Exeter Advocate, 1901-9-5, Page 820"N,12 2211r 2T..22R2F2111:22A1;12.0111.,0112,221-2,,Z
As,a sef.e Pleasant laxative, or where Alill'''''''sat'Y 41*(4.01/14,1,Attilt Thaaketriabat: ^ 3fise KeYe, Miss fleanten, and Mr,
the heel.' te deutmged :with. headache, £IIC . , _ , MeCormick, ot Lendon, visited at Mr,
use Dix Little Lever Pals. Vol' slide at a ne AntuvelsatY afiu Harvoet and Mt's. A, Cottle's last \veer
alemoeial churelabeld on Sunday last,
will go on, record iis the most success-
ful in its histdry. The cc-RIO:reg./aloes
both oiorn ing and even Mg w ere large,
pa r tie lilt i rl y the evening, the eacred
edifice being' filled almost te its ut-
most capacity. The scene inside the
church was one of' beauty and deft ito-
raugement, the massiye and sentbre
cathedral being decorated with most
exquisite and eoneuttlinate taste, cm-
, ,
ploying tech clusters of grain, varieties
of fruit and veg,etables and a beautiful
display Of flowers and plants, the
whole being most pleasing,. 'Ile 'Rev.
Arthur-Merphy, M. A., oecupied, the
pulpit and pt•eached excellent sermons.'
The revereud gentleman wits followc"d
by his hearers with great delight ae
he lecl them in splendid strains of elo-
Fruit and. flow's are the topics es- quence from oile to another of the
peeially treated in the Canadian 1 -for- greae trutbS of his subject, which was
ticultarist which is theleading journal ' pleasing and intensly instructive. 1 -lis
of horticulture in America. It con- morning discourse was principally
• tains forty-eight pages of up-to-date based upon the Feast of tabernacles,
reading, matter, written by expert and front the text, :Leviticus xxin-3ta-13.
professional gardener•s and is fully il- In the afternoon he gave acvery iilier-
lustrated, by beautiful photogravures. esting talk to the Sunday school child -
ft is issued monthly and a sample copy ren about the slaying of giants which
may be had free of chavge by addres- was listened to by all most attentively.
sinat the editor,Mr.L.Woolverb.or,MA., in the evening Mr. Murphy took for
Grimsby, Ont. The subscription price• his text Acts .rv-13, which was a mass
is only $3. per year, and new subscrib- terly exposition of his subject, 1 -le
ers-for 1902 may have tile balance of spoke of the characterising 'marks ot
. . . .
the year' tree of charge. a christian. which he set forth asCOUr-
YQunta calves fed on skim milk age, love, humanity' and holiness, the
should have English Stock Food mixed traits of character so prominently dis-
with it. They will keep healthy and played in Christ's life. He then went
thrive well. Sold at Lutz's drug store, on to show how necessarY it . was to
A chive through any parb par,t, of imitate Christ seve,rt days in the week,
Lutz' ' ' `' 9.1- • 1-te' •' -s • ' - '' '0 f tl ' ` ' ''t '
0 L Q, $, Drug above, tau ,.sett in, et. i t te ,s o at a ei; 1 t
Mastee Platik AVeekes NVaS in Lon-
don Wedna eclay 'with a number of pic-
tures of his own desie nines, which he
.,-, e
will ehow it t the 'Western, Fair. Frerde,
although 11 youthful artist.Lois several
excellent productions to iris el,'edit. .
Whether its a quit for a formal oc
easion, or just for business, or for
outing, it, ought to be well rnacle anal
ought, to -fit. We do it that way.
The tit will be perfect, the 'liaising
will be excellent. heTClothes will
be a, credit to us and to you,
Clinton NCWS-Reco ed. —"air. R. M u r-
PIO', Of ENeter, was in town yesterday
on h 15 Way up to Hallett to attend the
fauentl of the child otaala Thos. lattice
MrseAlurphy has been stopping with
het: sistee, Mes. Little, sitice- Monday,
but eeternS home tc-day; By the way,
Me, Murphy has beeu engaged foe ae-
(Alter year by- the Messy-liiirris fiem
and given a $200 increase of ,ealaey.
This means that he has clone good
WOL`k.for them. Dicer always endeavors
10 do his best."
Black worsted suits worth $22•00 for
Fancy worsted suits worth $20.00
00 $16'.03.
