Exeter Advocate, 1901-5-23, Page 3I ',","*".•,••••••••••". , II Farmers Trials. A SUFFEteEle FOR YEARS, THE ` RESULT OF A FALL. In Ws vieekened Cozolition La Grippe leastuaed Itself Upon :film, and Brought Enna Neer the Grave. Mr. William Silver is a well known fanner living near TIonford, N. S., Dueing hie life 'he has passed through much etelenees, but now, thanks to Dir. William' Pink Pills, ho is again enjoying vigorous health. To a re- porter tvlio recently interviewed him Mr. Silver aid :-'I am now in my 32nd year, and I may date the be- ginning of my trouble to my fiix- tQentli year when I was thrown from horee'a back, and lead nay spine somewhat injured. This was always u. weak ept and it geemed to leave me more eueceptible to other trou- ble, as it greet worse as I advanced ' ' • FROI BONNIE SCOTLAND INTERESTING NEWS FROIYI THE HIGHLANDS AND LOWLANDS. ^ As in the Times of Bobby 73m-eke-1r!any Things Rappen t� Interest the Mind: of Auld Scotian Sans. The Edinburgh Town Council is evi- dently reeolved that there shall he no Sunday care in that city, for by a ma- jority of 55 vote e to I2 it on thee, 29th eat decided against taking a plebis- cite on the aubjeet. The Wallneuk Convalescent Home for Paialey Children at Largs, Ayr- ehire, has been totally destroyed by fire. Some exciting incideute were witnesned, several children having to jump from tha upper windowe. The personality of the BOP. Robert Lang, fc;rmerly miniethr of Paninure etreet Congregational church, Dun- dee, amounted to over £25OOO. Al - meet th•e entire estate is bequeathed to the London Miseionary Society. Colorist Itlacrae, the conmaauding of- ficer of the Ediaburgh. Queen'e Vol- unteer Brigade, reports that last year the ;strength of the brigade was 2,885, to which has to be added 598 as the strength of the Highland Bat- talion. Sir Williana Muir, the octogenarian preeldent f Edinburgh University, will retire shortly. His public ser- vice clatee back to the Indian' mutiny, through which he was in charge of the intelligence department at Agra. The theological faculty of Yale T.Tuivereity, New Haven, Conn., he.vo invited the Rev. Dr. Forrest, of Skel- morlie, Ayrshire, to deliver two lec- tures to the students during next session, September, 1931, to May, 1902, and he ha e accepted the invitation. Profee.sor George Adam Smibla, of Glasgow, denies that the churches of that city are toeing their grip on the workingmen. 1 -le 'declares that if it were not for the working classes the evangelistic tcne of religious life in Glaagow would not be kept up a week. A deetructive fire 02currecl at Fal- con Ilouee, Blairgowrie, the residence of Colonel G. G.1VI'Laren. The great- er part of the buildin,g wee burned to the ground with many valuable paint-. in years. As a farmer I always had to work hard, and often expose my - elf to inclement weather. My back trouble was finally aggravated by in- digestion, and as this affected nay ap- petite, I was very much run down. Finally a few years ago I was attack- ed with la grippe, which developed Into pneumonia. My family doctor elle- needed in conquering thia trouble, but Cor six Months I was not able to leave the heuee. and all that he eould do for nee did not bring back ray, strength. Finally 'consulted anoth- er doctor, but with tao better result. In fact before I stopped doctoring I had tried four different physicians, and all the time instead of gettinti better I was growing weaker. Some eighteen months have now elapsed Ellice my attack of la grippe, and .during that time I waa not able to do any work. My whole system seemed exhausted, aind my aerves1 shattered. On fine days I woeild go out for a while, but often I would become so weak and dizzy th.a..t I could scarcely get back ta the heu'se. One day a neighbor asked me why I did not try • Dr. William'' Pink Pine'. I thought the advice might be woxth tokiag and sent for a half dozen boxes of the pills. Before they were gone there was ea,o doubt I had found, a medicine that was helptiag me., and 1 got a further supply. I continued taking the pills for about three months, and before I quit using theme I was feel- ing better and stronger then I had ' done for years. Every symptom of the weakness that had followed la grippe was gone, and my back which had bothereld me for so many years was almoat as strong as in boyhood. I have since dote many a hard day's work, and been exposed to bad Nvcatheir,tbat without any evil effects, and I can truly say Dr. Williams' Pink Pills baoe, restored inc to vigor - one manhood." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure such casee as the Mae noted above because they create now rich, red blood, thus strengthening weak and .ehattered nerves. They do not purge and weak- en like other medieines, but strengthen from the first dose to the last. Sold by all dealers in medicine or sent poet paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $9.50 by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, Brookville, Ont. NOW AN AERONAUT. ' 'A tramp wandering at night ateal- they approached a shadowy house. Ile paused a little way from the build- ing, and looked towards it. No, light said the tramp. , (Ie went a few eteps further. No dog, he muttered. Ile tiptoed softly to the door. It had not been locked. There is no one at home, field the tramp. 1 shall have a good time, at any rate. Ile entered, not 'knowing that it was nitro-glycerine factory. He lay down on forty tons of nitro-glycer- ine. want nomething to put my head on, eaid he, groping about in the dark, till he found a small keg of dynamite.. Ile rolled it into position, and rest- ed his head on it. This is what I call enjoyment, said he pleasantly. I wonder how long the family will be gone? I came pretty near putting, up at the hay- stack. I might have taken the other road. Thie is a Snug place 1 shall come thee way again. Before 1 go to sleep I shall enjoy a quiet smoke. I hope I haven't lost my xnatchee. Ah here is one I Ile etruck it I '1 ' Seventeen tons of nitro-glycerine • , put out the t,ranap's pipe. Four tons went off wearing his hat. Six tons played football with his e:hoes. Nine tons army on his tattered coat, and AVOTC it amongst the stars. With his tromsere four tons went danciog along the Milky Way. Ile never carne that way again. FRAGRANT ' AN EXCELLENT OFFER. Cecil Rhodea has made a generous offer to the 'diocesan college school, Cape Colony. He offere a scholarship of $12,30 a year„ to educate a boy in Oxford for three years', to be chosen for, 1, hie literary and scholastic at- tainments; 2, success in outdoor port; 3, qualities of sna.nhood, SUC13 aa truth', nourage, devotion to duty, protection of weak, kindliness, unstil- fiehnees and fellowship; 4, moral force of character. Ow-fifthe of the marks are to be awarded for the first, one- fifth for each of the others; the scc- end and third to be decided by ballot of the echoolbotrs. This is an original idea, and if the headmaetor ie wise • and judicioua, ought to produce in- teresting results. I H P OaTIVB CRUELTY: • , The warr in South Africa hal been . the means!, of producing great -mestere piece, of journalistic invention in Paria. 'A certain journal solemnIg af- firmed that English recruiting agents wore busily engaged in enlisting men who had been discharged frota the French army, and that as Soon as 31;uolwesaso'rrtgGgaestitoonutairnri;peodrri:n Earinglaknudt ar.4 aent to tie' f,toy t a,s a bare-leggell e e mei,* „newt a perfect liquid dentifrice for the Toth old Mouth New Size SOZOOOSOZODONTIOOTO POWDER, 254 , 5C NT 25c Large LIQUID and POWDER, 75c ICE .M all Stores, or by Mail for the price. HALL 81 RUOKEL, Montreal. SELF-MADE PRISONERS. Some Very Strange Reasons Which Peo- ple Give ter Turning Hermit. In every large town in England there are many people who have de- liberately cut themselves off from in- tercouree with their fellows, and who live dreary, lonely livee, often with- in hearing of the hum of the bue,y streets. The preference of hermits of this kind for towns ie easy to explain. In a sparsely settled country place eccen- trioity of any kind ia sure to cause comment, and it may he said to be impoeeible fon any but a very rich ma,n to Seclude himeelf in a country) spot without causing so much talk ancl curio,sity that his life becomes mere mieerable 'than he has already made it. In large towne, on the oth- er haod, it is proverbially possible to live next door to a person for twenty years, without knowing his name or occupation. I The majority of eelf-made hermits aro no doubt people whose natures Lave been soured by love disappoint-. • mente, but every now. and then a case erope up which shows that other and moire singular causes have been at work. , There, recently died in Leeds a wo- man who far the past !eighteen% years had never epoken to any human be- ing except her brother. the cauee of her self-eeclusion was slanply a re - Inge and other works of arte The loss mark paseed upon her appearance at is estimated at between 42,000 and an evening party which she had at - the inventory of the eetate of the late Colonel E. H. D. 