Exeter Advocate, 1902-5-22, Page 34.7177.7.34.-7..4r
Peed Becomes Distasteful and, a
Feeling of Bleariness, Pain aud
Depression Ensues.
Prom LeSorelois, Q.1,1
Of the diseases afilieting mankind
dyspepsia is one of the worst to en-
dure. Its 'victims. And life almost 0,
burden, F004 beeonies distasteful;
they stiffer from severe pains in the
nteuttleh; sometimes excessive heart
aelpitation, and a general feeling of
weakness and depression_ Though
this disease is °tee of the most (Ilse
--tressing, it is one which, if the Pro -
Tier remedy is employee, can be read -
BY cured. Tboosands througnout
this country bear teal -molly to the
elficaey of Dr. WIllimas* Pink Pills as
a never failing eure. Amoug them is
„Airs. _Adolphe A. Tatrousse,a well
known and higlily esteemed ladyre-
eidiug Seren Quahee ;sae efeas:._
hror two years I was a conletant Sure
Amer front bad digestion and its ace
companying eymptonis. Isom' became
distasteful and I grew very weak, I
suffered much from pains in the stom-
aeh and heed. I could not obtain
restful sleep and became unfit for all
housework. 1 tried eeveral medicines
without findiug. the leaet relief and
continually grew worse until in the
one I would vomit everythiug I ate.
had almest given up hope of ever
being well again whoa one alay I read
Of CASO similar to IlliDO cured
through the use•of Pr. 'WilliamsPink.
Pills. I determined to give these
pills a trial atal an happy to -clay
that I did so, as by the
taken eight or nine boxes ray
strength had returned, the pains
wbieli had so long reeked Dle disap-
peered. my stomach would digest
food properly and I had fully regain-
ed my old time health, end have not
;Anse hasi any return of the trouble."
Dr. 'Williams* Pinli Pills are a Pure-
ly Joule Diedielne anti auntie all purr.
ga.tivee, sic) wet wealien the system.
but give life mid energy with evetez
dose. Thay are a certain cure for
&anemia. dizziness, heart troublate.
rheauriat Ism. sciatica. inallgest ion,
partial paralysis, St. VIRUS' (lailCe
Dilfl the functional ailments that
Elate the lives of so many' women a
almost constant eource of inieery.
Sold by dealers in medicine. or
sent postpaid at 50 cents a box or
six boxes l'er $2.50 by addressing the
me. millions' Medicine Co., Breit -
1111e. Ont.
Tempetance People of Britain. Tak-
ing Action.
Great Britain is somewhat aroused
later the threatened overthrow of one
of it e011SpietiOUS anel altogether dis-
tinctive institutions that have with-
stood the 1ize of vigorous eppositidu
for several. exceedingly active de-
_A, plan has been formulated by
ithich it is believed the harnialdS ot
inns and public drinking places will
ultimately be suppressed., The move -
/neat already has 'been started. lt
- has not yet been set going in London
where more than 7,000 barmaids ere
regularly employed, bet in Glasgow
aetive steps are now being tenon to
suppress :the comely maids who dis-
pense liquors to the town folk in. the
Mae, and the movement bas gained
sucli impetus that temperance work-
ers aro confident that the issue will
he flatly decided In the near future.
Supporters of the temperance cause
In England for many 'years have
'chafed under the galling thought
that maids behind the bars of public
drinking houses were in such com-
mon andalmostuniversal vogue*. In
England the temperance movement is
almost if not quite as strong as it is
it Ainerica. During the last few
years the barmaid has been the calm
of numerous skirinishes between the
so-called liquor element and British
blue-vibboners, yet she always has
tome out of each individual attack
with a little more popularity added
to her occupation, and as far remov-
ed from seppression as when the agi-
tation began.
