Exeter Advocate, 1901-9-12, Page 1VOTTRTEEN:Fil YEAR. -670. SEITEMBER 12,1901. C. :II. SANDERS E:DIT()Et., Different -Ways of Talking. Some talk too low, others too loud ; some talk too little, others so much that they're tiresome. We talk throUgh. our —goods. Call and examine them. Just a few of the articles we carry: RANGES OFBake Well, Heat Well, Look Well. WE FIVE T HL1 McClary's "Fanaous," ‘"Oxfprd", and "Souvenir" Cooking Stoves -) Coal Heaters doal Parlor Cooks }- or Steele Ranges Wood Air Tight Stoves J Second Hand Stoves, &c. LEADERS Pocket Knives, Scissors, Raz - Razor Strops, Table Cut- tlery. Paints, Oils, Glass, etc. Thresher s and Bui [dem' Sup, plies. Churns, Washing Machines, Platform Scales,. liudson Ap- ple Parers. Special line of Sporting G-oods. ,Plaster, Cements, etc. H BISHOP IIMMUSIM11;•••••11.1al•MINM•01•101•11111111, & SON ONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private funds for in vestment upon farm or village property, at o west rates of interest DICKSON & CANIANO, Barristers, etc., Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN. ihave a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties at low rates of interest. • F. W. GLADMAN,' • Barrister, Main Street Exeter FOR SALE OR ItENT. The•undersigned is 'offering , for sale or rent the property of the late Wm, Martin, at Devon, being, 2i - acres of land. There is on the premises a frame house and stable, a well of water and other -conven- iences.'. For particulars , apply • at the Telegraph *fee, Exeter. Sale Register. . BBIDAY, SEPT. 20.L-Farin Stock and Implemente, the property of Henry Motz, Lot 10, Con. 4, Stephen. Sale at one o'clock. II. Brown, Auot FARM FoR SALE. The undersigned is offering for sale his fartu pro- perty in the township of Tray, being part of Lot 20, Con. 15. 2 miles west of Zurich, .contalning lig acres of first -Class land. There is on the premises a good frame house, bank barn, driving shed and other good out buildings; splendid orchard, a good well of water and other conveniences. Will • be sold reasonable. Apply to • BARDAL HOWALD, Diciscx .Cautixo, Proprietor. , Barrister, Exeter. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the unclei•signed and endorsed "Tender for l3ayfield Pier," will be received at this office until -Friday, 2'ith Septem- ber, inclusively, for the construction of an extension to the south pier' at Bayfield, Huron County, Pro- vince of Ontario, according to a plan' and sgecifica- tion to he seen at the office of 11.• Gray, Esq., Enginoor in charge, Harbour and River Works for Ontario, Confederation Life Building, Toronto, on application to the 'Postmaster •at Bayfleld,and at the Department of Public Works, Ottawa, . Tenders will not be considered unlesimade on the form supplied, and signed with the actuai signatures of tenderers. An accepted cheque min chartered bank, payable to the order of the Minister of Public "Works', FOR Two Huzinnun Dottmts (1200) =1St accompany each - tender. The check will be forfeited if the party de- cline the 'contract, or fail to complete Ole woric con- tracted for; and will b'ejaeturnech in case of non-ac- ceptance of tender. • , The Department does not bind itself to accept the: lowest or any tender. , /3y order, FRED GELINAS, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, l'th,September, 1001. . Newspapers inserting this ''advertisement'-withoift nthority from the Department will not be paid for nk` ,Secretary • Bargains In Shoes Broken sizes .of Ladies and. Misses Summer Shoes At COST. • Ladies' Oxford Regular $1.40" 'for .$1.15 "' 1.75 " 1.40 r: 2,00 ,1.50 " 2.25 1.75 ` lVfisses' Oxfords Siz 8 to 10. Tan and Blick, Regular $1.00 for 80c, • " 1.25 it $1405 Also some lines of Ladies' Buttoned Shoes. Those are all this year's goods of the latest styles and best makes: CALL AND SEE THEM. SitItEET Treble's Old Stand Mr:. William Kidd, fortnerly of To- rontowas found dead in Ow woods tie:1r Fort William, Monday. 