'Macpherson, of Cluny has been lodged with the Corn- raissary Clerk of Inverness-shire. The personality, exclusive of heritable property, amounts to £13,306. Sums have been bequeathed to old retain - ere of the Provost Chisholm unveiled the sec- ond of the seriee of mural decorative panela in the banqueting hall of Glasgow City Chambers. The panel ie by Mr. George Henry, and it repre- sents William the Lion handing the charter that madeGlasgo-w a burgh tended. It waa to the effect tb.at Mise— could certainly afford to armee better than she did. "If they don't like my dresses they shall nev- er eta thern again," eaid the offended lady. She gave up all the paritsh work, whioh she had taken a share for years, and shut' herself up in her hue, never being seen outside the door till the day of her death. , PURE VANITY , eeetne to have been the cause why the daughter of a mine -owner in Souish 'terrace Suddenly shut herself up and remained in absolute eeclusion be- hind locked doors, till the day of her death, which happened three yearg of barony to Bishop jocelyn. ago. The lady was very. beautiful when she first appeared in sc.cietv Scotch ehipbuilders launched dun.'iin e ate eevcn , an that and ing 1 -iiee d at -d ing January 9 veesels of 13,970 tens, her father's wealth, combined to give as compared with 13 vesselg of 31,204 lacer many adnairerg, among whom she tone in January, 1900, and 13 a 13, - reigned like a queen. 797 tone in January, 1899. To the 'Oro day alS hhe was driving through total the Clyde contributed 7 vessels Candiff her pony ehied at a !steam a 13,020 tons, the Forth, 1 of me roller and ran away She was thrown tons, and the Tay 1 of 800 tons. out, and being caught in ;some way A public meeting took place in Ab- in the mina had her right ear torn completely away. ;She was little in- erdeen for the purpose of promoting juired otherwise, and it was said could the propoall to erect a Gordon High, have had tlae defect remedied by an lander' Institute in the city as a memorial to the officers and men of the corms who had fallen in South Africa. The Lord Provost presided, and among those who took pare in the declined to taco any of her family but proceedings were Lard Strathcona, her sister. And so she lived for twen- Lord Aberdeen, and Captain Towse. The proposal was approved, and a committee was appointed to carry it out. artificial member. But she would not be consoled. When he got home she refused to leave her bed for three months, and when she did get up, The Dowager Duchess of Argyll, who 15 presently in residence at 1VIacharioch, Kintyre, has just com- pleted arrangements at Campbell- town for the erection of a monument on the height on elacharioch shore, to the memory of the lake Duke of Argyll. 'rhe mominaent will be built of red freestone from Dumfries, and will, from the commanding site evetich it ie to occupy, be a promMent; object to vessels paesing through the Sound of Sande - FROM A FRENCH VIEW. 1A Story that in one form or an- other appeared in various French dailice, dealt with Mr. Thomas At - kis' aversion to war. "The unhappy men recruited in London," said a well known Perlis paper, " were frantic on learning that they were going to be sent to fight eigainet the Boers. Many of them, geeing that their protesta- tion e were in vain, sought to take refuge in flight. it was necessary to adopt energetic meaeurce to prevent a general desertion, consequently the young soldiers evere landed chained together in groupe of five. Further the famous tat -W. -nine tette is con- stamtly in use. , , JEWS IN THE ARMY. f Not a few naembere of the Hebrew • community of England have, eibeierves the Livexpool Poet, served in the Britiah array in the campaign in ty-eight yenes, refusing even to see bee father when oa hie death -bed. One of the strangest causes that ever drove a man into solitude is that which made a recluse of a once active Porteenouth shopkeeper. Ile was crossing a field near Browndown one day when a Shot was heard in the diatance, and he fell with a bul- let in hie body. He was carried home and the cloctcxr gave him no hope of recovery. The bullet, he said, had lodged in the raueolea of the heart, and the slightest movement would eertainly rupture the heart' e envelope and so cause death. Contrary to all expectation, the pa- tient recovered, and a few months later was told that