Exeter Advocate, 1901-9-5, Page 4(gxtter Abrocat „. Czas li Sand.ers Editor anen1 Prop THURSDAY, SEPT. 6 19-01, .NOTES •.•1-1.YD COMM E When a PrettsYgi1 Piins fiewersson a Young nittn's CQ 31 she '1131.ztys tilts her chin up end the fellow who doesn't tumble hnd bettor st;iy indoors when a funeral is paesing foe feitr being :rim over by the hetVee Richard Jewell, of, Collsiorne, ill have this yea it from his 80 -acre orchard tfbout 400 tnirrels of itpples, which, will -- realize ilboutt $800, 1-11 is yettr the va- eiety principally Spys. In 1897 M1. fennall had 1,030 baveels of first-class 11 1t 131 !07 none worth men 110100 1898 some 400 Int reels, in 1809 he sold $1,400 tvdtsth, in 1000 the yield nnis sold for $100. This year there, ,are only :About. tone acres out of the 33 with any- thing worth selilno- *. Here ie a bit of good advice -from a Oiiteni pore ry tO th OSe31113) delight in oeakings of tiny 'woman's ch.aracter. 'hink how many years she has been inclines it, of the wn ouds received, of e toilbs and privatious endured, 133)0 it° suepiciou 101Ioly hp ;ictions. e 13 1.1 rity of woman is the `salvation he race, the hope of future gveat- , and the redemption or men. Wipe her paritt, and man sinks 'beneeth va ve of‘ciespair wifb not a star to his life into a channel of safety. se, then, before you speak-, and re - fee that any hog can root up the flower that ever grew, so the ean ruin the purest cbaracter. Holmes, an extensive buyee Of and au 3.titit013ty, says that no More valuable investment orchards in Huron, and ether oWn them than the 11 prefit. The orchards are erly caf,sed for, either in culti- ' the land 0.e the care of the dying -tooth cultive ts,ors should pstead eef,plows: lieas should INf8 Bf REOPFNIO hvl N I znW I' arlisict 13 • , :4)i•eral .,-Toroitto oop Jai tireil Boats in -Concentration Camp to Be Deported to TOWt1S. " The IltAO4.1. to BO OntraPied-AllenS an iigItters Against Ilritain Abk Contpon satiou :for Loses-Cointnission Ite rt Against Many Clain -is -September "I thWidni.it--13oors Aro Active and. Blot% Vp '1'i:tin-Nine lIritisit . , 1"Vashii,kgton., Sept. 8.-Ambassedor 115 Choate has cabled the State Depart - Ment troins London, under date, of Aug. ,31,,, as' follows: South,' African commission, well receive no further el aims at ter Sep t. This commie: - Edon siss dehlitig, with claims of for- eigneri on account of damages in the Doer "sti-sain h Prisoners. St. Vil3Z' t, Sent. 3. --.- The steamship,. Asrmitrbse, which sailed from Cape'Tp,tisn sloe, Derniuda, Aug. 16 catesvints• 120/ 'Eneslish troops and 087 Boer. prisopers, letas arrived here and tvill peceeen,dlefors liee destin- ation to-day. eopon , Cape .r.1.'otvrt, neerit,ltry administration has dete;tieteland" it is said, to deport all the 13tInrs in. the reeeneentration camps, 'kennibering upward of, one hundred tlibliSanci, to garrisoned towns on the coastn where foci is iiiore readily available, The railways, thus relieved, will snilice to supply food fir the population of 011anIleSbUrg, iS as large as before the war, and permit the re- opening of all the mines:, Cempensatioe Consinission, London, Sept. 8.