Exeter Advocate, 1901-9-19, Page 5THE
03,xtter Lbvoiatt
Ts published every Thursday *exiling ,
at the Oilieb,
--By the
One Dollar per annum if, paid in Advance
fi 1.50 if not so paid.
,a,c1.1.rert5.I.09.10.ff mateci cia0.
No pa per di soontinuod until all arra rage
are paid. Advertisements without specific
directions will be publilaed till forbid and
charged. accordingly. Liberal discountmade
for transcient advertisements inserted for.
long Periods, Every d,esoription of JOE
PRINTINO' turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate rates. Cheques, money ord-
ers, &a, for advertising , subsariptions,otc.t o
be rnado payable to
Chas. 11. Sander S
ofesSioritil Card R.
it. KINSMAN, L. D. S, & DR, A. R.
KINSMAN, C., D. S,, 13.1). S., Honor
graduate of Toronto University,
Teeth extraet,ed without any pain, or any
bad effects, Office in Fanson's Block, west
side Main Street, Exeter.
Honor Oraduate of Toronto University And Recall
College of penty.1 Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post
Co'aduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistcry
(with honorable mention;)
AlluMinmn, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the
neatest inanner possi)le. A perfectly harmless an-
aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. '
Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter.
El the College of Physicians andSiirgeons
Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Aecouch-
. aux. Office,'"Daslivfood, Ont.
•••11...g.••••••' • • 4110.101=••=rre,1100.1.11:00.11MISMNICSIMEMPO.:•••••
Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers,
Commissioner's, Solicitors for the Alolsons
Bank, etc. Money, to loan at lowest rates
of interest, Offices, Main Street, Exeter.
r. R; CAatugo,13. A.. L. El. DICKSON.
W. GE, ADMAN , (successor to Elliot &
. Glaciman,) Barrister. Solicitor, Notary
Public Conveyancer, Eta. Money to loan at
lowest rates of interest. Office Main Street,
T_T BOSSENBERWY,qrancl Bend Licensed
IA. Auctioneer for County Huron. Sales
promptly attended to, and charges,moder-
ate. Orders by mail will receive 'every at-
TaBROWN, Winchets ea. Licensed Auct-
b ioneer.ror the Counties of Perth and
8,1,so for the township of Ushorne
Sales promptly attended to and terms reit-
senbale.Sales arranged at Post office. Won
sohelsea. "
Insurance Agent,
Main St,,
The undersigned has a few good Farms for
sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms
JOHN Sr -Amain
3; • SamWell'sblock Exeter
For Fresh,. good and the choisest cuts
of me3tt,, call -on the undersigned,
'While all our cuts of meat are the
finest, ,we make a,,specialty, of meat
Meat delivered to all parts:of the
. town . .
John Nanning
Take La3Lleitive Dro 1)1 0 Quinine T;-1.1)-..
lets. All druggis'.3s refund the •money
if it fails to cure. 25c, E W. Grove's'
signatnre is on oeich box. '
. •
gir athandsomeopea
face, P oils had
4 NIcket 'Watch, Amen.
can Lever Movement '
for selling only 2 des,
packages of Sweet Pea
Seed at,16e.npackago. Each pack•
gA contains napienald mi ortho
5) 153 most fraarant.varietles of fill cetera,
, 'you 0210500this lino Watch in an
, artn.thion by setting to 17041:. aCMICC:
Z120110 11114 advortisemarit,aild we will forward the Semis:
Sell thou, return the money, and sve guarantee safe deliv-
ery of yonr Watch at oneu. Write to sity, otbo seaffon for
tallillgseedia 0003. 1*e0314535513' 4:m:wt.:relate, ,
he Molsons ank.
