Exeter Advocate, 1902-10-2, Page 71 DIPPAVING OF OUR LOBS 4AtlET4T.,1401fir CULTIVATION AND Po' Grisclale, Agrientturiet, r.ipe#mental Para, Otte, Was PerZU4yyeare ferraerS fFra.ste ern Canada. Were gralo growers mere- ty, XeCaSai:ty ferne4 the ioception of Plea. a Vet= of agrignittlee. Bb - 4 and ignerence prolonged ette prae- tire et such farming, The weeder - 141 strength, alid seeingIyineXIMass tible fertility of the soil made its Oleg eentleeeaelee pos4t4egrbo dtse coverer ,of the poesibilitiee of the northwest Med the gradeal Andieeltee tioriOf otir goals called belt. Ilence. ter Kinn; years peat change has been in• the air. Live seeck farming, the system Peeking the smelleet, dentenns on soil fertility,. is rapidly sepplentleg grein growing. Parts of nearlY every hem are nOW Mitch better la liditiene then they were years Ago: and„ further, such in nee tures woederful receperatitto POWee. Since the partml Cease:Lien Of the tree 14„,e1.4ous droin of groin exportation the itifeetige crop returns for Eastern Canada have gene up very censiderao bly. Dot. as every farmer knows. even live stoCk fanning Jong Cele - Waled Dwane a gredUal lose tif fere tititY nhies* ConSiderable food other 4. that produced en the farM, el it° stock and the manure pro- perly cared for tut This fact has led to a study of the metitodie for cheaply reetorlug leSt fertility and profitably cultivatiog volis fio than "improved. rather Clan impoverished" may he the annual verdict, It is impossible to dieeuee the eub- leet exhauetively in etich aiartiele se this, but one Plan of cultivation found to give good results is where the meadow or pasture is plowed in August, the sod being turned to a depth of ai or 4 Inches only. lute mediately afterylowine if in A dr$ tiam the laud ts rolla then har- rowed with te light harrow. It in then /eft untouched until steles and weede start to grow when it is agate harrowed. core beirg exerelsed to prevent the sod being flieturbed. The liarrowlug or cultivating pro- cees is continued at intervals (as the weed seeds germinate) until Oc- tober, when by means of a (3 plow gang) double luould-heard plow the eurface non, to a, deetlt of ;About 4 nches is put. Into drills about 22 Relies apart nod 8 to 10 inches Ingle. We Is found to be a most entiefactory preparation of the soil for corn, roots or grain. Where grairq s sown, the soil is ready for vending at a considerably earlier date than whero late fall plowing Used. long with this system of 5hft- ow a, proper rotation Is dupted. most oxcellent results are uro to follow. 7ts clover is the only rop which, while giving a profitable sweet still serves to enrich rather an to impoverish the soil, it is Civtdcat that clover should take prominent placo in August rotation In this countre. With this fact 11* le Mind, a few rotations sultoble for the Improving of our lauds may be offered. 'as follows: Three-year rotation—(1) grain. (2) nie donee hay. (3) pasture. 'Three-year rotation — (1) corn aud roots, (2) grain, (8) cover hay. Isour-year rotation — (1) corn and roots or pease, (2) grain, (8) clover bay, (4) hay or pasture. Flve-year rotation — (1) grain with 10 lbs. clover seed to plow down tor fertilizers, (2) corn and roots. GB grain, (4) clover hay. (5) hay or pasture. SIX -year rotation — Stone tta flve year, but left one year longer in pasture trim reason for surface cultivation end the use of such short rotations as given above is to increase the tjuantity of and place properly the chief factor making for soil fertil- ity. Dead vegetable matter expoeed to Moisture and warmth soon breake down to a fOrm calledhumus or black earth, the factors above men- tioned. Our prairie and newly - cleared soils contain immense quan- tities of this material. Exposure to "heat and tho intermixture of earthy Walter serve to waste. Thus, repeated grain trapping 'with deep plowing provide the conditions best at calculated to dissipate this matter le- most rapidly and most effectively. 