Exeter Advocate, 1902-5-22, Page 8IOVER! REMOVED! and see us at oxer yew quarters, tir1 SWIM PM OF DR. ' IJ #lipp. We have greatly enlarged our Stock of 884, ,Suitin s, oatiags„ 7antings, etc. so that we have uow some natty and up -to -datelines limes to choose from. We can satisfy the most critical, EUDER TIM STAND TAN Tariltar: Ola Yes! Stewart is cloieg .the esu, p,� curtain trade Their, values l aebla o ii s a, t •a newe 1 l ,e I>r,i3 1n h5 had fnc erected around his dwelling on An- drew street. A load of Oddfello5'vs drove to Luean Trrestlaay evetdog to.fra,teruiee with he Lodge at .that place. 3Ir. Geo. Ctnadunore: is ecuneueal to his home the result of on accident ou Tees- day in which he out a pith -dui gash in one of his toes. Tire item iu last week's ADVOCA.114 with. reference to the ball taatct be- tweeta Clinton sand Exeter teams was probably a little riaisleaeithg in as much as it read. Exeter Baseball, team. 1t was not. the or.•genizerI team of "Vie - ors" but that o£ the school. Had it been the e fetors" doubtless there would have been a reverse* state ~a€ af- fairs in the score. Quality Qiad quantity are the essen- tial points wince make Exeter Star Flour what it is. First duality on the market and full weight. When you go to buy flour ask for Exeter Star and see tbat you gait and you will be convinced of its superiority. For sale by the leading, dealers and at tate mill for delivery to any part of the town., 1145.1tVEY BROS. The Lake Huron Frait Growers' aas sedation recommend. that to get lid of the cadain anotheea band of coarse can, vas icotfee ling for exemple) be pieced tanntl the trunk of easels tree about nue Pealed removed ii clayys later and 5 tlest OZ e L The bends aag;aiam put al atnel reetOrQel on Jul, 15 and moths' strayed. after winch the baud can inn be put on and left till fall.." prize has been donated by an old ort, Yieuty s latest Boys~ Baol;, val. d $1.2.1, ,eta 2ftlt of May, to the most' boyPaddle 'e Sc ool. n a l a i_ the 1' r It # nI r in p sate, to heir en by sot bays only, eaxtet'ing grounds. iilnekbaard an. Itaiisiarstj names of candidates and their number of votes every quarter o asarrr will be on the f n ib s be on hand and .upport your !dittos. By generosity of the Grand Truthk piiieials ta:tektite/1 breve been granted - .e*rease in wages. Section ferreauen receive ut5 per mouth, instead of 1aa#a clay as formerly, and section 'r a naw get ti1.2O per xla teinsteatd.' fan The eeea.ion eaten slid LIM ;ask tie in tense: it wars voluntary on lna> gar¢ of the termed Trunk, and a .a ¢aa ;lraew tint the wort, of the tam on the x whets ei newie of the system eel aappreeiaitee. :es wee promised a very inteaerstin; ;argue of tree et ball was played on the rehoot grounds between the r'eprese'nt+ native teaam% the "Shaauav^aeks" and •gYtaplee, a?ai Friday evemug Last, Pieta atlteemsiS worked vigorously for ieory but at teras seen from the start that. the " Shaarnrocks were, air hely stranger than their opponents, erineei entry the honors went to titem iia a Ferre of a to 2 points. Miss L.ittlt. n manipulated. the referees whist ie sartidfaactorily and on the whole the vie- s were interestingly entertained, Mr. Sheldon B. Clement, B. Se., sou of iter. B. Clement, (former pastor of Jaques street Methodist church) demon- strator in the faculty ofeppliedsckr•e . McGill University. Montreal, is spend- ing a few slays at his home in I>rings- viile, prior to his taking a position on the staff of the Canadian Nuigara Pow- er Cis., Niagara Falls. At a recent con, vocaatit n of the univexsity,Mteeletuent bad conferred upon him tht+ degree of '•:Ilitster in science." tie also received the Lye prize for original research work in hydraulics. Besebaall sentiment ashen running high this past week. Three dose and exciting local gauges have been played. tla Thursday evening the team of the Sutherland -hales Co. played the tower boys i•esultiug in a victory for the lat- ter bye score of 0-10. On the follow- ing evening they Victors played the school tenni and