Exeter Advocate, 1902-5-22, Page 4. lir.Heury flbei is:cond,ucting a fair
eens-welig• "'04‘44-rg 9 end. honest campaign and tho fale and
;Maas. I. Sanders,Editor egad Peop
:IISDAY, May 2, 4.002
BE wit RE
e hzends anti sppperters
Henry. Eilher throughout the Ruing
are etarnestly reqUested to corefully
watch for any violation or breach of
the election Act. They are etrickly era -
joined to observe the law themselves
and to report to the local organizations
any imegularity suspicious ciagum-
enures and every violation of tale law
witieh eontes under the notice,. 1,1.
axe eeayiee of a deteet e is required in
peat of the constituency at an
time during the campaign wire or tel
ephone the President ot tlae Aegeeitt•
than, The Qattara.) Eleenuen .A.et has
honest electors are with him Eveiy-
where throughout the Riding Mr. Eit-
her ie greeted with aesuranoes of sup -
pint, eMarty of the Reformers,tirecl of
the machine rale at Toronto and re-
fusing longer to be whipped into lioe,
have det-ermined to try a change for a,
time at leaet,
Ilenry Either is not made up of the
material from which, is produced the
politieal twister. A dishonest condi-,
date can sign more pledges in ten min-
utes timn au honest candidate can MI
in ten year& Mr. Elber protnieve
clean, honest and faithfal service and,
if 'Med to devote his best energies to
development, progrese, reform and
popular freedom.
Mte A. E. Watts, solicitor for Dr.
Harbottle„ of Dorford. 'who was sen-
tenced to imprisonment for twelve
months for shooting Bhutan Stuavt,
and for whose release largely -signed
petitions were presented to tlee Minis-
ter of Justine, bas received letter
stating that orders have now been is-
sued for the release from JOastody
.A.round About Vs
Seitforthti The many friends ef Mrs.
FfenrY Cash, of MeKillop, will be
pleased to learn than bright hopes Ar0
entertained for hen vocc.very. Abeut. it
week ago she underwent an operation
for tumor and since that time lute
ehoweti marked improvement
St, Matyst M. II, C. Sharp, son of
H. Fred Sharp, left _rt 1z fen.. Otta-
wa. where he lias received an appoint -
went with the Dominion Express Co.
Ile was for a. numberof ykques employ.
ed with the Canadian 1,a;press office
here. ills many frienils was]) him sue -
been :amended in &Wend itillpOrt:Ant 11, 3,1r. Eilber is opposed to e schoo A serious aceident befel
velar gonOred Boers Sarreti4ere41....
NT° Britisit Castlaities-,Piee
Area, Eseaped 014e 11.0014ted
Bebe and lirrecoaellatates,
yryburg, Bechilmiale-lid,, May g0. --The
imeounit7 which Lord Kitchener granted
to the delegetes to the Yereenigfiug Con-
ference of Boer leeders mad their imme•
date t olio - were from niolestation by the
British columns has not preyeeta the
consummation a con of the biggest
drives of the war, which has just wound
up against the Becbuallatiud bloelelveuee
Qett. Ilanailton and other cow
menders have gathered in 400 prisoners,
rhe following.ntononole* established lir G. - win= Erwin, on Monday even- ineltalanee 100 rebels end reealeatraut
•-A. ery• er. :son who eaives a bribe Ross, and Oat.- evils end inapoeitions nag, anpastrs the little.. fellow end Veen; nem have gaveled previa trutable in
ehall on tee:aye:teen inear poralty of letereeeg to eto„„e• eet,„egtie ewe meg !, another little bov nn'a'e engageil in a the past.
seen ‘,1 a: tor a v.1.11, WreSt/Inf Mat4.1). Etnd fal Among the prasoners are a brother oe
ileealbe, with or without hard , his leg neovigthe knee. Dr. Sataith wnlu
e Gen. Deperee ;te -several other ewe,
lit4iteer. t anent. Look at the waY the 1)'oPie 41 -died in mid a.ttereded the little, eatilier,I. egeleareg be movement -was re,
shall in the discretion of the trinl,Ind,g- ewe ere we got ince to face with the can be Oepeeted,
not enevestanog si); tee:a:alas* whit. aeo, evente whieh genlly ;ratline zt 'latter There were no British casualties. Vivo
ithc,ut 4:4/ er to a /*outlay of seln'flis Iv° gt/irlIg eoeiety happened in. our village on hundred Deere managed to eseape 00
vaill 4." ft.1`.-•,3, •
44:^ t4.14 NAIL ttt pgrattit eallobinatitbal torah vreley .'s ben glees Utile 3i:thiell earlier s,tages of the drive.
