Exeter Advocate, 1901-6-13, Page 8'3 174. 0` i 1 aSMlas 7V 4es"3l'AM.K:- DAVID JACOUES, Agent at 'Exe-
" ter, icor the Loudon Mutnal Fire
CM :L o Insurance Company, of London.
Among the successful candidates
who tasen i la wrote on the second year
Easter Exam inations at the law school,
Turouto, we notice the name Of ki1r. E.
T. Bishop, sort of our eateenled hard-
ware merchant, l\fi' 11 Bishop, We
congratulate Ed. .upon the success_ he
has attained,
The annual meetingthe of
Huron Conservative Association (as
constituted for Provincial purposes)
will be held in Coxworth's Ii:L11, Flen,
sall, to -day (;Thursday) June 13th at.
2 o'clock p.m., for the election of offi-
cers and transaction of other import-
Dix Little Liver Pills, Dix Kidney
Pills, Dix Nerve and Blood Pills, Dix
Cold Cure, Dix Headache Cure, Dix
Compound Carbolic Ointment and Dix
Lung Syrup only need to be tried in
order to proye that they are standard
arid reliable remedies. For sale at C.
Lutz's Drug Store.
?ir of o Maadonald died ten years
aago last ,Chilli sd,a:v .
Lip -to -date avedclin;; Statio0ery at
tbe Auvoc a Cflioe.
Mr. R. E. Pickard has purchased a
hansouie new carriage.
The volunteers retuaiS from
London camp, on Saturday.
Messrs, A'Food &Loadnian shipped a
carload export cattle on Monday.
The Suthetlancl-Innes Co.`have again
resumed work at the stave cutting.
The County Council closed their
June session at Goderich on Friday.
The Canadian Oddfellows will meet
in convention at Stratford on June 17.
Mr. John Knight has been appoint-
ed local agent for the Alien Line Steam-
Lucknow has contracted for 36,000
feet of nrauelithie sidewalk at 92. cents
The Bell ' Telephone Company are
a. root, making it compulsory for patrons of
The pic-nic season at Grand Bend their lines when calling central" to
has commenced in dead earnest, the invariably ask for the number instead
place being now crowded F
of the name of the party wanted. This
saves confusion and mistakes, ; and
'people in town are asked to kindly re-
member to say " Number—, please."
The citizens of Clinton are making
big preparations for entertaining the
Huron Old Boys of Toronto on July 0.
The frosts.of Saturday and Sunday
nights did considerable darnageto the
vegetable gardens and fruit orchards.
Mr. H. McCallum on Monday took a'
load of lrunbeer and nl
to shin les
Bend for the •erection of his .summer
50 cents secures the ADVOCATE till
January 1st, 1002. Now is the
time to subscribe.
Mr. Chas. II.t o
A ah tt of lot 2% _�, con,
5, of North Dorchester, owns a sow
which gave birth to 22 pigs on Tuesday
Exeter civic holiday will likely. be
set for July 15th so as all will he able
to take in the Masonic excursion to
Men's up-to-date stiff and Fedora [
hats, extra values at $L50 and $2.00,
at Stewart's.
Messrs. I Johns, J. Davidson and
R. Kinsman left Tuesday Morning to
serve as jurors at the June Assizes
held at Goderich.
Owing to the disagreeable weather
on Saturday, the Isaac Walton Fish-
ing Club did not take their proposed
outing to Grand Bend.
• The ladies aid of the Caven presby-
terian church purpose holding a
strawberry festival, the date of which
will beannounced later,
The wedding of Miss Ella, daughter
of Mr. J. N. Howard, of town and. Mr.
J. MaTavi i
A.sl of London, is an-
nounced for the 19th inst.
The Farmer's Excursion to .the Irro-
del Farm, Guelph, will take place on
Saturday next, June 15th. The train
will leave the Exeter depot at 6:3S a.
m. Fare $1.25.
50ailen's tweed suits, clearing out
at '4 00 ;tnd 'o.
Rc aLiryat
$,$ S .Iles
were $6.50, $7 and, $7,5u. They're
big bargains, Stewart's.
At the Methodist Conference held in
St. Thomas, Rev. R. Millyarcl was
elected chairman of. the Exeter Dis-
trict and the Rev. C. W. Brown; Fin-
ancial Secretary.
