Exeter Advocate, 1902-10-16, Page 5g it ct sant rrn euter tionote, published every ThursdaY Morning at the 0100e. ATAIN-STRET, oo-ono the - ADVOCATE PIJEO.IONIND COMPANY TODSIS 4:)r sumue110-11,, ollar per =num if paid In advance, $.1.5t) if not sO paid. 4.0,,IroVtar^4'ng ..13_4#94 41T-aFV.7.. t.:0741. p-wer discs/rationed until old arrearogeo ore pail, Adverersements without soroilled elfurectroosU kre trotil forbld mut charged amtvallogly. iberat discount Mode for trauseleat advertisements serted for log periods. Rory deseriptiou of JOB PRINTING torned.out io the doelt Styleowl at 0i:4ente roto., Meows, money Orders, 'Om., for ordrertisiug, subseriptions, ete., to be made poyable O1*us.11. $anfiers, APITOR, 4.$2 Ram, sNonga card*, ft. KINSMAN, 14 0.e..& DR. A. r.,.sms sax. uns., rms» kronor gradoate ruwato DBNTISTS. .10.2tKkv p4b). or soy IrSet ossfo xecoit side 8.1aia 'Get Ready The was never such ademand for Ladies and Gentlemen having a thorough knowledge of 0inumetletat and Shorthand work. The .fog- -/ llas assisted more students to profit able positions during the past year than any Sehool in the West. We would be pleased to assist you. Particulars or n postal. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal, riliiSMAYMMIKWOMMOii Ot How Cheap ow Good Ilt NIDERSQN 14. , IrIST lignmeeKol ntorelvepity ktni 1105' Vollogootliental Smgeoas of !Marl% Abla • firachMe ehtog.oSohool ryz,lheW fletItIlto (seithboOproblo mentioY) Alittininnai, %Id and Yolcanite Plaits MAO in the - neatest martlierpoosible. perfertly horailefse Mr, aerthetio trod for painiessextrartioned teeth, Office One ;ton' oonib ‚4Varling Dres.gore..Uxeter, fanners i‘o VOVATA heir work. they oot thelfateitsdreatest 14 and sootniontera a_xo spi FARMER'S ADVOCATE livisAVOITOIN. AlEllithit OF lE, Lir COnr-10 PisySiclons awl Sorgeons Geoid Pk -avian, $11rgeka And Aceouelfear. 035lee, Blob w0.91, 00. r. John P. Was" Oaf* mei k4e. Queens Avo...14A4en GAt. $ t Aided Sea,5411id Wea;ra,, OdOehoam, litS10 *0 4 Ond 1105IE MAOAXINg • •to cream of agricultural iboyebt, gat ;Iwo coonotte to rod Whet. it ays. 'there aml bro4.9ora they wont .tifooralat thoomeits of stew sobs wbo wilt oppariotosomeNtiOggisod. ovr yoo oubwolte, the mare. you iy 71 "An Stack of la grippe left me with a bad eeugh. My friends said `.f. bad consumption, I then fried F Ayers Cherry Peetoral and it cured me promptly." A, K. Randles, Nokomis, You forgot to buy a bot- tle of Aye's Cherry Pec- toral when your cold first came on, so you it it run alongEvett now, with all your bard coughing, it will not disappoint yt-u. There's a record of sixty years to fall back on, F 'Throe ellen& tor so OPaioar:-. Oollf1; Sto,. Os right or oronchitio, hearse - me*, asid ro4/13, eia; la, most_eemotatcall g,;,,F 01040 c,,aaaa and to keep Rt; bo0d. AYNA VQ.o. Wiro..0. Mors, A TRAORPT NEAR MORRIS,. Man., Oct, 24.-d'ac4b 7ViTIO. of the.Lowe m1n' Morris,- wa killed last night' as the. result Of' s.enffie with the hired uiu Pt' peer. It seems Rymer used very busive language to Wein . who was ad of IS yearS, The latter ,objected. when it Is said Rymer .threatened. him with .akttife, and the fatal scuffle soecl, Win s was pleketi up »neon. c us, hot lor the:time a doetor was wea, he had been dead some time, 1yrne*' h under arrest, and the *in one* ill arrive tcoday to hold an in. TING COMMITTED FOR TRIAL, St, Thomas, Oct,. 