3,4 55 2011 will correspond with me in reference to the treatment I represent for the Drink•l-Iabit, I will send you printed matter explaining it. A home treatment, not surpassed in the world. Removes crave and cause of crave. No higher endorsements than we hold. It is the cheapest in Canada. With- in the reach of all. Confidential. Address ' Rev. IL a Dixon, Roo:110,1s Toronto St, Toronto, Brittsley. The date of the Garden Party in.con- nection with Brinsley- church is to be held on Sept 25th. Mr. M. Vincent, of Exeter, will ttke part in the pro- gram. A baseball match will take place between Crediton and McGilliv- ray or Ailsa Craig teams. Farquhar Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hitckney, who have been visiting in Manitoba for two months, are r'hoine again.—Last Wednesday our genial young black- smith was united in marriage to Miss Maggie Melville, of Hensall. We wish the young couple every success in their new iidventure.—W. H. Pass- more and A. Hodgert who visited the Pan-American last week, speak high- ly of it ' Sodom Mr. John Penhale has his fine new barn nearly completed. --Mr. Silas 'Stanlake had a valuable horse die , re- cen bly.—Miss May Parsons and Addle Gillespie, who have been visiting in Sodom a few. weeks have returned to their homes in Exeter.—Miss Treve- thick of Exeter, has been teaching school in place of Qup teacher, Miss, Robinson who has been visiting the Pan-American.—Mr. A. Dearing has purchased a cow from Mr. Ww. Dear- ing. - • Eden Mrs. W. Trott, of Exeter, and Mrs. Baker, of Rochester, w -ere the guests of Mrs. Geo. Rook, on, Sunday.—Mr. A. Bell, of Kippen, spent Sunday here with his cousin, Mr. John Blair.—Miss Etba and. Irene Caves visited their sister, Miss Addie Caves, of London, on Tuesday and Wednesday. -Mr. Geo. Rook was in Goderich Saturday on business.—Inspeetor J. E. Tom, of Goderich, inspected our school on Monday.—Our young people, are mak- ing gi eat preparations for a league social to 'be held in about three weeks. Particultirs later.—A number from here attended the Fair at London this week. Uborne Council, Council met at Township Hall, Sept. 7th. AU the members were present. lVfinutes of previous meeting were read approved and signed by the Reeve. HawkinC—Ballentyne, that the follow- ing - rates be levied on the rateable property of the Municipality, viz: -1.25 mills on the dollar for county purposes; 2 mills on the dollar for local purposes a.ncl 83 mills for general echool rate. Carried. Moir-Canirn-thattheamounts required by the Trustees of the sever- al school Sections he levied, entered on the collector's Roll and collected with the other rates.—Carried. Bal- lantyne—Oamin,—that a by-law be drafted legalizing the levying of the aforsaid rates. -Carried. Camm—Haw- kins,—tbat the Council give a grant of $10 to the Blanshard Agricultural Society.—Carried. A few accounts werePassed and paid, and,Council ad- jogrtied toaneet Oct. 5th, at 1 o'clock. • - F. Mortriliv, Clerk. :Par Infants :and Children., Teo fetes • el.enetees ist ovary' lerappee. Hay Council COIL nell met on 11100clity, 2n1. All present. The following aecoun \ el'e passed and c 1eques issued foe sarn Mrs Aubin, relief, $8; division 1 egis- tray registet ing births marriae•es ancl P. deaths, $14; Sutherlaral-Innes (.11).,alum- hers $10.71; NVin. Dignan, repairing culvert, $1.50; Win..13e11, lumber, $4.68; Ohns. .1101bein, repairing culVert, Con, 1:3, 50c.; Wm..Sehade,repairing bridge, $4; 1•17rii. Carrick, repairiug cul- vex•t, Con. 4, $9; Noah Sararas,. do.,• Con 1.4, $2.50; Bruill Hendrick, gravel- ling side road, $6: 0. G. Garnett., part Payeaent on eontract, 5200: D. Bell, lumber, 55.60; Philip Beaver, culvert, S.13, $6,00; Wm. Jennison, repairing culveit, L. R. , $5. R. 13 al la rcl, d i t eh, C. R., $1; Geo. Brown, pole for grader, $1.25; Wm. Jennison, repairing cul- vert, Con. 14, 750.; A. Mittleholt,zoneat, cliarity,„ 50c. Council vi11 tIleet again on Monday,Oetober 7, at 1 o'clock p. ronah. linss, SR, Clerk. whiaten. Bmatsis Burtmaa..—On Saturday last the barns of James' LamPhire.