Exeter Advocate, 1902-7-31, Page 3Tr-v- FED,su cupifl-co u,liAataboyatihse epoonwdeelinnocid.s..iti? f(a., rttlire uliulog saint is given everlastieg life. it Is only a step from the lloreen arena, where the Ancient saints were torn to Views by the wild beasts, into Be True the Gospel Faith in the Places ulx, to t e mem pastures by the side of still evetere, weere the glorified Where You are Stationed. 'saints ehell forever 'dwell with the ,Lamb, It is only a step -4 short istep. Are we ready to live for Christ in a piece where we may ;lately take that step, although te Vetexte 40cOr4iriz *1 Act d 019 eastanoe, et some of the greatest of moral ho Mice it we shall pass throluth the eA„,,,,e1elaele hft one eivehefie .1•;lee Ilse; roes have been physical weaklingoa twee of earthly persecution eIt s oksy, Two, by \voltam soy; '0 Tgroat4. ttei neknogiopt Asticalwrffi, Otamai so sone Of the greateSt of Christiao such a short. step, for the saints of heroes heve been those who have God from the palaces of Nero to the palaces which. Christ luxe prepared far hia own that it does seem as though the Palaces of persecution AM hut the vestibules of the Palaces of reward. May God help eaeh one of vs to -be true to his faith evbile we. dwell ora.plittle whiles on earth hi one of Caesar's earthly pelaces A despatch from Chicago seets: Bev- Frauk De Witt Tainsege preeeh- ed from the following text; Rbilip- ,Plons iv, 22, "All the Saints salute Too, chiefly they that are al Caes- ar's household," Now, ete rAmi it the salutations O f the salute in Caesar's palace to the nembers of the Philippien ehurch for their eucouragement. I eux golees to bring the salutations eff the sahits who live in Caesar's slimed even worse than you have Sinned. And I bring to you who have an evil peat this message Veal the saiute u Caesar's Palace, he, cause the man who hes publicly sin- ned, the an who. has been loath' somely vile, is the man whet has an especial mission to save eoids for Jesus Christ, You know as no one else lanews how awful is the Power of teeeptotioo. Yon know as no one else hnowe bow difncult it is modern palaces for the encourage- for one who has been a, social out, ment of every Man, weinala and,cast to try to live again among child. I an geing to declare to the lrespectable social ,eurroundiugs. You -young and the old, the rich and the can opeak as hiary Magdalene could poor, the high and the low alike, speak. You eau plead as St. Delia that though Seale of yon are having a could 'Plead, who was once the not- a hard thee to maintain your Chrise)!ed Diu° Bird, the filth of the New tien integrity against the bombard- [York slums. Although St. Delia zneuts of eeemiogly overwhelming had such an evil past, yet her life. worldly difficulties, yet there are il,under the power of the Holy (Most, ?nee alid wonwit who are maintaioeibecaene SQ Imre and sweet ASA Ill - Mg their Chrietiaa integrltY Against fluentiaL thot the rich and too Pmah the tehernacle of the tent of tir troubles infinitely greater than the pure and the depraved alike. the congregation. yours. There are men and women old as well us the young. I Thus Moses was ean)uended. and true to tlod today who bave slosais SOURED OVER 11ER, CASE.ET. tints he did in every particular juet dc,red upon their backs nwhole"1..0 the heart as as he was conunanded. See veMe monatain range of toisfortunee ono! "" vae," sr?" n-1 e tee (broth,. ld and eetillniVe the sevenfold oho* borrows end pains, while you. corn- John "- s'img" spa"ea ttothe in verses 30. 21, 21.1. 25, 2.7, 20. 82. This whole (Sumter gives twofold stutetnent of the eounaletion •rand erection of the tabernaelee-ver- ens 140 the Lord's connnand and 17- trottitgA.tihatItitt-efoireoeiliinflutungittotta'ertowafindi smettIPmegagialfhhristians. you hone 1104)3,3 hio-sno` ehedlences-efter whielt the „shore while you hayo mhy a siiaie an evil past. you can plead for hoora approves and ileeePts the work. (Ilona= mon who are name deep, hedges or sill. us the saints who had Egypt at Mount Sinai the Lord said 4 THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. INTERNATIONAL ItESSON, AITAIST 3. Text of the Zeseen, Ex. xL, 1-8 Golden. Text, Ps. v. 4. 