--Atajor-Gen. Sir John. A1 -dao -1), the representative of the British •Foreign Oflice before the 'Transvaal compensation conunission, presented to the conunission yester- day as part of the British ncege. against the American anti': other claimants, the report of CaPin: Oar': sostead of ,nass; hogs ShOuld Reichniann, who was United States - ,he proper' se,e,son Illsteaci of military attache with the Boors, calves.; the trn'e0 sillould„ be From this it appeared that the Irrsin- riC"s1 washed vvith -q,et 'old American ambulance originallY 0'61f-- season, fa,n‘t the best sisted of 53 men. On their art•ival u -d Casee ennenn he ,TiVen ,to at Pretoria 4.6 of them threw away -VA--sn.ordees „„.anta,t, itrbielaY op their Red Cross badges and tool - 1111 sa , ,n,iteo.raisca the most Val' mausers. Capt. Reichmaiin was es" t,libletsr,rt quoted as seyine- that the Works of - thernTetheinands Railroad and tlict dy- -sn nne s.,jfl nainite factory s Johennesh Le.„2• 7,4trin,e,nyeeteekis,nni-, uncet 'f/'`'‘e'nallotlaiste ta ter • n'nenfer sucleine 'eh Y`s1,14.e..'at liaternai e 1011 one , -were turned, into Boer areanals Con.: - s s 4 "") clan ger_ Se (111011 y cl..tiananes, "t", .0.0 a CI a'14' 111111110)1 'worked therein could liot be e dsTA. , to clairta,ges for exportation. 1 Ceood- ssen- Be Ind -43 bad the ae-- --tigers of 1,1712,11 ,Ae-at' S'tb IS • ' ,-`1as:helck-Ar lne&igene, enesksees A BOERS SHOW ACTIVITY. Blow Bp and Fire 0I1 a Train, ..illing Lieut. -Col. Vanditleur and Eir.-ht Others of the Irish Guards. , London, Sept. 3:-A, despatch from 4 Lord Initchen.er, dated Pretoria, ept. 1, says: eA train was blown up yesterday -een Waterval and Ilainan's ,11.„, 1 by 250 Boers, • who at once ii g 1In'tika- \ Y fird(is of Lie' c ea Guare.. ,rit.- son the big neet- n at - g re - as de- a gale s about 111.00, " erect - 101)1 nths .wn. 1 of of zas ` of -0 n he train, setting it on fire. Vandaleur of the Irish a most promising officer - 1. Nine persons were killed was 1040L eis wounded in the blow - and 1-t-1ttE derailing of the train." ing un5.09;1 0 id '`'N OE TUE HAND., Its sciiarged 1'wo Negro Itaise a ,r T1 •• The 1).3',7.1- • 2, despatch retl-ssp°011naLlin'Soe-Pf tille'berlgloarwacaPiorldc:s up of a bater7a1 Haman's Stui'dBot,_ when Lieut. -Col. 1,..`_'I3de1eu0 of the, bi' IniSh Guards was killed, "The train carried several passen- gers, among them two ladies with babies. and it nurse. As it toiled through a cutt,iing a negro was seen to raise his hand. Instantly a Boer discbarged two mines, derailing he train, while a body of Boers poured in et heavy rifle firenje,31('713 - ‘‘Lieut. -Col. Vanilereur''S'nouted-tb•iit W0fl10311 .3.0 110 deWie 'under the seats' and ordered his men to return tee fire. As he was proceeding along the corri- dor a Boer burst into the Carriage and fired, killing him, after, it is supposed,. his refusal to surreenere'.,Another,Beer denbera.tely firerition arentiteturneseinthe-n- niirse,, and bul were flying, in all directions, *iiltho the 130nrS Were aware that woinen- and ' children were thore.". Not to Nee!. ICrugor. :FrainC1'i1)5j3,11 - w Toronto, Sept. O. -Several Torento people, were mere oe loss se.yeeely in- jure(1 in a rant\ ay eel 141 011 at Ieew- iston last 'night shortly after7 O'elock. Tlef New York Central train from Buffalo wee conveying; en ex- Ourefon Panty to 1e111t01,1, whell the smash came, The New York Cen- tral