sag tin succeeded in winning out 4-0. Tuesday the terms of the first game again had another "go" when the tide of fortune turned, the company's team winning ont by a score of 13-6. The Clinton New Era of last week says: --"'Since the retirement of W. N. Manning as business manager at the factory we understand that ii'. Boss, who has been the efl elent bookkeeper, has received this appointment and W. Stevenson has also been promoted. in bis duties; Jas. Doherty has joined the office staff. The employees, on a. vote decided that beginning the 1st of June Saturday afternoon will be taken es a holiday until the last of August." Mr. Ross was a former Exeter boy and his many friends here will learn with pleasure of his appointment. The man who wrestles with the : cow and teaches the calves to suck, who casts the corn before the swine, is now in • greatest luck; for butter's an the up. per grade, veal is higher than a kite, pork is climbing up the scale and beef is out of sight. The eggs he gathers every dayfrom his Poland chicken coop are almost worth their weight in gold,. and we are in the soup. His corn brings in a fancy price its rising every day, and he rakes in all kinds of money for half a ton of hay. The farmer is in the saddle and when he comes to town the rest of us by right should go 'way back and then sit down. Apprentice Barber Wanted. A yonng'man to learn barbering, ap- ply to A, HASTINGS, Exeter. Notice • To the - Shareholders of the Exeter Salt Works Co. Gentleman.—Please take notice that the annual meeting of the Sharehold- ers of the Exeter Salt Works Co., will be held Friday, June 6, at Town Hall, 2 o'clock p.m. By order of the Board. T.B.CARLING, Sec'y-Treas. Licensed Auctioneers. Up to May 18th, 1902, thefollowing have been granted an auctioneer's li- cense for the County of Huron, viz. Thomas Gundry, John Currie, Jas.. Stanley, F. S. Scott, Henry Torrance, Thos. Cameron, John Gill, Henry Brown, Joseph .Cowan, R. M. Charles, C. H. Wilson, A. H. Gorman, Thomas Brown, John Knox, D. Dickinson, C. H. Merryfield, Jas. Henderson, David Sanderson, Edward Bossenuerry, P. S, Phillips, G. Barton, 0.. Hamilton, J. H. Hayill, W. J. Miller, Philip Sipple, e r ea grta t r• rrr a carr^i tiitlsia t ly range of i3lael; lust ce tis. Stewatrt lavas al ay* .rill he Trinity $traria uaexant eras prorognecl Thu, nay. The &evil always fishes in shallow places, Blank note aria?. receipt forms at the Advoeaate. Data letrraw trouble, you sale €'.rdy have a plenty. A, gang of gyp -.fes lr.a. sa ri abrtumgla to oenMondty, A women's papitlaar^ity is to whet scar toreeete to array. For Ihraaaaaiesaa•y note ;ua'l, lerclpt„ forms call at the Advatrate tof'lice. • g a. -,..I. 1f yon hive thtYia aaltti in getting, ..al - 3r g uu1 flatcar, tax F.etetcr Star' Flour. Any dealer in reestnetics can tell von there nee la*i q of Neff Tuttle wonne'aa. rewterStaar Flour contains all the cram of the wheat. H,".nvtt Duos The toren of Clinton has divided to 4:xyitsown gr.aitiiiitaric eidevealie; rias' year, Some p eple's ennseien, a sheet er- a'ntls lar enitegh tow their nerehburs emits. Some amen have a talent for making utaney while it is just a habit wit cullers. Messrs,Hnndfoteland Elliott s hipp ed h+rri4ri horses to Vin i1r�, iiu , on Monday. Some housewives get so economical that they are always trying to roast their husbands. 'Monday was a hot one, the ther- mometer registering bt � of cleat. Not had for alta rter. The Royal Tempters drove to Far - Taber Tuesday night to attend a meet - mg of the lodge in that plaee. The latreest portion of the business of the country is done by check. I e arty call the balance isdone by cheek. It othietg sure reds like suaeese, If you want to have , nice iharoree loaf of bread yon slundd use /enter Star Flour. It is strange that every time some one whistles to a dog every num in hearing turns to see if be is the one wanted. A good woman is the nobleest work of all God's creation. but there are as many different gr: des as there are in Iead pencils. A girl may pretend