011,1", 3. 2, 17-19. And the Lord sleek Moses. saying, On the arse 04 of the Arid, MOntit Shalt thieo set te Tine etaggesta the new birth. We are PlAinlY told in Rev. six, 8, that the flee line,, is the rightefeeenees of saints. 9-10. Both the high priest and his sons. and the tabernacle and all ite vessels had to be anointed, for all were set apart te be holy unee tee Lord and W minister ento Him His special possession set apart tor Him- self, meet for His, us,e (Tit. 11, 14. V•;„ I's. iv, 3: IL Tim, ii, 21.), 84, h5. The glory of the Lord filled the ta,bernaele, leas Re will UI us if we are willing and obedient awl wholly set apart for Himself, our bodies a living sae - *Ice that He may De glorified io usi our detemination that of Paul iu Phil. 1,0: 1U, 10, 0.4. •'80-38. The pillar of Cloud was to them a guide, a light, a shield, an oracle, en avenger, 4 covering for God Himself was in it. It. Was the Weibel. 91 Ilia pieeence in the eight of ail the people, pAratively epeahing, are going forth ants. emu e you y into the gospel fight weighed down the phantoms of delirium tremena only with a little knetisuels. There 141°11141t thenwelves aright in the ellP are Christian men who. figuratively until at last they woule bite like a • 1 h dd iow brook to cross. Thee, ere Christ in the eighways and the About threw months after they left 111500 dee?. waist, deep. shoulder an evil past could SOegth In CaeSar'S to Mons, "Let them make Me a deep, dim deep in the oetieesuude oe palace. Those saints to -day are now sollotottrY. that I may dwell anmeg difficulties who can yet inaic up „ud placistg their elands of holy online- t11e15s4 and the full instruetiope con- cete the inee of God. while hole routs , then amen your head that you may seraing it ad the priesthood are Iteratively speolosen have uriy rt go forth met save your swirl fellow11 ft74011d, clicituenitite&iiewaortloz asnhhit Nyvkiltoi etony path to climb. If the saints „men' in Caesitee aro:lent and, Modern pala' 4 Would oleo encourage toolay. (1".."? 'is Itmod In ehaPterS •XNX,V 10 1°11141 he true to itl"r g°siPell 'ttiosefatir astr°5cirlat‘altstaarner:rtnit'ilc'hAa‘V*thaellegrt!catioth: 03eadsw'titettlite°allitt4 on we fotuidetiliti 5:01E"it Islieleehis'el‘inktitzle4lort4t4q111"itili and work with tail (aesoeietes. INT-. the 1414 day 01. lhe •firht, Month of better and truer aud purer send ob- holm t11* X4•141141 man W110 15 stealing, the wend year. As With this build - ler efforts. no matter what noir ruen.e!belhind the none counter with you hi, ing. 50 With the temple of SolonlOn lel or eiliyeical or ineldental alifilcul-Sithe store, le; au infidel: perhaps ),-049holontes at school ansdouinell'-"t1°1117,41/Adtalone. was ties *U11 b0 d,rcsi„":4e1lhlrItxNvi.li. .'eollege are ont (red out evalteien A verY PeeOliar thing about. the na 1 WOULD Eitt'OritAGE "Nona the word 01 nod, porbaph,,j Aerial of the taheraacie wa.s the will- timee Christiana, in the Seat place. Arat Is "int of all. you fiull Mt, IngOeSS Of the people and the abou- sieui depressions of in health, "0 inroto,atmo,,grierarional;Illedoto.ioart:litry wtloto 111,41eliti-e.!tr to restrain iita .p0orfo from of the gifts. SO that Moeeta wino am struggling against OP phy- even under tile brightest of combo. owe row inhie.ho you hivto round bi:11Tiiii,(ehaPtCi" XXN.Vi. 0. 1-1. 8,-0, al. And thou *emit put Mons in an aWfall StrlIggle, AleN1111.*4 Out, also that your husband is base der Pope mwe competed the cease -i ing a oernitholis and spiritually de. therein the nril of the testimony mad lees :struggle of life to a continuous a coyeh the ark with the veil. i straying halluence over your chlidren. 