Exeter Advocate, 1902-5-22, Page 5T R exam bootate, PnIXAhed tVerY Thursday Morning at the Caltee. AII.V0aalAT4 PBI. I Sail NA' OOMPA,RY TgEt4.5 OP SPBSChirTION. e Naar per alalA011 if paid M adate, ‘4,15.0 if not so pad. Xt5.04'.43.4" .T4,tatasa 5;;, riedlag4rt-55141;%eatelrpeldaledatirirree373.Zsa..revir 74he. until 1Qrb151 and charteed ateoulingly„ (Viscount made for trey -salient attrertiaeleenZa for lona, periods. Ettery deaeriptitat of JOU ING Um:elle% in the dtsest etyle, and at Mederatexates 01,5yr.teS, Iiisteey orders, 4:sa, tor aelacatieanaaaabaalp-tants, etc., to be made payable 0 01111S.11. Sanders, ElATOR..,aaira P Llit.S...6; A, raliNta. k"4kS,, 117.40asz ir5r4.-317s4O of rt.4...;t1r 10P0b DENTISTS. Test% entra•elisl nfiTtsrs,: aair rarn,.-arotki•fri-41e.Tea 413C5 se.17 lrarzss.n",s Blitsk nvslt tate w„„1.451a stiteat 7;„ 1ati.,Tara7 ,4"Nfla7,P,a EIgKTIST liaaaar eimiaata `6'.•**7,..*.eict Velvert107' 4zz4 n'Plir41 Sa,7,1„-cs,:as of .0;1:aria: ...11..aa pot,: i ttraitatta al Vida -2;a s ataal el Praat'aette Paal5lara (wish 9i4inctut, nevi-i.it parr= tr at,prtitally :A. • Ailintiitteta,V0Zioi:11 Vaitsanitt.,.leatnagonito e enail tis4 taTi., twit:Ism of Itt;it, t,rttn eat, tl esir fling fats. ttaaa fiateter. " P. INIT.111$1.1,N,1C1 OF TIM .ae1tat.al tratrasara aal ir..earItra ttaral. Oat., Jt.l'in Wiispia. Orise awl ir 64%-64 .144Cf,"•!:1A taaJatataa_sra, EA) AI Iltaegta. • 'or a^nna.n•oinr, P onnnel, no, Iss,, 2' .7,- enrzar,A 1A4- 63 _ ,a1 1lit;•:77,-;;;;cr. ',I Jrli 12,16•ill',• '-',',* SCOT & LI 01,..7.1u. Toz-,..r.. II sera,. 6•4 1,,,•• • • Sick Headache Rillous headache la the same thins. Most people that are sabiect to a nothing for1 until it prostrate.a them. Tart they gnIT take a 4o4e o pbyele or An etnette, &Olt 000104 40, SO00 agairiaitist Att the at9rAttela 15.a.gaIrt alisturlae4 b the bilious habit of the system. Mrs. M. A. McLeod. gerlerich, Dan AsePh Q01e, Wm, Ohio, Gee. W. Poll, Toeust VaUe Pa, And.); Yan, gee, N. Y. were all sobleet to it, AO have voluntarily testided, as others WA done, that theY were permaneutty cured hy Hood's Sarsaparilla FAIthfully taterl thle gre-,-*.t medicine co eets the billow habit awl gives TIM 4Ad one to all the Vital. organs. Accept ino suhstittite for ffentra. Sarsapa- rilla. NO eahatittlte Ada IIAS Oil for the Ohladria Give them oil—cod-liver oil 's curious to see the result Give it to the peevish, fret- ful child, and he laughs. Give it to the pale, anmmie child, and his face becomes rosy and full of health. Take a flat - chested child, or a child that has stopped growing, give him the oil, and he will grow b and strong, like the rest. This is not a new he It has been done for years. Of course you must 1,ze the right oil. Scott's Emuhion is the one. Scott's Enval5ion neither looks nor tastes like oil because we are so careful in inking . . pleasant to take. Send for fro r4mple. Th a ttaIGNIS Dank 44.;" its.t '•• 4 up • nand.... 11 4. .; 134.14iTar, Clin.ltal AU, %, !IN:* .• ---7-sxtrrint ;it Stant 'anal 41444, a fact deilin3' 013, WANT TO 8ny or SO&tWar e w ANT 'el, ▪ or Fic,11 Town i) •q1'* %NI" ) It;* D.c.tt.p3 WANT • . ; YtOt" W.