Exeter Advocate, 1902-5-22, Page 7*******-dtit9-ititedeee*C.,,itth.,Ant Do' t be a tool," he cried, wilet o
tie sudden change et manner. "Sit doom
w j e7ed
nar en £ffagain."
I complied, with a shrug of the
A. ahhelide7. 'The pay ?"
hi rigagemenet, Inland . eueceseful."
,t "Ali and th wo*
Ifyolield again tooted ot me du-
biouslyhat a mamma later- cried,
suddenly,"Very well, rn trust. ,you.
Time preeseta eine I eaeet do Other-
wise. The JO most be tkine to -Mor-
row, and Ws one that eeeds a. smart.
man.1 bet you'll manage it, though
if yoell only follow my instrue-
"111 do my best; fire away."
;*Very toll. then. I must explain
in the arat place that uottl a forte
eilgae niof the llounees may Ize energy ght ago I was fee egme ;nate gen- %out_
og in the more, exPetterao stitched br decoreted with applique
"Wellet said, addresslog IdaerY
Illord as the door et hie ehop.cleeea
behina departieg Ousteraer, "1
Sheld /lithe thought that sttell
Itte thee would have been able to
to something better tbati
eethalfpeuntr Manila. Out et ceen
Harry angled. '''Possibly," he re-
plied, "but it exiay be merely a
oneetion of taste or at sthigines-s-
one can never tell. Ever), a Sherlock,
golenee might he deceived it he be-
gun XiMtking deductiouS aa to P.
marde aticiai Ilnanciel position
from. the brand of eigors he smokes,
don't say be would, bot be might
be, remember once- inyself"'ebut it."0
rather a loug peen. awl you ipay be
in Wirier', air,"
.at a bit a it,- seld. BOA -
tug fe emelt pipe mid settliog melt
cenntortobly in the chair Ilferd pre-
videe for letingers. hope," I add.-
..ad, the ya.rit deeds with the -the
interesting period Of your We."
fleuodded Osseut. fully undertandeg my delicate reference to hie
soniewhot irregular "poet." Then,
interrupted only by all Steeeeleital
austomereeter the seight Walt Wet anti
cheerlene Anil few people were obout
he tomld me the Agit:Ming ittry
orplug about a year since.
just, lieforo Poor. forgivizig (Ad
dad died and left me Ole bueineeet
I woo eittiug in my digginge leon-
ing over the paper when I Came tifont
on advertieement that rau, ao near-
ly aa 1 can 3'eMeMber* tithe :--
WANTFIDe-dietuediotely. for a. few
;lay* only, a young gentleman ot
-good mennere nod appearauee
undertake a enission cd soiree ell
'Welty 'to tbe interests of fiuffering
humenity, A largo honorarium giv-
en at the conclusion or the enter-
priee,-Apply by letter to X..
Iimbezelonent Court. Charing Cries.
Well, I thought to nioeelf when I'd
read the thing through two or three
times, I wonder what the genie ie.
"Cudieet, Without dOUbt," Mur-
mured agaln, as I turned. and glanc-
ed casually roond the room.
I was met by a wet. unpleasant
eight, for there, -coming threegh the
door• WA$ Secenil close,-
xesembitng the first in .eppearanco
and attire, carrying else en ordiew
eel Week leother bag- end .siortitiog
• elger, Woe was an Unexpected
.How en earth, 'Wag
• to identify my man?
• theught of the "aroma of owe -
tonere" Waa to look for. and I seen
=do ule met mind how to act. I
would go bellied the two raen
turn -for the ocoed, like the eret„
was drinkepg whisky by this tineeee
and I Weald shadow him who was
Ail excellent design for silk, erecti
or waeli fabrics,' The seams and
assistant to Mr, George
atio%O" It* 540310 t° 141' insertion, nerrow velvet, ribbonOr
Oodicon head of the firm-ot Coaicc4 agine that a well-to4o paWnbr0_1;er, bias fOld$, Of silk aecordiug to the
ed Coe the big Westeend jewellers emod possibly affece allY brood 0" toste of the maker.
and pawnbrokers. I left hie servxce aestaaimpossilge I
hurriedly. miner painful eircume
staiwee that need not, be entered into
now, but before doing So 1 toot. a,
fete useful no as to leis future
4101realelltS. TO-LTIOrrOW be gees to
Brighten,. end it eon be yedn toot.
