Exeter Advocate, 1902-10-23, Page 6,--,---,,,,,,,,4424,4,00100000, 444 00044444.404144,444440441447444'
#'4440444441..P.4444444444,0144,404"44.0004.440m.,..".4.440440444400 -
10.4.9 40 4°
2+t.t..e.+4.04"t.II 0,24,S0._14.An÷1.04+++.04 .1.i4.ta. WAS WO1lderf 110 VIr the expres-
---e-nee 1** t stole of the beautiful face had chang-
derma. that. quiet inthrview. She
rose with the gayest. seveetest laugh
be had over heard from her lips.
"1 am a Weamin with a. Xis -4.0n."
she mid, "and 1•eha11 always think
est er myself with capitel lettere. Raoul,
1 cannot be grateiul enough. to you,
When, you thee entered the Ionise I
felt ae. though Ileaven heel sent we
friend. If happiness eomea to me
through folleving yoor counsel, bow
hall I thank vour
"x $110.11 neee4 o timas, xxxidred.•
he replied. "You are and have
..-444;4414 lbeen,„ ever since 1 drst -A„.eit you the
dearest object on earth to Me. *You
_ _ 404.9_4______,___•048 4040
eliArTErt xi. !soot from ito sleep it. will tura ti;:, are InY dear sister. 1J1Ws wife. I
Pyou naturello as the sunflower turns Piave loved Mile rnY eould
ehe answered, ea must go „hte the slat. - /at you not it, 109t help loving YOU, "
4 ose
nr:ae. And an man st sainth, anther militate the beautiful hine, and, with a light laugh.
—that, woukt be commonplace - • • -- e face had diea ared d S' '-•-' appeared, leaviug him by the e'er-
anela atone -
(To De Continued).
he Power of Persuasion
Or Lady araven's Lab() I'
• •-•'-':elefoi.eaos
"13ut I must know. You heve ex-
cited my curiosity, --you lutist gratify
it You laaee enumerated three
thiege that. money cannot buy--
happineae, virtue, love. It Was
none of these. Then whet could. it
"I mast go. Ionel Caraveu,'" she
said, her few growiug hot arid her
heart heating quickly, -If yQ11
weigh every word Abet I toy, 1 ailed
have to be i.•ery eereftil.'"
"Ilildred. tell nae what yoo
anean?" be requested. "Wbot haliC
you given. me?"
"I will tell you." ehe l'eniNd*
leughiugly, "when you, balm eounted
all those tiny leaves on tile neigiton-
S'he turned to go, but he put out
his hand ta tietain her. She eluded
ieeteolg, after all—t•unnine away front ' " ll:in .81` °Le °---1-1 Raoul haert„,„°' i. was left in the please. once alene.
Iit'Om%;-kr notar°arlitlete*inaleielield•oei.il :1,nitero- .!o,11k-! Pbribbil'ea*vell'a• Thiliith:fsoiticr, for such a. woman as that." he said,
"A num might lay down his life
oileolitiw you may rise from this, 141/Terence in the eirli.Mg*"
youR girlish, dissatisfied life, to the ,..lillagille the ear! on his death -bed' with ;what Nvkl ainlQst a °Igi
bightsof heeeitat. f ,,,te tortured by the ghosts of those a At * * * . * * *
K. and. toeless 1 ant ;nonlife- wee, l'hara- he ha'9 114-141eatetl' bY the I Intel. Ceara:Vie steed in the 'Willa-- forward with pleasure to the late treatment.
*14,, -04,4,004.10•40
Ereey tree Allowed to fall and lie
on the greund it rots ia so
much eetemi money loss, eneteli or
the decoying timber and save it laY
this does not mean, that every farm-
er should always try to keep his
horses shod. Some lawn are AG More
fitted to shoe aorses than they are
to sing in the eheir. They may
think they can. but it is deeth to
taose of us wile o,re forced to listen.,
A well fea cow in her mime should
milk for ten months of the year.
and yield over fi jA)0 pounds of but-
10,4atitui:gvithlt 45W1gleel oitr lanstElkeri!aarliet moderate but nearly uniform
wUkflow for ten months will agere-
Crowd every pleeseut day of aut.- gate VaOre than heavier ndilting for
mon with work. Tbee when a a shorter Period -
enemy day comes you can sit, in the AU movenwats of the auimals
Immo anO reed your faverite paper must be compensated for by food,
end enjoy yourself thinkhig that home how directly this bears on the
nething out 0( doors is suffering priottittlsle Q era the atirydeflogagned.