with reasonable care he might live for many Years. no immediately sold hie business,mov- ed up to Landon, and settled in a small flat. Afraid that the slightest exertion might cause his end, he hardly ever etira out of an invalid chair. Ile will not see anyone but his doctor, and the one eervant who lookafter iaim, and thus he has pro- longed a dreary exestcnce for seven- teen years. MILITARY KNIGHTS OF WINDSOR. The Military Knighte of Windsor form 1t exeeedin.gly ancient institu- tion. They date from 1319. The Knights are now, eighteen in number. The penelone vary from £50 to 4130 a year, and are supplemented by free quartere, in which nine !months' resid- ence! out of the twelve la, compulsory. A good war record and etraitened means are the combined qualifications for appointment. Their duties are nominal -attendance in iSt. GeorgeM Chapel on eabate' days and at Royal weddings and funeral, and forming portion of fruards of honour when fot- ON A. BITSINESS 13ASIS. Not long ago the wind blew off a gentleinan'e silk al4t, and whirling it aloft) /eft Lm beeeheaded at the oor- ner. Here, boy, lie called to an urchin near by, get my hat for me. What are tyou offerin'? inquired the boy. . I 'want trig hat, exclaimed the gen- tleman ; Pll give you else ciente. ,-Wirat'a it worth ? the boy inquir- "ed. Itet a new eilk one; I'll give you ten centif you'll run and get it for inc I ain't I think not, replied the Joy, in the bueiness of furnishin' geots g A . with guinea Oak hatg for ten cents. AL DA „ oey... Teas are sold In eeRIO lead packets °illy, never lot . S CEYLON AND INDIA TEA, GREEN OR BLACK. Don't Forget the Facts: i3ritish Grown tea is uncolored and cleanly. It is machine rolled and contains no adulterants. Neither JAPAN no CHINA teas possess these characteristics. Ginarne 10 per cent. on the value foe. bulk Black Mixed or tineek salvage, miter, and away I go. Do I get it? and the buy stood expectant till tho gentleman nodded. BULLER ON THE 5. A.. PROBLEM. General Buller, speaking at the an- nual dioner of the Chaxaber of Com- merce at Plymouth, said he believed that Canada and Australia had helped uo largely for the sake of forming another great nation in South Africa. When dealing -with euch new nationa we sweet not repeat the mistake made in the ease of Ameeica, and we ehould grant reaeonable concessions to the differeet parte of a great united ern - L SmithAfrica. A young Jewieh eol- dice from Liverpool, named Lionel Levy, was killed during the memor- able siege of Mafeking, and a cora- rade-in-armee Casper Cohen, who is also of the same city thus writes to a relative have bad t veep rough time of it. I have been with Ian Ilamilton all through the war and havebeen in a good many engage- ments', but, with Gocre help, have got out safely. T. am to get the Medal and bars, Se1 will be the only Jewish lad from Liverpool, I euppoge, that will have the honour of 'weaving these. I am now in Baden-Powell's Police." SOZODONT Tooth Povvdor 250 eign Royaltievisit Windsor Castle. 110TEL PROPRIETOR WINS 111S CASE. Under an Unjust Penalty for Eight . Years,. Bright's Disease Hold the Sentence of Death Over Hla Plead—Sul1ered);t11 the Misery of Broken Health - rn the Meanwhile -111e DeliverancebyDedd's Kidney Pine. Dreeden, May 13, (Special.) -Allan •McIntos,h, proprietor of the well known Clifford Houee here, in eon- vereation at his house to -day, m.ade a etatement that cannot fail to car- ry with it the weight and influence of the speaker. "Gentlemen," eaid he, "Dodd's Kid- ney Pill e cured me of Bright's Dis- eese after eight years of torture." To eat,' that his hearers were sur - pried, but faintly expressee it. Mr. McIntosh looks so far from an in- valid at the present tinee, that the new of his former affliction with a dreadful malady, like Bright'o Dis- ease, sounds unreal and iraprobable. The eubject arose from a converse, tion in which one of the gentlemen preeent complained of backache. Mr. MoIntoela at mace advised Dodd's Kid- ney PHIS. Following some further discuseion( on the merits of Dodd'e Kidney Pills came the etatenaent above quoted. "I had Bright's Disease for over eight years," repeated Mr. McIn- tosh. "I could get absolutely noth- ing to help me. Bright'e Disease wag incurable I found. My back wao a continual ache. My urine was of that dark color which is the most alarming symptom of the disease. 