Scotch tweed suits worth. $'20.00 for
Canada tweed suits worth $18.00 for
wile and look throngh the Stock,
4 wilt be pleased to meet you
G-rieve's old stand, opposite postoffice.
The season for duck shooting opened
on Monday,
Phitabe are sellieg fnr fisona aaa, to.
Me. a pair i tciatth a •
. • ,
Port' Cailborne ha's camied .by-law
ih concrete walkee
Miss V. .Levitt, tvho has been. con -1
fined eo hey lionm for soma tune
through le able to be out meth'
Mr, E. T.13ishop left Monday for "J.'o-
eopte where he will furthel, peoseente
hie law stediee, this being the final
Aft'. Richard Seldon and son, George,
of Ingeesoll, were the guests of 1111„
George &unwell for a few days ditriteg
the week.
Mr, Robert Hicks, wife and dtiughe
ter, Mies Maud, left Tuesday to take
in the, Toronto and Pan-Anterican Ex-
Airs, John Morehnove, after a few
days' visit here, the guest of ales.
Eaneoutel Bisset a left for het' helms
London Monday.
Mr. and 141rs. J. A. Stewart, after a
pletesant visit at Toeouto, Pan-Ameri-
can and other places, returned home
Tuesday evening. ,
Mr. George Bawden, of London, ac-
companied,by his little son, 'teas the
guest of his parents foe a few clays'
during the tveek.
Mrs. John Ceriffith, of Teayner,s the
guest of her sister, Er. Bishop': ab
'so Mrs. P. L. Bishop, of Toronto, :is
the guest of 'Mrs. Bishop. •
Mr. Wm. •Westcott, of 17sbotne
Gill and Wm. Allen of Grand Bend
left this station Aronclav on the Hart'.
vest Excursion to the West.
%seas turning hoine TuesdaY evening.
Mr. Thos. Fittcm; accompanied by
Dt•. McLaughlin, of Dashwood, spent ,
several days at the Pan-Arnerican, re-
enlarged, trees plan ted, nr6ii aGthA,VIRT el
Western Ontario at this season of the
country is peosperinea New buildings
are going 1:11) eVery hand, lauela
year, will convince the observer that the
is for a nelson to imitate Christ turned hoine last week quite ill and
pointed out how utterly impossible it iting at the Soo. ana ,,. ee,s,
of life. In his closing remarks he Miss LilY Hardy, who has peen vis -
in church, home and our daily
gatb idth as is OoW confined to her 'bed under the
re -
his personal s cvlouL Then :he must doctor s axle, -
surrender himself to be filled and, to Mr. Nelson. Cohbledick, after a' visit
be controlled by ChriSt, through the to thePataelmericanauff Bowmantril
WE are constantly on the look -reit •for. Speeialties and New Goods,
both for Ladies and Gentlemen. • •
• • LADIES.-eWe have secured a New lot of Farley Zephyr Caingharne,
lalate and White, Pink anal White, Mauve and White, Red and Whiteand
,1131aelc N•Vhite Checks, told also sonae pretteastyles is Pink and White ' and
131tie and AVhite, eto. These goods are Worth good deal more mOneY
thau we efferahein to you now fort
WE havc' also 11 choice lot of Parasols that you ought to see before,
they are all picked up. 13lue and 'White and 131ack and, White checks and
sbaipes in Silk and Satin Top with Fancy Handle, also White Sateen Top
tetil7etalit, z1LVtitatrivctyllcoicolwanndpilllictensc.11e, and also a number of plan Black and lied to
GENTLE.MEN:—We have a number of Print Shirts in stiff •tnd soft
fronts, in sizes 141, 10.e and 17 only. Worth $1.00 each, To clear et 50c.
.2tich. And we have another new lot of Fancy Shirts in the very latest
•tolours, viz:- Ox Blood, Blue and Black and Red stripes with soft fronts,
Ind also a fresh lot of 111"aney Flowing End Bows and Deice of York Ties.
rhis is the right place to bay your Neckwear.
aneliitileseesio.etetetah,eautdbtrhifei:VO, d
an enterprise
of the pet:n1a. There may be better
countries to live in, but the people .
Ontario have good reason to be satis-
fied with their lot. The Western pen-
insula affords as many advantages for
neefort, enjoyment and privileges as
al-fY:ieOlOf under the blue canopy of
A clean in print,ingbarie mus-
lin iend laVyli Waists at Stewart's.