British innkeepers look upon the
lassie behind the bar as a stock in
trade more Productive, in fact, than
the liquors they sell,. for it is admit-
ted that without her much of the
patronage ofpublic hateses would
away. The barmaid is, in fact,
a great drawing card for the public
house. If she happens to be pretty,
possessed of an attractive hiee and
bewitching manners, she is a ls!Treater
drawing card than if nature batl been
less liberal With her, but at any
event, she is more valuable from the
inekeepers' point of view than bar
boys or men, and that is why each
attempt of temperance workers to
(met her has net with such higorons
and eoneerted 'opposition. "
In selecting Glasgow as the Place
in which to 'launch the catesade
against tile -barmaid those cameos-
-lug the "anti" faction did not act
with ou t displaying wisdom and keen
foresight. 'Tim Scots are a strongly
religious people, and it is for this
reason that the blue-ribboners ex-
aearpect to create a saint:lea amount of
well directed sentiment to place •their
cause on a sobstantit0 and effective
basis. There are in Glaegow more
tban 1;200 barinaids, and it is be-
lieved when sufficient pressure is
brought to bear on the inn -keepers of
tbe city the desired concessions can
be obtained. llowever, the erusaders
are preparing to fight if education
and persuasive methods avail them
eothhig, , and the issue may be, car -
vied to the highest coort.
iereat Britain is the only part of
the British Empire where the bar-
maid is an institution. There 'are
hardly any in Ireland, and none in
!',ustriia, New Zealand, Canada, or
he Cape. in England there are
be n t, 1.20,000 barmaids,' while in
Joudon alone the IltuKber ree eh es 7,-
000. "
iaae Ittealth ot Cocos Island
Has Battled, Expeditiorte
* JP Fiud It.
There ie an -unfailing fascination in
the . stories of gold and silver and
precious stones of fabuloue Tutees
bidden away in Davy Jones's lockee
or burled in some distant and ro-
mantic island of the seas; and that
the glamor of these stories is as ir-
resistible AS ever is proved by the
present fitting out of costly expecte,
tion.s, ta And and readver these hide
den millions.
The story that appeals meet
e;tro„ngly to us to -day Isethat of the
wonderful treasures of Cocos Island,
a, reeky desolate spot in the newt of
the South Pacific, which is yet in-
vested with all the glernor of the A
abian tales. For neerly o. ceutury
this solitary islanct has been tbe tee -
us of countless eyes in every part. of
the world. From khigland, from all
parts of America, and front Austral-
ia. have men voyaged to it, and tried
to wrest from its grim silence the
secret of its hidden treasures; but it
bus 'baffled WM all and still remaine
as inscrutable anal as eeductive as
when George W. WAS Ring.
That it holds treasures far execede
lug the Oreams of averice is beyond
all doubt; jeet as it is certain that
there are Still awaiting a lucky tind-
er Redden lugota by the thousand,
lamdreds et tous al silver coins. and
vessela of gold thiehly encrusted with
costly gems. Who will final them, we
wonder? An expedition is already on
It way there from Dritish Columbia,
equipped with every instrument and
device that modern science can sug-
gest, and it May be tliat at last
Cocoa Inland will yield up the long -
guarded secret.
of these treasures reads like a thril-
ling chapter of romaece. In the ear-
ly years at last century one of the
most successful of the pirates who
preyed on Spanish ahips was Don
Pedro Bantle, whose brig. the Ref-
ampago, was the terror of all hon-
est men -who "went down to the se,;"
In shins." One rich prize after me-
tier fell iuto his clutches, Spanish
Moine laden with treasures of all
mid after filling hie ship with
them Don Benito. would take them to
Vows Island and huey them there,
while he :sought for snore.
Among his spoil were lao tons od
Alms nearly 1,000 heavy Ingots of
gold. vesselfull to overflowing of
gold coins. aud hundreds of swords
encrueted with jewels. But neither
he nor his crew over survived to en-
joy their ill-gotten gales, Sir they
Id ll out. as tbieveS eomethnes do. and
slaughtered each ,other; and Ihose
who were left were captured by a
British warship and bulged to a
lan, from the yardarm. The ship
which thus brought the pirates'
earec'1' to an end went to Cocos Is-
land and recovered a small part of
the buried treasure, but the bulk or
It defied discovery.