‘,N; e 1-4P r 1,9 b 0' P`-', f It Iiitaa* ' 1 Voli 1.11N at fie Undcrsk:uc-ii JOHN • nor IL sr „•!. ay- nnotv. "4•47• : 3,)fi SHORTS A quantity of short on hand, allISTING and CHOPPING -DONE PIIMIPTLY, SWEITZER 1")re* 00att Ph0311108,1110) The Great Englieh Raney. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Orly reli- able medicine discovere Li paeleages guaranteed to cure Edi forms a Sexual Weakness. all effects of abuse oy excesa, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, °piton. or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one padkage $1, six, $5„ One WIZ please, et,z1bi1 cure. Pamphlets free to any addreSs.. The lkoodl.."Jcanpatty, Windsor, Ont. • Woods Phosphodine is soldinExeter by -S. W. -Browning and 0. Latz Druggists. EXETER Real Estate•-Eg1144.0 • The Sale, Purchase and Exchange of Village and farmlands and properties negotiated at reasonable rates of COM- . . MISS1011. . FrSale. Several Valuable Farms in IIAY, USBORNE, STEPHEN ond 1VIcGILL- • IV1,3,AY; also Three very desirable Re- sidence properties in Exeter. Farms Waal:ed. We have purchasers for good form, and in the vicinity of Exeter, or )vho will Exchange. ' APPLY TO ,BaViden David Mill - yawn to -in Manager. OFFTCES: Dickson & Carling's New Block, Exeter. 1,,on,ft CLEARING SALE of Plows, Gang Plows, Land :Rollers, flarrows, Szo., &o., now go- ing on. Ezerything to be oleared off by JULY 1,1902 FIRST COME, • FIRST SERVED. 1 Any Amount of Wrought and Cast Iron Wanted. tHIS. 114013RJ:1V. NATURAL GAS NEAR TILSON- BURG. Tilson burg, Ou t. ,Ma y 19.—A remark- able flow of natural gas waS st,T tick on the Ilawkin farm, a short distance north of this town by Mr. Cu thbertson, manager of several oil wells that have been operated in this vicinity driving the Past few months: In drilling in this last well 00 immense pressure of gas has been obtained about 100 feet from the surface. l'he pressure was, sufficiently strong to lift the sinker bar weighing 1,800 poiln cls, and threw polo tions of rock above the det rick, which is 53 feet high. The gas appears to be of excellent quality i or man ufactuting and domestic purposes. . TIT PEAR GIMERENON, SIOX.1.134RXIgS WORICINO. EXETER MARKETS.!DID ..1441waY ProploYeen X,010: WI as 0, /tea. CHANG-ED EA011 WEDNESDAY IS _Nt'aCTNgt %WU IR0PIA4 WIg41. MIKAN!). 330 Reports rxem. The ea_ reapoodemit-m,The Uggeet og the Voogereoce Vitill, iftaelg Ise gene- ttenkt,..smotV .Toovrier ew York, Ala;,* 20.-4 special des, zteh to 'rho 'Dines repeats a despatch The London Times from its corms - dent at 'Pretoria. 'The correspondent says that whatever may be Its issue the 13ver conference at Vercenigin,g will he feature lin the itiStOry o tbi4 . 1$ a uninple experienee for every lure:an deleo•ate. The rireurostances th tuegibig, as well as the • journey,. 0 - - -let to illiitpress the most uunniaginoe p 1rrBoer., Tine former States Attorney Rre inamediate eutotiragen oione exzerienced the novelty of sea tasyageo hawing hsea cern-eyed fro:aa rod -,;,,ttiotEi to Care Town. For AIM Weeks, nys- the e;riar.ea,ratada Of the enem,- bane been nno rqh16.151iii4,,..5 eijeapnnatunieation ``. Itlitaato Ind the o ass t.P: 11•434.1 Wilder WI:. A•h,p-.31103, A bolVt," Pgst) fany st nainirees tan Tha lit -ins trona rape 'Aminatui Zvil t4-aza thei1i4 IV:14544a: peace, awl tha W' U1-..yalla1a of shanth -"afriea, gallon thin% peivo fiaat.allatiotar. atrq • tistaig/t cans1ithaae3 'In' the saye the noerdwUl d mnal liret, a fixed date for the establish- 's:4st repirseantative tonerannent ; eaird. ree,nnnition5 Daatela os the language an well as botoatii, anon; sty fr,r.