6, -..The Itearing of evidence against Charles King for the 1111111ler of 'Willie Freeman Aldborough on Sept, 6 was concluded at the Court UMW here this evening, After the vidence of Drs. F4 O. TANVIVIWP and harles Dnucombe Corruliorating the tate molts of melons witnesses had ._en begird, 319gistrtt ate Glenn cormui ett King for trtol. LAW fit.419114N, 4$3,corriar to gilitlt Orad, tato.9Rttriirior. $clicitcr,, Natty rally Ilea- voiaocer. Matey to IS= At i'W•teSt mks el On, West. Offoe. Maio Owl, Exeter. Auctioneer* unowN, wliedieura, LIzerad Mt far the Ponottes of Penh anti 51 or thelownthIp of Warne. Sala promo a fled to and terms reasmaltic. &leo arralroo Mre. Winthelseo. 1- r $r.00 so 10;1 se;: -.3 • cwro-itomovet PARMIA . 1.• frem uWer tird too end of ; to▪ ..Qmifol ciaisimns lisiumkr for tat Tina Es etrooy. Remit thErtkil wit! „, Eio tor a boo saimr,:e Onr yOn Want tai KVA aqi-tooloto Quotes roper. Is will o tomer yeti, The Molsons Bank (Chartered by Pathautud, IFO3) Ofootreal, Paid up Capital. .. . ... V4500,000 ReSelNd JAS. ELLIOTT. GENERAL 1\194,ZAORR. ---BXFIrER BRANC1J-- (1111Pe kittr2-10 cl,ra. W 3 pan; Satuntava 10 aon, to 1p.m. A general haulring business transacted DiOney ailtnneril geed Farmera at lowtat ratro. 13-1%111°s Molt DtPoods from *I and npu ants mole. ed:' Interest allowed at logitest current Mc& DICHSON &CATIONS, N.1). Uvit Solicitors. Manager. cREDifiscor ROLLER MILLS. titevirttoMtMDDIXIttatiletitittl01441004411 We are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our rnt11, - GRISTING and CHQPPING DONE PROMPTLY. 1. SIIVEITZER Rem After. Niheats phospihodine, 27to Great English Itenzetly. druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Si2 Sold and recommended by all N!r,,13 packages guaranteed to owe all forme of Sexual Weakness, all effects Of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, ono paokage.$1, six, $5. One wig Vogt, six will aura -Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Woods Fhosphodine is stain Exeter by J. W. Browning and 0. Lutz Dr tiggiSts. EXETER Heal Estate Exchange, The Sale, Purchase and Exchange of Village and farm lands and properties negotiated at reasonable rates of com- mission, . For Sale, Several Valuable Farms in HAY, USBORNE, STEPHEN :tind McGILL- IVRAY;-also Three very desirable Re- sidence properties in Exeter. Farms Wanted. We have purchasers for f.cood farm 1,1d Ile CIO vicinity ok Exeter, or INTIO Will Exchange. APPliy TO Bawden, David Mill valuator. , manager. Gri PICTS: Dickson iSz.; Carling's New Block, EireCer. ADDRESS ; Weld go DO. LONDON, ONTARIO. lit4N.IMAINSYMIMMMLIVAWRIMW. James Snell's Dispersion Sale of Shorthorns, Clydesdales and Leicester& •Ii1,00•111:=11 The anticoort mint of Mr. James Snell. of DOM. of the diven,lon rale. on tin. attli et his co - tiro "IlaIno Barton" bent of Sharthcrne onti stair of Le:rester stoop, otiould motive the attention of all interested in UV improvement of live stork In these Rms. Theotto l imperotive anti will Ito voinarrval, owirig to the destruction of oil the barns and stables h,v fire. The 5Ithnn hCTtl has Vain otablislted over CA years, the fountlation swell having been of emu:tient moterial and its yenlity malittabott and Improved by the eindinuons WM of higholass bulls of the most at!. putted littaliont. Both 'atile and sheep Atm the herd cunt Mei:have made a right good retool for many years in the prim Ibtu at leading fairs in Ont- ario,li1k die Lekesters shown trona the flock at the World's Fair In Chicago were very suet:meal in their winnings, The niolority of the tattle are depended from the POW. Strawberrv, the Mot o ure-brol row purphated try Humphrey Snell Zit Sons from John Snell it Foisof Sne/grove. she Wal a suer:es-slut show eow, low set and thick nestled. slred by Imp. Colulen. who