Exeter Advocate, 1901-4-11, Page 4xe. e bracate, Cha. H, Sanclere, Editor and Prop Press Gallery, Paoament mildings, Apra oth THURSDAY) APR. llsti, 1901 - ' When the historY of Parliaments o. the Province of Ontario is written. eld NOTES 4 -Y -D COMAIE N TS sesion of the Legialature will be kneWl An exchange tells of a lady who de- as one which the Opposition fough eided to seare her husband who was the battles of the people and curbed quite a hard drinker so he, would re- the.power of a government, which is form. To do this she procured the cos- controlled and owned by corporations. tome of a devil she had worn at a mast This article, -howeVere Will not trace querade. The next time the erring the stery of the session, but will be Spouse came home feeling happy she limited to that which transpired dur- quickly donned the costume' as he ing the week, for indeed during the opened the door she stepped 'forward last rOW daYS enough of political shift - and said in a sepalcural tone: "Come lessness, incapaeity and real misde- with me; I am the devil." The result ineanor on the part of the Government, rather startled her as the response to have been brought forth to fill a vol - Lex.' greetieg was, "Zat so? Shake or tune. boy l'm your brother-iu-law. 1 mar- The question of assessment is one vied yoer sister. which the Goveenment has shown the greatest possible am Olin t of Mefficiency and he who uses the word criminal ma An excellent gas well has been struelt tam would not he very far °stray. But at Leaaniug,ton on the take shore, just let us for a moment consider this as. east of the old wells. According to sessnlent question. some time ago. the town's ageeeneent with Mosher, the. Ontario Government introduced a who drilled the well, he was to re- bill which was knoWn es theScrap Iron eeive no pay unless be got a well that Assessment. The Come: decided that would produce 1,500,000 cabic feet of the act meant that the plant of any gas a day. Geo. Benson, of lArindsor, corporation should, for the purpose of made two tests of the well, By the assessment, be valued at the price for pilot test he found that the well would produce 1,480,000 feet a day, and by Which it would sell for old iron, To value a horse on this basis 'you would the minute test he found that it had a eetimate the value capacity of 1,040,000 fest every twenty- of his bones and hide. The members of the Govern - four hours. S. T. Colitis, of Kingsville, merit say that they did not know that who also tested the well says it has a the act meant that much, which is a rock pressure of 150 pounds. The confession that they„did not know the striking of this well is very welcome meaning of their own'laws. The pece news to consumers in Windsor, for it pie were all amazed at this decision shows that the gold field is not yet and asked for a repeal, but instead the exhausted and new wells may keepup Government confirmed it. the supply for many years. Last year they demanded its repeal but theBoYerninent appointed a COM- A minion doiletes a yen is the en_ mission. That commission met and onnous salary paid Mr. Schwab, mane e°ndenined the Gnvernment's net and ager of the (Tufted States Steel Cote formed a new bill. The Government poration. It is said that this is the introduced the new bill and to satify largest salary on record. Kings have the corporations they also introduced had largee amounts allowed thena the iniquitous bill which rode rough but for a commoner, Mr. Schwab tops shod over the people's rights and per - the list. Mr. Schwab inay be a man mitted municipal councils, the right whose brains are worth a vast sum to to make bargains with the corporations the corporation, but no men can lion- without having the same submitted to estly earn a million dollars a year, the people. This did not satisfy the cor- which means over 83,170 for each work- porations.so this week the Government illg clay, or $317 and hour, counting withdrew the bill doing away with the ten hours a day. But men in Mr. scrap iron assessment and also the , Schwab's position do not often com- other. The assessmeut act remains ruence work at 7 a.m. Possibly six as before and corporations rule in On - hours a day is the time he spends in tare°. In this regard the admirable his office; if so, his salary means over speech of Mr. -Whitney, delivered ill $500 an hour. To enable any com- the Houee on Wednesday might be pany to pay so enormous a salary quoted; , means that every consumer is forced .9When the Government" said he to pay as his quota, a sum far exceed- "proposed to tax corporations a COU11- 1[1,9; what is right and jast. teract was made by which corporations * * contributed large sums of money and by means of the money the bye-elec- LEVEL HEADED. tions in 1899 were won." • . A correspondent in the Beussels Post "If any one thinks I have not made writes as follows: Your correspondent my stotement distinct let him show would like to suggest the need of re- nie wherein it is weak and I will make form in the manner of conducting fun- it stronger, because I know whereof I erais, in regard to which it is tee fre_ speak, and the time will come, when I quent ground of complaint that they shall be ready, to allude itegeeater de- - do not leave the house at theteime ap- tail to the qUestion. a pointed,and in the severe Weather of "Then came as a result the famous our Canadian winter those who remain scrap -iron iniquity, as some call it— waiting are liable to take cold. Let another sop to the corporations in re- arrangement be made beforehand so turn for what they have clone. Does that the service may be concluded and any hon. gentleman ask whoes author - the hearse ready to leave at the hour ity for my statement? When he does antiounced. Another suggestion: As I will answer the question.