Your choice of any colored or white
waist for 35e.,or 3 for 81; worth 75c.,
1, and $1.2.5 each,
Clinton Nw Era:—"Sorrow is ex-
prssed-for the nnfortuoate eondition
of Geo. .Rmuluall, w/2o iha s not- been
fOr'snine time. .f:re pack -d his
- Ti1ersday in search
b • - • `"2). • a.'Sit1;:d a 'L.-O.:1.41R the .tvaok
0 cents seeures the An-ocAs.a, ' tha,t, he
Janhnry 1st, 1902. Now is the:
nte to subscribe. • -
.lateen races, consistinges tif thtee
events, 2:20, 2.30,:ated.431k 'minute class
es, willeheahadriaiSpt. 16th.
ReVids-i-V. Brown will return from
Velidays and will occupy his pulpit
ainTames St. churchnext Sunday.
A horse belonging to Mrs. Jas. Halls
near Elimville, was struck by light -
lung dining the storm on Friday and
instanly killed.
Mr. Walden occupied the pulpit o
the James street Methodist church on
Sunday last. While here he. was the"
guest of Mr. Jos. Cobbledick.
Messrs. Bawden and 1\16DM-tell, who
have a number of horees at the Toron-
o Exhibition succeeded in capturing
eight first prizes and two sweepstakes.
The Exeter Public school re -opened
on TuesdaY with the old staff of teach-
ers in charge excepting Miss Eva Car-
ling who filled the vacancy of Miss
Monday was Labor Day andjudging
from the quietness thereof it would
seem as though every one in town was
observing it in the most ample sense
a the word.
Several from town attended the base
hall game at Crediton between that
village and Ailsa, Craig on Labor Day:
The match resulted in a victory for
Craig by a score of 12 to 4.
When the hair is falling out,or when
there is itching of the scalp, or d.and-
ruff The Imperial Flair Tonic is a
moat '9,§efill aameay. ouc. a bottle.
Stald atLutz's drug store.
Two iviethodist ministers, Rev. C.
Sanderson,of Alenonte, and Foster Me-
Ammond, Perth, have been suspended
pending an investigation into a charge
of immorality at Rochester, N. S.
The prizes awarded to the best look-
ing ladyand gentleman on the L.O.L.
excursion to Sarnia and Detroit were
won by Miss -Murray; of Luckn OW, all d
Dr. Bruce, of Kincardine.- The excur-
Mr. John Colwill, of near. Centralia,
has purchased Mr. Ira Andrew's dwel-
ling on North Street, paying therefore
in the neighbor•hood of $1500. Mr.
and Mrs. Colwill intend retiring from
the farm and will move here next
No 6 company 34rd Regt will have
their next drill Friday evening next.
Every member nmst be present at
these drills if they intend going to
Toronto. If they fail to attend others
owridlltnt,ake their places in the ranks. By
J. T. WEsTeorr,
Sergt iViajor 39rd Reet
Yes, you can buy a waist at Ste -
wait's for less than the cost of mak-
ing. They must go at 3e. or 3 for
new kind of cabbage worm has
raadeits appearance this year. It is a
white caterpillar covered with long
white hairs. During the clay they take
shelter on the outer andlarger leaves
and at night they attack the leaves
next to the head and are voracious eat-
ets. Many recommend a weak spray-
ing with a solution of Paris green to
kill thepest.
One OrAfr. E. A. Franck's' delivery
horses met with an accident on Tues
day which will render the beast use-
less for the present and probably for
all time to come. Thos. Collingavood
was delivering bread in the neighbor
hood of Centralia and noticing the
horse tvas (411110 sick he drove into Mr:
Samuel Hicks' yard. While there the
horse dropped and one of the shafts,
which.h 21 d been broken off. penetrated
the pooe beast's side, jest behind the
elbow, maki ng a large and deep wound,
Veterinary Sweet was at once sent for
and the wound was dressed but it is
hard to tell how it intuy result. Mr,
rollick has had hard luck with his id 1
horses, having lose several by death, floss
agency of the Holy'Spirit, who impart paurned home Monday evening;
unto the Christittn the mind and spitat companied by mrs. -cobbiediek, Iv
of Christ. The imitation of Christ is has been visiting at the latter plt
not an external process of moulding with. relatives for some Weeks.' '
and -fashioning of the life like CI ri t,
'I s
but an unfolding or developing of the Alessi's. N. D. Hurdon, 'A:, G. Dy
chara.cter of Christ from within. Mr. and Councillor John Muir, members
Murphy is considered torank aniongst the Isaak Walton Fishing Club we
the first preachers. of the Dorninion enjoying several days at their favor
and certainly his visit Co 'Exeter will pastime during the week at Port Era
be long remembered with much plea- returning home Monday, accompa
ied by Messrs. A. Walters and B M
ure. To the choir much eulogy is due kms, who spent the day with them.
