Exeter Advocate, 1902-3-27, Page 1FIFTEENTH YEAR.
—Morton's Pine -apple in Syrup.
Singapore grated Pine -apple.
Canned Apples, Delhi Corn, Peas and
Tomatoes, Niagara,.
Ctrosse 4: Blackwell's; Heaton's; Williams Bros., Detroit; Canada
Pickling Co's. Theee pickles range from 15e. to 35e. aud consist of
Mixed, Chow Chow, Pearl onion. Sweet mixed and Ketchup.
Kippered Hering, Ileigiugs in Tomato Same. Salmon-liaple Leaf;
Viititag te; Lowe lideeeliarilines.
Beef. Turkey, Chichen, Deck, Wel Loaf, Cottage Loaf, Mutt Loaf,
Shredded Whole Wheat, $oles Fheir:me Nut, Malt Breakfast food.
Saida, Joliet), Hyson, Celon Mixed.
• McCormick's Beet goods only.
, char grocery stock is a, treat, cicala, complete, up to -date department.
Thanking you tor past favors. •
School closes for the Easter holidays
on Friday.--Blise Sera Shank, et De
trait, is visiting her parents here. --
The _concert given by the Methodist
church oet Friday evening last, was
highly successful in every. respect.
The large audience, numbermg about
two hundred, ntoyed the excellent
program presented, which eensieted of
solos, quartettes Choruses, recitations
and dialogues, The latter twinging
dowo the house. The proceeds were
$97, exceeding the young peoples' ext
pectations. We are sure should the
choir again give a cOneert they will
have at tame attendance,
Ftertttlitttr •
Robert- McKenzke of Fort William,
h visiting friends and relatives Item -
The debate at the R. T. of T's last meet -
lug was decided in favor of the affirm,
attve. The sulgeet was tefolved tit:it
the present liceitse Inw is preferable to
pt.:deletion as we can get. xt. The
;affirmative :side was, Wm.dlunteitb, 13.
W. F. Beavers anal Chao. Monteith;
the negative eide, Jas. '.11.eateith. Semi.
Madge and W. Allieota.---W. Ward
baught the large white owl that W.
Kay shut last week and le hiving It
:gutted and inounted.--Some of tbe
farmtee have f tuned plowinge-If the
muds continne drying to rapidly the
silent steeds will saute be open them
three ileW bridges, the contreets tor
Poet Office Block. ;i; I% were let th
hy e board of road
directors of the ectunty of Middlesex
- and the twat inaproveineut committee
At the ftweting of the directors of
the South Huron Agricialtoral Kwitny,
I:1!:1 Gt u --::, r.' t itirtiktY, MUM)
loth, it was arranged to buld the fall completed by July 21. Thr 1S4 of May
show in union with the Stephen and will bleb,. see the beginning of tb19.
te The einnemet stipideles that tlw
held on the fleet ei"onday auto coy limp mem he completed hy the
Tuesday after the London Pair. it Was 15th of August, and that the South a
also detidva to held the IIIIMIfil spring (ileum, by the bit eit September, pro.
SWIM ibr entire stoek at, Bruce:field. on siding the wink is tun, completed with -
Twain, April 15th. This is a few in the stipulated timet a. forfeit ot a
days earlier than 11811111. This year, certain amount deity will be extracted
aim) It has been deeided to make a DPW f Nun the centeeetota
departure in respeet to the exhibition
detente% The Settle classes will be WineheIsea
exhibited as formerly, but this y.ear
there will he nojudgmg be: the soewty Acetrtimr.-311N elbrtlham.,Herretill
and no prim will he awnrded, ln. met 'mita it very pandin ace/omit IWO
on Monday last, bv getting his left,
eig0S,ST TO LOtioNt
Wehavelmlimiteet private fuzee for ie.-
veetreent neon tarot or villages trorcrty, at
teweet nue of intereet
letcusee Ceseetxo.
Barristers. etc.. Exeter.4
P'r S' TO
1 have% largo amonnt of Trivet° Pude to
10fin en fano and village rro ertivn at low
rate:: ofinterest.