10111114.Y ever the bridge of thue. te-f What aro you going to do.,...keno This woO the only vessel in the "" "Ile °al of "this hrhige the BM- ' these eiiii tissociates ? Sometinws lall'Y of holies and spoke of Christ. list' poet steno) the different geaere such counsv, is possible ; sometinwe whew heort was the law ond 711011 theill it is not. ht. ehhiently ahis imt pos. U18* is the end of the mw for right - on taut eta, never allowing the tired silo rue vie uneient;sahas to haho' eousness to every believer. The and footsore and headaching iliK1' loft "comes palace. ose they Ivoold wood and gold suggest Ills humanity lestant. Ile kept there moving have done so. It is most na.tund tOtana divinity. Ilo Is indeed our heart:telling traveler to halt for tor "11 SUPPOSQ k bat . hose saints would.allhogeY seat (1,1out. iii. 26, R. V.). and on OVer the britige, of time until , every boy and girl Or ;Mang • i uni have instantly Red from the Romanl \uveareireanuirnetbe(j=nsnperflaheest .fifit" tkitls". -1 - capital duriug the time of Nero's' rand youog women or middle ma ( could have runLbiody Melo er, 20), whieh concealed luau and middle oged woman or - ''.:.. f ' persecut ion if - they while ho WAS here on away with boeor and self-resq ect. 1 the 0°rS. "S°Venaria° 04' octagonal.'" Gr '• Doein all proluddlity most of those ' earth* The eberubbn beaten out of tot (sling centenarian had ttenbled eeints said to thenekOves something athe same piece of I he gold of the through the broken planks of that.; like this : -No, I cannot, I will i anerey seat, and also figures of the bridge into the dark waters of the loot go 1 it would be cowerdly for trAme worked la the van tell of Ms river of death flowing below. Ime to desert rnv Lord avid Master. But though life is such an awful I I, win star 1104,0.101d iieep as tesury_ etruggle for the broad chested and eing for Christ, if need be until my the stout limbed end the powerfullylbody is bunted at, the stale or entail Physique& yet, 1.vmalelltd 1...° saY' by the wild beasts In one of the some of the mightiest Cirri:Aran he- arenas .. And stay in Rome these roes Itave been men and women who saioth did, and dih' a martyras death. stick and light the urnms thereof. Were physical weakling's. Some of In these two 'vessels in the outer latest of th0111 iliSO did. So it may the most fatuous mental and spirit- or first room, the holy ,place. 'we be your Christian duty to Iwo en. of see Ilim who said. "1 am the Bread nal Omits of the ages have been living for mist and testifying those whose physical. frames were so 0,,f,, Vile," "1 one the Light of the Ids love in a place of persecution frail that they could have been de- and among companions who make World" (John vi, 85: viii, 12). We strayed almost as easily as a dew-. Christ an object of daily ridicule, as see Iris death and resurrection in drop could be flung from the sue-. did the persecuted youpg noman the sowing and reaping of the grain, face of a leaf or a hultuning bfrdt!' 1 ofticer whose epitaph Call still be and His suffering's are also set forth life could be crushed out between the grinding of the grain (John read in one of the Romar cemeteries In the thumb and forefinger of a man's in these words!' "Ile lived long en.- X". 24; Isa. eatviiis 28). His suffer- ', ings are also seen in the pressing or hand. ongh to shed his blood for Christ. 1 would encourage those Chris- celestite, bruising of the olives to obtain oil Now, I 'want you, my thins also who are trying to main- for thil ICLIAPS. . friends, you who are experiencing tain their Christian. integrity i 5, 26-28. And thou shalt set the 'a these daily persecutions, to fully re- spite of an evil past. By this state- alize that net one drop of blood altar of gold for Oft incense before went 1 mean. those Christians whose a which fell from the Christian niai ... the ark of the testimony and put the Past sins have been „itera,hled, ("er tyrs of Caesar's ancient place hanging of the door 40 the tabor - the world, even as teams sin was • •naele. known by the black mark which had WAS SHED IN VAIN. 