Exeter Advocate, 1901-11-21, Page 7,se-sseses
a e
riinou from His brow and see Where
was the laceration of the briers.
Cone closer, all heaven. Narrow
I the circle around Rio great heart, 0
Christ, the Savior! 0 Christ, the
man! 0 Christ, the God! KeeP
thy throne for ever, seated on the
circle of the earth, seated on the
circle of heaeen„
God Sems to Have e1eoted the Girole as
the Best Pigure.
A despatch from Washington says :
s -Rey. Dr. Tabnage pre tehed from
the following text : Isaiah xl, 22,
.It is be that sitteth upon the circle
of the earth."
While yet people thought that the
Avoeid was flat and thousands of
,years before they found out that it
...vas round Isaiah,in my text, inti-
mated the shape of it—God sitting
emon the eirele of the earth. The
most beautifal figure in ali geometry
• ••is the: circle. God made the universe
•Int a plan of the circle,
• There are in the nettle:Li world
tra.ight lfries, angies, paraUel
sgrams, diagonals, quadrangles, but
those evidently aro notGI' od's favor-
ites. Almost every where where you
find him georneirizing you find the
circle dominant, and if not the circle
Fen the cui've, which is a circle that
Sled young. if it had lived long
nrOugh it would have been a full
a periphery. ' An eclipse is a Mr -
die pressed only a little too hard at
• .he sides.
••Uhe history of the wovld goes in a
eircle. Why is it that tee shipping
• In our day is improesing so rapidly ?
A. scientific shipbeilder ,says it is be-
muse men are hnitating in soino re-
spects what the small wits deride, cannot dodge it. It rolls into your
, the old model of Noah's ark, riot as boom, and after it rolls in a word
• We see it in old time pictures, butes of an old hook rolls in after it, say-
Itereally was according to the no- ing, ."With what measure ye mete it
•-wont given. Great ships have we shall be measured to you again."
now, but where is the ehip on the Oh, I would like to see eda,u1, the
sea to -day that could outride a de- invalid missionary, at the moment
1 11 b
into the pyramids. If men short
lived an afford to work so slowly
as that, cainiot God in the building
of eteruities alloed to wait ?
What though God should take 10,-
000 years to draw a cirole ? Shall
we take our little watch which we
lurve to wind up every night lest t
run down ant hold it up beside the
clock of eternal ages ? If, accordine merry tongue that often got, hee
Late Dowager Empress of Ger-
ina,ny as a Girl.
The late Dowager Empress of Ger-
mane' was 'for, so limey 'years ,a pro-
m:Mont figure in the world's ,gallery
of unhappy .women that it is not,
easyto think of her as a little,
laughing, golden -haired girl, With a
to the Bible, a thoueand Years . are to trouble Nvith. her 'august 'Mother,
in God's sight as one day, then, ac-
cording ,to that calculation the (i,-
000 years of the world's existence
ha e been only to God as from
But what' is true Of the cid is
just as true of the had. You utter
a slander against your ueighbor. It
has gone 'forth from your teeth. :You
have done ,the man all the 'mischief
you .can, You rejoice, to see him,
wince. You Say, "Didn't I give it to
3, 17, margin), They say, "Wilesh
is the promis,e of Hie coining ?" All
things continue as they were. De-
eause they will not believe God they
are willingly ignorant of what has
becie and what will be (11, Peter hi.
3-7), Tlieee me not drunken with
wine, but with their own pride and
eelf-conceit and unbelief.
20, 21. Wise and prudent in their
own eyes, not knowiog that, they are
deceived by the wicked ' (me, they,
line Eve, thiels that to be good
whish God has said they must not
eat, and they count it desirable.
These are the people from whom our
ord said that the things are hidden
1ff-title xi. 25). It is written in
Is"rov. xxvi, "Seest thou a man
Neese - in his own conceit, tnere is
more hope of a fool than of him."
J he word of God can be received
mike by the meek, the teachable
(Jae. 1, 21 ; Zech. iv, 13, 14).