was of the same type, a son of hop. Jenny Lind, who was a llrat prize winner at Provincial exhibitions. Straw- berry herself was the second remove from the import. ed vow, Lady Zane, by Sir Walter, a cowed fine !end - fly and eharaeter atul a very deep milker, a promo sity that bas bort vrell maintained in her.decendants through all the generations, and it is a vtry notkabic feature in the herd to -day, the females of breeding nse earning large and evenly hallowed udders And all the indications of first-elaot milkers, sonic of the eows having monis of 50 to CO lbs. of milk daily. This family has produced Irritably as many prize- winners at leading Provincial fain; as any other in Canada, and members of it have sold at high pricea a cow of this family fed by bin James Snell, sold at auction in lowa last year for 8100. The sires used in recent years, and indeed for the last twenty years, have been typical Scotch -bred bulls, of the low set, thick -fleshed sort, and the entire herd has ass-unied that type of unusual uniformity. A bull which bad much innuenceM Oxingthis type in the herd wasViee Consul, bred by the banes, a son of the deep ribbed. mellowliesliel Neptune a Einellar.bred Nonpareil bull. Vice C dam was a Ruby Hill, by the Cruickshank Ilmwith Bud Bull, Golden Crown. He was followed by New Year, a Watt -bred bull, by VII - loge Hero, of the Grand old Sittyton Bud family and out of an Mumma English Lady cow, by the noted Bartnpton Hero, whose blood bred prize winners wherever it flowed. The present stock bull, Star of Morning, now in his 4-ycar.old form, a first -prize winner at London ond reserve for the championship, alson Watt -bred bull, of the Marr -bred English lady tribe, his sire, a Toronto lirst-prizo winner, be- ing a Scotch bred bull of the excellent prize -winning Bracelet family, and his dam by the great Barnapton Hero, whose dam, Iinp. ?limulus was a daughter of the illustrious Champion of England, who more than any other bull inado the Cruickshank herd famous the world over. Star of the Morning has also in his breeding the benefit of the prepotent blood f Heir of E onolahmen'whose influence in the evolution of the Uppermillherd of Mr. Maw was similar and equal. to that of: Chiunpion of Englishmen in the Sittyton herd. Another Minify in the Hayne Barton herd which has had the benefit of the services- of these well-bred bulls is a direct branch of the Renick Rose of Sharon tribe, so successfully bred by Abrrini Rem: ick, of kentudity, the Cruickshank of this continent, whose herd won the admiration of Shorthorn breed- ers the world over, selections from it being sold at prices ranging from 82000 to 84000 each for exporta- tion in England and Scotland. An attraetive num- ber in the catalogue is tile red 5 -year-old cow, Love- ly Mary, of the favorite Cruickshank Lovely family, sired by Xing William 21564, by Tom. King james, who was by Royal Janet, out of Maid of Promise stli by GraveSend. There aro 20 heed of Shorthorns of different ages. Rod Rose, a handsome rccl 2oyear-old heifer of the Lavina'family, is a daughter of 10th Prince of Thule 22172, by Sam Mario, by Conqueror, bred by the Hon. John 'Dryden. and. sired by the Cruickshank bull Imp. Tonsgat•th, • The Stack ball, Star of Morning, goes in the snle, ancl in these days of scarcity of first.elass bulls- ha is wall worth looking after for it is doubtful whether there is a better bull of the breed on Canada to -day, while his breeding is unexcelled and he is sound, v]gorous, gentle and soperior sue, as his progeny amply attests. The' youger bulls ni the sale, several of which are sons of Star of Morning rani a strong', straight, smooth lot in good,co»dition, and such aS me !Coaled in every part of the country for the im- provement of the filaradter of the cattle rai,ed. The Clydesdale stallicm; Brave Bey, to be.;o1(.1. 