'This was tlie third and only othe been stamped upon the murderer's From those persecutions the great er article of fm•niture in the holy brow, if it is hard for a young influence of the church of Jesus phice, and on it the priest was to girl when she is living in a Chris- Christ was started, From those tian home and has practically never persecutions were lighted the gospel been out of her mother's euro, how torches which are to -day shedding . much harder must it, be for a young their glorious, rays all round the girl to be good and true and pure world. From Lose persecutions when she has had her feet cut and came not so much Paul's death and • ' lacerated by treading the crooked the death of the •saints ht Caesar's and stony pathway of sin and has palace as the eternal life of mil- • had her fair name blackened by the Sons upon millions of Immortal condemnations of a dissolute life! If souls. So if you, 0 persecuted AN ORCIIIDVNTESS. Young Man Was Dote hie to Sueceed. "Good "nominee, sir!" lt Was a pleasant. voice. and the florist an- swered pleasantly. "Good, morning! What can I do for you?" The Dian asked for worth He would do anYthiag, mad do :t.t. faithfully. "ran sorry." said the florist. "hut this is lir eeaeove We oh several Men lest we.elt. You'll have to OX - 0550 1115 liow- A custoMer bah lust woe mid he hurried away to he trout. of the ehop. The young man lingered and preferred his re - (pleat again. and was a. eecond time repulsed, more curtly Ono before. lint as he reacheel the door. the florist, called to him: "Wait a minute! Po you Snow -thing about orchldel The m- iter who was juet wante em to e:ceure 801/le new eed MN varieties for her. It's a difficolt hunt. Ws (langerous-" "Let lite tan!" cried the young men. eagerly. -Tell me where to go and what to get." The florist went on to say that he had recently lost oree of his hest, hunters hi a Philippine juogle. Ile dn-elt 11411014 thP inVOIVC(1. ali(1 tlw uncertalaty reward. Then he Feld that the head watere of tii afforded the hest booting ground. Ile would pay the ocean paesage both ways, and aan'ance fif- ty dollen in addition: but, he could not promise the adventurer any Mama of mime% Ste litter a balfelluished rf t lay moored to a gum tree 0111 the upper AlnaZen. A haggard young num was giving it. the finish- ing touches. Ile had neither ham- mer nor reeila nor maw 'tor ex, but • he wee happy in the posse.ssion of a wonderfol collection or ordeals. Me had gathered his choicest (+MMus, SMS,6161,63$Z,TA`Vt senootet; then add three *table, ea tablespoonfuls of butter. Stir one ites liollsElloLu Is174‘:Xteuttlett-jet: roltm'at'le 130.1)(113entS°h1184"4 • ' ` qta spooefuls of grated :cheese and three cti 01 the eggs bcntenatitf, inixino, hI C!' Wdish and belie fifte,ea riunuteS in On the rugged cliffs of the Andes. No human being had cro.ssed his path for a, naonth, but, for that he wae eet riorry, for his last encoun- ter heti been with savages who shot his heree to death with poisoned ate rdws. ITe had escaped With his sad- dle, rifle aud huntiugeknife, and An osier crate of orchids. The saddle ZZ,Z6,109,19,61:919 earefullSh Tern into a deep leakhag. quick oven.. WHAT TO DO wITE CHEESE- Cheese utrops„--pet six tablespoon:, Lovers of cheese will appreeiete hils of belling Water into a etuell SpreadaQ1111.-e:sUt'ed t ikzitliellia-sis4Crlen•Sle‘a*evdt514w1 tei raave bbit. Phbve:lacitie:gbggfes. swilitlikhlbelloutieltenil:°,:ltd°114Q4144:tigl°71ial tal:flee4a4t:1; ter; enake these into Sandwiches With grated or enoy cet. cheeen aod pre_ beat again. Drop from 4 SPQQQ on paed tintrostheattelDfuotrtear. brawnthig:44s plbi:ittleerelvditphenirahterillaic.17eeits.lei egapga 41.41;1 well on both states. Still another Ceieeenee- lenhe in 4 (Mg* yea about eillteea Mintltes. excellent cheese dish consists al Cheese Atdded to a good cream :SALM and poured over slice4 toast. Dits of theese, either cream or the harder cheeses, should never be thrown away, for several varieties cart he bloated together with adde4 ONE WOMAN'S CHAT. lietexation is the great principle that physiciaree are trying to teaelt women noweeleys. Ilecreetton need seasoning with ,..eneat, offoot. yorrif tef Zeliviahee'sucroeesoiretooff,:ogaolppiliizrexitoivn,:, example, cream cheese geld Ilequele although en are excellent in their fort cheese can be maehed. together way. hat people must vary teen. with Q, fork and mixed with a little immune. Mn en business life usual» butter and roiled 109 belle with the ly cheese la savory made into balls, the !leg; women. will go theough that hand anal eerired with salad. Cream meet out of ten. especially housukeepe have this variety,. but pine W0-. Seasoning depending largely upon thee[earne round oe duties end pleesurea palates of the persons to wbour it hens nays in tbe hear, 15 to bo served. 