Plrxioter. Mons Street Exeter
. t,lreilee`e Cleat=
. neat Fe:ate-and Demure &ma 4
Raw alai tlitt.to rtenettles Iseueht and mid on 11
reaaonallte terns. Several dwelling Mures for tato.
Lands in all parted Manitoba and the Ncrtlowest
for tato.
Sale Register-
711111SDAY, -Mouse and Lets In nee
ur !carte, and noweeteet effects. the property el
Won. Treble. tialent 26'elock. IL Druwa, duo:Ramer.
WEDNESDAY, APD11.1.--Fann stOth and bugle-
_monis, the property of Mr. ghot, Jones, 1.otil Con, 3,
--rtilionte. Salo at 1 o'Clock. 11. Drown, Atrtioneer.
The undersigned ho.s atplantity et black barley for
Sale-griaranteed clean.
'W. D. Saxons, Con. 3, Stephen, Motor, te 0.
On Alexander street, Exeter North, a ane story
frame house, containing 0 to01119. Tim lot contains 1
acre oflandon which areforty fruittrees, a goad wen,
good location and emeentent to snots". For partic-
ulars sleety 10
Mos, Jolene Dons
on the prendsts, ar 11#. P. O.
For horses and cattle on reasonalde terms. Stock
to be taken on the ratteh at Lot L corner of Mon.
dike Road and Stibben's side road, on and after
April 14th, when a num will take ebarge of them dur-
ing the season. For further particulars apply to,
Go. WArrs,
• Wanted.
We are prepared to offer a first-class contract to a
good man to represent UStis Distriet Agent, resident,
at Exeter. Applications giving references, will be
treated confidentially if requested.
Apply to thellead Office, Toronto or,
Ono. R. tfaanurozr,
Manager Western Ontario,
Just Arrived
New Soverign • Shoes
Spring and Summer.
T• he Latest Styles of Last
and Toe.
Also a choic. lot of Men'a
and. Boy's Heaiy. Work shoes;
at prices that will surprise cus-
• Eggs taken in exchange, or
5 pa cent. off for cash On
Boots and, Shoes.
arness of all descrjptions
always on hand.
Treble's Old Stand
The 1Vlisses Hiuds, of Elimville, have
been affrund making up ladies gar-
rnents. —George Jacques- has sold his
favorite driver to Thos. Handford,while
• F.Brock bought one from flat ry Redd;
he also bought a buggy from E. Fletch-
er, SsinsItine.—Quite a sensation was
used m our school the other day by
one of the boys attacking the teacher.
--Mr. and Mrs. J. Kyle paid a flying
visit to W. Coultis on Sunday. —M.
Milliner and Miss Rodd; of Woodlitun,
were the guests of Miss Mstrtha Jacques.
--Ladies,remember the millinery open-
ings of J. Roy, Woodham, on March 27
and 28.
Into Entire Stock Meow -
of Elgin Needy the 'tine:. day, will be
commenced as early WS passible. It is
prolietie that the Clandelesve bridge
will It stetted fleet. it bevber to INA
stead, tire people`wilt be permitted to
judge for themselves as to the merits hand into a root Onliter, literally tear -
of the animals shown. Insteinl of ing the top off the thumb and other -
awarding prizes. the FneirtY will pay WiSe badly MI1491111= tlutt, ittemitcr,
al t l euelf hors; exhibited, to pay es,.. PRESIANTATIO 01, --Mr. DaViti Wynn,
peuses, partly because of the dissatis- wholhes been hiOng 4trul highly respect -
faction with the judging and partly ect resident of this neigbborhood. On
because pieties Viet receiving prizes ins departure for his new home in Exe.
feel that to be beaten is an injury to tete was very kindly remembered on
their horses, and rather than run the IN etinesdaY night of this Weelt by his
risk they prefer not to show at all. Many friends and neighbors in the sec -
The society, therefore, while desirous tem, wbo gathered at the church and
a aftortling, them an opportunity to presented him with a beautiful eesy
show their horses to the publie mid a chair, itccompanied by a well worded
the saute time give the public: an op- agaves% testifying to the esteem in
portnnity of seeing the horses in the which be is held. Mr* Wehm will be
country,. decided to try this plan, as it much missed by bis minty friends here.