18 a horoe. of,capital quality and has made a large season this year in a district where many huported horses are standing. The 2 -year-old filly of the Same family is alw an exceedingly good one. The flock of Leiscester sheep ranks as one, of the very best in Anterina, and the salec affords an excep- aOTIOT opportunity to secure rams for service or a foundation for a flock. Vlore aro fifty Leicester 011()0)thejleck. • The catalogue is now t'llad:S" for distribution, and will he mailed on appIiCation to Mr. ;Tames SnoS, Clinton, Ont. Cant, T. 'E. Robson o auctioneer, will conduct; the sale and confidently experts a large at tendanbe of farmers and breeders at Rayne Barton on Oct. 22nd. FOUND HANOINO BY THE N'ECIL Belleville, Oct. 12.-61eorge OrAIRs ITIMUTIMUIVIDg with his mother in is city. attempted suicide by bang. ng on Friday night. Be was fuund s relatives hanging lry the ;leek in le barn and eat dow» m time tO pre- ent strangulation. though the nnfor. Inate man was unconscious for some ime. Oram bas been subject to fits and will he examined as, to his sanity. TO CORO A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Brom° Quinine Tab- lets. AR druggis;s refund the money if it fails to muse. 2.3e. E. W. Groves' signature is on each box. The schooner.,Ann Mania, was wreck. ed off Kineardiue. A lifeboat was up- set in attempting to rescue the crew5 and five were drowned, including Mr. 'Wm. Ferguson, of Kincardine, Capt. tiordou of the schooner, and Mrs. Kennedy, the cook, Mr, Michael Snetsinger, one of the most widly known fanners of Corn. wall, was idlled at the Grand Trunk station Thursday. Not noticing the express he proceeded to drive across the track wbeu the horse WS struck and instantly killed. He was thrown forward, striking on the cowcatcher of the train and Instantly killed. Calor is One of the Most Im portant Point in Well Made Butter, ARICRT karts/ors. EXETER IITIIIKETS. oaxxu-r) BA.011 WbiDNES1).A.Y Wheat Is Virtn.t.w.-Eritisl; Stuelfr t: „ DO Trude-.*tet 4/notations. Barley WO. 7 Monday ,Evening, Out. 1.. Oats .... , 21 26 'oro ato St. lf.4tvvretlee )14.rket, Peas• • • • • • •, • • * • • • • • () ; P.. - 70 Dotter-Titere Is o two demaod tor eitobtntoes, per bag. . e oo7 00 /ales' yetis. pouod mad forge. 1114 Seikpky /7'74 al 2 fin Yery sbort and It meets bot small Iwo"- -loA01-Irt Per ","" °7 `"'"'"*"" motage of the itemoodo Creamery ts steady Batter* 4" Too many buttermakers lose sight of the fact that "colo" is One Of the most important and effective points in good butter. The sweetest and:rich- est hotter is hut half prepared for the critical eye of consumers, if the color be faulty or objectionable. Wells, Richardarson & C's Improv- ed Buter Color gives the natral golden tint to butter in the autumn and win- ter seasons. It is the favorite color in the Government Creameries, and is used exclusively for the largest makers of butter for export and home eon- sumption. Wells' Richardson & Co's Improved Butter Color never fade - front the butter; it does not turn a bricky shade such as other colors pro- duce; it is pore and harmless; its keep- ing qualities are perfect; it is the strongest, therefore the cheapest to use. .Ask your druggist or dealer for it; take no other make. 0110111Illii & RIBBON EXETER, AGENT FOR PROVAN'S PATENT CARRIERS -FORKS AND SLINGS, Supplied with either the Angle Iron, Round Rod or Wood. These are without a doubt the best ma- chines obtainable at any price. Was awarded the only medal and diploma given on Hay Forks at the World's. • Fair ,Lnaleago: , Snppli s at Russell's Blocksmith shop. EXETER, ONTARIO. 