm
sixty utiles A day for ten eucceseive
'' ottirNed to II;,,e with lher ilfs eessoug 'nesnia. Om Poland of coPPeree din( Pt.*, •hould cause pain ond The oleo showed no eigue of Iminee
twee 4,1 SI '9
nom. plolid gt,tt atatel il eel 1 edni:11 r CO the elbrea el herleite 4.4 . t itttiOlt and ere 1 t loll ribollid at. once receive prole,- were apparently unconcerned.
es I was dello, and a guerni of fifteen sol-
AtC.-‘1 r' ' rii n ' I ' i 1 ' - tine sl tr. Strews aniolonio clemnesel,nothieg the matter with my scot;
last in•• e-sehl shno4o: -1 'fie, 41e5h4-.. i'....,?. .,st.?,'"It: 1::::!:1:, do4e4 , seeePotte'os coo be cleaned by plowing i agony if I try to live my feet much." tomPt ot lt ra(eue• Marl 01 the the dog does not mind, end on the
1 OseThis c tliti
t'oe't :anew lint we ess*1,1 heels ye.; * I
-1 "obi fo f,,,,00f if ,,,„01 o„000 - feet tirot. wren euevieed in A Iltagit4... gavoltne, screw en the top end 1117401406yeAuesme!ahnYdaing:unethYtteocnitelsiettui ,ziorowhter:r, ebouttlatprereo:
me or beer drinking sbould be ; 0111.0w. teirnUe up!;nr6tiOnts col
vein/nee lioesten, henolieg hoe a ° 4 - 1 11 'g " 'II° "II ti4111‘r 1 t44°;41 Sellti/r boCk Rna ferth “Wnt Qst'o ptd. t
Two executioner, performed the
eteoes. s (moo, ..1 he li.10. fr,. 1.1to ,,. E,,,,a Vetter 1.,,,e• I thilu never forget a ihrtleri thneN• TAU° Oa the kWh- Iv
lit nieeen, tee wi alb r. otet tee dee- -1".' At'V‘V` Me I MCMMif-r011., Cr* ShoU'O well and Put ill aa nam.1-0...7oolooe'3 IhructiftialletforIMboioenTiso/Pvietk
a r iha „4„1,00f a leo tstefot of osd sive townie/Ion her heel mid walk- place to dispel the emell of
ur (oder the influence of opium And" itd*431,;($.' *14'llhobetowr"dinne.PrTvg6aTt 6tonfda•Sktinor-
- • reed held out her arm, tureens*, it, eo (volved in se gellon est boiling water I
se,...4 • " 6
el teat let teed „; ineeileeent
not over -loaded compels the driver
011 dose sinsee. "The (lucre vete eon (cuptul a this to 0, einpful of beet _ s ofdelel. with A, rod len- to follow at a pace between a walk
justice and a trot.
hrown 411ILF.'+' Th' 0,.'tter Makes a good doilY wash fele 0 sae*. "There Is brae, MAO out to ore that
ev weeLee" Malcolm ileptie•ent. " * for those people win
411 IWO; laP at • ,."11.. fl'.1 t re" 244'4 n ,th. well a is omd undiluted. have not, a corn, and yet I am in diem lined up to Prevent any at- tongue goes faster than this ; but
• on on of t iings may be condemned Men exchanged farewells
yen c..att rifEo OtIP i.10141 ',D" 'a t • rt „ a t con Iln.an avl Es cc zee pour
ry. got. and thou are ilalf party 'ono at A, time, coiled. Into a half-
fo 0. quaff. of brought about in coveral ways. It with friends in tine crowd of (m-
in %Mt 'tirlD'D • 40 •
or.,. fee wt.13 pag, Dog (Dui eve 41,••••••1111* et ••••,,,a ,{ •
ose Monet treatment. There words are,A hi 1
Under provocation the dog -driver's •
eral doses of bicarbonate of sodium
.en1 avow. Ler bead even hioher then line. not elezut miough after the
• Tee ;owing Item 10OLP: at CEP. eeral",vmadle , , , , i firet bro.h give it a. second. Thin ITV be tea:ell-as much AA an after-.
quiet ,*.