Wine and stroog drink
muddle men's, brains and blnr their
vision and wake up all the evil in
them and make 1,110111 to care only
for their own present reWard, 110
ni-ttIr who xnay suffer thereby.
Children regard not parents nor Pere
er ts their children. The husband.
tings As these nteetie s are
101110N TOWN 3 GANADA ned- g.
a two o'clock in the afteinoon
and those pareicipating are sapposed
BUT THEY DO NoT rBAcrIcE to •have fasted Sillee the previous
POLYGA.MY. midnight, they kete often in an excite'
and oy.erwrolight, condition. ,Sonte,.
'Still .the, People 13elieVo tliS little time ago, at olle, of .these
'Teachings Nevertheless—Good eleepeleINGS.,
Settlers, . ,
. Cartleto,n, a young Morzliou „got,' ,
A. ew • towfl et.ddly grosving 1,4) to recite leer experiencee, , She
n 11
to 'exiStence 'bristle riSh irrigation was in a Very oyerwroaght condition!
lands of southern Alberta, says the and stood for a minute or so gasping
Calgary lIerald. It is aamed Ray.. for the utterance that would not
01000, in honor .of neve son of Jeese come. ' glen all at Once' she begani
Knight, a rich Mormon capitalist, to speak. freely in an utterly un -
who has taken,great interest in the known tongue, gesticulating freely:
Mormon settlemonts of southern Al- She continued like, this fel" ill/01,1 L
berta. This tow is to be 1 e t quarter 01 an horn' then subsided
of a beet growing district. into he" scat the pictore of mental
A few years ago, a mimber of the and physical exhaustion. }
Mormon settlers in'Alberta. sowed Then lin rose the' add Morelon
soine sugar beets wet had them sent hiehop, as 11 nothing' out of the way
at -Vey • to, Utah for the puspose of had haPPened, and said: -The Lord
testing them. They were foued to has given our sister the gift 01. 1,1111-
Quee0 Victoria; yet that is the pie- contain a eemarkab (Luau t i ty of the g u es, Who is there we o 011/I ill tor-
ture of her which Vanity Pair pre- ,
li he late Queen, who brought up
saccharine esselit,iaI for sugar Mak- i)rete" Several 3)eople juinped
ing purposes, in some cases the -Y. at once, but an elderly woman, the
Were fourid to contain fifty per ceilt. wif('.. of e dignitary Of the eliurch,,
her children as wisely as any niotlier mere of this matter than the beets caught the eye of tlie bislion drst,1
things that they should treet all Mr. • 1Cnight, ,who makes his head- l ' 'is 1- i ti ' t t1 l' g ge ' st
Minnesota,. and lie motioned her to proceed. She
grown in the State of
heerd vete 2 tne e `-se • ,n , . I it. '
npleecZ eal;s1c10tft(Itilllies'isweuisicell'11°111dieiNnybitejil• res-
iihe'n' s hil,•?t 01 his , wife, 110r 1 illuititeirteesiiis•laiit tShaeltl'ak°Cifiu13;:iliter tkests being interpreted, it was a inessape
00 an a , , . /1 1 11 , ',l 113C, am an.,
e . eta, of lief husband. . . matter,of the Lord to bereaved patents svlie..,
elle lietle princess LoYal frequently enteim,„ 1.01, or. .1„ vi. , t_i . all that could be desired. Mr. ilad l'eeentlY lest their children.
s s ien °net us .., . , , , ., , .i. 1 " d
ia nee Were instituted, and te results were his or her correct title. •All is lost sight of
ea,, it lois obtained control. Rut leingne lies accolciug y purchase a wasa. pel ee cps.