for the excellent renditions with which
they favored the congregations. --The Me. C. Prouty was the guest of h
tory in the evening, by Mrs.
solo, during the taking up of eibelleliffueges_ niece, Mrs. S. Btlekeraille, a few da
lastweek. , During his stay in to
was admirably rendered. The 'cone a he called 011 several of his old. friete
over $163.00.
tions roa' I:A services amounte± to owvile°1-. ZrielltYg'.gc.tf'eaeteedo,11:111'ay.1!, ehiiss fnacir_
Complete stock of the latest de -
signs in Bed Room Sets, Couches,
Centre and Extension Tables, Side-
boards,Chairs, Rattans etc
a prices o suit .purc aser. Persons
P11 intending furnishing new house will
d§ -fid to their advantage to call on us
forc plirchasing elswere,
ing eysight is enjoying. all the facii1-
6----)", ties of his yolinger days. Mr. Prouty
asOuth and word was reaa., ' t. ERSONAL. evas for inany etti• the efficient clerk
was down around Exeter; the famuy .0.4s 1.0.06,n ‘ovfaSstoeippi,en townehip which. off'. ce be
became alarined and immediately gave altreeeemeeepao ,
"844' eyesight7ed t° give up
to his
word to Constable Welsh, who, in L Thorne -8 v.a4tfrig In Tear-
s. L.
company with 0. Johnston. drove and
caught up to him at Centralia. They
stayed with him all night and in the
morning he was taken to London Asy-
lum. Mr. Rumball has been a little
unsound in mind for some time. the
cause being money losses through in-
vestments. Many friends express sym-
pe thy for his unfortunate condition
and it is to be hoped that he will re-
cover to his right mind."
Boy Wanted -
A boy wanted to learn printing
, ,
Apply a t ADVOCATE Office.
Cook -Stove For Sale.
A second-hand cook stove for sale,
nearly new. Apply at ADVOCTE',
House For Sale.
A good frame cottage with brick
cellar, 1-5 acre land. Will sell reason-
able. Apply at ADVOCATE Office.
Death of Mrs MeTagart.
Death has removed another of our
oldest residents, claiming this them as
its victim Sarah Ellison, beloved wife
of Mr. L. McTaggart, who passed to
rest on Monday last at the age of 73
years. The deceased has been in very
poor health for several months and
latterly from the effects of dropsy.
Mrs. McTaggart was an amiable old
lady of kindly disposition, a good Wife
and true friend. Her remaiits were
laid to rest in the Exeter cemetery on
Broke His Collar-Botte.
Mr. Richard Robinson, of the Lon-
don Road, south, met with painful
accident on Wednesday morning last.
We was driving a horse owned by Mr. -
A. 1VIollard, of errand Bend, and while
opposite Mrs. J. V. Crocker's, on An-
drew street. the horse became frigh-
tened at some flag -stones on the side of
the road. and shying to one side threw
Mr. Robinson out of the rig. He hung
on to the lines in an endeavor to stop
the beast but was thrown against
a post with such force as to break his
shoulder blade. Be was at once taken
into Mr. Kunz's 'residence where his
wounds were dressed by a physician
and he is now resting easy. The horse
brOke from the rig but was captured
on Main street, not much the worse
of its run, while the buggy and har-
ness were damaged to some extent.
The following from a Winnipeg pa-
per thus refers to. the marriage of Rev.
A. Lang, brother of R. S. I.eing,of this
place:—"An exceptionally charming
wedding took place on the evening of
August '7, the residence of Rev J
. .