to be surprised when she receives a proposal, when she is really wondering why the young man waited so long. A friend is a pian who will point out to you the silver lining in every dark cloud in order to spare himself the trouble of loaning you his unbrella. Farmers and horseman should try our rolled oats, Itis the best food for horses that has been offered for some time. HARVEY BnoS. Iowan Sun: Mr. Jos. Hodgins had the misfortnne one day last week to ran a nail in his foot which laid him up, but he is now able to be around again. Mr. Geo. H. Henley, of the Latter 13ay Saint persuasion, held forth in Mr. Wood's Hall Sunday afternoon and evening hut both meetings were slimly attended. Exeter Star Flour is made of select- ed home grown wheat and No. 1 Hard 'S artitobafor sale by leading dealers and at the mill. Flour and feed de- livered to any part of the town. Choice housekeepers. all agree that our Choice Pastry Flour is the very hest pastry flour on the market. Use it once and you will always use it. Fer sale at the mill. HARVEY BRos, A successful men is one who keeps his heart young, his life clean, repeats no mistakes, follows the dictates of his oxen conscience and tries to make the world better for his having -lived in it. The teachers of South Huron will hold their ann•uel convention in the Auditorium of the Collegiate Institute, Cxoderich, on Thursday and. Friday -of this week. It is expected the meeting will be largelyattended, as an espec- fally interestingrogram ; has been prepared for the Assembly. Under the fishery regnlations govern- ing this district, the season for picker- el fishing began on the 15th of May, which date is supposed to mark the close of the pickerel spawning season. This year the, government issued :la order cutting ten days off the close season, and permit ted fishing -from and after May 5th. Men's swell htits and tic's, beautiful ines; of up-to-date aryl, eStewart's. l Is Business Places to be Qtosee. 911 business places in town Will be s closed oe Saturday next and the day • generally observed by aur" citizeus as 'a boliday. Farmers end. others will n , 'r div are erre ka x � rn diems saacardingly. Livery Sold. ?Lir. IS5 gar. Snell, owing to continued illness, has disposed of his livery busi- ness to Messrs, CFeo, Crawley (ucan) WW1 ThQ-u as Ogde>i 03klduIp4 The new proprietors will take.possessioa on Monday nest, Meyneth, . Standa.ed Smelter and.Retikning ce. 1.0 ea.tra issue of the eboee'staek is offered at 40c for the purpose of doub, lino present capacity. Will pey 20 per cent. per nanauu on investment. Se- cure a block At once by applying to E. Ieneme, Exeter P. O. Dr. Oveats. Specialist eye, ear, -nose and throat, will be at the Commercial Hotel, on theist and 8rd Fridays of each eleneklr, Spect roles and eyeglasses fitted. Mane' eerangemeuts of the .nervous and di- gestive systeme endue to errors of re. fraction. Wanted $efore xlie tst Pax et June, Three gins to go to Manitoba, for kitchen, dining morn and cook. Wages to good girls; Eitclnen, $12; dining t'ooua Sia; coot,.12i per month. Meta bebeaalthy and strong, 44,pply early leo that arrangeanents GOO be wade) to C. H. Sanders. App oe4� Oil'1_ce, Exeter. Pour, tae Raitt- Pleatsuro parties visiting Grand Bend will tins it to their ndvautage to calf on the nuderssigucd if desirous of pro- curing beats for rowing On the lathe or river. Outages very reasonable. Fishing tackle supplied on the beach.' A eottage to rent an the Parkhill geounds. H. Git.Ie tlnanager', 1i2'and Bend, Ont. s ra CQatscit conservative er t t:rtr ilnaras. Mt Eilbea's Committee Room will he open each night (except Sunday°s), from 7.20 to 10.30 pan. till after elec- tion. Rooms inr.nson'sBlock, up second stairs. Well lighted, pkeuty of literature. papers.. etc. Alt invited. Everybody lassie welcome. Felends of Heury Either, M. P. i"., lraarticaiaar- lv requested to attend as often as pos. , ailuro C. 11. F.isand'n'. 