After this there .1 e, , '
brole this rule, 11er inost Serie 1113 of- ' : `'
large tract of land in the, vicinity of deb,llileilei caolfitinsupsecalkiillxi'itlt'il aian'i'gileillegillITilde.';',,
. .
in all ..Ensel end, insisteti among other
•him!" That .word 'has gone Out, h'r15e 1°11)4 determirtatt°11' 15h1c11
1 1. f ' e cl elsece
thr re re ma ny who never touch
willoLe, anreall,erblasted doy° ueortLyny. hIrc3)..tilil . t h iBnakt i It 1 it,l'irsreiliaetti'si..,tQLtillielueein111:oh:031silldiin3;rlagniitill-l.00(x13'v..:111:1..iel; ii,l; riy; on :.Yi.. 1.1.1111:0e-yyi r Icilaoan3y1.1-110ii ,te tiiilhiltieleils e0d1Saea1111fidih.,:hhhtnoewbs•su L s‘tiolhiortam.et,
that slanderous word, on its poison- , _ atrong drink yet are so drunken with
10 amour) 0 puma tin 1 se ...
am watching that svord, ana t see it
tics 'futile, had finally threatened to 0
bean:mine. to curve and it curves ne else may add to their eomfort.
e . . '• . • eend the Princess Royal to bed at
around and it, is aiming at your 04 9e A S11(1(1011 end shA,.11 coine to
the next celense, no matter at what n ', dt'' - ' ' ' ' o
heart. You had better dodge it, you . . . • , . all their glory, and they shall find
' 13 Ole in tile day- it o
should °"" themselves in , trouble from which
Walking with her mother one morn -
there is no deliverance.''hecause they
ing along the corridor in the palace,
have cast away' the law of the Lord
the little. Victoria met the physician.
of Hosts, and despised the, word of
' 'G ood :morning, Brown ! "
sile the Holy One of Israel.'" According
eried, saucily. Looking up, she met
to chapter viii, 20, margin and ' RS
the sorrowful and displeased .eyes of ..T.,
\ tllere IS 110 morning for such
her mother, and immediately added,
people --that is the morning of joy
luge in which the h,eave 1 and .the w bus uence conies to fullor
eityth were Wrecked, landing, all the 1—his infinenee rolling out, through
passengers in safety, teeo of -each Antioch, through Cyprus, throogh
ekind of hying createires, hundreds of Lystra, thrmigh Corinth, through
thousands of species ?: . Athens, through Asia, .through .
Poinology Will go Oe. With it ache .ropee -through America through .the
ieveniente until alter many centuries ' first 'Century, ,through five , centueies,
the world will have plums and pears .thiough twenty centuries, through.
equal to the Paiadisaical. earth, theotigh heaven, and at last
will grow for centuries, and itfter
the wave of influence, having made
full circuit, strikes his soul. Oh,
then would like LO See him! No
• the Downings and elitchells of the one. can tell the wide sweep of the
world have done their best in the cirele of Paul's influence save the
far future -the art of gardening. will one svho is seated on the circle of
come up to the arborescenco of the the earth.
-veer 1. If the makers of colored „I should not like to see the coma
ghsss go on improving, they may in tenance of Voltaire when his
some centuries be able to make some-. mice comes to full orb. When' the
-thing equal to the east whitlow of fatal hemovrhage seized him .at
Yorkminster, which was built in the eighty-three years el, age, his innu_
year 1290. We are six centuries be- ence 'did not cease. The most, bril-
hind those artists. But the world name, man 01 his century,he had
must keep on toiling until it shall used all his faculties for assaueting
make the complete circuit and come Christianity, his bad infinence wid-
up to the .51;111 of those very Men. ening through France, •widening out
lf the world continues to improve through; Germany, widening a.11
in masonry, we shall have after through Europe, widening through
awhile, perhaPs after the ,advance of america, widening ,through the 123
centuries, mortar equal to that Which years that have gone since he "died,
I saw in the wall of 10 eeliumed „demi ng through earth, widenino,
English city built in the time of the through the great future. entil itt
Ronians 1,600 years ago, that 'nor-, last the accumulated influence of his
tar .to-daY as good as the day in baleful tea.ching,s• and dissolute life
:which it was made, having outlasted will beat against his ,ilismoved, spir-
the blick and the stone. say, af- it, and at `that moment it ,evin be
ter hundreds of Years masonry enough to make the black hair of
advance to, that pohit. • eternal darkness
Well, now, what is true in the ma- I
terial universe is true in God's moral
goireillitnent and spiritual arrange- No one can tell how that bad man's
went. That is the meaning of Eze- influence girdled the earth save the
dei' wheel. All commentators agree one who is seated on the circle of
ill saying that the Wheel means God's the earth --the Lord Almighty.
