Exeter Advocate, 1901-11-14, Page 3TALE YOUNII GIRLS
The Story of a Young Girl Who
Stiffered from Headaches, Dizzi-
ness and Fainting. Spells -Her
Health Became so Bad Tnat• She
Was Forced to Give up Sellool-
Miss Catherine McLellan is a
e young lady Well known in.Charlotte-
town, P.E.I., and greatly esteemed
, -
among her acquaintances. Like so
many other young people throughout
the land, Miss McLellan fell a vic-
tim to anaemia or poorness of
blood, and cdthougn several medi-
cines were tried, she found nothing
to help her inti1 she began using
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
; People. MiSF1 Mel.,eilati tells the
story of her illness as follows :--"I
am, now eighteen years of age, and
for a considerable tinie suffered much
from anaemia. My blood had al-
most turned to water, and I was
very weak and pale ; in fact could
not undergo the least exertion. My
appetite failed no ; I suffered from
headaches ; if I stopped I Would be-
corne dizzy, and frequently 1 suffered
from fainting spells. I tried several
kinds of medicine and doetors proe
scribed for me, but instead of get-
ting better I was gradually grow-
ing weaker, and eventually had to
discontinue going to school. About
, 'this time I read the testimonial of
a girl whose condition was similar
, to mine, who -had been cured by Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. I then decided
to try these pills and have every
-a‘' reason to be gratified that I did so,
441.as they have conipletely restored 'my
health., Every one of the symptoms
that had made my life So miserable
have disappeared, and 1 ant now en-
joying as good health as any girl of
my age could wish, and I shall al-
ways have a good word to say for
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills."
Miss McLellau 'further' stated that
While she was not desirous of public -
city in matters of this kind, she
nevertheless felt that her 'experience,
if ' known might be the means of
bringing health to some ,ther suf-
ferer, - and it is this very praisewor-
thy motive that has induced her to
give the above statement for Publi-
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make rich,
red blood, and give tone to the
nerves. It is because of this that
they bring bright eyes, rosy cheeks
and light footsteps to givie who
have been weary, pale and listless
ancl had begun to feel that life was
a burden. Pale and anaemic girls
everywhere should give these pills
a fair trial, as they e re eertain to
restore health and strength. See
that the full name "Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People," is on
the wrapper around, every box. Sold
by all dealers or sent postpaid at
50c. a box, or six boxes for 52.50
by addressing the Dr. Williams Med-
icine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Edward VII.'s Reign Will be, a
Brilliant One.
Ring Edward .VII. 's love of pomp
and the circumstances of royalty, up-
on which London tradesmen confi-
dently count for profitable seasons so
Soon as the season of official mourn-
ing for the late Queen Victoria ter-
minates, two months from now, has
already been well indicated. Ever
since the proclamation of the King's
accession at Westininster Abbey and
in spite of the fact that the Court is
still in mourning, the subjects of
Edward VII. have witnessed the out -
Ward sign of the existence of a royal
court to Which they had been strang-
ers for' many- years. The arrivals
and departures of King Edward and
Queen Alexandra are now always
marked in the capital with a con-
siderable amount of that spectacular
ceremonial so dear to Londoners.
Military guards of honor in full ,dress
uniform, equerries in attendance;
splendid carriages drawn by the
magnificent bays for which the royal
stables are so famous, have been
constantly 'in evidence.
The State and Court ofticiaIS-,‘ Who
in the late years of Queen Victoria's
reign enjoyed a practical smecure,
hare now to be on the qui \rive. On
tlic occasion of the Ring's last visit
but one to London a telegram ar-
rived early in the morning command-
ing the attendance of two- officials
Wi thin an hour of the Ring's arrival.
They had been accustomed to lengthy
, notice whenever Queen Victoria made
"'onci of her rare, visits to her capital
and had not realized the possibility
of being called to , duty at a mo-
• efont's notice. With this feeling they
Mt that they could safely -be out of
reath, but Ring Edward, in over-
looking. their fault gave it to be
clearly understood that t' it must not
happen again.
In keeping with this revival of re-
gal -state are the alterations and brie
provenientS which have already been
carried out or are n OW proceeding
at Windsor Castle and Buckingham
palace. Electric light systems have
been installed in both residences.