3, A. Rollins. +t' 'n, lal`EY. QanlicIl Proceedings. Commit a a unmant : a e met tr rC to . o arra- p ¢. Totten Hall. elay 1G �rce - rt« Milani es E n1evaarSmeeting read ,. and e°una(ia'nied. NNW:el—Harding9-that Baal follcawinigeeeaaiaaaatst tae lhstosr�tl aaraci 1 Filers:, due= ora Tre'aesueser lair stronger^- llaaIIaa;, F,;" pine. 41.tii1; intuit. it 2 ,4, rat t,•e�-Ga� 1.� grin a sec , Y Innen , i;Y.rr . it ¢teat ,r l lean rte p r ao c•a a iv s 1. p prohibiting the running at. large of gritty auto two cows belonging to'one r ttepey er.- Carried. Dak'is . Yuir-- that the Clerk ask, fear tenders for l al. sunning aurcl painting Town Hall.— Varied. aall.—Vagric d. Wood—elarding---tlutt, (emu- : eil adjourn to meet at call of Reeve.— Carried. eeve.'C" arried. Gm. H. DIssr:rr,: (Aerie Stewart's Big Cash Store- will be closed TIGHT all daySatti r aYsMa Y 2lth. swell lot of new art tapestry cur. tams. Jest opened at Stewart's. Now Beige . For some time past negotiations have betel in progress for the establish, agent here of a branch of the new Sovereign Bank of Canada, The nkat- ter bas eventually :reached a climax and as a. result it has been decided tea locate a branch in Mr, T. Fitton's new premises, opposite than • Central Hotel; The building is to be-reanodelled under modern arelaitecturoi platns,pax'ticulaa_ ly adapting t for the purpose. The work of remodelling will be started at once and just as soon as possible mat- ters will adjusted $ as too on with the business, with Mr. ural, who lass been hereforsonre time work- itlein the interest of the bank, as its erate;meager, This will be a valuable argri,isition to the town and we trust it will meet with every success. evInowrownimreolmavvommoro PERSONAL. Dr. Audereon spent Monday night with friends in ?Mitchell.. Ide. Robt. de Hamilton, of Loudon, spent Monday' night in teem. Mr. L. IL Dickson was in London en professional business Monday. .l.[t:'.Jobn eleintyre and Mt. Jos. Davis spehht Sonday i:a Seaforth. Misses Janet and Ellen Brawn spent Sunday with friends in St. Mere's. "Ir. W. J. liewksbaw, of Toronto, spent Saturday with his parents here. .Mr. Lionel Howard, of London town„ ship, spent Sunday at: his home here, Mr. John Torrence, of Seeforth, shook hands with friends in town Fri. clay . lir. Clras.Tout is confined tohis bed, sntiear. from1an ante ttC 1pneu- monia. - - Revs, Brawn and ell yard attended distriet streeting at Centraatia. Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs, Cltapinau and Mee, Stacey. of Hensel. were the guests of Mrs. V.W. Collins, Monday.. Miss Lily Howard, who spent a few days with her father here, returned to. Fergtthar Tuesday+. Zia. L, idatlster, of Toronto, was in town Setsmnlaay in the interests of the new Sovereign lrt1 . Dr. Anderson spent Snralay with his wife, who is visiting tier sister-in-law Mts. Kiri., ofDungannon. Mr. W. WTaanien and Mr. Ed. Christie and the Misses Huston spent Hendee- with friends in ltitebell, 13ev, Wm. Martin and F. W. Mod - men attended the prohibiton eon. vention at lhnsall on Friday last. Miss Ethel Piper,er, hue been vis- iting in Clinton rad atf ith foe the ls;ist, eh; week, returned home Satter. Seboot hoard Minutes. Minutes of tweeting held in theTown 11ra11.:Itunday 10, at 8 p.ut.Ab- sent,ii, Huston, The following is the order of busiuess duly submitted and arplrrcr'rcd. Per 4,I1 ur nrSlr, minutes of ;. previous meeting. Per Union C:oru, that, the required urinal had been con structed nnciproper drainage secured fat n. cost of Sol PerSee'y,tlnLt the bele anon of the 11.S. and non resident fees were' in a fair waxy of tieing seemed without trouble. Per R. N. Rtowe:a id W. 3. Carling, that the following ac- count be paith—.T. Grigg, school sin). :13. pries $15.. Per 3. Senior and W. 