Exeter Advocate, 1902-5-22, Page 1EXET R ONTARIO,: THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1902. AL..a.ek2n. -fee* elee BOOTS ANO OEST ' ' L.A.DIES LOW SHOES in Viol and Dongola 1 - Kid at $1.00,$1,10 $1.25,$1 50, $1.75. These goods are made by ati,Rsa IVI,A.NUFACTIM- ING Co. of Quebec are stylish and up-to-date 1 and oonnot be excelled in price and quality. . LADIESBALL SHOES. variety and prices to shoes we begin our prices 4 Our Peerless 8hoes sell American lasts, givMg -We have a great 1 am1a1. In n ese hues of at $1.25 up to 3.00, .. on sight, are made from 0 the latest new York 4 effects in the shoe line. 4 See our Idea's Boot Wear made by Choteau 4 of Quebec, beginning in heavy stock at $1 and 0 4 running a fall range to $3,50 rli 4 Oter pries caUllOt IV beaten end every pelt' IS 0140 vein 4 POPLESTONE df, GARDENER. (hoeries. a Specialty. Post Mit* Block MONA - - Ureenway , The arbitrators who iunt here late t Thursday granted tbe petition and we are to have auother eeltooll le utiles west of he.- -Ah elebitoeleof Port Huron, is visiting it. Englizth ate wthstetoegeoftte vneete nixes for tresfenontppon ifsetn. orptilgge ptoporty, lowtat mese of totervia, DIV.T480.1e 0:SAUX,Ilsils Barattereata, 'Exeter. ... . ._ AN other friends In tide vicinity. Winehelsea M•R T• C 1 1 'l1 . . oue i am Ml4 4114 4,441 daughter, of Ukelele were the the guests Of Mr. and ITii.,. J. 4."4'1).4401 on hauglay, Mr. Collett was a former inerchant berte-Alie Wesley Heywotal ind Mr. Geo. Cpsball are erecting wire ,,,,„. ‘,„ is !... v... 41 mut, the Ste 31-arys Road which make a great improvement. -Mr. 141. Clark Spent StifIttly hi Woodham. -W. John Delbridgeht house is it " ig heavenward. faro an onit et trivafo n14 la lama scud village rroperfit ne I0sr i .P. F. W. 01144X4I,014and Pan".1""3"144 StrettE",..-tt'r EltlifiXr 1:13.84T 'a tretareutzttfuettancensent ihniasand viliwpreperties benzin mid eeld is. rewmhte ttnal, sek-ktat devuteg &June ter tate. .wail toirteug.1.1 in a Ita113°211444113 alid*(4 l'421411.124 -4t 101 $MK. 1i', 8r) De& hire, Win prize tritatirq star% Noun, 84ati and hears for sale. tinier mirk. bistro,- Oen invited. Alto one War, eue t;tar el). POI. C4 weetelhheeth lee firma nnul• Shipkit Mr. J. Ratz. of Hambairen visited his son, Mr. V. Rate duriiig. the ittr. James McLean and fandiy left on -Weiluesday for New Ontario, where theyintend to make their felt two home. neingusAicEnchau has been taken lie. (*Hann lintlse of Refuge.-Arr. E riton has pnrebtised a roan driy- . .T. Payne purehased a vain - al& black mare from Air. TY. 11. of West Willianis.-Our sympathy is ex- tended to Me. and Mrs. Geo. Keys in the death of their little eon, Borden, at the age of 1 year and 3 months, the , sad event taking place on Tuesday. 1 St . Joseph 1 Mrs. \% ard. and son elitist. of Var- I nal, ViSited at Aire. R. 0113rieres one day last week. -1v. aud 3I'm ]'ages - 08, of near Parkhill visited friends and in these parts a few days last weelo-Several from this vicinity attended Mr. Eilbers tuee, t- lug in Zurich on Saturday. evening Int. They report a large crowd in nttenclancee-Reve E. . Jennings, of Duelled, held christening service at. tee residence of Rev. Jennison On Friday evening of last week when sev- erne ohildren were christened.-Aer. O. 