Exeter Advocate, 1901-8-22, Page 51.1CHE xttgr bro.catv Is published every ThursdaY Morning, at the Office, falAIN -STREET, -- EXETER. the ----- ADVOCATE PUBL ISH NO COMPANY T.ERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance 61.60 if not a° paid. .a.a..-r.rorti., a-2:1ton 0a=1. No paper discontinued. until allarre rage are paia. Advertisenients without specific direetions will be published till forbid and. dharged. accordingly. Liberal diseount made for traascieut advertisements inserted for long Periods, Every description of SOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates, Cheques, money ord- ers,Sze.for advertising, subscriptions,eto,to be made payable to Chas. 11. Sanders 9 EDITOR AND, PROP tart Professional Card.s. H. KINSMAN, L,D. S. & DR. A. R. KINSMAN, r. D. S. D,'D. S.,.Elonor graduate of Toronto' Tjniversity, DENTISTS, Teeth extracteil without any pain, or any bad effects. Office in Nausea's Block, west Side Naha Street,Exeter. D D. ALTO N ANDERSON (DOS. '1" --DENTIST- Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistery (with honorable mention.) Alluininum, Gold and 'Vulcanite Plates made in the neatest n0 UO possible. A perfectly harmless an- aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Office one door south of Carling; 13ros, store, Exeter, Medical McLA.TJGB.LIN, MEMBER OF II the College of Physicians andSurgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and A.cooueli- enr, Office, Legal. TAICESON et CARLING, BARRISTERS, If Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioner's, Solicitors for the Molsons - Bank, eto. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest,. Offices, Main Street, Exeter. I. R. CARLING, B. A.. L. II. DICKSON, W. 0-LADMA.N. (successor to Elliot & . Gladman,) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public tionve.vancer, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest, Office Main Street, Exeter. • ..ltnetion eers TT ROSeE leRRY, Grand. Bend, Licensed AA. Auctioneer for Oounty Huron. Sales promptivattendod to, and. charges moder- ate. Orders by-I:nail will receive every at- teation. HBROWN, Virinehelsea. Licensed Amat- ioneer tor the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Sales -promptly attended to and terms reit- oribal e.Ss.les arranged at Post office. Win- ehelea. Insurance. E ELLIOT, Tnsn.ran,ce Agent, Xeter FAIt1V13 MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned has a few good farms for sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms 30111.1' SP A.CKIWAN Sarawell's Block Exeter THE LEADING MEAT MARKET. For Fresh, good and the choisest cuts of meat, call on the undersigned. - While all our cuts of meat are the ' finest, weemake a specialty of meat delicacies. ----- 111,eat delivered to all parts of the . town . . John Manning 110ClIRE A c OLD IN ONE DAY , ,Take Laxative 13eorno Quinine Tab- lets. All drueegiss refund the money ifit fails to cure. 25c. E. IN: Grove's signature is on e• -,ch. box. . . We gilma handsomeopen face, Polished Nickel Wata, Ameri. can Lever Movement for selling only 2 doz, packages of Sweet Pea S eed atl0a. a Package. Each pack - ago contains &splendid mixture of the most fragrant varieties of all colors. You can earn this tine Wateh in an afternoon ty se.tting to work at once. Matins thls'advertisemeut add we will forward the Seeds. Sell them, return the money, and we guarantee Safe dolly. ery of your Watch at once. Write to day, as the season for nollingseedIS ahOrtv Seed1Supply o., Turrouto. The Molsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 185.) Paid up Capital......'.......$2,500,000 Reserve Fund............. .2,050;000. • Head office Montseal. JAMES ELLIOTT, Esq. GENERAL MANAGER. Money advs.need to goodFarmers on their °Nye notes..with One o,r more oncl,orser3 • At 7 15,0.r, cent, petann urn. ---EXETER BRANC.T, • Open every lawful day froth 10 am. to 3 p.m; Set erdays1,0 tem. to 1 p.m, A general btitikLing business transacted CURRENT RATES allowed for .nfoney on DepositReeeipte. Savings Rank at 3 cont. DfcasoN&OAaMNcOc N 0 UtranOist, • Solicitors. Manage r SOLID GOLD We'gtvofhiS beautifill Solid ',Gold Ring, a t witli Pearls, for sching ,only 15 naelniada 11 seed tee Seel etlee eau% Each •adVertiganient and *oytill rot'. Mail lid th10,1 -?" .0aakaItecontaiii§ a Splendid ' 'oleo Oftlid Most fragotilitfarte. Ward OM fkeils; SelithOle, to thriitlitialone% and WI bean., tiful,Sblid Gold, rearladt Rift OfitYan, earofuliVek. od Alow,stibi&i, box.. riot° 'rho 000000 for dell; 64490414 f714410413,010014' Te9,19eVit.0/04C4III4 Run Down That is the condition of thousands 01* people who need the stlinulus of pure blood -that's all. They feel tired all the time and are easily exhausted. Every task, every responsibility, has he- VOme hard to them, because they have net the strength to do nor the power to endure. ,Williarn Ross, Sarnia, Ont,, who was without appetite and so nervous he could not sleep, and Leslie R, Swink, Dublin, Pa., who could not do any work without the greatest exertion, testify to the wonder- ful building -up efficacy of Hood's Sarsaparilice It purifies the blood, gives strength and vigor, restores appetite and makes sleep refreshing. It is the medicine for all debilitated conditions. Hood's Pius eere liver ilia 1 Plc, nomirritating and only cathartic to take with liend's Sarsaparilla. '14 Relieve time -se Inflairied Byes! Pond's Extratt Reduced one-half with pure soft water, applied fiequently with dropper or eye cup. the congestion will be removed mei timpani and inflammetion instantly iellevcd. CAUTION : -A -void dangerous, ir- ritating Witch Hazel preparations represented to be "the sante as” PuniPs Extract Whiell easily emir and generally contain. "wootl liol,P) a deadly poison. eeneeeteereetleteeereleeleliee teeetle' reeflefernifeernitelefeetintreansenostreewnere, Zurich: Mr. Simon Sureaus has pur- chased his father's farm, for Which he paid $4,500. This is a fine -farm, 'cloSe, to the village, and we wish him suc- cess with his purchase. Mt -Carmel: The house occupied by Geo. Steeper, along with the contents,. was entirely destroyed by fire on 'Fri- day morningeOth: inst.,abont 10 o'clock. .Insurance only $100. The family Was absent at the time. Hensall: Mr. Gordon Manes, who isha the employ of Messrs. MeDonell Brothers, had the misfortune this week; while operating the large shears for cutting tin, to cut the top off the second finger of hs left hand. • Clinton:. On We.dnesday Mr. 3. B. ltdover received a telegram:from Ayl- mer apprising him of the death of. his Mother, The deceased lady bad suf- fered intensely frona malignant cancer since November last • and; her death was not Unexpected. Cromarty: At a meeting the Perth. Presbytery, held on Monday, at Rus; Seldale, the Pres b Vteri an , eon gregati on of this place presented a unanimous and very hearty call to be their pastor, to Rev. R. Q. Cranston, of 'Caledon East. They Offer asalary of $800; fie e in au se,. and, three weeks' holidays. Mr. Cranston is a.recent graduate Of .Knox Colleo.e, is an earnest and able preach- er; and should he.aceept the call, will find here a ceinfertable and pleasant location and a good field for - his best energies. , he time to fight consumption, with Scott's Enaulsion of cod-liver oil, is long in advance. If it threatens, you. can resist; and you may overcome it. Don't be afraid; be brave. But tackle It; don't waste time. SENO FOR FRYE BANIPLY AND TRY IT, ocorr DOWNe, entisieve. VolsonTO. gee. and Stoop; all druggists. - . - Ushorne: The Voters' list for Us - borne was first posted up OD the 30111 of July. There are four polling sub- divisions. There are 840 names on the list. Of these 615 are entitled to vote at both parliamentary and municipal elections; 143 at municipal elections only and 77 at parlitunentary elections only. There are 48 female voters and 304 elegible to serve as jurors. Staffa: Much and deep regret is felt here on acconut of the death of Miss Kate Norris, fourth daughter of Mr. and Miss Joseph Norris. She was a most promising and esteemed young lady and wes a favorite with all who knew her. She will he greatly missed in the Epworth League and Methodist elver, of which she has been a mem- ber for a auto bey of years. The sad oven t 0:1C urred on Friday. Until a few weeks ago deceased was enjoying the best of health, but at the early age of twenty years and four months God saw fit to call her home. The funeral on Sunday WILS the largest that ever entered Steffit cemetery, there beille- nearly 200 rip in the pro- , ceseion. • Kippen: Henry Shaeffer, our