Since It ebvieusly can't he mineto
shadow him--ou his homeward Jour
ney. that, is; be better to heelt
out of the way Mt then. Boll leave'
Brig,liton by the 7.1.0 train. hehleh.
runs right threat& to Victorle, with-
out stopping, ond bell travel gret
his. You unieteget into the Name
vapartztient, and =Mtge setaehew
Or ether to subetitute the small
black beg 1 shad gtve eta to -night
for a *huller ere hell have with
hint. The latter yea% bend to 4ae
et Victoria, where 1 sholt *vatt. you
atilt in eheintege I8hand you liftY
pounde gold,. and tho tranettetion
will be finiehed. Whet do you say?
'Will you take it op, el.
"SINVOSing1 Wre, to say *yee,'
hOW should 1 know ray man ?"
"Fleetly eitough. 1*11 deeeelbe him.
a, fellow 'o medium height.
weare a beardand an overcoite
trimmed with astrachan ; will pro- h
, may perhaps retaloa you Imre,:
sin thee poor fether hod bemigite
up tO, the telmerton treele. god.
beferel quarrelled witinhedit
one. went astray or time led ster. 'wide. inie large ewe will reel:tore 4..
ed gotta miough experieuee to Ulla and one-fonrth. yards of goods mine
tbing trent an inferior la- the foot inches wide, Or twelve ann oaeo
*gar -
- You will utteleretand theta that ni
tosk -proyea an easy once wheil sate
that the ft ntan• who had entered
the. refreshment room was orahltiog
Quantities of material required. --
The niediein. size will require AV('
and threafourtha yerds of goods
fin-Ye/our inclieS Wide. or eleven
yarde gooda twenty-seven inehea
half yards of goods twenteheevem
Inches wide.
The large si'e will realgre shh and
ono -fourth yards of goods Ofteolotiv
inches we or twelve and oneehalf
a twoPetiner Mexican. while the Mee yattle of goods twenty-seven limbo
Min Wati on the point Of Welshing ft widen
high elase no.vana. I uaturally
once decided that Mk. Codieot ,
2 should be hollered with my
tentioue-ot course . eupposing th
he went by the 7.10 1.rnin.
Well., to melte le long story Short
140 did go by that, train. and when
1 had +seen hirn get Into a liret-elese
contintetment, and settle Winfielt in
no of the farther eternere, 1 pretend
it to be it, friend of his and bribed
ho guard to put. nobody elso in. the
ompartatient. Then, when the tfaio
*ae on the point of starting-aud I
d seen the other fellow aleo ;n-
imbly he szuoking a cigar, mu), a* stalled in a, "first" some distanee to
as not, will have a. drink in the rear, 1 Pinned in. arid We were
the retreelunent room before the whiff.
etled o
train Amen. Tben et course. there'll liefote WO halt I*404vii rreatem
txt, tbo bag te lore; mat for." Part. I hail come to the eonelintion
"Irlea. etttoactbee I undeestand tlia.t I was in tor a aka Sett job
err. Codieot to he the Sart faf chap after all. Tlie dialentties 1 had en -
that emits an aromo of opetenee, peeted. and some of 'which I halt
Something, testy. probably ; auybow, eh corne prepared to mot. lead not
MI only cost, a penuy Stamp to try "lame've put it well." arisen. On the contrary. wliat could
and find out. With which 1 sat down "'Now so to the contents of the he better than that the bag 1 want -
end wrote a. letter applying for the hag." ed shoutd be ou thi rack oppoeite to
post uree•ertleed there and then. ***towel/ere'. S. tiara. a. neeltlace. ue. white its owner reclined againalt
A little later on I went out and awl, eeverat entailer arta. all the eilshionit 4114(1QIII:watt% ft, feet
droned nie* miesive into the nearest !aimed together fu a brown leather aeleep ?
pillar -box, met nest morning I le- ellee." I waited a few ;Wooden tben cau-
Well, sir, I thin* my adventure
ves that a mairs position eenit
Pulsed from. his Cigar, and when
t• i"ve heard the end of it I expect
tell Oareet With me that, in spite
of "einnliinesueitild tbIngs of that
teeet. it's better to 104744 to the to-
baeco trade than to one's wits. fur
a 11145111r got. Immo to 1ny diggings in a cane griddle.. stutul. That lette tbe woter and
Mug DandeliOns Wash thor-ispeeks of grie run down tato elite,
that night, „,the ghly andput them by handbills lute; lining under the iron riug that see!
