Exeter Advocate, 1902-10-16, Page 8LOTHES
That give comfort, make
YOU feel right and look
tpply thelll
Fall goods and fall lash-
om are in. Better, select a
Lit gaud overcoat now.
TAAAsa generel tonic for the system
Rand to eeriele the blood, nothing will
£lege a .00Ar north of D. Lines, i equel I3laaad's Laxative Rlood and
'terve Tonne >i."rls. 100 pills in each
:n>~-rn llatattle, Scald lav C. Luta.. Price dile..
Blade fur peck ruffs natural head
and tails. Only Se. Stewart's.
To -day. being all p1a-
es of bnstnese will be closed.
The. Ladies' Aid of the James street
domain are preparing to send a box of
clothing to the missionaries,
Mts. Wm. Dearing, Sr.,. of Stephen.
banded us a bunch of raspberry sprigs
an Monday laden with berries.
1 %. union Thanksgiving service will
i be held io the :Malin street church, this
morning (Thursday) et 11 a.m. Col-
lection in aid of the poor,.
Rev Hutton. of Centralia, occupied
i the pulpit of the James street church
on Sunday morning- in the abeence of
the pastor who preached anniversary
services at Centralia.
Turkish Scalp
Food is the best re x-
edy sold .for itebing of the. scalp, pre-
mature faking of the hair, danclruff,re-
1 storing color of grey hair. Price 50
' cents. Sold by C. Lute, Exeter.
Main St. 3,ietbodist church services
by the pastor, morning sulb'ect "Sow.
a rug beside all water's," Evening:, ""Ree
Ushers will be gla4 to
Edi seats for stranger's,
sovereillii of 004lltia
f i ce tragi L' `Etas Raaf' the nxoan mill take
5.1, tlati 1 , in
S,110t.a1. 1).M.VI'EWA1:tT. 1tioras of Europe aand Africa; the ending.
Pfesitlent. General Mean. ; v isthlt; generally nn tiorth and South
Capitol atutborized. - .. • S',000,000,00 .
Capital hubserilr�'tl..... .. $1,3ix1,t100.0e " t't►urts fear the Revision of Voters'
EXETER T1i:i 1%l::A Nt'H ; Liana will be held at the following
Irlacee and (latest --11:t field, Iii a.m..
BRANCHES'. nettled Den, 1 kit Staley, 111 a.m., 21th
Alanherstbut'i Unionville Clinton . Oct., 1902; Sea forth, lta,•aante;;1st Oct-.
Mount Truett New ,Market Exeter 1`.102; litneall, 10 eau., 3rd Nov„ 1i'02;
Steidle/Ile eille Stirling Ottawa, T keraamith. 1t) ►,na,, dela Nov., 1902.
alb. ontre:al.Que., Suttoan.t, ue., Perth Tevo:trim;er-s have been reaping a
p i;
S':, Catharines ;1lalrerton Ttxronto a harvest front confiding farmers in alae
tiff arterluo, ( ate. viehnits- of St. Marne They would
SAVINGS' 1)Ettn.RTMENT f bargain whir the fernier for .produce
ltlightst rites of interest }said on de, i and Thanksgiviug turite .s, and would
eeits of Sleet and upw:erd . Conn- 1?:ty over «a dollar gas at l alan,anatc,e t►f
and trail y a�:a •l,}, 1ac'pa,sit :,•eceipts i meg faith. The fernier w aald give as
,LsrNLl,-lece.ptfor the tltallarraand thi- receipts
Hone i;emelt • . fernier: on their'tvt bed ttp lh the form of melts for
from 2 to ;a►tr. The etE.ii . ers ate
Silver fox iaecl ruff natural head,,
legs and trail, only SO. Steweet's
eas1Rion Runts for Earlywinter,
A. chief characteristic of the new
fall waists and bodiees' is the deep
shoulder effect, achieved either by the
shaping of the germeaxt or the disposi-
tion of the trimming.
That shirts will remain close fitting
About the hips and have the decided
flare at the lower edge ie indicated by
the newest desigoe,
Quite the sruawtest coat to "be worn
with walking skirts is the loose Noe
folk, with stitched straps and belt of
the material.
The Empire designs are being well
received for indoor purposes.