train, clue ttt Lewiston at 7.80 Pnne to meet the Chieora, .had to back down the steep grade running a lune fom Letvie On.', In doing this last night at a speed of six ndles an hour the New Yoek Central train ran off a switch and crashed into an engine standines on the wharf. rive C043.01103 wre etAtached to the New York Central. etigine, and several liundred persons Were a boar ti 'The' eresh produced a etartling shock. The rear coach was badly shattered, and the passengers were thrown into confusion. , George Heath of. 948 Queen- street, this city, had his right leg leroken above the ankle. Ile was in the car eecond to the rear coach. :Hie back W'115 also hurt. . A number of other To ron toni ne were severely shaken up, but escaped with a few bruises. s The c,ollieran cansed a•panic, but wheinit was found that no one had been killed, thinge quieted down. L. -knoll. nay. Ce1eb3.3t1on1r1t1olig1out All Canada and the United Staten on :1Ionday. TOronto, Sept. 3. -Yesterday the Trades and Labor Council here had a big parade, with the Industrial Ex-. hibition as an objective poi.nt. Here they ran off the program of sports and games. Throughout Canada there were monster parades, the holiday being sti.ictly obser-veci. ,There were large turnouts of finion man at all the smaller cities ahd Iare-e towns in Canada. Drowned at Hamilton. , .43nijton, Sept. 3. -Richard Wynne • kaMke„ a 13-ye311--old son of William m, corn/re:renal traveler; wag cli•otrieek while bathing at Burlington BectelinArbout six o'clock last oven 131q -,,VInen a cci d en t happened in the` nearktthe canal. 'Wyndham step- ped into, a;-lhole and 11114113, down. A conipanion,n4Addie 'Murphy, went to his assistafistnin and got hini by tne hair of 0141,ledad, and brone-ht him to_ the surfaann,Anyncilstam seized him, and to save"niAigelf Murphy ha,d to ',shake 111/11 .offnalicinswim to shore.• The body Was-resecotred af- terwards, ee, Matthew Streatham 'Dead. Toronto, SoiSt,'. Sweet: narn, ex -Chief ,PostOffice Inspeetor of the Dominion,: died ' on stS11tnrclay inOrning at the faniily reSisdenn'es`from the result of a stroke of, ptu•aly:,-,Sie., Mr. Sweetnain stroke on March -8 last, btit_recover--s ed sailiciently to be about. Last, Tuesday hes suffered a secniici stisseken 1 -le was conscious, however. tuitila few hours before his- death. :iyheir the end came he was surrounded, bn his family. Mr. Sweetnam was. born in Toronto on Oct. 17, 1831, . and was, therefore, in his 70th year , Carrie in New York. New York, Sept. 3. -Mrs. Carrie Nation -came to town yesterday to lecture and be stared at, and the day furnished More, excitement for • her thaii anyPi1e--;ii‘Oi"iSiscli.nyesehei.hasS'..Ilasd since she s abandoned -the saloon, - smashing crusades that made her famous. She lectured the barteridoS 01 31031 a dozen saloons, visited eral dance halls, was placed under and was released again before e reached the police station: • London;;Sept. 3. --The Czar, hav- ing made engagements th the Pretich. President s:auct with Edtvarri VII., is importuned by Dr. Leyds for an interview with ex -President ilnru- ger. It is net probable that he will g -rant this request, Mr. Kruger lias beea in Europe tv year without, ,rneet- ing ally European. Sovereicne except Queen AVilltelmina, and