0 fit to, $.6t11 4 good Inquiry tor blocks, Prices are unchanged. but there is, ornit- ward tentiOney in tho to grades. :treartierr, prints 12V,Ao to 26Ke do sonds. fresh tude ..... 18c. to 10e; do earlier I.OakeS'. 17e to 1Ko ()Wry loos atAO pails, ettoIee. 15e to WM lOtlie to 14e cist e0auSent 4•01••••1.1•1014"... ILAVAC t0120 do pottaral rott; ............. lite to tue do liwdlnAu, 13e to 15e diovse-Market Ls' ste.atly at 'otrole, ood 111O,:e tor twins Job lots. -.grzs-Ti:6 active itaquiry tor strictlo O1:riotegotbered cowl:toes, said they are itnn t I7e Eu Pio The receipts are not hrge ana they aor emlekly ooki. Seconds ore sen - 00 kite Ito 1e awl splits mat ut tin to 12e. rotatoe;.---The mart:et is rather aetive, but he oZerlogs are tolly equal to tine tieriotod. 'Vices are :steady pt 7.00- to 75e Per hag for r lots ea tOe track here. au* Ode per bag eset of istore. Poultro-Tte oaeriegs were very light to, ay mad prices base mot ebouge4. Thooks- twiloR liotheiro are stm lotus imantity as tor as tido matket concerned. bot avy shipments are expecteri to mutt tios otry tontorrow. Preosedi ettleketts and ditelta re quoted at 40e to $0c per pair awl Uwe trots al -Kie to Otte for ebleketto and doelmo nd -toe to tOe tor bets. Tutheys ore in a_dersood at tie to 12e tor young onea d Cle to re ter oiit. Geese are oomtool Te to Se oer nog -New Usk. Oct. Qt rpaw'wb.-Tt (orthez ilattloge to the crop by $ have given od1e4 atrength to tho 5 Ma tett, owl the maybe* Is Ten' arm r clearly an ctasses er stock. P0451147 tite, opeettlatlog booing is not (Mite 40 treo so or tote, but loletters 41'0 Owning IWO tilierVst and etoel 2s movir4 out moderate. Choice pen tiCall$,. 1904, are quoted at 12,55 pri, bushel; choke, rgn. 42,41) to t2.4O. and poor to good et $2 to Datea lirty-Tbe demand to good awl of. fetingS ere !literal. Cars of No. 1 timothy en tbe Met Torouto are gooteil Oteudy at I.) per too, linted Etrow-Olothet Is dull at $11 per ton for eor lots on the tract; here. Oderloga Ire Ione. Montreal (train arta Produce. 31entreal, met. 13.-T1sere IS a tale de. coaltd tor Most coorse groloo, bot oopottlea are tholted alid prices are strew, st Oc tOr NO, "'whlLe eata afloat, owl at 347•Oc for Q. 1. Rye was offered at halic atteat, but the hest bids obtainable were A4lie, Duoimeos Lo other Hoes woo dull Mut priceo thaw no ohmage. Peas were quoted at 7Oc to 741IOc eilloot,, towkwItext at .541tie attoot, No. 11;244er ot Otle, owl No. 3 extra barley ot 47c, 1a .-be t000 Was Mealy awl a tair clamant ct tookteos was trano3Cte4, We onote:--elatke Mataltotta optiug wheat pot. mato $4: oecmtdo, ;41,7,0 to $1,1,350: 6tfOlin boll:ere, MOO; winter wUeot patents, to $11; ottelobt toilets.*11.*A to $.3.65; do la teas. *4.703; extra.% $1.r4 Meal -The tore of Ito martet remcina eauy, with paves linti4Wage4 at O4,15 Fe; borrel nue At *2 per tag. rent -There Ill it tar lnirdry itt oteadO prices. We quote as tollowst-Mitoltolm limo, In loopo et *15 tit *10; Ontario bran. ha Nolte $11.Z0 to $13; eitcrte, $25 to *21 Is 'townie. O:13 W No, according to weary. Cheese -The market Is quiet but priers ate very firm: guest Ontario. 1UO to 11%e: linist tow:whim. 110 to lliOe; thwot Quebec, 11t75.e to Ile; line cheese. 