The state apartments are being re-
furnished and re -decorated; elevators
and other modern conveniences arc
in progress of installation. At
Buckingham Palace also the grounds'
are being extensively altered. Lawn
tennis and cricket spaces will he
laid down.
• The oilier club to Ring Edward's
giving ins subjects more frequent op-
portunities of 'publicly demonstrating
their appreciation is the continued
anxiety of the police for his eafetea
,,When the King and Queen arrived in
London from Scotland a strietly lim-
ited number of reporters were al-
lowed on the station platice-m, which
was 0t1'ia/.1er barred aud guarded
againet any member of the general
public. To be ia-lieitted one had to
be supplied With special' pa,sSee, let-
ters of credeece and prep fs of identi-
ty, which were COT !it dly examined by
the police. All ices precautions
Were unheard of until recently.11
is now known that the whole line
from Scotland to London was pa-
trolled by men each within the hear -
leg of his neighbor, .
•Seeds Sown 133r Means of Two Old
Cannon. •
Near Blair Castle stands a high,
rooky Craig named Craigiebarns,
Which, says the Loedon Daily Mail,
for a long time looked grim • and
bare in the midst of beauty, and its
owner thought how much prettier it
would look if only trees., shrubs,
etc., could be planted in its nooks
and crannies. It was considered int-
possihle for anyone to scale its steep
and dangerous aeelivities and DO
other , way was thougnt of to -get
seed sown.
One day Alexander Nasmuth, fath-
er of the celebrated engineer, paid a
visit to the grounds. The crag was
pointed out to him i,iid aftor
thought he hit upon a scheme, In
passing the castle lie noticed two old
cannon. He got a few small tin can-
nisters made to fit the bore of the
cannon and filled them with a vari-
ety of shrub, • tree and grass seeds.
The cannon wee loaded in the usual -
way and fired at the rock from all
The little cannistors on striking
the rock burst, scattering the seeds
in all directions. Many seeds were
lost, but many more fell into the
ledges or cracks, where there' was a
little moss or earth. These soon
showed signs of life, and in a few
y'ears graceful trees and pretty
elimbing plants, all sown by gun-
powder, were growing and flourish-
ing in, nearly every recess of the
formerly bare, gray crag, clothing it
with beauty.
At the present tune the formerly
unsightly rock is one of the chief
beauties of ,the estate, and the story
of its, transformation is always re-
lated to the visitor, and never fails
to arouse interest.
Mr. Woodby Hunter -I want to see
some hunting bags.
Dealer -Yes, sir; we have 'em in
all grades of leather • or canvas.
Now, here's something especially
fine -an alligator hunting bag made
of genuine alli-----
Mr. Woodby Hunter -0 bless me 1
I don't expect to hunt alligators at
In the paradise of the petroleum
industry, Texas, the young ladies of
Beaumont are organizing an oil com-
pany, in which every officer and di-
rector must be an unmarried woman.
The desire of the promoters to con-
fine their undertaking exclusively to
W001011 has one limit : they regret
-that they will have to let the drill-
ing contract to a man, as there is
not 0 single drilling outfit in the
field owned by a woman.
Their Hold Upon Life is Slight,
and Mothers Have a Great
Every baby -every little one -re-
quires constant care an(1 watchful-
ness, and when a trace of illness is
noticeable, the remedy Should be
promptly ,e.pplied. The little ones
are frail. Their hold upon life is
slight. The slightest symptom of
trouble should be met by the proper
corrective medicine. * Baby's Own
Tablets have a record surpassing all
other medicines for the cure of chil-
dren's ailments. They are purely
vegetable and guaranteed to contain
no opiate or poisonous drugs such
as form the base of most so-called
"soothing" medicines. For sour
stomach, colic, simple fever, consti-
pation, all bowel troubles, the irri-
tation accompanying the cutting of
teeth, sleeplessness and similar
symptoms, these • Tablets are with-
out an equal. They act directly
upon the organs which cause the
troubles, and gently but effectively
remove the cause and bring back the'
condition of perfect, hearty health.
