Exeter Advocate, 1901-4-11, Page 5THE
Oxeter aboorate
pUblished. every Thursday Morning,
r at the Whet), ,
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance
$11..50 if not so paid..
a41.-srert/rili.xig Zta,tsto
pftperdi$Co11tinX&1untj1 all arre rage
rue paid. Advertisements without speeihe
directions will be published till forbid and
chargedaocordingly, Liberal discountrnade
for transcient advertisemen ts" inserted for
long Periods. Every description of JOB
,PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
• and at moderate rates. Cheques, m oney ord.
ere titc.for advertising, subseriptions ,etc.to
be rnade payable to
Chas. 11. Sanders,
•rrofeSSional Curds.
R. KINSMA.N, L. D. S. & DR. A. R.
KINSMA.N, L D. S., D. D. S., Honor
graduate of Toronto University,
Teeth extracted without any.rpain, or any
bad effects. Office in Panson's, Block-, west
side Main Street, Exeter,
1-111.1). ALTO N ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.5.1)
honors Graduate of the Toronto Uni-
rsitv and Royal College of Dental Surgeons
of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain.
All modes of Dentistry up to date. Office
in new block south of Carlings' block.
the College of Physicians and Surgeons
Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accouch-
enr. Office, Dashwood, Ont.
Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers,
Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsons
Bank, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates
of interest. Offices, Main Street, Exeter.
I. R. CARLING, B. A., 1.1. H. DICE:SON.
GLA.DmAN,(successor to Elliot &
. •Gladman,) Barrister. Solicitor, Notary
Public Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loan at
lowest rates of interest. Office Main Street,
Exeter. ,
JTBOSSENBE RRY, Grand Bend, Licensed
1 I . Auctioneer for County Huron. Sales
promptly attended, to, and cbar,ges moder-
ate. Orders by mail will receive every at-
BROWN,Wincheisea. Licensed Auot-
I . ioneer for the ()panties of Perth and
-, Middlesex, also for the township of Usbdrne
Saletopromptly attended.to and term s rea -
son bsle.S.ales a.rra aged at Post office. Win-
o helsea.
Insurance: ''•
Insurance Agent,
/lain St.
. The undersigneehas a fewgood farms for
aale cheap. Money' to loan on easy terms
SaMwell's Block Exeter
For Fresh, good and the choiseet cuts
of meat, call on the .under'signecl,
While all our cuts of ineat are the
finest, we make a specialty of meat`
Meat delivered to all parts Of the
• . . town
'.John Manning
eThe re-count in North Bruce has
den abandoned. •
A Card.
We, the undersigned, do hereby
• agree to.refund the money. on a 50c.
• bottle of Greene's Warranted Syrup
• of Tar if it 'fails to cure your cough
• or cold. • We also guarantee a 25 -cent
bottle to prove satisfactory or money
• refunded.
0. Lusez.
Are factor8 of the greatest SileOPSS. •
No person can do full Justice to him-
. .
self without them.
In no season of the year are they
gss,snore easily exhausted thane in the
spring. ••
We need not discuss the reason for
this here. 'Its enoifgh to say there is
one, and that ' Hood's Sarsaparilla,
gives •strength and endurance, as
thousands annually testify.
, • .r.
e.--a-asss.', Elan eh ard : •Elizabeth Sheldon; avid-
ow of the late Mr. John Dufton, was
stricken with heart d ieease while at-
tending church &Imlay afternoon and
• died almostinstantly. Along with her
son she went Lo 1 he little feeme ehtirch
in Do wnie tow nsb 1 p, n ear Iredide's inill
• and while sitting i her seat suddenly
fell fotwavd, Th ose n t her supposed
that she had fainted and she vvas can.
tied to the door for feesh air hut she
gave no signs •orlife. A physician was
hurriedly sent for but found that his
services wore useless. Mt's:Data:1 wn 8
46 yeais or age. Li1le leaves a nunily
of six ----four sons and two• daughters.
The oldest is a young man of 21 • and
the youngest some 7 years of; age. Mr.
DuPton died last Jan Tuley.