- 8th concession . Biddulphs Were -entirely' destroyed by 'fire; together with the whole season's orpp..:. The 'fire .started. Nem tne threthine• engine, 'shortly after:commeneing Co. Work, in a grain stack outside. The Separator, belong- ing to Joe. Bennett, Was also burned. The barn'sand contents were 'insured' in the Usborne & Hibbert :Insurance -biat Mr: Lamplaire'S :loss .will 'be a heavy one. " . After. waiting .a: week for Me. Edgar Down to return, 'after his mysterious diSsa pp earn rice, the trustees have en- gaged Mr. W./a:Ryder, of .Biddulph, to teach foe the. balance:of this year. --- Philip Hern returned from the Pan- American and Toronto Fair no Satur- day.—The fninsexs arenot in such. haste to SOW fall wheat this year, hop- ing to cheat the fly by sewing later.. Alisa !Oral°. Mr. Htigh Bowman met With rather, a -painful accident while working a .cutting box at Mr.D.Macarthur's.farm Wednesday. The tip's of the two first fingers on his right hand, were. taken .off by coining into too Close connection with the.fans.=s-.Mr.C.Walker has pur- chased ' the Bice property - on Main street, which has been standing va- cant for 'south the new proprietor, took possession of the queen's hotel on Sept.:1st. CHARGED WITH FOHGERY.H2On Tues- daY,Geo.Ianson,tharged with forgery, appeared at the town- hall before Po- llee Magistrate.Smith and Pleaded guil- ty toforging ft protnissory note for $400. •: The prisOner's'friends,bowever, had made full restitution, by .Secnring the arthermt of the note tothe private prosecutor; Patrick Rirratts sr... On .behalf: of the prisoner E. Meredith. N. C..,appealed to the Magistrate foeleni- ency, upon the grounds ..thats, restitu- tion had been made, and had not the friends of the prisoner come to his as- sistance, the private prosecutor would have been .miable to collect any por- tion of the $400 for the prisoner, and also that Michael Blake, whose name had been forged . as a joint maker of the note, had. previously endorsed for the prisonerandwould have signed the note had prisOnet'asked hith to do .so, &statement which Michael Blake; who had been summoned as a 'witness in the cases confirmed. • Mr. McDiar- mid, Who appeared as counsel for the private prosecutor; concurred with Mr. Meredith and the, Magistrate therefore released the prisoner upon hisownre- cognizance; to, appear for sentettee when milk' upon,' which Means that Ianson•Will not be •punished for this offenc,e unless eonvicted•Of a crime, up - On some future occasion.: : • • • ., Crediton J. G.- STANBLTRY; B.A., (formerly Collins & Stanbury) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer Money to Loan—Exeter, Ont. , Mr. J. Livingstone, of Baden, was in the village last Friday on business. —Mr. and Mrs. F. Clark, of Granton,, spent last Sunday here visiting xela- tives.—Mr. John Dietz intends mov- ing to Berlin in a few weeks, where he has secured a, situation in a boot and shoe factory: 'We wish him suc- cess.—Mt. Christian Zwicker, of Lon- don, was in the 'village last Friday. —Mr. and Mrs. John Wind have re- turned from Detroit, where they have been , visiting for some tiine.—Mr. Ezra Haist has purchased Mr. Henry Motz's farm east of.Crediton. Mr. Mots will have a sale of his farm stock and implements on Friday, the 20th inst. For more particulars see bills.— Colonel Levi Colosky, of Dashwood. was in the village last Friday. Levi says he is going to Toronto to see the Duke and Duchess of York and thinks he might be promoted.—We are pleas- ed to see Mr. Wm. Lewis around again after his recent illness.—Mr. Ed. .Ber- trand and bride, of.Debroit, are visit- ing at Mr. A. L. Bertrand's.—Judge Masson, of Goderich, held Court of Revision for tbe Voters Lists of the Townships in the Town Hall, Friday. About 114 appeals Were dealt with.. —Mr. and Mrs. Tobias Wurtz and fam- ily, of Washington Tern, are visiting relatives in this vicinity.—The follow- ing attended the Western Fair at Lon- don this week:—Mr.and Mrs. S. Brown, Mr. Walter Clark., ,Mr. C. Trick, Mr. Gottlieb Moilock, Mrs. Chas. - Eilber, Mrs. W. W. Kerr, Mr. ;Tobias Wurtz, Mr. Matthew Wein and Mr. Albert Canningbarnis-Mr. Christian Earner has moved into the dwelling lately oc- cupied by Mrs. Charles Brown.—Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eilbei•, of Mayville, Mich., left for the Pan-American last Friday after visiting here for a few days. They were aceompanied by Mr.' and Mrs. Daniel Sweitzer arid Mr. and Mrs. Wm. LerviS.