(Chartered. by Parliament, 1855,)
Paid tip . . .... $2,500,000
Ii„ese.rve F0nd....: ........,..2.050 00Q
Haad office Montreal.,
Atone:v.{1.cl ctanc`oft to. good Farm or -s 001
their own II tea..‘v>51> )110 or 10 010 ein,lorsers
at 7 1..,00 cent. per ann z11(1
Open o v ory lhwlnl day from TO o 3
'3,0(1•s2t11rditys '
'A general, b anki ng Ilusiolese bran s .33 e te d
CUB,EENt :RATES allowed for yr 00 02 00
Denoslt 'neeeirtS.' Sa yin gs.liank at .3 cont.,'
CAR,T,TNel, 31) •TiTIRDO:N„
' So 1,Mitors. Manage r
9 L il 0
:0 i)
t e g11,0 11113 ImiLlit
\ wit rim SC111
only 15:114irkatioaA,
roil at
1508, SisOl 001050. 31I01113010
1c1s0I'1I01YSkai3I.v03sI1 '5
:urn ibitfitiPS.Ylitt,Liktutit,Tiii,ilti,
ba failVeOft,erif
olullypsc1: ‚‚-
"1' 1,(1 bed W'> 2' to day. The *Weil for s111. 13
• Thai means a great deal more than pan
In the stomach, else it might be easily cured,
11 means that that organ lacks vigor and
done and is too weak properly to perform
its functions.'
It ateans, too, that much that is eaten is
wasted and the system generally under-
nourished. ,
W. A. Nugent Belleville Ont,, bad dys-
pepsia for years; so did H. 13uden, San
Luis Obispo, Cal. Mrs, C, A, Warner, Ceu-
tral City, Neb., was so afflicted with it she
could scarcely keep anything on her e,tom-
ach and became very weak and poor.
,1100d's Sarsaparilla
permanently cured these sufferers, accord-
ing to their own voluntary statements, as it
has cured others. Take it.
Hood's Pills cure liver lila ; the non.irri ting nud
only cathartic to take with lloodts Sarsaparilla
R011e'Ve those Illflanled Eyes!
_139 Tr."
Irene 0 X!SXgraZg
Pedimed one-half with rano sort water,
, applaal 1 &it -wetly witlt >1: oppor or eye cup.
'1 the cenAlstion will be removed:inn 115 pain
and inflammation instantly 1 eheved.
1 cm: l --Avoid 'dangerous,
, tat,S Lela Ifitzel preparations
repre,:anteil to be, "fhb 43111e
Po-t"o 2,-trr et yi-laiult eaq,iy eon,.
and generally contain "wiitid aloe,.
iitny> it tic:idly
Oil for the
Give them oil ---cod-liver oil.
It's curious to see the result
Give it to the peevish fret-
'11E88ft IN GRE111[8:1 PERIL
Serious Accident Mars Festivities
of the Day at Quebec.
Fire Breaks oft Boat Chartered by
lion. Mr. Tarte, Who ra soverly Burfl-
ed- n on. itIr. Sutherland and Bon.
lir. Borden, Anionit,t,he Injured -Mrs -
Greenshields Removed to, vrantenno
in Ambulance.
Quebec, Sept. .17.-eA very serious,
accident occurred durinEy the evening
upon 000 of the 'vessels cruising
round the, harbor,
• In the eveninH
g on. 1. 0J,>0.9;0had chartered the steamer Fran.-
t euac, and had invited a distinguish,
ed. company to see the illumination
with him.'•
Shortly after starting, by sem°
misadventure, a. nuniber of beniba
which were lying in 'the wheelhouse
caught fire, and at onc'd the vessel
Was in the greatest peril.
Hon. Mr. Tarte had his hands
badly burned and his face cut,
Tho dress of Mrs. .3, N. Green-
shields of Montreal caught fire,' and
she was badly, burned before it could.
be extinguished, and, had to be don-'
veyed to, the Frontenac' in the enilin-
"lance. -
Hon, ,J ames Sutherland rushed'. to
her rescue, and was severel.y 'burned'
on the 115511110 ((1111 sustained. a nasty-
. ,
scalp wound. , ,
I -Ion. Dr. Dor'cien in. the confusion,
fell from one deck to another, a: dis-
tance of 15 feet, and. sustained there-
by a sprain of the right ankle.