to or from.
through yo er neglect.
olftio-neyitaxolvelasstgrseo-eouta: cwriolipettof mcezzsi ellitaszitusze.ed tab; trititettltsywetf °Tett; IZIkosi:
sore, tentier Opgers, bard work early
mad late. 'Tow glad we are wilen
the last load of corn comes in. An-
other hard task coded. We look
An ordinary cow when given poor
care often develops to be a very pro-
fitable animal when given proper
lal.,41,4 in nay estimate 4 your chare :.gheStS 'of duties left imilone. reirtv,room at Raerensimere; be had been
fail and %Water EegaFou. when we eall ;-emlbg heifer shralid not b°al
teeter. you will do it; it is better to to curse the Young wife who. by 11Y- playing with. one of hie friends,l gow ,rxm RIMY YANIrEE. take !he easY'
lowed to run down with her first
tie on the kvigiuts hor06:10, 044,, nig from ana hint to leis who. hating received a, telegram
S'EZIDS TEE DAY. Experiertee has tengbt us the lid- coif. KeeP ter Milking 43 long' and
in tiee deptino; of 4leseeir."
i, own deviees= bad hast-eaeti his rain. 'bed gone to auswer it. Ile stooti lowing table of relattve value* of well as Possible -
She looked up at lam wiltit a. gleam
'body arti soul— icture that. Then A
of iraerest ie her face. She had; far'?" .,,oete h.„°inrse, If !„-ir gv ,,,,.)/1., :I,: ,,,,s,:nu:oranda, something more thee 11
iszent -O. ion.. v-'tszont hope .hat to ,4" a4" -1 -Vu^ toeFsollg MIM rut up byr Oetober 15 . „ 1.00 (e1;11r le?r 71;:;paeaY•ealiii4fttil; r''.?:,,t?.,t
where 100 'is perfect:
1 indifference darkenteg his
'within aer a feetieg of wonder,
re too .t.t1,, eata4 te hetott awoke, eobie won. 111{10,,SaTedPIM fr°,131' futaq,t:V;411;couillZgr liked interreption duo.
ruin. who wee Atis nom trout ite • Left till December 15 ... 00 A farnier ueorbY told Me he tura'
1,aft tin November en .......„ eta wail. ecquire a babit for pereisteecy.
lilopg sleep whO Ine'qut bira hOW Left till January 15....... 40 red his eves ant last Year to Ord%
fodder at different dates of hauling reed her well and do not. let her
aeone, leaning carelessly against the
Sone luterestiog ATatters ef Iraet•
IlleTat and hr.artla Gathered
Rrelca g -t5 Deluge',
The alliPinente of 13ritiela pig iron
.,Are. wo Dilom r mos unprop tioue moment. t t tunteall
teat of (tilting. against ;your ftte.. 'live and how to 411e. mad he
ss 1 9"; thought the Comatose. ae the caught, o memo, are said Q Y Alter tett ,...14111411a.ry .tho .t for themselves in the pasture when
rotollah. with tai your haul Itate for orie 240Inent. betwoen the -e eight, of WSW but Intripg gtveit ter ilarge•
1,11 o odder m tit e is near •
eboot two months old. They show -
120,000 prantitionere 0i Of late yeers rye has grown in can't cheat a Calf Utiti DOt get, .••W
ed their bringing up. too. You
eire and thee of stiliniiteirg to it eta Pkt"tes?"
EzoLit)g• tae btist or it, you oiath I "No. not for aim moment. Ileoul non!' nil° have; The l‘nieriell° /led"! AsslIelatid° minus "414".
WOW to Sir R
iiietaeoe. leave Lotii ittrattu. eo Ima beeitate—e will not .....s.tantarCileit up to the mouth of a loath- represents
I poPalerity. Its value es late fall, good as You semd•
You beve loonev- abureience, voa tate- 1 Will 140 my noes worit.l.T Can0011 rather than have broken turalicirte.