R. Ever,: persea who takes a bribe ° Ontario iiime been bled by the e1, nel lie is now itontspring a$ we11ns inerliable for the lack of resistance he
the Peers most of -whom sunrendered,
eae the tz.„41141,,. °mai the Bayfiellth pate of t1t0.90 ple.tl'zint after airdees dodging, withent
• -
C.11',"1'021 whlb wart's' a"4 411"; a our u,c,ira earned dollers in order AleV4tralUsh took 31r. Edmond 14'41
4n. lit'IC.11 fOr better or tor woree and prendeed
vloi'ire-€;* 0111:F 4-41" a all industrious yoang man and has for and Past MIllitary Agreouna
1L 15 llerf-4 re. lune \vim hten ono a the O3 %% of the Not
point inen,it °°ttrmer
Sty Bse-ptetetrt.-. l!olpyowr .
setne. or who szets kiga 011 r'IS MU'. 1 .1
hag t:.aflieer Withorn
i0CtIrS 1U,1141:`4" 02: and shall also cited.
• , 1-1 ' - f 1 some Peid is
AUSTRALIA .1.-021151.1%
on eenviet tni"1.131 1., All the readers ha the hands o
fli40 'FV:11', with 44 \Ica witto 11:1"4 AR- _ - s
; gat' uniampene. 1b' ro...t
Th A:1Y depateeretureting effitaw or ; priee of these Woke were as followe
• gem seelifte;ty aniseeeents the for gesiteen
ewitebee I eaete. on. other. tee ten
"4-5":;txt* !I:201.4f i' a fein.• nint ke'r tit.
ati t);::,Antiet' and *
WtOGS, il p ^alit V
/ 4111)1:4W:4'' r..b:r no irtn,S.)11
;-7.--. a .intta,-dontly Ai,1:34'4,- or ft,,,,inc.,1n,
-my t,1111%%T peper„ or
;..a. I 1.-' ;144.y
plZp, t,,,„ k, " Y to kait15',-*it, :4,1411.''. 1,111t tittn 441' 1114 4V^A tvu gee
esIngg b , '•,. .v4%, e !..enri he' iew r- 4 V,It 11W 111 t%- of the neoutently . ee•
'Zen eael , en- e t
,t4t:V i,t ; .,
1:tit It4t NV 3,11:G.41,,, , G 1
4 Meader, i'art I. 4.37
'it Esider,lart ;').P‘li
Ile:oh - 14;1.7;
it - 1:V0
Ui etler...., • • ,P.S2
-nueig111 tvalietion has bine:. bun
J;iIJI:iL A -4.1(f47-4,7$
I tiot %,
rei.;T*,1%-1,.; 1144,4
• 241 44zettYii,•°F
"V. -711
tla° 1'01
;: • - -..1 .
rvey boat.
Seaforth: A Mrs- 64.114y. ToT00-
to was severely injured at the station i agree'3
aere on Weilneellay. She wat, g.-tting , as to
df the sax o eloelt train, WIWI) It gat° aud fast military agreement betwee
at heavy jolt, and Mrs. atuady was gee,e„ge e ne an
t -own flown in the aisle of tee car t ""+"' .‘"4 41"in 44144.1w 1:444144:45
nd tWverely injured. She was attken rouncement of the, fact neither
the Commereral hotel, whets, surgrlie nor disappointment lace. The
cal add was summoned. rspeecia of Lord Seliehury to the Prim-
Brateellehl: At n'elnek Wc11116.17 roe League emphaelzed meet etrongly
lay evening n naPPY„e„verl „t4tUr' the imeortanee of doiug nothing to foy4eo
1 • t Ow_ f." ,, 4:4,1°44 vareme pertione of the Ititiels, 1:11-
gor, .72.tatney, when ila`i 41.44.4 ;
' v./PR/tilt:4: a A.,(17roitiV:L,Talk 4112137"ur.lt
May 20.-.4.netra
witi1. Sir Wilfrid Laud
e InadvPahility of a hard
• as p*1402221.41 tntt 11es- lererraUllki. warued t^iiht%27,ytnett thet.