1-31°Kmd 0/45°9.1 If you begia to suffer from the dee oetion or ParSieY 0541 he added to it 1-ihreseinkh the nespouneney. that we and 4 little ereAut it it is too sal, often is tee precursor •oe nereene It coo be arranged on 4 plate in a I breaktiowns. seek a chaesee of soma mound or retie(' ineal belle- earrt. Po something Tiria Non an • There are motto was of arrangiPg Pleat. aeueateettied to do. aCt a C00% crachera with eheeee to sere -e with lig ea new thoughts aufl new Was lieri salad. Either crisp soda ernelierb efdaing yew mind. and he-. or water biscuits are used. Una fore ,,,trou know it yoe IOU he jeteghe itthesbwottleelrubeismeiotiitsteisnetao uhleinPhreoPtai‘evadt • oorrdoensivionoiltheeereyealTsr.i ter and treated with a, little melted htsit seaman wishes to fee herselli bNpurtitielhrleallVdith FreanifinlYellital.941; grathteend tinite4eyrne,lrarr4.ae°°peRatrilteyso€veas ipteasts' 54510. cheese and sprinitle with paprika. ehe should heel) the serface of bets Place thelle in a- bot oven until the reem is hot and creamy. • Cheese Caoapeseetsut bread into slices one-half inch Mich: Mateo them with a hismit cutter into cir- cles: then. 'Pooling the cutter to wee .side. oat them itato crescent feral, or if preferred, cut the 'bread into strips tierce hates lang. aud .ctue pee -half inches wide. Fry Mein Ili 00 little butter on both sidee, to an anther color; *foyer them 'with A reonie women cae47,t, injure their gloss highly polished, and halve plentiful stappiy of white-elle* cream --value of fine Indian 13158. (Intil^, er the material et, the centre of the top and let it fall ou either eidee framing the glees with soft, fold% of pure white- A draped mime' ale ways gives a more becomitog retiees thee than One 'with a hard freme. • Accordieg to a writer in a Pledie eel journal. the heavy hate that hick layer Of grated elteeee. eprinhie hcrees, with sal*, pepper wed daeh of eat- Largo hets weigh too heavily up. enue. Fifteen, auturites before the* on the fragile fetnieine ereiatiee and time SerVe them in OM 0Y10:14 eieeet tae • vemiis and nereefe t ,y1seh1toetn. the 550e9e" Servo at u1lre The writer eiso inelste that the eP 'fort to keep large and !wow heti, heeee rattleseeettesa:e SALMO RAIQQ111gt ehe right angle impoeee Sums round Croustades. dip them in but- i etrain open the nervee of the 103' 481(1 and teest them In the oveu *0 0, ere. delicate color. Fill the Viehetteee With In trite:Mug inderWeae Iry thiS two Ounces sI gl'atrd OW' Method of Mating the laC4'- Lot half table:Tooting of butter, one to- be en iiI4OMMIWINV novelty rase or ail bite:pooped of mine, a little salt and iteitalieso and ontllno the 411"." hpeoptp.er; piece the croustades ugain with Coaree wash Mlle. Go itiound hr the 0505 to tnelt the cheese; terve them hi a reraniug etitch when "Lyon have tenishol note theclogani faCinhenef.sebutStroit,:aleoseneTwoheotpailnaglesmofine.... awpirieatirmatraiverneftolinestvlaclailiewrillelt hire spoonful flour. one-laalf cupful of appliqued figures: and the %nutty ol 1*11111, one-ltnif teaspooufral of ealt, it, is that it, will laMtder (4 thousand a. dash Of cayenne, three eggs. one tillIeS as 'T.vell after tint treatment, cupful grated cheese. Put the but- so that the NeeOnd estote of that ter into a saucepan, and when it is lace will be better than the Gant. melted. este in etre neer ana 1c 5. t cook a minute, but not, color. stir- STAUCII FOR LACES. leather eerved Juni in raft nutking, ring ah the time. , . a( ( one- LQP. river. which he bound into ropes for smooth; then add salt n i ° Ad Of milk slowly end Air till Laces are want So 1°°011 th" 411. lit cayenne. rectittes for doing them up are NI.CP and so dui Ow tough reeds front Ow lashing the saplings together. Remove ,from 'the Ore and add, stir- olallY "Will* _When his raft was finished he plata ring constantly, the beaten