Velvet costumes are eert:ai to enjoy
the popularity accorded them last seat -
0. .
Slot seems are retained en wauy of
the latest skirts and appear also in
Following the revival of hand em-
broidery. stars, tackiest,. One are used
to embellish gowns cf all kinds.
The use of long-haired plain aand
mixed goods is one of the features; of
the season. Among heavytextured
wateriads there is teethe.. s nothing
more popular than the vibe Ines,
In trinanainr s the tendency is tow4wd
simple effects, The demand for braid
decorations is unprecedented.—From
The Delineator far November,
Voter;.' fists Revision.
Jird ;e Doyle held courts att,' 1Iora,'
Mr, Geo r e I$trsvdeu, of London, is
spending T anksgiving with his par-
ar eats here, (
License Inspector Baallentyne, of �I
Se:ifortla_, was iu town Wednesday on
offielai duty.
Mr. D. Prior, of Clinton, spent a few
days of last week. with his brother.
Mr. Thos, Prior.
Mr, A, Tait, after a short visit with
friends here, returned, to St, Paul,
Minn, last week,
Me, .and Mrs, 3'int e, of Egaznandville,
were the guests of Mt:, and Mrs. F.
Wood far a, few days,
Mrs, (Dr.) W.J. Holloway, of Wing -
ham. is vielting here parents here, Mr.
and Mrs. Ti1na, Welsh.
Miss Vera Oobbledriek leaves this
week for Newcastle, where she intends
•a± tai
x u nuns two months.
Dr. A. R, .Kinsman and Mee E, J.
Christie Attended an assembly at Park--
hill Wednesday night.
31'v. aand, Mee. Mossop. of Thorndale,
were the guests of Mr. and Aire. S.
Martin a few days last week,
Mn w Geon l amwell, who has been vis -
Mete in Montreal and elsewixere, re-
ttweed. bonne Tuesday evening..
Miss Crocker, whta has been the
gust of dins. F. Wood for some time
left for bee house in London Saatun lay'
Dr. Lutz was enable to attend_ to his
deities at the store a few days the tat-
ter part of Last week owing to indispan-
sit ion.
tr•ur = r am ae • ' ,r'• Exeter and Manville on Monday, ( Ma inti Mrs. Wm. Snell, of Lemon
1 no aata� o � S gh' 1.Au51 ae I n en: t1A� W e tt-u- and Wednesday :and Thursday of last , was attending time funeral of their
tlltA 9_ a R 1, asd t_ team o
corn note.% at l.ewest mates, Drafts
t;sirtght.arral:neral, Ntrnry Orders,pray-
a1 et anaywbb4' En � iutail0a, issaned gat.
very km rite,.. t'oliea:doles nwde et
z1eara nneatuie r;Atai�,
14 o nr:al:e Aa st►,• idlty of New York ` elan Mie4 a. puree and rig from 3Ir.
and steely= 1'' - mtigt. (icer tsar totes tracery's livery seating 1!e wanted it
before belong or senate.. for tine date only. The outfit had not
a, � a 1
-A , 1' been returned tilza::riAtAl,11,a:�s:i�t;1iQ �ttir,oTuz.t,. 1lernal:ay and baying
betted malting of its whereabouts.
thought to have gone to Laudon,
Ueteetive Wesecott was carried to
Centralia Manta lac to trace up as burse
elite bast week smear unknown per.
3i1t?1t.1) a`r l tient Ol:.0y11.
: a,liciton. Manage
Having just opened up a Tailor -
Establishment in the shop recent -
4u ated by Mr. J'. H. GRIEVE en
sl side of ;Alain street, 1 ant pre -
do all kinds of tailoring in
test ;;tyles and at lowest prices.
Latest Hoods.
.lir, Elssen;W deemed it advisable to se-
cure tine services a a detective. As yet
there t h,as been no trace whatever of
the antfit.
Alone" and "Purity" are th.' titles
of the 1il W pictures given to aubseriia-
a .• is ►f the Family Heraldand 1'4 ter►try
a*taar. Rel Montreal, this season. They
lane. considerede
ctl Pau are
li of any ln•ev-
ioansly offered, and satbscribersawe sure
to be tleligbted .with therm. The many
inmr-awenreuts in the Family Herald
are making that ,great ,paper almost
indi ptensible nee:me liaan ponces. Its
weekly visit in this locality is greatly
appreciated by almost every family.