0 to 10•710, liutter-Tbere to uot snuels cbouge except Mot blotter prices ore eltered at mono country Owes, Fancy townships. creamery, OtrOe; Attest township. creamery. 20,e to Wool Anent Quehee creamery. 20c to Gun creamery. 10!O to IfItie: Ontario cream- ery. 10e; dairy butter, 13tOe to I0e; dairy aerosols, 14e to title:. Eggs ---There Is a gOod local demand at Orm prices. We quoto:-Selected, 10Ozoo to 2Ao; etuntlett stoek, 17Voc to 18e in it lobbing. %%My: Streight recelpto itt 11131e to 17e; No. 2 at 14e to lilac In sown' lots. ProvIsions-The market Is quiet, but mire* are steady. NVOt quotio-ifeavy Cann - Man snort cut mess port;. 4::4.50 to $23; Canada, abort cot beck pork. $2340 to $24: light Canada abort cut clear pork.. *23.5d to *24; tined kettle lard, 204h palls, 12Ile to 121/4c: estro pure lard. In 204b polio, 105e to 11e: eholee refined compound lard, Or to Woolioar's bead brood, lu 204b wood Polls. $2 to 32,103; Globe at *LSO to $1.00; 20.1b Un palls, lAc lean per pound; Munn 12c to 14e, and bacon 14e to 115e per Pound. Cheese Ilarkets. Utica, NS., Oet. 13.-M the Dairy Board sf Trade toolny the onies ot Cheese. ivero 3,321. boxes at line to 1_111e. Butter -13 tubs 0X creamery sold at :me and 130 tubs it 23e. East lintralo Cattle Market. Ent Endato. Oct. 18.-Cattle-Recclats. 5.900 head; good fat cattle steady; other/1. 15c to 253 lower: prime ste,r0. 157 to $1•75; shlinIng do, *5.50 to O0.70; butchers'. 54 to 5.75; Iteltera. oa to$5.23* coWs, 52.25 to routuers, 31.50 to $2:' bulls. 52.50 to 54.25: ludas. 53.75 to 51.50; stockers, 5123 to 54; sloe., heifers, 52.50 to 53; good to clutioc fresh tows and springs steady; oth- ers easier; choice. *55 to 565; opinion tO COO& 525 to 550. Vcals-Recelpte, WOO head: steady: tops, $8.23 to $8.60; common to gool, $11.50 to $8, Hogs -Receipts, 17.000 head; active, 5c to 10c higher: beavy, 57.25 to 57,40; nits( d, $7.10 to $7.25; YorkerS, 7.05 to 57.15; light do, 56.85 to 5.7; plgS, 6.80 to 50.20: roughs1'56.'-5 to $7; dairies. . 56.25 to 56.7o; stags, 5.25 to $6: girssers S6.90 to 5 -.id). Sheep and lambs -Receipts, 27,600 hen'); 2c to lle lower; top lambs. 53.23 to $5.30; culls to good, $4 to $5.20; Yearlings, 54 to 54.25; ewes, $3 to $3.75; sheep, too -mixed. 53.50 to 53.65; culls to good, $1.75 to 53.40. Chicago Live Stook, Chicago, Oct. M. -Cattle -Receipts, 28000, including 7,500 westerns; steady, active I close weak, except tor Choice; good to [while steers, 57.40 to 58.30; poor to me- dium, 53.75 to 57.25; stockers and feeders, 2.25 to 54.00; cows, 51.50 to 54,75; calves, 3.75 to $5.25.; Texas fed steers, $3 to 54: westero sti ors, 53.75 to S7. Hogs - Re- ceipts, 17.f o0; 100 to 150 higher; mixed and butchers', 56.80 to 57.40: good to choice heavy, .$6.05 to 57.50; rough heavy, 56.40 to $0.90; ligbt, 30.40 to 57.15; bulk of sales at $6.30 to 57. Sheep -Receipts, 40,- 800; sheep, oboice stencly, others lower; lambs, best strong; good to choice wethers, r3i.z. to 54; fair to choice mixed, 52.25 to British Markets. London, Ocl. lg.-Opening-Wheat, on pas- sage. quiet and steady; corn, on passage, qalot and steady. Wheat, English countrY morkets of Saturday quiet; French quiet, but steady. London. Oct. 13. -Close -Mark Lane IMIller Markat-WLeat, foreign quiet, but steady; Euglish, qu'et at a decline of 3d. Corn, Americao, uothing doing; Danubian thou. Flour, &mem= firm, with a fair business; EngltrOt, los offering n ad tendency up. Parra, Oct. 1S. -Close -Wheat steady; 00- tober, 21-0 : Timmy and April, 20? 