-111r. J. E. Tom, of Goderich, Public School Inspector, visited our school on Tnesday, also the school south of the village.—A "Ber- trand" picnic was held at Grand Bend last Monday.—Mr. Chas, H. Zwicker iS doing a big business in clover and other seeds at present. Prices are away up. 1)0„,sh WO 0 Wes. Sur! II, who got his arm. brolcen at the flax .iFiii Shipk•I: last week, is improving, but he will be 'unable to NN'Orli. 101' SOM lime u c on seq ileac e. I\ fr. and Mts. John Hall and daughter, Jounit returned on Friday from their trip t the land beyond tile briily deep. "Lhey look is theugh they en- joyed their trip.--111iss Jessie Rannie, of Zuriisli, epee:. Sunday with her sis- tev, Pardiu.—Mr.ancl Mrs.Cteorge Kellerman. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Keller- man arid Messrs. Jonas liartleib and Fred Goss/it:10. are attending the Pan- American this week.—Mrs, Sniit,h \vas in Ilensall, Saturday. --Miss ,Lena Bon- der is attending to Mrs. Kellerman's household duties, while the latter is attending tLa ,Pan-Arn eri ean. AnorDENT,--What might have been a fatal accident happened to little Oliver Moser on IVectnesday evening. It appeat•s :1iat while the hostler was wo teeing I be-horCe at the tvell, it got frighteoed and made a sudden spring, knocking ti, little fellow over and bruising bin% considerably. Lithicily the horse did not step on the little fel- low or he would altogether likely have been killed. He is TIOW (loing nicely under the doctor's care. Boaili 01 tile Gfaorl 0Iasior W. Brother R. B. Bittirgerford Dies'. • nt London Qnt. London,. Sept. W. Bro. R. B. Hungerford, Grand. 'Master of the On- tario Masonic Gland Lodge, With had been Suffering for ()Vey a Month from paralysis of theright side, died yester- day morni ug in Victoria Hospital. The Grand Master's condition was supposed to have materially Unproved: recently, and it wasonly00 Saturday' that he was isettamsed to the hospital. 1--1V:C.C.-ERFORD'S GAREERr` . Mr. Hueeeerford Was elected to the, hig,11 office of Grand Master in Ontario in July 1900, and, at the time of his death had been a Mason for.almost 30 years. He Was born in the, Cotatity of Cork, Ireland, in 1846. .He came to: this country with hisfamily in. 1362, and for many years pest hacl been/ the: inspector in Western Ontario for. the North American Life Assurance Ocau-' pany,1beine• loaa bed . in Loudon. Ete Was married and left a family.of three, two SOBS- and a da ughter- Mr..HungerforCrs introduction to Masonry occurred at Mount Brycl.p,-es in 1872., Subsequently: be became a Member of KilMming,, No. 64, the Tus- can, No. 195, and:Union No.380, Lodges:. He had else served as D:D.Gt.M. Of ,the .LondonarskiSti`iet. In Oapit Filar 'Mason- aty be was a Past Z. of St. George's :Royal ArekCha.pter, No: 5, and h Past Grand. First Principal.: of the Grand Chapter of Canada. -- He had filled.all the subordinateoffices in the lodge and chapter of the. Ancient and 'Accepted Scottish Rite, as 0 member of the Moore Consistory,'32 degrees, of Ham- ilton, and an Honorary Inspector -Gen- eral of the Supreme Council, 33 degrees of the Dominion,of Oapaclit. He witS also Sir Knight Of Richard' Coeor de Leon Preceptory of Knights Templar, and a member of the Huron 'Conclave of the.Red :Cross • of Rothe and .Con- stantine. Previous to his election as Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge he was .f.iar a long :period: the, Chairman of the Credential 'Conn/lit- tee. . He was ,alsa Grand Re.presenba- tive of the Grand Ledge of' Michigan, near :the Grand Ledge of Canada,: and President of the Masonic' Relief Asso- ciation of the:United States and Cana- adain . 