Exeter Advocate, 1902-5-29, Page 1FIFTEENTH YEAR, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1902.. eiee eteetegiereeetteeteeeseeeerageteekeeig 4*, .1N. 46. narkwACACABK 1t7Pf7.41- JUST COME. AMERICAN DRESS MUSLINS 12 I-2cts. and I5cts, per yard. BATISTE MUSLINS in black and white, old rose,grey,coronation blue, mauve and linen shades, all with fancy patterns at 12,ic„ worth 20c. per vd. RIVOLI DIMITIES II stripes and ,tlains, With If fancy coloring in patterns, all having Applique Ef— fect,- These are very sty- I, lish low priced goods, be. ing only 15e.per yd.,wortli 25cts. FANCY BELORO CAMBRIC'S, fast colors, stylish patterns, satin nsh up-to-date goods at 20e. and 25e. per yard. See our Crompton Corset goods, POPLESTONE &CARD Groeeries a, Specialty. Post e lock 101`14.14' TO 149ANt Wehave 'unlimited private finale for in. vestment 'upon farm or village property, at levreot ratem of interest. DICKSon& Cu Barrlotemete., Exeter. at large matelot orrvato fund s toren awl oerte ew bitterest. W. 011,,AK14,14 Zarriiiterg Main Stet Exeter ERNEST ELLIOTT Heal &late and Insmance Agent .Parnes and villa;„fe properties illought and sold reafenaltle ttrine.. bvicral dwelling hews for sale, Lwals la nil partl 0 Illaultela nod the Northere or vain 1")1US FOR SATZ Engthh iltr1,41re,frorn prize 'Mania; oroeli. Youinvinvii and haars for eale. Order quirt. lir.pre- tion Ualted. Alf,o one hoar, one yrar old. WM- grecs fairnislicd. Winn Ofavra, Jr., Gran4 Bend. Court of Revzsion. Notice b herchy given that the Court of Revision for the Asscument lion of the towirhip of Stephen, will hold its first meeting for the preamt year, In the Town MI, Crediten, 00FridaY. May Slab, at the em +110 o'elock a.. cr,TellitOn. My MI, HE= lihurra, Cler of Revision. Nottec iv hereby given that the Conn of Revision for the AsceNsment UOUt)f the Village of Exeter will hem irg &A meethg. for the 'present yeAr In the Council Chandler. at Town Hall, on Monday, June 2m1.10172,atl'.30o'clock p. m. radius having bud- nc the Mid Cour will lease govern them- selves accordingly, Ono. IL Ilissurr, ;Neter, May 1402, 1t1(12. Fenn eon 8ALL' ne untlemigned la offering for sale that desirable , 290 acre farm gtuated Su the township of Stephen, b being Lote. Con. 4. The land 14 all cleared, well t drained, well fenced and in an excellent good Eitate 0 cultivation. There is on the premises a large flne brick house, good barn and other buildings. C and a good young orchard: This is a first-nlaSS farm and will he sold reasonably. Terms to suit purbaber, Apply to Fatax Taxon, Crediton East, P.O. Meeting of the Huron County Council. The summer session of the Council of the County of Huroulvill be held in the council chamber in the own of Ooderleit, commencing at 3 o'clock p m. on he first Tuesday in June next. W. LAxs, Clerk. Baytield Atmsnuniel min Mary Blair left hist week for Goderiela where they took the steamer. Oselfrage, to Sault Ste, Marle.---eirs.• Chesney, of Seaforth is here arranging foraboard- ing house for the summer. elOTEr. soleneall. Darrow has puta chased the Commercial WW1 from R. Bailey,fer the Stull of $1,309,giving his own property in pare payment; Ur. Darrow will run half yearly lion ee,and his house will be open for summer vie. 'tors, This is the finest hotel in Hay- field and we wish Mr.Darrow every suc- cess, Mr. Bailey has rented TeThomp- on's new house and will occupy it for he remainder of the year. Gran ton DUATIIS.—The Cold band of death has been busy in our midst thte,past few day:, removing two of our citizens, in the persons of Mr. AV. H. Hudson end Mre. Robert Knowles. Mr. Hud - eon had been ill all winter with pul- monary disease and the end bad been expected. The funerid took place on Sunday to the Granton Presbyterian cemetery, under the itnepiet.s of the 1.0.0.F., Rev. Bro. Holmes eumlneting the services. Mitch sympathy is felt for the widow and family of small children, who are left to mourn a good husband and father. Ales. Knowles passed away on Saturday. Sbe and her husbend were among the first pio- neers, of Blaushard. The funeral took Place to the Kirkton cemetery on Mon- day, Hillsgreen Linn Workman had his leg severely injured (me day recently while twilling logs,—Rev. Oliver Coleman conducted services in the Methodist church on nada-.