'Wilson, of Hensall,visited his nephew, lir. E* ri. wosop., ta few dt, last week. -31r. T. In interns, or aysExeter North, spent Sunday hut at Mr. R. olerteren_eur. end wee. 0. Meliek visited friends in Zurich on Sunday. • -- -- - —** atillit of Revision. Natio looney oe.en UI e efett et ni.tttee ;11 of the ship of Step en, tar t4e Anovnicta llqtown mit/hold Itsfirst. metal.; for the r ;man, year.in the Town nail. Credit.m. on Prlday. May A,Alit, at the hear et 10 o'clock a. ut, . erediren, Nay WI. 100. wear rum. Citric. ; _ . . Court of Revision. notevisittaby eivet tett the Court ot Revision for the Assessment Boll of the Village of Enter Win kohl its first Meeting. ler the present year in the Council ehembertut Town nab. on 3fon4ay, June tnd, Wittat 7.tho'cloelt a at. lanai liming bust. um with the mid Court win please govern them. selves uetterialieen ere. II. iligginr* CAlmil, Itseter, May 140, Mt Wee roil SALEAcquaintances — igned 19 desi e undersogering for sale that rable Ihnnere farm situetedin the township ot Stcoicn, ieing Lett), Con, 4. The land is all cleared, wen drained, well iencca mid in an eveellent good state of enitivatiou. There is en the premises a large line brick lion% good barn, end other buildings, and a good .young orchard. This is a first.ehtss tuna and will be sold reasonably. Terms to suit purchaser. Appl,yto re.m Tema Creation East, P.O. Meeting of the Huron. County Council. nettennierseaton of tee Comical of the County et lluron will beheld in tbe yeurtell chamber in the ;town of Ooderichi commencing A.'S o clock p. m. on the firstinesday in Jurienest. , LANE, Clerk. DatedatGoderieh this Aist clay of May, 10Cal. , Grand Bend Mr. Hardy, of Exeter, spent Tues- day here. --Mr. Tom, LP. S. was here ,on Fritlay.--Mr. D. .Flardeib spent clay here.-Xiidge 'Doyle, of God- Seilonh, and Robe Sanders, of Exeter, spent Friday here. -Airs, Luther spent TtiesdaT in Parkhill. --Mr. Shaw, of Dashwood, spent Monday at his home .ieand 1 re. -r. Levitt was in Exeter Mon - day.—Messrs. Gibb and Dickson spent TDOSaity here looking after their park. -Mr. and Airs. Oliver, jr., spent- Tees - clay in Parkhill. --Mr. Joseph Ravelle spent Monday in Dashwood. -]Ir. Itaboree, of Pt. Frank, delivered three boats for Mr. Levitt on tionday._ Don% forget the 26th May at Grand Bend. -Air. A. tiollard spent Tuesday ,in Ailse Craig. -Mrs. Maria GUI; who . lute been othe sick list, has recover: n. ed. , _____,..,-.., IMPORTANT TO HOG RAISERS. you ow save money, thne and feed by keeping Four pigs dry and clean. They will thrive better indlceep healthy, Make the heqinfortable . ' put on flesh. You can do sog o with. a very little xpenseby erecting (Pedier's Patent). The tlevated iloveable Pigs Bed. Simple of construction, make "f t yourselves. Send .o0 in registered. letter for era right certificate and plan of construction to JoluatniiExeOnt. t a, ter, tltent applied for. ., . WE • .' ' HaVe What You • ' Want. Brim Sky. Miss Marton was the guest of Miss Weir, on Wednesday. -Miss Rachel Gilbert was the guest of Mrs. John Lewis a few days last week. -Miss Sproles, of Lucan, is the guest of Miss Gertie Lewis this week.-eMessrs.Alvie ,Anaos and Free Harris have returned home for a wlaile.-Miss L. Dowping, of Loudon, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Oscar Gilbert. -Miss Ida Hodgins, of Clan deboye,tormer, clerk for Mr.Treve- thick, was meted in marriage to W. A. Taylor, of Parkhill, on Wednesday, May 14th. The bridesmaid was Miss McClay, of Toronto, and the best man Dr. D. Wilson, of Parkhill. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Taylor every success.