A few years later. in 1835 when
an English ship, the Mary liter, an-
chored in Callao Harbor at a, time
when Peru mat Chili were at war, the
Peruvian GOVertintent sent its trees -
Ames for security on board the ves-
sel. But it proved a. false security,
for one night the English ship disap-
peared. She too, made for Cocos is-
land, and there her piratictil crow
buried thth millions that had been en-
trnsted to them—eleven boats in nil,
and each load 'representing the ran-
som of Rings. But their sitift was
snort, for the vessel was driven by.
a storm on to tho Peruvias coast,
the crew were raptured, and
• Of the survivors none lived to =-
claim any part. of their spoil. but
one of them, a. man called Thompson
before his death reveled the secret
to a friend of thc name of Keaton;
and he, in company with a Captain
Bogue; went to the island and car-
ried away £12,000 in gold. As they
were leaving the island, however,
their boat upset, and Cautain Bogue
sank under his burden of gold, while
Keaton, clinging to the boat, was
ultimately saved.
In the South Atlantic there is no -
other treasure island; inin; dad,
which is said to hold as many mil-
lions even. as Cocos; and a sumptu-
ously equipped expedition is now •be -
Hew to Keep Little Ones Bright,
- Active and. Healthy.
Every mother knows that little
childeen need careful attention-ebut
they do not need strong drugs, When
,baby is peevish, cross or unwell, it
is an unfortunate fact that too many
nuithers chase thein with so-called
"soothing" medicines which stupefy
and pet the little: one into an un-.
natural sleep, but do not remove the
sause of the trouble. What is want-
ed to make the little one bright,
cheerful and well, is Baby's Own
Tablets-, Which win .preinptly cure
colic, sour stomach, indigestion,
eonstipation, diarrhoea, simple fee
'vets end` teething treubles. • • They
give children :sound, .refreehing sleep,
bectitiee they retrieve the caufse of the
trouble. These tablet* are guaran-
teed to contain no opiate Or other
harmful drug. Mes. James Found,
Valenti, Ont., sayeeH``Befoee I got
Baby's Own .Tablets, My • baby. was
Very • pale and, del icate, and, So pee•V
ish that I had to walk the Ilder with.
him day and night. The -.drat tablet
gave him helped .him,' 'and that
night he Slept soundly, Since then
the tablets have made hini Perfectly
well, and ' he is now -a fine, healthy
looking baby, and is getting quite
I would not be without' the
tablets if they cost a dollar a. box."
Baby's Own Tabletaate ' .good for
children of all ages and are taken as
readily: as candy, ,. Crushed to a
powder', ;they can be given with 'a.b-
eolute.'safety to 7the youngest, weak-
est .baby. Sold by elldruggists or
eehtepostpaid at -'25 centsa box, by
addressing he, Dr. Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
'41Mt.V EXPglitTIM
Asik thence Octageo Bev
A copy illiistrated booklet
"Weekly Expenses Reduced* sent
free to your address by writing to
iug prepaved to discover them. 1.'hese
twentieth-century gold -hunters will
Me on their guest under onditiens
of luxury, hitherto unknown. Tbeir
vessel will linve all tbe appointnieuts
and coMforts et a, irsteclaes liner,
from en excellent chef to a grand
piano, bathe, and refrigerators; and
eYen the charm of ledies' society will
o'ot be denied them.
For those who wish fair a new Acid
of treasure -hunting there is an nn -
limited choice; for the beds of the
ems aro crowded with deposits at
geld end jewels. Off the Peruvian
coast. there Bee an old Spanish gal -
leen in whose hold are forty caeca of
gold. 700 eases of silver eat% coo-
taining coop dohs., and jewels and
plate valased at half a, million pounds
ateriing: and tear Texel is a founder'
ed East Mailman with three quart
ere of a million in gold on board.
Off the Spanish coast lies another
WSW, laden with Millions of crusae
dos in gold and diamonds; coat near
the Cape 'Verde Islands n. Spanish
register ship foundered in 1783 with
4,000,000 piastres, 200,000 ounces of
gow, and jewels and plata valued at
siom000 on hearth—Tit-Mts.