—Mr. James Hitgan, who was brown from his buggy while return - ng from Zurich a few days ago, and onsidergtbly shaken up, is, we are leased to learn, recovering. DIED.---Thts week we are cape up- on to record the death of JamesFergus Love, second son of Robert, which sad event occurred on Monday, at the age of ei years. Fergus had been in the hese of health until' about a week ago, when he took the measles which con- tracted in a severe spinadisease. The best of medical aid was procured bat withont avail. The funeral took place Tuesday to Baird's cemetery and was largely attended. Tbe parents and friend.* have the syttipathy of the com- munity in their sad bereavement Dated at Gatlerich this *1st day of May, 3.1102. IMPORTANT TO .HOG RAISERS. You eau save mon'ey, time and feed by keeping your pigs dry and clean. They will thrive better and keep healthy, Make the hog comfortable and he will put on flesh. You can do so with a very little expenow erecting (Tedlees Patent). The Elevated Moveable Pigs Bed. Simple of construction, make Hensel!. Mrs. J. C. Stoneman is recovering from her recent. ifiness.—Alonzo Ort- -teem has returned to Detroit where he has taken a situation. —Miss Jenny Moir has returned home, after a pleas_ f it yourselves. Send 82,00 M- registered letter for ant visit with m1ut s E xeter.--Ilev. farm right certificate andpIan of construction to . Oliver Coleman conducted services in JouirTnelma, Exeter, env the Methoeist church, Hillsgreen, on Patent applied for WE Have What You Want. nice Stylish lot of HARNESS You can get them at our store at althost any Price. - Every Harness WARRANTED. CALL AND SEE THEM. H. SWEET, Treble's Old „Stand Sunday.—Mrs. Gilbert Thompson,who has been visiting with her daeghter, Mrs. Frank Marshall, left last weekfor the Soo, via Sarnia.—Mr. jos.Case and his brother, will leave shortly for Al- berta on a prospecting tour.--0.A.Me- Donell narrowly escaped Minry a, few days ago while trying to catch a run- away horse. Had Charles not succeed- ed in pulling the animal up he would have been crushed between the.' wheel and the box,but his quickness,strength and skill dulled him oot of Robe McLaren has eold his hanfisome matched team of horses' to go to the experimental Farm at Brandon; Man. There was not a pound of difference in weight. They brought a fancy price. AocinENT.—On Tuesday evening as little Harold Stoneman, son of W. Stoneman, was riding with his brother on a Wheel; seated on, the bar he low-. ei.,ed his foot which got caught in the sprocket and tore a bad gash just above the ankle. Dr. MeDirmicl, had to put in two stitches to bring the parts together properly. MED.—The many friends of Miss Christina Steele, daughter of Mr.Robt. Steele, will learn with deep regret of ler death, which sad event occurred at lier home in Seaforth on Saturday. 13eceascd. had been ailing for some weeks from dropsy and liver trouble. She was 23 years of age. Miss Steele ormerly resided here with her grand- mother and while here made many m varfriends, she afterwards going to eaforth to keep' house for her father, I -ler death will indeecl be a severe blow o him as she was a most devoted aughter. Much sympathy is extend - d to him. in his bereavement. Farquhar-, . There is quite a berme in building iu this locality. this spring.—Alex. Tern- : hod hie barns moved - end. raised Last Friday and. Saterday. WiraTurn- boil is having his raised, thie The a-WI:storm last Thersday demol- ished; Mr. ..Taniee: Gertlinexes. wooden silo. It wee: blown. °veriest eel:outer elso. Mr. Gardiner says he will build Of .eerrient • nowee-Andrew. Campbell gent Sunday in the village.—W. Brown has pureltas.ed a wlaeel from Beavers Bros,—A Purnbep. from here spent Victoria Day in Exeter, • lew.p.-4e le one sad dnty to an- nounee the death De maliy J'ane Me-. Dolman. beloted Wife of Wert' B. Me- Clacklire on May 24. 'The ftineeal tan : Mornlay was one Of the largest known - in these parts. She leaves a hitehend and three ehildreo to Moline her der tube, The bereaved have tIte. heart. elt sympitthy Of the neighborhood, nnawr it. Joseph Our little burg was almost deserted on 31ondaY, nearly every person going to Grand Bend.