'Gentlemen, I tell you, I was in a bad way. Brighee Disease raeang death if you don't cure it, and I could get nothing to cure it. In fact, I was told it was incurable, and be- lieved it. But it isn't Dodd's Kid- ney Pine can cure it. They cured me. I used seven boxes of Dodd' e Kid- ney Pill, and Bright's Disease left me. Only for Dodd's Kidney Pills you wouldn't aee rne here before you this minute." The facto as related by Mr. McIn- tosh arc universally confirmed by the people of Dresden. ored Ceylon Green. Sample on anplloatIon. Address "SALADA, Toronto. if YOLI Want best resnitt SU1P all your BUTTER, EGOS, POULTRY. APPLOO. ether, FRUITS and PRODUOIlf te The Dawson Comniission Co Llrolted, Cor. West Market and Colborne St., Toronto. menameewleeleewnece l4frIveveyva/wwiwa,4 elitvem'ewcve/lba , PURE I Now the season for painting is on. Get your house touched up with paint -good paint. Don't use any , common brand eef paint because it is PAINTSI it is dear in the end. Get a good 1cheap. Don't use cheap paint at all, 0 I old brand that has been known in Canada for sixty years. RAMSAY'S PAINTS CRONJE'S SWORD OF HONOUR, A good laugh is to be obtained from o perueal of 'the. Dees of subscriptions for • e'vonje'a tworid of honour pub- lishne ea the "Inbranaigeant," of Paris. "J&n Enemy of the English in Business," sent 5fr., "Anti-Ploum- poudding," contributed 5d., ' while " Mlle. A. K., 'twenty years of age, who has a horror of the Dnglish." forwarded a modeet franc. Among other interesting persons figuring in the lists' are "Three Women who cry in choeus, 'Death to the English '1" "An Anglophobe Photographer," and a blood -thirty individual, who ex- presses the modest wish that the alword may be the means of extermin- ating us. , . WHEN CORONETS ARE WORN. peer or peereas wears a coronet/ is peer or peeress wears a coronet is at the coronation of a Sovereign. At the moment when the Archbishop of Canterbury placee the crown on the head of the new monarch every peer preeent at the tceremony done his own coronet. 1 , A BLOODHOUND MAN. e A bloodhound m,an hao been discov- ered by a German doctor; this is an individual tylhase sense of smell is so keen that he can recognize his friends at a dietance of several feet, and when lee ie blindfold. One scientific fact resulting from this highly de- velopecl eerise is that all the4 members of a family have a characteristic odor, and that each family has its dietine Live odor. "^ • ascii -fteaseesommessense. 0 ,. 4, tilegitA 117w/fr. „ are the oldest and best known painta in Canada, made to beautify and preserve the house. We will send you a booklet showing how some houses are painted and telling all about paint if you will drop us a card and ask for Booklet "K" free. A. RANISAY eg. SON1 PAINT MAKIeRS, • esePos 11142. Illvls,131.11. ..l-ia, largb/TiVar0/4,10,W0rfae0r0-0/006,0,111,101014 324 Husband -1 really think you might have had that ball -dress made a little bit higher in the neck -Ito say noth- ing of the back. Wife -I'll have it changed if you witsh, but this stuff costs fifty shillings a yard. Husband - Una -well, never mind. Miqamit's Liniment Cures Carget iq Cam --- Wile—Considering how. long I've been away, I think you might have made some preparations to receive me. !Ilueband-You do Ina injustice, my dear. I have had the library and parlor thoroughly cleaned and aired. Servant, interrupting, -Please, sir, the man has come with a waggon for them empty bottles. AVENUE HOUSE—t-t%— alelera,,A9ratioso Der day, 4,000,000 horeee have died or been killed in war in the laat 80 years. Sleeplessness. -When the nerves are nu - strung and the whole body given up to neretcheduess, when the mind is filled with gloom and dismal forebodings, the result of derangement of the digestive organs, sleeplessness comes to add to the distress. If only the sebject could sleep there would be oblivion for a wbile and temporary relief. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will not only induce sleep, but will act so benencially thee the subject will wake refreshed and restored to happiness. Taking the etrengtli of oak at 1,000 ah is 983, and sycamore 744. Excellent Reasons exist why Dr Thomas' Eclectric Oil should be used by persons troubled with affections of the throat or lungs, sores upon the skin, rheumatic pain, corns, bunions, or ex- ternalinjuries. The reasons are, that it Is speedy, pure and unobjectionable, whether taken internally or applied out- wardly. READY TO USE Wife -Why do you buy such a lot of etamps at once' Etueband-So there'll be a few that won't get stuck together. Impurities in the Blood. -When