Tim 'Metropolitan District Railway
In London is about to erect the larg-
est steam -turbine plant yet in exist-
ence. each possessing a minimum of
7,000 horsepower. The greatest
eteant-turbine at present in use bas
2,000 horse -power. One of the ad-
vantages claimed for the steam -tine
Woe for developing eleetrie power
as compared with rtaimocating steam
elIgint's, Is economy of space and ma -
ital. For instance, it is said that
Loudan turbines will possess tlie
s*une eapaeity for eleetrical work a
cia the huge generators of the new
elevated railroad plant lu New Yeah
but that, whereas the New Yorh gen-
erators are 42 feet in diameter and
i•equire 40 ifeldanognet, poles. the
turbine generators' have a dlan*oter
of only nine feet with tom four poles.
But while the New York generator
revolve only '75 times a initiate. the
Louden generators 'Will revolve 750
times a minute.
Two SODS of Erin sharing the SUMO
bed as well as the sante bottle of
whiskey. Pat waiteti till he found
Mike slept, when he quietly arose
and emptied the bottle. Soon after
Mike. waking, stole eat of bed. and,
groping about In the' dark, was asked
by his companion :—'-"What are yee
lookins fer, Mike?" "Oh, nothinh"
says Mike. "Well, Alike." says Pat,
"you'll foind it over there in the
corner In the bottle."
"Whose little boy is this, 1 won-
der?" asked the old gent. "There is
two ways you (amid find out," :mid
the small boy. "How so, my son."
"You might guess, or you migbt in-
quire," rtplied the small boy.
Chicago & North-Western 1thy. from
Obicago, May 27 -June 8. The New
Overland Limited, the luxurious -ev-
ery day train, leaves Chicago 8.00
p.m. Only three days en route. Un-
rivaled scenery. Variable routes.
New Drawing Room Steeping Cars
and COmpartmest Cars, Observation
Cars (with telephone). All meals in
Dining Cars. Buffet Libroxy Cars
(with barber). Electric lighted
throughout. Two other fast trains
10.00 aan. and 11.30 p.m. daily.
The best of everything. Daily and
personally. conducted tourist car ex-
cursions to California, Oregon and
Washington. Apply to your nearest
ticket agent or iiddress 13. H. Ben-
nett; 2 East King St.. 'Toronto,
Tle—"Darling, we'll have a lot to
conterfd with when we are married."
She—'"Yes, dear, wall have each
There never Waq. and never will he, 11
univereahpenacea, in one remedy, for all
Ills to which flesh is behaethe very nature
of ninny curatives being midi that were
.1 be germs of other aod differently seated
diseases rooted la the system of the
patient—what would relieve one ill in
:urn Would aggravate the other. We
have, bowever, iu Quinine Wine, wben
obtain able in it sound unadulterated,
state, a remedy formally and grevioes ills.
By its gradual and indiciens use, the
frailest systems are led into convalescence
and streugth, by the influence which Qua
nine exerts onNatureh Own restoratives:
It relieves the drooping spirits of • these
With whom a chronic sham of imithiti des
pondeney and leek of interest in life is a
disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves,
disposes to sound • and vetreih ing sleep—
imparts vigor to the action of the blood,
w Male being stile Mated, eon rses th gh-
ent the Sella,etrengthening the healthy
animal functions of the system, thereby
making activity a 0 ecessatey reSel
strengthening the franw,ettud -giving life
,to the digestive organs, which naturally
demand mereased subs can cee-result,,
jroved appetite. .Nerthrei? & 'LYnutil of
Tormito, have given to ' the publiC their
• superior Qui *2111 e Wine at the Usual rate,
and, gauged by the 0pil1l011 of _Scientists,
this wine approaches nearest perfection of
any in the market. All (beige -lets sell it.
The forage bill of the Britieli Army
111 timoS of peace is about £6139,000
a year.
, M ,
Do not forget that. Frieta.y; May.
2.8rd,is the date for the exeursioa
to Boston. 'by'regular trains of. the
West Shore Railroad - The fare is
only ten - dell ars ($10.0p) far the
round trip ' and the teekete are good
far return :until and including Julie
end, Just, think Over a thousand
Miles fox' tee dollare, Get tickets
and -.further p ticul ars frorn West
Shore Agents. • • : •
An &A Jew pedlar, with hie pack
on his ehoulder, was toiling slowly
along a eity etreet the other day,
when a loud shout of "Ili!" arrested
his eteps. The cry preceeded frOM
the lips of a woman who was franti-
eaIlY waving her /muds to him trom
a fourth -storey window of some
"models" elose
-Want- me?" sbouted the Jew.