proVidencea .But a wheel is Of no * "Well, now," say some, "this, in
Iise unless it turns, and if it turns it sonic respects, is 0 very glad theory
.tarns around, and if it (mime around afed in others a very sad olio We
It moves in a. circle. What then'? Are would like to have the good NVO
,Ne parts of a great iron machine • have done come back to us, but the
whirled around and arcanid whether thought that all the sins we have
We will or not, the victims of inexor- ,e.er committed will .come back to
able fate ? No I So far from that us fills us with affright." My bee-
t shall show 'you that we ourselves ther, I have to tell you G,od can
etart the circle of good or bad ac- break that circle and will do so at
Lions and that it will surely cOme your call. I can bring- twenty pas-
eround again to us unless by divine sages of scripture to prove that
latervention it is hind,eredd: Those when God, for Christ's sake, for -
had or good actions may make the ,gives a man the sins of his 'past
iircuet of 'many years, but come life never come back. The wheel
back to us they,will as. certainly as may roll on and on, but you take
that God, sits on the •, circle of the your position behind the, cross, and
earth. " ' the wheel strikes the cross and is
Jezebel, the worst woman of :the, shattered(forever. The sins .rly off
Bible -- Shakespeare copying 'his from the circle _and fall at right
"Lady Macbeth" from ,her, picture— angles with coneplete Foid
slew Naboth because ebe wanted 'his given! Forgiven/ The meanest,
vineyard. While the -dogs were eat- thing a man can do is after some
Ing the bode' Naboth -the difficulty has been settled to bring it -
prophet put down his compose and up 'again, and God will not do any -
'Marked a circle from these dogs clear thing like that. God's memory is
arciund to the ,dogs that should eat mighty 'enough to hold all the events
the -body of Jezebel. ' of the ages, :but there is' 011e thing
And gooctiniglit, Brown, for
ing to bed 1" '
'risen, with a courtesy
Queen mid the barest nod
physician, the Princess Royal
off to the nursery: As soon
insidewas • -
I'm go -
to the
to the
1 -Tis coming, of the Ringdoin, will
mean nothing to tliem (Ps. xlix, 14;
xxe, ; cxxx, 6), foi• the.y will have
the big irrigation canal, and is al- w
lowiog settlers to take up holdings dignitarY fr°111 utah arrived
property undev certain Cardston and Put a stop to it.
, , , ,
NO'LltelJOR CAN BE SOLD. , One of the most conspicuous'figure,
among the Morinons iti All)erta. is)
cisejoicO)01fnciiit'el ctiiotori; lee:tiiigels:ele'otwhclail:tel,rile•deiN,Isife)triyo°nflysisceinagaitril:11:011Stteleileltits„ \Graels:d• C av,d(111,0 tihse roz11,11 C oh ia rt1 ee (1)01.1e,1.1i::
estab_ alma ,Claurch in Canada. This lady.
lislement should ever be operat.ecl on is a daughter of Brigham Young,. the,
the land. A Site, llaS already been famous. .11,okilion leader. She, is a
located for a refinery, and Plans woman of great natural shrewdness,
drawu, thid within the,iiext, month arid being possessed of great force of
bkilditig operations will be eons- character, exerts a great influence,
10Aenrie0fix.ght is ,• upon the whole community.
a very (levout Mor- is'
inen and is very Popular. With the •
'people of that religion settled in QUITS !
danced °Y11Y the blackness °f darlciless for- Clanadit. The Alormons have al- A wealthy foreignei, mtent upon a
as she ever. We do not Iceow tenet tlie eich isdaYs been good settlers, being pros day's outing; waleted -to hire a. deal-
.tn rntn1 -Luke ever given to ,gressive and an -to date in agriera... er's best ,horse and traP, but not
a defiant toss of Iser golden, cui•ly
head :
'lease, sonaebody, put me to bed.