she was pow- erless -to support a demand for in- tervention against Clreat Britain... isss,tets, Deiarey..Captured. London, Sept. 1,-1,03.11 Kitchener, telegraphing from. Pretoria yester- day, says', '`Garratt has captured Piet .1)ciar- ey, brother of the Itssietent Com - 110.11(1034 Genera] ' Arrested for iIigh 'Treason. Landon, Sept, Icranse, former Governor o.r jOhinnicshtirs;, ion] 13 promin- ent , of ficial of the late Transenei gov- eisninent, ayes arrested In TAna on last eight on a charge of high treeson. 11o 33 131 be erisnigned 1 0-(1 y at iletv-Street PC. NCO Ceurt, Fels the pa t four in anths Pr. Eirause lins been Hying In Great Britain, it is alleged that ter signifying hie n 1 I (Tine ve to 3,31 Posii.fsh CrOwis he secretly 400 - :Warded ll11fl1fl110i011 to 31ue 1300i78. it n if Dr. E. -rause who 111:10011 to Lord itneerts th,ci 13o sof 331htinneShrirg en the ecenSlon 01 the tirren (ler. Tro 0 pet' ritishe 330101. Ottawa., t'siiept. Militia De- pertment has received a nelilegram ,)t 114 that Trooper Charles Top - nor 13 ‚31,3 of nionctein fsn,11., 10(1 of 1115 3001,1 tit I-internee:line, Atig, 29, 1004) 511),thrn,',, 4, intirrertl. ,rotistreal, Sfent, , St r LI-1AI** one end nitettest Royal is soOicie more in Con 1(311 lee -vine; MO. 3.31 /31: j1:lntr 31 ';',/ 1133' 1' Fiti,iidaete jr, ore ticsOt It Berlin, Aug. 3. -In splt; of the ef- 'forts to preserve the nonepolitical as- pect of .the coming meeting, between Emperor William and the Czar, "'The, Schlesische Zeitnng's St. Petersburg correspondent declaree:that the Czar IialanlReen in autographic' correspond- :Cnce-With, the Empdror, special coin. - 'Mrs 'viSi.'tkrigsn'' 'ilCl3lin twice weekly, bearing letters which have not pass- ed' through the hands of any offic- ions, ect - • • Midland, Ont., Sept,. 3. -The body of a man was founcl floating in the bay here near Playfair's Mill yester- day morning. The body was too badly decomposed to be identified, but froni papers found in clothing he .is supposed to be Edward Delaney, a lumber inspector of Bradford. The authorities . of Bradford have bon commemicated with, and friends are expected to identify remains. 330003, for Bravery-. London, Sept. 3. -Andrew Carnegie has given 100 each to 'Shenderf, Law, Jones and Pick, four miriers who displayed Conspicuous bravery.; in the rescue of their comrades at the time ol the recent Dolnibeistle (Perthshire) colliery disaster. seal catch Sman, San Francisco, Sept. 3, The' steaincr Bonlel hies c.irrived faeire the Pisibyloff ISI inds with. 22 even .Se I - ,513i118, tl, large numbee of ftJeskies, ancl a quantity 'of 13 0'] The geueetil Catch of seals is reported as Cycling 311411 wityinito. :Sydney, N.S.W., Sept, 3.-15 mesh- ed cyclist Suncle.y night' 1101 11 up tile 1V1.1.1 to ,Cli rfs-Tli I can la 'malt -Coach , wotaided a pasSenger, eccured' tiles inalls and 0.Pa1s • Valued at $1,40,0, and eitic e,pecl • 1>313i011ot 83117111:1'3. WOMAN'S HOUSEHOLD , rfleastuss.aikoia YoraEdvooedtrhyo:;b,S°Oubmsyee I sstoi milIn- Th m ---....-,.--..