IYo give a handsomeopen
' face, Poligliod
likkel Watch, Aintrl.
tail lover lioyoraanfQr t
stillog bti.y• 2 do2,
'priolrajos of Sweet 1'64
sedd at fee.apackago. .P.ach Nes-
ageconfaidasaplendtdmixture of the
ree6t I 'frrittihiit„varlettal•or all colors,
You Citli 0,11,2% tide 01167Whiell la an . afternoon ty atittiag *ark 'at once.
Mali nu' Cite advertisement and. saessit forward tho soede„
'Sell them, totem tiernoneyi Wo'gh 61011:0 tart
cry of yet r Isel nt One°. NY nth to nay, rel thoimanou for
ooliogool,dio 0104. Ssed ItAIPPIY CM/
, , ,
If you,have it, you.
know it. You
know', all 4
about the
heavy feeling
In the stomach; the
formation of gas, the
nausea, sick headache, '
and general weakness of
the whole body.
You can't have it a week
without your blood
being impure and your
nerves all exhausted.
•There's just one remedy
•for you ---
There's nothing new
about it. Your grand-
parents took it. 'Twas
an old Sarsaparilla before
other sarsaparillas were
•known. It made the word
"Sarsaparilla " famous
over the whole world.
There's no other sarsa-
parilla like it. In age and
power to curt it7 s"The
leader of them all."
$1.00 a bottle. All draigIsts.
Ayer's Pills cure constipation.
' "After suffering terribly I woe
induced to try your Sarsaparilla. I
took three bottles and now feel like r>.,
a new man. I would advise all my
fellow creatures to try this medicine, P+,
for it has stood the test of time and
its curative power eann.ot be ex-
celled." ID. GOOD,
Jan. 80 1890. Browntown, Va.
VePfee ale Doctor,.
If you have any complaint whatever
and desire the hest medical advice you
can posi9bly receive, write the doctor
freely. You will reeeive a prompt re. •
ply, Without toot. Address,
Du, J. 0, AYER, Lowell, Ma93.
West McGillivray: We have to re-
cord the death of another old pioneer
in the person of Mr. • James Allison',
who died on Saturday lasts He was
nearly 95 years of age, and one of the
()ideas men in the,Township. His re-
mains were interred on -Monday, fol-
lowed, by a large number of friend's
and neighbors. •'
Take Laxative Broino Quinice Tali -
lets. All druggists refund the money
if if fails tcrcure. 25c. E. W. Grove's
signature is on each box.
,811:1N REB{[ sitoesINS RA-Nlz.. I EXETER MARKETS.
(Changed every wasssessay,)
; )M*011%10011 of ills cross Is Duo to lie
Head of Another Serious': Rev
VVhich 'Alarms China.
With a Weil -Drilled and Well -Ari
• Hoicking of 11,000 Troops He Thre
CaPI to Overthrow the Existing -
nasty --Di Hung Chang 'Thinks It I
Bluff--Ignofticial Chinamen Dept(
'Untimeliness of No veto en t.
OkuestY D4 oreit Wheat 82 to 93
olt Paris, April 9,, Emile zsi,s, e•a, flour Per ow
Dats 1.8.3aSt ot 02.41
20 to 80
60t o 55
been restored to his rank of officer Of
the Legion of IIonor, of which .he
wits deprived at the tline of his sett-
_ „ tence in connection. with his cliam-
ue° pionship of Captain Dreyfus, a sen"
at -1 twice winch, it may be remembered,
Dy- compelled him to seek refuge Eng_
s a land to escape inaprisonment.
l His restoration to the Legioa of
1-lOt101' is C011SeqUOilt upon the de-
cree of amnesty passed by the Legis-
, lature recently, and he has just re-
ceivefrom the couacil of the order
st official notice of the restoration of
a- his cross.
The ex-prieoner of Devil's Island
hd had quarreled SO bitterly With 001.
Pictluart, Who sacrifieed his brilliant
n- 1 military career to champion his
0- cause, and with Maitre Labori, ,svh.o
so eloquently defended him at the
g court-martial of Rennes, being shot
le feorr'olnlissiii)eaailliliene•titiertnitshewy tareh cio 1131.1g -
Pekin, April 8.-Tne rumors whi
have been current during the pa
few days of the outbreak of a reb
lion, headed by Oen. Tung Fu Si
(formerly commander of the Nort
ern army), in the Proyinse of Mo
golia, and Shen Si,' have been abs
butely authenticated.