— Mr, Wm. Fuleher, of Forest, accompanied byMrs, H.Smith, of Grand Ventle made a, short call on Mrs, Smith's sister, D4ts. D. R. Wileme Siinday.--A very eevere rain and wind storm possed over this seetion on Thursday afternoon last, cluipg cone siderable damage to fruit trees and windmills. besides reeking several buildings more or less. --In last week's St. Joseph news an error crept' in re - peeling the christening service which read, WAS held at the residence of Reve Jennison, it shoold have read Richard jeunison.—To-drey (Thursday) is elee- tion chey and both Grit and Tory ate doing their utmost to get their men in. Never mintl,don't take it too haul if you get defeated as somenue has to lose. consequeutly the other fel- low wine. Which will ie be? To -night will tell. Dashvrood A veryesevere and damaging wind stome limed over this section on Thursdaylast, doing eonsiderable i damage n the neighborhood. The barn and driving shed of Mr. Chas, Stephan, which had been jacked np for the purpose of putting a foundation uuderneath it, was blown from its bearings and e01nnielely demolielied.a colt narrowly escuped being killed and also a number of pigs. The loss to Mr. Stephan is considerable. POLITICAL MenTleti.---A meeting was held in the hell here on Tuesday night hist in the interests of M. Y. 'McLean, Do'. Malone]] being the principle speaker. A large number were in attendance to listen to the discussion of' the political issnes but being all one sided it was uninterest- ing. Judging from the expression of the meeting there were about two to one present in favor of Either. This angers well for Hillier and we feel he *ill be e, sure winner. trsborne Mrs. Neat, who has been residing in Port Hm Huron for soe•time, returue here on Monthly, aceompanied by little Miss Penwarden. Mrs. Front will keep house for Mr. A. Penwarden. PASSED AWAY,—This week death hes claimed au other of our niost highly respected residents in the person of Mary Jane Mcelacklin,of the 12t1 con- cession, who passed away on Saturday last, at the age of 80 years, 2 months and 7 days. Mrs. illcOlacklin has been in poor health for about two years. On times she would revive and it would seem for a time as though she would survive the trying ravages of the dis- ease, which was pulmonary trouble, but unfortunately the disease laid deathly hold on its victim and gradually she sank nail death claimed her. The de- ceased Was a daughter of illtaTohn Mc- Dougall, of the Boundary of Hibbert, and by her death a kind mallet -0-g, true friend and highly esteemedneighbor has been removed from our midst. Be- sides a sorrowing husband she is sur- vived by three small children—two sons and ono daughter, to whom the syn3 pa thy of all is extended. The funer- al tookplace to the Kirktob cemetery on Monday and was largely- attended. Crediton J. G. STAIIIIURY, B. A., (formerly Collins 86 Steamy) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer Honey to Loan—Exeter. Ont. Messrs. Albert Morlock and Henry Stanley have returned from Kincar- dine where they have been laying it cement floor for Mr. A.Q. Bobier's new crea mery.—Mr. Chas. D. Brown, of Exeter, spent last Sunday at horrte with his parents here.—The 21t1 pass- ed off quietly, it number frona here at- tending the sports in Exeter.—Mr. Geo. Eilber, of Philadelphia, is visiting rela- tives around this vicinity.—A large number from this village and vicinity attended the nomination in Hensall, last Thursday. Stephen's "boy" again distinguished himself. We need not be Ashamed of him. Mark your ballot for Euler to -day and help to elect your home Mall, who has the welfare of his people fit heart.—Mr. Garnet Baker, of London, was in the village for a few days this week.—Mies Beulah 'Beaver spent Sunday in Centralia the guest of her uticle, Mr. Geo. Essery.—Mr. and Mrs. Sfu2nue1 Brown attended the fun- eral of Mrs. (Rev.) Rekler, at Shake- speare, last Saturday. The deceased was a sister of Mrs. Brown, to whom we extend our sincerest sympathy.