-__ Mr. W. IL Taylor, M.P., and daugh- ter, passed through here on Wednesday to attend, the wedding of the formers son. Mr. and Mrs: Trevethick, Miss Lizzie Scalr. eo. Lee, Jr., and Ma e MGW. Hardy, from these parts, were also present at the wedding and all report . having had an enjoyable time. DIED. -This week it is our sad duty to record the death of elr. and Mrs. S. Hutson's only son, who died on Mon - day, May 19, at tlae age of 1 year ancl i 3 months. Funeral. took place on Wed.. 1 nesday- to the Carslyle cemetery. The l bereaved parents have the sympathy i of the community. ' 1 Anice- Stylish lot -Lewis of H AN SS R • rdu cangetthem ' . ,e at our store a It e . almost_ any Price. , Ever3r Harness WARRANTED. tie 'ALL AND SEE THEM • J ' 13 . ti S1AtEET Treble's Old Stand Varna Ale. John Jacobs, who lies been in the employ of Mr. John Foote for sev- er:11 years, has gone to Coeliac, where he has secured a. eh-K.:lion. Ar - time Johns has Oaten his place. -Miss Maud Moffat bas returned to her home in London, after a pleasant visit with Aeiss Cassie Johnston.-Ales.Harnevell, fire is visiting friends anti relatives in Goderiele-Alr. B. A. Higgins bits en- gaged. his hrothereindaw. Mr, Reetie, of Detroit, for the summer. Mr. Ryan & will move Into the house 13, A. recent. lv rented from AIr. John Johneton, Zion A niont pf ours farmers were in St. Marys On featutelay atteeding :the „Maxwell -ImpleMent delivery, bring- ing homt. with tbem tiliferent- kinds of farm exachinery. W. Sweet and J. Towl ettete brought lionie a binder. • The, Maewellhas a good r.eptitation • end tne-fariners belletie in peteonizing laetrile inclustry.-)In 13. Either wee. here on Montlitv tied eaddreesed the electore ott the politicei iSStleaof the. day. A large tamed wee in attend- unee and listened to elr. Eilbet's well deltverad diecourse tarel all encl.:tied un- aninunte that lie le the nreper candidate eimporne-Mr. .A, lieeeybill lose eolt [he nt her glzry while Mrs. J. Row„. eifie.lost avedualde leorse.-Miss Peelle Retten• 1008 goz4t o Lanujost workee- 3.11..w.Here fister spent- SoneleY at home. --The neagne have .decitleal to remodel Vie eloneh seate which are bully in need ail it. Soniethi»g ought • :to (lone went the phatfoien outside .aleo.-4,1miloteie front Zion attendee the Ai, Dl naeetiog at Centralize ,on Tneedav etanine. Mount Varmel The Loudon New of Thursday: last nteios the following cow:arming a riper welleknown nunister of this place. whose many feends 'here will learn with deep regret of his illnessn- "The many friends of Rev. Father Trailer will he sorry to hear that his- orivaleseence has not been no. rapid as might have been expected. Father Trailer's inderatigthle efforts in behalf of the new Church m East London Wave nnewliat told upon ids conetitution, and he bus been quite ill for the past month. Tiedtty Iii phyeielate while not considering Fatima' Tr:tiler's cnn- ditioat wan very eerione, tieetneil it ad. viathie to have him removed to St. Joseph's Hospital. where he will under - „no a, special cones(' of treatment., and where it is confidently expected he will .be restored to health in time to take part in the opening of the new church,” Rirkton Alles Pringle, of Stella, bee accepted a situation with Mr. Bert Iheyans, as John Zil4fit44, itao, return. ed from the West on nveannt of ill dateable - Mr, John !Liana bee tlisterzed of WS 11140 team of horetet to the Sea. forth buyers for a herniating' figure. - Dr. Carr Is rerovering front his remit ilinees.-Mies Cora Coarnieh has return- ed home, after a pleaeant Visit with hien& in Ma Pleaeant.-Rev. Wto. Stout. of St. Nails* clonal, woe made the reeipient of a large toed of minie ay on Friday, by one of his liberal parisbionete of tine place. Wnnmeee-The residence of 31r.and Alm Wm, Haitzlewood, ea, was the eene (11 14. pleasant event on Wedmis- daeh Ma 3* 7, wh t heht youngest daugh- ter. Tillic,Wati united m laymen'e bonds to 31e. Geo. E. Darling. a. prosperous young business man of Loudon. Tbe nuptiAl knot was tied by the Rev. A.S. Andereon. The presents were many and costly, showing the high esteem in whieb the young couple are held. They will reside in London. Their many friends extend to them a joyous