Li Hung Chang and Prince Chin
have received information on tl
subject, which, though indefinite,
stili. proves that the `court is still
seriously alarmed.
Gen Tung Fu Sian, according to
last accounts, was about 150 mile
from the court with 11,000 regalia
troops, all supposed to be devote
to him. The court has about th
same number of soldiers at Sian Ft
but it is probable that the troops o
Tung Fu Sian are better drilled an
better armed, •
lirhat Li Thinks.
It is believed that the Mongolian
rebellion was brought about through
agents of Prince Tuan and Gen.
Tung Fu Sian. Li Hung Chang
thinks there are about 5,000 regular
troops in Mongolia, and inclines to
the belief that they have not joined
in the rebellion. He does not think
the court is in any clanger, and
thinks the object of Prince Tuan
(who was last reported at Ning Hsu
with 10,060 men, prepared to resist
arrest, having, been disgraced and
exiled by Imperial- edict), and Gen.
Tung Fu Sian, is to create a diver-
sion of interest in order to force un-
conditional protection of themselves.
Steel Corporation Tikes Issue.
Chicago, April 9. -The Post yester-
day says. For the first time the U.
S. S teel Corporation •has inclieated
dits position in thc marine engineers
strike yesterday by a clear-eut
luatjon to the Marine Engineers'
May Dave to Use Foreigners.
Unofficial Chinamen of intelligence
regard the rising as most -unfortun-
ate at the present time to the inter-
ests of China, and as possibly mean-
ing, the use of foreign troops to pro-
tect even the court itself.
The Ministers of the powers ,do not
think that any present interference is
likely. If the dynasty- should be
overthrown, it would, to a certain
extent, delay the peace negotiations,
but they consider that a regime, not
bound by traditions like those
the present court, would probably,
be much easier to deal with even-
tually. . .
' A4out Bankrupt.
Pekin, April S. -According to ex-'
pert opinion, China would be able to
pay froin twenty to thirtY
pdunda sterling without crippling her
6nancia.1 reSources while the am-
ounts which the powers at present
deinand aggregate from eighty rnilljoti
pounds to one • hundred: million
Mitchell: Mr. Andrew Hart wet
with a severe bereavement bY the
death of his wife on Saturdayevening,
after a long and painful illness. They
lived on a farm in Logan until last fail
when they moved to Mitchell, She
was 52 years of age; a devoted ;member -
of the 111,ethodist 'church' and had a
large civae 'of ; friends. The .funeral
took place on Monday.
NO4oc1y knows all about it;
and nothing, now known, will
always cure it. •
Doctors try Scott's Emul-
sion of Cod Liver Oil, when
they think it is caused by im-
perfeet digestion of food.
YOU can do the same.
,It may or may not be caused
by the failure of stomach and
bowels to do their' work. If
it is, you' will. Cure • it; if not,
you will do no harm.
The way, to cure a disease
is to stop its cause, and help
the body get back to its habit
of 'health.
When Scott's • Emulsion of
Cod Liver Oil does that, it
cures; when it don't, it don't
cure. It never does harm.
• The genuine has
this picture on it, take
no other. '
If you have not,
tried it, send for free
sample, its agreeable
Aaste will , surprise
.00 ; aU druggists,
Benevolent Association that it would
'not consider any demands upon the
art of the Engineers' Union, that
its boats be taken out of the Lake
Carriers' Association. If the em-
ployes of the Steel Corporation de-
sire to take up any grievances they
would be respectfully received and
the grievances taken under considera-
tion. The right of the Engineers'
Uniou to say whether the boats be -
Stinging to the steel trust should be
enrolled in the Lake Carriers' Aso -
'elation or not, was flatly disclaimed.
What Caused the Drop.
Syracuse, N, Y.; April 2. .- The
State engineersatm have been inves-
;tigating the ...fames Street ; ; Canal
,bridge disaster in this city Satur-
day evening, have about,..corne to the
.coaclusion that the accident was
&raised by blowholes, in the iron .of
the, centre truss. Some further in-
Yestiga.tion will be made before a
formal report is rendeneci, Work on
a temporary structure for the traffic;
eof the street will ; continence this.
morning. Qf the, 10 victims of the
itceident all but thtect. are out of dan-
Tito Danger Is Passed.