1,4ad.. its. headquarters Baltimore, rie, M. THE NEW GRAND'MASTER; By the death of Grand Master Hun- gerford, Deputy Grand Master Judge Harding succeeds to the Grand Master- ship. R. W. Bro.Judge T.E. Harding; of Linclsity,has been a consistent critfts- man for many years. He has attend ed the Grand Lodge every year since 1867. In 1870 and 1871 he was D.D.C,1.111. of Huron District, which is now divid- ed. into north and south districts. Since his election as D.D.G.M. in 1870 he has been a member of the Board of General Puposes with the exception of five years and in nearly every year was elected by his brethren. He was elected vice-president of the board in 1890. For Tour years was Chairman of the Board of Benevolence. Wiogham; A rollaway' oeourred'in toMn On Satarday evening,. hnd the residt, was that Wit). Deacon of Eaet awanosh had several ribs broken and his thee "baaly disfigured. His horse got frightened when the "Breezy 'rime," hand was playilig in front of theTown Hall. Parkhill; igr. 1-.1. Ovens having re- signed as manager Of the Centeal Tele- phone office here, Miss Anna IC nap ton has been appointed to:succeed hil•11,. The business' will be rernov.ed to J. F. Roberts' block.. The new.quarters .are. being 0Oinfottably, and neatly arrang- ed for the Central 'office. Mitchell: At Seven o'clock TlleSclay morning St: Vincent de Paul. chnrch, Mitchell, was the scene of h.. pcipalar 'wedding when Mr. Pierce, no enterprising blacksmith of. ,Mi Lebell, was united in the holy bonds of mittri, inony tQ Miss..Mary,: youngest daugh- ter:of Mr. Thomas Cioarlay, Fullarton. The ceremony ivas conducted by Rev. Father Ronan. " West McGillivray: .Mr.: :thd Mrs. W. T. Arno§ have returned frona. their, trip to the old country :tnd report.si very. enjoyablethne and pleasant .t,oy- • ageas-The..West ItfeOcillivray Agrioul- teral Society wilI hold their faii . this year on Sept: 27th., Special attrac- tions will be speeding in the ring and probably some baseball. Goderich tp: Mr. Walter; of the Huron road,. has bought frath Theroas Jenkins the 80 aere .farin situated :On the north :side of the.HuronZread, and known as. the Marquis'farrin paying '0 lzttle.Over $4000 for it.' A new barn was erected on 1± a year ago; ..kmd as the forth adjoins shat pi! 'Mr. Walter it Will be quite convenient. 011nton:. The:architect of the Pub - lie 'WorkS. Department hasr,eportecl. in favor of 'the site occupied :by Mr. .Wiitsie, for the new post office, and His Excellency the Governer .General has, passed the Ordensin-Coniacil thorizing its purehase. Mr. 'James' Scott; barrister,: has been instructed to Complete the transfer On behalf of the government: Tithkersinith: The excellent 50 acre farin on .the London road; a short distance fromtown, owned by John Hunter, has been sold to Mr. Thoinas John Elliott, Of the Bayfield road, Goderich i•ownthip, for the • atim Of $3300. There is:::a frame 'house: and goodoutboildings on the plaCe and the price indicates that land is not decreasing in value. . Seaferth: Of the several' farms be- longing to ,the estate of thelate CUCIS- t9pher- Dale, of Hullett; offered. for Sale by auction here; on Saturday On- ly one waS Sold. This was prirdhaSed by Mr. Janies Dale, the deceased's eld est son: It is alongside . the farrn be n�W Owns; and gives hiins an estate of 300 acres; This: farm Contains 100 acres, aud waspurchased for $3,800. There are no buildings on it. _ Goderich: On Tuesday, Drs. Hun- ter and Gallow visited the county jail and examined Samuel Finnegan and Jas. Llynn, of WaWanosh, and Ino. Johnston, of Wingbain, to report on them as lunatics. The first two were ,cotimiitted for lunacy by Mr, Ward, J. P., of•Dungannen, and the latter by Messrs. McKenzie and Dulmage., of Winghana, as.a tramp, and they will likely be broughtbefore the county judge for committal, Seaforth:, On Monday night Miss Margaret Wilson Met with a very painful accident and one which came very near cdsting her the sight of one eye. She had gone into a room with- out &lamp, to get Something from a sideboard, and in rising 'struck her head, against a step :ladder standing' close by. Her face catrie in Contact with the ladderatiq p, Wire attached to it penetrated her eye, The 'injury 'was most painful; but fortunately the eyesight was net injured, although she will require to. he extreinely careful of ib for. Some times Arouttcl About ITS Egrnondville: Mr. James Chtntning, has leased his fifty acre fitrni, on the 8th concession of Trickersmith, to Mr. Joseph Canning. McGillivray: Mr. Josiah Pedler, 00 old resident of this