'Mr. D. Cantelon, of Hensall, former-
ly landlord of the Metropolitan Hotel
here, will move to Clinton in July
where he will take charge of the
Clarendon Rotel.
The lacrosse match which was to
have been played in Parkhill with the
team of that place, was concelled,
owingto the Exeter team dropping
out of the league.
Lutz's Imperial Hair Tonic cures
baldness, stops falling' hair, relieves
itching, removes dandruff, and is an
elegant hair dressing: Only 50c. a bot-
Mr. Jos. Hodgins, of Biddulph, call-
ed on friends in town Tuesday. The
report, circulated that he had purchas
a livery business in Elmira is entirely
without foundation.
This from an exchange •: is very.
true:—"There's an inconsistency in
talking of bnilding up your own town
and at the sante time making all your
purchases from Toz'giito sweat:; shops."
kr, ' Fred. Brown left Wednesday
morning for Woodstock, where he has
accepted ,a position in the Henderson
furniture factory. Mrs. Brown will
continue to reside here for at, least a
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cookson lost
their seven -months' old son by death
an Thursday last. Convulsions were
the immediate cause of death. The
funeral took place on Friday to the Ex-
eter Cemetery.
Two or three improved hundred acre
farms for sale in the townships of Us -
borne. and Stephen. For particulars
apply to Dickson & Carling.
Negotiations arein progress between
the G,rand.Trunk and Masonic Lodge
here, to run en excursion to Brantford
on July 18th. Should arrangements
be completed --and there is every likli-
hood they will—this will be the ex`cur-
sion of the season.
Mr. Courtie, re resentative for
p the
National Portland Cement Co,, ac-
companied by his wife, left Saturday
for Toronto. On his return' to this
locality -he will continue to work in
the interests of the company at Sea-
A meeting of the officers, of the
Stephen & Usborne Agricultural g So-
ciety will be held at the Commercial
House, on Saturday afternoon, when
matters in connection with the Fall
Fair will be discussed and other im-
portant business transacted.
New, nifty, White dimitys, plain
cord and fancy ware effects,10c.,150.
and 22c. Lovely flancy colored de-
minitys, in blue, green, mauves and
black and whites, 12sc., 15c., 17c.,
22c. and 30e, Stewart's.
Mr, Geo. H. Adamson,: traveller for
Peteri{amilton May Co., sold a driver
the other day to Dr: O. Berrien, "of
Strathroy, sired by Mr. Thos. biker's
horse,' " Ranelagi ;J.", Which netted
him the hnndsoine sum of $250, : This'
is only one: of tbe nulneroils hirvh- aric-
cd horses sired b , o
Two large loads of Royal Temp-
lars of Temperance will go to Varna
next Tuesday to attend the District L
Meeting for the County of Huron. If
f om :other to
d es
in the district is equally as large' gas
that ofExeter, and doubtless it will -the
meeting will be the largest in the `his-
tory of the society.
Elswhere in this issue will he found
an account of the' tragical death of
Mrs. Robert McCoy Lc o'1e •
az Ill
a former well known' and highlyr res-
pect resident of Usborne' township. a
Many friends from Exeter and vicinity
attended the funeral on Tuesday,
which took place to the St. John's
lire want Your wool fort which we
1 twill pay the highest cosh prices, hxe-'
ter'Woollen Mills.
Boats and Fist:iva Supplies,
The undersigned 'wishes to 'inform
intending visitors to Grand Bend that
he keeps alarge manlier of first-class
row boats :oaf fishing -supplies at the
river for the 'accommodation of plea-
sure -seekers. 'Prices nioderate.
E. Gun, Grand
Wool -50,000 pounds Wanted.
The Exeter Woollen Mills want
pounds of wool at `st
P once, :Highest
Died lu Chatham..
Word was received here yesterday
(Wednesday) of the death
of David.
Wanless,' which took place in that
town the same morning. -It will bo
remembered he was a former resident
of Exeter and at one time 'conducted -
the Exeter Woollen Mills. At time
of writing we have noparticulars,
-`'�Ve pay highest cash rices f
P or wool
at the Exeter Woollen Mills.'