B. Ferguson, Lakeside, Duluth, when
his sister, Miss Agnes Catherine Fer-
guson,a very popular and accomplished
young lady of that city, was married
to Rev.Allan Lang, pastor of the Pres-
byterian church in Auburn,Towa. The
ed g decorations were in pink and
white, the color scheme behig carried
out Mose artistically. The ceremony
WAS performed by the Rev. J. B. Fer-
guson, assisted by Rev.A. C. Ma,nsona
both of whom, as well as Mr. Lang,
are. graduates of Manitoba colleg.e.
The bride was beautifully gowned in
grey eteraine, trimmed with. pink lib-
erty silla 1 -ler maids of honor were
Miss Blackwood and Miss Cokentry.
Little Evangeline Stevenson made a mark Hiles, who was visiting his
charming flower iaiden. Arr. sister, mrs. L. D, Vincent, returned to
Ferguson, of Kalispel, Mont, was the
his home in Toronto lest week.
best Mail, and appropriate Mendels- •
soln and Lohengt•in '•wedding mitsic MussF. AlcTaggart, Exeter North,
was played by, Miss James. A large spent a few days this week with
number of relatives and friends attend- friends in London and St. Thomas,
ed the Marriage and the numerous and •
costly- presents given testify to the Alias Taman, who spent a few days
with her brother, Mr. -W. W.- Tamp,
high esteem in which the bride is held. left menday for her home, in 131y,th.
Rev. Mr. and rs. lei ng will make Their
home in Auburn, Iowa, and left for Mr. Frank 'Willis, of Forest spent
that plaee the same evening. The Sunday with his parents here, return -
groom hits many friends in Winnipeg ing Monday evening, ecompanieby
s a son of Mr, James Lang, of Miss Morgan, who was visiting at Mr.
avenue, this city " ' Willis'. ,
Mr. R. S. Lang spent Sunday in Tor- '
LtiCan:kelly purchased the
Dr. and Mrs. Lutz, yea) in leceenTon property of the. late Wm. Kent. Price
Monda: t $870,
Mr. T. Hatter, of Lodon,spent La- St. Marys: Mr. Wm. Box has sold
bor Day in town. the Detweller farm to James Bolton,
both of Fullarton, for $4,800. This is
a good figure for the' propert. •
Seafortha Mr. H. Fowler has sold'
his farm on the 2nd con. of Hullett, tc
Mr. John Carter for $3,750. The farm
eon tains 100 acres but there.is no house
and only a poor barn on it.
Ailsa Craig: The body of Mr. McIn-
tyre of the town line,McGillivray, who
died at the asylum, London; on Auk.
22nd, was brought to Craig station
that evening, where it was met by
friends.. The funeral took place' from
the family residence on Saturday to
the Bornish cemetery.
• Goderich: Police 'Magistrate Seager
Wednesday tined JOIlathan Millerpro-
prietor of the Hotel Bedford, $20 and
costs for an infraction of the license
law in selling liquor on Sunday. In-
spector Paisley, who laid the informa-
tion, appearedlor the prosecution and
W. Proudfoot for the defence. Mr.
'Miller pleaded guilty and no witnesses
Allen Myers, of Londcin spent Sun.
day at his home 'here. '
Miss Edna McCallnm is recovering
from her recent illness. ' •
W. Handford, of Lucan, spent Sun-
day with his parents here. ,
Mrs. D. S. Tait, of St. Paul, Minn.,
is visiting friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gladman'are
visiting friends in Toronto, ,^.
Mr. R. R. Nelson, of London, spent
Monday with friends in town.
Isaac Bissett and Fred Gillespie are
visitors at the Pan-Ameicn.
Miss Pearl Rollins spent a few clay's
with friends Clinton last week.
Miss May Gill, who has been visiting
in Detroit returned home Friday.
Miss Jean Ha,wkshaw, returned
home Thursday after a short visit in
ram alrs.W.Treble are the guesta
of their daughter, Mrs. R. °rocke, of weve called. ' -
°1'ontc3. WOti.ba" tri: I'Mr. Joseph V. Pegler
ing last on the Harvest Exeursion to
• died - • , •
Mr. R.Sanclers left on Monday even- at his home base line, Blanshard,
on Wednesday, Aug. 21, aged 67 yars,
Manitoba. , The deceased had for some time been
Miss Addie Morlock left last Thuri- in poor health, and at times suffered
day to attend the Millinery 'openings rhatet,13istwelYa's hAtipeltheoetilbAlthough
for' twb'aism eore
at Toronto. cover yet the end vas net exPeCted so
"Mrs. James Miller has returned soon 'He leavesa vvi e and two daugh-
hcime after a pleasant visit with friends ters io mourn his loss .