'Miss yielding had her hair buraed
and. Mrs. Tureotte of Ottawa her
arms. .
The whole boat -was, in fact, in
danger of catching fire, but was
cluickly turned to 131-'10 shOic, and the
lifeboat, which put off to her assist-
ance 'from PI. M. S. Ophir was not
, There is no reason to suppose that
ful child, and he laughs. Give 011020
injltrieS will have'ktny p01
it to -the pale, anzernie child, manently serious consequences, and
the sufferers are being treated a,t
and his face becomes rosy and their hotels.
full of health. Take a flat-
chested child, or a child that
has stopped growing, give him
the oil, and he will grow big
and strong like the rest.
This is not a new scheme.
It has been done for years.
Of course you must use the
right oil. Scott's Emulsion
is the one.
Buffalo, Sept. 17.r -Leon "F. Czol-
gosz, alias Fred Nieman, \vas indict-
ecl yesterday afierimon by the Coun-
ty Court Grand Jury foi• the cPlind
'Terrine 1,:xploslibn of n Mine in Gleinvoefl
'Colorado Springs, Col., Sept. 17.
--A report 1ms reached here of
explosion i11 a mine near' Glenwood
SPrings, CO1., and it is thotig•ht 100
lives \yore lost. -
CzalgosY. Indicted for the Murder of
Scott's Emulsion neither
looks nor tastes like oil because
we are so careful in making it
pleasant to take.
Send for free sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE Toronto, Canada
509 and $1.o0; all druggists.
News of tile Week
samuel Cumming, a Barnardo boy
committed suicide in Luther by taking,
Paris green.
The con tietcb for buil(1 111g a factory
to manufacturer beet st133,e.r0vas award-
ed at Wiarton.
Mrs, Patrick, Fitzpatrick, of Asdho-
del, committed suicide Wednesday by
taking carbolic acid.
To cure a cold in a night -use Vapo-Creso-
'enc. It has been used extensively during more
than twenty-four years. All Druggists,
Miss Maggie Mcevoy
tteinpfeel to*C0i31 /Ili 1: Sill eicle 3113 Rani -
to n by th'owuing. She was rose u ed.
Al, Vt7.T., John Gilchrist,
a ftirtner, \vas clriVing to a till'eShillg
NVitS .strin,:k by lightning and killed,
with his teain.
A fire at St: John's Nfi.(1., in progress
131 1 (1 aS, Wednesday- des ±103-00 several
stoies cotitainineb. fish and seal oil to
the value of $500,000.
Id f); e Pin 1113, 11 prof essio n ;31 .nurs e'
shot- herself at lier room on St. Cather-
ine street, itIontretti. The won]an was
ta.lren to the hospital:in a critical 0011
(111 LIOlL
A. call has been issued for a Liberal
C00 000 131011 for the Pro 015100 of 'Manito-
ba, to b 3>1131 135 Winnipeg iri N00em-
13e1'. Iv i th 41 vier: to -I.)repiring for the
next) Local el 0(10513,.
.P1J1IL1 I '3,,TerriT uir co NS 11 iiV e fon 1)(1
Poin-Killer very useful. Therc is no-
thing equal to it' in all eases of trowel
Cron hie.o. .Avoid siibstitetes, 011eve is
but one. Pain-IL'iller; Perry Davis'. 25e.
* *
The earthworm munched the soil With
mirth; '
And as he ate, quoth. he:
"Why: d hes' nada think he owns the
earth? •
"Twaei113iuiy mnde :for me."
-V,ra.shington Star.
EXET qAfilk.TS„.