the ac- tion ot the kidneys becomes impaired, impurities in the blood are almost sure to follow, and general derangement of the system ensues. Parmelee's- Vegetable Pilli will regulate the kidneys, so that they will maintain healthy action aud prevent the complications which certain- ly come when there is derangement of these beelthy oreans. As a restorative these pills are in the first rank. T. N. le FREE TRW TRIP TO TORONTO. To anyone who wants a piano or organ we will give a return ticket to Toronto foe a distance equivalent to the amount of their purchase. (50 mile return ticket fol 0 purchase of $50 and so on. In addition to a magnificent stock of tbe celebrated Newcombe Gold Medal (Paris Exposition) Pianos, W6 have a great yaw iety of used pianos, by well-known makers, In good order, which we offer to clear at from ONE HALF -TO- ONE FIFTH original prices. NO HOME is complete without a piano or organ, and on the above offer no one need be withoot one. 0.-NEWCOIVI BE & CO., 107-9 Church St., Toronto. NOT A NEW ONE. Mingo -Bobbie, have you been fight. ing again with that little boy next door? Mobbie-No, sir; The obe same old fight. , Worms cause feverisbness, moaning and restlessness during sleep. Mother Graved° Worm Exterminator is pleasant, euro area effectual. If your draggist bas noue stock, get him to procure it for you. • blim.;0411.•••• Ireland eends to England 237,060 tons of meat a year. Vein signature is on every boy of the zennind Laxative Bromo=Quinine Tablets / the remedy flat cures a ookll lak onoctay A cord of !wood weLghse on an aver- age, 2 1-2 tons. Millard's Hai es Colds, et. me_nrcur 850,206 year. emigrants left Europe las% Holloway's Corn Cure is a specific, foe the removal of corns and warts. We have AND IN COLD WEATHER. . never heard of its failing to remove even When did the window blueh ? , the worst kind. When it saw the weather etrip. Alfred A. Taylor, of Margaree, gape: " One bottle of 1V1LNARD'S LINIMENT cured a swelling of the gamble joint, and eaved a horse worth e140.00. Thoe. W. Payne, a 13athuret, saved the life of a valuable horse that the Vet. had given up !with a few bottles of MINARD'S LINIMENT. Mise love to hear the birdse sing. Jack Downright, warnaly,-So do I. They never attempt a piece be- yond their ability. There is denger in neglectinga cold. Many who have died of coneuntption dated their troubles from exposere, followed by n cold which settled on their lungs, and in a short tirne they were beyond the skill of the best physician. Had they used Bicleles' Anti -Consumptive Syrup, before it was too late, their lives would have been spared. This medicine has no equal for curing coughs, colds and all affections of the throat and lungs. Nerveue Cuetemer, jumping out of Seat. -Your hand is shaking. !Barbee -Yeesir. 'Always does first thin.g.but ahall be all right When I've finiehed with troth !hoard's Linithent Cows Distemper. THE QUESTION NOWADAYS. Friend -I undenstand your receive ing teller ban ekipped out? Bank President, sadly, -That's what! Friend -Did he leave much ? , Minard's lament Cures Diphtheria. Roo -Did -you ever faint, Isabel ? Isabel -Only ience ; and I bumped ray head so hard that I never tried it again. , POR OVER FIFTY YARa MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTNING SYRUP hat broil need by mothersfor their children teething. It soothet the cluld. softens the puns, alloys's:On, cures wind colicl and la the hest emedy for diarrhoea 25c a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure mad sl6 for llre. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." Mrs. Murphy, to her husband, excit- edly, -Run, run for the doctor, Pat. Thechild hae ewe llowed Liao hrilfpenno you gave him to plity with. Oh; keep, youtr mind, [they, Bridget, replied Pat. It was. e bad one, anyway.• , flow is This! We otter One Hundred Donets reward feT any case of Catarrh that Ca./1110C le cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. , O. J. CallieNNY & CO., Toledo, 0, We, ilia undersigned, have kleewri 5'. .7. Cheney for the last l5 years, end believe him perfectly Imam -eels In all besemers transaetiete and eneeelellyAble, ±0 0,11'TY: out any obileations mede by Illetr firm, & TRALIN, Wbolesale .TereggIste, Toledo, 0. WALCINO, ICI AN & MAIL. VON, Wholesale CrOggIsts, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is thhen netitig dhtetly ilp0A, the blood and UnteonS surfaces of tne. system,. Testimonials sent free. Price 75e per bottle. 44 MI drop gtats,