It ns the biggest dollar's worth known
in the newspaper line.
L: NI.B),A » Neev swagger over-
coats, Stewart has the big stock
and. the hest values.,
Eloy Wanted.
We have just laid. in an assort- (oatl smart hoy we nted to learnt'
entof+tine latest. up-to-date ,ggoods printing. Apply at this oilier.
tot. Srl{TINC+rS, OV Rt.()a1.T1:NGS, nundne and Boller tor Sale.
PANUN OS, Lte. A second hand, 2 horse power, en-
gine and boiler; in dust -class working
order. Will be sold eery cheap. Ap.
ply at ADVOCATE otice.
Tolle iimpouuded.
A Circular letter has been sent out
by the G. T. R. giving strict orders
that it shall be the duty eof all section
formen to empound all cattle found on
the companys grounds. Cow owners
would do well to bear this fact in mind
and not blame Mr. Birney, the Forman
of this section, should they find their
cow lodged in the pound. Mr. :Birneyinforms us that it is' not his desire to,
do the like, but that he will be com-
pelled to do his duty.
Former"Exeter Girl Weds.
The London tree Press of Saturday
lastcontains thefollowing brief account
of the marriage of a former Exeter
young lady:—Mr. Anson W. Walker,
of this city, was united in rnarriage at
Woodstock on Thursday afternoon to
Miss ICathaleen Grigg, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Grigg. The cememony
was performed by Rev. G. E. R.
Welch, of the Oxford Street Baptist
Church, after which the happy couple
left for Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Wal-
ker will reside on Clark street.
A Nem Firnt.
Mr. R. N. Rowe, of town, and Mr.
A. J. Holloway, of Clinton, who recent-
ly purchased the furniture and under-
taking stock of the late Jos. Chidley
at Clinton, from Messrs, Broadfoot &
Box, of Seaforth, last week purchased''.
from the same firm the ware rooms.
The Clinton News -Record, speaking of
the new firm says: -"The furniture
stock of Broadfoot, Box & Co., has
been bought by. Mr. R. N. Rowe, of
Exeter, and Mr. A. J. Holloway, of
town, who will carry on the business
under the firm name of Rowe & Hollo-
way. The business wilt be under the
management of Mr. John Atkinson,an
experienced furniture man, who : has
been in the employ of Mr. Rowe, at
Exeter, for some years.
How to Tell Edible Mushrooms.
Writing for children, in the Novem-
ber Delineator,
ovemberDelineator, Charles Mcllvaine, au-
thor of a well known work on mush-
rooms, gives this concise description
of the edible and the poisonous fungi.
"Never eat any toadstool found grow-
ing in the wood or shady places,think••
ing it to be the common mushroom,
because the latter does not grow in the
wood but in the open fields and pas-
tures. If you look at a mushroom's
gills or plaits you will see that . they
are a light pink, growing darker as it
ripens, until they , are almost black; it
also has a veil, and the capis rough,
scaly-lookingon' to but her is
sheath•a t thetop,
bottom of stem."thehe;no
Get our Prices.
Before buying elsewhere we in -
'cite you to get our prices and see our
goods. It will lot fashionable, some-
thing that you will feel dressed in and
it will be big value for your money.
W. dOtlig.S.
Boys' and Girls' grain calf school
boots. The kind that every pair is
25e. in advance for the ADVOCATE
to Jan. lst, .1903.
A number from here attended the
tea meeting at Ohiselhurst on Monday
evening last.
Use Foot Ease for tender, tired, acti-
ng or swoolen feet. Sold by C. Lutz.
Price 25 cents.
A woman has a nice, large warm
spot in her heart for the man who dis-
covers she is pretty. .
If the average man was as good as
he thinks others ought to be his vanity
would make him top-heavy.
What the world calls wisdom is
nothing more than common sense us-
ed in an uncommon degree.
The trouble about the people who
know how everything ought to be
done is that they can't do them.
There ought to be a "mule club" or-
ganized in this town, composed of
those who are continually kicking.
Many a man bas a memory so short
that it needs splicing when it comes to
remembering ttn honest debt he owes.
A rturpber from the League of James
street church attended the District
Convention held in Lucan on Tuesday.