Girls are Girls,,'
A strange boy calve to town. " Such
an event is not an everyday'occurrence
in a country town. Furtermore, he
was a handsome boy, whichis still
rarer, even in larger towns. ' The girls
naturally all got stuck on hind, which
is such the same in a country town
as it is in a metropolitan city. Girls
re girls. If you have not noticed that,
keep your eyes peeled and you will see
thatgirls g is are a good deal alike the
world over. They were desperately
smitten with this_ strange boy and. in-
vited hint; to everything` till they dis-
covered that he was engaged and now
they hardly look at hire.
Wool Wanted !
pounds s o f
P Wanted'
once at the Exeter Woollen Mills
which the highest cash price - will
Civic Holiday.
The _Township of Stephen, follow
he usual custom of cities and tow
cash prices paid.
Monsoon. Tea is good enough for
Ding Edward. ; Stewart sells it. I e
will observe Thursday, June 20th
ivic holiday. A pic-nic will be
Grand Bend, at which the residentsnsip wi
the township 'll d btl
as a.
ou esa turn.
Rand's Laxative' Nerve' and Tissue 1
Tonic Pills. These pills are invaluable rT
in the treatment of anemia, chlorosis, l
general and nervous debility, torpid P
liver, loss of appetite, brain fag, palpi I
tation of the heart, indigestion, melan- o
choly, neuralgia, vertigo, headache, .
etc., etc. For sale at Lutz's Drug i
Store. 100 pills for 50c. o
The Seaforth Sun says: -On Friday h
evening of last week the' members' of
the Methodist church presented Rev.
n' large numbers and enjoy the dayout.
he committee of management are
eaving nothing undone in the way of
roviding amusements and entertain
ng features, for the complete success
f the affair and all who -take. advant
Lge of the occasion 'rnay rely<on hav
ng a big day of pleasure. A program
f sports is being arranged, for which
beral prizes will be awarded.
Council Proceedivas.
Council' met at call of Reeve at Town
all, June 7th. A11 present, except
e t-
in -
as -
t e -
A.L. and Mrs. Russell with two band H
J. Evans. ; Minutes of previous me
some chairs,accompanied with a nicely
worded address as a token of esteem. i
During Mr aussell's'thr'ee years' pas s
torate here he and Mrs. Russell have C
made many friends
the c
Yongrega- s
tion regret their departure so soon. w
A' new set of postage stamps is like -o
ly to be issued before many, months o
pass by. There are fifteen stamps used u
in Canada on which the head of Qiieeu
Victoria appears. Canadian postal b
authorities are awaiting` the action; of i?
the British Government. ; Among the $
new- stamps will be a new denomina- p
tion, a seven cent registration stamp.
No design is as yet accepted. F'
A tramp, who' gave his name as $
hn B. Murphy, and who represent-
ed -
h mself as being deaf and'dumb,
has been giving annoyance to 'resi-.
dents of McGillivray, says the Park-
hill Gazette Review. On the informa-
tion of Win. Gilbert of that township
he was tried before Police:.' Magistrate
McTavish on Tuesday and sentenced
to four months in the' county jail' at
ng read and confirmed. Muir -Ar
trong-that the Clerk adyertise in t
act Rec •
or d for
for co
tructing granolithic pavement on t
est side of Main street,from the nor.
f Dr.'Rollins' office to the south si
f Wellington street. Tender"sreceiv
p Jane to 24,at 7 p.m.—Carried: M
Levett-that the following aecoun
o passed and orders drawns on Tre
rer for' same: -W. Westcott, lab
1.25; .James Creech, do., 53.12; d
Limping water, $2; Wm. -Davis,
airing North End fire hall, $10;
arsons,•street watering to •J<iie:-1
80.—Carried. Ire vet t—Arm s tron g
hat Council adjourn to meet Frida
The Provincial Government has com-
menced apprehending tramps, having
sent six detectives for the purpose.
Detective Rogers of the Ontario :Bim-
etal is consigned to follow the Pan
American circus and keep it look out
after all gambling and skin games and
preserve order; the expense has to be
borne by the circus and amounts to
something like $50 a day,
A visit to the dentist's office will
soon be robbed of half its terrors..