and tong wedded life. =:.,-A-01-1•:••••••• Luoan Mr. John Rollins left last week for Otterville, where he lItiS accepted a sit - unbolt in the bakery of L. W.. Sove- reign. -The contra:tees who are to put down the granolithiki walks have ar- rived 'with their gang of men and be- gan operations ou George street, but severe, other streets wilt be attended to. -Miss Ida Wilson has secured situation in Wood's Fein London. - The old board sidewalks were sold by public auction last week. -Beginning on June 1st, the stores of Lamm will close at 7 pan. on Wednesdays and Fridays. This arrangement isrbe re- sult of the unanimons agreemen taiuong the storekeepers and business men. - The Queen's hotel changed hands last week, when the new proprietor,- Mr. Harry Stewart, entered upon posses- sion. Mr. IL St. John left 'Wednesday for 'Uxbridge to take over the large hotel he purchased. there. -The Irish Nine have reorganized for the season and practising nightly. The manage- ment expect to arrange a game on the home gronntls on Monday, May 26th, which will be observed here as Victor- ia, Day. .411 the stores will be closed that day. eneditoli J. 0. STAis.DIURY, 13. A., (formerly & Stanhury) Barrister, Solicitor, Netary,'Conyeyancer Money to Lean-Bxeter, Ont. Messrs. Fred Young and Ernest Glanville spent Sunday with friends in London. -Mrs. Paul, of Toronto, has been visiting her brother, Mr. W, A. Sambrook, the past week. -A number from her attended the Temperance meeting in Hensall Friday. --Miss Mary Ellen Brown, of Toronto, is home for a few weeks. -Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wenzel spent Sunday in Zurich, the guests of Mrritncl Mrs. Chris Eilber.- Mr. and Mts. Robert Paisley, of Ilder- ton,were in the village on Mon -day last. -Our barber has adorned his 'window with a new curtain, red, white and blue, which not only advertises his shop, but gives it a patriotic appear- ance over 21. -Mr. Wm. Winer lost a valaable cow through milk fever, last Monday. -Mr.. Christian 'Trick was it London on Monday on business. -Mr. Henry Either, our popular toWnsman, is meeting with good success every- where and prospects are bright for his ,e -election on tbe 29th next. ---Mr, Jas. Flynn is drilling an, artesian well for Mr. Joseph Haist.-Mr. Wm. .Lewis attended the prohibition convention at Hensel, on Friday last. LEoltenne-Last Wednesday evening Dr. Le Mead, of Bothwell, delivered a lecture on "Wooiug and Weddiug," n the Methodist church, to a faie au- ience. Dr. Mead's lecture was inter - versed with ancient fables, anecdotes, wit and humor containing scene very good sensible and solid advise to the young people, vehicle we hope will be appreciated. Y. P. A. RALLY DAY. --The annual ally Day, of the Y.P.A., of the Evan- elical church,was held in their church last Sunday. In t he morning the Rev. amm preached an appropriate ser - on to the young people and in the venint3.; a special program was given y the members of the choir and Al - Unice. A handsome collection was ised in the interest of the Mission elandeblsyo, Alr. Robert Ste John, of Lue dd his !mine :merle! to Mr.E.O.Jones, 04 this pierce t ,r 14. lientlignite j4140e9 Donnelly. a Lateen, called friends here leet week. -Mise Alay Hollgine, it Denfield, entint 11 coaole of days here last weele.-Aliss Etta Black- well. spent a few clays in 1.on41in does jIII the week. Ah. Cunningham. of Centralizentis in town last week. - Air. Geo. LOWIS has finished the con- tract of inatviive the Methollist chute% za number from mound bere went to Ailet Craig leet week to hear the Hon. ti. IN. Rose. Then' ail 'cern, bonze delighted 441;41 well pleestel. -We are pie teiel 1,1KV Mr. George Lewis out akflo, idtetthis attach of ty- hold fever. -elft, B. S. :it 011-43', (If melon, e441.741 feic 4141Pre brae tilingrog the weeke-Mr. EJ. Ilotigine. of Ttaren. to. IS visiting his perents here. nont.n.