'Trevethicic, that the following stigges, - tion be held under consideration until the next meeting of the Board sand further as a notice of nation; --That whereas the property iuhniediotely ad- joining the school property- to the South, tieing available andfree of buildings thereon.that this I3uaaral urge upon the Villatge Council the desitea- hility of purchasing the said property and of opening the sauce as a park and general recreation grounds for the vil- lage; and further that this Board place a turnstile on the north side of the east platy grounds, at present used by the boys, and suitable openings through the fence on the south side of the sarc,to admit persons at all times,. other than when the school is in ses- sion; provided. however, that no per- son be allowed on the original play grounds surrounding the sebool with- out permission of the Principal or care- taker of the school; and also that ;Lo- tion be taken by the Board to recover for all damages resultine. to any part of the school property in violation of. the privileges afforded by this propos- ed resolution. Per W. J. Carling ad- journment. J. GRIIeo, Sec'y, Or. , Hanson. Honored. Dr. Hannon, pastor of the Park Street Methodist church, Chatham, who, we learn, is to be stationed here as pastor of the James street church, after the next conference, has been highly honored in his present charge, as will be seen bythe following, taken from the Chatham Plant of last week; "The last Quarterly Board of the Park St, Methodist Church, was held last evening An the church. The reports were the most encouraging in the his- tory of the 'church, and the balance was found to be on the right side of the financial sheet. The church has increased in membership over 100 since Dr. Hannon took charge of the pastor- ate. The following resolution, moved by Dr. A. W. Thornton, was unani rnously passeda— Rev. Sanies Hannon, D.D. DEAR SIR AND BRO.—At this, the last quarterly official meeting of your pastorate in this church, we desire to express to you the gratitude we, feel that, under God,we have had the priv- ilege of being associated during the past three years as pastor and people. As a man among Men you have "'meas- ured tip to our Highest ideal and as a pastor to his people you have not failed diligently to feed your ; flock. While your pulpit ministrations have lacked entirely anything pertaining to. • the sensational, they have ever been char- acterized b the most vigorous and Y ,� _ healthy scriptural truth. Especially in our official i eetin •have we learned the catholicityofyogi, mind the.pure kindliness of your character...' And now, as we draw to the close of your pastoral term, we pray that the very God of Peace may abundantly bless youin your now relationships as He has blessed you in this charge. ZYr. T`, 13'. Carling, left on Tuesday rtitlrning for Toronto to atteuct the anieeting of the llethtnlist Book Coni- rriitte e. Mrs. Trail. who bas been visiting her tether, Mr. Clark. for some weeks, retetrueti to her home In Hampton, Tuesday. Ir. John (an lFt ou Monthly Iatst, fur Winnipeg, Uwe, rn claarrge of n cWW1 horses shipped by llessr^s. Handford et Elliott, Miss Lena f•Iarreard atte'sded the wedding of her cousin, Miss I.thttie Jefferson, to M'. Wm. 'John Miles, of Hamilton, yesterday (Wed.)-; • ;hiss 3. 1I'. Robertson, Miss V esper and 11. N. Anderson Reeve. to-claryy (Thursday) to attend OW; Teachers Convention to be held in eilatleeich. Mrs. Jae. Harvey. of Steptie?n, is at present confined to her lred from a se- vere attack of erysipelas from which she has been suffering for a number of years. • Mrs. W. W. Thotupson, of Camp- bellford, is visiting friepds in and around Exeter. She waes the, guest of Mrs. P. W. Collins arf1 Mrs. E. Treble this week. Mr. Thomas Case, of the London Road, North, returned from aaprospec- ting visit to the North West Thursday. Tota says Ontario is good enough for althoamgh he speaks in high praise of the eonutry, TELL THE TRUTH, Why is it that sohhe elealers wilfully melee false statements tri their ads ertisement? It cane net .be bec'aese they find it pays; for it .certainly does not. We believe it is best to tell the 'truth about what we nave and conceal nothing. When we say aur stock of HARDWARE is complete -we say so: without the least exaggeration. To 'in- street our stock is to verify what we say.:: We here quote &few lines of