Exeter Advocate, 1901-5-16, Page 8i• ,;,,"" va h i�e� The new baseball playing rulee adopt-
c�CvGxbr4 yc lCC1 , . , ec as follows.--•
eel may lir, suuluiaz i.� 1
a called ai pitch-
, ;1 � ,� . } Abolition a play 4
T �`� f l 11 t l t by
1 S,a fits e(.C?¢�eGRCY'
AIr. T. V'i'; Ilatvlsshaw moved
household effects to Loudon Tuesday.
The late�;;t musical selections are be-
ing prepared for the Band concert,
May 24th,'
Absolutely. pure Baking Bowden sold
aat Lutz's Drug store, 10, 15 and, 25
cents a can.
The country people should come in
arly on May 24th to see the street
parade at 10 o'clock.
A total eclipse of the sun will take
l be
• but
-2710 �F
place to
invisible in Canada. the
Mr. Chris. Zuetle has moved into
dwellingrecently vacated by Mr. A.
Hooper, on Simcoe street.
The Peblio School wheeling club
took a spin] to Hensall on Friday night
last and all report a pleasant time.
Goocl sports, good races and good
time may be expected here on May 24.
Everyerson come and enjoy them.
75c., $1, $1.50 and $1.65 for four
specials in lace curtains. $2.85 and
$3.45 for ,elioice tapestry curtains.
er" '\will count merely aS a ball'—no.
base will be given All fouls 'ar'e
Strikes, unless there are already two
on the batter. Catcher must stay be-
hind the bat for the entire game when
his side is in the field. Pitchers must
deliver the ball to batsman inside of
20 seconds after the latter has taken
hisositior.. Should the pitcher throw
the ball to any other place than the
plate it will count a ball for each de-
J. Spackman, agent for the Royal
Mall. Allen Line steamships. Offices
• •
'ida'Veile store
H. Spaickinain 1]d
Grand Beud
R,ey. Canon' Bichardsou, M. A. of
London, will preach in the Trivitt Me
morial chinch, on Sunday next, both
xnorning and evening.
Come and see the young Canadians
drill and hear their latest patriotic
songs of greeting to the King at the
Band concert on the might of the 24th.
$700 will be given in prizes on \'lay
24th to the owners of the Kings and
Queens of the racing turf. Comte out
and see them go. •
We notice by the Loudon papers
that Miss Amy Johns assisted very
acceptably ie the _Musical Recital
that city on Saturday.
King Quality shoes for komfort,
style, fit and wear. Stewart's.
were formerly only four ; we
ding anniversaries that were designat-
ed by particular names—the wooden,
the' tin, the silver and the golden—oc-
curring respectively at five, ten, twen-
ty-five and fifty years. Of late, how-
ever, many more have been added to
the list, so that there is if.desired,a
regular series of celebrations: For the
first year, paper; fifth, wooden;; tenth,
tin; twelfth, leather; fifteenth, crystal;
twentieth, china; twenty-fifth, silver;
thirtieth, ivory; fortieth, woollen; for-
-f fth silk; fiftieth, golden, and sew-
t) fi ,
Apprentice anted !Tillie son of Mr. 1+^. J, Knight, who '
Two or three improved hundred acre
farms for saute in the townships of Us -
borne and Stephen. For particulars
apply to Dickson & Carling.
Rev. H. W. McTavish, of Glencoe,
will occupy the pulpit of the James
street Methodist church on Sunday
next. Re,v. C. W. Brown will fill the
vacancy -in Glencoe. e
The Exeter District meeting of the
London Methodist Conference was
held in the Main street church on
Tuesday and Wednesday. the particu-
lars of which we will give in our next
enty-fifth, diamond.
pprc x
A good smart boy lv,uilted to learn has been quite ill, is recoveriri; .
1 ce.
at this h
printing. Apply � 1) Jaalaneson, zI I ,
'fo: Prohibit Ci; crates.
At the meeting of the :General Min-
in Tor rto
isteiiral Association, heldoz
Tuesday, a resolution was passed de-
ciding to memorialize. the Govern-
ment to prohibit the manufacture,
importation and sale of: cigarettes, and
to snake all persons under 18 years of.
age found with cigarettes upon' them,
guilty of a misdemeanor.