„ llegsgare the thElt4 21. t'1) it;aw1r$. after whieh tiao guen set"42 *Ii n '1" ''.'1"t'r QADQ
lee Pima. la Menace': eee,we to g welt provIiica tame; Thee tient the celoniee, net &eau Greet
bride was boatittfatily gownad orm, /14(22e l4 22lllik44411444."43Y a growing
• • • • - "1419 Oltad, Cirrivil liiiant:ral2 a"iro 0114 'the Ott or ElagliSinanea
t - - - -It; " tvultst 4.4 7,-131to I -0.41s. Tie, pi qteetiStiltea the littilkit Chat nattlite the
Proiit . „ 4.11 %yew unutruons MA meth% a it'13 Bother tenantry awl the ileaaglater
N,na, T OrA ;hi ttni Y‘'.4tG., 3.,030.1109, many eonaing fagam it dietnnee. •i ftitta. lila. Qteer ail, it Sq. win:WI-a t7mt
Pt.,.•;:. ,n4,1,4”•4.,,, /141. '.`, vent, %alit hI SeafortIr; Tho re,idenee of 311e. l'e. ; 04' ''14'grile--3 ere ille Veg. hulege a whal,
4.'.4 ,r..
‘ Daley‘wee the renewits1of a,1212.9t:.;::ai.id•,.t.•1.,aOv1:,4
4,„141vlloIvtite“.un ewe inaereeing e1.(2292 'ed• 11.o 1;;';1:verirel iee.ewiatM,ilt
:• 1 •t0iin:1.211oa11,,,j1,,,1, .r!liatlta:!7Z.*4-,'tt:
,11ap •tir,1.q. ;Ii.g.41s1:tz44.:„,:1;0,tl,ocilt,*1.z;.4tt.
i9 rer,a-
x, :I;:14 lf.t;4n122:1(-;ali1::?Z°-a;I'I!”l'l'bItt1''.:1
.em. ia.T,;;2e11(11vie::2 ,2:244 l: tr; ats41;r24 ';:;60:
.3... El 0 ehtet 41
p.moli y Ranglaiii. Wenwin : 'would he, .
• • e f W ". I 41°4 l'-'' 1t" bore. and was wit tonetil 1":ir ‘.4 1'4 g44.'1 I Oru .;,rni.,rnalm.tis uovvrmy
2,_ 1114,' 1G•wo," ' V 1.1illt,' Itriiteh 1.r e ateve
" ti' l' '':' 1 .. ' :tinfi'cit '1..ri;72,::;%.-4. 1,::‘,;:.,''.1;:°t l'!‘`;',..` 17., r411.7'N.i VOtta NOV; CG:6004Gii0.
',..trt: ° ' • ' - •••,.. I* 4 .; kq ,1 .,,,
ILA.. pot4or of the Method;st *Anna' r
J. n. Sire 4:2? 4n '1 •,° '
1.01 1.'4. 71' 1'4'1 124:1v1 mambo' of rellat ond Lead*,
t:,;., ,on , 4' 1"* 04 vox. '21. at Satlgatt
t. .11 t
An ineane patient lost his life in a
fire in St, Antoine Hospital, et Age
St, Petal, Qtaelnee The roes was about
PLEASMR Drwo con give me -what
1 ask for -the one Vitinkiller, Ferry
Davib' 1 know it 14 bet thing or
earth for somance eomplaints, So do
you. Than you; There is yam. mon,
Woodetoek, Qat, May 10. -Recent-
1Y John King, the hog bnyee, pingbased
i'Jl1e hoge'm Chatham, peening about,'
$2,000 for them, Ile brought them to
h*ser:, Ards at, Hickson. A day or two
later red .an purple spots began to ;qt.
near on the herd.. Dr. Ilendcia
Trevistock, who wets called, &rid be,.
thoogiat he could, cure the bogs.On
Saturday, however, fifteen of, them
died. Dr. Wald was celled this morn,
inge and milieu he saw the hogs he at
once pronounce(1 the ellSe hog cholera-.