hotel proprietor for forty years, had been Saving up to meet an obligation (as he so ys) but unfortunately on Wednesday evening some persons called in for it few moments and the proprietor ac- companied them to the door. Fie had nmde change from his wallett at the time they were in and put it 'hastily in his inside vest pocket. While at the door he was attracted to his butcher shop and stables nceoss the road end ferseme time was busily engaged hust- ling arourld. Finally he sat down to rest and discovered his pocket hook with about 3516 was not in his pocket where he is positive be put it. The mystery is what has heanne of it. Search has been made in every part but still no trace. Abont 100.000 Boer refugees are now being cared 'for by the British. Fire in a waterworks ribcaused the death of at least tee men in Clevelaed. Andrew Carnegie bus offered $50,- 000 to St. John, N. 13., for it pnblie seipuleting that the it pro- vide 0. free site and maintain the in- titeitiOn. 811f WENT DOWN 11[110 FIRST Islander Sank 16 Minutes After Striking the Iceberg+ TioSS Vai4ously Estimated at Prota' 32 to _SO -No Accurate List Lobtainable- ' Many Who Perished Were 'Killed by Exploding 'Boilers After They Were in Small 'I3oats-Natues of Those. ,Known to Have Perished.- Victoria, B. C., Aug. 20.--Fullei.• details of the wreck of the S. S. is- lander have been received here, sbow- ing that the disaster is the most serious one in .the history of the passenger trait between this city and. the Yukon. It is now estimated that between 75 and 80' passengers Wore 1.0st. The Islander was the flagship of the fleet owned and operated by the Canadian Pacific Railway Steetniship and Navigation Company of Vic- toria, and plied between this port and Skaguay. She was a Well- equipped twin-screw steamier, divid- ed into seven watertight compart- ments. There was on board 107 papsengers and a crew of '71. The Islander left Ska,guay last Wednesday evening, going by way of the Linn Canal. An iceberg • was struck as the boat emerged from ehe mouth of the canal, off the south end of Douglas Island, at 2.16 a. me. en Aug 15. The crash came suddenly. It was so violent that the door of nearly every stateroom was driven home with such force that the terror-stricken passengers, when they tried to gain the (leek, found themselves blocked. So swift- ly did the boat settle that many persons were left in the rush and. went down With the ship. Capt. Foote jumped from the vessel. as she settled and was lost. She foundered in 40 fathoms of water in about 16 minutes from the time of the accident. Many of the persons who perish- ed were killed by the exploding boiler after they had been, taken off by the small boats, but could not push away from the sinking ship in time. • The six boats rind two lifeboats were promptly lowered. and all avail- able cork` jackets torn down and distributed among. the passengers as soon as the stewards were given the alarm and could get among the pas- sengers. • The officeri and the- engineers, with some of their respective crews, whom had assisted the, took to the wa- ter as the stern went under, the ship having gone down head first. They were afterwards saved by boats returning from the shore. In site of its being in the early hours of the morning and quite dark, there appears to have' been little or no confusion or excitement. The boats landed the people on the southern end of Douglas Island and the chief officer and the engineer call- ed for volunteers to pull to demeate -few asefstaincee where they obtained' two steamers and prompt attention in way of food, clothing and restor- atrves,and despatched them to the scene of the disaster. Some of the passengers declare, that the shock of the collision with the iceberg was not sufflcient to awaken everyone. Some had to be called after the contact. The survivors walked to Treadwell, Alaska, bringing the first news of the disaster. Two heinch'ed thousand dollars in treasure from. the Alaskan and Yu- kon gold fields, over 8100,000 of winch was the property of passen- gers, sank with the steamer. Accounts for Thirty -Two. Latest accounts indicate that about 14 passengers and 18 of the crew, among whom was the captain of the ili-fated steamer, went down with the Islander in Steven's Channel on Thursday