0/ all metals. lead canto the winter and early spring pasture is We have seen men get terribly
veuld liee either in Faigliniel or Poudered in FM:1We. brat% T4‘,-.1,44,.... 4, 41 Unquestionable. The straw. which ' ought up. i.ed in the face and col-
ahread, you eoeld have phoity ef t"ItY 113,# the western wind, as it tent " h"""""'"ei the earl °Quid not; but greatest timelier of cleathe in, factor -
used to be considered worthless so Ito. all witted down, "edticating" a
vonfese Viet he had veld= Pont a ice end worlishopa. cow. ond all the time the Inert
were tefribly Sellfitalien as to the one
that needed educating. Smile men
ever 4 ilnd out in this world hoot
little an of us know.
Pont feed the eon' one per cent.
hay and expect her to produce five
per cont. milk. Site can't do it.
• •
rene—but eneu woult1v,rlairbe hip t1L ,a„''' , lovelier Pioture than his Young wife Thirty ewers 4go tho populatiori of
\euiaight try tit throw your ,h('"4
w"te hies"l
"s '"'gat, that moment presented. with a Southern California was but, 00.000;
lieeet tani into the g„reeet
ee-- . 11 a 1 illush on her face. and her halide fill- to.day it has 400,000.
efid frilooNties of tile — 6 11 la " III' A. le WIth httle tod with sprays of flagrant Mignon- cott otinet are "w suv-
tV vaunt IVIU- von o too era' broke the eilence as sho ookea
tiett when you foetid all then. "We heave forgottenhone -ithitiqi*:!'aut, went, straigeit, to hire.
she would Hot tete ,eeesful operation in Alasite. They rye.
her eSt an
miming produce good steam coal. To melte a temporary root cellar.
for that. Then the rinowee filee-
tCs;ng,s pall upon you, ytin Would OW slid; we have deemed. itlet et-Psc, that he guessed ilow her No fewer than six new public" (lig pit eighteen inches deep,
far as feeding was concerned, is now
• es, used in the feedifig el cattle
hoi•ses. both of which do well ou
The green rye malies tine ebiek-
en all winter. Sow some
It 1,.a4 the womautt true httt ;rie.'s !i*efOrIllatiott must be rittempt- heart heat, Tfe.raisett his eseitrows.R11001S wer,e osetiettor the benefit, about four feet wide and any desir-
ed length; line the sides to the toper,
v i ;eh ie that of love. tit ell thoitlie "at Ti 4/ gatia IIIWK it0 Iludfr'^as ea drew 0 rer to him what of scholars in teen' ...or% recently. ete
tete% rkl
teet would 1M-' the hieht drihilit':1!flrf; batl',Zralt,Illir rift: telt! me liOw ; wee going to happen? Before be A ship is beeirog fitted out at Se- of iiit4 1.4441441 with boards'
' a tain layer of strew ovo
pii whin% ectd./ (ive4lAe, ....cyl." :44- l'ul 4".' re''' gl":41"^" iiiid time to speak, his 1400 wati attle to take" manufacturi exhibite tom to on -with
"'I ate nee. 4kiWili411 Vi iti," t'lie My ' acea frall Hmtilleto wilt teill '.17011 buried io. a soft, 1.100$ 3114$5 of fres- mid busieeee Men Olt a
Rta "'a forked post at
4 t.otty. !,iliat Wdi you let rawakIfOgr4014et. e ;Ae=A
t . ' tOrient. al to Wi bin ,to stert 4, peer --- aining after
poor elieep in the fall will not
well all whiter. It will be hard
two feet of t top of lbe ground, „cold weather sets in.
!!!•cua thitz4 faiwi ;mu ooze to "vele 1/"' a a rriullis **There," said a, leugliirg voice- IL I I t 41 .4 tb I
-to receiverle the ridge pole, and lean 310% leave the sheep out In
4t4t those whol Ilaiat thQt Ziea U71111 Viet OliteliKleW rely
Olk raid this morning that thielverits the producers or gas in New
it. al „tin iihe lave, if 7., „at with VT4' billf1e word that I dia,111'!.w49 ,your favorite flower. bave York from raising, ;the rate aliove
eeloil the Tanta lied the' .541110 We 1'44°1 :rum thN reillt—Ilbeen leaking for the most fragrant e, thousand leen,
von etaar tear* etite'd With"144at a g" 34448 been liolle'h--prevs of ft that I could find,' IIov. Duncan Buchanan/ or
WeiredaL Ot? 7.-40111r DoceiiLeF,s, t.1,4.1'; Z4311' 1.. ..-.• that You are too toble to A, f •
I te could not believe the evidence Mauch Claude Dae Iras .r„cort cralcd
aid hoard or rails against tkis to ;.dreriehing rains. They will take cold
form a roof. resting the lower ends:and surfer all whiter.