All of the herd will die. Thoee alteady
dead have been buried deep in the
mind, Ur. King hits notified tho in
vector at London. The greatest vPn.
aereation )U2 14t among thet
of the distmet who have 10going
31v. kilr,g's heal and Eindonbt-
tedly Lase ettrr;,edthentaliganunt dieketee
awny with them
CV MAI ;ma per 1"9""m• 323r HMV 1
4 .,441*t4 4, 14. , o , . * %lc» r • rt
A1,11 ;4 a 145.4 . ,neiart 134:16$ LION geegoente
1,1 Lf.
i* tont %14.2 rzeteet.1 1 4 1. yf n, era ,; gen
111.41,t y. ;$0, . ; "
ri"4•1}" 142'14i TIP*•41 J•ocls4t4"1t1r'ene. the rine!,
. per ,
2l't211%*°°,141122. the
, b
''.4f ;,v " ',Alf IIV il W:rilt. r:';..le .1 ,:i In iii:',.31 4 'k.:341.1i-:12,0nia, ,,;+; 1.2,17 i
al , bete, soul paeiletdo le in 22
41121 144 *4 elvellet elaaireh. 11.'244 'i .• ,l.'.• 1.%12i.
4 4 -2 4tl1i3402t 441411 6'.244,, i, .;', '4 A
* 2.:444 4 11.420 Itt•P *4.31 23 ' '-*4 i4
i4 1 4 oi,ali; 1124 u 12 4:14: 122 lb- l'''441.'4 1 21 '
1,P.7.1314.. Tine greet.; le 0 ,..** * t the anoet i
p41 '121 yseilee rill03: 4, ;" li lr i-op,8%..'/,„
v ti-lt*.pt. liehe- ,7e, -• .., ,*. . i - - -
, „
a a tie* inneeege ga i.0 en, .1e14e1 lie ,
,22 1 2n 2 A.40 hit; 112 ial',., V4',' , >:,,:; 1 ,,3 old., '1'111
2 ;," I ,..,,t Wi IV :, to -,-1,'`.
Merle and in flit'', We v,',,ii i ..:,4„*:441 Ly , 10.a, ,,,,t! ., ex.eca. .„4., 7., ii,40t, ,1 1 .. ,,to
*,, 4.,. ,.... .3
very anaiey frientle. '., 242'''',. f?,,# G".24. '3 1 ,,',,, v. er thet eiOe ''..'
two:gigs ANII, gt ,, ,,,,:lee, e, ..., ...nee gette it, pen. 1 he pi Agree nns *
3t,ll'01,..:4 ,,mlaly.. 2344"l".-71 • .: ''., -'41lA i..I. Ii3 1'i°' ri't° .mtl • "'f'4. Itt,,j,...2.,,Z tazontwo,,*
I le %P% *ler Oi. 4 1.4't,ii:' " ., . 41 2 4 -Iii-.-. ". .:2
..t,,g'"g".•t:le:.1-.'A4'1''.1t.4`,•1'4434 ' ` ( 1 ' ' 4‘!,
iv/sfoga a ineann.e1 • 1'44'c. 1 •'"''
eto tm verge Won;,0t; V', ,A, A14 1.L '-4 11ene444'214alleteeLlg, ,424n "o:4a "B 44 r'r•111.1
"fUP *2 2281 11AS2114;4144..ttfnii,
. '
. t ;,.„.1.1 ,I,..,,, zlh,,,. ne sk lier it- -11h to $ t Ing 3241%.; *14121.1,*14121.1,f(11•-'11a4361:1144. t° Cu' v$41-41
*-2' teennr,e: 4:zeolceiter vg e tee 21111.'41 the ttiftll'eF to p
ta,' _,e U
7nlit. c're - t' "4°."11,44 '2 $2** work' "
eee• e e e:: 7., ,
v. Weil vegol:11 leen-, if a wonann will ria etweted gem, then let lee O eglieher. 01 ' zi"clt'l lAteineo4 il is gatitio-slhle tO 1.
