Exeter Advocate, 1901-6-6, Page 5THE (11.5x.ettly buoratt, Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, AIN -STREET - EXETER -By the ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance $11.50 if not so paid.. X2,3.tono No pRiper discontinued. until all erre rage ObVe pattl. Advertisements *without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discountmade for transcient advertisements inserted. for long Periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING „turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, m oney ord.. ers, &e. for advertising, subscriptions ,etc .t o be made payable to Chas.II. Sanders, EDITOR arm PROP "Professional Cards. KINSMA.N, L. D. S. & DR. A.. R. KINSMAN, L D S., D. D. S,,llonor graduate of Toronto Universtty, DENTISTS. Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects. Office in Fanson'sBiock west side Main Street, Exeter. +II • DD. ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.S.,,) honors Graduate of the Toronto Um.- rsitv and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. All modes of Dentistry up to date, Office in new block south of Carling,s' block. Medical Dn.T. P. McLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF the College of Physicians andSurgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Aecouch- e nr. Office, Dashwood, Ont. Lc a1. I3 SON & CARLING, ARRISTERS, Solicitors, NotariesConveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsons Bank, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates ' of interest. Offices, Main Street, Exeter. I. R. CARLING, B. A.. L. H. DICKSON W. GL A.DMAN, (successor to Elliot & . Gladman,) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Office Main Street, Exeter. ••••••••••,..111•11011111••••••.....1. Auctioneers FJIBOSSENBERRY,Grand Bend, Licensed . Auctioneerfor County Huron. Sales promptly attended to, and charges moder- ate. Orders by mail will receive every at- tention. 'nBROWN, Winchelsea . Licensed Auct - . ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne Sales promptly attended to and terms rea- sonbitle.Sales arranged at Post office. Win - 0 helses. * Insurance. • E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, Main St. Exeter FARMS PUR SALE, 3.20NEY ,TO LOAN. The undersigned has a few good farin e for ,sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms SOHN SPACEMAN, ' Samwellts Block Exeter THE LEADING - MEAT MARKET. "Nipsismow--- --"Nomiegir For Fresh, good and the choisest cuts of meat, call on the undersigned. While'all our cuts of meat are the finest, we make a specialty of meat delicacies. Meat 'delivered to all parts of the . town John Manning TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bronio Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. E. W. Groves signature is on each box. lirk WATCH We give handsomeopen face, Polished Nickol Wath, Amerl. can Lever Movement for selling only 2 <lei, packages of Sweet Pea Seed at leo.apackage. Each pack. ito edntaInsa splendidraIxture °alto most fragrant ANirietIce of all 'colors. You can earn this flue )Vatch In an , afternoon 12y setting to work at once. hfallus thiindvertisement arid Wt) will forw,ftd the Seeds. 'Sell them, return the money. and we guarantee safe deltv rry of your Watch. at onee. Write to day, as the season for, gocedls short. Seed SuPPli co., Toronto, s, „ , TheMolsons Bank. (Chartered 13y Parliament 0.855.) Paid up Capital. : .....$2,500,000 Reserve Fund, _2,050,000. Hoed, office Montreal. J.A:MES ELLIOTT, Esq. GENERAL MANAGER. Money 'advanced to good Farmsrs on their own notes witlj one or more ondoisers at 7 per cent. per annum. =7 -EXETER I3RANCII- Open every lawful dit,y from 10 a,tn. to 3 p.m; Saturdays 11) a.m. to 1 pm A general banking business tranSacted ctrittlENP RATES allowed for money On Deposit Receipts. Savinga Bank itt 3 Cent. DICKSON & C.tnr,rxo, N D HutineN, Solicitors. .Mailltf(0 r l'514HO, 011SD „......,..... ! ,11.-.6-0' L. D --- )it• .‘Splld Gehl Ring, a b t. Vii gI6 till V pi LeitUtifift , With I' Iris, for selling Ohl? 15.