— Mr. John Mast has secured work in the Hensall flax-mite—The Messrs. Krupp, of Waterloo, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Mast, Sunday.—A. few of our sports attended the races at Grand Bend, Manday,--Mr.*John Wind is having his dwelling re -painted, thus greatly improving its appearance. Rev. G-. D. Denim preached a sermon "on the Christian's duty towards poli- tics" in the Evangelical church Sun. clay evening. The reverend gentleman took a neutral stand as to parties arid spoke forcibly against bribery and oUier corrupt practices, now so com- mon in our province. Brinsley. Messrs. Lester Lewis and Linwood Amos spent Xeriday in London.—Mes. john Lewis paicl a flying visit to Oar- betville on Teestlay.—Mr, George Lee has put a, wire fence in frout of his piece, and a nice grove of evergreens, which has unproved the appearance of his la.wri. —A few of the youPgrollee of this vicinity spent it pleeeent. thee at Mrs. John Lewis' Friday evening, --- Rev, Mr. Rhine preached ill St. Marys enneee oti Sunday.—Alx.. Weir, of Lou- dou township, wos the gnot of Mr. Geo. Lewla on Sunday.—We are sorry to hear that Mrs. W. Weir IS Qn the 416k liet.—Ihe Ambrose Pi -est was els- wog friends In this vicinity on Sun- day—The weather in these peels is very cold with a heavy frost Tuesday evening.—The rexeies' Aid of Mar's Hill church intend holding a, Eirden party at Me. Mark Watson's -Friday evening. Admission ic.c. All are cor- dially luvited. - Fe•hing WAS all the go here ou the 2-I1ie lnd Bend A te end storm passed over here on lay, doing vonsiderahle damage. fi. P. Bakeree NOD, which he incited up reeently Was blown over and completele demolished, aieo his wagon and Cutter. Fruit, shade and forest trees also fell victims to the storge—Miss Loniea, Zappe, who has been InZuriele for the past few weeke, has atraillr Ottlrnea ilorae.-4 windier from Exeter attended the races held here on the 20th. ---Mr. Jones (out fem. ily, of Loudon ftrei here for a. week. ReCF.s.—The pragron of races here on :Monday Ives tent the .succese that was expeezed, the wt.:ether being de - (Welly iinfavereble. Following is the list of horseseeal winner5:- 2;3d Tien: oit DAC& "Iney Italretr, ": I.t , 8. Bitys,xzelerire Wm. nuntr.liv-'7 2,50 'near on DACB. Little en, C. Ban', let Freddie Lse, if. HirrInla my, Grand Demi, end Grey Eagle, W. Witztl. filtata. arpley The Weather bas taken a decided change for the coldtee Probably the weather jack his been listening to the GOVernallent omposit ion) cry. That it is "time for a change," and it bus come in a very opportune titne 111 order to keep the temperature of the. candidates tor the pending election down near the -normal.--There was it good many rigs passed through here en route for Ovoid Rend on Alonday to tnke in the simile. The colcl wave seemecl to terve "sit a little clueee to me, &Mit.? .`ovecially on those afflicted with filial effeetion.----Mh Y. McLean was visiting his many friends in this district in the beginning of the week. ---Mr. Tow Turnbull. of Sarnia, spent, the 21th holidays with his Needs here and at Brewster.— There was a severe electrical storm peseed over this sectiou on Thursday of late week, aceompanied by a very strong wind which did a noa deal of damage to orchard% aii fences and the woods, blowing things leVel with the wound in a good many CaSeS. Mr. Philip Baker's barn, which was resting on the abutineets, was blown over by the :dorm and the stone ond brick wall, which liad been built a s few days previous was badly wrecked, as was the timber in the frame, a great many of whith were broken or twisted out of all further use.—Mr. Robert Hodgson, Df Olandeboye, visited his brother-belaw, Mr. Je B. HodginS, OD Thursday last and spent a day with him fishing, ett. Our town was somewhat quiet on Saturday, 24th, all husinees plaees 1e- ii3g cloeee an(1 no sports ,going op made the place rather dir11.--A great man from here attended the Domination in Hensall Thursday. --Mr, and Mrs. J. Preeter left on Saturday for Port Elgiit to attend the funeral of a sister of eles. Preeterse, who died very suddenly of heart failitre.--eir. and •Irs. James Moore, af Hensall, spent Smulay in town.