removes the objections cm:Valued of
extent, the object. for which the show --eleendey%
end ate the same time servos, to fjome Bli
Mr. Wm. Amos is engaged as Meek
is held. We trust, therefore, that both at Mr. Trevethick's store. -Miss Neva
horsemen and the public vill show Dale the millitier at Brinsley, is busy
their appreciation of the efforts being Preparing the hats Inc tbe*Easter mil -
made to meet their views and at the finery opening. -Moving seeins to be
same time advance their interests by all the go. Mr. John Alawson, of the
making a large turnout of both spec- 8th con. McGillivray, bats changed
tators and horses. In the method el' faeces with his brotber,Williatre of the
showing bulls there will be no change 10th, cone -Misses Jennings were the
made. The usual very liberal prizes guests of Mrs.John Lewis Friday. -Mr.
will be offered atnd awards wade by a W. Corbett treated the Br insley school
competent judge as formerly. Here- scholars, to maple sugar on Friday.-
tofore, however, bulls taking prizes Mts. John Lewis had a taffy party Fri -
were required to serve a certain thne day evening and had a pleasant time.
within the limits ot the society, but if -We hear that Charlie., of °mitten,
they serve within the county they will caught the bird last week for the cage.
not be eligible. It is hoped by this _wedding bells will soon be ringing.
widening of the field that there will be -Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Corbett, of Cor-
a, larger competition and a better show betvine, were the guests of Mr. and
than ever before, Mrs, Thos. Gilberb,on Sendai.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Switzer visite
ed friends in Blowhard Inc it few days
last week. -Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Davis
and Miss Norma Dickens, of Saints -
bury were the guests of Mr. and Mrs,
Frank Coats on Sunday. -Mr. Malcolm
•Dempsey, of Farquhar, visited friends
here on Sunday.-IVIr. Will Coates,
who has been sufferingfrore it severe
attack of sore throat, s recovering -
Master Jimmy Blair is on the sick list.
-Mr. Fred Luxton and son Bert visit-
ed friends in Hibbert on Sunday.-
MissBlanch Rook spent it few days
with Mr. Jas. Neil, of Centralia, test
VA= SOLD. -Ma. Thed Jones, who
for many years has been a resident of
this section, has disposed of his sixty
acre farm to Mrs. eras. Wilson, near
Exeter, the price paid bele* $3,400.
Mr. Jones will retain possession of the
honse till fall, but Mrs. Wilson takes
imutediate possession of thaland.
' (Too late for last Week)
The sudden change in the weather
has put ft, stopto the syrupmaking
and silenced the robbins n nd bluebirds
for a titrie.—The Leagne purpose hold-
ing a musical and literary program on
Thursday evening, March .20th, A
good time is in store for all who at-
tend.—Miss Blanch Rook who hes
been inIthe employ of Mr. T. G. Jones,
of Winchelsea, for the past sie months
has returned home. -Master Percy
Caves, accompanied by his sisters,
Misses Ida and Etha, visited their
brother, Thomas,- of McGillivray on
Sunday. -Mrs. J. Blair wiin has been
on the sick list, is improving.—Mr. J.
Blair,wito has been sick for SOMe time
is still confined to the house.—Mr.
Will Coates is on the sick list.
Hicks, of the 2nd co»cession of T.Tsborne,
sold three two-year-old heavy draught
'colts for the handsome sum of $417.
The buyers were, 111r. John May and
Henry Rowe, London Road, and Mr.
eWin. Brock, Usborne. Who says good
horses don't pay?
, To cure a. cold in a night-ens:3 vapo-creao-
iene. It has been used extensively during more
than twenty -four years, All Druggists.
Grand Bond
Mr. Jos. Brenner is having his race
course fitted. un for the summen-Mr.
