Exeter Advocate, 1901-4-18, Page 7Bea
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In cutting tire ends, snip them Off
at right angles to the stalk.
Da not allow the ends of the etems
to rest on. the bottom, of the vase
, Do not place flowers near or under
Ilights—gasor larap---wlead it it can be
Change the water each day, and at
the earns time again cut the ends of
the flower steme.
The ends of the stems of all flowers
ehould be cut off before they are
plae,ed in water. It is best to strip
the leaves frain that part of the stem
which will be iname re ed.
Maidenhair fern should be kept
rolled ,ttp in moistened paper and on
the Ice, or, with the steens inthe vva-
,er, in a cool place, until ready for
Wee. In title way it will last Ear some
;Mignonette is generally grown in
a cool ,house, and. for this reason
often droops when first placed in a
heated room. It is well to put it in
the iee-box in water, for a time, whe.n
it will revive, "harden," and, if pro-
perly caved ,far each day, last a long
The Spring Feeling.
, filose (lenfinemsint During the Winter
Deaths II is Left You iveak, tastily De
pressed aro "'Oat or s
'Phe evvoirda "weak and depreased"
expresees the condition of thousands'
of people in the spring time. It is
one of nature'a signs that humanity
cannot undergo months of indoor life
in badly yen i la te d buil d inga with
impunity. Sometimes you have a
headache; sPght exorcise fatigues you;
your appetite Le Variable; you are
easily irritated or depreSsed; per-
haps there axe' pineplea or slight
aruptiona that indicate the blood
needs attention. Whatever the symp-
tom. May it isboUlcil ba attended to at
once, else you will fall an easy prey
to graver claseaSe. De not use a pur-
gative in the hope that it will put
you right. Any debtor will tell you
that purgatives weaken, that they
impair the action Of the liver and
create chronic constipation. A tonic
is what ia needed to help nature fight
your battle kir health, and. there Le
only one always reliable, never -fail-
ing tonic, and. that as D. WilliataLM''
Pink Pills. 'Chaste pills have no pur-
galivie action. Tho.y make rich, red
blood, strengthen the tired and jaded
nal:alas, and make weak, depressedi
easily tired people, whether old or
young, (bright, active and strong.
Among thosn who have proved the
health -bringing quail -Ilea of Dr. Wit. -
Berne' Pink Pil1s1 is Miss Emma. Cha-
plet, of Lalete Talon, Ont., who sayeet
"I cannot thank .,youl enough for the
good I Lave derived through the use
of Dr. Williamls' Pink Pills. I Ion-
e.stly 'believe that but for them I
would now ba ia my grave. My
health was co,mplately broken down.
My face as WhIte as chalk, and it
'made the least effort to do any
hcraseavork I would almoet ,faint from
the exortiotn, and my heart would
beat veelently so that I feared
would drop where I stood. 1 waa
t. ggea.t sufferer fro'M 'headaches and
dizzinesa as well, and my appetite
was SD poor that I scarcely ate at
tn. I treed several medicines, but
they did not help me, and then I de-
cided to send for some of Dr. Wil -
Lianas' Pink Pills. I gat six boxes
and before I used them, all I was as
well as I had ever been, with a good
healthy color, a good appetite and an
entire freedoen from the ailments that
had made me so miserable, pea may
be sure that I will always have a
warn. regard ;for your invaluable
Do not experiment with other so-
ealled tonics—you are apt to find it
a warete of money and your health
worse than before. Yoe, will not be
e-xperimenting when yotul Ilse Dr. Wil-
liamsPink Pills. They have proved
their value the world over, and you
can rely upon it that what the have
.done for others they will do for you
yoa cannot, get the genuine pills
;frona your dealer send direct to the
,Dr. XvIeclieine Co., Brock-
,ville, Ont., and they will be mailed
Poat Paid at 50 cents a box otx six
boxes for .1;42.50.