Samuel Grigg, the well known evan-
gelist and ex-hotel•keeper, is again on
the war path against' the "coffin nail"
- that the
He belie e
ing effect of the cigarette is greater
by all odds than is strong drank Just
now he is asking the newspapers to
publish warnings to parents 'nr the
matter. The young folks, he says, do
not appear to realize what they are
doing until the ruin is. Wrought, and
attempts at rescue are in vain. In
Buffalo; Supt. Bull is taking especial
steps to enforce the law regarding the
sale of cigarette's.
Mr. A. Wainer, a former resident of
Exeter has again leased his hotel at
Berlin. The Berlin News Record speak-
ing of thedeal says: "The negotiations,.
which have been going on for some
time between Mr. A. Wainer• and Mes-
srs. Ellis and Kain, were completed on
Tuesday, and as a result the latter gen-
tlemen are now the landlords at the
\raiper House. They took possession.
this morning, having leased the place
for ten years. Both the gentlemen are
experienced botelmen,and intend to do
some remodelling and renovating. It
is their intention to conduct a strictly
first-class commercial house. .
Ladies' Ready -to -Wear black lustre
skirts, tailor made $2.25. Black and
Navy serge skirts, tailor-made $3.25.
Black serge skirts strapped seams,
tailor -rade, $4. Stewart's,
A Concert of Merit.
Perhaps no concert or entertainment
has ever been given in town that mer-
ited a more liberal patronage than
that given by the McDonald Quartette
under the auspices of the Chosenosen.
Friends' Society, on Tuesday evening.
Every selection was rendered with ex-
cellent effect, and their efforts were
rewarded with rapturous applause.
The numbers by little Eugene Lock-
hart were good and much enjoyed. It.
certainly was a musical treat of a high
order and 1 -kW -audience ever left the
hall better satisfied. ,
A Warning to Sprayers.
Although it is a subject that has of-
ten been referred to, the proper time
for spraying fruit trees is a matter
which will bear repitition. The correct
times are before or hist after the tree
is in blossom, and not during the per-
rod it is in flower, as at this stage of
development Puent the labor is
Not only this,but to
prevent ntthewhole-
holes le .
slaughter of bees, an act has been
passed imposing a fine for spraying
while the, trees are in blossom.,'- It
would be well, therefore, for persons to
bear these facts in mind, both for their
own good and for the good of those en-
gaged in the bee business.
i .• 1 . P. P. of Durham,
aad�Mr. W. 11, L. McCourtie,• are in
town this week soliciting stock for
the National Portland Cement Co. ,
Lockhart—Saniwel 1.
Aq . uiet lint pretty bonse wedding
took place Wednesdayat the residence
of Mr.:Geo. Safi -well, when his daugh-
ter-in-law, Mrs. Minnie Samwell, was
married to Mr. T. 3. Lock hart, of Kings-
ton, for.'nierly ,principal of the Exeter
Public School.; Rev. Wm. M. Martin.
B.D., conducted the ceremony about 7
o'clock a.m., which was witnessed'oniy
a fewrelatives. At the', conclus
of the ceremony and after the happy
of those present a dainty wedding
breakfast was served, after which Mr.
"turd Mrs. Lockhart left by the morning
train for their home in Kingston. We
havegreat pleasure in joining with
her many friends in best wishes for the
future happiness and. welfare of her-
self ancl worthy husband.
•c wide
, � -
$2.xO for the very best 1 -yard y
Linoleum. 75e. for choicest two-ply
wool carpet. $1 for the choicest lot
of body Brussels carpets. Stewart's.
Where are you going my pretty
maid? Why! to the Band concert, of
Course she said; when are you going
my pretty maid? On the evening of
the 24th she said. Yes, that's where
we are all going.
Mr. Louis Roeding, shoemaker, who
has been engaged in Woodstock, re-
turned to town last week for a few
days, and o.r Monday moved with his
family to -that place, where they will
make their home.
Turkish Scalp Fond prevents bald-
ness stops failing, out hair, removes
itching and dandruff, restores faded
anM-gray hair to its natural Color and
vitality and is also an excellent hair
dressing.. Only 50c. a bottle at Lutz's
Drug Store,
At a meeting of the Sons of England
. benovelent meeting on Monday, May
18, 1901, a letter of condolence was or-
derecl to be written to the familyof
their late secretary, Capt. Kemp. MY.