W heat . .. . .01 • . 00
Barley . 40. . 413
Oats-. 31 83
Pea s\. . , , . . . 60 01
PoLo toes, per bag, .•.. 25 31)
Hay, per ton, ....:.. „... 6 00.: 7 00
Flour, per cwt., roller-. ' 1 75
111a,ni to ba flOur... • - 2)0
14 • 15
Eggi . , . ... 11 11
per 100 . 4 'QO 4
Wool.... 3.3
Live hogs, per dwt... 15 '0 SO
Dressed Bogs .• , • . ,8 50 00
Bran . . . . • 114 00 • 14 00
Shorts.... . : 10 00 la 00
Nod:berm Ailsa Craig, Sept: 10-'20
Htmon Selforth
Fullindon, 1114,01101, S.ept..26-1:l7
We,st .20-21
0911113 38 i314,11,W es tern GOtleiihib, Oct, 1-2
South Perth-, SL Mut:VS,
lenShard 1Cirkton
. a t.11.4
lyth. 'Ind .51(11rvia J313 Ili, Oet,8-0
of murder in the first degree, in fa
tally shooting President William Mc-
Kinley at tile Temple of Music, in
the Pan - American Exposition
grounds at 5.15 o'clock, on, the af-
ternoon of Sept. 6.
When arraigned before Judge Ed-
ward 10 Emery in the County Court
at 5.86 o'clock the prisoner stub-
bornly refusec1 to answer questions
repeatedly asked of him by- District
Attorney Penney as 06whether he
had cdunsel, or wanted counsel. The
District, Attorney then. saggested
. .•
that, inasmuch as the deiendant re-
fused to answer, counsei should be
assigned. judge 'Emery 'assigned
Hon. L. Lewis and 1 -Ion. "lobert Ti-
tus, •former Supreme Court Justices,
of this city, whose names had been
suggested by the Erie County bar.
Czolgosz will 'probably be arraign-
ed ,again this Morning .t.o- pletiti ;to
the' indictment'. • . •
judge Einery directed the officers
tO •notify, the attorneys and remove
the prisoner. . .
Czolg-osz was handctilled to the ,de-
tectives, .who startecl out of the
court 'room with, him. The crowds
surged after- them, but found' the
exit barredbY'foui. strong policemen.
Outside the corurt rciom door the pri-
soner Wag surrounded. by 12 police-
men with clubs drawn, and under
Command of Captain Ificimel Began,
jailor George X. Mitchell and sev-•
oral deputy sheriffs. ' The prisoner
Wa S hurried down stairs and into
the basement Whence 11c was taken scc
through_ the tunnel to the jail, across
Delaware avenue: Whether he was
lett there for the night or taken
elsewhere, the police refused to say. Se
District Attorney Penney 'stated 0.5.'
he left the court room 'that justices j
Lewis an d Titus would be notified pe
and -given an opportunity to talk ca1
with the' prisoner', and that he hoped
to arraign 'Czolgosz this morning to
take his, 'plea to 'the indictment. The
District Attorney will silo notice
the trial of the ) •
Train Takes TwelVe Hours to Go
From Buffalo to Washington,
Funeral Train With Body of the Murder-
ed President lteaelies the Capital-
Crowds Gather Along the Lonta 105551
EdY a Silent 'I'riblite--Soleinn S.O'ne-S
On tilt) UO11101'84 of the Boo- in 'Wash-
3felittle.Y's "For ti
Buffalo, Sept, f7. -At 3.31 yester-
day morning the funeral train bear-
ing the relimins of the ma.rtyred Pre-
sitlen,t steoanecl slosvlY 01,113 01 the
tsotit1L,u i())111' c001c11 ecti 1116 5 (1)1t3.111n4net.Ye'st y \a' ttlls
gine, to clear the truch. The itin-
oral pt3ocession left the City Hall at
7.45, and the body was escorted to
•the depot by 40 sailors from the 15.
S. warship iNfichigan and. a de'taal-
molt of soldiers, `1,'Ile cesket, wrap-
ped in the Stars and Stripes, and
bearing a sheaf 01 WaS
tp the hearse by 'four ,sailors'
'and four soldiers and, as tble ‘Pi'oe
cession moved off, the, band took up
Chopin's 'Funeral • M3. -n• , ' acco rri-
parried by ' thc. tolling, of the church
let the observation car Pacific th
casket was placed sb that it, cold
be seen by the people •as the -trail
sPed by. °rape was draped from
the ream of the obsei'y:ttion car, a,nd
the railingS Were shrouded crape.