a .th„o; !soot ...stool, leo fo4feo. • -Yuan wos uurang me met year at 1,rocees will not take the curl oat of (Oltlel etl ct Pluton il a tr. twerh cleanly and rapidly, and in all
the heads fell at a
bl7loineltglizaltle3ofatchbelagboctieyatisulteououretulmeht ebitnItgltehre:tretcliksese. There was no pause
Yintit igl, 1.11 ariVe OVer DA lite ii....'"IP t11,(4r;ot school. I went awey to ,a feather. Feathers eon he =led
I • • e , . • . the •
slender foot and on. the pert of the executioners, and
teeth the oe tear and did rn, a drowlii, eetli stiand liaises the
for (1. naturally
each seemed to be Anxious, to outdo
the other by performing the greater
number of decapitsitions. Before
eaeli stroke the heindemeet rose on
Ids toes and Oelivered the blow with
all bis force. 11Is assistants fol-
lowed lam and when the bodies did
itat fall they pushea them over.
Their executioners began their
work at the front of the line, and
entire thirtsp.six decepltetions. The
headsmen were armed with heavy
two -handled swords. They did their
reit for your things. Illy name a,
athwd us. 1ISEW70 -------------------- fo- (baelt of 0.101#.
:pie ad ;years. , ',taster sue •s, con be teemed by ankle; And then a shoe should be
Multealui al tie. hou.e. ;led IhT:lig varalion that summer 1 making an ,!•'' mire' cooked etarell, pelgtssensuwpirthortaoletlehesoto talnieeztunboLes.comIt-
t eel egla
gr,alnale with SoUtf. curioelite, IWO"' elle Wanderiug through that as if for th oniy uot quite
dav inter a idtt.d4Idd, olive. turn_ let of weed beet; of their how.i80 'While it is AM IRA cover need not, be seid that rubbers should
jote deivie.yoz... 3‘..tibag, to a .W11Z41 I MA across Satoh sitting be- 1310 whole of the cout with it, set, never be W0111 a. moment longer than
Logo. bee,. The Iloilo.. eine. the Nieto brook there, listening. !oeide for a day and then peel off is nerease07, and never in the /Mute,
panting (or breaela Fer the same
anttee simply' of un upriglat and 'ond 'application of the staxeh.
MAIRliltg Da !()Z.' 1;0 A Wed singing. the etarcb. lf, bowever, the statue AA they check ventilation. An •-rich-
ileueto Teere nes not 0, singleif it tease% for If a thin eoat of white paint is reASOX1 Patent -leather shoes may
ta,.0 tatlivAtuted noticod. owl von. 'This le a beautiful little 1,11(4.1i:3 111'.141;,, S15110, it may laced see- lug Agit is often. a. foot simply
Tat, area they chterot was lea wao 10e 1 had /lever door or window It tem effect:wow•should be eatev and well Ventilated. Accept the fate tbat was to be theirs served punislunent P
whole be is not abused. 'The drawl'.
rough as he may appear, does not
elub hie animate, and aeldom uses a
whip. I% shakes the refractory dog
"by the Gering of the web, or
pounds his Wry eldes with a. big
inittened list • but these things do
not hurt Dodo
The wisest dritere pat the dog,
talk to him, try to explein. If.,
after repeated endeavors, the dog
"knows" but continues to sulk, the eoes,
driver administers chastisement --
one, too, that he will remember. I*
have talked tomb with professional
Ireighters about this. They "baste",
a suitor dog only when tize,y bovo to.:
aud they assured me that there was,
no surer or quiclner we" to spoil a"
dog for driving then to yell, threat-
en or whip bins when he is only cou-
inave seen dogs that seemed to
tI1those behind saw their companion,/ kuow that their CODA anio d
QM4Se dietrees. Rouse elms
sint exeleimed vehemently. re/plied to the outside of a Sereell
'ace ehrult utter it,
. y Cab n stood
Or flinehin InlioctruleTetrt!. not Wa," athtetthieaieltiras:efc1BatmftlellwzafeeCtr friocin 41311111,
teryntskittsty mat. toe furniture teos.hearil her speak so strongly, nut 'obscure the TIOW from outdoors. The And it is' well, if possible, to adopt in a fogs:
sow „sow f000meroofe the outside and front within cannot 71 a foot Is aching or smarting fainted or showed anY sYmPtoins of door. Where it, dropped from the'
plain, eveu iniattou 1 he,. A o otiNg 101' 1 11e WWII A11e talkie' on quite point is scarcely perceptible even on the sandal for house wear.
wornau. of reenewhat angular it11131, 11e.4". badly after much walking or stand- being about to do so.