-packego. of S went l'ea Sded .t o5. ilia) h:' IMelt packsgeeofitftlithfishlendidinik,., ' JAIN nine niiiAWrEitaiaiibVii,rid,.,,, .., tiq.',i5fttimioviiillattiitielfe. ‘'`" itatiettliienteiltailiVattilliftr. liammomi ,ii "iferdtlitS0eiiiiii:•Selitffennfo nififtlidifiend'ildititlikilfeaft. tillihSeihtflothreniiiiiititiiid14 -',;.;,.:.,,l,1 W,Mbetdiffyon;tiiititilijAPti00..': iih- ed in a VeiretliliiieIce+)Viltef(ItTay TlIdAtIOOII, of,Soll, ing'Sbee,It 0I...0k/St il;"Ellititilirt.,I.:0100100,i4'404 4 We of' hair is wealth indeed, especial- ly to a woman. ELT Every physical attraction is secondary to it. We have a book we will gladly send you that tells just how to care .6 for the hair. If your hair is too thin or 16 s- ing its his ter 1. get '- Growth0 becomes vigorous and all dan- druff is renioved. It always restores color to gray or faded hair. Retain your youth; don't look old before your time. $1.00 a bottle. All druggista. "1 have used your Hair Vigor now for about 25 years and I have found it splendid and satisfactory in every way. I believe I have recommended this Hair 'Vigor • to hundreds of my friends, and they • all tell the same story. • If any- body wants the best kind of a Hair Vigor I shall certainly recommend to them just as strongly as I can that theyget a bottle of dyer's Hair Vigor." Mrs. N. E. IIA7....nr,ToN, Nov. 28,1898. , Norwich, N. Y. Write rtho Doctor. If you don't obtain all tbe benefits you desire front the use of the 'Vigor, write the Dotter about it. Address, •1)1t. J. 0. AYER, Lowell, Mass Mitchell: Mr. Chas. Williams, of Stratford, late in the employ of Mr. J. A. Blowes, was rnarriel to IVliss Lizzie Elliott, of the South Ward last wee Mitchell: On Sunday afternoon a number of boys enjoyed thetnselves in Mr. E. McLaren's bake -house, which is at the rear of his store, helping themselves to his cidar and ice-cream Which' were kept there. Wino-harn: A quiet home wedding took place at the residence :of R. Ad- dison, on_Tuesday evening., when his daughter, Miss Margaret Louise, was married to WilliarnFrazer, of Morris township. .,The cezemony was per- formed.' by Bev. Wm. Lowe. We live by our blood, and on it. . We thrive or starve, as our blood is rich or poor. There is nothing else to live on or by. When strength is full and spirits, high, we are being re- freshed, bone muscle and brain, in body and mind, with con- tinual flow of rich blood. This is health. When weak/ in low spirits no cheer, no spring, when rest is not rest and sleep is not sleep, we are starved ; our blood is poor; :there is little nutri- m.ent in it. Back of the blood, is food, to keep the blood rich. When it fails, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. It sets the whole body going again -man woman and child. If you have not tried it, send for free sample, It s agreeable taste wilt surprise you., Sc0TT & BOWNE, Chemists Toronto. sac, and p.00; all druggists. EXETER .,NIAIIKETS. CHANGED E.k.CH WEDNESDAY. Wheat, . . ... ....... 66 67 .......... 40 42 Potatoes, per bag........ 25 Hay, per ton 7 00 Flour'per cwt., roller.- Manitoba tiour.......... 12 Eggs .. ..... 10 Hides, per 100 lbs... .... 4,00 12 0 75 . 875 14 00 16 00 Live hogs, per cwt... Dressed Hogs -- Bran .... -Shorts 65 30 8 00 1 75 200 13 10 4 00 18 6 80 9 00 14 00 16 00 You Ma..y Need • For Cuts Burns Bruises tor ti)e't C,rerraps, Diarrhocsa. All Bowel Complairata )t 18 a0 no safe and quick, remedy: Thre'0 01013' omi PARN-HaLL,E51 Pen wt. 3)A513'. - ,70,y0 nt,25c. and r,lo: tqfiR OFFICE [III3 1011)111.1, Capture of Bon -in -Law of the Late Boer Gen. Joubert. Abram Malan Taken by the Constabulary ---Leerust, Transvaal, itelleyed 1.by Gcni Mtithtten ou 'May 22, 'Was Practically liesioged l'or Sever:al 3Ionths-.Uncasl- ness Pelt in England Over Scant NewS V om Seat of War. London, June 4. -The War Office made the following announcement last night: All the information received from Lord ICitchener respecting recent en- gagements in South Africa had been communicated to the public. .A. Nine 'fours' loiOtt. Willow MO1'0, Cape Colony, une 2.--Commanclant Sheeper, with 700 men, attacked Willow More yester- day (Saturday), but was beaten off, after niae hours' fighting.