'the only relief w3.1.5 in_ two tiny pilot
flags of white on the locomotive,
Throat): n, Living Lane.
Washington,. Sept.' 17.-,-,Througla A
living - land Of bareheaded people
stretching from.,Buffalo up. through
the Alleghenies down on to the
broad valley of the Susquehanna and,
on to the .lgarble City On the hanke
of the shining Potomac, the nation's,
martyred President, YesterdaY made
his last journeY to the seat of • tho.
government oyer which he presided
Los' four and. one-half years. The
whOle country seemed to have drain-
ed its population at the sides of the
traCk over which the funeral tr4i111
passed. • Work • was suSpended in field
end mine and, city. 'The schools were
dismissed, and eyerywhere'apPeared
the trappings and tokens of Woe.
million fle,gS at half-mast dotted hill-
side' and valley, and 'formed a thick-
et of color oyer. the 'cities. And from
almost every banner streatned a bit
of crepe:: The stations .were heavy
wi th' • th e " 121 ack symbols, 03 neurn ing
The silence with whiCh, the Count-
less thOusands viewed the reniains of
their hero 'and Martyr was opptbeesilve
and profound: - Only, the rumbling of
-the train wheels, the sobS from .men
and women with tear -stained , feces,
ctild the deleful:. tolling- of. the church
and other bells broke on the ear.
1)0 several'plaCe, Williamsport, Ear:-
-risburg' and Baltimore, • .the ,chimes
played (Jardine" Newman"S grand
.5at Beside the Bier.
Atrs, 'McKinley stood the trip
bravely. In the morning soon after
leaving Buffalo she pleaded so earn-,
estly to be allowed to go into the
car Where lier dear one lay that re-
luctant assent, was given, and she
spent half an hour lieside the coffin.
_The train left Buffalo, at 3.30 yes-
terday morning and arrived at
Washington at 3.33 last night, in
12 hours. It is estimated over half
a million people saw the coffin which,
held all that was mortal of Presi-
dent McKinley.
Eody n the White ;Tense.
.The remains of President MciLinley
Ile in the east room of 'the White
House, where for inore than four
years he had made 'his home as the
Chief Magistrate •of the• great Ameri-
can -Republic. 'Upstairs his widow
mourns for her dead in .the family
apartments that WI "bring back. but
the saddest of 'memories.
There was no music. 'Amid the
hush of the great crowds onlY the
clatter of the horses' 'hoofs ringing
sharply upon the patement Was
heard. It was about 0.30 when -the
hee,d of the procession reached, the
White I-Iouse grounds.
retary of State Replies to Lord Miatn'o
Telegram (.4 Condolence.
:bleliec, Sept. 17, -Lord :Mint° has
received the following telegram from
cretary of State Hay: .
Washington, D.C.,,Sept, 16.
11. the name of the' Cx'evernurent and
°plc of this country I beg to inake
'nest acknowledgement „ of your
message. Tho sympathy sho W 3 by
Canada in our .great bereavement
has been moet gratefully welcome,
(Signed) John "ley.
seam foi next
illonday morning at 10 o'clock in
Pitrt III. of V.10 'Soprerne Court, that
behig the opening clay of the Sep,'
tember term.
iaeiit ion ii ion A ba tid (inett, ,
Ottawa, t. 17.
,election patit,ien against. :Mr.
7r1)onates I3i Piro tt, 311. „w :Is 113) y 05-
- .