yolks of To btarch lace suis one tablespoons three eggs and a cupful of gratediful of starch with two tablese0ote ed the crate on 11, and began his American eheese; replace ft on the'fuls of cold water and nosh* on this body, the church, and our journey of two thousand miles. with Rine oneness Twice be was shipwrecked in the trencherous rapids of the river, and 4, 22,25. and thou shalt bring In twice he bad to rebuild his raft. the table and set in order the things Once his raft stuck fast on a, stump, that are to be set in order upon it. two miles from shore, but he was and thoe ehalt bring in the candle- rescued by a frieuakir iaknaa' At leugth he reached a seaport it is difficult for a young man to .hold an honorable position hi so- ciety when his record is CLEAN AND 000th • bow much more difficelt must it be for a men to attain an :honorable life when he has• served out his term ' a felon's Cell, or lias had his hair &opped ,by the convict's sheaes, and his plothes striped with the mark of •the penitentiary! If it is difficult •Tote4reelerietinn;te elheeright•: 'whose neareee :neigh:bees can Shed' nothing to say of .him •and :his past, ligee.much umee-'difficule meet, . be , for ' e .to. liVe good c‘11.0 yids b,een e drankard,;-, theeeSh 4 • • Ahief, • Outeastl. ' Weeed yeti, 0 Christian, :to -day he willing to have reformed ex-eon- VictS as occupantS of your office? Would :yoe, 0 eiti.ther,. alloW. reform -7 ed. servants your • home whose past 'lives have been -dissolute? • in all probability you would. both answer in ,an •mi4jhristian., way. `.`i 'do not bear any • such People any 111 Will; but 1 `would . prefer not to have them arpeod my person., Thee- • might steal 'or perhaps they might lead children:- astray, and were Such aMong iny help :I would .dis- miss them, at, once:" But though it is ep• difficult, for a Man to lead a Cheistian life who. has had , an, evil past, - yet 'if -there ere any, here toklay, bring to you the • salatations of.:theI.• Sainte Of :Seeeette".S.Pnlace..,- Ward to Mk Ottr-., • age you with the feet. that; just ee Christian, only keep true to the gos- pel faith in the difficult places where you are statiened., you may not only wheyoer father, and Mother and„huse band and children for God, but you May Win thousands upon thousanda of immortaCsouls for Christ-heings whose .eitmee you have never geed. and whose glowing- faees perhaps you shall never see until you look mune them among the redeemed , bee efoee the .g.teee white. throne. : ..1V;\i hearers, no Matter ,what our evat E life:I-eau be, will, YOU today .be,a saint of Gede -.and threw your- self .upon the pardon aid ;the Morey of Cbrist ? Yee., here and ' now 'Opelieate yoer ee: the. Sevioue eet "ea e`ir that dedication means • the -shedding of your hife's blood ? Will you he wilting to suffer for Christ as well as eo, have the pleasure and the joys that, come from the Christian life ? Are you ready to. Shoulder for Christ the heavy. : Are'. you ready; for:him, to have the feet ache the bands,' ache;. the back eche; the :head ache, ancl beart ache 7. would plead With you to helwill- , ing• . to meke these sacrifices for Christ, as did the •saints Caesar's palacee, becietree it On teccotiet of their eeetifiees •that Jesus ;going to re Ward Ye 'other ; • place. which he has buildeh,for you, not in Ron•te,.bet upon .the golden- boule, ya.rd of..,•,heetrveri. ,. It is OD cstep frethethe palace :of persecution into the palace . of rewerde it is only a step front Caesar's thrOne' when, the town, and there cabled the florist that he bad succeeded. A month later he stood in the shop where he had asked for employment; but this time, when be went away. he had a. permanent engagement and a. check for three thousand dollars. SAVING 1N GOOD BoADs. An Indian engineer has been estim- ating the cost of transportation. by road and has produced a strong ar- gement for the very best roads. Ile one -hell tahlesPo°111111 salt and the figures that the wet, of movehig one •yolk of one egg. Then add enough ton by horse power over one mile of water to make a paste sufficiently consietent to roll. Plitee