Thechoir of the Macin street Metho-
dist church will assist in the -Thanks-
giving services at Sexsmith to -night
The Ladies' A.id of the Trivitt Me-.
rnorial church held a meeting at the
residence of Mrs. F. Knight on Mon-
day afternoon.
On an average more than three
thousand people on the earth die every
hour. Just at a thought it seems like
it is dangerous to live:
Little Gents') Bo3') gaz Swa `er Gov
overcoats. Great values..
Ste -
wares. e -warts.
Free. 50real good ping po�g sets
to given away with 50 1,1h. tins
Forest City baking powder Satur-
day:night, 8 o'clock at Stewart's.
week, for the Derision of the voters' uncle, the late Watt. Snell, here yes -
lists of Stephen, Exeter ;grad tr'sborne, terdaay.
At the Crediton court the appeals of Mr. 11 J. Browningleft Tuesda
morning for Toronto, here he will re*
:tune his medical studies at Welty
the Reformers were objected to by .Mr.
Dickson. who represented the Conser-
natives, on the groond that they were
nae entered with the municipal clerk,
within the stattunry time and even tlat,
furter ground, Haat the Reform Ap-
plicant. 11r. Thomas Latae. had never
signed the notice to the Clerk. The
objections wenn sustained and all the
Reform appeals thrown out, At the
Exeter Court objections was taken to
the status of the Reform applicant;.
3telville Martin. the abjection being
than. Mr. 'etude, who appealed .gain=
31e. end lir:-s. John Manning. sr, of
Parkhill, are visiting in town, the
guests of 31t, and AIrre. John Manning.
ho nee street.
;Hiss Mery Kessel, who has been on
arta extended visit to friends: in Wal-
iacelmrg and other 1)100e5, R'eturne'd
home lost week,
Mrs. Wan,'Drew and daughter,. Mrs.
Theme, after a pleasant three weeks'
st Corset vara Eve ssotera on the grimed , visit with, friends in Florence, return- I 1
of their nronnresidence, wars himself al ed Thm,'daayw evening.
umeresidennt, that be was a ;vont ng; Mr. 13. N. onee00h went Thursday
nuhl`wthd.w rn sten el' the Hee, W. 11mnd Friday at his home here, returning
Martin. with \vlt,,,n he slid not re- to Oriel to resume his daaties ire teach-
er, ``S',"lturdey morning.
Hiss Stewart, who has been visiting
here the past few weeke. the guest of
her brother Mis J. A. Stewart,
ktl t0 New 5t!1Wednesday.
NMI Burners
11111 WQo
allabsorbing topic, the s tra -o is
what is bothering
the wind of
the public to -day. It is a inonnentuous question and while the situation is
grave do you know it is no good worrying About it, for is it not true that
trouble you most expect often never comes. It may be the same in the coal
situation.Set it aside and listen to our stove talk if you :are thinking of buy-
ing anything in the stove line. We carry the following lines: --
side, that he only occ tshnt llty visitett.
Exeter. that he was at present li'ringj
in Toronto and. teaching 5clnn0l there
and further that his name diel not ate
pear on the list as W. 31. Martin. for
upon the rtttneut o
aneNl repreo
senting Martin, that hewas not c" mpg -
Mr. N..\1eAwtteeof Kineaa1Ilint►.spelIt
td 1): trnrhwg:anti an application tie -l aatl
1 °-(Ly and 1radar.; with relatives
mglag+faarca the coma toeinem, true: herr.,returning Saturday, alccuuli,anitd
Tnatnt of 31. A. Martin to W. 11. Mari• by his naanu. Clifford, who will visit for^
a fens days in that place.
Word has Wen received tlaatt Mr.
Jnr Davis, who has Well at the Gra-
vtnhnl.st Sanitarium for the good el'
his health, will return to his boat!)
here this week, maauch improved..
tin. Jr., tine tabjretion was withdrawn.
At Elitaville only a fess appeals were
heard. Up to the present the Conser-
onsentvatives have made at net gain of 71.
Death of Wilikim Snell.
There passed away to the unseen
world at 11.15 on Sunday night last
one who Por ninny yens past Inas been
a prominent resitlent of Exeter, 31r.