on the ground. Cover all over, weal Dip the dock before whiter: have
cept an evident in front, with a ;them fret from liche when they aro
thick layer of hay and two or thi-ee'l brought to the barn. Tobacco wa-
0011441on Or toiMetiOn. the love of inlet; revenVo-" ofhis semen; it was inerealhie that;ito the pastorate of the Lairtarette, irches of dirt. 'The space between ,,ter or any of the commercial dipe
ll '
;Ivy ereitiere, your Lae would ita . L'er face eleerea,
the laughing voice belouged to his ;,,Square Church at Baltimore. I tie* roots arid the roof may be tilled tare right.
terrible Dietnre year:A.1f ati silo- 1 :illillt ‘,41,agartr'llsr,:,,,",?it13' '",,,,v."'„,",." . 001(1, proud who—the girl who hal The people of Alexandria. Vin. pro -On with hay or titraw. In the cold -i If any of the e‘09,‘ are thin serer-
i.tial-e-ii wolilion te•Okti1N11, gifted. WA '. ''' ...,‘"o"."‘ '''.... . "t. '''''''''.: "" " 4 °"ft Wept imperiously from the rooln;;pose to erect a monument to ecilite7ese weather Oil the opening with ,ale them from the flock and givo
trillieett. anerritel, yet vath no levet arta ireell tiOUe Ya°' blit Sili will al,,;)!i when he f;a1,0 her last. ITet loolked aternemorate the one hundredth anui-' straw. if neceesary, to prevent freez- 'thent some extra grain. Corn and
band ily hi -T Side; ail IhilliC9 of raill; Iret'll.date—Yeal ore eve° willing rr her in amazement. She would not versary of the deitth of George Ing.
;tad potato:I ignored; ma -tress of a: t1111111 good for eNTII. Ihe West see the surprise on Ida face or Mahe Washivgton.
epee. teat ;Oki never etwi aeautifta.. thing. you have to do• Itildred. is to
the least difielonce bec.ause a it. Dianceton 13niversity put.iing
Aeit tuieeratee with the iieteneetaint lety Wide thet proutl. injured. defiant
"You 1 av tb re 'elt f the a et lilt,
wheat bran ta good at this time et
;the year on pasture.
Ilave ell the ewes In good goeh
rotrielousreas that elite leid run away ,exPression that you always e=une when they eomo to winter quarters,
from a me that otii,44. bare who atm hethatt it neater gate eat too. s sat every spree* jaunt: aud the dormitories ore to itel or 10412 age the bowie neoda hut Gond then they will winter easily
.• eurithed with bathroome and bhutrer little. hut that little is Deres444r$ "
noi•ovel. it is a emey picture for :trial V ram relied ha 'emitter. ha° aWa SP"Ial beauty.'"
1.10 roused himself and tried to re- ibaths. VTirnothyr hay is valuable for this. 'Ianetviielnaley04174,Vtrr igheits"inieb:p. pas -
Are vo no, Ape le
a tootle woliona aiirrY Pulling for ' • li are -hf" eCtVer 1rOet the wondering stupor: At Albany. N. 'Y.. on Saturday A bran mash owe Wet week hi qua) tam) along a, basin of rot.
life 01,14 rtiot have hem iteroie,..14ated, eliarming when he enters the t , ,,0 •
„vett, she agreed.room. bolt the next moment, you are II the St. Lawrence Power Company of Place of a feed. of oats should be isheep love mid for thou.
leg." liae tvoman turroet 10 *tone; e. 1 believe this is the hrot thin; 31asallia, St. Lawrence county. was given When the home has a chance 1 g
.: t be ps you to make awl. keep them
-Naar lea; on the oer -siateetua..proud ehill EteInS to 00M0 over ,yele, Foti hate ever given me of e•our own ,incorporated with a capital stock ofh.to met tho next day.
icools the aystem and tones dlges- i
It elears and ::on friendly terms with you.
Look well ufter the fences f . : ;
Iola now
ania,ion to your tele. Believe thane :1" freeze you, Your eyes Prow cold, IT, elril!* b ft "91-" „1167,000,000.