"Yes," called the woman back,
again; "come up here, Mister.,"
Customers had been very scarce
that day, eo, hi spite of his weari-
ness, the Israelite toiled up the many
steles leading to the worame's room%
baneful of doing a gofecl stroke of
business with her. When at last he
reached the landing of the fourth
story, the evonian emerge4 front oae
the rooms bolding a howling
youngster by the ear. "Mister," she
said tersely, 'I've just called you un
to Tommy. 11 he's a naughty bby
won't you put him ia your beg?"
Letter Written. Withtbi
ble Purpese of Tryizi to
netit Seineone Else.
St, Ilippolyte. Que., May 12. (Spe-
ial)--Mr. t. 4L Pamiin of this vit.,
iage has written for publication the
following letter. in it he speaks for
boys himself and his wife. l'he let -
U2' rends:
"After much suffering 1 ned becentie
unable to work. 1 had It'idney Trou-
t which gave ale great. pain.
'My wife l,cl used a box of Dodd's
1 Wiley Pills for a similar trouble
inetime before, and as they bad
completely restored her to good
health I made up arty mind to take a
treatment myself.
"I was not dleappointed, and Teal
w say that I have tried and ?rov-
e( Kidney Pills to be -the
greenest medicine in the world.
We aro new both quite well, and
eble to do otos work as well as ever.
"We haw found Dodd% Kidney
Pills to he a reilletly. 'initial saves us
the seine anal trouble which we s
often See in others, who are languish-
ing and incapable of atteeding to
their Wert.
We lieep Dodd's ISiiiney Pills con-
stantly on hand, and uee them twee -
Menially if we reel the slightest indis-
position. We have used altogether
Isetweina us six boxes.
"Perhaps I should explain why
write this letter.' It is beeiatse I
feel there lriay be many others who
have not heard of Iladd's Kidney
Pills, or Who, haling heard, have
not yet site') illent a, fair telal. foul
ta such 1 would say 'Gist% Delld's
bridney Pills a fair trial end you
will ageee with My wife aud myself
that there is not any other slut med..
Vine to be had.' "
What Dodd's Kidney Pills nay
done for Jr. Paquin and his good
wife, they will do for any man or
noinnti who sutlers from kidney Dis-
ease in any form.
An outbreak of fire occurred under
extraorilinary circumstances at As-
lrgland. There were placed
in the window of lir. Salt's clam-
ist's shop, Six Ways, Aston, at num-
ber of bottles containing ebemical
eolutiens, and the rays of the slur
were foeused by the glAss on to
some celluloid articles behind, whit+
eventlially ignited,
Infebuoy Soap— disinfectant — Is
strongly recommended by the medical
profession as a safeguard against in-
fectious diseases.
Thanks, der Mrs. Grundy about your advice about 400
avo "ed It and must say it is in oet d clans. My hsband now 'awe
that breekfast is something to look forwerd to.
miges 0,112.0. 3E*critusiticHast
If You have any to 54 let us have your price, Siebs *Oleg eueatity,
The DAWSON coronfussioN co L,Imitod, TORONTO
couornments solicited.
A Chain is no &rongor tban its Wea1est Un
and a Wire Fence is no Stronge tban lts Upi'igbts.
No one shoeld expecte&
fence 10 hold up ot 144f.
between the poets.
The FrOg upright wire
ere litre and trong. 'no
Vrot rode held* than
in place and each eeppert
; PWO Share of the
weigh. Light tie whop
supped. Bending te tie
them end they are est le
break when the etrafn issewer.
thee rtOft INnete never breaks,
Writer SW Cretateguer.
• THIR FftoaT W1R FINO., ‘1MITIgOot • W1.R.AND 0r.
0.0.0,0 00
"What did Naighbob say when you
told Ithrt you wanted to marry his
daughter?" "He didn't absolutely
refuse but, he imposed a very severe
condition." "What was it?" "Ile
said he would see me hanged first."