7. The functions of this common, yet ;es easily lost, substance are varied and important. Being, as anyone can tind..out for hilneelf, of the nature of fa- a rponge, it retains the moisture in ss a dry time, but will allow all sue be perfluous water to rapidly and harm- lessly percolate to the lower soil ed layers. be it holds loose, porous solids to-' ,he gether, and so otherwise loose sands es. become staple an provide a good be root hold for planes. It renders dense, impermeable soalg open. and porous, be permitting the free circulation of •ty air and water and, allowing the MD. We&i: rootlets to penetrate the erst- ew While iropenetrable space in search nd of„food. In brief, it is the chief re- quirement ek good Physical condition ra's in,„eee soils. It contains mach -plant po- food; since. it is really vegetable ok inatter,7 and a large percentage of ith• this food is in available forms. It Ise aids ".also in the conversion of the not -available forms of the elements of fertility into available forms. Fyrther, it retains neat the surface •the clisSolved ,plaut food which meet oteerwise have sunk into the sub- soil.. • The most important sources of hue mue on the average farni are farm- yard manure and crop residues. Up- on the proper application or. use of these lnaterjcjje - depends the luture of Canadian agriculture. . Where the supply of humus is limit- ed its location e becomes a very ino poreent coils t(leration., NoW, most of our ,crops draw the greatest part of their food from the surface _soil, for, elale some roots of most, plants penetrate to ,a considerable depth, ino.el, roots of all plants are near the surface. Plaets of nearly all de- skiptions thrive best where the sur - (nae :soil is mellow elnd richin lois inus: 'Vac geeat crops produced . by (t rt id ly af ao v - Dr 0 - in its he vo as or of d. )as er- rds est rk- of 'een eat the the to ; it ern ac- anif • Perpetual Motion. Ween George Stephengeo was Alleed. "Do you helle7c in perpetual Mattoon ?" he replied, "Yee, if you lift yourself by the waist -had of the trousers, and caw yourself three times rouod the room.. " A,* so, and a woman would east as. Won belleite that idee bee net to PAY dearly for eemmo* premluM hOhlre, in the /57, quality of tioap, in reined heude and clethes. She WOOld be kept in Perpetuel motion taiing to do Witle ectatneene Sean what elle could so easily de With getAlight &We -00W% Barr. 3.1S newlyecleared fields and prairie lands exemplify this. as noee Also the rani growth of plente itt our Mrests, where the sub -soil is never stirred, or where the annuals aud smaller perennials must deemed fee, thole nouriahment upon the surface eel' al - Most exclusively. It would, there- fore, seem to be elear that availanie Plant food should be neer the sur- face Of our fields and t,bein. or sure faee soil should be in particularly geed physical conditien of tilth. 'HOW to secure thew two require-, Meute et rapid rank and deeirable Plent growth must, therefore, be the firet cousnieretleu et every would-be successful faemer. Experiment and long prectice seen i to preve that ehellow cultivation end ewe rote - UM. Mere especiaily tbe threeeyear or the tnnAN-yearindry districts, awe the five-yeer in rainy districts. are meet serviceable in illeeeateitig the beetutis in the surface Pail, and so "improving the pity:Seal condition"; Which ?Mane 'inereaeieg the prce ductivity" of our fields. A VERSATILE VILLAGER, A signboard Oyer the door of thatched vottnge in the village of Beletene. near Olieltemptou. Eng- land tilltiOUTIeVa that tbe occupier. William Ellis. Is a "photographer." eellti "VIOWS of the neighborhood." is a "Dartraeor Amide." **repairs watches and cloclis. * is a "cheiniral ellailnee and seed merchant," "Part' reeve of the Manor of Belstoue." etc. But this signboard by eo meat* exhauste the liet of hie mani- fold accampliehments and official ap- pointments. Ile is also church- warden, organist. bellringen ley toader. Overseer of the poor. dog breeder (speck:Het in red Petters), dealer in game, and last, but not least. Ilhaight of flanor and Warden of the Primrose I.eegue. This par- agon of versatility is a bachelor, lives quite alone, does ell hiS own houeework, and is a zealone Churchman. 