„ JianitstoWn 'Phrealelled, Cape Town, June 3. --Jamestown is threatened by Pouches' commando. CAPTURE ON A.BRA:11 MALAN, Son -in -Law of the Late Boer General Joubert Taken. LiOn'Clan, June '4. --Nothing has yet come through to illumiliate the Vla,k- fontein affair, the only -despatch on the subject since the first official an- nouncement being- a three -line mes- sage from Lord Kitchener, issue yeS- terday morning., giving the nardes Of three addilional officers killed. Details just received of the relief of Zeerust, Transvaal, May 22, by General Methuen, shows the town was besieged practically for several months, and that its food supply Was short, despatch from Pretoria an- nounces that the constabulary have captured Abram Malan, son-in-law of 'the late General Joubert, Malan was an eneegeltic, progressive politician before the war, and since it began he had been very active against the 13ritish and had filled several import- ant commands, including that of Bietersburee until the British occu- pied the place. Uneasiness in England. New York, June 1.-A special de- spatch to The Tribune, from Lon- don, says the uncertainty with re- gard to recent operations in South Africa is causing a good deal of un- easiness in this country. It .is be- lieved that owing to a recent warn- ing from Gen. Kitchener as to giv- ing 'news to the public, the home officials have suppressed almost all: the news he has forwarded. Mean-, while the daily lists of casualties are anxiously studied, but these lists do not fully denote the actual number of deaths of 13ritish soldiers caused by the war. At the present moment all theMilitary hospitals in the I.Tietted 'kingdom are crowded With patientS,' a large *number of whom are. suffering froin enteric fever, con- tracted in South Africa A Marvelous Escape. Tavistock, June 4. -About 11.45 yesterday a train passed through Tavistock at,' a high rate of speed, striking a wagtua driven by Simon Zehr, a son of Mr. Christian I. Zehr of this vicinity, and very nearly killing him. The team had just got over the track, so that the engine struck the wagon fairly in the middle. The young man. who- was driving was hurled 12 feet in the air and -lit on his hands and fc.,et, be- ing apparently very little injured. Dr. Niemeler attended him and found no bones broken, and the injuries, only bruises, chiefly to the legs and knees. The wagon box and wheels, were hurled three or four hundred feet away and broken to slivers. The horses were not injured, and were caught shortly after at the mill. Ihe New British Gun. London, June 4. -Great things are hoped for from a new gun with whi_h the British first-class cruisers now in course of completion are be- ing equipped. The weapon is known as the 9.2 marked 10 twenty-eight ton gun, and is taking the place of heavier guns on account of its great range and rapidity of firing. With a charge of 103 pounds of cordite it can throw a shell weighing 380 pounds to a distance of 15 miles. It is noteworthy the t the weapon is be- ing fitted with the new Vickers -Max- im mounting, which weighs 150 tons. Struck by a Stone. London, june 4. - H. Langhan of Sarnia, fireman an the Grand Trunk Railway, Sunday evening while cross- ing the Wharncliffe overhead brfdge with Engineer Gray, on the freight train running from Sarnia to Fort Erie, ve.ts struck under ,the right eye with a stone, inflicting a bad cut, and breaking the principal bone of the nose. The high rate of speed at which the train was running made the injuries much more severe than if the train had been slowing up. Mr. Moses Snider Killed. Berlin, Ont., June. 4. -Moses L. Snider and wife of Wilmot Town- ship were leaving for their home, and when at Albert street crossing a C. P. R. train came along and struck them. The unfortunate couple were upwards of 70 years old. Mr. Snid- er has since died, and Mrs, Snider has her arms and ribs broken and is likely to die, The horse was tarried on the coW-coecher over 50 feet, then hurled towards the fence. • Italy 3Iena0s Rome, June wa,rships, under Admira , 110/0.000, left yester- ria'y for Prevesa, ()tying to the 111 treatment of Italian ,subjects oy tho '.1:10rkieli authorities. The veseels are to wait at, Corfu for orders, 0. ,111ontreal, 'lune 4,7 -The tratlic earn- ings of the C. P. IL fdo itt iveuk cncling ,Nray were $884,000: for saute tvceit last 5 ok1,1,, $s53,000,, AN ARTIST OF THE LIPS An English Exidbitor Vi lin naS Boon Ari - less Since Elglitlt Year. FireWOrkEi and. fanay .jewellary seem in the popular nand, to be more 0/0•401Y tsseciated with the Qrystal I'alace• than Art -with a big A,; yet just at present; there is a little studio 1 he South Nave wit h a suspicion of ,Nuhrey Beardsley and a decided ILO OA Id) ere of William Mor " Artistic wall paper designs, riesfgns. for da'cuty fans, womiertut 1111 lewat, or -colo u'.0, anti' strllmig line drawings itiiii. 13ii tis 11110 bit' itt iioyp llsstt he i.nyoungit6ttl%d, 1\1r. ImattrnD Hiles 'was born in Er:..siel, MI NVdS deprived, at the ago 01 eIght years, of both his arms titrough an accident. Before' this ceitelstroplie he had developed a strong past,:ion for dra wing --so strong " that the loss of his arms in no way di Min,' i (A his ambition to become an artist. Work ng with courage and entlms- .,ern, he obtained' a "first,elass exact- '1:1ettill.111:1;lis lia)i ectdilezelnic.icigontlw t ,..fvoor y%raerese At the age of 16 ler.r. Hiles exhibited a study in wat31' °Olen rs it the-Bris.,. Lel rine .A.ca,demy, andhis car,, cer as 'an artist wes .Piirly begun. Bot, it teok- him upwards Of six yeers to obtain reopaplete Mastery over the muscles of his mouth ; yet time, and p1011 to' 01000' ii, made ana him marc than_ tra 'le young artist has exhibited at the Ileyal Society' of Bristol Artists,' the Dudley Geliery, etc., "very near - i3'," he said smilingly, -at the Royal Ae-adern.Y," and where Mr. Hiles' piee SW OS tverc accepted it was entirely 01 lher own iaorits, the hanging' committee being quite ignorant, of the method used. ' ...Deftly a lorush was picked up, coli our mixed and applied with. an exquis site toiled), by means of the painter's mouth, and even as one representa ti ve looked on a rustic child grew slithIPnly out of black- and white, watching the setting sun. , The artist's delight in his work, and his breezy cheery manner, seeta to east one's pity 'back; the man who lies conquered, noble and patiently, 00-1 many and terrible difficulties, asks for appreciation of his work from the common ground of Art rather than from ,pity for the misf,ortune whieh he Its so wonderfully ova reorne. --London Express. LAND OF THE HUMMING -BIRD he Surprising Phenomenon That Follows pigging- in Trinidad's Asphalt Lake. Pew people ' who travel over the asphalted streets of New York are atv,Irf?.. of the origin of the black, pitchy mass that goes to make up thl, basis of the smooth roadway under their feet. Eighteen hundred miles ahnest due south, from New York lies the little tropical island of Trinidad --a British possession off the coast of northern South America. At the south-western extremity of this col- ony the. famous Pitch Lake is located On the .summit of a small hill, less than two hundred feet above the level of -the sea. In appearance there is nothing phenomenal about this Wonder Of:the, tropics but a visit to the lake as it is familiarly called, reveals one "of the Most 'unaccountable oddities -of nature in the annals Of travel. The ,tourist may take passage to 'the' humming -bird" --41s Tx14.1idad,people, like their country to be,,.,Ipalled,,Tand after securing ac- cordracidation at the only decent hotel in the colony, proc,eed to the lake by one 'of the sinall Government steamers plying •coastwise three times weekly, disembark- at the Brighton pier, and preceed, to the scene of "diggind." Cf all ,the crude, rough, and ready means of .extracting wealth, from mother earth, the Trinidad Lake asphalt oper- ations are the mast striking. The visitor arrives 'on a fairly level pla- teau, spotted ,here and there with tiny pools of water, beneath which the soft- shiny' substance known as asphalt glitters in the reflection of a