Minard's Liniment Cures Bums, etc,
Snow fell last winter in Mexico
city for the neat time for fifty years.
A railway engine may roughly be
said to be equat-in strength to 900
They Wake the Torpid Energies.—Ma
chinery not properly supervised and lalt
to run'itSelf, very soon shows fent; in its
working. It is the same with the digest
tive Organs. 'Unregulated from time to
time they are likely to become torpid and
throw the whole system out of gear
Parmelee's Vegetable P1114 were made to
meet such cases, They restore to the full
flagging faculties, and bring imme
Aytificial eyelashes are artistically
applied by 'a Parisian doctor. With
a line needle, threaded with human
hair, lie patiently sews long lashes -AO
the deficient . amt they they
are s:sonmetrically clipped. Actresses
and Pr ofgsional beauties aro his
chief patrons.
For OVer Sixty Years
011: „*.ele
..d da it well with the inost
economicel and test for wear 't
imitate in Canada. Beautify sour
home beide .a.nd out with
litamsayy s Paints;
te right pellets tea paint right. C
that pats ael longest the netessity
for ieepaintiree, and Leen your 40
beiges .eleen and bright throughe
out the life of pure paint es no *
other paint ever did Wore, and 1
t the right price. •
Drop ti5 n card and eti: fer 41:
Ing how mime hoseee are ctl
• 0t Makers
Mn., NVUSLOVII SOOtlitNG SYRUP has been used by
alilione ot mothers for their children utile teething,.
Itsoothes the child, softens the gums. al1ay:411,15. mime
wind collo, regulates the stomaoh eee bowels, and is the
best remedy for Tharrhoca. Twenty -live cents a bottle,
Sold by druggists throughout the world. Le sure and
ask for "Elm Wiestow's seems° sea I72."
A watch .1hat makes .five beats a' se -
0033.d makes 482,000 a clay, 'or nearly
158 millions in a year.
The great demand for a pleasant, safe
and reliable antidote for all affections 61
the throat and lungs is fully met with in
Bickie's Anti-Constimptire Symp. It 13
a purely Vegetable Coempund, and acts
promptly and thugically in Subduing all
coughs, colds, bronchitis, inflammation of
the lungs, etc. It is so palatable that a
child will not refuse it, and it is put at it
price that will not exclude the peer 'from
its beneiiis. . '
The Pope's army numberS 300 men.
100 of these are Swiss Guards, and
there are 30 firemen.
hat s Linimeut Cures OanJruff
REL1411‘'efircp3 WANTED
We wan 14 p=0 inatemiby men led Iterate tis
try leveler, Reel er teweillog. E inteodece eilat
iiMitrit sea krep e'er ehew esres *ad ednetissit
taunt tacked cep to cardeecaces glees ihreegkeut the
town eel emunry, Meade, erapiemea Irror Emeqe
commlinon or Near. Sue.cio per death ligla
Expense,, tusto exceezi 41%0 dsr,
ISM* far ;spicule:a. rateecelrax 17,
Lorci Itobee
tiled to wear both the Garter and
te Vittoria CVOS%
Atop% the Cough
and work% off the eel&
Lesative Bream -Quinine Tablete mire a cold
iu one slas. No um. e. No Par. Price ictntL
Tulse Hill, at Veutnor. Isle of'
Wight is said to be the steepest '
street in Britain.
Not a Nauseating Pill.—The exe'iplent
of a pill is the substance which enfolds
the lugredieuts mei makes up the pin
ream That of Parmelee's 'Vegetable Pine
122 50 compounded. as to preserve their
moisture, and they can be carried Moiety
latitude without impairing their strength. ,
Many pills, in order to keep them from ad. '
beetle, are rolled in powders, which prove
nauseating to the taste. Parmelee's l'hee-
table Pills are so prepared that they are
agreeable to the most delicate.
the first man en-
Mr. Stebbins—"Statistics go to
show that the male population of
the world is fast falling off." Mrs.
Stebbins — "Gracious me! Isn't
there some way of tying them on?"