I've •been dis'pectful to Brown
NOV. 24.
Text of the Lesson, Isa. v., 8-30.
Golden Text Isa.v 22
Since the serpent persuaded
to believe that he was wiser
God the majority of people
walked in that way—that is, In
1. , ' th •r own wa
sti•oeg drink, hue 'he was drunken
with his own' thoughts and posses -
820118, and ho. died and loan( himself
in ternient. ,
26, 80., This is a. look onward et,o
-the gatheeing of all 'nations that Ile
Southern Alberta contiguous to the
ar kaowing us man le ( ea er
at trusting them ill his hands. De-
tural operations. The whole
boundary line is given over to them, tennified to have his drive, the
and they have transformed a wild gentleman, proposed paying for the
into a perfect garden. ' All horse and the. vehicle, promising to'
, _ ,•,,
sorts of crops grow well, and during se' "grit 'a" a '
then )tide the nations arid deliver 'mons have been in when he retenned. To that the other e.
may by them humiliate Israel and !the fourteen years which the. Ator-
Israel and establish His kingdoin On has not been one single crop failure, the country there saw no ob-Jection, so his customer s
wants were supplied, and off 110
Soel 11 you asa a merino, the reason of went. He was bac.k in time at, t11@
Stcailes,' his money reimbursed, and
the earth. Compare carefully
iii, 1, 2, 15-17e Zephe iii, 8-20 ; his success he will tell you it is the
also Ise,. is-, 2-6 ; vi, 3, margin ; reward of the good behavior oi the lie turned to go.
eel. eiii, 9-1, 2. "The Lord of IToets , community. They believe that Pro -1
hath purposed it to stain the pride I
,vidence rewards them according to ''you 'have forgotten to pay for the
-Hold on I'' exelaimed the dealer,
of 011 glovy and to bring into con- ' their deserts. - !hire."
ele doaa ss -as the cool r( -
earth" Isa. xxiii, 9). kingdom to, Mormons are polygamists, the ply, "there wns 3io hiring 'in the
case. I have been driving 'my (31511
will come, but the unrighteous shall don't practice polygamy in Canada..
in the States and one in Canada
mei, have a wire horse and trap till day."
Ancl he left the dealer 50 108
Dot. see it. No druekard nor sinner Moet of .the older
• d 1 • Pections
ionnt ie. ..
A. peculiar incident occurred recent- a -Eger DEDs AEE DewpneStersep
ly which shows the desire of the
Darwin, found in the earth adhering,
to the feet of a Plover three differ-
ent kinds of seeds. 111 the mud stick -1
ing to the feet of (hicks and geese
shot in England he detected tilt
seeds of plants peculiar to the VieS
toria Nyanza, in central Africa. Se
the soil clinging to tile feet of a
Texas steer the eeeds of five difieen
ent kinds of weeds and grasses EOM,
mon in Texas were discovered in Nest
York by the aid of a microscope.