it on a dry, sandy road is 64 cents; over and board -rind roll into one-quarter wet sand, 32 cents; over ruts mud, 39 cents; over broken stone inch thickness. Cut it luto rlarr°W and ruts, 26 cents; over an earth strips and roll so each Imes will burn =cense morning and evening road that is dry and hard, 18 be the size and length of a. lead pen- . baking . theni (Ex. xxx, 7, 8). It suggests the cents; over a broken stone road in. cr. • ace press each end to the pan so merits and excellencies of the Lord good condition, 8 cents: over a coin- and ; ever they will not crack. Bake a light Jesus in His present great work of pact gravel road, 8.8 cents intercession for His people 1 • stone paving, 5.88 ceots; over as- brown shalt, 2.'7 cents. The engineer are with salad or soup. These straws hi. a moderate oven. Serve from Him no service can be accept- ed. 6, 29. And thou shalt set the ahtnr weld be universal in this country, • of the burnt offering before the doer many millions of dollars would be Cottage Cheese. -Place a panful of sieved and millions of tons of nier- milk which has soured enough tie be - fire and stir until the cheese io =Rai one plat* of balling water. Place Oz setinennt blew Ipwatsteetu•Nlirr oo long gd etzti-.' the fire and add one-fourth of a teas the butter will, separate. Pour the 'mixture on a buttered. dish and set away to cool. When ready to use stir into it lightly the weliebeaten whites of three eggs, turn it into a, pudding dish and bnke in a. hot oven for thirty minutes. Do not open tile oven door for ten minutes, do not shun the oVett door, do not kali the quantity wale"' move the souffle until after fifteen Otim arable starch is made by pale minutes. Serve it .at once, as any ting one -tourth of an ounce Of the souffle must go directly to the table bast white gum "aid° In a euP °I wide-mouthed bottle with owl gill 01 or it will fall. Cheese Straws.-hliv. with one oils,. cold water. 1.ot it soak for two or ful of flour one-half cupful of grated three hours. then Diane in btisill Parmesan cheese, a, dash of cayenne, 01 cold water and put on the lire to dissolve. Stir frequently; strade through cheese cloth. This makes' a very stiff stab. For articles that need to be only slightly stiffened a quart of 'water or even more may be added to the dissolved gunt arable,. spoonful of gum arable whaeh has been soaked in one tablespoonful el cold water. Boil for five minutes, stirring all the while. Strale through Orman cloth. For laCeS in which only a suggestion of starch 14 desired doable the quantity of was ter. roe heavy laces that are re4 quired to be rather stiff use olds , apart gues that if wagon transportation will ep 3verab d should be heated just before serv- at a cost of five cents a Mile a ten of the tabernacle of the -tent of the congregation. This brazen altar or altar of burnt offering represents the work of Christ on Calvary suffering in our stead for our sins. it was just with - i5* the court by the eatrance and there was bleed upon it and at the foot of it. It was impossible to °n - Ler the tabernacle except by this. altar, so thet any who would not acceptthe way of the blond could . • not possibly enter• • 7, 30.732,.And thou shalt set the laver between ,the tent Of the con- gregation and eta° altar and shalt put water therein, •••• While the brazen • 'altar proclaims justificatiote imeh also that 'phase of sanctifitation • Which refers to our ,standing in Christ before Cod (Rom. v, 9; Heb. x, 1(4, 14), the laver and his family. The Stileses were cheese and pepper together; place points to the continued cleansing innot long in their new home when the basin in allot/1m'01 hot water, daily life by the word of God (John teens arrived. Then they moved out and sth• meth the mixture becomes a chandise which cannot now be handl- come thick or clabbered over a pan ed'at a profit would be available in of hot water. Let it heat slowly the markets., until the 'whey has separated from 4-- the curd; do not ldt. it boil or the HOUSE OP TWELVE TWINS. curd will become tough; then strain it through a cloth and press out all A Chicago paper gives