Henry Bossen berry intends putting up
a new stable this spring. --11r. William
Wilson, who hats been on the sick list
for the past few months, is not likely
to recover.—Mr. Ware Oliver is nut
again, after being confined to his room
for the winter. -Mr. Edward pill iu-
tends erecting anew stable this spring.
—Mr. Thomas Webb had a bee Mon-
day shingling his house in Scotland.—
A number of farmers intend commenc-
ing seeding this week. -Pat. Murray,
of Stratforchspent a, few days here last
week.--Tbe Assessor of Bosanquet is
again on his rounds. -Mr. John Rump -
ford is in Sarnia.—Mr. John Speck -
titan passed through here on his way
to Port Frank one day last week. L—Mr.
J. W. Holt left for Sarnia last week.—
Mr. Wm. Lovie had a wood bee Tues-
day. ' •
Mr. and leire. M.Ehnes and child left
on Wednesday for Spadervilie, Ohio,
thinking the change will do Mr. Ehnes
good as his health bile not been very
good and no doubt Mrs. Ehnes will be
glad to see her old native home.—Miss
Laura 'Williams went to Loree to.visit
her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Reid, on
Thursday last and will remain for a
few days.—There were twenty-four
joined the W. O. T. U. after the lec-
ture by Miss Wiggins. We hope there
will be some good work done by the
Society.—On Sunday last there !were
six persons confirmed in the Lutheran
church and on Sunday next will re-
ceive Holy Communion and made
members of the church. -31r. M. My-
dinger bought, the property belonging
to Mr. John Ilillabrotd, the latter go-
ing to move to the 14 concession.—Mt.
Zettle, of the Blind Line, purchased
the property of Mr. M. Grous, the lat-
ter leaviug ifor Michigan in the near
future. --Mr. W. Hess has opened his
bicycle shop Inc the Season.—There
are -quite a numbei" in town 'entferiteg
from bad colds. --Mr. W. More, of Kip -
pen, was in towu on business Monday.
1 nitiva
Mi. wm. Holt returned honer last
week, after spending a, week with his
son in Sarnia.—Mr. and Mrs. William
C be . f C• dby,
two weeks with their"son,of this place.
Messrs. Alex. Nash and Allen Currie
left for Nortb. Dakota last week. Allen
will be miseea here as he Was a favor-
ite with oh/ and yonng. We. wish him
good Inek in bis new field of labor and
hope to See lati SMUilltt ftle0 back in the
fall. --Mr. l'huntel Barry bail a, plowing
bee on Satiaday and as a result begot
a. One lot ;•.', reaming donee -Mg Jantes
McLeagese returned lenr.e from New
Ontario. him says it is the country to
go t0,----Nlt ',. JaIneS McLean is still on
the sick le ‘. We hope to hear of log
soon get:'g better.--Mre. Archy Me-
Cormlek it, verr wade with not notch
PrOSPeetgd i her getting bl.ttM—EVI.
AentlY I'L lig is here and it. is certainly
weleomeel 'ay sde
J. O. ereenteir, IL A.. ffiesurriN (kifir,s
fitanbuO r, ifor, Nang, l'onvq,ate
5.fonev L 441-4:Nvart, Oar.
Mie and Mrs. Wm. Londe left for
South Rieke", Perry Smith Diettiet.
last Theo -Say, while be hes perches.
ed a Milo:tins besine. elnecees
--The Ladies Aid, of the Evangelical
church had a surprise perty at the
German pate:map last Fridtty even
Inge A very pleasant evening was
speut all. ---A number of ourcitizens
attended the Temperance Convention
at Hensel! last Fildey.—Mesere. V.
Zwicker S.Brown ship tea time
quantity of elover seed to ' OrOMO
I Friday. -Mies Lizzie Hillier returned
Detrain 4M TiOlt-silay last af-
ter vi.sit lee; livr ye netts lore for tattoo
titne.—.M;e. debit Wised hes returned
fremDettelt. We are glad to here
that her leughter is reeavering from
her memo 51inesiee eMle Claude 1.11nett
ets t we rag HUM 4
occupied lay Mcleod lliaker.--Mteo
McConnell. of Myth, spent last, Sun-
day In the village, the guest of Mrs.