J. Senior was elected as secretary in
his stead, and Mr. 33. Spackman as
Dix Little Liver Pills, Dix Kidney
Pills, Dix Neeve and Blood Pills, Dix
Cold Cure, Dix . Headache Cure, Dix
Compound Carbolic Ointment and Dix
Lung, Syrup only need to be tried in
order to pro ,'e that they are standard
and reliable remedies. For sale at. C.
Lutz's Drug Store.
As will be seen by the Exeter Coun-
cil minutes a by-law has been passed
fixing a -fee of $50 for the privileg
sellingcigarettes in town. The coin-
cil is,to'be commended for their action
in this respect.as the cigarette habit is
becoming far to prevalent from the
fact that so many thnall "boys are in-
The Western Tuuior Lacrosse Asso-
ciation held their annual meeting at
the Central Hotel, Lucan, , Friday af-
ternoon last.. Representatives from St.
Marys, Parkhill and Exeter were pres-
ent. A.G. Gray, of Parkhill, was elect-
ed secretary, and the.following. sched-
ule Was arranged for 1901:—May30,St.
Marys at Exeter; June 11,. Exeter at
Parkhill; June 20,Parkhill at St. Marys;
June 27, St.Marys at Parkhill; July 10,
Parkhill at Exeter; July 5, Exeter at
St. Marys; July 11, Exeter at Parkhill;
July 18, St. Marys at Parkhill; July.25,
Parkhill at St. Marys; July 30, - St.
Marys at Exeter; Aug. 5, Exeter at St.
Marys; August 13, Parkhill at Exeter.
The Voters' Lists.
Beginning now and continuing °for
Mr. John Rendle met with a painful
accident on Saturday last which Might
have resulted .in the loss of.two or
more of his fingers. It appears he
and Mr. John Manning were putting
ice in the refrigerator and one of the
bunks being too large Mr. Manning
took the axe to cut it in two. It was
placed on a -blank and just as Mr.
Manning went to make the blow the
bunk slipped and at the same time Mr.
Rendle made an attempt to stop, when
the axe came in contact with hishand,
cutting a painful wound in the fore
finger and bruising the other some-
what. It,was only the dullness of the
axe that saved his fingers.
The ' coaling . event -grand concert
under auspices of Citizens Band, May
24th. _
If you have a wall paper thought
can't dobetter than see Ste-
• •t's stock.
Mr John Hind, of Elimville, who is
a member of Court I. 0. F., No, 123,
Exeter, receiyed can' Friday last from
the rt hove court the first of an annuity
beneficiary of $100, having attained
the age of�seventy. All policies 9ne rs
by the Older read,that the member on
attaining the age of seventy shall re-
ceive 5100 a year for ten years.
James Brintnell, Huron street,
Mr. while
with ' a. � painful accident w'
met P,,
l• , barn in
-i � on Mr. Blatchford's working
"Osborne one clay last week. He was
standing on a beam when in some
manner a piece of timber struck him.
throwing hint off his standing place
with such force as to render him un-
conscious and fracture several ribs. He
has, however, nearly recovered,
Hessian Fly Pest. •
Wm. Lochhead, Professor of biology
at the Agricultural College, Guelph,
was a caller at the ADVOCATE office
Friday. The object'' of his .visit' here
was to ascertain.if the Hessian fly had
yet invaded this district. He iuforni-
ed the ADVOC lTn that the destructive
little pest'. is fast spreading in some
districts and at no distant time the
Of 011t
ario, (some e
of whom
have already had trouble) Will have a
serious difficulty to cope and' contend
with unless certain precautions are
observed: The name, Hessian fly, is`
quite familiar to our farmers, but
very few have had' experience with it,
'although we are informed that cer-
tain wheat fields' in Stephen town-
ship have•been infested and are being
badly damaged.' For the benefit of
farmers we will here give a brief de-
scription of. the fly:—It is a dipterous,
'insect, the larva. of which' doing the
damage. It is black, with dusky wings,
darker at the base, pale -brown legs,
•black feet and hairy antennae. There
are two broods in the year. The mag-
gots of the one brood live at the roots
of the plants throughout the winter;
those of the other are found in the
lower joints of •the straw, in the end
of spring and beginning of summer.
The Professor recommendslate sowing
about the 5th of September.
The ordinary business man has about<
as hard a row to hoe as anybody on
earth, says an exchange, and he has
got to look pleasant and hang on to the
hoe handle nomatter what happens.