Young lInsba.nel—but, my -dear,
,what made Von 'believe this seedy
stranger's story that I had fallen in
the horse -pond?
Young Wife—Oh, darling, I believed
him because he aeleed for and went off
,with your Sunday elothes and top-
coat as Changes for you to get home
Yabeley—Do yon think thexo is any-
thing in the theory that 'husines5.; tear -
ries can 'teometimes cause a complete
toss of tnemory
Mudge—Yes. I, know it works that
Way in me- case. The, Moro I borrow
aloney the more t.renehereua any Merna
Dry beeomeSe eat ' •
c; E-srxic)113" v2T3E3-41-
Th," orient ten, comes frnn Ceylon, we use the finest of these, and that is why
Ludella Ceylon Tea leads in quality.
Lead Packages 25, 30, 40, 60 and 60 Cents
13AKI3D POTATOES A.11E 13E6'1'.
Playsielans assert thet baked pota-
toes are more. nutritious than those
cooleecl in any other way, and that
iniad ones are the most difficult to
Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend
"Las gat see" the man in the brown
jeans suit Was saying, "that you can't
trust anybedy theec days. 1 saw an
acivertiee,ment of a man in the, east
that said folr ten cents he'd send a
book of 45 pages of mighty spicy read -
"Well," they asked lime "What did
you get when you sent the ten cents?"
"A catalogue of a spice mill, by
filitiard's Liniment is used by Physiciaqs
An editor apologizes for a
typographical blunder, which made
ham, say that a bride appeared in
"shirt sleeves." "We wrote, 'short
sleeves,'" ...explains the editor, "as
plain as we knew how."
'Gentlemen,—While driving down a
very steep hill last August my horse
stumbled and fell, cutting himself
fearfully about the head and body. I
used, MINARD'S LINIMENT freely on
him and in a fewdays. he was as well
as ever.
Ada—Just think 1 The society re-
porter calls Mrs. Brown -Jones hand-
some 1
Blanche—Impossible 1 He
fer to leer ,g0W13.
. A fruit dealer in Paris advertised
his 'willingness te give a paiee of five
francs for the biggest apple sent to
laien. In a fortnight be had received
en.augh bllg apples to stock his etore
fet• a season, and, lake an honest
man, he awarded five fra.nes for tI2,e
biggest one. il'he others didn't cost
hien a sou., and the free advertising
brought to him a rush of business.
The Happy Ending of a Very
Serious and Painful Case'
Mrs. flushes was very Ill—Dleated and in
Conitani Misery, she Suffered for Four
Yea 1,, before she used Dodd's kidney
Pills—alio Is now Well and li• opy.
Morley, Ont., Apr. 8, Special.—Nel-
son Lefler, Justice of the Peace, of
this place, vouches for the truth of
the following interesting Story, told
by Mrs. Thos. Hughes.
1Vexification, however, will not be
necessary to those who know .Mrs.
Hughes, as that lady is ono of the
moat highly respected residents of
Grey County, Mrs. Hughes says :—
"1 was a great sufferer for four
years. 1 was treated, by four doctors
and a specialiet from the United
States. I tried nearly every kind of
medicine I could hear of, but none
seemed to do me any good.
"I was in bed for nearly three years,
I had pains up my spinal column, in my
head, over nay eyes, across my back,
through my left side, and occasional-
ly in my eight side.
"For three nights at a time, I
vviould never close my eyes in sleep:
I was terribly bloated, so that I could
not sit up or walk. My age waa for-
ty-one when I was taken sick.
"I have taken in all fourteen boxes
of Dodd's Kidney Pills, and now I am
muse re- strong, and able to do as good a
day' e work, as I have ever been. The
doctors said I had Rheumatism. They
said nothing could be done for me.
"1 was not' able to eat anything.
only corn starch or :soup of some
lund. My weight had increased from
112 to 147 pounds. I am now down
to my normal weight again. I can
never say enough for Dodd's Kidney
Pills for I am satisfied that they sav-
ed nay life."