Sallite$ litelgintee-Mr. Walter Clark.
baS Made se hilia0 changes te the inter-
ior of his etore and will now have
more TOMO to attend to tho wants of
the pnblie.---Mr. Levi Stahl is very III
with rheumatic fever. We tenet he
will some eeiwer, —Mr. and Mt. .d.tt
ust Hill spent last Sunday iit Zoete n
the guests et Iilie and Mrs. Chas. tereb,
-Me, Jacob Iblist has returned front
Sphering% ille after a pleasant Vita
with relatives. Mr. Must intends go-
ing to Gem:my in the uear future. -
Mise Eare Sherritt spent Snmlay at
her oloue Harpleye-Me. Ateandus
Krause returned to his Immo itt West
Point, Nebraska, on Monday, after
visiting Mr. Thomas Yearly tor some
time. was necompenied by his
daughter, wbo will make her bottle
with him in future. .Me. Barry Rap.
ley, of Findlay, Ohio, was the guest of
Miss Lewis last week. Special services
will be held in the Evangelical church
Easter Sundity.-Mrs. Danwl Oestrieelh
er rettzrned from Tawistock, last Tues.
day, after a, pleasant visit with her
S. S. ANS/VERSARY. -The annual
Sabbath Scbool auniversary serviees
will be held in the Methodist :thumb,
bete, on Easter Sunday, March 31st.
Rev. S. R. McVitty, of Deleware, and
one of the rising men of Loudon Con-
ference,will be the preacher of Lite day.
Services at 10.30 a.m., and 7 p.m. A
platform meeting will be held in the
afternoon, beginning at 2.30. Addres-
ses will be delivered by Mr. George
Bloomfield, Brigden; Mr. Henry Hus-
ton, Exeter, and Rev, S. R. McVitty.
A. children's choir and orchestra will
render special 'music. Special collec-
tions, in behalf of the Sabbath School,
will be taken up at all three services.
A generous response is solicited. All
parents and friends are cordially in-
vited to the services. On Monday ev-
ening the annual _entertainment, will
be held in above..mentioned church,
beginning at 8 peit. addresses will
be delivered by Reeds. S. G. Litt, S.1.
MoVitty and Mr. Geo. Bloomfield; al-
so a content and special music by
choir and orchestra will be rendered.
Silver collection will be taken at the
door in aid, of Sabbath School Fund.
Everybody 'welcome. •
James Ward, of Winghttne has. tak-
en a situation with Messrs. Brown &
Clark.—Messrs. A. Whiteside and G.
Ross left on Thursday last for the Soo,
where sitaations await tberte—On
Thnrsday last Mr. F. Kern, tbe popu-
lar manager of the Molson's Bank here
left the bank to assume a more impor-
tant and responsible position,in anoth-
er institution. During his two years
residence here Mr. Karn has made
many warm friends among the busi-
ness men, who always found him cour-
teous and obliging, one wboin it was
always a•pleasere to transact business
with: Re leaves Renseth with She
hearty gond wishes of ont'astizens,who
one and all hopegor him a very succeS-
ful career. He is succeeded by Mr.
Billiegs, who arrived the sameday and
who comes very highly spoken of. He
will occupy the dwelling counected
with the Bank.—Mr: John., Shepherd
made another shipment of live hogs
Thursday, the price paid being $5.60.
—Mr. Joe Case's little girl, Marion,
who has been been on the sick list, is
recovering.—The topic for the League
on Sunday evening was "Our own for
Christ" and was dealt with by Miss
Annie Carli,sle.—Mrs. Webber, of Lon-
don, Eng., is the guest of her son, W.
Lancaster.—Mr. Henry Hooper was in
Exeter last week.—Miss Nornia, the
little daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Fergu-
son, who has been seriously ill, is con-
valescing.—Mr. Wood, who has been
spending most of the winter here, at
the home of Mr. A. IVIePherson, re-
turned to his home in Dtmgannon last
week. .
vention of the Temperance electors of
the municipalities of South %Huron,
was held in Miller's Hall, Hensall, lest
Friday afternoon, beginning at two
o'ciock. A good represeutation of the
electorate was present. Rev. G. If.