fierce tropical 5140. Scattered over the surface ..of the lake dozens of swarthy negroes are 'plying pick and hoe, ex- traCting . the tar -coaly looking stuff, from the earth. One may sit in the shade .of a near -by shrub, or under the protecting shelter of an umbrella, and: wateh the negroes pile heap after heal) ofthe asphalt into the endless chain . of tubs. that hurry along to the Pier, from- which one has but re- cently landed., until a yawning ex- cavation of twenty or more feet sug- gests to the supervising darky that the 'timehas coma to move -a bit fur- ther On. In the course Of a few hours' the eXeavatien resulting from the morning's diggings begins to look less deep, and by eventide the spot from which more than five or ten tons have been clug is again level witla the surrounding earth and ready to be dug over by the gang of noisy blacks. From the, point of digging to the pier is but a 'mile or less of endlesse chain descent; moored to the pier are big sailing vessels-, and sometimes steamers, into whose capacious holds the tubs discharge the pitoli at the rate of two or three hundred tons per day. -New York Post. A DESCENDANT BONNIE PRINCE CHARLIE. Bastington, a village of some 1,400 inhabitants, six miles east of Glouces- ter,' has refused to elect upon its parish et:emelt a nObleman who has sought to obtain their suffrages by coming before -them as a lineal de- scendant of Robert .the Bruce and, on the distaff side, of the unfortunate Stuarts. Charles Cempoine Paynter, a count of the Holy Roman Empire un- der tlie' title of Count de Sigri, jays Claim to be of the royal Stuart race, and he has been canvassing the parish, attired in the royal Stuart tartan' and his carriage decorated with the royal 8t.anda.rd of Scotland, the royal Stuart .ndard, and his own frim!ly standard and coat of arms. He personally saw zVery elector in the village -about -300 -but when the resenit of the poll was declared the scion Of the old Pre- tender stood tenth on the list and outside the council. , OUR EMPIRE PARADOXES% Lik'.the raa,,lerity of young commun- ities, the 'Australian colonies -with 1.13 ft exeeption of their "doyen," New Walels-have thought wise to appiy to their infant indtestries the inetple of pro-,'fe,ction. It/is not the least of the. paradoxes of 'the 13ritisit Bnipire, this contrast , between' the mother country', rigidly faithCial to the principles Of frect trade, and her eeY3e0deneies, which have: 0.dopte..1, -the 10 105 of protected .duties. --Temps, , AC11001 13 beine erecte.d 05t TharneAfordet After Work or Exercas Soothes tired 11)0001110, re- moves SOrQ^ neSS 1111d btitr- TWO and gives the body a fooling of cetnfort ar.d strength. • Don't take the W111%, Watery tv1tc71 preparations represented to b.3 n same as" Pond's Extract, which easily solar pnd generally 000It4tn "wood alcohol," a deadly poison. Mitchell: On the evening of the 23rcl a little son of Mr. 3. H. SVater- house set a fire craeker off in his f;ith- er's ice house which is conneeted with the barn. Next morning Mr. John Downey noticed the plkice on Inc and quickly extinguished the flames. EXETER FOUNDRY J. MURRAY, Manufacturer & Dealer . . . . Portable and Stationery Engines and Boilers, Plows, Land Rollers, 11fow- ers Etc. Iron pipe and fittings, re- pairs on Agricultural Implements and genet.al machinery promptly at- ., tended,to 2 Good Second Mind Mowers for sale, cheap; also 1 Steven's & Burns' Por- table Threshing Engi•ne for sale rn good running order. Price $175.00 cash. •• Sole agent in Exeter iind vicinity for the Electric, Boiler Compound. Guar- anteed to be strictly first-class for removing, scales, etc. FOR SALE. A Wate3doo Traction Engine and Mornircli Sepiirator with 12 inch Brant- ford Grinder, F. 0. 33., Exeter, for $850. This is a rare bargain and must be sold owing to the death of the pro- prietor. -7777 J Wingham: The sudden demise of Mrs. Robt Stapleton of this vicinity, is a reminder of the uncertainty of life. Deceased was in her usualhealth when she retired on Sunday evening about nine but before eleven o'clock her spirit had departed. Mrs. Sttryle- ton had been a resident of this victnty for over twenty years. She was in her 69th year. A husband add large family are left in deep sorrow by the bereavement. •BINDER TWIIE • faf1118f'S CO-oporative colliP8op Litnited BRAWITFORD Prices for the Season 1901 of Red Star, 600 ft... Red Star, 550 ft... . . 