tempt all the honorable of the Although a great many of the Alber- •
,, man. of, :any other kind, 'con-1;111meg an sin
than end dying .in the same, .caneever- 111 -
have herlt the kingdom, but 'every drank -
their ard,'Ear, murderer, or ordinary sin-
- ner eidio with e tree penitence turns
• f MOrM011S to live within the letter of
way of selfishness, self -Seeking; self- from his sin to the only savior, o
riehteousness, self -glorification and sinners, the Lord ..TOSUR Christ, shall the law. .A, prominent resident of
renunciation -- of God. It is not in nowise he east out, but' shall be Cardsten, the little Mormon metrop-
strange that the werld, lying -in th.,0 washed,-balictified, Justified; by "the li olis here, had brought one wife with
sviceed one (1. John v, 19, R.v.), prehioue blood -of Christ' cind-by that Odin from Iltali, while wife nurriteer
should do ' this, but it does scorn greatest sacrifice ever heard of in the 'two remained In the States. With
strange that the professind people ef univeese; made fit 'for tile presence him in Canada was his little son, the
God, who are called, in this, chapter of
. God and made a joint heir :with ehild of his absent wife. The little
His vineyard and elie people (verses Chhrist. 1.f.sidee,self (John vi, 37 ; S. boy became very ill, and his mother
4, 7, 13, 25,); should so dishonor "r• VI, li---LL ; They. v, 9, 10), !s,.as ese,ne for.. The asame 1..rain that
God. Those who would find only a brought her', into Canada carried
so called temperance lesson ill this away the father, as he would not re-
main ill the country with both his
chapter are something like those who
flnd nothing in all the Bible but how wives. The child recovered and his
to be sa.ved. The book is called
""The a"-ielon Of" Isaiah concerning Ju -
For eorery 110 civilians, 380 sol-
diers commit suicide in Great Brit -
'A record pine log, 94 feet long, 19
inches square and perfectly straight,
was recently landed at Leith. ,
ltaly and Spain have fewer houses
in proportion •to population than
any other country. The Argentine
Republic has most.
Since 1810 liluropean towns have
increased 470 per cent. in popula- inclined to kick a.guinst re,strmtions in, both are always pomeed alike.
tion, while in the country districts, imposed by the churn, hut thee, us -
mother took him back to Utah with
her. This Mormon is -very- much at-
tached to both his wives, and regu-
dah and Jerusalem'' (chapter i, I), laxly visits wife number two in the
and therefore the 111'sL application of S'tates for a' period each year. ."'
its words must be to them. The Although the Morn -long don't prac-
sinennit of the whole book is seen tice polygamy in' Canada, there ie no
in such passages as verse 16 of our doubt that they still believe in it,
lesson, charter ii, 11, ,1 7, and simi- ond they will defend it vigorously in
lay pa.ssages, "The Lord alone shall argument. ,They are very reloelous,
be exalted." and the old men aise especialry de -
1 -7. This r,ossage shows His SPee VOLlt. The younger ones are at times
cialtcare of Israel and how instead
of good fruit to His glory they gave
Him only wild grapes and unright-
°oneness instead ' of righteousness.
The same story of base ingratitude
is set forth in our Lord'e parable of
tlie wicked husbandman in Matti).
xxi, 33-16.
840. That which is here ,set forth
As joining house eo house and _field
to :Feld that they may be hi some
eeese the only people on earth is
very 'manifest. to -day in the so-callecl
"trusts" which have become so 010,1
11131' 11. in these last cheys. 'It svonld
Horses always point one ,ear ions
ward when they sleep. Exactly why'.
this, is clone no human , being can
tell, but the probability is that else:
practice is a, eelic of the time when
they were wild andnobliged to ee
on their guard el -en when asleep.'
Cattle, on the other hand, are ape,
panently indifferent as to the posee
tion of their ell NV111 1(3 sleeping, bat
310 matter what position they era
Britain digs canals *More cheaply Itage to stand in well with their cc- SUITI:"IARINE C
Increase has been but 70 per ,cent. • iially' find that it is to their advan- AtileTe REPAIRS.
titan other conntries. The average ,clesiastic.al leaders. One SunclaY in The subinarine eables of the work!,
cost of English canals being £9,600 ' each . month they have testinaony ar,e l'ePt 111 rel)alr by 37 steam°r9'
and £1 5;500 in Canada. -'— --- equipped fov the work.
e. mile, aoainst it:1.0,000 in Prance ' - '
Potatoes have ceased to be the
principal, root crop of .Ireland, •if
they are to be compared with
turnips by weight or yield—last year,
Lor example, only about 1,510,000
tons, ago ins t 1,126,000 tons of
turnips. .