-Mies Ably, daughter e Mre. Magee 1 Codeine, of klantlehaye, was mat -evil to Air. Albert E. Taylor, son of 31r. W. 11. Taylor, ex -51, P. P., at the le5:616`liart* of the bride's mother, on liVedneeday last. The bride was given away by her brother, the Rev. H. J. Hotheine B. A., and the eerie niei was pet it:ruled by tbe Rev. 11. J. Fair. of Lamm. The beititett gown was of white silk, trimmed Nvitit appligem pearl passienenterie, her only orna- ment being a pearl crescent, the gift of the bridegroom. She was assisted by Miss jesste Me( 'lay, of 1,Vatford, and 1)r. Wiletee of Parkhill, was grooms- man. Only the immediate trinities of the bride and ernom were present. After the wedding breakfast Ma and airs. Taylor left by the afternnon train for Toronto, carrying with them the good wishes of many frtends. .1iniville i Goderich4Je tJwjidthe feel, Tioyphsef 3 i 1 .1)1 lyle tsw ;111,1 ii fassu I gs e ertevtz eel toiltt .7.T, ifIr heNeciv .p the jst. ; hl:te sue isgeeh:otaeizti, ::,,)i';hre,,:ii„ ue:Sawy:701:4 i: r6:entlyemr1 Loiter Waeblell attend"' the Pivhilt4°.°11 "14' ete?':ePecieLltot6'eult'oenitheAlialatrhYes' CI)eeittriells." ve1" r°RnE'at cotellieen$111111E°41311Fril.4-aMY're Isaac Beyfield; What might have proved Clemeuts of the fith concession of E. •a verereerions he was discovered roue borne feels highly elated over the to soon in F. A. Edwerd's store about splendid well be bud put down last four , o'clock Sunday morniog. Tbe wean which is another gusher to tbe sleeping rooms are Over the store and credit of Ma Thos. Senate, the reterau the denee stool:el, fortamately aneenee- well-digger, and whieh may be truly ed thio-ee above who little thongeet of strnek at ele feet and the flow wee so termee it record breaker. Water was kit: dstitourgeeztestri4tpwoate sti0000nvittigscozzdatine , ereat that an less than two misantes the itiellealejuositithbet&tiovi;boweihig brtriiterltehvrtidneilgot 'Ater hail rihell at; feet, EA) fest in fact . t the briekers could not keep Need lyetelvn:setteoloiledidetrafren.aitIttliweltzisioaentahre2 . At mee the iztse asurment I 0 feet and still rising, w terve. Zurich, Charlie Meyete of Rieke, has 11» C0nir1Ct for the 14135011 AVOtt on Mr, C. '51101154' and leas the entre' foanadia- completed mid ready for ear. petiters.--Mr. and Arm Reiti, 09k8ur1 were the guests of the latteee sseter, , C. Ftetee on Sundae*. - -Ain Levi "ettllehith but bore her otliettOlA With. t tt let it VI eel; yl stivt4;t7htfu,),r:_atME11.1,TetsZttlati4Y14. f(.:14:114-5''ta'',;_l'ill ,Ar'Posilg4 Illttl„,(1141tntlitasts4 ittlarYeaft2t.'e; -111(14111011).Iii!el;.oveetnelentgel•raelletettice, Nhvi;11:1 tinptett.it:07ztinvie;ati ii "Li 41frittilLe" allelet.y li?',Rie,e0 'Ilki.: 1 si e a timigigo fop Ow won.e. seugtemi, ate V444440 talt. C Math unity hilltellistelsutulavnwegek111;i13;1::"bs:lieiti2111:1,11‘391;i: ;11.4137iiilt.1:AislAp4lizel:0411' • 5:701361711:11:11;e; 4114711Tfil:egt11.11:Rii4:11413: 41:::;t1olasteut.11 -. part of their honeymoon with their lee canine., r dzintege suit, Olt tieCoGilit Of Merles here duriog the week. -The the appanteh zeires.e the trark on the threctors of the Hay Insurance. Co.held Huron road. Sallee time ago J. Den their meetiug on Setarnitty.