There are many ladies suffering as
Mrs. Hughes did, although but few
may be as low as she was.
Deranged Kidneys are responsible
for almost all the troubles that come
to women in Middls life, and no wo-
man can afford to be careless, when
her kidneys are in any way threat-
(What cured Mrs. FIughes of this
, very bad case, will cure any case.
I Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only
remedy that ever cured Bright's
Disease, Diabetes, or Dropsy; and they
have never failed.
A. Statement lExitibittna Progress, Stabil-
ity, and StIeee•a.
It is always a pleaeure to be able to review
the financial statement, of one or our Canadian
institutions, especially when that statement,
1 exhibits progrees, stability-, and SlleeeS,S. Tho
annual repot of the Manufacturers Life,
pubtished in to -day's issue, is c,ne which shows
1 such unteastakable signs of careful manage-
ment, combinrci with a spirit or progress. that
_ policyholders in it aro to oe Congratulate, and
1 Leese propoeing to inane in it need no addi-
tional guarantee that their interests will be
Iwell protected.
In a year in vvhich comm,tili on wn s very
keen the company received applications for
insurances amounting to over ese,ouo,neo and
issued policies for $2,679.701 The applications
rejected by the coulee n y as not coming up to
its inedicll standard was the largo proportion
oE over 10 ptr een t, of the applications recei
The total 'volume of business ).cvv oa tho
ConNpany's books 18 over 515,000,000, while the
cash income from premiums and interest. ha s
ineteaged from $205.46S: in 1891,10 5405,117 in
1900; DurhIg the year the company disbursed
to policyholders. f or ondovnuents, dividends,
surrendered Policies.' and death claims, the
substantial sum of $127,6115, added to the reserve
fund for the security of policYhold ars 6328,495,
arid increased at the same tinae its Lurplus by
$07.208.35. .
A careful review or the conmany's business
ter the past six years was made by Prof. f.h..
James Mills, in which he showed that, whilein
1894 the assets of the company amounted to
$891,321, they now hero reuched the large
figures or $11.'49,176. As an indicatjon of their
excellent character. only some 5500 of overdue
interest existed on the 31st December ia respect
of the vvholo ot them, The expenses for
several years past Imre shown a gradual
decreato, and in 1900 the chmrntan slated that
the ratio of expenses was about 14 per cent.
le- et. than it was two years ago.. Li every
impcat int particular. as pointed out by Mr. R.
LaPatterson, it is shown that in the past yeer
marked advances :woos made in an those
essentials which tend toward the building up -
of a eound and healthy tion. -The cash
income increesedl)y over *81 000; the assets by
over $159 0 '0 ; the policy reserve by 'over
$318,000 ; surphts on policvn old ere account by
over 5999.010 ; und tho inEurance in foroo by
over $1.000,500. Mese are handsonie increases.
and sneak abundantly of the managerial
Lem uc. of 1 ie eoe,pao3 a affairs by :lir. J. F.
Jnnkin, its managing dirsetor. -
The in -Tenant step taken by the Manufact-
urers and tbe. rlUaperance and General; in
deciding to unite t Mir interests, is one, whicti
will, undoubtedly tend M secure even greater
economy in 50 ministration. and comelnently
increased benefits t o the policyholdera, and, in
view of the thorough investigation made by
the inde pmde Tit :111 Cheri tv in to the atNit.= of
both com p, Mee, it is confidently hello Ved that
even greater progreFs will be made by the
conibined conlpanie3 in the futUro than has
been made by colver 1, sttu: ion in the past
The bands' who greet a hero
LA. loud and flattering din
lArceild play the same terries latex if:
A rival chanced to .win.
Lady Sybil Primrose, the eld.est
daughter of Lord Rrosebery, IS said to
be one of the best informed women on
politics in tha world. She net only con-.
st.antly studies the subject in books,
but fin the nevespa.petra as well, and( by
means elf convenCion with nearly all
t.he diplomats in London.