—Misses A.ndrews spent a few days at their home in Verna. -11r. Charlie Hrill lost it valuable cow or milk fever one day last week.—Mrs, Gorden, of Cleveland, Ohio, a forneee resident cif this place, is visiting her parent., Mr. and Mrs, Shettler. She wa$ accompanied by her brothereTelm. —Dr.tinchanan is building an addition to his oftIce.—Mrs. August Hill and children, of Crediton, were gneets of :Are. Chas. Greb for a, few days daring the week. ---Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Faust left on Fteelay for a short vieit with their daughter in Milverton.—Itisses Annie Hess and Ida Well spent a few days itt Daeltwood during the week.— We congea,tulate our friend Abe E. J. Tingle% late principal of nor public school, on his StleeeSS in his studies at the Trinity Medical College, he having captured Dr. Sheard's special prize in physiology'. E. J. will undoubtedly be heard from again be- fore he accteires the handle of M.D. to his name. We wish him every suecess,—The regular meeting of the AV.C.T.U. met at the lunne of Mrs. Chas. Fritz, 'Monday evening.—One the worst -wind and rain storms of the eeasou teteteel over this seetiou on g Thursday LISQ, Fences ivere levelled to the grove -el. windmills blown down, barns unraofed and even biaildings IOIIVOII from their foundations. while 1 «111)e were kernel: ley lightning and on . the whole considerable damage Wati done. 31r.7.1inraersaan's barnas wone 1 to suffer, tbe roof having been torn off and other damage done. ability. Ile had overseen the work at the new ehurch and wits partically tbe designer of the a 1 eer at the edifice. His death will pot interfere In any way - with the dedieation of the new church. It was the fast wish of Rev, Father Troller that it should not. The body will lie in state in the chapel of Mount St. Joseph until Sunday afternoori or Monday morning, when it will he take en to the church. The funeral 'services win take place on Monday, Father Traher is survived by lis fatlaer, NVb0, iffF a residnt eof this city, two sisterze and several Dephews and eeices. Mr. Hubert Trailers, orgzmiet of St, Peter'e Cethedral, is a nephew. Cluing Clefter Hay. in a recent aeticle ealled to the desirability of cuttitig hey comparatively early etage of mate In this conneetion it may be of inter- est to have some notes from thztt aveli known farmer and Institnte speaker* Mr. Henry Gleedeuning, of Ont., in regard to his experience with it new phut of euriog clover hay. Ir. Glendenning says he prefers to cot clover bay when it is in full bloom, Or ellen the Idoesera Contnins the greatest amount of honey. Cut in the mornin after the dew le 011', that which is cut in the forenoon may he raked op im- mediately after the noon hour. and cut in cocks. The tnower should not e litter than four o'clock p.m, and all put into cocks before the dew falle, Thie hay should he put into tlw barn next day and well tramped tutu the mows. This pleas ('1(31 be continued from day to day until all is stored In the barns. Three things must be borne in mind in euring bay by this method: First, do not eat the gtass d n the morning. Second, do not a ow the fresh cut luey to lie on the grentad over uight, exposed to dew or Third, if any hay eliould get wet. with rain, let it stand in the cocks intil thoroughly dry before taking to tobl.% bsatts'iLeason Olendenning pat up tue 74 or 89 toils of bay in this way, nd reports that it, ennui out of the otvs, in the finest eoralition he ever HEATH OF REV, FATHER TRAHER m 0 mu% It was asereen as when Int in- to the barn, ani the leaves ant London, May May 4.0,--1ev.1Tur1ert Geo. soins were all attached to the stalks. Trailer, tbe revered rector of Seetarys ft appeared to have dried ont without Homan Catholie parish, died at Mount numb heating, as till of the &sick ides. Sejoseph, at 10.16 yesterday morning. sows were pink, and the red elover Fatlwr Traber had tint been in good blossoms were from a pink to a light health since the beginning of the year. anther color. If any great beat had Ile suffered considerable from an nf- developed in the mow the blossoms zfeecattlahneofetolunanhi?e,rd, bhuits wii,t01110111,sis unLiI zovot‘IvIcul tetonislooet:41:tfiglinasreabrxeelonunkfiag.