---Ale, W. ;and O. Ittlinsten met with an accident Sebenek has tweeted a new verentizdi rzat this point; bath were tiereen tint of on hie dwelling and otheriviee ittA, a, buggy, the feratzer reeeivieg eedrans proved. it. -Mr. Charles lengteetztette A' iitijatli ,T,, frau) 111arK.14 ht. va., not 4,atizi-,4. mail his geng ar' liaise' with the loritrii,• Ill'41l,4V4Z, The tfis'Alicr wes 44444E4'314y WWII. Of MI% ileartilelles now divelilog. a eettleti, the 0.14444-4flawarrzw.f4ng a goad 3Iftt. Lydia 11se-tsenlittrv,v left itai Satiate amount for 11:184:lien":; to Me. UAL A day ear Galt and Dandiee where she while atm Gee. 1-4"1"1 11.%1'; "P'44 bile intends speradiane the seenniete-A pa- :and 11'8 1l Mr,- past %vett. Ellao, 67.4ii. lifilfrial ineOting UPI the interest 4011L"41117 14:1113',4''!", t-4114`594ir 441111949Vet2 iiilfil f-VioNT.ti 1011104., AL P.P., was held in the Town litandred delinet teer d aaalg,e,„ Tee _ a teal SItilIdar eee8i8g.--31r. st. L. 1 midway at nage appreacia bee &ince tilheifilliaelliCT, of the liondosion Howe° ilietqa tA1ti,11(1t11 tta ley tito, inilway teen - has been filiaiiirig Same alterations in pun*, end We hope iirir fai a liernav:Itiflits his bar room the pate, few (hays, by Will ;Wm. putting in a partitiou l'341 as to have a Theeerstitith: One of the a tialett ree- tie;:tdgirloggelTnuen.---ulitiL2" liTzve.v.74 1114' 411 II; ti‘te I:3'1;d' of'lleatle In the' Perslin 01 Neents tie Lute towneltio wile removed af Varna,' l'e4s ill ,town 84111111111Y 1,nd Mr, Getrge LaitiliaW, wilt* hal eineinel "turneu home tie" A:IMP 4141,4-4411`,. I he, ago of etieeme end 1 iiiinztfri. Mr, Oka& Wii151414 Of Ilensall. was in town eneenw ben Leen a ,seteene, flew cun. Thursdaylie intends leaving sehortly ill. foe ;hp pg114t two yemti, 6.44 that his for Michigan. --31r. and Mr. Baldwin. &alb was floe A:together eueeeftetee, of theffertie were the :afinetitS, or 3jr.00d i. but the bereavement izi none the lesn Mrs. Steiniteele 011 ttunes- litq..-- 144,t,to 1041 i.w those uistk are b„ft be., Chaster Steinbaela aceompanied them lintine---Alr. Harry Yonrighiut bits re. tuned to his home in Anburn.---lter. Father MeMenainia, of Clinton. was t ger • The mune' of Aire. farline • BY hnown bere. Shelled been • Infeeer far inzan:y yeers tont - • , v the death eof her taisbanti, Atte t Clutiles •Cerline, -Merit two • years ago, she bit:Hived with. friend% her late reeitieeee bring at, the Misees Foi. some tittle elm' suffered iiensall Mr. Prielhato, of Gotlerich, spent Wednomlay in town., E. AleDonithl is eecovering from his recent illness. - Mr. John McArthur, after It short stay in ("mien retnrued home AVettneetlay. -Tbe Absses bave returned to London after a short stay here with Alitchell-Alr.A.E.Dennet, of Lon- don,called ou Mends here Wednesday. -Mee PeITV of Toronto, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 13illings.-Miss Grace Bawden has rammed to her home in Clinton. ---R. Crawford is visiting at his home here, -Elmer Holmes, of tin gersol. spent a few days in town last week. -Mrs. (Rev.) Cook, of Wallace - burg, after a pleasant visit here with ithe. Rannie, has returned.-AIrs. Jas. White, who has been on a few weeks' visit to- her daughter, Mrs. McLeod, in Detroit, has returned hotne.-ReY.011. ver Coleman, of the Manitoba Confer- ence, who has been in that province for four years preaehing and cittending college at Winnipeg, is visiting his parents end other relatives in and around Ilensall.--The Ladies' Auxili- ary met 'Wednesday at Mrs. William illitchelfs.