111 Hampton.
• ' :-Seaforth: .Mr, WM, Johnston met
Mr. and Mrs. Alf, Salter, of London,
ith a painful accident on Wednesday
spent Sunday and Monday in town °feast week, .He 'was'plastering the
with friends. - ea ' i
• •
'nside of a silo, in luckerstmth • and
Miss Amy Sohns left Friday for Tor- was standing on a scaffold about 10 or
onto where she will ttttend the Con- 12 feet from the door, when a rope
servatory of music. which supperted the scaffold broke,
Mr. and Mrs. Reddy and little son and he fell to the floor. Bones in one
of his ankles and foot were broken,and
he was otherwise bruised and shaken
up, but. et was fortunate it was no
worse, as such a fall for a man of his
years mighteasily prove fatal.
• St. Marys: Death claimed another
aged resident of St. Mary S Saturday
in the person of Mrs. Wm. illansbridge,
who died at the residence of her daugh-
ter, Miss Emma Mansbridge, London,
at the age of 79 years and 9 months.
The deceased was an estimable old lady
and Was highly respected by all who
had the pleasnre of her acquaintance.
For fully forty years she was a, resi-
dent of St. Marys, and the time of her
death we s on 0 short visit to her (-laugh-
tete Iier husband died nearly three
years ago. Two Sons and three daugh-
ters Survive her.
Clin tom The family of the late Mr
M. Holmes Seem At? have 0. full share
of affliction to bear of lte. The moth-
er who passed away on the 10th 9f last
Jttly had met with several accidents
from which she suffered severely, the
last being the breakage of a leg which
was not set owing to her old ag, and
death relieved her. Since then her
daughter, Miss Jennie Holmes, is
met with a slight accident and at that
time another daughter. Maggie, Um
beloved wire of Mr. Wm. Gibbings
(the bag white child born in Clinton)
bite been claimed by the grim reaper,
death, she belying passed away to eter-
nal rest 00 Tuesday Morning in the
52nd year of her ae.e after a lingering
illness. Her demise Wits expected,
having been sufrering and confined to
the house for the past ,two years. She
had lived the life of a true Christian
woman and one who did everything to
help those in distress; her influence
w•ts felt and counsel sought for by
of Brandon, Man, are the guests of
Afrs..I. Bowerman.
',Mr. Wm. Anderson, Exeter South,.
has returned }amine after spending
some time in Crediton.
Mr. James Walters left Wednesday
morning on a business trip to London,
Toronto and Montreal.
Mr. Fred. Brooks, of St. Thomas,
spent Sunday and Monday with rela-
tives in Exeter North.
Miss L, Drinkwater, after a pleasant
visit with friends in London, returned
home Monday evening.
Mr. Phil. Roweliffe and his brother,
Enoch, of Usborne, are this ,week tak-
ing ih the Pan-American.
Dr. L. L. and E. R. Follick, of St.
Marys, spent Sunday and Monday Wi-
der the parental roof here.
lapfr. W. R. Moncur is in Toronto
this week in theanterest of the Guelph
Carriage Manufacturing Co.
Miss'Victoria Bo gshaw, of 'Stephen,
is spending a few days with her siste,
Mrs. S. Sample, Fullarton,
Mr. Jos. Senior, and Mi.. Frank
Wood and wife left Tuesday for To1
onto and Buffalo Expositions.
Bei)et-ley Ouston,
• •
St. Marys: Mr. R. W.Dillon, editor
of the Argus„ was throw trona a rig
Sunday morning while driving to Gran-
ton to preach:and was several bruised.