1:01; d y 111011(3>13> 1)511010 S3r John
Boyd " and Air.' ',fit Fitt ed., Nicic.,falion.„
3,3>11011' 'the cage wa.?; a.11 (I Mr, j.
couneel fcie 3the respond
dant, said he liad lib evidence to of-
fer 'and the 1.),e131000., W,A(3 then:1.11).0n
Tlie petit,131n a gal net Arr. •
N. A.' Ilelcourt is fixed for ,Iltiaring
on Friday, ' 'but the Conservatives
have decided to abandon it.
r)ca 05 ,Tirrige ei 11 1.
bloutreni, Se]) t. 17.-110n sru cige
(3131 of tile S3uperior Court 'died last
evenii)g after >0 long illness, at the
age 01 58 years. was for Merl y
mcliiher 'Yaltiiiskrt.
11e1193> :Dickens, 1(,, C., Son of 'the
dii,tinguished novelist, tiro late
Cherles 11)ickens, with his two claugb-
tors; Miss OliVe and Miss Elaine, was
in 'lloronto ()Vol' Stmclay and Idft,
Monday for Niagara FallS aticl
Chicago Anarchists Will rrobabiy 13e
Chicago, Sept. 137. --Efforts to con-
nect the Chicago • Anarchists with a
plot to assassinate: President Ife-
lkinley will be abandoned and the
priseners will probably be releaSed
to-dity. This decision was reached
by local authorities yesterday. Chief
O'Neill received a, telegram- . from
Chief of Police Bull of Buffalo, say-
ing that while the police' there were
still working to establish thecon-
nectiOn of the assassin with Anarch-
ists in Chicago, Toledo and Cleve-
land, • they had egeurect no tangible
The nonillion
Munn ton, Scpt. 1.7. -Yes Lord ay ,
Lockhart Gordon, Fred Appleton,
Alex. 1.MciKenzie, lsaac Shappiro and
aeorgc McNeal were arraigned, be-
fore the Police .illegistre 10 on a.
charge of obstructing the' itif.shway
with a Socialietic gathering in the
Street. Gordon WaS fined t,20 or 21
,days in 75131, and George 11Te1) eal was
tined .510 and cots. " The 'others'
cases ivere held over, pending an ap-
peal: of that of Gordon, for eight
d ays
lack Hair
hove used your Hair Vigor
N for five years and am, greatly
pleased with it. lt certiinly re-
stores the original color to gray
la', hair. It keeps my hair soft." -Mrs.
Helen Kilkenny, New Portland, hie.
A,Ter's Hair Vigor has
been restoring color to
gray hair for fifty years
vdici it never fails to do,
..his work either.
rely upon it
for stopping your hair
from falling, for keeping
yottr scalp clean, and for
1.1. 6
''la?Tin°. your hair grow.
COI a, 17:101: 0aAnlIndoreugsguisptsp.iy you,
Ycmr `.1 %nil we will express
tr., 3 o boctm. 13o anre
cw° • tl 'e the name
eynress °time, Address,
P'aii'AY1.Z. CO., Lowell, ISTaas.
11 IIIC ir(S
yOU 'Want 'Y011 Repairin'r svell done
„ g'() „lt. 1155 1'---0\1 Ciocies, '
ancl'„Iesvelry" speci:ilty.
fi'L R01A,Gri LICF,NSE,
• i'lLtiTia ge Licenses issued andWed-
clingitioo's always oil haild.
Fensore's 13.1(.)cic„ te
E,sselitials of an_ Orator.,.
In my opinion, the two most import-
ant things that a-y`oung 'man can do le
make himself a good public speaker are:
• First. Constant arid careful written
translations from Latin. or Greek nib,
. Second. Practice in a good debating
It been said that all the .Teatest
.Parliamentary orators of England all
either men whom Lord North $aw, or
men who saw Lord North ---that i$, men
who were conspicuous as public speak-
ers in Lord North's youth, his contem-
poraries, and the men who saw him as
an old man' when they were youni.1'
themselves. This would include Boline-
broke and would come down only to the
year of Lord John Russell's birth. Sc
we should have to add a few names, es-
pecially Gladstone, Disraeli, Sohn
Bright and Palmerston. Ther0, in no
great Parlia,mentary orator in Engiaad
since Gladstone died. I once, a good
many years ago, looked at the biogia-
phies of the men who belonged to that
period who were famous as groat orat-
ors in the Parliviment or 11 court, to
find, if I could, the secret of their pow-
er. -With the exception of Lm -d Erskine
and of 'John Bright, 1 believe eceryon
of then] trained himself by careful an3:1
constant translation from Latin or
Greek, and frequented a good debating
society in youth.