Every mother who has usnd these
Tablets for her little ones praises
them, which is the best evidence of
their great worth. Mrs. David Duf-
field, Ponsonby, Ont., says: -"Baby's
Own Tablets are 0, wmiderful medi-
cine. I think they saved my baby's
life, and I gratefully recommend
them to all mothers.'? Ask your
druggist foe. Baby's Own Tablets. If
he • does not keep thclin, send 25
cents direct to us and we will for-
ward a box prepaid. We have a
valuable little booklet on the care
of ehildren and how to treat their
minor ailments, which we will send
free of charge -to any mother who
le, On.
asks for it. The47.2V:i.l.: lams Med-
icine Co., Brockvilt
Mr. SiOwinatch-'erohnnie, what do
you think you'll be when you're a.
man?" Johnnie-' 'Why, if you've
got any pluck, l'll be your brother-
in-law. '
Mos. Wrarsx,ow's Boomer:to Synur hae'been used by
Millions of mothers; for their children while teething.
Itsoothes the child, softens the gums. allays pale, cures
wind collo, regulates the stomach and bowels, and is the
best remedy for Diarrhoea, Twenty -tiro cents a bottle.
Bold by druggists throughout the world. 33e guee
France holds the European record
in foreign inhabitants, haying 864, -
Life was a doctor, and was pa-
tiently waiting for Ills ilrst, patient.
Thought he: "If 'the mountain will
riOt come to Alahomet, Mahomet
raust go to the mountain. And, as
patients will not seek me ant, J.
must needs seek 1110111 out,"
He strolled through the elicaP
niarket, and presently saw a man
buy, six nice u . euc mbers •
Here's a chancel" said he, and fol.,
loped hini home.
Patiently he waited for four long
hours, and about inidnight the front
door quickly opened and a Mall
dashed down the steps.
I -Ie seized bim by the ann., and
cried earnestly: --
"Do you want a doctor?" '
No!" " replied the man ugl ly-
ell'aCncled, series Of obNervatienS
on the height of CloutIS has lately
been careied out. Two 0bser1e31e
were placed at stations about rt, Mile
apart, and could communicate by
telephone, ' and thy simulf,aneously
measured the altitude of the same
point of the clouds under observa-
tion. The highest cirrus cloud was
at an altitude of :16,000 feet, and
MOM" with a velocity of 149 miles
an hour ; the lowest was 26,500 feet
high, and moired fifty-five 011105011105per
hour. The mean height, of cumulus
clouds was 55,600 feet in summer,
and the velocity was only about ten
miles per hour.
"But suppose eucli eaving was less
than $25 a month?" asked tile young
"Want naore cucunil , ro ", man artlessly,
Following Report of G. 11. Kent's Cure of Bright's
Disease By ID.ocld's Kidney Pills, An Ottawa Paper
- Calls Attention '1.o Another Remarkable Cure.
From the
A representative of the Citizen re-
cently learned of a remarkable cure
ol a well_ known resident of Ottawa
who has suffered for years with n,
terrible affliction. The well-known re-
sident is Mr. S. A. Cassidy, and the
affliction was stone in the kidneys:
The Citizen representative, called on
Mr. Cassidy to verify the reports of
lus recovery and found them to be
true. He is the proprietor of the
Bijou Hotel, 'Metcalfe Street.
He is known by almost everybody
and is 'liked as generally as he is
known. Ills hostelry is between the'
main entrance to Parliament Build-
ings and the principal thoroughfare,
of the city, and it is not to be won-
dered at that he has more than a
nodding acquaintance with the gen-
tlemen who hold the destiny of this
country in their hands.
When old residents of Ottawa are
in a reminiscent mood and talk of
the good old sporting days, they al-
ways associate the name of Sam
Cassidy, who took an active part in
sport 20 years ago. He was a fast
runner and jumper of local renown,
and took an active part in all lines
of sport. To -day he is forty years
old, and tips the scales at 250
The intimate friends of this robust
man have known that for the past
ten years he has been a sufferer from
O disease that baffled medical skill,
and that he has lingered between life
and death on many occasions since
he was first attacked. At the ini-
tial stage of the disease he was tak-
en with violent crimps in the left
side of his stomach, and the best
skilled physicians could afford him
very little relief. The attacks were
of about two weeks' duration, and
The capitalist paid up like a
Briton, and the secretary was 522.50
a month richer.