The ttecident happened at Fish Creek,
about two miles from Granton. The
horse became un mana gable while go-
ing down the hill to the Creek, 1(11(100turning a corner sharply,' Mi-. Di11n
and his little somErnest. were thrown
out on the road. Mr. Dillon landed ori''
his head, but a stiff felt hat he wore
saved him from serious injury. ' He
was.sornewhat stunned and fainted on
attempting to walk. The boy escaped
unhurt. The horse fell when the oc
cupants of the rig were thrown out
and one shaft was driven deeply into
he ground, Before the aniMal could
regain its feet, help arrived; Mr.
lor proceeded to Granton and conduct-
ed the church services. Ile was able
to Ile out next day, but felt very badly
eatorth: The oldest resident of the
county of Huron and perhapsthe old,
est!n the province, passed peacefully
away from earth on Friday. We re
fer to the death of_ Mrs. Jean Gallag-
her -Laird, relict of the late Samuel
Laird Which took place at the resi-
dence of her son, Mr. John Land. De -
cased had reached the very extraordi-
nary age Of 107 yeats, 9 months and 23
days. Mrs. Laird vvas a native of Done-
gal, Ireland. Immediately after her
naarriage to Mr. Laird, 73 years ago,
they started for Canada. • Deceased
has been blind for a great many years,
but aside from this affliction she en-
joyed good health until within a few
months ef her death, and was remark-
ablyactiye. She was a most enter-
taining conversationalist, - and took
much pleasure ill recountin the ici-
dents of her early and middle life. She
w .,
chattsangesw. witness to
she WaS 1111e013SOIOLIS, and finally pass-
ed away as if in sleepot complete wear-
ing out of a once remarkably robust
Seafortb: Much surprise 'and deep
regret WaS felt here 'Wednesday morn-.
ing on it becoming hnown that Miss
Jane Susan Aitchison, of Roxboro,Mc-
Killop, had died on the previous even-
him had been known for several
days that sbe was seriously ill but
none thought the end was so near, and
all hoped for her recovery. It seerres,
that about two weeks ago Miss Aitchi-
son Weht to Victoria Hospi MI,London,
to undergo an oPeration for some in-
ternel complaint, With which she had
been troubled for a short time previous
but her case was then not considered
serious. The hospital, an thorities, how-
ever, decided that she was not strong
enough to tindergo the operation, and
she seems to have gone down very
'apidly. Friday morning her friends
iere received a telegram announcing
ier serious illness, and her brother,
James, at once went to London and
NV01S with her until the last. Deceased
was a fine robust looking woman, and
to all appearances bid fit, to reach a
good old age. But heis is only a noth-
For Bread, Buns, hite Buns, Brown
Buns, Gathain Biscuits, Cakes of all
kinds, Cream Puffs, WTafeis, Fancy
We are agent for J. Gammag & Sons,
Florist, London.
call on yeti, •
...Wedding Cakes a specialty -Iced and
nable price.
• Saturdays. We will be pleased to,
Cakes or Pies made to order. XXX
beautifull_y oenaineuted at a reaso-
13iscuits, Plain Biscuits,
Bread delivered to all parts of the
town, on Mondays, 'Wednesdays
Floral designs for funerals, or flowers
of all kinds on the shortest notice.
Having just opened up business we
are prepared to supply all kinds
We pay special attention to all kindsr'
PI u rnhi n
We do anything in the line of Wood-
work, and REPAIRING of
any description.
ChaTIton & Keddy,
, North Town Hall, Exeter.
• .
Brileefield: Many of our readers
will learn with regret of the death, of
Mr. John Burclge, who resided near
here, on the London Road. The sad
end, -however, was not unexpected, as
he had been,suffering from ill health
for over a year... He had been a resi- •' ,
dent of this district for over 3() years.,
coming here from the comity of On-
tario., He was 0 kind hearted man, an
enterprising and useful citizen, and.
was held in high e"steein for his pro-
bity of character and, his many good
qidities. His deail is a distinct loss- '
to the community, where be was so
much respected. The • sincerest sym-
pathy of all is extended to the bereav-
ed ones in this the hour of their great-
est berea VOID en t.
FOUND D.1.3AT2) TN r.1.1.7,1).
N,"St'oodsttel:, ,A
1 tits:an* of the truth that, life 5 114)1. inson, 1 we11,I,-,nN, and highl4 1-e-
18811rd 10,11ny, and that 11011e C1111 tell, si)ecterl citizen, who ei(les on
when 1he encl may collie. The remains soli iivernie, 'wits found dead in bed,
vere tal(enhorne on Wednesday find this morning. Mr. NVillinson was
core intertal ethe Aititlanclintile treciiredf
farintr, and had re--
centtey h dti• tmany tnd ittete kind neihbor old i
friend airs gone ty her cictlaet, eviey. sidedir
y yetis,