After gas has been administered phon-
ograph tubes are placed in the pat-
ient's ear and he listens to a : program
of lively airs while the operator does
the 'rest. "Pull for the Shore," Saw
my leg off," ' and you never miss the
filling till the plug :comes out," are
appropriate selections and have a
soothing effect,
1 Men's swell stiff front regatta
shirts, wide blue stripe with fly dot;
narrow bone stripe and > medium
shaded stripes, just $1.00 at Ste-
While Mr. and Mrs. John Evans
were driving near the Exeter cemete- his
ery on Sunday last they nearly got
into a serious mixup. It appears the Gr
horse became unmanageable and rear-
ing up: fell back into the buggy. The
occupants, however, had jumped from
the rig just in time to save themselves
from serious injury.: The buggy was ez
slightly injured but otherwise no
harrn was done. g
Jane 21, at, 7.30, p.m --Carried.
Quietly Done.
Quietly and slyly did Rich. Murph
Mr. J. B, Dennis has returned from
Zurich, where he has been engaged
with I1 Ir, Chas- kritz.
me, AVex, limey, after spending u
week with his brother in Elora, re-
turned homeMonday.
Miss Yeager and Miss Carter, of
Crlancleboye, spent Sunday and Mo'
day at the Mansion House.
Mr. and Mrs. Whirnster, who has
been the guest of Mrs:, D. ''Johns, has
returned to their home' in Aurora.
Miry, T. G. Nicol, who hasbeen ,lie n visit-
ing at Mrs. R. H. Collins', returned to
her home in ,Boisseyain, Monday.,
"Misses Jennie anci Clara Erwin
have returned from Exeter after as
pleasant visit with Mrs. C. Stewart."
Bayfield cor.
.Mr, Wm.
Hawkshaw, Jr., left town
Tuesday for London,having accepted
a position in the office of the London
Loan Company.
Dr. H. Kinsman, of iSarnia, who is
attending camp as am officer ,in •thee
Militia at London, spent Sunday with.
his parents here.
Mr. Frank Case, who has been en-
gaged on the telephone line at London,
returned home Monday and does not
intend returning, •
Mr. Henley, who has been conduct-
ing open air services in town for the
past week, in behalf of the Latter -Day
Saints, left for London Wednesday.
Barrister I. R,Carling, who has been
on a pleasure. trip to New York and
other Am .r'
P scanti'
s ,returned home.
Monday eyening, reporting a pleasant
Mrs. W. I3. Shosenberg, who buried
her little child here on Friday, left
for her home in Berlin Tuesday, while
Mr. Shosenberg resumed his duty on
the road
as traveller.
Mrs. Poplesten and Mr. S. A. Pople-
stone have gone to Detroit to attend
the wedding of Mr. Amos Poplestone's
only daughter, Miss;Etha Estella,, to
Mr. Fred Burley, mailing clerk of the
Detroit post office.
Dr. D. A. Anderson, who took a
post -graduate course 'at the Dental
College, Chicago, returned home Tues-
day, accompanied by Mrs. Anderson
and little daughter, who visited in the
city.during the Drs. stay.
Mr. C. B. Marsland, of the ;Molsons
.Bank, Toronto, formerly of this branch
of the same bank, arrived in town yes-
terday and intends returning to -day
(Thursday.) Friend Marsland is quite
fleshy and'is-evidently enjoying the
best of,health.
Around. About Us
Brussels: In Brussels, on Tuesday,
June 4th, the spirit of Clara Amelia,
third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex.
Hunter, took its flight after an illness
of three or four months as the result`
of la
which ch level
o edint
grippe, otub-
o -
er culosis.
Brucefield: Rev. E. Sewers and wife
leave this week on a visit to Scotland.
—J. B. Jamieson' has sold' bis stock of
boots and shoes to Mr. Rathwell, Var-
na; he has been a resident here for
many years.
Clinton: The Clarendon Hotel will
'have a new proprietor: but an olcl fam-
face, Jas. McGnire having sold out
on Saturday to Henry Cantelon, now
of Hensail. The transfer will take
place on the tenth of July.
a fiend. .hs man friends Y Y s will be
SHTR'1' WAISTS at 50c. in Blue, Pink and Gre• Stripe,
SHIRT WAISTS at 50c. in Blue, i y
, PinkLiul Grey, Muslin Satteen,
SHIRT WAISTS fat 750, in BluePink and Grey,with I
inser'tion i em izoidezy,
r2 WAISTS Islsi'
A , at 75c. n Black and.•
White stripes.
BRUIT WAISTS STSat ;r,1.0U nicelytucked back and:
front in all colours,
SHIRT WAISTS at, $1,25 all colours and fancystripes.
ti 1pes.