Dear Sirs, -I was for seven years
a sufferer from Bronchial trouble,
and would be so hoarse at times
that I cbuld scarcely speak above
Whisper. I got no relief from any-
thing till I tried your MINARD'S
I-10NEY BALSAM. Two bottles
gave relief and six bottles made a
complete cure. I would heartily re-
commend it to any one suffering
from throat or lung trouble.
Teddy -"I wish I„ hadn't licked
Jimmy Brown this morning." Main -
ma --"You see now how wrong it
was, don't you dear Teddy -''Yes
cauee I didn't know till noon that
he was going to give a party."
A lady writes : "I was enabled to remoee
the corns, root and branch, by the tiae of
Holloway's Corn Cure." Others who have
tried it have the same experience.
Out of 100 English men, 35 are
married, 61 unmarried, I widowed.
Ram tlimem cures Garai IR COWS.
• "I hear that Miss Woody is incon-
solable over the loss of poor little
''Yes, poor thing. Every
time it rains cats and dogs- she
rushes to the window to see if he is
among them."
steps the cough
and Ivorizs off the Cold.
Laxative 13ronio-Quinine 1'ablets cure a cola
In one day. No Lure. No Fay. Price 25 cents.
Landlady --I believe i11 letting cof-
fee boil for thirty minutes ; that'S
the only way to get the goothiess mit
of it ," N.CW Boarder (tasting his,
and leaving it) -"You succeeded ad-
mirably, ma'am," .
Don't take any chances at the outs.ti of your married life. Clive him
•,z- ;
• , ,
The Pawso4 Commjssion
We want- thousands of barrels
to stipply, our customers..
Ship yours to us and wo will get
you all they aro worth.
Limited, ± oronto,
Ottawa Citizen.
Nynex): lie left his bed he Was reduced
j in flesh and was almost a physical
wreck. Some years ago an eminent
physician diagnosed his disease as
"Stone in the Kidney," but even af-
ter the dirig,nosis the physicians were
unable to effect a permanent cure.
To -day he is a well man. He has
found a reinetly that has banished
the, disease -a remedy that has cured
where medical aid was ineffectaal.
The remedy is Dodd's Kidney Pills,
and Mr. Cassidy feels so elated over
his release from the excruciating suf-
fering that he has given the follow-
' e statcrnent over 11151 own signa-
ture to a well-known Ottawa news-
paper man.
Ottawa, Aug. 8, 1001.
Dear Sir, -1 want you to publish
for the benefit of others who are suf-
, feting as I have suffered for years
about how I was cured of Stone in
the Kidneys. My friends all know
that I have been a martyr to this
disease for years. They know that
besides consulting the best physi-
cia,ns in the city and trying every
kind of remedy I could think of, I
was unable to get better. Some Mistress (arrangieg for the 'din -
time ago a friend of mine told me ner)-"Didn't the grocer send the
macaroni ? ' Cook --"Yes, mum ;
but Oi sent it back. Every wan of
them stims was empty."
Millard's Liniment Cares Distemper.
Tooth 4!" owder 25'
Good for Bad Teeth
Not Bad for Good Teeth
Sozodont 256. Liquid end Powder 75c.
At all stores or by mail. Sample of the for the postage, 30.
& RUCKEI,., Montreal.
• WRONG AGAIN. T. N. 13- •349
Footinit-Who was that impudent
little brat who came into your room
and acted in such an ill-bred it -fanner
while I was calling on you, this
morning ?
Mr, Meekton-Er-why, to tell the
truth, that is our youngest son.
Deafness Uannot be curea
'by local applications, as they cannot reech the
,diseased portion of the ear. Th re JP only ono
way to cure deafness, and that s by constits.
tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an
Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube is in-.
flamed you have a rumbling sound er ismer
fact hearing, and when It 18 ent 'ply cl sed
deafness is the result, and unless the inf atm
neaten can be takon out and this tube restored
to its normal condition, hearing will be de.
stroyed forever; nine eases out of ten aro
caused by 04 tarrh, which is nothing but an In.
flamed condition of the mucous surface-.
We -will give One Ruadred Dollarsfor any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
not be oured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send
Lor eirculars,FIr.eje..0HENEy
CO., Toledo, 0:
Sold byDruggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Prince Asha, the world's smallest
horse, comes from Iceland, is 4, years
old, and 26a, inches high.