The tusks of Congo elephants are
THE mum3EREssh I that is sure to slip Ilis meindry, Ore if pore who hear 11101110e as 1, rule very lai,ge weigh 0r, an
thing Fe is sure. to forget, and that of Christ were mixed up tmd
.".13,11possiblel" the people saide``Tilat, is pardoned.' transgression. Ilow do things,. The Lord of hostshict4,11-1.E,t tlicrEld av,e'rage 60 pounds. Some of thein
will never happen." W110 itS that . ,
aie of extraordinary size. At the
being dung out of the Palace win- , U•143117 it? I Will pt ove 3t. hear see,., an, and leis complaint in
flow ? Jezebel. A feW hours after SMS alid their InICItiltieS Will I re- I „0. een1 the sem°. 'Phe Te-
meMber no more." , medy is in match. 33,
' they came arouncln hoping to bury
her. They find only the palms of Put' do not make the mistake of 11-12.- Pror'n morning Until night
LIle hands and the skull. The dogs thinking that this doctrine ,of the it is naught hut seifein7lulgence, and
that devoured Jezebel and thc dogs circle • stops with this life. It rolls
111111 devoured Naboth. Oh, what a on through heaven. You might
Swift, what an awful circuit ! quote in opposition to me what St.
But it is soreethnes the cese that John says about the city of heaven.
thi5 circle sweeps through a century Fre saYs it 'Tali four square."
133'through reeny centuries. The That does seem to militate against
World started with a theocracy for this idea of a circle. Dot do you,
ove,rnment—that is, God was the not know there is many a square
pr6sident and emperor of the world. house that has a family circle fae-
Veople got 'tired ofa theocracy. They ing each other and hi a circle moo -
“We don't want God directly mg, and I can prove that this is so
leterfering with the affairs of the 1 1N'11,EGAR1) '10 IlleAVEN,
' vorld, Give us 13. 11101131'eb}1 '' The • •
' ' • ' St• Johll saYs, "I heard the voice of
eorld had a monarchy. From a mon-'
many angels roiniel about the throne
archy it is going to have a limited
- monarchy, After awhile '
the limited `'” ° 1lLaStS al° the aide' ' And
g, C ea,ys, , SCL53151 011101 313011,
IllOnal'ell.)1 will be given up and the s',10 ' en° 1.°11r and twenty „seats."
rcPublicall 1orn1 of government will "„Ill'u
And again lie says, "There was 21
• be everywhere (Imminent end l'eC,O,t.,1.- l'ainbow rouint about the throne."
eized. Then the svorld will get tired r,
bf the yepublican f Ono 0 f „over, Ulm Usvo former imply a circle. the
went, and .it Will have an anarch\r, ,,,, ci licl a circle 0,r 0 senil„-Girel,e•
millet) is no government at all. And ' 'rl' seats faculg cacl' utl'er' tue
a ,eitig each other. I leaven 1111 a01-
thee nations, ending mit , that angels facing 00 011 other, -the men
gevelming wan, cry out ag,atn phitheatiei oi 01013'.Circuniferee
31311 iS 1101 capable, of righteously
f patriarch ' and propllet and,
for theocracy and say, "Let God 6
(0 1110 Paoli anci ecnictaet _we anddirs ‘,...,., apostle. ' Circumference 'of Scotch
'l Covenanters and lehoban legion and
the. world.'' 'Every step---,menarchy, ,L
limited monarchy, rePubliecinism, an- f).-, Ibi,gc'ss• Circ"itlicre_uCc () , Olt
arelly--only dijlerent steps 1)etween g.°"a ' 0r. all. a,ges. ' 136'ciPherY 61.
splendor , uhimagined anel incleecrite
1,110 Jirst theocracy colcl .the last thee- „,,
,t, Icy or segments' of the great er
i- "`'''°' - A c'ir'cle! A 1 rele!
n10,01 ill 0 earth on which 6 0 d si co . I Du t every ci r cu mrercu co 'Must have
43nt -110 not become impatient, ce"ntre, and whatle the centre of
this heavenly circumference? Christ,
cause you cannot see i,lie Cer-se Of
eveute akd therefore . conchlde tliat„ iir,ls alil, th,e, gi°l•Y'' . IP' all th" Pra'sl'r,
(lOd's g'ovacriment is goil* to break ,neis ne., ine proWne., All heavee
( ossn. .. ie y , , ,,
• , • ti wrocitheti iri1,0 a get.ilaial round alicitit
.chapter xxviii, 7, it is written
that, the. priest and the prophet,
those who should be wholly for man
before God and for God before man,
have erred throngh strong drink and
are swallowed up of wino. Our vers-
es say that they regard uot the work
of the Lord, neither consider the op-
eration of hands. The same
statement is found -in Ps. xxviii, 5,
and ,the result, stated "He shall des-
troy theni and not build them 111).''