Nos' titie replied, quietly; "a't. is' This season's salmon pack on thet tion. i
obieetr un -
h. talons it ot• not. every :all the. Miles die from ',your lipa ;on. Sheep are likely to become y ae a tomes on. . they once
ram 'a, more or be e innreneed hv, a you are as differeut in his presence not'" Columbia River. up to lost week. I Wheat bran is a valeable feed for •ea, f ll , . p, 41 '
"Ate pardon me," be said, with a amounted to about 318,000 cases. cOlts. iget In a notion of erawling out or
wenten; event' singable nein will own eas sunlight is from darknese. '
t ick change of taw an voice; The total. catch 's °stint -tied to t Sinewy inueele and sn inn hot
owe freight:: that Ite owes “Ilow ran 1 ItelP it when 1 !mow - - • • - - - -1° ..oxer the fence there wilt be no end
; ; f "' to 'that he dees not like me?" the ask- 'Yew gave me your :ratline!" to 1r0 000 eases taro requisites of the good colt, and of intuble after tiret
wee hot rebellion for one
the influence of a made woman. re. ed. piteousiy. ntomente-hot bitter rebellion Then
helm Leo gnmst great and tliffi0Ult, T 104 hero- _ie., , ,
male. men ewe the greeter pert. Of iSII1 wilt do melt. Now, 1 know '"u remenithaw J‘af)kh's
tiwir nisloot to tto watt. tacit ft, manner upsets hint; doe,8, 'It wan for her huslituuro good, She
Pura of good and eoble wo-.pot like it. Yon may say that as tUifllP1eddown the hot 1211Pu1so
the hitter
24en. It is lite gratalest hillueuee does not cure for You Your ma "tide—she stilled
STY • '
auger and contempt. Tier vietory
The Earl of Roslyn, who arrived teliettt bran and oats aro foods from i1)it or red, paint en the
from England recently, ,gites out the ,,, which it. can be formed. . ''slionldet. of the ewes you intend to
very comforting information that he ,? Tbe best time to dortor a Ilarse IS:winter. to distieguish them from the
is here to elevate the stage. and not ,before he becomes sick. Do At. by i rest of the floe:. If possible get
gambling. Igh log him the very hest; ear* ;v0a those designed for the market out
Twenty years ago tho total bite:- , can and looking after hie food and ;law ;mother eeid and push then,
inhumes coal outPut of the United ' water carefully, men and horees are i along as fast as possible. A good
in the worla --ti.nd the saldter an have over berself wait SO great that she Stats was about rimoo,00ti tons ,not much different, the one
, from the :retion of glean every day will bring
el. need • nhould most ;certainly
hia 1a1ble head proudly. : was 'VOA fairprised at it. She laid a year, whereas now it is not far -.other. Both need care to keep them -
than ever before. The season will.' by shoeing him properly. Ms shoes, 1. The slxi:upEte°7fIalrri.ri
OWed without
all his success life to his ',When you draw that cold maeh over was nut thinking of molleY.
nuared. .her hund on 1115 arm. from iii0.000,000. sound in health. excellent returns.
1,el quote hi000ry to eon—you ere ,tbought so," was ber reidah
need 41,11eit 140V01111Y Oe poetry. have wittehed hint 'very lieenly, aud "Na•v.. laird Care.een." htf said. mere iren ore was I'•1 1-----------------------
- "betft>r ver.,111 in it than 1 am. 1 ' "But you are wrong,
it a horse is inclined to stumble,
gently, •-you. are quite wrong. 1 Ped out. of the great lulu) region isomething inny be done to belp him!
uer point to the man who eaid he ; say tliat e•ou are quite wrong.
is those --I despise, E, --I could ale chase 'with e record of 11,000,000:should be set pretty well back, so •proper tools.
mother. nor to the man who owned your face. you harden his heart most hate it. for the mischief it 'that the toe limy be pared off quite i 2. The feedizie of the cheapest ra,-
tons ahead of last year.
that he owed all bis gooduess to his , ugainst you. I •
inekee I was thinking of some- An order for 18,000 8-borse ploWs cloee. Then, be should. not be iii- lean to stock without regard to the
thing very different from intimee.- to be used for breaking up the 111%.,71owed to go very long without lute- ',weds of animals.
wife. It is the venue story. 1 feel; "le it not unwomanly to seek for ; `. s •
that money could itot gin sell in South Africa. has been"ing tho ,hoes reset 1 8. The planting of impure or weak—
inetinea sometimes to think that the love which is not offered to you. . -
, emnethiug .
grandest of God's gifts to thie fair 'MOW?'a received by the Weevil= Agricul- It pays to have the 'torso's teeth 4seeds.
earth is the influence of good alai h "It might be in a girl, it is not - hill."
lie was looking at her with keen tural Works at York, Pa. examined frequently. They often! 4. The neglect of proper prepare.-
ClAriosity. : Indianapolis has 25 000 negro 'grow sharp and cut into the Month ation of the soil for crops.
nobie women." ':in a wife. 1 think a. wife should .