Lotag eeted tee chairtutto and Rev. R.
I W. Knowlen Crediton, as secretary.
After lengthy discussions, the follow.-
ing evere selected a committee to wait
upon the cendidates of both parties
.11 4. cer 44114 Or i e °nerds
prohibitiom-Rev. G. H. Long, Hem
Pall. Mr. Alex. Mustard, Brucelield;
I Mr.Wanless, Varna; Wm. Lev.le,
oCfretdhiet°nani1‘111eri.pKagres 14r1-snee
thorough CaltVos. Rev. So Long
ted Preeident of Conveotion anal Vice -
President eleeted front reepeetive tabula-
lelpalities. Wised Ity Rev. L Wall-
wirt, of Seatforth, seconded by
Alex. ,Mnetarti. pruen field, that we. e
Tenitieranee people of South Mown,
appamt the, above nantEd einetturenee
to wait :goo t eantlittlieS 10*. t w4t
pi:Mimi pet ties mat ateeertain 1 t•
VIPWS of ptetbiltititie and Freer.. writ-,
' ten pledgee to vote in fever el erobilti-
tion, to the fell aeret Mined pewee. of
province, anti if the ateetver ef both
condi kites he v:Itir,rialtiry we tivelll
oureelves free to vote for NvIteen we
choose. and if the ateewer of only one
„ he sittisfaetory we pledge hoe ow euire
•, port, but it' tteit her answer be eatiefee.
tory, that we place a tetuperanee eau-
didate in the In tile meanwhile.
that we attend the primaries and en.
deavor by all proper means to seeure
men nominated he the partleS in fever.
of prollibitilm.- Carried. Convention
'closed to meet itt aetll of chair,
R. W. If. nowieste Seen
McKillop: efrerolln *Rawson, died
' on Monday, hexing eeaehed the goeel
age of et; ye41'S, 13eceased had been in
fading health Inc a long time and at
the death °flier busbandotfew amain
ago, it. was mit expected sbe would
long survive biro. Tim family have
been severely afflicted letely, faitber.
Mother and daughter having pessed
away all withitt a. few enooths 01 eaele
other. •
Clinton: There passed into erfeet
'tat -day,-, 44411t
McKeown, one of the respected reel -
dents of our town at the. age of 08
,• years. Althoieelt she lead been to peer
!, health far smite thew the na.-.4 came en.
"..oted„ ;fate wee eg a quiet mad re-,
thing dispeeition stud was loved ley tail
who knee'v bee. The deceased bate her
eselleringe with meet petit -nee mad
teltrietlau resignatien.
elletoe; otereette Cupp, etellet of
• the leo,. Soule; repo. pee eel tiiiT,LiV
het Ilea venly 1111110 Weltlesii,4-
te110,1tA age ef ,45 veer; et • o- s
ed awl how eister, 3/tirree who
hatve both 1144•11 41.Sitionti Of town for
'gyeare. base heell liVillg to, for
sometime. Her ;Leath was sniee
LP to many. Slle MO.', 11 Iliellther or
Around About. rs.
Mi'. Mark Claele rereiv.
eel fzt Veri9 vet in hie feet etteean
on Manday tef leek week.
Kit Nat: Nrr. Juhn C.itnerets; has
leased 141.- Fora naateher nt year •
10 Mr. 12:441.1 1it0,441' ntIld 1.0 hoentle
inerliag tiiniteltell ter tiolthe
Ttieltereataitia; Mr. Met MeKoy
the Itt ronrr.:41ats, hues:eta Ide eiletere
farm to Mr.litty Celdwell.ef thiseewie-ship. Tit priei' 10et'ivt'tI"
ICIItiziPitit111".• 11- i it ith eurtense thet
bitire to ehrentiele the thetth of the
infant son of 3114 Seth Simpeon. The "
child had a etwere :Meek of pneumonia
and etiffertel the greategt of itgainiee
until death releaeed him. On Wednes.
il4navei-i!eAvening of hist week he paised,
Seaforth: Mrs. James Lemuel met
with an unfortunate accident Monday
evening. When in front of Baldwin
en Co's adore, he slipped tunl. fell. He
put out his haml to save himself and.
his full weiglit came un his left arins
with the result that the bone was brok-
en at the wrist.