S iIRT WAISTS tucked and beautifully >'
1 y tzlnlmcd with n1-
sertion at $1,25,',$L50 and $1.75.
CALbLt 1 1b SEE T'{.ESE GOObS.
e d :u r
a � a tern for The W. E. SANDFORD Clothing.
So are we w
th a full line of Bed
o �
p A
Eget . everything possible
had . in
a . first-class t ClaSS �'L1I'111tu�'e
Store. Our prices ' are right. g�At No
trouble to show
Beverley & Ousion,
1 • sorry to hear of- the painful accident 'I
which befel J, Falconer last week
While helping to anchor the Sir. Bay
our popular implement > agent, left
town the other day, on aninteresting
mission known only to himself. We
have since learned' that he has gone
and, done it, having deserted the ranks
of bachelorhood and joined the army
of benedicts. A' -Hallett correspon-
dent to the Clinton New Era, giving
an account of the wedding says:—"One
of those happy events that are expect-
ed to occur about -once in the average
life time of an individual, took place
at the home of Mr. Robt. Bruce, con.
11, on Wednesday evening, when Iii
daughter, : Miss Agnes, became th
wife of Richard Murphy, of Exeter
The bride was supported by Miss Mar
Waymouth, Peter McNeil. of Clinton
acted as groomsman, and Rev. J.
Hamilton performed the ceremony
About 100 friends were present, all 'o
whom spent a very pleasant tinge. Th
bride is a very popular young lady, a
was shown by the handsorrie " present
received. The groom is well known a
a former business man of Clinton, bu
now residing in Exeter." The ADvo
CATS extends congratulations.
'taaakinsfsiaan'' MAIM'
Mr. Henry Harrisis recovering-fromillness.
Fred Gillespie spent Monday at
and Bend.
field, the anchor -chain slipped civetand bruised his ,leg badly. He is at
present` laid up, at his sister's Mrs.Chas.
Brussels: On Wednesday evening
of last week the matrimonial bow was
tied at the residence of - George an
Mrs. Colvin, by Rev. Geo. J. Abey, in-
cumbent of
ncumbentof St. John's church, between
George M. Mitchell, a well-known and
well-to-do young business man of Ethel
and Miss Sara J., eldest daughter of.
the host and hostess.
e Blanshard: Mr. Harry Anderson's
, firm, lot, 14, concession 3,has been sold
y to Kirby Robertson, of Blanshard, for'
the sum of $5,000. An agreement was
A, entered upon Feb. 13,1900, bat various
, lawsuits followed against Andersoil so
f that the sale was not completed until
e Saturday. It is said that most'. of the
s proceeds go to pay lawyers' fees.
s Bayfield: Death has again visited
s the home of Mr. James Switzer, of
t Goderich township, removing his se-
concl daughter, Miss Eanrna. The de-
ceased was n very bright and lovable
• girl, aged 17 years, and was very much
beloved by all who knew her. She
was attacked by a rapid decline about
four months ago, and during her ill-
ness was very patient` and resigned.
On Saturday night she felt the end
approaching, and called her parents
and brothers and sisters to her bed-
side, and bade them farewell,and short-
ly after passed peacefully away.
Miss Polly Bawden visited friends in
Lucan Sunday.
Mrs. Perdue is the guest of her sis-`
Mrs. D. Dyer.
Mr. Edwards, of: Mitchel], is the
zest of Dr. Anderson,
-Dr. Anderson has not spent his time
in Chicago doing nothing, as his many
samples of work will fully bear out.
He returned on Tuesday of this week
with his Post graduate diploma and
samples of all the work he did while
in the. Windy City. For lightness,
thinness and lasting ' qualities al-
luminunl plates stand in 'the fore-
ground. -.These as well as gold plates
the Doctor is prepared to make. His
prices will suit' the public.
Mr. Wm, Hawkshaw received »the
sad news last week of the death of
his little niece, Susan Jean Louise,
daughter of Mr, W. H. and Louise
Shosenberg, who died in Berlin, on
Thursday last, very suddenly, of heart
failure in the second year of her age.
She was a particularly bright and
pretty 'child and will he greatly missed
by the parents, who have the sympa-
thy of their many friends. The re-
mains were brought here for burial on
Friday, ;It will be remembered that
Mrs. Shosenberg was formerly Miss
Louise Eawkshaw.