an amusing' the whey. Stir into the curd en - history of a comfortable farra °ugh. butter, cream. aud salt to make dwelling. situated between Stony- a a little moist and a good gayer, brook and Campbell's Station, nem' work it well with a spoon until it 'Mak, Pa. It is hnown throughout becomes, floe, grained , and consistent; w the • tonehHou ip ea the se ,'of then in.olcl it into balls of any size Twelve 'Twins, because six Sets . of desired. • - twine have been born under' ow n k eepers k ouse h Pew its eoofanything in eleven years. The house was or- iginally known as the Rudy Home- stead, and it was to Mr. and Mrs. Jelin- Rudy that' the first two pairs of the -twelve " visitots came. 'the Itudys sold the honiestea,d, and it became the abode of David Stiles about, cheese soups • It is, made of • one and a half cupfuls of flour, one Piet of lick creamn ; four tableepoo- • fuls of ,butter, four; 01 grated Par - 'newel cheese, a speak of cayenne, two eggs, three quarts of clear soup stock. Mix flour, cream, butter, xvii, 17; xiii, 10; Ps. =ix, 9). S, 33. And -thou shalt set np the Court round about and hang up the hangieg at the court gate. This hum fence hung upon wooden pillars and attached to them by sil= ver hooks, each pillar standing in a socket of brass and kept upright by cords attached to bress pine driven in the earth, is till suggestive of lee demi. tion by blood, the righteousness provided for us and the way we are smooth, firm paste. Break into it the two eggs and mix quickly and thoroughly. Cook two :minutes lEnger and set' away to cool; when cold roll into balls about the size of an American walnut. When the balls- are • formed drop them into boiling water and cook gently five • minutes. Place several balls in each plate and pour the boiling soup over them. It is also well to serve fine - kept by the power of God. A pillar and the family • of A. L. Thomas movecl ie and was blessed with twins. •- • , A workman, having had a sum of money left him by the death of his father, went to See his solicitor, who had the matter in hand for a final settlement- The bill of costs having been presented to him, the man glanced over the figures, , and thinking the .,charges were excessieely heavy; turned to his legal adviser • ly, grated Parmesan, cheese with the could not he a part • of the taber- soup. „ nacie While it stool as a tree 15 the and exclaimed in astonishment •-- Cheese Itainekins.--Put half a cup forest bet it liad to be cut dowii "Mer-iather left his ineineY to me- oil um fgrated bnead ekii:cwith a5511a new foundation. not to you i"•bs . Stir this MALE It had rained all the long dreary day, and his golden curls were bed- raggled and wet, ad his nice collar hung limp down his slender shoul- ders when he carne home at a quar- ter past four o'clock, and threw his school books at the cat which lay beside the hearth. "Grandpa," he said, softly, as he came to where the old man WAS quietly sitting, smoking and think- ing, "I thought all brides were of th.elfielineya.laeres,exe.;:nd-, they are. Why do you nia.ke such an odd remark ?' 'Becaus,e, grandpa, in looking over my geography lesson I carne upon the Hebrides. Are they fe- males, too 1 And, if so, why are they called 'he' ?" HORSES' DANCING SCHOOL. • Pew people know that some horses learn dancing just as ilien and wo- • men do. They actually go to a "school of dancing for horses," and there is m big school of this :kind in New York, where there are many bright pupils on the hoof. In the school eompetent instructors drill them in several feats they are to perform, and acteistom them to mu- sic, teach them to run up inclined planes, and to obey the slightest word of command. After being thoroughly drilled the horses are given several 'dress rehearsals on the stage until pronounced ready for their debut. At the school there aro always several veteran actor horses waiting. for an engagement, There are also understudies ready for Work at an instant's notice. "I can &if ly say that 110 man evei attempted o• bribe me, geutlemen." Voice in the Crowd -'Don't Is down -hearted, old chap; your leak limy change." •