;• •
• i444 41
4 •
4:0 ine
144- t 1. 11Z024
' 1
• Tialfq...
111‘ Trci,
111% tr5
441.126 24'2i.
ea, Tie ;24,, 214? Latest.
‘.:me of gee tee:Arne tne. „egg., eeneve a2.1111 nstot 4.1 431 Riad
; iik1142'01.
G e.1, v onkel i`tis ellverii•eug, conof ctraghs, colds. and igonehiel ;Lirec.
T22124 nmv.rinv
1 te eeen. t. eno4 fe. tee, wo gee Reefed 1 eneneel, tate tams 1)e- the reguliar tier iar Dr. 11u5-
1 1271. ,i7:4103 244„,*t.p snit ilia*. - %asked 1-1% 2,1.12. tet al cheeTs German -Syrup. It will in owlet,
_ e112,;11,4 elr, ker refused 12 arrest, cemennptit at in its early stag-
ancenien in tile pui ale eelitiels. 17-
to pay the amount, thinking, that no es and heal the ;iireetva binge anti
Pre-- :at'14” 'U
n, be t414.1' '6•Vu':%,:a pay the sum for the hia
In•onel tubesn
ad th leve the dread
*.e. too stiael,,intelike. 42 24 the minds !erg" Tile 1:r111,0,4tiou was made to cliscetee from the syst4 m. is not a
anal tieet a tee:, the e italii y of ow* little 3les92s. Lit Brothers, W110 aecept9d the mire all, but it is a certain cure for
Lion, and they. are now ipitying the les. 'You can get this reliable remedy
Moses Latinate. 45:years of age, a,
farmer living OD the Banwell road near
Tecumseh -Village, committed enieide
by drowning in 3, well on his firm
Wednesdity mght, lie was ill a ty-
pheid fever; The body was found at
noon Thmsday.
alms sliore roads.
na. light loads.
ood for everythingthat PAM on wttcds.,
Sod Everywhere. ek
b"er 1-11.PrirneZ OeT, CO.
conies:tut without a moment's besita- conghsi colds and all lgonehbd troub-
girls laud lleye.
enormous stun of $112,500. or the uee at a LnTe's, Exeter.
The adioureed Prohibition Conven- Page for orie Year -
x4,000 Soltners Marched Past the
Young. King..
Mixdrid, May 20. -The entire popula-
tion of Madrid seemed to have agent -
bled this afternoon to witness the great
military rm. iew of 14,000 soldiers. The
weather was beautiful. 'Mug Alfonso,
Arthut Brown, a G.T.II.seetioninan,
mounted and in the untform of a Cap -
lion which took, place lit Hensali, nu
Feiday, 10t1 g., iesulted in another lit"MgER e NS -
TOW. A few mew of the gtillal)le mid
p utizan eepportere of Me. 3IeLean
were satistied with lAinu because he was
their party candidate. They agreed
that Mr. ROSs had fooled them. and
played football with the temperance
people, but they could, not forsake the
party. They are the same chaps that,
refused to vote for Air. Sherritt in the
last I/matelot election.
The partizans and heelers who at-
tended the so-called 'Prohibition" con-
vention at liensall last Friday for the
purpose of white washing M. Y. Mc-
Lean,ancl who forced resolOE
tion endorsing his candidature, are
possessed of little sense of the ludicr-
ous, it they have not bad many a good
htugla ab themselves since. Becense
they have allowed themselves to be
gulled and humbugged with plebiscite
No 1, plebiscite No. 2 and the loaded
refe,rendum should be no groinid for
their supposing tha.t all men are tts
gullible as themselves. 13<irmun said
,Yolt May fool some people some time.