• They are a Powerful Nervines-Dyspep
sia causes derangement of the nervous ,
system, and nervous delrlity once engen- AGENTS, WE HAVE NO FAKE SAFATIY
pisvt 'kw.; S'EEN IT WHAT? LEEll
Priceless Recipes, 3000 secrete for 0;4
eine, Farm, Laboratory, Workshop, al
every departrneat of human endeavor, wit
full index to contents; 30 pates, betind
cloth. Sofia 25 cents for a copy, artfl Yon
think the book is not worth the money sen1
It hack and your money will be reltinti2e,
This is a gosd. elde•line for canvasses's,
li13.M Briggs, Methodist Beek Boom, Toronto)
Ontario. '‘
PANY Is selling stocks and debenture)
drawing good rates of interest and taking de,
posits; these opportunities for investment are
uoegualled ; reliable agents are wanted.,
Write to the Compamy's address, Toronto
v v as local or travelling agents, either el
whole or part time. Liberal terms on salary
or connnisnion, With expenses guo,rantec,(1,
0...nada's Greatest Nurseries, Toroate,
Dept. A.
T V demon rr laclies---not to canvas, isinj ,
to employ agents; position permanent ; 0600
per year arid expenso3; relio.ble firm ; basb
references; experienee unnecessary, M. .4.. -
O'KEEFE, address 480 Truth Offlee, Toronto.
TV our well known specialties We are
one of the oldest and most rellabi Ins in
Canada, Salary of commission. 4 petrel
territory. Outfit free. Pelhain Nu sery Co.,
Toronto, Out,
dered is difficult- to d
many testimonials as to the efficacy
ea a There are offers to make, but we can pat aLy 1,1ea.
Parmelee's. Vegetable Pills in treating
of est, industrious man or woman in the *ay re
this disorder, showing that they .eeee'; Write UR to -Hight. McDermid &Lozan, Plop ti
'earning *IGO between now and Christma
r tone to the digestivel
organsley t
D, Lyndon, Ont.
fail to produce good results. By giving'
restore equilibrium to the nerve centres'
that Dodd's Kidney pills would • cure
. -
'me. As a last resort 1 triecI.thein
and they have cured the. This is the:
,first'• year M a great many that .I
have not been confined to my bed
with the disease: 1 could not im-
agine more severe:suffering thanone
endures Who is afflicted with 'Stone
in the Kidney, and '1' feel. the greats,
est . gratitude to Dodd'e Kidney Pills,
for -they have cured • inc. AnYone
who:. has suffeeed need suffer no More.
S. A. CASSIDY, . •
Ottawa, • Canada: •
The Bank of England. pays £3.500'
in duties on every million Of their
notes extant.
Differences of Opinion regarding the
popular internal and exterual remedy,
Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011 -do not, so far
as known exist The testimon • is osi-
Clergennan--"My boy, do you know tive aud concurrent that the article re -
it's wicked to fish on the Sabbath ?"
Youngster-' 'It isn't fishin' ; I'm
teaching this 'ere WU= ter swim."
• S
Heves physical 'pain, cures lameness,
checks a cough, is an excellent remedy
for pains and rheumatic complaints, and
it has no nauseating or other unpleasant
effect when taken internally. •
ea • ,, ,• , •British married people have an
millaru Liniment Cures ifriputteria. average age of 4:2 years, and have
• been mai-ried 15 years.
Muggy- "I wonder if George knows -
my sister Jessie, has money ?" TO CURE A. COLD IN ONE DAY.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Al
Friend-' 'Has he. proposed ?" Muggy druggists refund, the money if it fails to cure.
,--"He • has." Frientl-'`Then he E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 250.
Horses, giraffes; ancl ostriches have
Sure Regulators. -Mandrake and dan- the largest eyes of land creatures,
delion are knowu to exert a powerful in- cuttlefish of sea -beasts.
fluence on the liver and kidneys, rester -
them to healthful action, inducing
regular flow of the secretions excl impart- of Bic
a Severe colds are easily cured by the use
kle's Ail ti-Constimptive Syrup, a
ing to the organs complete power to per- medicine of extraordinary penetrating and
form their functions. These valuable in- healing properties. It is acknowledged
aredients enter into tile composition of by those who have used it as being the
Parmelse's Vegetable Pill, and serve to nest medicine sold for coughs, colds,in
render them the agreeable and salutary Ram illation of the lungs, and all affections
medicine they are. There are few pille as of the throat and chest. Its agreeableness
effective as they in their action. • to the taste makes it a favourite with
ladies and children. .