\ in. Snell, His demise WAS not in the where he has secnreel a situation. His
least unexpected. He had been ailing father and sister intend leaving in the
Mrs. Thos. Dunsfold, who bus been
visiting reltatives iu and around Exe-
ter for the past few weeks. the guest
of her sister. Mrs. Tinos. Bissett, se.,
returned to ilei Inoue in Marlette,
Mich., Tuesday. `°
,ler. D.Rozel, who left here a few
weeks ago to take a. situation as miller
at Sarnia, was compelled to 1rturn tar
his home here on 'Monday owing to arra
attack of typhoid fever. He N at pre-
sent confined to his bed and under
the doctor's care,
Bros. Judge MacWaatt, of Sarnia, A.
G. McWhinney, of London; and 11. M.
Cassels, of Stratford, all Grand Lodge
officers A F. & A.M., and Bros. J. W.
Waddell, of Area, and A.W. Bothell).
M.D..of St, Marys, were here attend-
ing a special meeting of Lebanon For-
est Lodge No. 133, on Friday last.
11! t I r Enos. C . a t In n! � �] •taosus bee
.for some time clerk with Cartel,' Biros.:
left Wednesday for Crystal•('ity,Man., •
And, we aro prepared with au abnindaanceof wenn and comfortable
and striking tip -to -date clothing.
Ont. Millinery dais season surpasses a anyrevious year, baying bad
large and repeated siniunients. Our display tieswent; eonsrrts of the lalt-
test trimmest Hats in Black and colored. See one new range of ready-to-
wear hats.
Ladies' and Children's Jackets .
Fur Jackets ld
DOS Collarettes,
Ruffs, C
Opand COlntIO}
Ow range of Dress Goode N complete, having ell wine newest and at
prices equal to any.
leading rind c
You will find your
favorites s lg the Hosiery DiAn t.
• plain cashmere, heavy el astie rllalte>Rl eashnaert, ribbed worsteds and soft
ribbed woallens, every size from the smallest to largest in a wide variety.
Hosiery is aa• Very huportaant departnaene clod ne believe our record de-
serves your confidence.
Au inspection will convince you that we have 1tg ood values,
Headtlanrters for tiaeR Celelar;lteII W. E, Sandford Ready Miele Clothing.
for many months from what was first
supposed an ordinary stomach trouble,
but which was finally pronounced and
verified as cancer of this stomach. The
skill of the best physicians was sought
but could net lacing anueln relief. It
was thought at one tints that an oper-
ation would faring relief and probably:
eradicate the trouble, but the,surgeons
found that they could not operate
without endangering the life ofthe paa-
tient, consequently* he was doomed to
as slow but sure death. Mr. Snell was
a carriage -maker by trade and served
his time in the shop conducted at one
time by the late Richard Davis. Ile
followed thalt occupation for a number
of years, but desiring a change he pnr-
cl used the farm now owned by Mr.
John Kerslake on the London load,
South, which he worked for some time.
Selling out he again moved to town
and followed the occupation of paint-
ing and Interim/timed the livery busi- Messrs. L. H. Dickson and F. W.
ness of Mr. Ed. Ohristie. This he con- Gladman attended the complimentary
tinned (with the exception of a. few dinner to the Honorable lir•. Justice
months) up to last spring when his Garrow of the Court of Appeal for
condition became much worse and he Ontario, on the:eve of his departure
was compelled to retire He was cared from Goderich, by the Bar of the
for by his immediate relatives end County of Huron at the Park House,
medical adviser most assiduously and Goderich, on Friday night last.. They
kindly, but no human power could report a very excellent time.
avert the stroke of death. Mr. Snell
was a man of genial disposition and
sterling integrity and in the course
of business made a large number of
staunch friends. In religion he was a
Methodist, in politics a Conservative
and a valued member of the IndePend-
ent Order of Foresters, under whose
auspices the funeral was conducted.
The esteem in which he was held by
the whole community was abundantly -
proved. be- the unremitting kindness
shown him during his illness and the
large Concourse in attendance at the
funeral which took place yesterday
(Wednesday) to the Exeter cemetery.
By his friends as twell as by the widow,
two sons and a daughter, by whom he
is survived, his loss is deeply mourned.
Deceased was aged 61 years, 7 months
and 18 days.
Ladies' new three quarter coats.