Tuckerstuith: Mrs. George Pavne,
who resides with her daughter, :tire.
James :McDowell, met with, a painful
and serious accident one day recently.
Site had the misfortune to slip and fall
breaking at bone in her hip. As she is
over 110 years of age, the accident is an
the more Serious.
Blansimrd: The sympathy of the
entire community go out to Mr. and
Mrs, Fred Arnold in the loss they have
sustalued in the removal by the band
of death of their bright little boy. Glee,
at the early age of tour years, winch
occurred at the family residence on the
ltith concession, ott Sunday last.
Baylield; Sas. Aikenheatil has pur-
chased Mr. Hectoe Reid's farm, thid
concession, Stanley for $0,575. It is it
good farm with splendid buildings and
a commodious brick house. Mr. Aik-
enhead does not get possession until
fall. Mr. Reid will have the present
crop. There will be 350 acres of farm
property Mr. Aikenhead holds in Stanley
St. Marys: Mr, Donald. McKenzie
one of the best known and mostbighly
esteemed residents of Blanshard town-
ship died at his home on the River
Road, about. two miles from here on
Sunday morning. The deceased had
been ill for about four weeks from
some complication of thestomach. Be-
sides his wife he leaves an only son to
mourn his demiee.
Clinton: Some are called upon to
bear more affliction than ()tilers, Mrs.
Howson has during the past fifteen
months lost a, husband, a brother, a
sister-in-law and now a sister, Mrs.
Waterson, who was found dead in bed
Taesday morning at her home in To-
ronto. Deceased was a former resi-
dent of Clinton and the remains were
interred in the Clinton cemetery.
Stanley: James Thatcher, the 13-
menths-old son of Geo. Thatcher, of
Hamilton, fell into a pail of scalding
water Thursday and was so seriously
scalded that he died from his injuries
the same evening. The child's mother
placed the pail of water on the floor
where the little one was playing, and
another boy coming in the door acci-
clenOtlly knocked the little fellow into
thepail of water. ,
Varna: John M. Hart, etre village
blacksmith for the past two years, has
sold out to E. Eph, Alyrner; who takes
possession next week; the price paid
was $1300. Mr. Hart purposes going
to Seattle to reside; we are sorry to
lose him, as lie was a goad s-ind oblig-
ing neighbor., Since coming here he
has naidehosts of friends, , who wish
him every success in his new home in
the far west. Mr. Hart will haye a
sale shortly, of which due notice will
be given.
Goclerich: After an illness extending
over four months,. Mrs. Cosford passed
away 'on Friday e'vening last. She had
reached the eeventyounth year ofa
good and lisefril life. Not alone in Gee-
erich, bit in many other places through-
out Ontario Where she had lived and,
lab5red with her late husband, the news
of her death will be received with the
feeling of the loss of a good and true
friend. The deceased was born in 1823
in the town of, Whitchurch,York come.
ty. Mr. Cosford died in 1892, and four
years ego Mrs... Cosford came to live
with her daughter, Mrs. Ceeo..Achesom
itt G-oderiele She is survived: be.- one
son and four daughters.
if Auglican chureh and etas highly' it.
1 410'.2t WitivIll resulted fatally ereourreil epeeted hy .111 who knew her.
Colltortte: A very distressing mei-
' loge nu Wedneetley at Mr. H. YoueeSs
3h.'il1At.t1 cow:Vt.:shoo. There WaS a Awe
' in the beelt :mil everything went well
• moll nee eft:gelato evhea the wol event
leappencil tfl, iir4,S1OF atAtneF.SkTititd fAnt
of etr. Yemen. .1, 17rge tree bad Levu
eat at the tratuk, (0 111111 it etritele a.