,e,eus hestoo errengtett low ooh ;one/Alone. about sehool. After a lit- he seen at all.
level to the frozen bed of the creek*
-- Mg, great relief may be obtained 'by A. remarkable fee:tore of the oc- there was a short, steep rise that a
ot aito itootdm ou a lofth amoten.ile ;titmice, wben she seenied to be plunging it for a few minutes in hot 011.3103 was the demeanor of the often gave trouble to teams return- "t
ideal. whieh stood leaween the who :eonoluering nee enswers. she re -1 TF.ST RECIPES. water in which bas been dissolved a Spectators. As the sword fell on in with a. heavy load. A sled came
dews. -0 George." ,she eeen
llineta- ti
'' . "W in
'e 'ding to *41°01 next i
"', " 1 Cake. -Two CUP3 .
luoulful of salt. Olen. with the feet the first vistim there was a wild out- along with a. driver at the pole and
came 13. ..f thought, :Year, GeONA. nnd le : Mothers Lateet p• soh immersed, let the water be burst of clewing, and this was re- tWO dogs.
I eliould have these all fieeal before ° .").*(111 ere! ' 1 "claimed* thildsiligt rising.. two eggs, two cups sugor. a
i graduay ectoled until it is quiterPeated after each stroke. 1 asked a They stopped on tbe hillock. -*Ido
r* her lirolber
' of the mIserlo old MA n. 'teaspoon soda dissolved in half 1 IA
-)1 - !Cold. This treatment is also great-' Chinese the reason for this demon- -urging could make them go up. The
stration, and fte said that it was leader was willing as could be, but
to make the doomed men brave. on the slope the hinder dog shirked
As each head wes severed a, stream every time. At length the leader
of blood spouted from. two to tbree turned, and jumping upon tilt binder
feet in the air, and by the thne the dog, put him down on the meow, and.
last num had been. beheaded the for a while the air was filled with
bodies lay in a /eke of red. angry snarls and the yells "of the
Dr. Norton's observations on the under dog. Presently the driver
results of decapitation have created took the hinder *dog out, and the
a sensation in the medicarwarld. As leader alone hauled the load up,
each head fell. the doctor watched , !
closely, and tees strongly impressed THE CHRONIC °RUMMER. '
with the idea that death was not
instantaneous, but it came al- To the large number of etories of
the "meanest man" which are fre-
took a little loner than 7 -
" *Tee.' she eaid woh a determined teacup boiling water, one cup lard
got bate loin town. ,
ove ere! I've got 1.0 live,* and butter mixed, a little ground
esual, and you have gotten, ahead of ',expression,
tee: Aren't these wild flowere beau -;;sin weet on, her cheeks flushed and; cloves, tWO tableSpoens cinnamon,
tits? Tiaw are the wry /Wet ones) her eYes growiritt ilitellee- "Do You 'flour to make o batter, two cups
eon know." 4.1.n4w, 1 Wee never read but three'dwisins. one eup currants, Pour in -
A slender white-haired women eat: books beside school books in all my, to greased pan. Let it rise one
a:eliding an almost hopelesedlookfug :lie\ and I've never had a dress that them" ar raore. Then bake in a slow
peir of SOCk.S. AISICOIM knew by the:was lit to be seen, arid it's just the ,oyea foe one hour.
light in her eyes that she watt the ..seme with Geerge• We 'estft Cr Corn. ropovers.-Cut the corn from
mother, and he almost forgot that i do arlYthilig or be anybody if we three media= sized jars of raw corn.
he must -talk business with her. i stale here. Next year Ceorge will he gest tuttieg each row of kernels
Terms were agreed upon, however, ,..21. and 1 will be 19, tout we are go- down through the middle: Stir to -
end efeleolm was stem Mailed intoOng to leave home arid work mir wey ,gether one cup milk, lel CUPS flour, a
ihe living room to dinner, on
, The ly 'through school. We can do it. 1 pinch of salt, ate teaspoon sugar,
other member of the family, an old:know we can. 'We've stadied nights,. And add the torn. The very last
manwas seated in a chair by tee; all the books we could get, and 'we thing pet in two evellebeaten eggs
winnow. George stepPed up , eue!tvon't niind if we are older than all and bake at once in hot gem pans
wheeled him to the table and mea Stile otbere."Then sile talked on in a. quick oven.