seasonable goode, . "creep goods. NOWis.hire time to prepare for the,fly' season, by procuring your Screens. We have as supply of either doors or windows, and at right prices. Wire, 41-o., 'We have just put in a large supply of Barb, Web and Sprung Coil wires, Poultry setting, Etc. Jpe fats. Sprayers, Paupers, Garden Shears, Lawns AtQwers, Moretti and .Portland Cements, T, HAWKINS & SON, suvt essors to it Bishop a +sn. naris Green, VICTURIA DAY SAT., MAY 24th,1902 OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSED. goods to hand this week to Dresses and Waists. ' •g whit ate ilill�,islil:�s iu. linen 'White organdies, very handsome de- dignities, white book lairs rills, urge variety of V alenoieu es lances and iiiser'tious �a to select from, SPAOKIVIA s adatucrrters for rise C'erdente'd le, E. Snudfor'tt Ready Mande Clothingg, Communication 5 EDITOR ADVOCATE. DEAR. SIit:—Kindly allow are space to correct an article in your last issue which is misleading. You state that. the Exeter Baseball Club was defeated by Clinton. It was the Public school tenni which played that genie and not the regular town team, there being only one of the latter who played on. that occasion, Again, we read that the school teaua has defeated the town boys on two occasions. I think that in neither of these games .have any more than one or two of the regular players been engaged. The lode' games are no criterion of the abilities of the team, as the regular players are engag- ed nu both sides as was the case in the garner of Thursday and Tuesday even- ings. Hoping that this explanation will enlighten those . who have not been ferniliaar with the circumstances, I am yours truly, W. J. Brooks, Sec'y. V. -B. B.O. Frank Murphy, of the Royal Ho - ill race at the rear of Archie Baird Sunday owning. Dan. Baird and fished him Mrs. Allain, mother Mr.Ross of the London had been ill.. a winter wasoperat- - Gedex•ich: E. Campion, K.C., while about ` to descend the stairs on the morning of the 5th inst., missed a step and fell; the result being two broken ribs. . Mr. Campion has been confined St. Marys: Little son of: Mr. Murphy, tel,fell into them the store of Mr. and casae near dr. heard the boy's cries out- Tuck ersm ith: Mr. James All<a•n, of the 4th concession died. on Monday, at the residence' of her son -an -law, road. The deceased long time, and last ed on for cancer, to his bed ever since, as 'the f raetures were serious ones, but: at latest reports he is improving. Goderich.tp.: Rich. Baker has sold his farm, lot 24, con. 15, containing 100 acres, for the sum of about 55,000 to Roland Jenkins; on the place is a fine dwelling and excellent barn and out s n. Jenkins,who will buildings. Geo, l work it, has one of the finest properties in the township. FIND UTs1nE1iTT-aci4M Now is the time tot beautify our homes by selecting some of our h handsome Furniture. Do you want a nice Bedroom sett for . « .... . $1 Q Sideboard ., ...... « . , . 8 Cool Sweet, Mattresses. .. , . 3 Bed Springs .................. 2 Couches and Easy Chairs at easy prices. Curtain poles and trimmings. We have several, sets of beautiful chairs just in. Give us a call and if we have not got what you want we will soon get it for you. .17Ves. C. Ruston, Furniture and undertaking rooms. Gidley's Block, Exeter. 26 Ms of granulated sugar for with every hu n- dred of flour ou purchase ' Y from us. W Trevethick. fir St. Marys: In the death :of Mrs.Jas. Elliott, which occurred at the family residence, May 8, St, Marys loses an es- teemed resident. The deceased lady' was stricken With paralysis about two weeks ago and gradtally sank, She had been in failing health for several years` ClIARLTON & PURDON EXETER, AGENT FOR PRO VAN'S. PATENT CARRIERS FORKS ANO SLINGS. Supplied with either 'the Angle Iron., Round - Rod or Wood. -"- - These are without -a doubt the best ma- chines obtainable T at any price.' - Was awarded the only medal and diploma given on I -lay Forks at. the Worlds Fair Chicago. Supplies at Russell's Blacksmith shop.' EXETER, ONTARIO,