- taii.s Colony re- e,,soverrilltiox for war 'ftto aSernandi, nr44ries ton e4.1721•4 vet. 141, 11'5 clairstailt.- taw rare 4, , as NCI.; tII4a oda' Pacta alleteraninni irt f7tc. r:es*-111:a.P. „Ita ltaliraW AAA iicilf4„ r ria, na1rai a4 11,11; Anal' n• g". nab • ro, nonait'a area PA•ctn. it.a a' aian tt, si**,4 ror. andeln• 1,111i• 1414 Altar* Int neniaon, tne yootro; 0,, 4 • It on Cill•''Al** Q1,1,15 Lier4i,""t 4'7 *4 „%-, •tEic wi,r,,1 „A tat AV 4. *r,',;•• (17,'5"t st,1 tvt, 1110 tit 1),Ales.3;cd nth pngn nhc1lIn.ns nor !Moly to alesnsp':;eiran, had Will FLU' la the g int coon I: 4 , ft, 3,4 ;4'4 tIly (1,43164 ttl Nifty , v4 ti -4 ;.0,45 OA 4 4 ten 4t3i ta* Stta;: •.21, a,. , A "' ' s" 't i t 11:? Nag r.sol (1 311 ttw rnitn .ov,r1 16.". 6 3;41" V'ti.,•••'44 11l'I. Ann,: 1. 11'0'. .3" • 1 ri ; it ad• • °ea3. til. litnv. A. L. A46c f liagniate, , snobionly. ltn4, nbann. ge: . A neioi ..4rikae tAr.1 .1.11 it4L, W."1",,1!,,,,1111•4, in in I. r. 30 31i434 drv.11,4.1.u. 114 arn• et•on".iing.inphn.onnn supolies. one of the heaniest storm, on re- eord rtparted in the Cain.uog. not.ined several bridge:, away. Lord Inundounld 13 espa deal on nail to rinstuz... the dutios of Oien..ral 0111.er Commanding the Canadian • sail/. Lift. Mr. (kor,re F. OlIallorn of Montreal has been appointed Deputy Minister o- Agrieulture to succeed the late Mr. NV. Searth. Messrs. 13ram .K; •Love have been awarded the eontract for the erection of the now sub-pcstoilice at the corner of *tacit .and Abel streets, Toronto. The -differences 'between the Vraml. Trunk end the telegraphers on the sys- tem east of the St. .Clair River ha -vs been amicably settled. The telegraphers get an ineretu.:1 of pay. The Montrral City Council has s•ceept- ed the Mallinky proposal of a. ten-year franchise• for the Terminal Railway, which has already been giveii a route over -a .pitmher of. the streets, Justice Lavergne of Montreal has granted the )etition of Mr. Louis H. Tnc.1ie c4v1 eagincer, for a, writ of 'man- damus cnjpining the ,Canadian Society of Civil Engineers to admit him as a member of the society. A 'recent article publiehed in The Hamilton Speetator in which the con- nection of Hon. John Dryden, Minister of Agriculture, with cer tain corpora- tions was made the subject of comment has resulted in an aetion for libel being taken wrainst The Spectator Printiag Company of Hamilton by the Reliance Loan and. Savings Company of Ontario, With the approach of warm weather the smallpox scourge has broken out afresh, and the diseano is now amore pre- valent than ever. There are between thirty and forty suspected cases , in 'Osprey Township, Simcoe County, and most thorough preeruations arc being taken against the spread hf the dis- ease. A large number of people were exposed to cOntagion. and it is feared that the outbreak will be actions. Three new cases have developed at Huntsville, and there has been another outbreak 03 smonP054 131 Cayuga 'Town- ship, 1.taldimand CO11,11tY. • salt Da the Coal