eolin saw that the old man was I breathlessly telling me their plans. Baked., Winter .Squash.-13realt into
crippled. 1 "I encouraged her, and promised pieces about two by three inches
Tee food was plain, but wbolesome 'to help them all I could. ' large and place in a shallow tin. Put
arid well cooked. It was eaten al- 1 "Well," the doctor 'went on, -"that a little butter on each piece and
most in silence, for Malcolnt soon 'yr the 0111 man was crippled as sprinkle with salt. There in a. mod -
found that although his attempts at :you tiee him now. That was nearly
converstation met kindly response, to ;20 years ego, mid he has been help -
seemed understood that it was better 'lees ever since. But through all the
not to talk freely when near the old 'years he has tried. to rule the -whole
man. Ile was pleased, on the whole, family as despotically as before.
that he was not expected to be en- "I saw Sarah eoon after I reach-
tertaining, 13tit he soon became ed home that slimmer, and said
conscious' t1 -at •the old man's table •something to her about school, but
=mare Were ofetr„sohsly mouth !she shook her head. 'No,' she said,
tive, anti he wasa't eorey whim the smiling tenderly. 'we have given that
meal was finished. MO -father needs us, and mo Idler
'What a crusty, crabbed yenned- ends se-' s
Ever si II CC then, for these 20
geon that old chap is," he thought,
• as he %Tendered ebout by himself years, they have worked on just tee
that afeernoon. • '"1 seoposa go you see them 11.0W, eXCePt that they
years from now George will have biave been growing, all the while
developed or degenerated into jest along with the flowers,”
such another one, and Sarah will be Malcohn returned to the city the
bent and worn. She doesn,'t show fellowiPle week with renewed health
much signs of it, yet, though. Bot and. plunged into work again. Set the
deli -ver me • from such a, hat Dr. yeare that followed, his theughts
Westall _needn't worry, There's no would sometimes turn to the quiet
dangeit of my brain getting overex- farm. house and the lives of the good
citexl bere, unless it is trellis. 1. I-
d .e tear) friends he met there, who ail unseen
Clack of the day of the weelt. l'm
not sure I can, accomplish that. The
day of the month I won't attempt,
even with last year's almanae -to
help me out." ,
The days passed on, the weather
was pleasant, and Malcolm. spent
most of the time by the eide of e
ripplieg brook, idly dreaming, but
• steadily growing - stronger fuel
/stronger. "'Whatever induced you to do that?"
, -.N.thetldb ., t •the heitse durirld ea. "%stet-eel/by Fred of couesel"
of the great busy world were fight-
ing life's beetle with a courage
which found its Sole reward in the
consciousness of unswerving fidelity
to a Plain duty, albeit the cross in-
volved meented more than they could
Tne Sister -"I have become en
, -
ga,g•ed to Fred." The Brother--
ly helped by a. little massage by the
hand under the water.
rtebellioue feat, especially if their
owner desires to us...e them for much
walking, are greatly benefited by the
use of the rubber heel on the walle
ing S1100, 11. device which relieves not
only the feet but the whole system.
Pinallyaone should aleve,t-s be care-
ful to wipe the feet very dry after
the bath, and to insure this a dust-
ing powder will be found a useful
atljunete-Youth's Coinpeation.
Now that Chine. has Russia, for a
near neighbor, it remeins to be seen
how successfully, or otherwise, the
Middle Kingdom will continue to
practice its favorite game pf bluff.
Vow it has reinforced its army is
erately- hot oven. . This may be Ishown by the Swedish explorer, Ile -
scraped from the shell, or served din. The Chinese lutVe a. Most ex -
just as it comes front the oven.
Tomato Mince Meat. -tight quarts
green tomatoes add one lemon. Chop
both fine and add four pounds brown.
suger. Cook three hours. Then. add
two pounds raisins, oue teaspocm that, tbe resultant total is a, long
each kind of spice aud salt, one cup way above vrbat it ought to be.
'vinegar. Cook altegether 30 min- They apparently go on the suppos-
utes. itton that the rifle i at letaet as
Creamed Cueumbera-Pare and cut yaluable as the num, and by an en -
lengthwise. into, quarters six ; largealegous train of reasoning they art
cucumbers. Soak in hot water half gue -that a TUSII is of little use if he,
hour, drain, cover with salted boil- has to travelon foot, that he ceil-
ing water and simmer 20 minutes, not go about naked, 0.311 so on.