Mr. Pullman (about to propose) -e• •• Uncle --"Well, • Fanny, aren't • you
"Miss iSanford, I ant going to say going to s kiss your •uncle ?" Fanny,
(aged seven) -"No, indeed." Uncle
"And why not, little darling .?".
Fanny -"Because there's your wife
looking on, •, and I• don't want to
make any trouble in the family." -
what I wanted to say an hour ago.
Can you not guess , 21-001 my eyes
what 11 is ?' ' Miss Sariford--"Do
you mean good -night ? You look
for us at home. We furnish yarn and
machine. Easy work. Geed pay. Send hums
for particulars. Standard Hose CO., Dept: 3,
DOTI't e Sullply you wtiS work
to be done at hoi
me. P 0.00 per
week essay earned knitting sox. We supply inaohine Mid '
material, and pay for work assent An. Write to -day. The
People's Knitting Syndicate, Limited, Toronto, Csupd a.
ONTO. Twelve Teachers, 'hoe equip-
ment, eighty typewriting maehines, medern
courses, thorough work. invites corre4.15-a11-
once from all interested parties. • Address
'W. D. Shaw, Principal.
1:7iARMERS' SONS WANTED -To take a
11 short, practical course on votefinary
work; three months' study during spare time
at home will qualify to pass an examination;
successful stile ents wi I be offered permanent
position at efil30k year in our various branches;
splendid opportunity for young men to secure
a thorough Veterinary Course and good posi-
tion; write at once for full particulars. Ad-
dress -Head Office, Veterinary Science Asso-
ciation, London. Ont.
"111y wife always takes the dickens
of a time making up her rairid what
to take and what to leave behind
when she ,goes away." "Oh, inine
doesn't ; she always, takes all lier
dresses and leaves me."
Hard and soft corns cannot withstaud
Holloway's Corn Cure ; it is effeatual
every tine. Get a bottle at once and be
11 a 1) PY.
January and October in the same
year always begin with the same
day of the week. The case is the
same witn April and July ; with
September and Deceraber ; and Feb-
ruary, March, and Novenaber.
Kinard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc,
Riitlandsldre lias only 12 mars
riages per 1,000 people a year. 'This
is England's lowest record.
10 ict IT
t, •
Me & 43E207 Wesnen with Back PallBay iVma-
tism, Nerve Weakness, indigesgien, Censguation,
Liver, Kidney or Bladder Treagbie,
My Electric Belt has restored health and strength to thousands of
nervous, debilitated, and pain -worn men and women. You also can
be cured if you will grasp the opportunity I offer. Read what the
cured say. Electricity, as furnished by my Belt, cures by giving
back to the weakened nerves, muscles and organs the vitality they
have lost, reducing inflammation, developing the full vigor of health
and removing the effects of overwork, exposure to weather, and long continued
. E
TO ihose who have trusted and been betrayed by seductive. promises ; to those who
have swallowed pailfuls of pills and liquid medicines without result except a damaged,
stomach and increased pain and weakness, and to those who have worn so-cailed
electric belts, which either burned and blistered the body or gave no electricity, I
offer a Positive cure by means of my Electric Belt. It gives a strorig:er current than any other,
guaranteed not to burn nor blister.
and is
1 am not giving Belts away. I am offering to cure first and be paid after you are cured. I have an
gle6tric Belt which DOES CURE and any honest person who will secure me can have my Belt and pay
me when cured. Can anything be fairer than that?
SPIACIAL NOTICE -I Tout -101M an old belt which has blistered you or gave no electricity, 1 will allow
you in exchange half the price of mine. •,
0A1..1.. TO-DAY-Constiltation and test FREE. i
FRES IRO0K-1f you can't call, write for my beautifully illustrated SO -page book amd letters from the
cured, Sent sealed, free. Address, enclosing this ad., t
Office Hours 9 a.m. to 8.30 pm. DR. M. AcLAUCI H LIN, ISO Yon z St., Tore ;Ito.
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