The great demand for a pleasant, safe
and reliable antidote for all affections of
the throat and lungs is fully met with in
Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup, It is
a purely Vegetable Compound, and acts
promptly and magically DI subduing all
coughs, colds, bronchitis, inflammation of
the lungs, etc. It is so palatable that a
child Will not ref use it, and it is put at a
price that will not exclaim the poor from
its beneiLs.
Within the last 29 years freight
ara tee from and, to Eegland have de-
creased from 60 to '75 per cent. .
with Ask for Millard's and take no other.
Mrs Wiggles' --Does you.r husband
have a "den ?"
Mrs. Waggle—No. be roars all over
the house.
There are a number of varieties of corn.s
Holloway's Corn Cure will remove any of
them. Call on your druggist and get a
bottle at once.
This signature is on oyery box..of.tho genuine
Laxative Bromo.Quiglihe Tablets
the remedy that cures a cold Ds one day.
fLhere is Only` One thing which BOTH StlIAVERS.
wires a balttle and that is straight 13.a,rbers and ca.rpenter3 are both
shooting, s'lfavetrd.
doede ha -
_ Mtastall
II AL _AA loos
ort,r4ara atty eheu.aeS €41 oast,/ -
&IV( $171,41Vel
araiyoil ota.'
Rafia fiber is a staple article of
oanameree itt Madagasear. 'The I/Ovas
use tilt) ander part of the leaf eplitt
very fine as a warp, with a weft of
wjoiLe siUr, prodeveing an, article call-
ed ellicla.mba, which is sold both in Nue
rope and Ameriea, The coast tribes
u,.se it for clothing, but of carse
quality, with dyed stripea of indigo,
seffron., bleak a/L(1 a dirty gre.eia. It
is a cold, conatfOetleSs-looking
o.nd when two nativees come
down a road °lad in new rafia shirts
the 11°1se Drcduc'-'d is somewhat
similar to that of two wire meat
covers rubbed together,
Be Has Tried 11—Nt. John .Anderson
Kinloss, writes: "I venture to say few, if
anY, nave received greater benefit from -
the nee of Dr. Thomas' Eelectrie Oil, than
have. I have used it regularly for over
ten years, aad have recommended it to
all sufferers I knew of, and they also
Lound it of great virtue in Caeca of severe
bronchitis and incipient cousumption,',
Tlhe faTena in the neighborhood of
Rretotria have been proven rich in coal
copper, gold and diamend.s.
Suffer No More.—Tbere are athousancl
tewho live miserable lives because dyspepsia
dulls the faculties and abaci° ws existence
with the cloud of depression. One way to
dispel the vapors that beset the victims of
this disorder is to order them a course of
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, which are
among the hest Vegetable Pills known,
being easy to take and are most efficacious
n their action, A trial of them. will prove
Dublin thata only 40 acres; less' o,f
parks than London. The latter haS
1,800 acres. Still bath citiel are short
of tbirea thing spotS.
How is This!
We offer One Eluadred Dollars reward for
any ease or Catarrh that cannot be cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
' We, the undersigned, have known Fe J.
Cheney rem the last 15 years, and believe
him perfeetly honorable in all business
transactica ana financially able to carry
out any obligations made by their firm.
WEST & TRAUX, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo,0. WADDING, 1c1NNA7 & MAR -
VIN. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
,Hall's Catarrh Cere is taken internally*,
acting directly upou the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent
free. Pelee 75c per bottle. Seld ley ell drug-
In a day one workingman can cut
by hand 6,000 watch -glasses,
Keep Ilinard's Liniment in the House
Statisticians! have discovered that a
college woman can throw a baseball
only; 45 par cont. as far aS a college
man, but can jump 62 per cent. as
used by mothers for their children teething. Tt soo hes
the child, softens the gums, allays pain, cures wind,
collo, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. 25e.a bottle.
Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be stye
and ask' fer " Mrs. Wiadow's Soothing Swan."
Although there are many cold win-
ter days in northern Italy, third-class
ai1way ears aro never heated, and
.eccond-clue's cars only on exprels
If your children moan and are restlesa
during sleep, coupled when awake with
loss of appetite, pale countenance, picking
of the nose, etc.. you may denend upon it
that the primary cause Of tlio trouble is
worms. Mother. Graves' "Worm ,.Detera
minator eIfectually removes these pests,
at once relieving tho little sufferers.
Umbrellas were not known in thia
country until a year or so before the
revolutionary war, 5.nd it was nearly
a century thereafter that they came
into genkral use.
In Nature's Storehouse There are Cures.
—Medical experiments Jaye, sbown cOn-
elusively thatetherre are medicinal virtues
in even orditiai•y :plants, growing up
aronnd 08 wlii0h give them a value that
cannot be c.Sti mated. It is held by some
that Nature .provides a cure for every dis-
ease - which negleet and ignorance haye
visited eipon man. However, this :may
be, it• is well knoWn that Parmelee's
Veactsible Pilis, distilled ,froin roots and
herbs, are a sovereign, remedy in, curiug
all disorders of the digestion.
AVENUE HOUSE ivipcm—Col lege A7Cillio
lotel. rates 51.52
per dsy.
Hptgl Balmoral
We give this 'beautifully
o UftrtUleol h
absolinay fret
for sell.
Ing only
15 beau.
.4%1MPS' Photo.
pap ofthe Queen, at 1.0e. each.
Evelybeily wants a good picture
o 11 rlialesty. Itowisthetime
to s 11 them 111 •Ite for the Photos Bell 1110T0, return the
mon y, and we send, postpaid, in a handsome box, this solid
Gold Ring. .Art Supply iRo., Box ormatea
antifactitrers Life
Insurance Conipany
The Directors congratulate the policyholders and shareholders on the substantial
progress road° during the Year, Which has been tho most satiefactory in the Company's
There were reeeived during the year 1178 applications for assurances amounting to
C3,018,989. The business actually taken up and paid for in cash during the year amounted
to 52,186,704 and, leaving out sinelo payment policies, the first yoarai easit prtroluma
collected thereon was $116,782.01, as against $107,160.83 for the previous year, and $100,013,-
93 for 1898.
'I'ho Assurances in Force amount to 815,109,020, an increase of $1,041,381 over the pre-
vious year.
The Premium Income was 5500,875.01, showing the handsome increase of 568.695.23,
There were received for interests and ltents e87,101.11. making the total Income $476,331115,
an increase of $81,137.02.
After payirg the policy -holders for claims, dividends and surrenders 8127,651.73, and
providing for all other expenditures, the Asets were increased by nearly halt a million dol-
lars, of ,which $323,195.00 was added. to Polley Reserves and $57,203.35 to Surplus,an eminent-
ly satisfactory saving, for one year's operations. -
The Assets now atnount to 52,270,175.91, and. tile Policy Reserves to 81,950,007.00 on the
Company's standard. After makirg provision for all other Hate 'titles the surplus on policy.
.holders' account is $301,021.35, which would bo considerably increased by adopting the Gov-
ernment Rand/Ltd of valuation for Policy Reserves,
President. Managing Director.
Received tor New Premiums ................... ... . . ............$ 115,782 or
Received for Single and Renewal Premiums. . . ....... . . . . .
From all other sources.-- ... .. ...........
To Policyholders for claims by death,
To Policyholders for Endowments, Dividends, etc..................
To Commissions, Salaries, and expenses of management . .
To Taxes, Reinsurance Premiums acid Dividends to Stockholders
Surplus or income over Expenditure .................. . .
• • 475,093 03
• 203,749 11
Municipal Bonds, Stocks and debentures, ............,...... ....
Loans on Bonds and other Securities . . ....... ................