(etrrtze Thursday of last week, when it became visible and the hay was free from dust. upees$3py to remove him to Mount St. No salt, lime or otherpreservative waS dostptx. Ile waelleepl,y interested in used. the work at the mew St.'Maree Cliiirele Two of the mows in which the bay ;unlit was only after much persuasion was stored are 2.2x25 ft,, with an aver - that he consented to place Iniuself en- age depth of 80 ft. of hay. These mows tirely under the care of his physician, are tight illoored with double inch Dr. J. W. When Father Tra- boards over basement stables. Anoth- her went to Mount St. Joseplehis con- er mow is 21x80 ft., with a depth of dition was critical -113 fact it was StiCh talent 24 ft, and the floor on the that the rites of the chnech were then 1 grtiund. itiminietered by Rev. Father .11cReo1-1, The outsides of all the mows are Of 41. warm rrsonal friend of the deceased. inch boards without battens, with cracks between the bonds averaging about three cep:labs of au inch, Just such as are usnally found in the oaf. nary barn. Thesides of the mow next the drive floor were open. The hay which consisted of red clover, alsike and a little timothy, were Neatly good in all parts of the name lir CI year that Sall:lays was made an nide- (limning says that he knows of three pendent parish by- His Lordship leisla other farmers, who have followed up op McEvay, 3)13(1 Father Trailer was this system for several years with transferred from Mount Carmel to take 0(11143.1 51100055, and et, would seem well During he pest week, Rev. Father Daniel Foster, of Bothwell, :and Father Frani: Foster, of the Basilitan Order, were. in .constaut attendance at the bedside t)f Father Trailer. The lentil or their esteenied pastor will be a evere blow to the people of St. Marys etrish. It WAS only it January of last Omen:way Miss Bell McPherson returned home from Detroit last week.—Mrs. W. T. Ulens visited her sister, Lillie, in To- ronto last week and returned home Monday.—Mr.Thos.Stinson andclaugh- ter, Mary, of Hayfield, visited friends here last Saturday.-..--Mr.M.Y.MeLean, and 'Valentine Ratz visited friends in this vicinity Monday—Mr. Wm. Wal- lace left here Tuesday for Exeter, and left there Wt ecinesday for Manitoba with a eateoad of horses for Messrs. Handford and Elliott.—Mrs. A. M. Wil- son and Mrs. J. Sherritt attended the Missionary Convention at Hensall on Wednesday.—Mr. C. H. Wilson is D. R.O. and 11. El. Armstrzing clerk for No. '7 division.this WILSON-BDAYTON NUPTIALS.—An Aurora Daily of May 22nd, has the fol- lowing:—"At two o'clock this after- noon, Rev. G.K. Flack pronounced the words that united the lives aud for- tunes of Mr. A. O. Wilson and Miss Cora, May Brayton. The ceremony was performed in the presence of the relatives and immediate frieeds of the young couple at the home of the bride's parents, tastefully decorated for the occasion. After congratulations, all sat down to a sumptuous wedding din- ner. At 5 o'clock this evening the couple will leave on a wedding trip to Denver, Ooloredo. On their rtrn they will reside at 393 Fax sta'deiilhe bride IS the eldest datighter of Mr. 4id • Mrs.Chas. P. 13raytem and is of a pleas- ant, bright and social nature and adore ed by all who know her for her "navy excellent qualities.of mind and heart. Mr. Wilson, the groom, is a native of Canada. He came to this city onlyit few years ago but by his habits ofin- dustry has secured a good position as clerk in the G. Master Mechanics' offlce, where he is regarded as a valued em- ploye. Albert is a young man of whom much that is good could be spoken. Sufficient to say, however, that to know him is to hold him in highest es- teem. The many friends of both unite in wishing the wcwthy couple much j93r." The barns of Richard Ellerker, on the 4th core, near Warwick, were struck by lightning Thursday, and were burned, with their contents, in - eluding two good horses and some i re- plernen ts. The loss is partlycovered by insurance. Charge. His Worth WAS recognized by the head of the diocese, and he was looked upon as the one xnost needed to