11 the adverary. can only turn men
from the word of Gott and time nein
God Himself, be has accomplished
much in his line.
1.3-17. A worse bondage than that'
of Egypt and a worse famine than
that which affects only the body
comes opon' them, "not a famine
bread nor a thirst foe water'. but of
heaving the words of the Lord "
(Amos 11., tevelloo hu -
initiate 011 must come; for the Lord
of hosts shall be exalted in jedg-
meld, and the 'Holy God, be sanctifi-
ed in righteousness (verse 16, mar-
p,in). The kingdom of God shall
come. and all 1011110137 shall be put
away (Dan. ix, 24) ,no only in 'Is-
rael, 'but ht 011 tile NV 011 d
are all ,who have a fosetaete int the
kingdom in th(er hearts and Lives
S, 1.9 • 111iquity takeS e,njoyod
Brussels exhibition a pair of tusks
were on Show each of which weighed
156 pounds.
With the $125,000 demanded by
the Turldsh brigands for the release
of Miss Stone, the 'American • mis-
sionary, it le interesting to compare
the prices. which. earlier banditti
have set on the heads of their cap- ,
tives. The record belongs to the
Spanish brigends who captured eir. I
Arthur a seldi 11 ,J;1143.,Sie111.3„ 1110-
1:ena in TheY'deinanded $200,-
000, though they accepted $L30,000
when they ' found that they could
get no more. Ilihen Colonel Syuge
and 51r. and.11trs. Saler were captUr-
ed by Greek brigands the former was
ransomed for $55,000 and the latter
for $70,000, the money being ad-
vanced by, the Dritisll Government.
Anothqr 01 31110 C 30 i 1,11 af, of Lord
aniptief,aely :111,1111.easter, 'Ilerbert,
vyner: and 'Air. and Mrs. .1..3 oyd,
who were taken seithin o dozen miles
of .A.thens in 1870. . The' brigands
first demanded $250,000, but after-
wards offered to take el 25,000, wed
a free perdon. When even the reduce
ed 011100111 NV3 S net for 1,11 coming they
murdered the mea, though they let
the svoinee oo,
strong hold upon. some elisel. they ace weied Kate, Inet you go 11 mutt citt,_
tualiY moc11 00(1 and dare 111111 • tanco alone ?" Deogliter--'0h, yes,
00 Ills' nonost ',against them- - Like mainrna'or, ouite alone !" '.13eaetly
115 tile nyrainiiit; it tool( 'lira, lake on the imdeliel Eanual tile thee sae' Wind, Brotliee—'`Then 11030 is it, ;reit, you,
r , , te r
000 111011 0 years to. drag great. 110131 Ills foot 0110 1)011Old ille scar of doth (0(1 lillovc '1 What C1111 tile Al- took: ail un.brella out anti brought,
• t them ?" Top walking stick ?",
ache ri•olli tile quarry .and Put, it, tile sP11'10. t1,10 ecd'ollet of do- 'mighty do o, 1,0 e a
c.) '-1D1 efe!)11
'littve coroine-ceut party
fodit.dliey annteel, "'
s sii:10,01;1;ligitn,l11,11:111illillotii_tc(e.,0,)&litneitIN,,:,1,iiii.si,37)1tilt,ciinvi..;i:;5;(ifIfi,etliigt:6,..iitl,s:, with his le re ri s 37)1)
out, der Tiolittosliry do. (i-ktyr,;" 1110.3<e. (ta, me. 01' 111111 I