townslitp-passe away after a short, illness, on Sunday.' Tbe funeral to Nairn cemetery Tues- day was largely attended. atchell: Mr. and Mrs. John S.Cop- pin and Miss Copfain left , on Wednes- day for a six months', visit to England, with a view of:recuperating Mr. Cop- opinl'asthee,alth, which has not been good f Seafortb: The Cahill homestead in McKilhapi.which was sold by auc- tion here on Friday last, was purchas- ed by Mr. John Cahill for $4,795. The . farm contains 160 vcres. and is situat- ed near Winthrop. Liicam Master -Willie Ilasket hap- pened with a painful accident, 00 Thursday last, while swinging in a barn he jumped from the swing and broke his :urn in two places above the wrist.The wounded member is pro- . grassing nicely. Biddillph: While Mr. Wellington Hodgins and his brother were out shooting one day last week, they were caught in a thunder -storm and took refuge under an elm tree brit thinking it unsafe they leftit and had only gone a very short distance When the tree was struck and shattered by light- ning. • Clinton: Mr. and Mrs.Robt.Rohnes had a remarkable narrow escape from what might have been a very serous accident on Friday. They left Mont- real .at'9 a.m., with other members of the Canadian Press Association, on the fast express for Toronto, all bay- ing just completed the excursion 'of the Association and being homeward bound. The train was full of tourists, and Mr. and Mrs. Holmes happened to be in the coach nearest the engine. The train had been running for an how' at the rate of a mile a minute, when there was a perceptible explosion of a dynamite cartridge, followed by the grating of fgt.-brakes, and in a mo- ment a collision followed, throwing everybody out of their seats, and caus- ing a 'momentary panic as the car left the rails and rail a short distance on the ties. It was soon found' that the engine had run into Some cars, smash- ing and partly capsizing the engine, and throwing the baggage and first coach off the track which fortunately, did not turn over though just on the edge of the enbankment The driver and firemen bravely stuck to their posts in the face of what seemed in- stant death yet; singular to say, not a solitary person on the train was injur- ed, beyond being shook up. Tbe pas- sengers were so delighted at their es- cape that they took up a collection amounting to nearly $50 for the driver, and 520 for the firernan. The former refused the money, saying he was not allowed to accept any under the cir- cumstances, andthe dopers simply turned his head away forcibly, and poured it into his pocket. The acci- dent was caused by three cars break- ing away from a freight train, and when discovered a man was sent back to warn the oncoming train, which he did by putting the cartridges on the rail, but the speed of the train, wet rails, and the cars being round a curve prevented them being seen in time to prevent the accident. A delay of four hours was all the inconvenience exper- ienced by the passengers, but the loss to the railway company .will be COD.. siderable. BURGLARLY Arr DUTTON, D u Um, Se p t. 6. —This in orn in gthtuL o'cloalc a lathe -lay entered tlie ot Angus AI. i‘lcInLyee by a hack win- deVe, passed through the house, and made his exit by the front door, carry - with 11' n :Mr Ste In tyre's gold ma telt, valued at over $100, which was In the vest pocket hanging in the hall - 'way, There is no clue. Cont113105 a re \VOX king on the case, PR013ABLY FATAL FIRE. Pietori, Sept. 5.—Fire broke out this inornmg hi the basement of the Not'. 1)10) Bloch, on 111.1011 street The fire stai te,,d in a Chiaese laimd.ty, and was caused by an ,explosion of a gasoline stove. One of the Chinamen was so badly burned about the face ancl upper part of his body tnat the doctors have laope of his recovery The fire spread upward and. partly destroyed tins stock of Miss MaeGivern, and Miss Sutlietiand,fitney goods. The former is insured, but the latter has no insurance. rl'he stock of E. VC.Oase, druggist, adjoining, was also slightly damaged by smoke. The IOSS On the Norman Rlock, which is owned by Reynolds, is covered by insurance. TERRIBLE COLLISION. -Woodstock Sept. 10.