oversee the work of the church in the south and east end of the city. The partial destruction of the old church on Hill streetewhere worship had been conducted for so many years, resulted in a decision to build the new edifice itt, the corner of Lyle and York streets. e was it big undertaking, but Father Trailer was particularly adapted for it, ana up till a week ago he worked day and night with the sole desire of seeing his congregation in their new church home. That he should be cut off on the eve of the opening of the ed - lac is particularly sad, But St. Marys church will ever stand as it monument to his untiring energy. Rev. Father Trailer was born in Euglaud nearly fifty years ago, and came to Lonlon when a small boy. He attended St. Peter's school for some years, but he early went to work and learned two or three trades...„.119 was not satisfied however, until heenteredtne Roman Catholic college at Sandwich and be- gan his studies for the priesthood. He remained there for seven or eight years, after which he completed his studies in the Grand Serninary ae Mont- real, Father Traher was one of the first priests ordained in St. Peter's Ca- thedral, the ceremony taking place in July, 1885. Father Quigley, who died tvvo years ago, being the other candi- date. The ordination was conducted by the late Archbishop Walsh, who was then Bishop of the Diocese of Lon- don. He was first stationed at Wal- lacebtirg, as assistant, and afterwards at St. Thomas, its assistant to the late Father Flannery. While there he had the oversight of the work at Alvinston, Port Stanley and Dutton. When the parish of Simcoe w9s.estab1ished, with Port Dover as a mission, Father Tra- her was placed in charge, and there he labored faithfully, placing the parish on a good basis financially, and giving the work a splendid start. His nexe station was Mt. Carmel, and it was there that he was particularly success- ful. A new church had been erected there by the late Father Kelly, an& when Father Traher took chai,ge the mortgage amounted to $10,000. In less than three years Father Trailer presented the late Bishop Walsh with the mortgage and $100 in cash. His work in London has already- been re- ferred to. Father Traher WaS all elo- quent preacher, and was undoubtedly one of the most devoted priests in the diocese. He was something of a gen- ins, being an artist and musician of seta y o tieal by our farmers gener- ally. Among the advantages nf this tneth- oil of curing clover are:—(1) The sav- ing of time between cutting and stor- ing in the barn. (2) The feet that all of the leaves and blossoms, which are the most valuable portion of the plant, are left on the hay, instead of being lost in the field as is often the case when the ordinary manner of curing is followed. (8) The hay is much clean- er and brighter than when cured in the old way. F. AV. Hodson, Live Stock Commissioner. SNARES,CENTIP.EDES and Other pOls" sonous things may assail you in your svalks throagh field and forest. Be sure to have a bottle of Perry Davis' Pain -Killer in the house and you run no risk. Directions on the wrapper. BIRTHS. BE.A.VERS—In Farquhar, MO 15113, to Mr. and 'Mrs. 33. 'AV. F. Beavers, a son. HARNESS—In Exeter, May 2711, to Mr. and Mrs. john Harnesset &mei- . ter. 411. DEATHS MCOLA.CICUIC—In llsborne Con. 14 Mary Jane McDougall, beloved wife of wm..g,IVIcOlacklin, aged 30 years, 2 Months and 7 days. That Whoop! Have you had it in your house? it's cough and cough and cough, and then that terribleVhoop ! Don't upset the stomach more by giving nauseous mii edcne. Just let the child breathe -in the soothing vapor of Vapo-Cresolene. It goes right to the spot that's dis- eased. Relief is irnmedia.te, and in a very few days the cure is cornplete. You can't say the same of any other itreatment. For asthma'catarrh, and colds it's equally good. 14 Vapo-Cresolene s'ord by druggists everywhere The Vaporizer and Lamp, which should last a life, tirae, and bottle of Cresoldne complete, St.5o; extra supplies of Cresolene 25 cents and .5o CelltR 411ustrated booklet containing p14siclans' testi Montals .ree upon request. VAPO-CRESOLENE Co, Vulton St,, New York U S A