Tehoh"eh'er.7„.14e‘hht;13.:114a, A' glees cans. alkteruaitting Twhift,Ivi eInakeitn:, racua7sio:atolieribssicrt antdealate;t:nys4
gte• ig sovereigns were made spoons roe . rotthtelr4
drive do. bore uto oflig.y., not tor
reirix ovweatir brim", and win tietlp nicely it. 1",heither rahOlild you leave the time
TCIttileQ;DttedV44;tt4:writd,41'ullutht'etri:fh" olt:6T1.1:tne' hateuegaon ehrotTrini-nSiroaceinpItgymeriintp wzsdacg.ro, 1 Irtbhr:euneattlili,:a.:4:41:xi:e.-Itsel4litoat:iihitlia.tvwsi:trtleitacit:eeliint
4etAtPheellYvinPadoVt,rtilelutlit-13°,11°11c4) 5t0Pt 11 t 1 t sot 9, it end stand innate down where
at it o er. p • te .
to tasee. Beat yoltet 2 eggs with the water evill run off, Never .set
p Negate. Stir be While mill>: is heath tivabrelat away tightly folded. it will
T NG TELE CBItEltIONY. our into dish and ail in oven five split out as SO014 41,gin. Leave tiuti
cetera a reply, lettuce onalumn erne. "now do you know as much r. tionsly but swiftlu I took down ray
1104.“ neamn me to eau atter ;ex "Became the things come into own bag from the reek Whose me.
the wee eveniug. di
Coeletat possession about this and in li
twiaug the exellange wan
Aceordingly, a few minutes after t,mo every year. They belong to effected.
the hour named. I dismounted from. Latly Owelton. who Is a widow and rhythm felt that nee friend's bag
a. Favorite *bus at the corner of LVO at Brighton. and whose invomo contuined a box -shared article.
Northumberland Avenue and te
sm paid to her annuelly in May, hut which was wale atitiStled wan Lady
numn mdttat in Embankment court, don't lot the twelve months out. Qweltolett jewel -We. 1 Put 31 on the
--a narrow. mileoftilatedooking thor- So sheet arranged tvith Codieot to. reek and sat still watching the
ougbfare in the vleinit.y o tha met- supply hultations, and advance heel steeper, in the hope that he would
phi arches. Making my Way to No. a big euough sum on the originated not awaten until the train was
15e, 1 had scarcely !mooted before
' tbe door Was opened by youngish-
luaing man, w.ho ired in a low
tone hether 1Was ear. Word. When
I bad ausWered in the airaniative he
conductea toe upstairs to a email
hock room On the firtt door, whieh
eentained two ebaite, ft iwl, mid a
tahlo strewn with uewspapers.
**Sorry vre*ro so untidy,' re-
nowned, when we were "6;01 ridiculously inadequate payment for
this Is only a temporary *Mee, Tho utY servieen Suppoee 1 were t
society will soon bo more eoliete Stick to the iewellerY htstend ?"
nkntIy loented, I expeet, In feet»! 1lyu1IekL laughed. "If you tried 10
Our tenancy of this room termleates get rid of it in this Country you'd
ice -morrow." meeioue eottn end ;mire& m "I'm hanMal 1" he repented. "TbO
"Stwiety," I murmured, as he eltokee," he MIK You may bet sea air MUst *a.Ve overcome me 10
stopped. Codkot wou't wait long betore olds. send me off like that. Sea air aud a
"Yee," lie said, course, nue ei lug a hue and ery diritelly he ills- little soniethia* else. eh 1"
'forgot you didn't know. I'm Quit eOvers he's been. had. That won't, lre gave a httarSe IOW coo-
eecretetry of the Society for Benefitee littrt Me, however, for i've, already United confidentially, "You see,
Mg the Undeserving. 'You sec' -as Made arrangemente 30 holt to the ain't accustomed to "Widens. Travel
I was about to interrupt -"the de -I Oontinent toanorrow night-tame:first, good clothes on, good liquor,
.serving have plenty done for them mind where., Ne. YOU Mesta% try to I and the rely best cigars. Twice a
swindle me, air. Ilford, mid you must eear 1 nen a day in Br3gbton,
he content with what 1 offer ---if you February Ifefore peopto begin spring
can earn it, that is." dateable in Auguet before they Start
"1 don't knoW that autuntu ditto ; guess why, eh ?
stored. gloomily. "Suppose the r don't mind tenhe you len a Chita -
compartment's full of people, ?" ney-eleaner, that's what / ani."