'111ortgages on Real Estate
Real F.state.... .................. .... . .... .
Loans on .Policies ... . .. . .. ....... . ....
Accrued Interest, Net Deferred Premiums, etc...... ...
Cash on hand and in Banks._ ......... ..
1794624 15
• • $ 87,830 04
• • 39,834 69
... 152,648 75
• • 27,054 05
.. 487,256 62
$794,624 15
. 854,788 37
• 104,511 53
918,140 13
• 36,845 25
• 147,024 09
045:448 91
72,410 37
$2,279,268 64
Liability for Policy Reserves, Government Standard .. . ... . $1,914,174 oo
Special Reserve Fund over and above Government Standard 36,333 oo
All other Liabilities ........... ............ .... . . 27,644 53
Surplus on Policyholders' Account ........ ......... 301,117. 06
$2,279,258 64
Dr. Tames Mills, of Guelph, moved the adoption of the report in an excellent address,
from which the following is a short extract:
At a rnaotinp, of this nature bus always a pleasure to to in a position,to congratulate
those interested, and ou this occasion loan do so most heartily.
\Ye have really a most sat isfe.otory statement to present to the shareholders and policy
holders of the Company, a statement v,lich will bear the closest inspection. We can speak
with more deflnItenes.s than over in the past in reg,drd to our investments and our stand-
ing, , for we have more information at our disposal, furnished us in the splendid report of
our consulting acteary. There has been progress all along the line.
4. comparison of 1000 and 11091e in the report, so I need not refer to that again, I
weu:0, howerer. refer to one other point: The question of our progress during a longer
pericd.18ei to nee, being that of the present management,
Alter a' lapse of six years we find meny points which are alike creditable to the man•
agereent and gratifying to the persons most interestecb in the success of the Company, the
shareholders and the policy -holders.
The folio wingligures will illustrate the vigorous growth of the Company
Net Income Gross Assur.
1st Year's from ance
Year Assets. Premiums. Prems & Int. in force.
1894 ........ . ...... . ....8 821,32r $ 61,(85 $296,468 $ 9,555,300
1900 2,279,176 015,782 666,717 03,409,620
The assets aro practically three tin) es what they were six years ago. Amount of in-
ome from new business shows 100 per cent. increase. Net insomo from Premiums and In
terest has increns.01 over 100 per cent. The as .uranco in forco has grown from 9i- to 151s
items ill a 'concern of this kind. Our securities were never before in the splendid
t also to aefer to tho character of our assets and the expenee ratio, both being
condition they are to -day. I doubt if any Company can show such a record of invested
assets of over $2,00,000 and only $501,30 overdue interest,
In new companies the expense ratio is always large, These expenses should gradually
decrease. and our rtcord lo as 11 0110111111 be in this respect.
Tho 1110110 10 about leper cent. lees 111810 11 was two years ago. I think that is one of
tho moat satisfactory features in our business. The ratio is decreasing rapidly.
I thank our manager, his staff and the field force for tho results we are able to
report to -day. and I do so moot sincerely, and I must congratulate the policyholders and
shareholders on the pos"tion we have attained.
Mr, .5. F. Junkin, the Managing Director, in seconding the adoption of the report,
If we look back over two rears, we find that the premium income for 1900 was
almoet, 5110.000 more than ror,16,98. or an increase 00 311 per eent,while our expenseq for 1900,
as compared with 1808, only'efiew an increase of about 32,001 or 1 per cent. The result
is that we haVO now, not only -the low;e4 expense ratio of any active company of our owe
or a similar age on the continent, bugoecompar.c very favorably in this respect with even
the oldest and largest Canadian and American Companies.,
FlireAse Nivizvmvi2. erw,wv -Q.-v./m/1w
Is made for your house, made
just right --proper pigments --
proper oil --proper colors. Made
to give a house a handsone,
stylish appearance, to keep it
that way, always fresh and If
bright and clean. To get a
lasting, pure paint, buy
Rams av's
Pai nts
the oldest: and:beet: in Canada,
made right after long experience.