sonic°, people all the time, allthe people
some time, bat you can't fool all the
people all the time. I onest temper_
an* *nen resent the 1.1ction of the
:tricksters who have again prostituted
their temperance prineiplcia and for-
saken the temPeranee cause in order
that they may assist their politic:21
Waterford. Mee' SatiandaY
evening Meta shocking fatality occur-
red on the 4t21 concession of the Indiaui
reservation, whi ch resulted in the death
ender very distressing circumstaaces
of Mrs. Elijah Mont -ore. About seven
o'clock wild shrieks were heard to pro-
ceed from her home, by the husband
and a couple of friends, wbo stood con-
versing on the road in front of the
house. As the woman had for ten
days prenions shown unreistalsable
signs of mental derangement, at times
becoming violent, little attention was
paid to her cries at first Flashes of
light appearing at the windows wed
her cries becoming more agonizing,
the men went to' -the door, and finding
it locked, burst it open. The nufortem.
ate woman was found to be enveloped
in flames, r ashing madly about in a
vain endeavor to get out, while her
aged father-in-law Was trying to put
out the fire by throwing water over
her. The men with difficulty succeed-
ed in extinguishing the flaines, but not
until the.victim was so badly burned
that after a night of terrible agony,
she died next morniug about 10 o'clock.
The old gentleman explained that Mrs.
Montnre had been lyieg down, resting
gitietly, when she seddenly rose,seized
alighted lamp, smashed it and purpose-
ly threw the COO tents all over herself,
with the evident design of taking her
own life. no, trisam y is Said to 11.-tVe
been induced by the suffering's endured
throughout the past winter wheu her-
self and four c'oildren were often wi tiro
o tit food or feel.
Infants too young to take medicine may be
cured of croup, whooping cough and ocids by
, ustng Vapo-Cresolene-they breathe
was rim over and killed near Belleville, tain-General, was accompanied by Oen.
About.three Initiated iron 'wielders treener, the Duke of Conn
corona kers, helpers and apprenteces
employed in the Canadian Pacific
Railway foundry at -Mole-lege went
on strike because their demerals for it
minimum rate of wages of $2.504, daY
had not been granted.
Success Assured When The
Are Used.
Success in home dying depends alto-
gether upon the quality of the dyes
YOU select for the work of coloring.
Diamond Dyes are ackuowledged to he
the best in the world, ast.ir as brillian-
cy and strength of color is concerned:
They always do perfect week, and
never disappoiut the exacting dyer.
Diamond Dyes are sold et 10 cents per
package, the same price that many
peOple pay for imitation and, adulter-
ated dyes- The most progres.eive
druggists and dealers will sell no other
dyes but the Diatnoncl, becanse the in-
ferier dyes cause so much g,runa in in g,
aud loss of materials.
Do not accept imitations or substi-
tutes from any dealer no nia,tt,er bow
strongly he may recommend them.
The poor dyes are sold siinply because
they pay large profits. See nlaa,t the the Coroner, is investigating. 1Yliss
mime "Diamond" is on each package Chambers was a very handsome inulat-
y ou buy. to, her mother being a white woman.
Send Postal Card with your address Rer father has been dead for a number
11) The Wells & leigherdson Co., Ltd:, of years, but her home life with her
130 Mountain St, Montreal, 1. Q„ for 8tcp-fa',Iier 24 said to have been quite
Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Des:lens. :I011,,;,T..ni.a2.
alight and
other Princes and a suite of staff orn-
eers. The march past began at mice and
lasted for an hour and a half. On ins
way back to the palace Xing Alfonso
was greeted with hearty shouts froin
the people of "Viva El Rey" (Long live
the King).
Light From Ws Cigar Sets' Vire to
and Dstroys Baru and Contents.
Belleville, May 19. -Wesley Van
Wart, an, Ladies', aged 20 yeas, was
burned to death at Eben Putnam's barn
at Solmesville, -near Deseronto, on Sat-
erday night Ile was drunk and it is
supposed that ashes from his cigar Caus-
ed the lire. Three horses, three cows,
two calves, four pigs and several vehicles
and implements Ivere also biwned.
A "VViudser Girl's Suicide.
Windsor May 19. -Sylvia Chambers,
5,ged nineteen, a mulatto girl, -who liv-
ad at 233 Mercer street, took a dose
of rough on rats at 2 o'clock yester-
lay afternoon and expired at 8 p.m,
About 5 o'clock she told her mother,
whose name is now Mrs. Grant, what
Om had done. 'Doctors Dewar and La-,
belle' did all that was possible, but they
had been called too late, o reason
tor the girl's act is known. Dr. 13e11,
ne 'teeing a nett of ,sbota. or UI) 1.1!