Weddin r Stationery,.
For the latest designs in Wedding
Stationery call at the ADvocATir office.'
Win Attend ckurch. •
Court 123, Independent OrderFores-
ters will attend divine worship in the
'Teivitt Memorial ehtirch on Sunday
next. Service to commence at 3.30.
Every person welcome.
Mr. Mascinski, of Detroit, is visiting
at Mr. John Gillespie's.
Miss Elsie McCallum spent Sunday
visiting friends in :London.`
Miss Annie Kerr, of Stratford, is the
guest of Mrs. H. Spackman.
Mr. and Mrs. More of ,
are visiting relativesn Winnipegtow.
Mie. Thos. Welsh returned from_Car
beriyy, Man., on TlinrsdiiY last.
Mr, and Mrs. Whimster, of Aurora,
visited Mrs. D. Johns this week.
M. Ellwood, who has, been
spending a few days with friends in
town, returned home on Sunday.
Mr. Enos. Cudmore and sister Clara,
Miss Maud Harness spent Sunday in
Mr, Wm, Hatton, who was visiting
in Port Iltiron,retnrned home on Mon
Mr. Young, of the Molsonss Bank,
here, is spending g his vacation athis
in Kingston. - `
Mr. and Mrs. Hoskins, of 1Kirkton,
were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Ed.
Treble Sunday, ,
Miss M. A. 'Papp leaves to-day(Thtirs-
day,)to yisitfriends-iii tldlaide, Strath.
roy and Kerwood.
and Mrs. Frank Wood attended
the funeral of the late all
rs, McCord at ,.
Ilderton, Tuesday.
To be Comfortable
Shoes must be soft and pliable,
To be Durable
Shoes must be of good nlateriil,
To be Healthful
must affordP rotection.:
To be Ecouomlcai
Shoes mast be reasonable in price.
Ail These Good Points
Are combined in our Soverign Shoe
Will you examine it?
�• dj
Treble's', Old Stand,
`The Pro
S�ier011S Fa
er44wa s h15 6himimer
111� m� UI1{1V1 u1 `ruii�l LIF „„„r .,.
1611T HAND
.40 r..
Farmers intending to purchase FARM MACHINERY should call on us be-
fore buying elsewhefe. We sell the best and the best is what the farmer wants
and RAKE.
Real Estate Exchange,
The Sale, Purchase and Exchange of
Village and farina lands and properties
negotiated at reasonable rates of com-
For Sale.
Several Valuable Farms in HAY,:
IVIAY; also Three very desirable Re-
sidence properties in Exeter,
Farms Wanted.
We have purchasers for good farm
and in the vicinity of Exeter, or who
will Exchange.
Wm. Baden'
Qayid. Mill
Valuator. Manager.
OFFICES: Dickson & Carling's New
Block, Exeter.
For Bread, Buns, White Burls, Brown
Buns, Graham Biscuits, Cakes of all
kinds, Cream -Puffs, Wafers, Fancy
Biscuits, Plain Biscuits,
Wedding Cakes a specialty -Iced and
'beautifully oenarnented at a reaso-
nable price.
Cakes or Pies made to order, XXX
Biead'delivered to all parts of the
town, on Mondays, Wenesdays and
Saturdcalloil yoaysgi,, We will be pleased. to
We are agent for J. Gammag & Sons,
Florist, London,
'Floral designs for funerals, or flowers
of all kinds on the shortest notice.
}Given torre1 ,
. mg only 21 dor. pdoknges Sweet Sion Cecil nt tOc.
ouch. lioh pnok7ocontatns it p / elial (1 mizturc of t eetnostOng-
runtvarlotlesof 11 colon. Tho Milia re oftalebowl mato and mod+
el, with poltshadnickel tnrrel,trigger guard la
6'v c eoforthaq S,
n ro 'CSlob'
P fi PGt� o.
-sigh n, plsti4lgrtpand tynh,ufrntopk;and shoots wla,tgrrtf•afbiconnd great rat'eunry:,
Mull us this nd,ortisenient nndwo ill! forward the Seeds.. Sell them return the money and riiaewlll bo rent
%youfsee byltxpress.The sewn tor rolling roe du15s1ortlgoorder tit ouco. Seed. Supply Ce., %'d1'Ofte...