"Not likely to be tide time of the I groaned inwardly as he proceed -
Year ; besides, CodicOt hos a, theory ed, with a self-satisfied air.
-that a person travelling with vale- "Yee, you can call me sweep, if
able luggage shouldn't attract no- you like. I ain't proud, though on
tine by appearieg to take unusual 0. day like this PM as good as any -
care of it. As likely- as not he'll pat ono Yeo, even as old three balls,
the bag on the rack, or at least on who 1 saw at the station, but who
the seat beside hinx. Of course, if Wouldn't seo me. Daresay so
he keeps hold of it all the time it'll nie to -morrow, when 1 take back
make yowlr job a little difficult, es- this 'ere furry coat to hin to -mind.
pecially if there should be anyone 'E'd got one like it on hinself to-
ols° in the compartment."
"I should just think it will," I
rejoined. "However, / can't afford
to let the chance of making a bit
g� by. Pay my first class retell%
fare to Brighton and see what I
can do. if I succeed, so much the
better for both of us ; if I don't,
so much the worse. I shan't take
any big risks, mind."
Mynfield wanted inc to pay the
fare myself, but eventiuilly gave
way oe the point and handed 'me
the mouey together with the bag be
had spoken. of. Then, with a pro -
Mise to meet him, as arranged, at
Victoria Station on the following
evening, and a joke about the cline-
ing dissolution. of the Society for
Beneeting the Undeserving, 1 took
my departure.
Well, sir, I need not describe my
proceedings on the following day in
details It • will be enough to say
that I went downtoBrighton by, a'
morning train,. and,ettithough, the.
month, was February and the 'Or
cold, •I passed 'several pleasai,it hours
In the King's Road. just after Six,
o'clock I turned- into West street,.
and, making my way to the station,'
entered the.refreshment room, where
r °Wanted a bun and a glass of
beer. Citrehing this frugal fare from
the bar counter, 1 placed it with
my bag on a small table near the
door and sat down,to watch and
to keep ber going till ber uext pay-
ment beromes due. To -morrow, for
the fourth ,oear„ I think, ho will take
nearing its destination.
Ifere again the matter fell out as
t wished. for we had left East Croy -
down the totes and a erotised cheque den behind no when at, last suy cora-
end bring back -wed, what he will Minion stirred, and opening his eyes
actually get lieu* with depends on looked blintingly towards me.
you." ITN first remarlo however, gave me
"It stems to me." I remarked. as a sort of shoot. It was simply :
edynfield paused, "that so, muell de- "WO' I'm bolged
pends on me that, fine pounde is "No." 1 said. "you'vo been askeP,
that's all. Welt soon be in now. I
hope yousve had pleasant dreams ?"
I meant, if pos.sible, to keep biro en-,
gaged in conversation till we reach-
ed Victoria. ee
and, after all, they're in a minority
email minority, perhaps -so that
it is only right the others should
have a look in. At least, that's my
view ; don't yon agree with Ino ?"
,"Ten not sure yet," 1 reldied.
'tGo on. I'm anxious to hear all
about the difficult misnion you want
'undertaken. 'That is, if the place
advertised is not already filled.'
He laughed, "Oh, no," he said,
mot, fined. 'There have been
plenty of applicants, but none of
them will take the job on, Listen 1
The doelety requires a thousand
pounds for a more than usually un-
deserving ease by not Monday, and
their object in advertising was 30
find someone who'd get it for
At this 1 looked fixedly at Mr.
Mynfield, and observed that.
in spite of his light and airy way of
spealdng, he was evidently tryieg to
determine what kind of a man Im
had to deal with. So / resolved to
give him a lead. •
"Mr. Mynfleld," 1 said, "I'm a bit
of a physiognomist, and -well,
• don't 'gather from your face that
you're quite so philanthropic as you
make but. I haven't much faith in
societies whose operations are con-
ducted from a fellow's bedroom ;
and, sbolt,' I rectum you're the
more than usually undeserving case
"Oh, I--," he began.