11.••••••••••••••411111•11•1•1•••M NEURALGIO PAM A. CRY OF THE NERVES FOR BETTER BLOOD. 111=001,. Dr. W1Ilitnns '1nk Pills Drake Rich, Red Blood And Drive These Pains From. the Sys- tea—Road the Proof. A high medical authority has de- fined neuralgia as "a cry of the nerves for better blood," and to ef- fectually drive it. from the system the blood must be made rich. red and pure. For this purpose there is no other medicine so prompt and sure in result as Dr, Piek Pills. These pills make new, rich. red Wootl with every dose, and im- part new lift and now vigor to the person using them. Mr. John Mc- '.0ermott, Bond Read, Ont, offers strong proof of the certain results obtained from the uso of Dr. Win ikons' Pink Pills in cases of this kind. Ifo says: "A few years ago while Working as a, carpenter in Buf- falo 1 got wet. 1 did not think it worth while changing my clothes at the time, but I soon began to suf- fer for iny neglect. I awoke next morning with cramps and pains throughout zny body. I was unable to go to work and called in a, doc- tor, who left me some medicine. I 'used it faithitilly for some time, but it did not help me. In fact I was growing steadily Worse. and had be- come so reduced iniflesit that I weighed only 188 pounds. 4n 1 was not able to work I returned to my home at Bond Head. Here I placed myself uuder the care of a local doc- tor who said the trouble was neu- ralgia, which had taken a. thor- ough hold upon my entire system. Misfortune seemed to follow me for the doctor's treatment did not help me, and I think my neighbors at least did not think I was going to get better. I had often heard and read of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and in this emergency I determined to try theta, I had not used more than three boxes before I felt that the pilln were helping' me. From that. on 1 gained day by day, and after I had used some ten. or twelve boxes, I had fuller recovered my old- time strength, and have since been able to work at my trade as car- penter without any trouble. I have no pains or aches, and I now weigh 156 pounds. I thihk. Dr., Williams' Pink Pills •an invaluable medicine and shall alwaas have a good word to say- for them." •• . When the..nerves areunstrung, when the biocide ' is poor orsivatery, or when the systentais put of order, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is the xne-,! dieine to take. They ,cure all trou- bles arising from these causes, and make weak, despondent men and wo- men bright, active and. strong. Pro- tect yourself against imitations by seeing that the full name ''De. Wil- liams Pink Pills for Pale People is On. the wrapper around every box. Sold by all medicine dealers or mail- ed post paid at 50c per box or six boxes fer $2.50 by writing to the Dr. WilliarrIS' medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. • --, A little girl, aged nine, called her father to her bedside the other evening- 'PaPa," said the little diplomat, "i want to ask your ad- vice." Well, my dearr, what is it aeoet ?" "Wlaat do you think it w 0 aid be best, to glee on iny • bi.lhthw" Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces, and Is sold only in lead packets. Mixed and• Green, ran tel Meters fry (.$0,7aeie" Ctreete tea TBM-ORASSITOPPER, liKeelea ley Which. It Aloy eEn- termineeted. Ae grasshoppers have ageiet pes- tered farmers in Mauitobe met the Northwe.et. it is opportune to re, mind farmers tbat npreventioe is better than ewe." and, while it • now toe late to give advice that Can undo the damage perpetrated • this year by these pests, it is Matt's tone to remind agrteulturists that they here tire remedy for next see, son almost wholly he their own hands. As; in 1900, the plaCea fa ManitOba Where men intiery has 'neon dente bap been Along the thee of the Cattediae Paelfic Ballwey frOtit ilfearegor