Sold by dealers, not at the price
of cheap paints which will fail
you, but at a ..reaSonahle price
for the best that can be: made,
' Write for BOOKLET l(" 'free
-allowing bow some houses are
painted, and telling all about
A. RAMSAY. 81. SON 0
PAINT reliaLtEers
Est'd 1542
'WI& 'Ca vaeRVZ,111.
Rai ati Verleltible Slicer.1
A ' good „Agent wanted in evory town In Canada.
Salary, and expenses to II fIrst-eless Agent. Wo make
Um quickest selling household articles on thelmaritet.
Apply at once. References required. Apply to
r81 Wo gtCs
1231490m6, re.
,lislue, pollhhed nlakel,
Bov's Watoll,.for selling
oes on)y 2 dor, beatitifully
finished, Tu 11.
iSed Cabinet
Photographs 01
the Queens t 10,o
,each, Or, this
kettle:Allay en.
eatece, gold nee
ftbeaunntine ease
watch; Lady's or dent's, ofea alai stela I.
weal, Stela son 'reliable Jo voila inefeineet,
or selling billy 4 deuPhOtographs, They eel' ilko hot flakes,
WAte for rliotet., SOB thorn, returntto riencY', anti:we, end
gintr,Watetli,'POStpiildf Art beeper Co. Box a- . let Ma
given for sell.
ing only 25 doz, packnges Sweet Peo. Seed. at 100.
each. Each package containslfhplendid mixture of The mos t frng-
rant varieties of all colors.'1 hul:tfleiS of the bust make and me0
el, wi th polished nickel harrel, triggeoguard and able plates. It has improved Glebe
sights, pi s :el gri p and walnut stock, and shools with terrific force and r,reat ar co racy
Mall 0thiS adYertisement and wo will forward tho See ds, Soli thom, return the men ey Rifle will he sant
you tree by Express. The season for selling seeds Ls short, so ordur a once. Seed Sit CO., 'Il'OrOnte.
44' CelbOrtle 'Dlr.:B.:to.
If You Want YP°.111111.1r APPLES. other FRUITS and PliOnneE, to
Limited, Cer. Weer, incu•Itet, and
The 11:70awson Com tssgon
T. N. 13
Suitable for Fireproof Covo'r'ing for
Earns and Stables or for peeking Per.
poses. Size when opened GA x 22 inches. Tor sale
d5ceaoh whilstlosy teat Addres once ,.....
The Blue Ribbon Ton Co. Torento,'Ont.
We etre this beautiful
Solld'Oold Ring, set
with Pearls, Tor selling
only 15 paelcagei of
Sweet Pea Seed at 10e, Quell, 5,1011
:maker contain:I aaplendldMIX.
3,050 otthe moat fragrantvarie,
dos, o ran c�lora 30051Us this
al rertis ernent and NVolvIllfor•
ward the Seeds, Sollthera,
torn Off:he:Icy, And th beau.
Nlful, Soli d Gold, rearls et Alit
The season for sell.
e'''Illinba"v'enIty3e6tliTdrebroulx1.Y1rtlftelit'a. ' 4304 032 0
big beads's short. Seed Steeply to.
We Fire thlo
swalittful field
finished illi.g,
Id a with 3 wag.
for sellInc,, only 10 115
beautifully finish-
od, full sized
Cabinet Photographs o f the
glieelt at 10,I. ofteh, Everyone
wants a gond Diaure 01111'
Malesty. WrttolerPhotes. Solt
them, teturn the money, and
receive thls M pert Eing free.
Aant StapAdy BM: 109.015110, soitalig4.
LL P -
PRINTED, in one or luarty colors
or STRIPED at low prices. Zam-
ples furnished on request, Speeia
quotations for car loads or largo
lots. Write for prices.
cam* 75 Adelaide-st, West