-Rev. Mr. Shearer address- ed the congregations of the Methodist and Presbyterian churches on Smithey naorning last. Mr. Shearer is travel- ling around the world in the interests of the Sabbath Day observance. -On Sunday evening a. song service was held iu the Methodist church,the choir rendering some choice music. On Mon- day evening Rev. Coupeland delivered a lecture and gave an exhibition of a number of lime light views and moving pictures, including twenty of Frank Beards' wonderful cartoons on the liquor ti'afffc, also a number of views of noted places. A large crowd was. in attendance and a pleasant time was spent by all. -R. Twitchell is recover- ing from his attace of appendicitis. - Geo. Eacrett, of Exeter, has been. en- gaged by. onr band as leader. He is a fine (Marionette player. -The ladies of tbe Exeter District will holdtheir Mis- sionary naeeting in Musa on the 27. --Mrs. W. E. Kerr, of .Amherstburg, formerly of this place, was presented with a very pretty 'music cabinet ac- companied with an address, by the young men's choir, of Wesley church, of that place, as an appreciation Of her services. -Dr. Sellery has purchased the horse "Pacieg. Billy" together with a fine outfit from J. E. 14.1eDonell. Elation received word a few days ago from London, informing him of the accident which befel his son in the •McCormick establishniennin that city, he having had his knee seriously hurt. -Miss Miry Kay has disposed of her dwelling to Mr. Alfred Scrutore-Rev. G. H. Long, who hag been in Bond Head, with his brother, for the past couple of weeks, in the interest of his health, has returned ,home Mr. and MrS. John D. Stewart, who have been OD an extended trip for two years, in the interests of Mrs.Stewart's health, returned here last week. Mrs. Stewart is looking and feeling much benefitted by the change, but Mr. Ste- i wart is suffering from rheumatiSin.- ti Mr. T. J. Berry purchased it 4 -year-old c gelding frem Mr. James Stephens, of b Clinton,for the handsome sum of el00, b hind. Mr. Laidlaw horn in the tenuity of Halton, where be wait mare riee ti* team, motet wile died there, th e leaving two ehildeen, AtitiseCW. AMP tOwn last Week nud euPg441 ,0,9r,er .A.twood. and Mrs. George Jackson, lima orchestra to take pane hr "'g (If Moiris towitehip. About Ift years pienie on May 27th. •eon ago he came west and settled on the d farm, on the eth concession of' Tucker - Dashwood &smith, where he has since resided. Af. John Welker, representative 441 14.1" etuning here be was muted In Marl riage Mery MeItwing, who survives . . him, together wan eine ehildree: Aim Jobn Smith, of ilulletta Mrs. Robert DeinTnekeremitie :Tomes anti Robert, of Siteramento, Cat; David and Mrs. Neil Gran eStrathelair, Mau.; William, Portage la Preh iteand Isabel nd Saul. on the homestead. The dereased was thoronghlv luntorable and inwight mau and will be greatly missed in the, "elonnnglirl. unity where he bas resided tiO the Maxivall Mannfiteturing WaS in London Friday and from there he went tt) tin Marys to Attend the great annual. delivery etf the Maxwell um. chi ntenee-Itheand Ales.Thell, of linnet. was visitieg, friends in the village over Sunday.- Attlee Hess, accompain led by ber friend, Miss Well, of Zmach, w,as an the village Sundayn-Miss Laura (theta, who has been working for Mr. J. Holtzman, of erediton, has retnrn- cil Ed. :gee) has unwed to the house be recently purehased from Mr. Vallantyne Ritter.-Majacob Kl- lernutun has bed the front of his store beautified by a coat of fresh paint, which greatly improves its appearance. '.-Messrs. Thos. Snell and Vallantyne Ritter tire hiving their residences beautified by a coat of paint. -The Y. P. A. Rally Illy here 'MIS ft grand suc- cess in every particular. The day was all that could be desired. The attend - 0800 teas large end the speaking and singing all seemed to excel any prey- ions•elforts. The collections which are to be used in the mission cause, were even larger than was expected. Great eredit is tine to the decoration eon:unit- tee for their work on this occasion. The magnificent display of choice flow- ers and plants gave the beantiful edifice an appearance surpassing far anything which had