fast- Mhibonree. Carberry, Doegias, Draro doe, aun - Gen Lake to Routletee, and with by Pipeetoue. Larder. Heaney, and foltowing the NOM is river to Glettheree and Owe North- eaeterly to McGregor. The recommeralatione for the do- etruction of granehoppere are that fanners should promptly tinsiroj iri4o young insects in eyeing by limning them at night when they itave col- beeto@ on rows of straw which should he spread WON held% for the pure pew, then plough, down stubble etraetently uso Wpm -dome. er poison the Insecta with a mixture of bran and Paris grew. Titey are passionately fond of bran- and are eaelot tilepond at by placing it in spots ready of amen and eonsordlig It, It is hIgbly important that lar - iii the alieeted districte eliell pleugh down all stubble Ode au- tumn or early next spring—this fall preferabtee The =Mitre of Paris green is come wended ON f()UPTI; i—Tae Gee part of Perim green. add one part of sett, which Appears to Make the bait much more attractief) to the Web, and eleven parts of bran. Mix into a meek, adding as tereeit water as the stuff will hold ; then Spread It in as efiliell buaups as possible. trowel or n thin piece of wood makes a handy distributor, The :Mature should be made fresh and the spread- ing preeees be repeated every two days until the e.raothoppeas Weep - pear. As the poleart take two or three dans to kill the locust* they re able to fly some distance before' eing. The full sized insets eat this mixture 2111101 more ravenously than the young Ones and it. hal: never been known to fall where it has once item tried, Recently ft hal; been discovered by Mr. Inormac Ceilidh) and Mr, 'Tarry Vane. of /Lwow. Man., that home droppings roay be substituted for bran, and that the mixture is even Mere at- tractive to the grasshoppers, mixture, also, has the very great advantage of costing nothing. while the bran is expensiee in the West. The efficacy of this remedy is vouched foe by Dr. James Fletcher, Dominion Entotnoltnist, of Ottawa ; the Province Minister of Agricul- ture ; Mr. MT:Kollar, his chief clerk, and other equally practical and eminent authorities. DEM. OF AGRICULTURE. Ottawa, Sept.. 1902 THE SEVEN GOLDEN CITIES. 'rite "Seven Golden Cities,' one of the most popular legends of the lat- ter part of the dark ages. were said to be situated on an island west of the African coast. The island is represented as abounding in gold, witit magnificent houses and tem- ples, "the high towers of which shown at it great distance." The legend olso relates that. at the time of the conquest of Spain and Por- tugal by the Moots, when the in- habitants fled in every direction to escape slavery, seven bishops, fol- lowed by a great number of people, took to ships and put boldly out on the high scan. After tossing about for some tiine, they landed on gn unknown island, the famous spot which in after years beam% the seat of the "Seven Golden Cities." "This island," Iievlyn says, "was exactly in midoceau." After all had landed safely, the wise old bishops burned the ships to prevent their followers front deserting, and found- ed the cities which have become fa- mous in song and story. This mys- terious island was often sought by the early navigators. Those wbo went in search of it and never re- turned were popularly believed to have been detained by its inhabi- tants. -- . The Laird lino • has arranged a large nuMber Of interesting tries to almostevery town in Ireland, and all at Cheap rates. "Ale .chief at- tractiye • trip is -that between, Ar- , droSsan and Portrush. ST.' JACOBS OIL For Stiff and Swollen Necks. Mr. Hooper, 57 Groevenor street, fieletet, writes :-e"Having from a :old got a very .tie and painful vIIn neck, I tried all the usual remedies without effect. I was al- nost giving it up, when a hook was placed- • on my counter des(wibing, St. Jacobs oil. I procured a bottle, and had scarcely rubbed it on neck when 11 felt better. In a short time the pain left me and the swell- ing went down. Finding it -so good In this cese, l then tried it on my ankle, which I had sprained; and which was frequently very painful. I soop had the pleasure of finding that pain also disappear. 