His eyes brightened. his face flush- "Something that money could not Yeang Inen* WM l'Ork and Chartes-Ieo that the animal eannot„ chew his ; 5. The attempt to cultivate a
ea, he epolai lile a knight of old.; ibuv," he repeated. "1 declare that ton 80,000 each.. Atlanta. and Phila-efood properly. One result always ,' four -horse fartn with a two-horsa
She loOked up at him with worider-6 8 nTo Word tO TO DM Dr, ' tielphia 40,000 each. Washington- follows. The horse begins to show ' team aud without enough help for
3,, puzzle mo. 1 thought that gold; . .
lug awe. 1 1 es 'fbrevi4gra
a a st, vo aura far earl was onuepotent.
eat iv a contain i:oll, , ** and New Orleans- each 80,000, and .1us ribs; he can not help it. if he !the farmer himself.
"You may rtm away and le:eve and every _form et itehinst. 1 *".1 do not ;think so. 1 do mit like Doithnore 89.000. lcould, he would. You must attend I (5. 'The neglect of fences and build..
pa maanfactu-ars. bricallgui"ParamPareedtxulatVetit. ''s ' ' '' '
;It. s.smnspot.ent,r 11 A1V ....01' Ora Cara, The beef trust is the best friend to this for him. Ile Will appreciate ings because they are "too busy" to
e -our Mime, Ilildred; but that win be .
a commonplace ending. Do that ;; , . attend to them.
• • ' - bl • 1 leiter better —re- ' 7. The sending of an inferior ar-
ticle to market because it would
what they. think wit. Yon can lase ft, aria ; ' . ,.., the vegetarians ever had; end the it ii you do.
dealers in fish, fruit. eggs and milk
. Every farmer ought to have a
knot:date In the daily press and ask Tour neigh. ! Yen all the Wealth of the worm
. . ,. r, vot ..aar zaanay hyck if not cure& ate be t 'could not buy happiness or love."
sign youreelf, submit to your fate i w4c,aiersortp ,
a z' a i ''N " 1"' o
i 0, 10 said, quietly, it caul, have also abundant reasons for re- small kit of blacksmith tools and
joicing over the high prices of meat. is0 so -
-now how 1 ti them in case of cost littletprepare 1 in
. a more CI t
and make the best of it. As a i I...
Pre Chase's Ointment !not: yet, Itildred, money has done. There is a marked increase in the elnergen0Y-• Often a horse loses a first-class shape.
handsome ard noble woman, use .
1 .sontetiong for me."
e -our influence with your husband toi I "a. do not intend to depreciate it,"
, ...,
rouse his from his slough of de- !aspire to win her husband, to make she remarked; "but it is not omni -
Pond into a higher life." !bile love hex- with all his heart." Ipotent; and there are many things
Some of the light that shone on i "Lord Cartiven will: never love me," '1* this -world of far higher value
his face was reflected on. hers. .she said. "I do not think that he: than money."
"It would be a noble task," she; has any heart to give; it is all wast-; "It is true," he said, thoughtful -
raid, thoughtfully. "Could 1 accom-;ed--lie has had a hundred loves." !ly.
plish it, Raoul?" I "But not, one real one, Iliedred. I She laughed again, end, if he had
"With perseverauee and self-con-;ef YOU win his heart, take my word !known her better, he would have de-
trol that would amount to beroism for it, yott will be his first love. We i tected tears in the sound of that
you might," he replied. "You must i will take our stand on something •laugle
be the sculptor who from a mass of !higher. To win love is pleasant, I •eee are positively agreeing, Lord'
qualities, good and bad intermixed, I but you -shall not devote your life : Caraven," she said.
must. try to produce a perfect char- to that. You shall devote youself 1 He was looking at her with in-
acter." Ito the rousing of a soul, naturally tense curiosdty in his; face.