Brougham trained himself for extem-
poraneous speaking in the Speculative
Society, the great theatre of debate. for
the University of Edinburgh. Ile also
improved his English style by tr;:msla-
tions from Greek, among which is his
well-known version of the Oration on
the Crown.
Canning's attention, 'while at Eton,
was strongly turned. to extemPoraneous
speaking. They had a debating society,
in which' the Marquis of 'Wellesley and
Charles Earl G,r.ey had been traMed be-
fore him, in which they had all the
forms of the House of Com -mole -
Speaker, Treasury benches, and an Op-
positibn. Canning also was disciplined
by the habit of translation. --From "Or-
atory," by Senator Georg -e P.i :Roar, in
the June Scribner's.
Dealer --I'll give you $2.50 a 'week if
you care to go to work.
Applicant -In this position will I have
a chance to rise?
Dealer -Yes, every morning at 5
o'clock.. -Pittsburg Chronicle.
We have remodelled our
Mill to -the Gyrator Sys-
tem, the best plan for
making Good Flour.
Those desiring GOOD
Bread should give . a
trial . .
GfistIvig OrtiAg ProllIDIN.
Real Estate Exchange,
The Sale, Purchase -and Exchange of
Village and fi"trm hulds and properties
negotiated at reasonable riites of com-
For Sole.
Several Val 11101)10 Farms in HAY,
IVRAY; also Thra,, very desirable Re-
sidence properties in Exeter.
Varitts Watited.
We have purchasers for good farm
and in the vicinity of Exeter, or who-:
will Exchange,
WM, Bawden David
v-,11,10.Lor. 3tanager,
OFFICES: :Dickson & Carling's Now
Block, Exeter.
'07511)7) 095
' •,sr.kvcr,
lEa•IT-31RM-MR.Vd 0116 stuti
•Spottma %club 0,1Vg 4./
srarridti:roo, .
s titan la
• sdna
patm A'AtRi 320
Wholesale and Retail
iVIill Feed
We have a constant supply
of Mill Feed on hand -quality
First-class and prices right.
Sheat % Wanted.
Red wheat wanted.for which
highest prices paid.
Wood Wanted
. .
As Ore Bicycle season is getting far
advanced and we wish to devote our
attention to other departments of our
business, W'e, have decided to sell Bicy-
cles the remainder of this season while
they last'at cost, and we have- a few
wheels that we bought far be,,low the
regular wholesale prices. We are pre-
pared to give some Special Bargains in
Our Piano, Organ and Sevving
lune stosk is new and of best grittily.
Call and see us. We will be glad to
show you our goods.. .. .
IS -5
. We have moved into our new pre -
wises opposite the Central Hotel 11.ad.
310 11000 open for business. Otly pre-
mises are modern ansi we give you
modern and up-to-da.te goods and
made in the most modern style.
-\A76-PC1'S011@1ly . . .
. . Cut Erery- Garment
That's made '-up at this establishment
-as well as fit it -and look 'after
all the details. *This is, only one
reason why our prices are moder-
Gent's Furnishings . .
Crane and see us in our new place
of Imsiness and exiunine our stock of ,
Gent's Furnishings
Bert. Knight.
Manufacturer & Dealer
Portable and Staionaryt En
gines and Boilers, Plows,
Land Rollers, Mowers, Etc.
Iron pipe and fittings, re-
pairs on .Agrioultural
iiernents and general ma-
chinery promptly attended
to, . . .
30 T-1, P Boiler, 25 H. R lDpghw Coin-
plete with Pinup and I,Teittnr, also
about 160111ee1> of inch Pipe, "