1 meet say 1 consider St. Jacobs 'Oil of great value. • P.Io1'PERK) MILK. Salt and pepper, as generally mar, sidereel. h.re of value in bringing gut tbe flexor 01 the food te which they are added. That they hare any lue from a health standpotat is not sts generally recognized. In East- ern countries the condiments, sneb, _ Pepper, are used to profusion LU foods, Gastric troubles. celn- mon enough, in other couotries, are eonspicuously absent, emel the free use et pepper has much to do with that fact. Salt and pepper work against fermentation. Witee the stomach is out of order. Qr, as the cowmen saying is, upset, it is in state et fermentation, $at proves the flavor or niU to mar/cable degree, A feet you c ye to Your own satiefaction y king two glesees of milt. one i original simplicity, the other clmegod by the addition of pinch of salt and a dash ofpepper, then sip 0, ef each. The chances ere that you wilt pre- fer the seasoned atitilk. Doines proviog the flavor and overcogibtg the teadeney toword fermentation. the pepper will practically -disable • any Microbes that meter be floating in the duid. Tiers the gastric ,ImiCes roll perform them perfect work of eleapguag mieros to food. One of the best remedies for n disturbed • digestion is liert water to which has been added salt. If taken a foil honr and a halt tefore lereahfest, 'cupful of this very polotetile drink wttl completely cleanse the stornoch land leave it In good condition. SM•Ppr,,Rffina+RegrmlfIVRATR. it POSITIVE MAI S ABLE TO migt il OF WelitAT enle SAYS. Nr. Chalker Makes Sunie Very Stroug Steterrieute pleiu Than is pare Provo the Truth at nery Assertion Vie Melees. lienisers Ropitis, Otle. ,Sneetel)--Air. George 0, Challier. well tnatleti Teei4VAI. of this place. has AFetherized the piabliection of a, letter cent:Attie eotrie %tor etartiles elateravrate Thorn who neow Ureliaiter will t eek taw preen of tte troth on any etatettieutbeteakee, but to coo -I eineet these who do not kuow hien has annoucetell that he is pro fared to sineetantiate in every de - toil, the tretb of hie nebilished statearent, width is on mllotro ;— "It is with, pleeeine that I certify to the merits ot bodfre Kidney Plile. "I was lain op with Kidney Trott. ble and Was CO bad that I could not do a, dayhe worn. My tech woe very sore, I had heeasy aching arum dull bloated eye.' I was very weak and much reduced in weight, "After I hail tend blE boxee a Dotid's Kidney Pills I wee ten pounds heavier. I often wonder about tlie powered virtue of ewe medicine. I do not know anything about what Dodd's Kiduey Pill* ere :raid to vire but 1 know a great deal about what they will aetually do for Lame Back and Kidney 'Trouble. and I ean prove it, "They are worth their weight in gold to any one suffering as I sufkr- ed. The six boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills cured. me completely and there has hetet no return of my old trouble, That is over three years ago, and I still enjoy good health." This, ie, indeed, a very strong tcs- thnonial for Bodd's Kilinv Pills and one which will have very great weight witlt all who hate the Plea- sure of Ur. Chalker's acqualteance or friendohip. Dodd%) Kidney Pills have made many friends and aro to -day, with- out doubt., the most popular family medicine. WONDERFUL RECORD. q Feeley parish. near East Bere- t/tam has perhaps the most wonder- ful record in Euglaud. It has order changed its rector once in 110 years. In 1702 the Rev. J. Stoughton took the, living, and held it until 1810. when Canon Norgato. the Present. rector, was appointed. The veneto able canon IS himself one of the old- est rectors in England, having a rec- ord of sixty-six years of clevical service. Ile preached a sermon on the Coronation of Queen Victoria, and had never had the assistance of a curate untie this year. Lever's Y -Z (Wise