morning last. All the boats and rafts got away, -and some one hundred ' and thirty-four passengers and crew were saved. THE DEAD. Executive °facer at Victoria Says Will Not Exceed 20. Victoria, Aug. 20. -George eteL. Brown, executive agent of the Cana- dian Pacific Railway, after interview- ing the officers and passengers who returned, said: - "The purser is remaining, in he north_ attending to the forwarding of through passengers. It is impossible to give an exact list of those lost, but from. the fact that 113 were saved, the loss must be very much below figures obtained. The loss will not exceed 20, in his opinion." Drowned. Mrs. Ross, wife, of the Governor of Yukon, Territory, her child and niece. Dr, John Dmican, Victoria. . W. G. Preston and bride of Seeattle. • P. Mills, Victoria. ' Mrs. J. C. Henderson of Victoria. W. H. Keating and two sons, Los Angeles: ' 3. V. Douglas, Vancouver, Mrs. Philips and child, Seattle.. P. W. Bell, Victoria. ' Mrs. Nickerson, wife ,of Capt. Nick- erSon. Mrs. W: Sinithe Vancouver, J. A. Delthani, Vancouver. ' Mrs. J. L. Wilcox, Seattle. Crew 1,0/st. The merabers of the crew lost are: Capt. Foote of the Islander. George Allan, third steward. ' S. J. Pitts, cook. Ilorace Smith, second steward; Two Chinamen. 'hick Hooder and Burke, oilers ,Ttve firemen,' „ Night Saloon Watchnum Kendall Joe Bard, •second pantry man. Two waiters. , Miller, barber, ''N. Law. P. Jock. Portet cued Moran, coal passers. List lOoChis t.coreved. Children Ory for The foliowin • bodies hiivc been ro- , Johniicr Duncaii, Victoria; 1.),. covorcci: Ilurbe, II. P. Burke, IL Potter, Nell Folk, --. Doll and two children. No accurate list of the dead will be available until the arrival of tin) purser on the steamer Farallon, ix sir stisekerizia Lost? Belleville, Aug. 20,.. ---at s feared here that Sir Mackenzie Dowell, Mr. J. F. Mills, barrister of this city, his brother, Dr, A. E. Mills of iW- son City, were lost on the steenier Islander. They are believed to have taken passage on her, as Sir Alia:- kenzie and J. F. Mills went up on her. Nor Brother -in -Law Lost. Toronto, Aug. 20. -Miss DuPont of 101 Madison avenue received a tel - gram from hor brother in Victoria,, inforMiug her that her brother-in- law, Peter W. Bell, had perished in the wreck of the ,Islander. Mr. Dell was born in Red nivel' about 66 years ago. I -Io was Eudson Day Fac- tor at Michipicoten and at La loc'be lei. many years. He had gone up to DaWson with Dr. Duncan to superin- tend a canoe expedition. INHIJIIAN PASSENGERS.' tut 110Pei in Mad EtY0rts to SaVe Their Lives. Victoria, B. C.,' Aug. 20.--Reporte 'receive -0;s here say that some of the Padrigers *on the Islander', when she etriteee, • ,aeted most inheimanely, quttfngthe ropes as soon as they got into ' the ,boat and pushing off frOm. • the steamer. The chief criti- 'eiern to -Life. operation of the steam- -ee is tlitit, she should' have been. slow- ed down Lis scion as it was found tba.t, ;She Was running into ice. CORPOKATION MAKES GAINS. Three More of theM Steel TruAt's ills Set Pittsburg, Aug. 20. -The Steel Corporution made a series of gains yesterhay. The Monessen steel mills were partly put in anition' by strike breakers gathered in the ` Southern States. Two more mills in the l'ain- ter plant were also started up, and another large mill at the Clark pro- perty was opened for the first time. There was greet disorder in the streete' of Monessen. Preparations are being made for the re -opening of the Star, tint mills in this city, and for increasing. the force at the Lindsay & 11IcOutcheon mills, and other serongholds -will be invaded in a few days. At a meeting of the Switchmen's Union. of North America here Yes- terday it was decided that a, strike in sympathy with the steel workers could not be ordered, but the heart - iest moral and financial support was tendered to the strikers. Denounced Their Actions. Chicago, Aug. 20. -The Chicago Federation of Labor last night adop- ted resolutions denouncing the mem- bers of the South Chicago lodges of the Amalgamated Association. 