If a pastor's salary is a little short. the
business man must fix it. If John
Jones loses a horse he must help get
another. If somebody meets with an
accident or is burned out, the business
man must chip in. If a celebration is
going on he must dig up some more.
If a beggar comes along heis the first
man tackled. If he responds to every
call he goes broke. If he refuses. he is
,counted a hog. Still some will send
away from home for goods • occasion-
Last week Mr. John Allison finished
the tree planting around the new part
of the cemetery, also filling in the gaps
in the old part .of the grounds with
young trees. In all 134 spruce trees
were planted. The young trees are fine
specimens,and in aL few years will ma-
terially improve the appearance of the
cemetery. The work in the old part,
of the cemetery is being pushed along
vigorously, and is most satisfactory.
The farmers of Stephen and, Ushor•ne
are preparing to join bees to haul suit-
able soil for top dressing. After the
headstones; have been straightened up
and repaired, the grounds will be lev-
elled with the top dressing and will
then be sown with lawn grass.
some weeks, the municipal Conrts of
Revision will, be held throughout the
Province, and it will be well to remind
those who are interested of an import-
ant amendment to the voters' list ;act
at the recentsession of the Legislature.
' enacted
• Mend
me t .
"anyone who will be of the age of
of twenty-one yearswithin thirty days
from the day fixed for hearing •:ap-
peals to the'County Judge, and who
possesses the other necessary qualifica
tions to entitle him to be "entered on
the'yoters' list, shall have, the right
to apply to the Judgeto have his name
entered and inserted in the-voters''list
as entitled to vote at municipal elec-
tions andelections to the:Legislative
E. K W.
l'itr. Manning, of Leamrngton,£ormerly
of the fire] of Straith & Manning, mer-
chants of this place, spent Monday in
town. lie is now on the road repre-
senting a, corset company. He inform-
ed the ADVOCATE that Mr, and Mrs.
Straith, who vesicles in Windsor, alfew
days ago, lost their little;daughter,
011ie, through death and that the
shoot wars So great to Mr. Straith that
he has been confined to his bed,,ever
At the annual meeting of the Reform
sitionWIH Taylor, n Msa 1P.P,was
nesday M.
again the unanimous choice of the con-
vention. ' The meeting was very large-
ly attended. After the convention an
o en'fneetin r was held which was ad-
dressed I -fon. J. R. Stratton, Pro.
b .�.
dres.,tid y M.P.
v'l tial
Secretary, W. H, Taylor, Il
then ine,Eatz, Escl„ and Mr. Gil -
l t .i Craig
i Time Nearcis
House Cleaning
and LACE CURTAINS for your parlor,'
Which means a few CARPETS
i n
hall or dining roam: And we are pleased to tell you that we are show-
ing the largest and best assortment of Carpets, Linoleums, and Lace
Curtains, etc. ever shown here. Prices to please everybody.
Our WALLgoing PAPER is out fast. , We have some beautiful de-
signs. When yeu are needing anything in above lines ,,eve us a call.
r o
Headquarte s r The
It is reported that a fond husband
on one"occasion when' looking over his
wife's accounts, found frequently'she
had been giving -money to G.K.W.
Perhaps a little jealousy was mixed
with his curiosity when he asked t'ho
the man was, and the innocent wife re-
plied that G. K. W. was short' for
"Goodness Knowe.What." This
good story if true; for we presume that
many a woman has a habit of writing
down in her account book "to sund-
ries" more often than she ought tondo.
Ellen H. Richards, of the Massachu-
setts Institute of Technology, contrib-
utes an article to the Tune Delineator
inrelation to household accounts. " It
contains a great deal of useful informa-
tion from those women who watch the
expenditure of their husband's money,
in domestic directions.
Rev. E. W. Hunt Resigns.
The State Republican, of Lansing,
Mich., contains the following concern
ing the resignation of Rev. E. W.Hunt,
a former rector of Trivitt Memorial
church, Exeter:—"Rev. Ernest W.
Hunt, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal
church,presented yesterday to the ves-
try his resignation, to take effect May
31. , At the same time Rev. Hunt will
leave the
v. His
son for the latter change he is not ready
as yet to announce definitely,. but he
allowed the reporter to understand
that it was because he had found him
self unable to believe fully in some of
the doctrinal points of, the church faith.