Freed) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder is a boon to any home. It disinfects and cleans at the same time. "That's a nice -looking dog," re- marked the kindly old gentleman who takes an interest in every- thing. ''Yes, sir; he looks all right," replied tbe seedy individual who was leading him with a piece of rope. "He looks like a pointer." "Yes, sir; that's what he looks like. But that ain't what he is. He's a disappOinter." You need not cough all night and, dis turb your friends ; there is no occasion fo you ritnning the risk or contracting:. in- flammation of the limes Or consulate -ion, while you can get Bickle's -anti-Con- aumptiveaSyrup, •oThis medleine eines coughs, colds, inflainniation of the lungs and all throat and chest troubles. It pro motes a free and easy expectoration, whieh m mediately relieves the throat a,ncl lungs from viscid, phlegm, Ask for Minard's and take no other, "Is • this a good thermometer?",, a sked the prospective purcha ser. "Yes, indeed!" replied the obliging salesman enthusiastically. "We guarantee those thermometers never, to vary!" -- Yon eruinot be happy while yen bare corn". • Then do not deley in getting a botilri of Hellovietv's Corn Cure. It re- moves all kind e of e.orne without pain. Failure with ie is unknown. Frog -skin makes the toughest leather enown in proportion to its thickness The Dawson 0*, Can handia VOW APPLES KAMM: PgAlliti PtligAt OARO'S ,,,'POOITIrf ;0004 0,r 000 ISTTES4 ESC% .80tittel to getent.adoentege. Lat. 'ete. 'hare your cousirume40,: win 04Y- YOU. lltatnnit Itt[d PO* 011....aPilliOatten. Aee01,7=1) FOR. Cati,150--"I weeder whet wirer alwaye look no isheepi eawkere-"Well, there aro lee nechop witlekePti, ZeToidt; LIESN'T." 0,1111,1,1411., queen Menem -1m belongs to t Antient family of Iloleteln-Ohlenbur which for hundreds of years mewl the throne a Denteerk. The, f Wes cd the Ptikes of liroleteln da bacle to the binning ef Otronee kletory. CATE or Cam. CilifT or Tomato. 1 .. 1.41Caft veeriev. FRANK J. Ofteltallf Intekes tette that he is senior parmer et tee am el F. J. Olin:NM & tete. Ciang baunees In the City at To:coo. Votooty end Stale aforesaid. and that weld 4ren eint pay the Sunt al Oblel Illetientliele Dole LADS air emit and every eitee of CA.* that canaot be cared hy tbe aut cif IIALIIS VATAltftti etIto. FRANK O. VIttair,,Y. ti,wom to before 810 and ilitti%filltled in y mere:see, nets GM day of Veceeiher. .1). A. W. Gel:AEON. Area ry ruble: : easa : Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken inter - welly. and actd.recily On the blood real MUCOUS surfaces of the nyatem. tsr . P. J. 11flNiW & iiU. Toledo. 0. Rohl by all Druggists. 75e. Hall% katanly Pais are the bests •••M•••••I•111 REPARTEE. "Your tail's einnething of a an. marked the cow, eelayl" answered the come?, "if I had it tail liko yours. I'd shako it" They Cleanse the System Thoroughly— Parmelee's Vegetable Pills clear the stom- ach and bowels of bilious matter taus. the excretory vessels to throw oft impuri- ties front the blood into the bowels and expel the deletertous mass from the body. They do tills without ,pain or it:conven- ience to the ordieut, who speedily realizes their ItORd offlces BS soon as they begin to take effect. They have strong recom- mendations from all kinds of people. 4.=111••••••••• • The highest shot -tower in the world is at Villacio in AuStria. The fall is 210 feet. ••••••••••••=.01 Minard's Liniment Lumbeiman's Friend The military salute as now prac- tised orleinetted in Prussia. TO trIIDE COI.IP IN ONE DAT. el ta refund uto molar if it feat to me. E. W til'sures alcanture 1100 tacit box. 25a. Take inUtive neeete, drue • Ityder—"That's a fine collection of stuffed birds- you have there. Italk- er—"Yes, and they cost me a mint of „atoney." Ityder—"Where did you get them?" Walker—'From iny wife's discarded_hats." Pleasant as syrup; uothing equul-s it as a worm medicine; the name is Mothel Grave's Worm Exterminator. The great - at worm destroyer of the age. Una Stockyards— why doesn't she marry t him'?" Mise Sparerib --"Ola she says there's a stain on his family escutcheon." Mrs. Stockyards—"Well, good gra- cities! Don't they keep any ser- vants who can scrub?" IMPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP ' The' quality standeifd.froln' mean to ocean. Your money back if not satisfamory. ROSE a LAI`tattIME, Agent - Montreal. „ Western Australia, has 116,793 men, and only 68,251 women, India owes 26 million acres of. fer- tile land, to British -made canals. Sore Feet.