3/111s Closed Indefinitely. Milwaukee, Aug. 20. -The Illinois Steel. Company yesterday posted ` e,thicaeliteetheireBay View planteethat owing to the action of the Amalga- mated _Association in violating its contract- the mills will be closed in- definitely. SUBrBIsED A HOEK LAAGEB. Constabulary Attack Oyer GOO Doers and ,. Inflict Heavy Loss. London, Aug. 20. -Lord Kitchener, in a de,spatch from Pretoria dated yesterday, say g that a party of South 'African Constabulary on Sun- day surprised a large Boer laager near 'Middleburg, Cape Colony, ing 23,emen. The Constabulary num- bered 1:50emen,,but, owing to the , , strength of the enemy, 600 to 800 men, they, were unable to follow up their silecess, and, during their re- tirement, tifey lost one man killed and had six•men wounded. Fourteen men are missing. Kruger and Privateers, Brussels, Aug. 20. -The Petit Bleu says Mi.-. Kruger has rejected the pii- vateering proposals redently made to hine, but reseryes the right to have recourse to corsairs if the Brit- ish shoot Boer prisoners captured af- ter Sept. 15. 'Ile promoters of the priva,teering plan intend to ignore Mr, ICruger's refusal of their oiler., Miss Walsh of Canada Killed. Chicago, Aug. 20.-A young wo- man who was killed on Saturday evening by an Illinois Central Sub- urban train in the South Park Sta- tion in the presence of a throng" of suburbanite's, was Sunday night identified as Joanna Eugenia Walsh, a student of 'the' university of Chi- cago. >Des Walsh is a native of New Brunswick, Canada, where her mcitheheetill resides. Eye witnesses to the , tragedy affirm that Miss Walsh deliberately threw herself upon, the track in front of the approaching engine; ` and allowed herself -to be ground to death. IIer friends de- clare their belief that she, being afflicted with heart disease, fell ac- cidentally before the train. Paris Green in a Well, Chatham, Aug. 20. -Wilson Price, a farmer of Dover, was startled yes- terday morning to find in his well enough Paris green to kill a whole regiment of seddiers, Price lives on the river road and is a tenant of the Dolsen farm. Ke has had troubles of late. Last Wednesday he was away, and during hi S absence some one en- tered tlie tool hoese and took out many implements throwing them into the river. Thee() have since been dragged 5fon cued found. Pride claims he knows the perpetrator and has consulted his attorney, flrltn,n Not Withdraw, L0114011, . Ernest Sa- 'tow has liotified, the Chinese ' peace , plenipotential.,ieS,',- says a ,clesffateli to The, ,Tinieff , from dated. Aug. 10e' f,Ithat, unless the decree for IbO puttiglimcni cd tlie„fi,uthors of the Chu Chau fna$fsacre are carried, out forthwiLli, Great Prita.in ,Wili recoil- 'sfder the 'arrangements for the svitlr- diaVial the British troops.:t, tu;: Myhairhhatireeagmraeyhonatisbegan brY tlIhaanndv; creep in. 1 tried Ayer's Hair Vigor, and it StopPOd the hair from corn- ing out and restored the color."- Mrs..M.D-Gray No. Salem Mass. There's a pleasure in offering such a prepara- tion as Ayer's klairVigor. • It gives to all vvho use it such satisfaction. The hair becomes thicker, longer, softer, and more glossy. And you feel so secure in using such an tion. a battle. All druggists, old and reliable prepara- . If year druggist cannot supply you, send us one dollar and we will express you it bottle. Be sure and give the name of your uearest express office. Address, 3.0. At:Ylt 00., Lowell, Mass. • , jeering !,.rt To its issue of May 9th The Lo Times reproduces ,.an item from its 001 Umn of a, century earlier, which shov,-., how the British people of that clay weie inclined, betweeh times at least, to jI1Er at the preparation of Donn parte for the invasion of iene land. That the terrible Corsican was however, in deadly earnest is attoetee by the fa.et that he had medals strute to commemorate the invasion, v,thice are still preserved inc the museum a, Rouen, the occasion to distribute them never arriving. The item in question lei as follows :-- "As long as Lord Lonsdale's seventy- four has been on the stocks, it is en- peetecl ithvill be ready before Bona.- parte's tunnel under the Channel. It is said the Subterranean Army will riee at Barham Downs. The Column is ind by Bontiparte's celebrated corps of Ee- laireurs. The expence of lampe fin lighting the stupendous excavatioe ealculated at four, hundred thousand 'Livros per day ; but the eeleiree of the Institute have ordered trap doors to be opened in the arch. 