—A wreck o • warred on the main line of the G.T.R. early this morning, which was attend- ed with three fatalities and the loss of thousands of dollars worth of property. Te accident happened about a mile and a half east- of Princeton station. There were ti ree trains in the wreck. The dead are: --Conductor Harmor, of Toronto; Engineer Fred. Denning, of Sarnia, Firernan Rennie, of Sarnia. Freight train No. 319,in charge of Con- cluct-oe Rich, passed Princeton station at 12,29 last night. She had through running orders. A few moments la tee a train of empty passenger coaches in charge of Conductor Harmon, of To- ronto, came in, and was sent after the freight at what WKS considered a safe distance. Following the passenger train, and anticipated by a danger signal on the rear car of the second train, came a through freight from Chicago. The train was in charge of Conductor Low, and in the engine were Fred. Denning, of Sarnia anclt Fireman Rennie, also of Sarnia. The trains had safely passed the station and the semaphores had been dropped - after, them, when the me11 on the first train made the discovery that one of , the boxes were burning. The brakes were applied and the train was stop- ped. The passenger train coming be- hind was signalled, and the engineer brought his train to a standstill a few yards from the caboose of the freight ahead. Anticipating some delay,Con- duetor Harmomof the pasSeriget train, knowing that he was being followed by the through freight,decided to back up, and signalled, Engineer Denning, of the through freightsseems,however, to have been unaware of the passenger train ahead of hitn, for he came on at , full speed. The result was a terrific collision. The engine of the freight completely telescoped three of the pas- senger coaches, dragging four freight cars after it. The engine landed on the: south side of the track, and the tender was thrown off on the other side. Al- most immediately after the collision took place the steam pipes burst and ` the -fire box of the engine was shatter- ed, scattering burning coals over the wreck. 10 an in§tant the mass of bat- tered wood and twisted iron was lost in flames. The two rearpassenger coaches over which the engine of the freight had bound.ed took fire first, and the flames were fed by the four freight pars, which were piled up by - the force Of ' the impact. Engineer Denning and Conductor Harmon were, caught in the wreckage and burned to death. Fireman Rennie was also caught before he could get 'clear ofthe,, wreck. He jumped, but was down beneath the shattered freight cars which- eame over the tender.' When released he was unconscious and." terriblrinjarecl, and be expired a few minutes afterwards. Brakeman B. Oliver was injure'd about the head and' Brakeman R. Peacock's right leg was broken above the ankle and had to be ' amputated. Conductor Harmon Wa,s for many years a resident of Windsor.' He was a man of fine physique, good' hearted and very popular. He was 34, year of age and unmarried. His fun- eral will be held at Bothwell,where his father and mother are buried. He left three brothers--Johthof Windsor, Pet- - er, of Chicago, and Edward of Pitts- burg. BIRTHS. MARTIN.—On Sunday Sept. lst, to 3.41r. and Mrs. W. Martin, a son. JACOBI. —In Exeter North, on Sept.10, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jacobi, a son.' MARRIAGES. MASSE—SITARRETTE—At St. Joseph, • ori Sept. 3, Mr.Nelson Masse, to Miss Sharrette, both of St. Joseph. Ginsolq:--13av0--sit the residence of • the b,ricle's mother, Seaforth, on; Sept'. 3, lay Rev. Mr. Larkin, Mr. Chas. Gibson, of Stratford;, to Miss' 6 Mary Boyd. ' ' McNIoar.-1VItaxiLLE —Oil Sept. 4 at, • the residerice of tbe bride's parents, Hensall, by Rev. Mr. Fletcher, Mr. Jam es Earnest AIcNicol, of Iza,rquhar. to 11liss Margaret Taylor 'Melville, of I -I en sall. DliATI1S PEDLER—In McGillivray, on Sept. 1, Josiah Pedler, aged 66 years. CoLLINGwooD.--In Exeter, on Sept. 8, Annie Irvan, infant daughter 0 Mr. and Mrs. James Collingwood, aged , 6 days. ToratANO-0—In AlcGillivray, on Aug. 80, Janet Torrance, daughter of Das ,Yid Torrance, aged 19 years ma 8 rnmiths.