"But," she said, half doubtfully*!noble' but long buried in self-indul-i "Hildred, what have you g i V en MO
°he does not love ine."
"That does not matter. 1 pro-thfe in making the Earl of Caraven
phever that he well love you in the !worthy of' the name he bears. You
end—that when you have roused hi.shave promised."
genea and folly; you shall -spend your :that money could not buy?"
The dark eyes gleamed softly.
"1 will not tell you, Lord Cara-
vel)," she answered.
MUM. 43.0.111•••••••••011111.4.1411•
Mr. McDougall Was for Twelve Years a Dreadful Sufferer—Now Proclaims
the Virtues of Dr. Chase's Ointment.
Eczema's itcli is torture, the skiLl seems on fire with the burning, stinging humor; at times it becomes al-
most unbearable, and in desperation you could tear the skin to pieces. You dare not exorcise for fear of
aggravating the itcaing, neither cen roti sleep, for no sooner does the body become warm than the trouble
beeins, and instead of restful, refreshing, sleep, it is scratch, scratch, scratch all night long. Thio is scarce-
ly a moment's respite from this, maddeneig malady at any time. Of course you have tried nearly all the
washes, salves, lotions and medicated soaps, but like thousands of °thee b, have been 'disappointe1 and dise
Mr, Alex. McDougall, postmaster, lirodd CeeVe Marsh, NLS, writes :—"For twelve -'hy'erese Wit 5 a great
Sufferer from eczema, on the inside of tile leg. There was a raw patch of flesh abbut three inch eo square, ano
the itching was something fearful. One-half box of Dr. Chase's Ointment tompletely cured me, took away
the itching aad healed up the sore. I ha.ve no hesitation in recommeneline it as a wonderful cure for itching ,
e iSe• ase _neve
h YOU may be skeptical regarding Abe ability of Dr. ChaSe'K 'Ointment to cure you. Most people are, after
trying in vain to get relief from a host of remedies, but De. Chas.-e's Ointment will not disappoint you. You
will be sur.prised at the marvellous control which it has over all itching, burning inflammation of the skin,
and the wonsici•ful healing powers which it possesses. ;t takes time to thoroughly cure eeeema, but Dr.
Chase's Ofritinent will do it. You will find relief after a few applications, and gradually and naturally the
cure will follow: Brsides 'being a poeithee core Toreczema, Dr. ChaeetieCeintrnent; comes , useful, in ..e,
't tired may! in every home for evera- '8kin irrf`taLloa. and ernPtion, ,ellaPPek, ,shin and chilblains,
' 09 cento a box, at all dealers, or otatmenSone Dates' & Coo Toronto..
growth of rice in Texas and Loui- shoe when it Is a, ;decided loss of
sionee so marked that the industry timo to be compelled to hitch up and
is spoken of as being transferred go away to have a shoe set. But
from the South Atlantic States to
this new territory,
lt is reeorted that in and about
Shenandoah, in the anthracite coal
region of Pennsylvania there are
about 17,000 Litheniams, 8,000
Poles, 3,000 Teuthenians, 1,000 Slo-
vaks, and 300 Bohemians.
A. X. Stuart, who had charget of
the mineral sections of Canada's ex-
bibits at Paris, Glasgow and Lon-
don Exhibitions, will take charge of
the Palladian mineral exhibit at the
St. Louis Exhibition.
At a dance in Dublin a young,
briefless barrister met a lady of ex-
alted position with Whom he was so
much smitten that before the week
was out he calla npon her father to
ask for her libelee
The old man begin proceedings by
asking what prospects he had, to
which the barrister replied:
"Well, none at present, but when
my uncle dies --
"Ah, when your uncle dies," re-
plied the father, as he rang the bell.
"Here, _John, show this gehtleman
out till his 'uncle dies.",
you trust me, Panny?"- he
cried, passionately, grasping her
hand. "With all my heart, Augus-
tus, with all my soul, with ale my-
self," she whispered, nestling on his
manly bosom. "Would that you
were my tailor," he muribured to
himself, and tenderly he took her
in his arms.
„ The limit of thisearth's capacity
is 5,204,000,000 human -beings. The
world could feed. no more, Atthe
present rate of iilerCASC tiliS Unlit
would be reached by A, D. 2100,
8. The development or an idea that
they can not afford to take a day's
rest occasionally.
.u.Anwt cloown°sl"
telier erYin' 1r? can't help it dat ais is de right wV
to h