Coti;v1 u44 ro petalcunag. as to tles :nottestge
the negebann Tear health la 9
aaa.Orcint cothaa either*3tet.yog tot 'quacks.
eeenicel ten awl ether lanatinga decelve 70;414
their &relative. offers of far nottalag•
After heistidefraci4ef 14 these inedical§itatkvea
• thanfrolttlaetOrs ere reenve, whereas, 7-2 4&L44*
re 14 blatne, Whj. met -hot demand frog% them
videtices 'Of tlie5r hotiesty auet topossitiHry
feeprertaculitSett haVebeealo t Detroit 2; yea= aact can give. tiest of vac
EADER AltrAt rir%goVIII:r;ear
,-malp,,,,w? mar New IilletAtott Treatment wilt care yea. 'What 4 bas
40aeferottiers it will dafor Tote, CONSATA11011.FRXE. nizater rate bas.tremect
goanweateforae Zaniest/414;00a fregaoret;At,„-,e, aratite4 re.4.54aeMe. logga
Goteeeildealtos” (tUestrated cut P5•1l4 U.
„ Mimeo gaol witttout written goneeret. Prteeeeto.
secatetete some IQ. O. Sle. 'No nvitttVR Qv esivetepe
Myergthtne QeanfitZentIAL ettcattcan tint Qua cast ett 11•01..
Lugut run%
• 14S. t511111.1%1? 111,TR17,41`. ILI,W.Vizoran mom
1194 #14
o 4:=
' Ta
L,*72JLL.4I 1!1
U1 0, n 014'
• chmei.s,
sh3uki call arid cram -Ina our dis
play.i.n. -.act if they ,(31!.su1t their
interests they can't afford to pass us.
We sell the Ideal Binder, ideal
Mower, :Rakes, Windmills, Etc., Etc.
Rooms opposite Dr. Browning's Drug litorN
W1niiipe. -.
Estevan.... Yorkton .
Moosotniu.. $28 13,:,..itittft} $35
orand View Strath.- , 40
Re ‘.1 Deer s
swan River conai
Going JUDIE` 3rd, returning until AUGUST 4th
(all rail or S. S. Alberta). Going JUXE 2.4th re-
turning until ALTGRIST ttith (all rail or SS: Al-
berta) "Going J'ITLY3.5th, rettirning until SEP-
TEMBER 1001 (all rail or S. S. Alberta). Tickets
are not good on ,qmperial Limited." For tickets
and pamphlet giving full particulars, apply to
your nearest canadianPaeine Ageat,;or to
A.H.NOTMAN, Asst, Gen. Pass. Agt,,
1 Ring Street East, Toronto.
Renton.... min
Perry Station, May 11. -About 0
o'clock this morning the boiler of a'
sawmill, belonging to Walter Stayzer,
one mile east of here, blew up, killing
two men and badly injuring another.
The dead are George Deavo ,encl Mr.
Everett Aged about 48 end 55 re-
spectively. The injured than is W.
Gillian, aged 26. Everett'S head was
completely blown off. The boiler was
totally wrecked. Parts of it is hang-
ing in the tops of trees. The catise ol
the explosion is auknown,
You are invited to call and inspect my
largo assortment of Furniture and
furnishings which I will offer at
very close prices. My stock con-
sist,s of the following: -
Parlor suites, Bedroom suites,
Spring Mattresses, Bed-
steads, Couches, Lounges,
Tables, 01 -lairs -Of all descry-
- tions, Sideboards, Rockers,
Fancy Rockers, Curtain.
Poles and Trimmings,,_
Shades, Mouldings, Mirrorr'
Pil ow Sham Holders, Hat
Racks, Towel Rollers, dze,,
Picture Framing a specialty
Baby Carriages,Go-carts,Express wag-
ons, Carts, Rocking horses, etc.
1 carry a large and well assort-
ed stock in thio line. In time of need
do not fail to call.
The above stock is bought from the
leading Ma eufa cturers of Canada
and bought` at the closest, prices
end our expenses are low there -
lore we can sell it at prices which
will surprise you. Give us a call
before purehasing elsewhere.
P. Bleisatte.