"And," I interrnpted, "that the
Mission for the benefit of, suffering
hernanity is for peer own benefit,
eb ?"
e'What then ?" - be said. "Yoe
Can't e-eparale the indiVidual drom
the mass."
agehed ; "but now that
-we're beginning to understand each
other let us come to the point.
what's. the game and what's the
pay ? Out With it ; You needn't Ile
# afraid. Good gracious, man, I sus-
pected some swindle was afoot, from:
the first. I shouldn't have answered
yolir advertisement
he remarked, "tho other
chaps who've been here were down. -
at -heel mugs who thought me inada
• but you're evidently sharp enough,
Mr. Ilford. ,Your dress mut appeal' -
too, are all that could he
-wished, L should really , think my
advertisement had not been wasted,
alter ale if only 1 could be SIM:
Y011'2'0 to be trusted."
:I rose as if to go. "If you fella
take my word for it, we may as well
part company," I said. ``I'll bici
you good evening."
At ten minutes to seven 1 was re -
'warded by seeing a bearded man
pass me, who W01'0 a coat trimmed
with astrachan, earried a bag like
mine, and seemed in every other
respect to tally With Maraleld's des-
cription, "Codieot, without doubt,"
I murmured, as E saw him advance
to the bey and, removing his cigar
from hie mouth, stye some order to
the barmaid. The next moment a
small glass, apparently contaiaing
whisky, was sat in front of him.
About the
.,..House 1
Setal11 (ooD BECIPES.
Scolloped atish--Almost any kind f41
flIS that you haPPell to baVe left
ropea meal may be used. Spread
e bottom of o welt -buttered pud-
diarrhoea. After the little month
half a soft-boiled egg May ho gives(
instead of, or in alternation with tht
beef juice.
Wlehle Wahalth
at is the &lie girls that mate dote
ate women. The imsy, helpfal girl,
Willing to eelieve her mother ef SC4110
the.housettold cares, is developing
a perfect womanheod.
I)o not allow Child to SOc% ids
thumb. The habit ie the cause of
litany projecting front teeth and enise
ebapen mouths, If ),Q4 are with the
ding dish with A layer of bread elute tate, Otl,t tile thumb whenever
ceumbe, then a laYer of fish that ha# he puts it in his mouth, and it Yole
been separated into *mall nieces, leave the room bind his ann clowrt
Sprinkle tettli salt and pepper. and a
tiny bit of olery salt, tf you like.
Pour over this sudicient told.; to
coNer, adding a few little pieces of
butter. Cream is prefereble, but no
butter should- be used with it. Con-
tlnue with another layer of erumbs,
and so ea till the dish is full. Bake
ia a hot oven. browaing niveby
gem; ermons ler the top layer. Po-
tatoes, eieher mashed er slked very
thin. may bo used inetead of crumbs.
Chipped Itotatoen-allie potatoes
to his side, or bandage the hand with
a slight splinter of wood, and he wile
soon be broken of the habit. Biting
the ;tails may be stopped in tbe sante
way, or by putting bitter aloes on
the Melee ends.
The habit of "answering back,"
:should be euppreesed by. eyereetaa
Window to lead a peaceable and har-
monious life. The "scrappy" boost, -
hold in which emit one strives for the
last word C4i7. never bo o lumpy one.
11* old adage, "It takes two to
should lost have been boiled in ealleharthe 4 quarrel," is invariably true,
water. In ebipping them. cut slant -1 and ellerwe en the most aggravating
waYs and not atroight across the reeponso one can make to ea tare,
vegetable, add a little valued onion.
Put Into o granite tlielt 1 tahleepoou
dripplugs. or lard, then the potato
onion. Add a, eprinkliog of salt
and 4 little water. Stir slightly and
set into a hot oven a tew minutes.
'hen stir again. and thesit rooting,
umn tbe top of stovo.
feupper Illeti-Tahe as much dry
weed OS yOn Wish to Use. Sea,
samo' in warm waive till well soften -
then add I sup nibik, g teespoone
ng Powder, I egg' and gour en-
gh to make o., still pancake dough.
toting mum*. The temptittion te
epudiato an uujust eceueation is.