St. John, N. B. April 9. -The
danger from wash -outs is -over but
at • Fredericton a 'serious` state of
'affairs exists. The ice has started in
the river, „and- it went yesterday at
• the,' rate of seven ',Miles an,briar,
smashing the railroad bridge so bad-
ly that the trains cannot cross. Sev-
eral warehouses on the river front
were also „carried away. Trains on
the Short line can only run to St.
George, on account of the wash -outs.
Vermont Streams Are Filled.
Burlington, Vt., April 9.-Veratont
streams are filled to their banks, but
as yet no serious damage has been
BLOW TO RUSSIA. done. The ouly thing which rrevents
an overflow is, the fact that the con -
London Times Says the Setback Is All tinued rain, in the lowlands turned
, to snow onhigher hills and mount-
- ecause , .un ess the weather becomes
warmer so that the immense bocly of
Had llost to Say.
• -
London, April 9.'r -In a- despatch
The Mlles from ,Pekin, dated Satu
;slay, Dr. Morrison comments up
:the blow to Russian prestige in Oh
na resulting from the check to Ru
sia's • ambitions regarding Ma
churia, "This blow is all the mo
severe," he says, ;because Japa
'wheal the Russians have affected
treat with the utmost contempt, 11
liad the largest share in dealing it
' "There is little doubt that Russi
Will renew the struggle in son
shape. It is a rem'arka-ble outburs
if public feeling which has thus e
ahled China to withstand Russi
snow: melts rapidly, there is ; little
to danger, ; itS
the -snow - in the • valleys
on has all disappeared. ;
Sir (1 mr Smith Dead.
S- •
London, ,April 9,. ---the' death of Sir
George.. Marray :Smith' the well -
re. , ;
n, knoseri English publisher; . was; an-
t o pounced here yesterday. Sir George
as was a member Of the 'firm of Smith
Elder -• & --'0Onapany, and published
;a some: of the ,firSt edit loas of the works . of Makepence Thacke
t :eras,. He founded The dorahill :Magas
zine in 1?60,
AR "the appeals against the conven..
tion ctincerning Manchuria were ad-
dressed to the Emperor. It is, there-
fore, difficult to believe that the Em-
press Dowager has not been affected
by the defeat of the policy. f whicn
her henchthan, Li Hung Chang has
"The Emperor has summoned the
President of the Board of Reyenti
froin Pekin to :prepare for the rcinewit
of the court. Probably this only
means a removal to Kai Fong Fa,
in the Province of Ronan, which
would bring the court into closer
centact with the Yangtse viceroy..
Ontario's Librarians Meet.
Toronto, April 9. -At the Normal
School yesterday afternoon about
two dozen delegates assembled to
organize a new educational society,
The Ontario Library Association.
Various vommittees were elsk,inted
to carry on the preliminary basincss
of the aesociation. Then a conetitu-
tien was drawn up. A nunWer
papers were read.
The' aim of the society is to pro-
mote the welfare o 4 he libraries by
Stimulating public interest .in found-
ing and improving them, and in se-
curing legislation which will give /ill -
proved results in library work.
Pictures Bring High Prices.
London, April 9. -In spite of the
aspiring income tax, pictures appear,
to be selling well. ' it is. reported
that Morthner Mempes , got 000
or Ins 'little sketches. Another, ar-
tist has just parted with four pic-
tures for L1,800, a 13ond street deal-
er being the purchaser.
1 It I'Vas a Norwegian Brig.
I-ialifax, APril 9. -The vessel which
was wrecked at Point Aconi on Sat-
urday is the Norwegian brig Cur-
lew, from Liverpool for Sydney. ',Ile
Curlew was out 15 days, and had a
cargo of 5,620 bags of salt, valued
at $2,500. The vessel is fast going
to piece.
Workman Crushed to Death,
Plattsburg, April 9. -Henry Gon-
yea, an employe of the Chateughay
Ore and Iron Company, was almost
instantly killed yesterday by being
crushed between an ore car and the
separator now building near here.
Gonyea, was -a widower, aged 60
Nephew of li. Richardson Dead,
Winnipeg, April 0.---Stowart Rich-
ardson, a YOung man, aged 22, ne-
phew of L, Ilicha,rdson, died here
last night of typhoid, after a
The Russell at Ottawa Burned.