Alinarclis Liniment Relieves Neuralgia,
The eyeball is white because its
blood -vessels are too small to admit
of the red corpuscles passing through
Take Laxative Brom° Quinine Tablets. Xi
druggists refund the money It it fails to cure.
Id. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 2.5e.
The world's steel outpat for a year
would make a. column 100 feet
through and a mile and a third high,
01` build a steel wall 5 feet thick,
20 high, and 100 miles long.
NNW's Linlineet fel sale eleryyrhere
In Malta the average rate of rail-
way traveling is from 3e to 5 Miles
an hour.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that contain Mercury
as mercury will surely deAroy- the sense et
smell and completelyderange the whole system
• when entering it through the 'mucous surfaceg.
Such articles should never ho used except en
prescriptions from reputable physiciana, as the
damage they will do is ten fold to tho good MI
can possibly derirefrom them. Ila l's Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by F.S. Cheney Sc. 00., To-
ledo, 0., contains no nierovoy, and Is taken in.
terntaly, acting directly upon .the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. In bering
Hairs Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genit
ine, his taken internally,and made In Toledo
Ohio, by F. J. Cheney 4, Co. Testimonials
Sold by. Druggists, price 75c per bottle.
• Hall's Family Pills are the beet.
The members of the 13erlin "So-
ciety of Leap -Year's Children"—to
which none are admissable unless
born on February 291h—will keep
their •,ndxt common birthday in great
style in 1904. They have had 110.op-
portunity- for eight years, as in 1900
the extra February day, according to
the rules of the reformed calendar,
was omitted. Ilerr Montour, the
president of the society, is a septua-
genarian, but in the seventy years of
his life he has only had seventeen
birthdays; he hopes to celebrate his
eighteenth birthday and seventy-2e-
cond year of his life in the midst- of
his colleagues on February 29th,
"KELP -110
odorsed by bast English medlceljournals.
polled to flatlets eoldlerisin Seuth Africa.
For aillbraatand Gland Troubles, Lumps,
Abscesses, Old Sores, Ulcers, Felons, Skill
013,1143SI. El111011111. Pimples, StIff .11)111
Rheumatism, Lumbago". Luago". Sprelne, Bruises,
Piles, Outs. Sore Feet. Pleurisy
Sold by Druggists, atio. Try It once.
Sell elleadlne. If yours dein not, send
25o and receive full sized box bs post
prepaid. HEALS ANY SORE. Money re-
fendee if not satisfactory. Oleo Drug-
gists first cheeps, BUT INSIST ON
GiLEtn, Tonr'
itlets, or Maurine Co,, Toronto,
In the English dictionary are found
'words derived from more different
sources titan any other language.
Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Celtic, Saxon,
Danish, French, Spanish, Italian,
German, 'Hindustani, Malay, and evan
the Chinese sources are easily trace-
a Great Public Benefit."—These
Rani fleant words were used in relation to
Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. by a gentle-
man who had thoronahly tested its
merits in bis own case—having been
cured by it of lameness of the kuee, of
three or four years' standing. It never
fails to remove soreness as well as lame
ness, and is an incomparable pulmoni-
and corrective.
7 per cent. of men in Europe aro
color blind; but only 5 per cent. of
C. O. RICHARDS & 00.
Gentlernen,—I have used MIN4
ARD'S LINIMENT on my vessel and.
in my family for years, and for
every 'day ills, and accidents of life I
eonsieer it has no equal.
I would not start on a voyage
without it, if it cost a dollar a
Schr. "Stork -c," St. Andre, Kea
• mouraska.
• The gold guns belonging to the
Gaekwar of Baroda have' only once
been used. That was far saluting
the King when, as 'Prince or Walee;
he visited India.
T I,ti
If ycm sufferfrom Epilepsy, Fits, Falling Sickness;
St. Vinis Dance, or have children or relatives that de
to, or know a friend that is afflicted, then send for a
iree trial bottle with valuable Treatise, and try it,
rile simple hottle will be sent by mail, prepaid, to yous
neyrost Post Mee addre.ss, It has cured where &cryi
thing else bas failed. When writing', mention 114
paperta.rni giNte name, 'age aAd full address to THI