been done in this way be- fore. -Several of our citizens attended the political tueetiug in Zurich Satur- day evening, -Mr. Henry. Schroeder has his barn raised and Is haying a foundation built underneath in -A. large number of people here gathered at the home of Mr. john Hall Monday evening and spent an enjoyable time. The band made its first public appear- ance and serenaded the party. The boys did credit to, themselves and in a short time with a little more practice will be ableeo accepb engagements. Mr Henry EiTher addressed a large gather- ing of the electors here Tuesilay even- ing. The ' band appeared and. played several selectious before the audience. assembled ---The ram Sunday . arid Monday evenings has given the crops a different appearance. • Around About US. • Parkhill: •A young lad was up be- fore the Police Magistrate Tnesday for ringing the fire ktlarrn during the per- formance of the Bijou Comedy Co. on Friday-. Seafortla: Wna. Dill's little boy had the inisforturie to break his. arm the other &int This 10 the seeond accident of the kind the little fellow has had within 'sfew weelts. Clinton: IVIr. Ed. Rowed has been appoiiited operator mid frieglat C3erk at the G. T. R. here, to succeed Mr. John McGuire: he is a thoroughly competent and efficent young man. Kippeu: Isaac Jerrott has rented Paul Doig's farm, which lies alongside his own. Mr. Jerrott purposes using it for grazing. This will give iiiin wider scope for his farming operations. metes. Henveez. -In Veit:true, on May IS, to 3Inand MrseeVes.11arreeendatughter. liniireunn..-In Centralia, on May 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Htixtable, a son. Pansoxs-In Stephen. on ;May 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Parsons, it daughter. AIATMIAGES. McKeer-Beee-nee-In Zurich, on May 13, by Rey. W. J. Yaeger, Mr, John McKay, of Holyrood, to Miss Beaver, of St. Joseph. ElEIDEM.V.4-SCACHSCIINEIDER-In De- troit, on May 13, at the residence of Mr Peter Eisenbach, by Rev.Treselt, Mr. Albert T. Heideman, of Detroit, formerly of Zurich, to Miss Millie Scachschneider, also of Detroit. Statesox-Roenesoei-At the manse, E,emondville on May 14, by Rev. Neil Shaw, 'Mr. Wm, Simpson, to • Mrs. Jennie Robinson, of Stanley. CUMMORE-DALEr.--At tbe residence of the bride's parents, Seaforth, on May 14, by Rev. I. B. Wallwin, B.A., Mr. Samuel Cudruore, of Deborne • township, toelliss Althe Daley, eldest daughter of Mr. Peter Daley. AIrets-Jnereesoe--At the residence • of the bride's mother, on Alay 21st, Miss Lottie Teresa Jefferson, to Mr. Wm. J. Miles, of Hamilton. • ,DEATIIS XEYS-hil Shipka, on May 13, Borden, son of George and Susan Keys, aged.• , 1 year, and 3 mouths. - The Crodp. It's a terrible thing, isn't it? Somehow, that awful cough, that hard struggle for air, can never be for- gotten. Be a little fore- handed and prevent it. Keep Vapo-Cresolene in the house, and when the children take cold let them breathe -in the vapor during the evening. It goes right to the throat, just where the croup lies. All . irritation subsides, the cough quiets down and serious trouble is prevented. Seaforth: Andrew Calder is wear- It never fa:Is to cure whooping cough,iz Vapo-Cresolene is sold by druggists everywhere. A Vapo.Cresolene outfit, including the Vaporizer and Lantp, which should last a liie-titne, and a bottle of Cresolene, complete, $/.5o; ekira supplies of Creso. lene 25 cents anti 50 cents Illustrated nocklet contain- ing physicians' testimonials free npon 'request, Wro. Cansottntt Co. 180 1ulton Si., New York, USA, ng a black eye these day. While cut - ng wood the other evening the axe aught in a clotheline; and in re- ounding, struck Mr. Calder ,a severe low in the tree.