VOW. but if it ia unjust it will bei
gretted more by its maker than id
quarrel resulted in which both pa
loet their Ammer. She who with
hhold her tongue" from unnindi
and bitter retorts, froni liege
will how the joy of feeling
elle lute planted the geode or
pinese for herself and othere.
en you, come in out of the eahe
do not plump your oleo silk tumbrel -lee
ferrule ;town. into the umbrella.,
ineeles. Ilea whites of eggs stint!
Which Beset Artists at sprad en ornate ;elide it is hot.
Their Work. loon Cate-'Tlerite meg. sop
2 cape eugar, e cop butter, II,
r teaepomie eream of terdi
'rho coronation of Xing Edward °
✓ II. is to be Painted by the Anted- !at' nud 1 teahl"ten fndde
eau arilet. Mr. B. A. Abbey. Ile neYers. &lie' for the ealete Om cuter,
wilt doiditlets do full juetire to the eaeh or auger arid water, 1. egg. le
Scene ; aud bo will probably find his; tea:4110n hntler. 1 iableePoon Soul
path onad from, lawny ot out don. ano gritted rind and juice or I
Mettles which beset Ws fatuous pre -ileum" Dan till it* thiekenn. 110-1e&,
*tensor in such work, the Beiglish coca, eiread on tin' CatieS•
artan. W. P. Frith. Caramel Itilliug-three cups sugar.
Ant tenth, by muumuu* et /boll e rim Maier. 1 eup batter. lion no-
of the Prince of Wales. It was ,
Mall.'etOilok541t11; rattr witrineir'"Zure. potratitistvobt
Queen, painted a. picture of tho
a bilge cameo ten trot lone; crowiletijnhaltaw didtt and whip wjtit an Mal
I " 1
with figures, each ot which wee a. heater. One euP butter make.'s 31
portrait, and eat% of which 00101, nit'er. 444 a pinelt el salt.
bo not only a 'Memos. hut correctly i4 .Vvarly nib 00.1311101 fillings call for
costumed in every detail, even to IzLoutveiiitetruisutaelsinItoefrollykih
miniature oritere, stars and crosses. z
ler 3»
Some of his Sitters that should' t'plor"
have helm Would not sit ; °there
could not ; others would not wear JUST BOW TO ROAST lit BF.
er lend their ettleable cohee and 'Wipe the meat perfectly dry and tie
One royal luelee the Duchess o
Brabant, .inuele a curious stipulation.
She could not remain in England for
her portrail-which necessarily oe-
cupled a proininent plate --to be
painted ; hut "the nrtist was at
least determined, it he could not
hove tier, to howl her gown. which
was a, magnificent inolre antique of
an unusual and beautiful shade of
Purple. She Was reluctant, and it
was finally lent only at tho pemonal
intercession of Queen lactorla---and
then with the understandiug that the
painter should neither smoke nor
drink beer in its preseno.
Although muck puzzled, he willing-
ly agreed. and kept his word. After-
ward im learned that she had before
lent dresses to Belgian portrait -
firmly into shape with eleam white
string, or use o, ekewer, levee the
even very hot for the tine, few min-
utes. ziot put anything on the
meat when tirst placing it in the
°wee above all avoid putting any
water in the dripping pan. After it,
bus been in the oven about six or se.
yen Minutes, dredge with salt 4 little
pepper and flour, being careful not
lo get any in the pan, as it is apt
to burn. If there is not fat enough
from the roast to Nude with. add I
cup drippings. Baste thoroughly ev-
ery eight minutes. Frequent hoot-
ing is very necessary if you whet to
at old a dry -crust. The oven should
be a. good, stoma: moderate temper-.
ature after the firat few iniuntes. soe
that the inside of the beef will cook?
evenly. Allow 12 minutes to the
painters of beerier lind smokier pound ft r rare, more in proportion.