Strike. flasieton, Pa, May 19. --The second. week of the hard eoai strike 'began to- day" without the faintest ripple, Not 040 of the coati eompanies in this ter- ritory Ititide an p.tteutpt to start up colliery to -day awl not •a miner went near the breakers. The local miners in all the mining Tillages aud coal patehes held meetings to -lay at whieh. speeches we Made by the loeal leaders to keep up the courage of the men. New rOenl. Inas were tagen in by saran of the locala nnal preparations for relieving distress, ooze the strike Is prolonged, were dis. ctissed. So far as known %to applieations are bec.n. receirei by the union for aid. Vastest, Pa., May, /9.—As a result of the artar .eite eoal :Waters' strike, the re0 Inca employed at the Lehigh, Valley Railroad Comp:ears shops tere have been Fat on sltort time. The1,21,44)41,1 Valley has taken off all iti oad traina and ort.* tbr,..e of ti,e fate,..1) nay enail,rated iuraitiailrIg up trans hers are at rh. Ron:to5ter. Mont- effeets the ednal strike are he felt scrionslly lay eaptains ea Lake On.' ,articors F; that ur szniike Isrokerg itt a few day, srzte:771, tlte wa truktill„ largc st:atty of 11'414 Relarr Er.E., into t'sis port, drI• VOW lysttat at I It•,a1WIte ZsdarItar avtlitlug .b11 • Tito caal ani-szdy fa eltilltaUate4 nit On' • anti the elates 4-4 1,1e De/a. ware, I. lot:awn:ma .8; 'Western 'hallway fe; 411 4r1i: • ffao171 1::3144•11,.5t1C, The1 1•3&le t0 -aa; L!1:11: the • tAt ChatITAte13practically ex South Africa C0auraltles. OtIi3c' a, May .ti:o.--Troaner bert itnning.Sds cf A Divisitni of eater,le fever •ca Mao 1113 :Mot • A, itcyaolli,. rosiles at Valtany. Teavannain of Mora, OuRtatia. rila fel- - oreale fent rn - rtnion tat ,r "-MAL, ot t*. 11.41Li5o c. 1111., VI'. ncat1 Et,-14145,7,J.icc-111.„4,7477.1,z 1,1;„:311,r,j1"4,t74 Aritlha.a Laradaaet nalsopt Deaaa, ore= 131,81(n -r ut,,,POrrrS. • 1Inater-.▪ 413:e31'atatt4 to quoitataono. 1".V0I1Din; MZIF l'04',1411A)) qt. 14l'Atittlf•is 5111t1,51. t) trual 111,4;i 4 54%10 E6.$1:,,,Z 1117 104. • *tip *la at 1.1. The "Viclisilt... tinpalls". Moa* 11".'01 'nay tat'al .**Iiaa' i."*.l.'01 Wh. :1i, s „ core, „„.. a 1,sI.*...,t, ITo" . s , „ aal lai'9.1 ...,, ,... Vonnoon 1 60 - 4 14 4 • ',',., 151r' v.'1.4.*.11 1$ 34 )•at,livie,, ?a 1.6',,t6 Nizitoi,,,ti„, 1:k, el. ;hilt , 1 , , 3- . 3 ,4 a. ,• f,t11.7 • •6:4" 4 p :irao 1,4 a -A41 *, "a • • "",• ,eit fit "4 Mat - •.11; steals': gaol 45 • "di t 4 • ,t to Welt 4,1. • * -01 1114Y4 • 14 T.. 1.; • allatala. Ststt ▪ •tli. 11'1'111,04 331 StUr) • l',•41.1 10 o3to1c0 haws-. $7.40 to $7,4 5:ru11'ha:Ivy, ta 1lai1t to $T.V3 attia ‘nitat at $.7,10 to / 17.ta1a; siween Itfiti'lltrt;ert.",•11 4!. 15101,4, tuprea, to sti.041; treat -Pen 1 nabs,ii Cie $6.r0; Colorado weolled lambs $7,4t1 Montreal Grain. and Produee. Montreal, 'Any I 0. -Gra ht—The dcurind for oats erostitmea plod, and, tie anotaies are light, prices are nett anciag, 2 ti alto tail at it -30 41 tiollt, and In some eases roe aaa., waked: No. 2 'Manitoba oats sow at 5014e ex -store, and ,11e was bid for more. There was 1.1i.30 1411:400448 over vette Ji th013o1 wneac. Wa quote :--On. turas We. 1. a p: wheat, :Se: 2 silting wheat. 