'So many whales, seals and E.,erampuses have been caught in this ingenious manner, as to defray the whole of it. and this inocle of fishing, it is thoneet, will be so profitable As to supersede all others. The vinegar which Citizen Menge einploys to calcine the recite makes the flesh of the seals delicious food, and highly anti -scorbutic.. "The Grand Consul has sent a crop of Comedians and a detachment of Be - Publican Wives to this division, which Is called the Right Fin of the Army of Subvasion (l'Armee S.ubvaisinemaire). There is also an Army of Superinvaslon, which will descend in balloons at the same moment the Mining Army breaks ground in Kent, and co-operate with it. And. it is said that the Institute have demanded all the oils, brandies, spirits and distilleries of every description to be put in requisition, with which the wind serving the Channel is to be ig- nited; and all the ships in all our har- bors will be consumed with the same tide. This project is cleelared to be in- fallible; and the author of it has re- ceived a brevet d'honneur front General Bonaparte and the Prefecture of the Coasts which will so shortly be co - fleeted under ground with the depart- ment of Great Britain." CREDITON ROLLER IYIILLS, We have remodelled our Mill to the Gyrator Sys- tem, the best plan for making Good Flour. Those desiring GOOD Bread should give us a trial . Oristin BUN PrompQ. SEITZER EXETER Real Estate Exchange, The Sale, Purchase and Exchange of Village and farm hinds and properties negotiated at rea,sonable rates of dont- mission, For Sale. Several Valuable Farms in HAY, USBORNE, STEPHEN and IleGILL- 'WRAY; also Three very deSirable Re- sidence properties in Exeter. Farms Watited., We have purchasers for good farm and in the vicinity of Exeter, or who will Exchange. - APPLY TO Wm, Bawden, David Mill, Valtiator. Manager, OFFICES:Dickson & Carling's. New Block, F.Ixeter. You Malr Need . Or C tits Burns Bruises utrXitite? crrinlps All Bowl Complaints 110 50710, safp and quielc ronietly. , Thore's on1y. One PAIN-KILL4R.,- Tnunv Th.yrb.' • • Two siees, We and sOci REPAIRING If you want your Ilenaining well done go tO, R. HiCres-Ve tebee, elec. Ls and Jewelry a specialty. MARIVIA.EIS LICENSE Mareiage Licenses issued r•ind Wed- dingRings tflwayS on hand. nson's Bloek, Exettr WOOD' 'WkliTZ1)1 Give us a Call. J. COBBLEDICK & SON BICYCLES COST AT As the I3icycle season is getting far advanced and we wish to devote OUP attention Go other departments of our business, we have decided to sell Bicy- cles the remainder of this season while they last at cost, and we have a few wheels that we bought far below the regular wholesale prices. NVe are pre- pared to give some Special Bargains in Bicycles. Our Piano, Organ and Sewing Mac- hine stosa is new and of best qualiy.. OG1l and see us. -We will be glad to show you our goods. . . . . S. MARTiN ()um KEW PliffiliSES. We have moved into our new pre- mises opposite the Central Hotel .and are now open for business. 'Our pre- mises are modern and we give you modern. and . up-to-date goods and made in the most modern style. We Personally . Cut Every Garment' That's made up at this establishment -as well as fit it -and look after all the details. This is only -one reason why our prices are moder- ate. Gent's Furnishings . . . Come and see us in our new place of business and examine our stoek of Gent's Furnishings. Bert. Knight. EXETER FOUNDRY J. MURRAY, Manufacturer & Dealer • • . Da • • • Portable and Stationary Engines and Boilers, Plows, Land Rollers, Mow- ers, Etc. Iron pipe and fittings, re- pairs on Agricultural Implements and general inachinery promptly at- tended to., . 4 good second hand Land Rollers" cheap; also 1 Steven's & BtirnS' Por- table Threshing Engine for sale in good running order. Price $175.00 cash, Sole agent in Exeter and. vicinity for the Eleetric Boiler Compound. Guar- anteed to be strictly first-class for removing scales, etc. FOR SALE. A Waterloo Traction Engine and Monarch Separator with 12 inch Brant- ford Grinder, F. O. B., Exeter, for, $856. This 18 ft rate 'bargain and must be sold owing to the. death Of the pro) prieter. • d. MUR1i4. . Allsa (Iraig; .The yoling,' ladies of Mrs, Geo.-Kerr's Sunday - Scheel 1ass mot 0.1 bcr home Saturday evening; and presented her wieb :teaspoons. Mr, and Mrs; 'T.:c.01.1.'•7floVd, gonday,