—Mrs. E. j. Neill, New Arm aglO P. Q., writes; "For nearly six months I was tronbled with burning aches and pains in my feet to such an ex tent that I could not sleep ab night, and as my feet were badly swollen could bet wear my boots for weeks. At last got EL bottle of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil and resolved to try it and to my astonish- ment I got almost instant relief, and the ne bottle accomplished a perfect cure. Blinks—“Lucky xuan, that fellow Quiff!" Winks—"I don't see how you make it out." Blinks—'`Why, he took out a life insurance policy for $6,000, and died six days before the company. failed." eletusit tsfeeett inertia* ea* flcnp Theolraa Ilan lea 1 Petrifies:Si esti and ex te tanswwokols). Petite. Nara Basic, Bret,, $11excl Smoked Coot. alt_Xsterst 1/10161. ro•01, Palptiblio Aid alSkasois t�155I3+3 digiele intone*, 141,441. Masai 4 WAY.. lerx00 "Now 20 ILLTA (1301 Tams TO lit' DS seat Wed Xats 0t101. 411)114eilltfeteaa'94•41 NO HUMBUG 111,11ra5t.I ItumakeismerAllitlE800400:ct booseasr. Masse o5agostr:s3 ro1ag.804ro 414Valoslosrosa1ko.eli suosesaalogeshlo *Met% trona> tirAmet0alo2ree,r.01•11 /Aerosol tt tsrtOlitfilvesslis,“aittnisere raid 1114. wilikv, halm aCoardtrIti 11. 11UU11135?051 V1ti,V.3 Lord Brar.sey holds the record of liavitor sailed warily 130,009 tulles ,!lit yachts. torero tan vange and week% err tee Cold sere Dreinaseelalue Tablet/ one a celein out y. Core .Ne Fee rietZ cesau, The total coast line of the three islands of New Zealand is 4,330 4.••••••••••••• Keep Minds Liniment in the House, France's 10.000 doctors avhrago less than $750 a, year professional income. r•••••••10, Tor Over S$X0y Itatrt. Aar San 1.5D Weet•Terse etanerie., - Mrs Winalcaeseoothinseerupeas been treater over sixty year:shy millions of mothers for their children while teething, wail ottrea allecerli. It, sootiest the child, softens the guess, i11ayx4 all pals, cures wind gotta, and lathe best remedy far Diarrhoea. IA ptea-ant to the taste. geld by &auks in every part of the wore,. reteuteeleseents %bottle. Ita value is irealculabk. Be sure and ask for Mrs. WinsiowB Soothing Syrup. tad take no other kind "That girl can't talk a little bit." "Is that so?" "Quite true. The only thing she said to me the whole evening was `No,' and I had to pro- pose to her to get her to say that." A Small P111, but Powarfal.—They that judge of the powera of a pill by its size wotild cousider Parmelee's Vegetable Pills to he lacking. It is a little wonder amona pills. What it, lacks in size it makes up in potency. The remedies which ib carries are put up in these small doses, because they are so powerful that only small doses aro required. The full strength of the extracts is secured in this form end do their work thoroughly, This seems quite strange, but then There's no one can gaiesny it; , One has to lOse his tenhper Before he eaa display it. Onsamts. Ilorzwaa MESSRS. C. C. RICHARDS & CO. Gentlemen,—In- June '98 1 bad my hand and wrist bitten and badly mangled by a vicious horse. I suffer- ed greatly for several days and the tooth cuts refused to heal, until your agent gave me a bottle of M.INARD'S LINIMENT, which I be- gan using, and the effect was magi- cal. In five hours the pain bad ceased, and in two weeks the wounds had completely healed and my hand and arm were as well as ever. • Yours truly, A. E. ROY. Carriage maker, St. Antoine, P. Q. The crypt of Oantorbory Cathedral. is 230 feet long, and the largest in England. • Minard's Liniment is used by Physicians N U .395