7Gez petat ilatc; rye. 621,110; batieS. dalet,oata. 40c; lAakwheat, 68e. Flour—There la a fair tunount a hu,iness and the market la likely to advanee, owing to the 'high prlee for :Manitoba awl Ontario wheat. We quotet—lianiteba. spring Witeat patent& $4 to $1,30; liaultaba strong. halt - era $0 to $4; winter wheat patents, $1.75 to $4; straight rollers, $3.50 to $3.001 ao in bags, $1..05 to $1.70, and extras, $1.45 to S1.55. - Meal --An advance Is likely, owing to the advaneing market for oats. We quote itolledacta ts, In barrels, $4.65 to $4.70, and. M bags, $2.2234 to $2.25. Feed—The ntarket is very firm, owing to the searcity o suaplies. We quote 1—On- tariobrae, In bulk, $10, and shorts. $21.50; Manitoba bran. In bags, $10 to $20, and shorts, $22. Cheese—Themarket was somewhat 1r- 1e0l:1i1r. 111 n wenhei• tendency. Finest old cheese, SlIae to 52e; Ontario ,new make, llyac to 11%e; Queoec, new inalte, lac to Butter—Tho market Is oulet. hut priCes are somewhat irregular. Finest township creamery, 101,4e to 19Tac: finest western Creamery, • 1 014c to 19yas; .seconris, 1$1/ae EggS—:Chere is it good demand and salea crE round lars of straight receipts were made at 1313c to 14c, and No. 2 at 121/e. while jobbing 00y straight goods sold at 141a3c. and No. 13 at 13c per doz. Previsions—Thera is a general ativence, °whiz chiefly to small stocks. We quots:— Heavy Canada short cut mess port, 3523 to $23.50; Canada short cut back, $22 to $22.50: heavy Canada mess long it clear pork, $21.50 th $22• lig-lit Canada short clear pork, $22 to $22..50; pure Canada lard. In 20-113 Pails, 311he to 12c; comilound lined lard, in wood pails, 20 -lb, 93 to Boar's Read bread. in • 20•11) wooll nails. $2,021/s to $2.10. and, Globe at $1.771a 10 Leading Wheat Markets. ••, closing tire-vions day. Closing, toolay. Cash. July. Cash, Stay, Chicago , 7473 Ne -,v S01/2 .. 8024; Toledo. , . 8414 77 74 .70o, Duluth, 1. 'liar' e: 787/s ' 7814 Minneapolis 51314 - Milwaultee, 2 1:61% in',34. 7414 77 • ,Tar.' -'s Detroit, 2 red.., • 8331A• 7734 80 , St. Louis „. .-, 81 72% 80 i't• S'Ail L.; oeti. se 3103 * 4 _ to wa • n t•s 31 e • Ip3arley, — . ... „ 670 ... 89 40 Weithes at. " .. . 75 76 RE PROPOSE PAIatOeS, per bag, 4.15 6.0 T Hay, per ton. • ,• .00, 7 -Oa Flour, per cwt., roller.— 1 04 2 00 flutter... ...... — 10 17 11 Rides, per100 Rs— 4 90 5 00 Live bogs, per cwt...... 5 50 Dressed Hogs.. 7 00 7 00 Shorts Per OWt 1 10 WWI Per eWt. ...... • .... 90 Mater, AlSyk; 7 00 7 Ciriver. Red Ztte,ae4teseb 4 75 4 75 Dried Apples .. 1 0 'VW? .§ufrorcd ter:INF and Was g11.* • Weak for 1Z years. Tr!' • sai4:m bleoci vas z 'ittter. At bSt 1 iri,W •Ayer'S'Sataap4rilla, and WAS $000 faa$103 add it .ZITS..1. W. Flalaxtfolyino,'C No , Ion been m, no oorly you may be t ,:,yees. Sarsaparilla .i best medicine you q tike for purifying and e iehing the blood. Don't doubt .1:4 put your whole trtist in it, throw Amy .everything 1,11.13,43Cr1fa,f11s, azaaaaa. f 173 as-1,Na, g 414 a(33'tlll 3,- J. V..P.Ttla tao,, 1,,a,,eata The V. P. R. ball at at hunted AX*e4Istr• utght. 'WO CuRE. A. COLD IN esc. Los • Take Laxative onto QUilt11fd11 lets. All airt1g1i-4:,5 3141314 the wanton, if it fad% tan earn. 0. R. W. Ornnvenn • isemature is ion ta3.01 114)g. tuff Allrar, 5. AtlautP, who tle..,ental hifi ',life Itine yt dill'at ;4;0 1114 IA a., :Id heard Of atm W3'4'. 