85c. w Plosready; October, 20f 65e; January and April, 2711 70e. Amtworp, Oct. 13. --No. 2 red wlator, 130. British Cattle Markets.' London, Oct. 13. -United States cattle 'Short, 70; Cauadlans, 534d to VA; sheep, LiverpoOl, Oct. 13. -United States -cattle, tNel; Canadians, 6d; sheep, 61. Leading WJiat :Markets. Clositig previous dav. Closing to -day. Oct. Dec. Oct, Dec. Delano° , . 70 yt, , 71 New Yorl: 757, „ 7514 Toledo . 701/2 751A 70.31 Minnoapolis • 051/1 • 05% Octroit, 2 red .. 731/2 7137 -71 75 Slilwaulcco, 2 not 721/2 7137 723/2 71 St. Louis ...... 00 00 60]/k 0014 Duluth., 1 hnud.. 7214 .. 7237 The VieiihIe Supply. Wheat , 20 011,000 35,208,000 50,078,400 "Jorn . . 2,COL1,000 13,115,000 0,811,000 Oats 5,356,000 7,760,000 12,235,000 Rye , , 1,080.000 1,7t.48,000 986,030 Barley .. 2,832,000 2,0110,000 2,348,000 Wheat in creactl 087,000 hnsbels the Pits* moo; n year age II, lucread 734 000 -bush- Eggs. ,... „ Ridespr 100.- ,e ths 4 IR 5 Live hogs. per 0 50 Dressed • • . 7 75 Shorts pet' „ ..... 1$ran per cwt......... GO TO THE, ERR BRIER FOR PURE MANITOBA FAMILY FLOUR ¼zns in thc Back A. symptoms of a weak, torpid 0r al:Ma c0714iiro 41 the . klItinTS 95' V ,: and are a. warning it is estremely bazardouS Lo negleet, se -important Is. o healthy action of these:organs • They are commonly attended by 1055 of energy, lack. of 'courage, awl- .t Cane - times by .gloomy foreboding ,gral, de'" SPOndfabal. Wnn tnen 01 1%141 kidney tr.oubIe, and reame squeal; X eaditl scarcely get arroMd, , took meOicine witheott Potent, and fatally witted to .try Hood's SareapnrULa. Atter not boktis 1 Mt se utuat better that 1 eonttnote*1 Its O,Se. avAl SiX :I/CAMS gpoler me it ew Women. When my little' .giri wia ft.‘ oho -OW not keep .otoothitag on her .00.441. end -we,gavelwr 110404'0 Faxs4P4.-, .161404 cured bee' Uns.. T. n...cws. U- rns, Wallacetinrg, cat, froodls Sarsaparilla cam . kidney stul liver .troubles, res Heves the beck end. hulida up the whele **gm.. .The VMage of go5S, Mich.is bur 101 Tip, ftt.rest firOS being the -canse. W. IL Brown, ACCUsed of consoirac, to murder his moth.ee, was "discharged at Collingwood. Mr. Redmond. about 70, yeamotage„ of Tilsonhurg. Wild had been an lova. lid fee anor':Ober of years, committed suielde Friday at the home of his. 501I. by cutting his throat with a razor. NOTHING LIKE Paine's Celery Compound FOR CLEANSING AND PURI RING THE BLOOD t Eradicates the Seeds of Di • easel Invigorates and Rejuvenates (Star) REST PASTRY (Princess) WHEATLET tBreakfast Food) A good supply of Millfeed lad Chop always on hand. Give our Flour and Feed trial and be convinced that is all right, Roller and Plate winders ut. e to suit customers. TTarvey 13/ps, ess,o3rs to .r. Cobbles:lick Two Secomi-hand piANos upright AND One Square PIANO FOlt SALZ MEAT' New Pianos aud Organs Always in Stook. S EWING, ; HINBS. Otte experience in the Sewing Mee. him., Business 1,12 years) is a gnomes. tee ef 011ir goods. , We carry in stock the best Nas chines that the market affords and Seil on easy terms. Needles and Re. pairs for all kinds of Machines always on hand. , lteet Music, Music Boas, Hymn Boas/ ntc,, kept iu stock, AND SEE US, IT WILL PAY YOLT. S MARTIN Thousands of men and women who have neglected the work ot physieial recuperation in the sununer mouths, are now carryinga burden of disease. In the majority of cases, impure aud poisoned blooa and sluggish circula- tion are the direct causes of suffering alai misery. Are you, reader, one of the victints? If so, do not hesitate a mometnt regarding what you shonld do. The life stream tuna be ulnae pure the health -wrecking laxi ty of the blood vessels must he corrected, the nerves and tissues must be nourished. Faine's