Ottawa, April 9, 2 a. in -The Rus-
sell Theatre, generally admitted to
be airiongst the most beautiful build-
ings of the kind in Canada, has boon
burning far half an hour and is cer-
tain to be a total loss. The Rus-
sell House, immediately adjoining
the theatre, is in inunieent per.
The guests are hastily removing in
cabs to other hotel.
Another fOnibine OXo�ted,
Pitteburg,, Pa., April 9.-A confer-
. once was held here yesterday by the
independent furnace operators for the
purpose 01 forming a combine V ail
these plants with a capitalization of
SI2,000,000. it is said the combine
scill endoubtedly go thrbUgh in a
short time,
ing illness, The- body will be taken
Oast by 15Ir. Richardson for in-
terment at: Perth.
Tire Population of Winnipeg.
Winnipeg, April 9. -The Assessment
CominiFsioner estlmates the popula-
tiOn of Winnipeg at 4.4,776.
John Sehofield pleaded guilty to a
charge of bigainy, and was sentenced
to two years.
.Dr. CLIVCIOS int1(187;.
rkoronto, April 0. ---There was net
much dlialigb esres to d ay in the c
diti on of Rev ?rineipal C aven of
Knox College, who is seriouSly ill at
his, home 111 Spadina roa,d,
Serious .Eire in England.
LOYR1011, April 0,-rire destroyed
25 houees ia EfampShire this morn-
ing, readering 150 perealts eaustsisss
dustss . , is to 15
otatoes por bag 49
flay per ton ' 7.75 te 090
Dried Apples perib
Turkeys ..... , .. .. tO
chicken ... so. lb.
ese.... ... .... ...... ..„.„... . . .. , ... 6
10 to 45
Clever 1 25 to 1 50
, „ 450 to 525
iSto 18
1.00 a year 10c, a copy.
The Best illustrated Monthly Ma-
gazine of the kind Published,
Its pages are
ray of writers and artist's .a.uth.o.rs
filled by a brilliant ar-
and independent reviews of
Books, Plays, Music and Art, its clever
stories, strong special articles, humor
and verse, with tine illustrations, make
it necessary in every intelligent home.
The very low subscription price, $1.00
per year puts in within the reach of
all. Reliable agents wanted in every
town. Extraordinary indacements.
•Write for particulars and sample copy.
A trial subscription will prove it.
Criterion Publication Co.
Subscription Department,
41 East 21st St., N. Y. City.
Hamilton, April 4. -George Bodden
WaS killed last night in Rodg,er's coal
yard, being crushed between a wagon
ancl a post. Bodden WaS Unhitching
the horses when they started forward,
and before he could get free he was
jammed against an upright in the
shed, and instantly killed.
St. Thomas, Out., April 4. -While
Alex. McGinnis, farm laborer for 0,
R. Steyenscm of Sputhwold Town-
ship, near Fingal village, was cutting
wood yesterday, his shanty in the
woods sonle forty rods distant took
fire The wife with two childten
were a short distance away, gathering
wood. Her twin babies, seven months
old, were in the house. In her hurry
on seeing the fire she fell and lay un-
conscious, and before the father could
reach the shanty it was consanned,
and the two babies were burned to
Louden, April 4. -Edward Simcoe, a
G.T.R.callboy, was run over by a yard
engine.in the local yards yesterday af-
ternobn ISO and instantly killed.
The Tiring Man was engaged in con-
versation with. a switchman named
Haycock, at a time when two engines
were coming from the car shops. The
young mn awaited to let one engine go
past, but immediately after went to
cross the track, and was caught by the
other engine. His head was nearly
severed from the body. The young
man was 18 years of age.
St.'CatharineS, April. S. --A serious
and probablyiatal stabbing affray took
place here early yesterday Morning,
Erank Whitten and John: Aubarn,
fisting:mein:both wellsknosyn. around
town; fought the rear of the Grand
Opera House. ';Whitten drew a knife
and stabbed Atiburn twice, first. in. the.
;breast, the ether M the abdomen. Both
wounds are serious ones. The ambul-
ance re-MS:over/ Auburn to the hosnital,
He is 'alive this morning, ' ;but his
cha.tices,,for recovery are very slight.