1I333te.lillintCit t411 14Wil111334, • Mid Sal11gilt 4115a. totativastataa or his wife, whit+ wirl ranolily given. A, few months oit or thcle gairarricert. Mauls disappeared. Iii,. wife triede;ta vain to locate him, ;nal 044%14 i. et tled down to , a quiet, itmrtl.woltio,-, W. - in wino.tfir„ 1, Shortly :After bee 1,134.,o34'-1 clep•at tore- , 31 dauglater wz,,, ire.i'n to Wit% ;Ina now., A3litne3113.: Mtpreirtt'a hall 1133. Mal .. ._,... MA IIVV44ii SIPA% Tghtlay 4enwn.,,,1 1, 010, luom,y, :31 witlAt que livton at ,hil nonntenod nnanagge,, „I, foli'r W4•44,65 tlitli 1 , 7.1a3s., Atlatno n 4,9,1 tont hor hir,l?attll 1 i 1 it% t'1:4.•;:,::.s, inni Zi3444,4,1 'Ng 1110 i l'AVMO e'r 010 l'I'4'4" ' f':' :1'..:-! -lawns in io. ' eating binn 1_t' 51."3"1 Vinalir 334tv`)W3'O,'4 , in a, tnmt, i', 1y3013•1,1v41,44. :ma 351,4433. ,) , ,3m5lul4tit,1 K. won tbe. fr,th..eof z.: 3,1100311 l' v 11'4s 133. 1 ;tA Ismael' ...tali. ht.* , 1;'11" a t" W', ttlf ".. Tit0 If:ii,AilY Wilt , W'n 1433 '' Mt tVtli in; 46 4.'441.;* 10'w pre 1,4 Poanisy.leanin. whew, Adolfo. ;;:' l'u`''' ' "/*Itt.oil,t lila; Ct°F:*, *1 neli'l zand i ill, a %.,.,,y erse.-%1 !II. ••7011. arts iliac' titett lor talaaas a . Oair pre* , 1Isi3ae03 Mat litatit.121 MO wet vavo you , modern 010 up-toq!...t,,t .r.s ois anti ;• I 4 3110(10 18 1 AP 10/44. 1113,.7,11) , ;3 R.,. To accept smog other innancl •of flour, whey yon 'Asked for STAR FLOUR? It so beware a SIICIA 4 grainer, there is uo substitute, for Exet; er Stars Inferior 1.,T3*tads incur indigestible bread which brings on dyspepsia and like troubles. Make tbe grocer understand that you want EXFTIi STAR FLOUR It "contains the finest of witeat,all thesupetliousstarel1 undother detriweetal elements, Are, ellreinated. Always ask. for EXETER STAR FLOVR, cud be sure you get. it. Fortntle by the leading grocers and tat the mili„ Oast Market Prlecs Paid. ter Wheat mut coertio liarvey 331.03. or:, to J. eobbletlick. iauoa and Organs - TLAR PRICES- ASY TF.31118, OF PIANOS, We 801 the celebrated Co. lai11110 alto An Piano of eau, tiw the choice of Royalty for their nr °feat:40a. If you want somethlmt cheaper we nin show von Pianos of inber inakei which will lre no ditzgra,:ace 133 tho mast egant parlor. . . .74Qcttituts. In FRIving nutelattoti n1,311;0111 ;stud 3 114K' nutl sup4ks 1- ;fl Th. latest Alen 11s141, VALI, AND '411.: Se - 0 113633 On 103; ns, 1414 Paiuoa 1107 05 fa 01 1- pound. Is.The Great Restorer of Health For the Ruler and His Humblest Subject, Sickness, disease and suffering re- spect neither ruler or subject. The noted and highborn have their trials and physical sufferings like those in humbler stations. Social standing and wealth cannot lain' the progress of dis- ease when the common roles of health are violated. ' Impnre blood and weak nerves are responsible for nanny of the common diseases of life. The experienced phy. Aldan will tell you that men and wo- men with pure, dear coursing blood and well braced nerves, can never be- come victims of rheumatism, neuralgia, liver troubles, debility, 'headaches or sleeplesstinss. It follows therefore, that sufferer's from any of the ailments referred to, should at once take proper measures to Cleanse the blood and feed