Celery.Compouud is the medicines that physiem1111 recommend for the increase of pure blood in the arteries, mid for arousing the purifying organs to cast off the impurities that give rise to dis. ease. Mr. T. F. Mitchell, New Ham- burg. Ont., writes as follows: "My mother suffered for five years with a sore leg. and her system was so far MD down that doctors could not help her. She could hardly walk about the house. She tried almost everything to procure a cure, but no good results came until Paine's Celery Cotnpound was used, which gave her instant re- lief. She is now using the third bottle and able to clo her own work." The striking coal miners have decid- ed not to return to work until their demands are complied with. The striking coal miners are bilking of calling out every man in the mines in the United States and Canada. STOPS THE COUGH AND WORKS OFF THE COLD. Laxative Bromeoguininc Tablete,eures a old in on day. No (lure No Ply, Price 25 cents. Charles McLean, jr., of Montreal, was accidentally shot and killed while hunting at North Bay. BONE FOOD Soft and crooked bones mean bad feeding. Call the disease rickets if you want to. The growing child must eat the right food for growth. Bones must have bone food, blood musf have blood food and so on through the list. Scott's Emulsionis the right treatment for soft bones in ycay children. Little doses ever I give the stiffness and shape that healthy bones should have. Bow legs become straighter, loose joints grow stronger and firmness comes to the soft heads. -Wrong food caused the trouble. Right food will curp it. In thousands of cases Scott's Emulsion has proven to be the right food for soft bones in childhood. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto, , Ontario. 505, and 81.00 ; all druggists. ETER FUN JASI MURRAY & Co. MANUFACTURERS AND DEAL- ERS IN ENGINES, BOILERS, PLOWS, STRAW CUTTERS, RAPERS, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS. General Repairs and castings of every desalt- tionin, Iron and Brass to order. 1000feet of :limit and 500 feet a meh pipe in stock, JAS. JCook's Cotton Boot Compouna Bli successfully used monthly by over o 10,000LadieS. Safe, effectual. Ladma eel your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- pound. Take no other, as all MixtUres,pills and imitations are dangerous, Price, No. 1, 511}Lar box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger,58 per box. No. 10* 2, mailed on receipt alnico and two 8 -cent stamps. The Cook Company Windsor,Ont. 51r -Nos. 1 and 2 sold and recommended/Ty all seapenalbleDrugglate in Canada. No. laud No.2 are sold in Exeter by 0. Lutz and J. W. 13rowning, Drug- gists. DASIEWO 0 D FURIIITORE STORE. You are invited to call trod inspect znk , large assortment of Furniture and furnishings which I will offer at very close prices. My stock con- sists of the following: - Parlor suites, Bedroom suites, Spring Mattresses, Bed- steads, Couches, Lounges, Tables, Chairs of.all descrip- tions, Sideboards, Rockers, Fancy Rockers, Curtain Poles and Trimmings, Shades, Mouldi▪ ngs, Allirors, Pilow Sham EC elders, Hat Racks, Towel Rollers, d5o,, Picture 1•Zottiliiias a specialty Baby Carriages,Go-carts,Express wog - 013S, Carts, Rocking horses, etc. Utiderteking, carry a large tind well assort- ed stock in this line. In time of need do not fail to call. The above stock is 1)011011, from the • leoding Mannfactorers of Canada and bought at the closest prices and our expenses are low there- fore we can sell it ot prices which will sitrpriSe yoti. Give 118 0 call before purcliaSiig Oise Noll ere, Mehaac.