------- hold pest, , 'I variety of kouse., Whether it be in the form of Croton bugs, mice or bedbugs, the result ii the same -to drive a careful house- lteeper to distraction. The best thing to keep away mice 19 a eat; the next best thing is a trap. Few housekeepers know, however, that ., MICE will not go near a trap unless it 13 thoroughly, scalded and aired after pvcry three or four captures. Paris green will effectually destroyl :Neches and Croton bugs. It should, Do sprinkled sparingly around the places they frequent. 'Cloricle of lime :011 afso keep away water bugs. Borax is an enemy to red -ants. It is very' difficult to get rid completely) or these little pests 01100 they have in, 'naclecl a house. Many housekeeperS hoop them out of -refrigerators by placing each leg Of, the refrigerator in a saucer of water. The wa.ter must be renewed each clay before it evaporates, and will pro-ve an effectual barrier to armys ,of red ants, , Bedbugs are the bane of every WO^ -Man's existence. The advent of 'tha iron bed has done much to help rid Louses of them, but still they will gather in carpets, closets' :and wood- work unless carefully Watched. 's This Is especially true of apartment houses. j - . . Clean water and acut ohm. proper imixture is the 113311 secret of keeping Brie -a -Brae glass brilliant. u mirrors are very dull and speckled, the following fluid Is excellent: Take a small portion Of whiting and add sufficient cold tea to make a paste; rub the specks from the glasses' surfaces with warm tea, dry, with a soft cloth; rub a little of the paste well on the mirror and pelisli dry with tissue paper. Stains and fin- ger marks may be, removed from a •loolirig-glass by rtbbing with a soft .cloth wet with alcohol. - 'Discolored ivory Jnay be restored to, Its original whiteness by soaking It in 'water and while wet inclosing it in a glass jar nd exposing- it to the strong rays of the sun. Repeat the process until the ivory is bleached. , China which has beeorne discolored should be treated to`a thorough scoitr- ing, with Coal ashes. Marble is best cleaned with the fol - hewing inixture: FOUr tablespoonfuls 0; baking soda, two of pumicestone and ewo of preeipitat,ed chalk. Add water until these ingredientare of a paste consistency. Rub preparation on . marble, then wash it off with tepid soapsuds. • Brfc-a-brae Is ,generally In a dingy, ccindition at the end of winter. If it la -,gunitny, Tub with dry salt or baking, soda --A-strong solution of ammonia and Water will clean a piece of brie-a- lit:de thoroughly- if an old toothbrush fsvlgorously ,used in immersing thd rtie1-e in the solution. :011-rry Ari eunce of cam- .W,hen 111.001 phor Is worth a pound of sachet! . „ sutittfri 0'4'1 .;--That clothes are perfedtly cies...it:fit-fa, free from dust is the trst reciiiisfter-,3ai their preserva- tion against3'li0 clissolute moth; com-- /non garden' or -!`)3uffal'a" variety. Blankets shoul&be-WaSlied carefullyT, and aired in the_sun for ttii;o. or three. 3110.urs and then' mit away With each fold tiled with cninphor in chests -lined pith white shelf -paper. 3"-z,' Furi placed in tar pappnella,gs hung up in it roomy closet, ed camphor placed in the pockets, will 'defy the.; greatest- moth gourmnd if every new And then" during the season they aretaken out and,aired. Woollen gOdileS'andlsillt artieles be prevented from turning yellomf-by., placing. pieces -ot_liees wax about- the goods. Silk fabrics should never be kept folded for any length of tiMe in, white paper, as the chloride of lime in the paper will ,impair the color of the silk. • To prevent creasing:lay newspapers without opening in the folds of the goods and -.