He has recently completed the five
years residence in this country and
State, necessary to citizenship,and this
morning,before. Judge Wiest, took the
final• oath of allegiance to the United
States. The new citizen and layman
told' the, State Republican that he had,
ho mattered plans as yet for the future.
The vestry of St. Paul's church receiv-
ed Rev. Hunt's resignation atits;meet-
iuglast evening. A vestryman said
to -day that the resignation would be
accepted, because it was ide. Hunt's
desire to leave the Ministry. The great-
estregret is expressed at the' rector's
action, and resolutions were adopted,
•stating the,reluctance with which the I
resignation was accepted, and speaking •
highly of his work while rector:' of the
The 33rd Huron regiment is to go in-
to camp at London from June 4th to
with the _8th lath
company m a
p Y
regiments the1st
and 32nd z e„iments and
It is stated that the camp of 1901
promises, for a variety of reasons, to'
be a highly important one. To begin
with,' it is to' witness a radical reform
in the matter; of dress. By a district
order, the commanding officers of i-
ments are instructed to select such
material as they may deem' best suited
to the needs' of their' men for drill pur-
poses. Then, again, there is likely to
be more attention paid to shooting and
less to complicated movements that
have little practical bearing on actual
warfare. The presence of returned.
South` African veterans.in nearly all
the regiments will add'materially to
their efficiency.
Council Proceedings.
Council met at the Town Hall, May
3rcl, as a Court of Revision forbearing
appeals against the streetwatering as-
sessment. There being no appeals it
was moved by J. Muir, seconded by J.
Evans, that the Court be closed.—Car-
vied. Council'met pursuant to adjourn-
ment at Town Hall, May 3. All pres-
ent. Minutes of previous meeting read.
and confirmed. Levett—Evans, that
Mr. Fitton's offer 6f $25 per year to
keep the town clock in repair for a term
of three years be accepted. Carried.
Levett—Evans, that the .following ac-
counts be passed and orders drawn on
Treasurer for same:—A. E. Fuke,'.sal-
ary as assessor, 5.10; Truant Officers'
book, $5, `postage $1.50; Silas<Hand-
ford,do., 3
3 Geo.Atkinson,�
rd labor, ,
fo $
1' r 90 Hugh
part t
Creech,$ ,
James y, g
Spackman, 'F,asoline, $8.44; Tremaine &
Snell, electric light to May let, 574.60;
James Creech, use of horse, $3. -Car-
ried. Levett—Evans, that Win. At-
kinson having refused to do street -wa-
tering, according to tender, that Caleb
Heywood's tender, at $10 per week,
being next lowest accepted.—Car-
ried.lief u„ 1
ried. Armstrong -Evans, that the
Assessment Roll• as received by the
Clerk be accepted and a Court of Re-
vision for same be held on May 27th,at
S' o'clock, p. n1.—Carried. Muir—Arm-
strong, that Council adjourn to Sa tur-
day, May llth, at 8 p.m.—Carried.
Council: met pursuant to adjourn-
ment in Town Hall, May' 11: All pres-
ent. Minutes of previous meeting read;
and confirmed. A communication from
Messrs, Tremaine & Snell, re electric
street was read.
lighis on Wellington
Muir --Armstrong,. that the ,Council
proceed with the building of a grand-
lithic pavement on the west side of
Main street from north side of Dr,Il,ol-
lins' office to the north side of .Metro
politan hotel. The property_ owners
to pay 40% of cost the remaining 60%
to be provided for out of the general
funds of the Municipality and that the
clerk be instructed' to ;ask for tenders
for said work.—Carried. Evans—Le-
vett, that the Clerk ask, for applica-
tions for ringing town bell and tenders
for use of scales. Tenders and applioa-
tion received up to Friday, 17th ,;May.
Carried. Evans—Levett, that a license
fee of $50 be charged for the privilege
of selling cigarettes in the niunicipttl-
ity and that a by-law be prepared con-
firming the motion, By -haw to take
effect from the passing thereof. ---Car-
- + that Council ad-
Leven vans i
r ,.
to Friday, May 17th, at 8 p.m.
(.H. BIsSETT, Clerk.
itf ...
So are we with a full line of Bed
Room Sets, Couches, is' Sa.eb
oards9 Tab-
les, etc., in fact everything possible
to be hadin
a first-class Furniture
are right. Store. _OpricesNo
: . g
to show
Carpet Weaving.
For first-class carpet weaving call on
corner of
the undersigned, ed g ,
and William streets. Prices reason-
able. ' A. ODD -Y.