Ifeanwhiie prepare several slices of Ile,nce they count the whole kit,
thin buttered toilet, and arrauge on rifle breeches and 13y tine
a heated platter. In a.nother 'sauce -
Pan blend together ono tablespoon
flour, one tablespoon butter, half
teaspocm salt and a little cayenne
pepper. Mix over the fire, adding
half cup milk, and half cup water off
the cooking cucumbers. ' Stir until
the sauce is 'thick, then simmer ,Bare
minutes Jaeger, and put in one ta.-
blespoon vinegar and one tablespoon
butter. Drain the boiled cucumbers,
pet them on the toast,. and pour the
white sauce over all,
traordinary way of enumerating
their troops. They are not content
with counting the soldiers only, but
reckon in also their horses, rifles,
shoes, breeches; and so forth, so
most immediately after the strok
u, syncope. lee ex" quently related one should be added
the Period of consciousness after de- of a certain Frenchman, famous for
capitation at abovt` five seconds.
Continuing his story he said
"As the heads. fell I examined
there closely. There would be a
swift upward movement of the eyes,
an expression of surprise would
come over the face, ao if the victim
were wondering
the lips wouid move as if in at at-
tempt to speak, and then the face
would turn pale, and a faint, which
speedily gave way to deeth, tvould
folio*. Many of the faces showed
looks of intelligence air the instant
the head fell, but this, of comae, -nes. The doctor told me that hu -
was 03137 for a second. oddity was bad for xne, and there,
din a number of cases a 'decided that woman sits and cries, just to
effort to swallow was shown, and I make it nioist in the room I"
repeated several times. In sorne I
instatices there was a pronounced Miss Goldy-o"I can. never mirky a
effort to speak, judging from the exe man who work e for a lidring.'n
process of arithinetic they fancy
they deceive the Russian S into be- movement, but a most deliberate and your pictures." D'Auber (with ae
lpiipasssiorixtbsis anwdasraeoeveraeants oifti, the
t c ex siv est." • .
AIMS Goldy-"Yes; but you sell
D'Auber-eitut I am an artist, dear-
lieving their garrisons much strong- expressive one. The' men were not vision of the hard time he has been'
in the 'aet of speaking when the blow havingtever since he entered the
er than they artfell, In other cases there was a profession) -"You wrong me, eMissl
"No," said the gentleman in the natural movement ef tbe eyes, as Goldy ; you wrong ipe. I'never sold'
brown wig, "I ain't much of a bass
singer, but you ought to hear my
brother." "Has he a big voice ?"
asked the' gentleman with the pea-
green. whiskers. "Big ? His voice is
so heavy a bass tbat it makes him
bow-legged to carry it."
It is calculated that the seas of
the world provide man with one and
his habit of grumbling aa every-
thing and ontevery occaeion.
Be was attacked by inflanunatory
rheumatism, and WAS carefully nurs-
ed bY his wife, who was very de-
voted to him in spite of his fault-
finding disposition. suffering
caused her to burst into tears some-
times as she sat at his bedside.
One day a, friend of the invalid's
caine in and. asked him how he was
getting on.
"Badly, badly I" be exclaimed ;
"andit's all my wife's fault."
“Is it possible ?" asked the friend
• , 1 •-. • .
Nutolettee-One cup raw p,eanues
ground, One cup granola, one-half
teespoondel sage ' one teetspoonful
looking, and an opening and closing a, picture in Day life:
of the lids occurred. ' --
• "Tbere was no convulsive move- Little Dot -"I know something my,
wants in any of the bodies or legs, teacher doesn't know." Mamma-,
the heads alone ehowed signs of life. "Indeed I What is that ?" lancea
Close examination of the facial ex- when the world is coming to an endt
pression impressed me with the idea and ehe doesn't. I asked her, and
that it was the, face oha, Person in she said she didn't know." "Ole %vele
syncope, end tbe eyes, eyelitla, lips, who told you ?" eiIncle John. He
color and general expression were said' the world would come to an
a half • U1
twee tone of nee, .very those: of a persoe who was about end whe*1 children stopped esking
year. This is equal to OVCr forty going into a deep faint." queetions that eobely could ail.
million sheep. ' a decapitation conducted by the swer.ot .