-fold them up together. 3 ' LaceS'and fine white goods should be folded in 'blue paper. This prevent their turning darker. J To '. clean, knivee, ! i All Einila,of id..flo thing ' is bettet 0 Stains. otthan the old fashion,. ÷s_u_sautsizsed brick dust. 1 .s ,1VItid Stains steeld be allowed to dry, thdif thoroughly, brushed with a dry cloth, and the spots removed by rubbing with alcohol. t Grease stains are -eradicated most ef-. feetually with benzine. The 11131 i'1 should be rubbed. back and forth ovee the stain until ,it -ha z' disappeared. it :Will not then leave • ring. I On silverware, stains require prompt attention, or they take too long to r43. - move, $ulphuric acid will remove the etain left by medicine. Dip the s.poon In the acid, reierating tho proces8 un- til it has theappeareds, then wash 11: 1(1 very hot water. To remove egg stain from silver rub it, with table salt. Ink stains onfurniture use thin>, Wad SIX drops of niter. to a, teaspoonful of 'water and apply to the ink stain with A liseather. If the ink doeS nelt yield to this, make mixture stronger and repeat 'process. s i On earpote, grease or gummy dirt 'stains may he removed by rubbing on thein the following mixturefs' One bar of good soap to two teaspoonfuls el Sa1-80da and saltpeter and four cmerte of boiling watee. 'When cool add six Ounces of arinaquinnonia. Bottle and nse.as required, 1),,I.,onden., Sept,. 3. --The Idien rnigintin 011 11004so511011111 31110 11 ilo 10 03, yf,3s10.1c1,,A,y seye fenne In:- used, Wash the Painting gontlY evith tt,v)nerri likely (10 comer a cluieccl(ini rleal vsatm 'vssater, dry with a TIsess°' ot letrcl el, the Of iSfit; elagese-eloth, then rib it with a elerez Maieiity's cerenietion, • ' "Cloth ee,tetra.tad with 'olive oil. Borax 'is best be use for stained tin.- )vt,Av 11 0-0 !Bt-1f ors. , Ware. ehould the inside 01 a tin ten- Ilevtin, pot or' 1101108 pot be discolored' boil it at, -the pi 011 ce (13 111.0<10 onione et, in sti,ono,„' beeees teesienen for s short he, ceresencle, ef;linfusind, time (13(1its 'ilkst brightricss wrd , - 0,.!, (113d i, 1.1110,110.•3i01,19,,, ti4urn, tv-veseneese ee.:4'.01P -,.* ,•••twt I I I WM: FI.111 I AVeg e table PreparationforAs siinhlaung therood atidRegul47 !Mg the S tontarls and BOINt 'Sof a PrortioLes Digestiongheerful- neSS and Ilest,Con ta ns neither OpiuntMovphine nor Mineral. NOT ZZA.cf(C) OTIC ..2744ve. Olei:71,12.11thlaPIV_IrZYZ littyke'n- Ste d .eflx:Senrsa Roalarla Saks - .elniza Seed • .7k7a/mint - a% Casbonat,raz,-. Thlar Seed - , Clafifiad kl4tZ11 1h -31.w3 T/(,'317: A perfect Rethedy for Cons ti Worms ,Co wilds ions ,Feverish- litieosns, asnoduLoss _zociD Fi,s'lia,EnEttnoe, l'asSiraile Signature of • • r 10EW 'YORK. T AT TH C SIMILE SIGNATURE --- 0 F IS ON THE P OP' tfrEBY BOTTLE OF erra.....tessamo' Catt'oria, is put up in oie-st."NVOttlevonl'yfe is not'%seld la bulk. Don't all.Waeyone to se) you airnytliing else on the plea deli/ire/nits tbastrs1., 4s‘ju5t.a3 good', and "will eiritsisier'etietTptif;. pose)t .42 -See that you get 0ZL'30.:114-4., " 13 03 k EXACT -COPY OF WRAPPER, signature tits even. n of • .