habit than, the neat English, and Turn the tem „rumen en then nun
tilde of the meat will be roasted alike
and turn it over once, dredging it as
before. \Then it. is done it should
have a delicious brown crust, and be -
very leiev as singeing the outside
little and -pi -owes and princesses at the ',wheeling teas -ems the Juke
gave scene trouble. The men gena. teem escaping. Af tee taking the
(wally sat more patiently than the in 'at from hie paii leave about o
Wonien.: :The Prince of Walesa now
Xing Edward, was a model sitter ;
dity--blesseil if 'e hadn't. 'Shia see, it but as much could not he said of
suite inc to let uncle 'ave in'y best eis lovely bride. She was charming,
clothes to take care of, as I only
Want them twice a year. 'E keeps
moths out and so forth. .,Codicot
feared a repetition of the disastrous
result. „
Most of the royalties, Mr. Frith
testifies, were good and agreeable
sitters, although uaterally the lively
tableepoous of the deippings into
which rub 2 tablespoons noun Then
place the pan on top of the stove
and stir carefully mail rt nice brown,
bet would not keep Atilt. . e, season with salt and pepper, -e tea -
"You must scold her," said Itie spoon Worcestershire sauce improves
prince, When the artist appealed to it and a dash of celery salt. Add
the bloke's name is ; 'e was robbed hira in despair ; but lie had to do \hot water or soup Stock and cook
by one of 'is cliaps a week or two the sholding hinis,elf, with the result for a few moments. stirring con-
-back, so I've 'eard ; ph -haps that that she first pouted delightfully, staidly. 'The fat is not so likely to
mithea 'im grumpy." then laughed, and then kept, if not ato the top when the gravy is'
I was much too agitated to do 'still, at least stiller, neeed in thie way le .few s ri s of
folds lie Weide'.
The mouth is as much of dikes.
tive orgeit as the stOrilach itSelt; at
least half the process of digention
ehozild tate piece in it. It le when
the worn that sboubl have been per-
formed ay tee teeth is Wen Mil
the stomach that indigestion and
other troubles ensue. Not outer
should every particle 01 of food be
chewed Moe so that the digeetive
jukes ;nay owe ;evilly :worn in it,
but motion of the Jaws causes a flow
of saliva tette* ia ae neeessary for
digeetion as the stomatit Juke% shwa
its ullietilite quelities 4:ounteract and
supplement the wide u1 of the Litter.
Or& of the earliest results of thort
WW1 chewing of food is that heavy
eatern Narita to consume less of it.
for as digestion improvee less its
needed. since all that is taten as
singlet ed.
COLD ST011 GE or wzavra.
more thou. nod ; but 'seemingly quite
contented to do the talking himself
the ehinmey-cleater went on
"Yes. I've done the gentleman for
the first and last time for six
months. Only thing now to get
'ome, give my sister the shell work-
box I've got in my hag up there -
1 ain't got a inissus, but I always
take neer sister a little sooveeneer-
and then to work again."
With Which he gave another
chuckle and, to my relief, subsided
into silence. A few minutes later we
arrived at Victoria.
I 5.,.eized the sweep's bag and,
lumping from the' train, with 'a
muttered good -night to eta owner,
ran along the platform, wondering
whether 1 -should be able to bluff
Myraield into believing I'd brought
hiin the cargo he wanted. I meant
to try, arid when I'd given up my
tieket and found him duly waiting 1
whispered, hastily
"It's all right, but hurry alore, ;
the bounder may discover
happened. We'd better part as soon
as possible. Got the coin ?" ,
"Yes, yes," he ausevered, evidently
as anxious to finish the business as
I was. ad he opened a purse cram-
med full of glittering sovereigns.
"You'll find fifty there, sure en-
ough," he added, closing the puree
and putting it in my hand,
''Thanks, thanks,'I replied, as 1
gave him the bag. "Goocl ludic and
good-bye." 1,
He disappeared jo the darkness
and I never saw hien again.
Queen Alexandra will donbtlees parslav"arriusge.d. on the platter ma,ke
bold as prominent a place in Mr. a pretty finish to the appearance of
Abbey's picture as she did in Mr.
Frith's. She is still a charming
model, and many- years of the discip-
line of 'high positron may well ho.ve
made her a patient one.
Patriotic had :worked hard all his
days, bat his' -sons ha.d spent his.
money for'hith, :and :when he was too
Oita for: activta • work lie was offered,
the position of' leek -out. man for a
gang- of railihay' plateleYere.
h.le looked.. dubious es the duties at
the Office Were explained to him, and
the • meaning of the various flags
was olectelY stated: : -r
'In case of danger, with a. train
coming; of course you wave the-roh
flag/' said his friend, proceeding
with his explanation.
A hard old liand• grasped his aem,
"Man dear, it'll never do," said
Patrick, sha,king his head -solemnly,
could 'never trust mesilf to . re-
miinber eto iva,ve 11 eed fitig when
there Was a green wan handy.'