, smell one and in relimatrolhge *eruct
hint eel:le-log 3 fraetnre ait tette el the
stuff. ile lit a1 until elatett tete
o'eek Timreday morning.
Itheimtiville: The caultiolafrAnfileta? 44
Ib?.. 11^,tilth Id „:112`. rilAnigaH 8,e11ter WIS.
501 emptier .4; twiny, foe althattigh
In' hul !woo ailing' Mare or Iet.is fi31110,
tilt' th St II if the e varhis eritleal ragaii.
It imp
143im vililY LULA.% Il 10 t1O, COliily itod
immediate frieutle. in fact Ile waS
:aide to he iazttibliti MIR ili. itigial 3 1:0111).
It* oli' dill.) ti 1.01 hi .. alt.iII hi, 11** ilittlyraelb,
et; t he offr Of ia :1;e:1114. (tvets Mt years
ago) he settled on a farm in MeKillop
;and on whieli he vontitaittil tit reside
until a, few menthe ago Wilell he left
the fate,' to 116$u11 and eame here to
Diablulph: She John Kennedy died
et his borne on the Iltlt lettuces -lion. on
Thine:they, after an illnes.s extending
over Hee days. On the Het neday prey -
Elms to his death he, with his FOdi,
si'ph, delivered a load of hey in Olean-
; ton. and after going home Thought in
1 some pototoes from at pit. In the er-
ening Ile was :Oriel:en with pneumonia
whit.)). terminated in hie death on the
above day. Mr. Kennedy was a bitten -
dui specimen in physique, standing
about six feet, two inches in height
and taunt in splendid proportion, untl
weighing two handled told thirty -live
pound. Everyone who knew bun
could scarcely comprehend how dis-
ease could destroy such n eonstitittion
in such a short period of time. He was
a man perfectly honest, in his dealings,
a Roman C Allelic religiou and a
most ardent liberal in politics. He
leaves behold him to tootirn theloss of
a loving father, two sons and three
Port Hope,Mitech 21.-Th6af !eructate
Edward Hughes, while looking along
the lake shore, discovered the hody of
a man washed up cm the shore opposite
Port Britain. It was at Hest thought
to be the bode- of Williant Douglas,
who was drowned here on March 12,
but on being brought into town it
proved to be the body of an unknown
mite apparently about fortyyeas of
age, and 5 feet, 10 inches n height.
The body WAS uude, every thread of
clothing being gone with the exception
of a pair of gaiter boots, with heavy
halfsoles. The body evidently bad
been in the water a long time, as there
is not a sign of hair on the head or fate
and is in a bad state of decomposition.
The coroner gave orders for the body
to be buried.
No SUBSTITUTE for "The D. & L.
Menthol Plaster, although some un-
scrupulous dealers niay say there is.
Recomm end ed. by doctors, by hospitals
by the clergy, by everybody, for stiff-
ness, pleurisy, &e. Made by Davis &
Lawreuce Co., Ltd.
Tonnsecee.-In Hensall, on March 20,
to Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston, a
PRESZOATOR-In Stephen, on Meech.
23, to Mr. and Mrs. John Preszcator,
a son. •
Yon. --In Exeter on March 25, Wm.
D. Yoe, aged. 20 years, Winonehe and
24day. '
Don't Wake,
the Baby.
Did you knew you could
give medicine to your child-
ren while they were sound-
ly sleeping? You certainly
can. It is Vapo-
Cresolene. You put some
Cresolene in the vaporizer, light the
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There is nothing equal to it for
Whooping cough, croup, colds, cough,
sore throat, and all other troubles of
the throat and chest. It is eco-
nomical, pleasant, safe. 22
Vapo-Cresolene is sold by druggists everywhere.
A vapo-Cr,solene outfit, including the Vaporizer and
Lamp, which should last a life -time, and a bottle of
CI esolene, complete, 51.50, exua supplies of Crep-
I en e 25 cents and 50 cenfs litcstrated booklet &imam-
ing pliysksians' testimonials free upon request VA PO-
CRESOLENE CO, iSa Fulton St„ New "Vorlt U.S.A.