'Whitten was promptly arrested . and
locked ups Bad blood bad existed,
tween these tWO: men ;for siarrie time.
Whitten. is married, While Auburn. is
Seaforth: Messrs. 'Wm. Oudmore
and George Stewart are arranging to
start a livery stable in town.
Seaforth: Dr. Gibb, who recently
sold his veterinary practice to Dr.
Wilfrid Fowler, of Forest, is 'moving
his household effects to St. Marys,
where he will take his father's busi-
LiensAl: John Troyer's little son,
Henderson, was playing in the Zurich
stage on Thursday evening when he
fell to the ground,breaking his arm at
the wrist. He is on a fair way to re-
Hallett: Mr. Christopher T. Dale,
near Constance, died'early "Wednesday
evening, after a very brief illness of
blood poisoning. He was one of the
leading farmers of the county, and his
unexpected death will be a surprise to
Wingharil : WOrk was begun in
earnest on the buildings for the Na-
tional Iron Works. Monday, the for-
mality of turning the first sod took
place, when the officers of the com-
speannts: and the oOntractOrs were pre-
Fountain Naylor, who
bad the misfortune to have one of his
hands mangled in the buzz planer in
the Union factory two weeks ago, has
given notice through his solicitor, of
action against the Canada Furniture
ManufactUrers Co., Ltd.
Mitchel: Mrf. 'Henry Ohowen died
at her taidence on Sunday after a
long s frt di opsy. Tier bus-
' and died several years Agit. She bad
lived 61 y T'S was a consistent /num-
b ‘r. ot the Meithodist chintm and well
d ,
,nosee to a 'large reld frienes.
Sie leavos a grown up fainily. The
neral takes place on Tuesday to the
Methodist cemetery.
IVO giVo Oita
Soia AO*
Mani Pearl% 'fat Ftelllb
ly Aig;
On, fitteltadeti7bt,,
S*ilcit S dell al 10e. dileh,
tilMorthe liteat i'lmgrent:Varld
'ittlVeithiennintetel We '0111 062. 7,
Seetle, Sell tlietno:fe, "
thhi bean,
;wet SO,11490414I:IURh6.1.tii#
ta it'VolVetleti b beit!wlflbSOoCf10rItoiiiild 77'mho eAgoat
ngsood0i3a- fstedutTkvcs).# Te01.093 tulle
from a question that must interest yetis.
Have you. your New Suit ? it
not, drop in and see us at the
first Opportimity and let ust
show yon a few prices, of the
Fancy, 'Worsteds and Scotch'
Have Tyhoeuriteignbotihtee nil‘tvte8rntasp. lesThatelYi
are beauties.
A big range of Blues and Black, Irish
Serges at the old prices.
If you want a black we have what you
want in. Twills, Venetians and
Overcoa,ts in Beavers, Meltons,
Naps and Istontanacts.
All work done in the latest style and
fit guaranteed.
J. j4. cipiEltE
Opposite Post Office
Exeter ----sr
.... . . . . . .
Faifftels.. jitte0ifill
VITEa Jaye procured a
car load of Thomas
Phosphate powder which
is n
the best Fertilizer o
the market.
Give -Lis a„ Call.
Weare constantly receivinp;s new
goods and it is a 'Pleasure for us. to ;
show them to you.
Our Pianos and Cronus. are the
Most beautiful in tone and. appearance ;
that money can buy.
1Ve also show ,Violins, Guitars,
Mandolins, Mouth Organs, Methodist
Hyinn and Stinda,y School Books, also
Presbyterian Books Of praise.
Sewing Machines and Repairs al-
ways in stock.
Sheet Music of all Kiuds.
We have moved into our new pre-
mises opposite the Central Hotel and
are now open for business. Our pre-
mises are modern and we give you
modern and up-to-date goods and
Ina de in the most modern style.
W Personally . .
. Cut Every Gannent
That's made up at this establishment
-as well as fit it -and look after
all the details. • This is only one
reason whyprices our prces are moder-
Gent's Fuinislaings .
Come and see us in our new place
of business and examine our stock of
Gent's Furnishings.rt.
Be Knight
atIPAIlaut N.Or •
If;Yeit want youo F,epairing well done
go to R. TilcNs- Watches, Clock
andJewelry a specialty' '
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