Biggest stock in the country. Stew-
Mr. Peary Dignan visited his parents
here during the week.
Reeve Levett left yesterday on a
business teip to Montreal.
Miss Rose Fitzpatrick, of London, is
the guest of Mrs: N. McAvoy.
Mr. Wm. Ross, of Clinton,; spent
Sunday with his parents here.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos Ward, of St.
Thomas are visiting friends here.
R L. Wright, of Oshawa, is spend-
ing a few days in and around town,
Miss Etnm;L Harrison left Friday for
Clinton, where she will visit friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson left yes-
terday to visit friends in Listowel.
Miss Ella Frayne will return from
her visit to London today (Thursday.)
Mr. and Mrs. Lamniie, of Detroit
is the guest of Mr, and Mrs. E.Chr•istie,
Miss Jennie Crockett, of Dorchester,
is visiting her sister, Mrs.. W. L. Tal -
. its.i
I�, chard Pickard is-
ng her
daughter, Mrs. Wm. Verity, of Brant-
McC& r`. --In Usborne, con, 6, on Oct.
15th, Mr, and Mrs. John McCann, a
NEIL.—In Exeter, on Oct. 6th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Wellington Neil, a daugh-
HALL --At Mt. Carmel, on Octet 10, to
Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Hall, a' daughter.
SNELL-In Exeter, on Oct.12, William
Snell, aged 01 years, . 7 months, 18
days. •
HAGG4ITIL—In Stephen, on Oct. 11th,
Richard Eaggith in the 53rd year
of his age.
Malt Breakfast Food
Sustains Hard Manual al Labor,
It Contains As Ali Abundant Cora
stituent an Element of Food
Absent in Meats.
While the manufacturers of Malt
Breakfast Food do not claim to give
the public the most balky package of
food, they make the positive state-
ment that one package of their cele-
brated food will make twice as many.
meals for the money as any other food
on the market.
In addition to this economical fea-
ture, Malt Breakfast Food is vastly
more nourishing for young and old.
Tens of thousands of users consider. it
the most: delicious and appetizing of
all breakfast grain fonds. Physicians
nfood experts sayit' is a true
and health
giver. Grocers everywhere in Canada
find Malt Breakfast Food the fastest
seller.' If yon have not yet given it a
trial, ask your grocer for it.
'Twelve'hogs ` iffertng from' 'cholera
were killed on the farm: of Mr. Wm.
Foreman near Bright.
Conversation Overheard on the
"Have you noticed thoseTables and
Chairs in, uston s Shop window, How
pretty they are?
"Of course I noticed them, and
thought tire,. fine enough to have one
each for my parlor and do you know
they are quite cheap and while I was
in his shop. I was pricing several articles
and discovered that he is selling good
goods forlittle money. 7 advise you to
call and compare his goods with others
of the same kind. He can save you
Furniture and Undertaking Booms.
Gidley's Block.
ver 6tJG`cE3'S» TO B
In every home in this district
Will supply you with the latest and most interesting Local
Home and Foreign News, and
Its special features are—Market Reports that are un-
equalled for FULNESS and RELIABILITY.
Regular contributions by "Bystander" on current events.
Reports of Conventions, Associations and meetings of in-
tercet and value to all farmers, dairymen and stockmen.
:Practical talks each week on Live Stock, Dairying, Farm
Crop Culture, Feeding for Profit, and other subjects,
THE,.AabVOCATE . ONLY 1 s 1,5
and TIl 3 WEEI Y SUN —'
And we' will send The Sun free for the balance of mu.
heave your order at office.
A three-year-old child of L. Lafon-
taine, of Ottawa, died Sunday under
peculiar circumstances. The mother
gave the child a few drops of soothing
•syrup, and it evidently appealed to his
palate. He shortly after got hold of
the battle Which was t
hrees utir
filled a d•drank itall.He'went, .intd
a comatose condition and died in six
Mrs.John Weaver, Binbrook Town-
ship, mysteriously disappeared fr'oni
home Thursday. night and a search
failed to reveal her whereabouts until
noon Friday, when she'wes found ip
Twenby Mile Creek, about three-de
t r a mile fromher home.
'suicide. thoughtshe�comrraibted •s t i da She
had been in poor health for about
three years and was weak mentally.