Basket Bali Match. ,
A. basket ball match will take place
on the school grounds, Tuesday even-
ing, May, 21st, between the Rugby
and Oxford teams. Admission, ladies
5c, gentlemen 100,- Everybody attend.
Feather Cleaning
old reliable
S. Halstead, the
cleaner, of Goderich, will be here for
two weeks to do custom work in feath-
er cleaning. Parties having work in
this line should not miss this oppor-
tunity. Charges moderate.
The Teachers' Convention.
The West Huron Teachers' conven-
tion will be held in the public school,
Exeter, on Wednesday and Thursday,
May 22nd and 23rd, beginning at 9.30
0:1n,:.. on the 22nd. In the evening the
usual entertainment will be held in the
;?elionl hall on Wednesday.
Death of Mrs• Thos. Hamlin,
The appended notice frons the Owen
Sound Times of last week relates to the
death of "Mrs. ;Thos. Hamlin, a former
resident of Exeter, the sad news of
which will be learned with regret by
her friends here:—" Sincere' regret is
felt in Brooke and Owen Sound this
week over the death of Mrs.` T. W.
Hamlin, of Brooke, wife ,of Postmas-
ter Hamlin and mother of Mr. T. J.
Ross, reeve of Sarawak. The sad event
took place 00 Tuesdaylast, after some
inonths'of suffering. Deceased Under-
went an operation last week for the re-
lief of an abscess in the inner:ear,which
followed an attack of grip. This was
quite successful„and brought immedi-
ate relief; but the vital` force was not
sufficient to overcome the weakness,
death following as stated. Deceased
was born in Scotland sixty-five years
ago, and just.prior to coming to Cana-
da in 1862, was married to Donald Ross.;
They first resided, in Ingersoll, where
about 1862 Mr., Ross, who was an engi-
neer, vas killed through becoming en
' r :'
he be
i led l
the �
Beverley & Ouston,
lwi s haste
The OS eT011S�'al'Illera
Th Pr p y ...._,
1rr �rrr'���
Farmers intending 1
in to purchase FARM MACHINERY should call on us be-
lore buying elsewhere. We sell the best and the best is what the farmer wants.
and RAKE.
to Nix.
married after deceased
went THE and SELL
Hamlin v
Ham 1 1
ago G
t twelve,
to Owen Sound, residing; -here and In SOUTH OF ,HAiNKSH
Brooke until her death. , ,Deceased was
a consistent member of Knox church,
and highly esteemed because of her
findi . Four
'' li and l
>, led
<lna, Ydisposition.
daughters—Mrs.Norris;of Brooke, iMrs.-
Simcoe, Mrs. J. P. e
John Sutton, of S ��al
Burns of Manitowaning, and Mrs. J.
<to reside in Exeter,'WOODSTOCK WAGON.
On ., and a bon we ve years
M. Ramsay, of Los Angeles,.Cal., and
one son, Me. T. T Ross.,
survive er a•
the husband mourn
the loss ofa loving mother and wife.
The.funeral took place to Greenwood
this afternoon.
With sorrowing
Conninued on Page 1.
2,20 Trot or Pace
2.30 ” as is
2.50 '' {. K
Running Race
• , ,
�j lvtate
The Sale, Purchase and Exchange of
Village and farm lands and properties
negotiated at reasonable rates of com-
mission, .
For Sale.
Several Valuable Farms in HAY,
IV],AY; also .t'hree very desirable Re-
sidence properties in Exeter. •
Farms Wanted.
We have ptirchasers for good farm
and in the vicinity of Exeter, or who
will Exchange.
Wm, Bawden, David 1.
Valuator: Manager.
OFFICES: Dickson & Carling's New
Block, Exeter.
- $200
C A ,
For. Bread, Suns, "White Buns, Brown
Graham , Cakes of all
Buns, (x � Wafers, kinds, Cream Puffs, a
Disc:16ts, 1?lain Biscuits,
Wedding Cakes a specialty -Iced and.
beautifully oenamented at a reaso-
nable priee.
n made fo order.
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Bread delivered to all parts of the
town, 00'Mondays, Wednesdays and
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Ina only 2; pica. packtgea Sweet Pea Seel at 105.
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yOUfrco)SYltxprcAs. Tamoan oador
soiling peed!, sutll$ lo..Toronto.