10 c. Special Manilla, 500 ft.. 91sc. Sisal, old • • . 8 c. Sisal Standard ......... 7 c. (These latter two not our Own rnak-e.) CANADIAN FARMERS. We have just a word to say to you. This the first and only truly co-opera- tive company in America, is offering you to -day its stock in small holdings, one and two shares at par. It is also placing its splendid twines with you for the coming Harvest at prices raw ma- terial cannot now be bought for. Your loyalty and intelligence will hold us in existence; your scepticism and indiffer. ence will drive us from existence,vvhich means a deathblow to all future co- operation of farmers and will surely bring one result,a gigantic Twine com- bine, from the influences of which you will be absolutely helpless to hold your- selves. You have your option -pay your money and take your choice. Standby this greatest and most perfect co-oper- ative movement in the world and so bring a continuation of relief throngh its unquestionable influence as a twine price regulator. Desert u5 or treat our agents with indifference and you have only to wait for results. No better twine was ever made on earth or furnished to the Canadian Farmer than has been supplied you by this your own Company. If we were not an intense element of protection to farmers there would be no opposi- tion whatever pitted against us. Re- member the Salt Deal. Don't waste time wrestling with the question any lthiger. Look it straight in the face and identify yourselves with us' as shareholders. Buy your twine from this Mother Company with its splendid past record of years and yon will have oceesion to be proud of your action and loyalty later on. If you Use but a particle of judgment yOU will see at a glance that other Companies going into existence are simply trading 00 our gland reputation and that in many of these cases you will be exceedingly disappointed, We have pleaded fOr eight yeaTs for you to 0000000 on the ground floor and join hands with this old established Twine organization. 13uy our Red Star 10 cent Twine and you 'will make no mis- take. Joseph Stratford Oettoral Mariner, /•4 a-zez=m-- H I +II TAYLOR It's Ready. We 'make a feature Of promptness. When we promise your suit on a given date we'll have it ready. You need not worry about the time any more than about the quality of the goods or the fit of the clothes. You may depend on us. J. 14. GRIEVE Opposite Post Office Exeter---ir ROLLER MILLS. ........... .. . ... Highest prices paid for Clean, Red Wheat. Large stock of mill feed on hand. WOOD WANTED!, Give us a Call. 1 COBBLEIICK & SON BICYCLE BARGAINS We have secured a nunrirer of High Grade Massey -Harris Bicycles hi Ladies' and Cr'Ont's models, much below regular prices and while they last will sell them at greatly - figures. They are new and up-to- date in eyery respect and fully guaranteed. Call and see thorn and -be,yotir own judge of them. Our Pianos, Organs 0,nd Sewing Ma- chines are the best the maiket •• affords. We are leaders in Children's Carriages, Waggons, Etc. Sheet MllSic of all Kinds. CALL AND SEE US. S. MARTIN OUR NEW We have moved into our new pre - raises opposite the Centrii1 Hotel and are now open for business. Our .pre- mises are and we give you modern and up-to-date goods and made in the most modern style. We Personally . . Out Every Garment That's made up at this establishment -as well as fit it -and look .after all the details. This is only one reason why our prices ar-e moder- ate. Gent's Furnishings Come and see us in our new place of business and examine our stook of Gent's Furnishings. • Bert Knight. TICK: REPAIRING If yott want your Repairing weli done go to R, Tito Wa Clocks and Jewelry a specitaty. MARRIAGE LICENSE Ma/midge Lioenses isuedandlAred. dingRings always on hand, 'FanSOn's Block; Exeter.