the weak nervous system with prl'oper noarish- althilleillsotrimtphoerthuanr \V 04rekc,° nP1 aselcu3 ettleroyf Compound is the only safe agent; the one great specific; the only security against, deadly disease and death. Dur- ing these spring days, Paine's Celery Compound guaaantees a perfect regu- larity of the bowels, healthy appetite, sound sleep, good digestion, pure, blood, strong nerves, and clear brain, all of which mean full and robust health. Mr. B. Hutchins, one of the most prominent Real Estate men in Mon- treal, says; t'Abotit fiVe years ago wrote you a letter acknowledging the wonderful effect your Paine's Celery Compound had upon me after 1 had, given it a fair trial; that it cured me entirely of neuralgia in the bead from wit lob 1 had suffered most fearfully for over fifty years, and also that it cured me, of rheumatism in tny limbs.' In foot 11 -removed every pain in my body and made me feel 25 years younger. I have not had 0, taturti of my old NW, - plaint, and theretore have to conarm all the statements 1 have ever made resPecting yotir eolnPoutid,” • NV( tally . eat Ev -71.1unt ;at ,111.1,, LI/3 at tic.: •,.• --104 We'll as fit it - atal !task after aR the details. This is only one X'1104301 why our aro moder- ate. Gent's Furnishing4 . . t'ottle and see us in our 110W Ilitlee examine our stook of rttruishine•s ti 11'.71t,"z -e those inflamed Eyest.: ...... 1:a.:ceit 6.03-1531 vitt., aura aart water, Pr, 1.1..:41 4 1- "4',y.r tia with d -Tat]. 1.1. t. 5 ett14 1 rag. A ,. .. a ol.:1 le reit.. vtdaarl il,e,pain t and Imlay:wind= intitantli :olio. td. ' CA3'T:l3il.:3-.1.N•olzi. ‘"triitt *Torn*, Isa •-Itatiata la-fraa Piazza :3 aeattatatioas , /.1•3['t,s•rt -2 t ••, be 15 1530)11 no." f 4. Paaaaa, Extract, wisSaa ca,aly 4403.1.7 71••• -- " ,-e---;;,.''..rzi- 00 -•:0:„:t, -,..,,e..)' '.51,e.t.so * ,,sf,', 0. e.t.a:11'i 11:414,0V., tL ,•,...76.1,I,••,.....„44,,4, •„.4,,,y,,,r1,74,44‘.z.,215,...,,,,,,,,,,v Cook's Cotton nod Compouna 4 Is SuceesSfully used monthly by over 16,0001,adiea. Safe, effectual. Ladiesask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Coto - pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and Imitations are dangerous. Prioe,No. 1, siv_en box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $3 parbox..No. tor 2,mailed on receipt of price and two 3 -cent stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. fairlios. 1 and 2 sold and recommended Wall responsible Druggists in Canada. - No. 1 and No.2 are sold hi Exeter by C. Lutz and J. W. Browning, Drug- gists. The Whole Story in ,c,.. letter: i< din- /Ile? (PEIIIIII" DAVIS.'.) From Capt., V. I.oye, ,PoTee Station. No. 5, Montreal :- ' Ws frequently the 1611strrr DAVIS' 1' xtx-Iittlx.n.for pc'ans fa 130 sto ta- af'h, rheu7)Lati.fon, btieizes.s, .41.08134:1035 okil- blftflts, cramps, and: all nniletionS Willett beat] 1033 30 our position. ,I Inc lap hesi- tation to isaylag that 14:4,7:N-KILL,t1-4 'i'S tile Ins •clizAdy t >lave neat 03 111061." Used lintortt. ity and Externally. bottles. TWO Sizes MiC. and 50 . The late Principle Grant left, 530,00 life hist...ion-ice to the Queens' 'Univer- sity. , STOPS TI18 .,093.7411 AND IVO3€4.-S OFF TtliSl; COLD. cures a (3310 04(5 Clive 582 nan.l'llIi( 25 131(10,