• • ..E2Erigailtze.-"AtMEC The Iiissg ofs,-- 13-1.tcli's Happy Thought" appy ou anges = aNts., been Made': for s- tnoff cooks and the careful housewife mho requires to use economy' ancleget the be'st reSults., nappy- Thought Ranges' ri-re'ilotemperirnents.- Tlieyharre been testei± in 150,000 Canadian- homes and have beenimitated by :more. stove inaitufacturers than .any other. Range.. ; Buy a.F.Cappy,.Tliought, a•ou'll get Q,ualifSV' that Means ar:. Sav-ing" if you,., lliTatittfactareally 1511C1i. Stove Ca., Li rrtitj5t,azot.ford Write ths.-Tilanufacttitmrs for -arc 1.11ateated cattsibizue.. 4 • 'ow 801413 - J HEAIVIA,N3 Exeter, Ont. ~E,or puretblood, a:bright eyet; a clear inomplexion, a- keen appetite, a,good.„ digestioni and refreshing sleep TAKB- '-seLpekrillek.. . . It arouses the Liver e quickens the circulation, brightens:the spirits and generally impronosithethealth. sixty-eight yeare tred haw,: proved it tc.,, be, the raost reliable 131-0013i purifier knoiva. All druggists. sell: -BRISTOL:Sr' meztatammammensumissmagssemmessesemmimme vommewmockancemaraskzmaeo......xs.,... Sept 5th to l4bh, 190,1 Entri6E.4 dose Sq/ ember A latpirics exposition genunie merit -Nett' tte,latireits ancl leading. 41,0,1:ace tions-I'cichbarst's n9110011110.4; l'e`flepltatits--'1110 1;..reo 6r-reces ain )‚3 0361 Tout " the 11z111y eloplian 111011103,))other ..peciklii,es 02 31. high 0101113. (itrall)1 fire \vov3s.4i5p013'; iii0163.1113,:g reitr-oselitaLibus 0! ",747331l of of Pksnin." &elitsCial trains over (1.11 1111131 cacii 0tt,,133in4 all er Cho \v0»312,.... pi'140 I 1SuS, i)rogrdnie, eto., npply to LT..COL. W. M. GARTSIIORE, Pr.osidoil .1, A. NliCt1111;t43, 8v, (To /\,„.y 5, ,. ,0,,,,,,,itt. :..., 0,,....„, AIR,. .... givonfot sal, ltqr on1Y,21 dez:racksges,SWeet res Seed ar 10o, ', RIFLE, .. ,(„a„. nisi) psorsgoessialus a gplerat ntxtin.o of the 111t11.frag- p....-% . rant varietleg 0(60801000. T,110 lt111013Vrthbltnt rtuitco an a 0(0(1' ' 01, 171)5 poll:311°cl Illokr1 barrel, triggar guard,and side pistils. Itliaaimproyca 01•,•-,lio,, , sight, fAstolgrIptitul walnut stock, and shoo is with torri fis torso anC great neenntry, _ f sent esters ad-rfreftWement mid wo w111fOrrotra the SaNtr, 501 thatrO6tura bernondy Itacittleu will Ifs floe, 1 yOU Ine by 11131110, Thq oaaon for ft011ing 80.11(1 310150), 41ert, tx °Wei' at onto. $eed iStgvgiy, to,, Yyat onto: , • 'Mrs, John ineterie, of' 1 faniillon, Wee, taken sucicle11,13, ill oil Llie, street., 41e1:- ecl 1110<11 store (311(l[1](('L, Williern 1), McLeod wits 1101enni- 11(11 .rots the 1,01„eislative Assetiii)ly- b'y the Conserviitives or' Cletiger ry. 0<tis1:e 11 31)10 fli1111008e ttifvtol onici oceStVcfet,r), ), iiiid eiel,iisistie tvill 0(1 11'13(1ilito t,h0 pniJ school syston. 3r. ni melt to Oa pi t v e 1)crogi 0331 3,11e blisiness of \V. illanri Mani, facbtul (14 1,311) 111 at Di 0331113 1113', PAIN -IC 1;•.; 1.31ii\CET0< 1100(10)1 111 (3(413 3301 ('1110. ht.trtis and taitisc;,,, stvtiins and spral,;, darni)cin a, cloth with itp:dy to lo 5101111d 13134 LIR 1.0 331 0< 11,11:3, 10 010' 1)3.11 0113; :011111 ,,tc 11 - ler, Porky .Davis'. 211c and 600. 121 o{ 11101013 11011 1 kl)p 110 tilnee of stoat». 01)4i 1)ds ••Ibo C:4 Cie dis 510 Oreitt i'Uniin I tail ihkl r( --)o (I) Paid B,esen Alon at 7 per