"You should get, your ears lopped,
O'Brien," said a "smart" tourist to
an Irish peasant whom be was
quizzing "they're too large for :
inen.'' `'An' bedted,'' rolled' the
Ilibarnian;."I Was just thinklu.'
yours would want to be made
larger : sure they're too small for
the roast.
It is a, common thistahe for par-
ente to begin feeding their children
solid• foods too early, writes Helen
W. Cooke, M.D. For a, child under
fourteen months it is much the saf-
est course to give no solid feed at.
all:. It is true that many children
seem. to be able to digest solid toed
• .
at an early age, but i3. is also. true
that giving it at this period is free
o ueatly responsible for . the di eaesti ve
disorders occurring dueleg the Se-
cond year..
After, the . child a year old 3±
sliceild have seine form. of farinaceous
food added to its millc diet. The
beSt ' method ie to matte a gruel of
some cereal, for example, oatmeal if
the child is inelleed to be constipat-
ed, barley if the- bowels are lin:lined,
t� be loose, aeul add this gruel atter
strainieg to the baby's milk. Beet
•juice (made by broiling a piece of
round of beef lightly Med squeezing
the juice from it) may be achled to
the diet as early as the loarteenth
month, " Begin with a teaspoonfel
and gradardly Diocese to two or
may take orceegee and prime .jeice 0.8
early as the fifteenth month, tend a
little latee strained Prunes tied baked
anples.witilieut the thins.
an impoctaat part - of a childhe diet
and should be given vegetal:hi altec
the lath month eahept in ceees of
The Wondereul Wealth That alile
Izonaeres Use.
efatiy persons who have been amen
d during the past few .days at the
holdings of stock certificates that mo -.
present, MilliOnS of dollars by some
of -the magnates of Walt Street have
more than once woudered where on
earth the stacks of certifirates are
stowed away over night. Sameof
the certificates are passed day after
day in their business deals wpm own-
ers to owners who have not strong
underground vaults. Nor do alt
firms on the street have vaults above,
the oaerage kind, says a New York
correspondeut. Be that as it May,
from this time out. the millions in
o • 4
"Street" valuables. as well as vale
uables owned elsewhere, in this city
and other cities. are to be stowed
away in a safe in a deposit company
on Broad street, which hes just been
put in commission. It is the biggest
safe in the world. In this safe aro
already deposited more securities
than in any other place 111 the world.
Wealth untold is represented there by
stocks and bonds, jewelry and silver
plate. Here also repose the wills of
many of the biggest, millionaires 10.
America, So vast are the financial
interests concerned in this safe that
the board of directors he charge of
it is tniede to represent every faction
of .the finaindal world. John D.
Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, the Van-
derbilts, the Rothschilde the Harri-
mans, the Goulds, and *other large
interests have personal. representa-
tives on the board, The door lead-
ing to the safe is a tremendous piece
of meehamsm. It is circular, eight
feet in diaineter, and 2a inches thick.
It -Weighs 21 tons. The hinge of
this big door weighs 7,000 poueds..
The door and vestibule weigh 50-
bona and yet so nicely is the. door ,
balanced on ball bearings ethat a ha.,
by might close it with a gentle pres
sure of ite thee finger. The safe is
58 feet long, 88 feet Wide and nine
feet in height. The walls are -four
feet thick.. The inteeler is: fitted up
with 2,000 boxes but. 8,000 mote
will be: added as- they - are ...tweeted,
FOrmida,ble aa the mechauical appli-
ances are for safety they are uot de-
pended en altogether. Bay and night
Men guard the -,big 'door. They pace
back and forth like soldiers on guard.
Three Ulnae in the night a third
watehman .walks through the corri-
dor to, see that tlie senthiels are ate
teudieg to their dietea. :ever
burglar gets anything out of the safe
Wall Street will go out et besiness.
Miss Jay,aheMadain, Mr. 'Foster
has poree to take Inc for e drive e
May go 'h.".
Mattant-eeYett enow., Miss Joy, the
rules the 'college do not allow
ha melees yea are engenea. Are You
engaged to Mrs Foster ?"
Masa joy (deuhtfully)--`'Neno, but.
-if. you will let lee se. 1 shall. be
ee ley
ttimNuge cNet behle."