•. .Then we a vule mention is made in the churches had the Assessment Commission ,ep- of those who died d uving the preceding Pointed last year, when the 'G'6Vern- Week, ancrin many cases services are ment found themselves attacked at the held in their memory. This can be point of the bayonet. That disposed done in warmth and shelter, and rent of the question last year. This ,year der unnecessary long services on tho, of assessment Commission has given day of the funeral. It would be well to the hon. gentlemen 'an assessment if an earnest effort were made by an bill at their own request,and they have religious bodies and lodges to shorten 'had it before this House and have dis- if possible all forms of service for the cussed it. Now they have no backbone dead on the clay of the funeral, reneem- to carry it out. Why? ' bering that the weather is no respecter "One reason is that they have been of persons and that many cases of see- threatened hY the enrl-Inratinns 01' this bus illness may be traced to the vie_ ProVince. The Premier brought down tines haying caught cold while wattle, a bill the other day which should have for a funeral to start. been burned by the common hanenian e rather than introduce it into any°Brit- ish Legislature. He stated to this House that this was. a bill to enable municipal corporations to maketcOn- tracts with people who wished to•com- meuce certain industries. I do not be- lieve that, apart from the Ministers, ten members could be found to support it. It provided in effect that corpora- tions—electric light, telephone, street , railway, and similar companies—ceuld be exempted from municipal taXatiob, time after time and three years at . a time, by membeis of Municipal Coun- oils, without consulting the people. In - other words, the men in the townships or villages who happened to fill the po- sitions of manicipal councillors for one year might for three years take away from their constituents the right ef taxation on these corporations. ,I say this: that the Government of this pro- vince represented to the corporations that this bill was being introduced in their interests and as a relief from' the new assessment law introduced. The corporations, they refuse to accept it as a measure of relief, and said they asked for nothing of the kind. Any hon. gentleman in my position would be the reverse of wise were he to make the statements I have made without knowing whereof he spoke. I am con- tent with them just now, and in the future perhaps. I will enlarge upon these statetnen ts." You say this is sie-one' language and so it iseuid he who is nott well acquaint- ed with the facts and the men say that it was uttered in the heat of debate. There is only one answer to such a per- son. Not one member of the Govern- ment dare make reply. The Sugar Beet Question. To trim EurrOlt Atevoe-Altie it is of vital importance that the f farmers of the Counties of Huron and S Middlesex take action at once to se- cure the best seed available and make t a thorough test of abeut one eight of an acre of sugar beets for 'sugar p10 -- poses, and see to it that they get all the information that is possible on their culture in order to secure as high a percentage of sugar as our deep rich soil of Western Ontario is °enable of producing. ibis a well-known fact tiaat we have no "plungers" in Canada, that is willing to invest half a million dollars in an enterprise that they are not eertain we cap produce the raw rnaterial in pitying quality and quan- tity, to warrant 'such a step and for that and other eeasons we should go aboo t it in the usual way to work oar way inch by inch, and if the faralOVS are sceptical, indifferent or negligent to make a test this , summer it will only set Os back another year. This we should known that if we commeuce at once it will be doing well if the fac- tory is in operation for ,next year's ceop, as every one knows who has had any experience In floating stock that half a million dollars is not picked up in a few days. In a lengthy interview with Mayor Rumble,* of the city of London, a few days since on the sub- ject, he said that the government had completed arrangements for a satis- factory bonus to bide it over its intro- duetry year as it is a well-known fact that a great many people are afraid to open their sails to an untried breeze, but we will have to make the plunge as it is no use for little Ontario to rub up against the great West in wheat or cattle. It would therefor be better for us to cater to their wants than run up against them as competitors. Mayor Rumble also said it remained with the farmers to take the initial step and arrangements would be made at the leading fall fairs to award handsome prizes for the highest percentage of sugar; therefore 1 see no good reason why suchen enterprise could eot be made a success in a town like Exeter, surrounded as it is by one of the besb. agvicultural districts in Canada. True it is that to make manufacturing in- dustries pay they must be surrOunded by population, but where the eaw material is prodnced from the land, I think it is a mistake to be bentred in the midst of a great city. I would like to hear the views of other farmers on the subject and the Editor of the ADVOCATE has kindly consented to give space to any suggestions that will help to develop this great enter- prise. Yours Truly, S. M. SANDERS. * HURONS POPULATION. County Clerk Lane has totalled the population of the cortnty from the as- sessment rolls, of which he has just re- ceived:the list for 1900, and that our readers may see the changes one year makes we have given the population for 1899. It will be seen that towns and villages have lost 19,and townships 807, too great a loss for the fine old aguicultural comity of Huron. Municipality 1900 1899 Increase Decrease Bayfield 570 551 19 Blyth 880 937 57 Brussels 1228 1167 61 Clinton 2133 2555 122 Exeter "1816 1841 5 Goderich 4054 4027 27 Hensall 893 876 17 Seaforth 2126 2413 13 Winghani 2183 220.1 21 Wroxeter 483 444 39 10996 17015 181 200 Ashfield -3166 3277 111 Colborne 1802 1710 92 Goderich , 2.113 2464 51 Grey'., 3387 3213 144 Hay 3452 3440 12 Elowick 3781 3861 . Hullett 2838 2696 112 McKillop 2653 2079 26 :Morrie 2485 2612 157 Stanley 2146 2222 76 Stephen 4098 4141 43 Tuckersmith 2457 2443 14 Turnberry 2161 2248 87 Usborne 2.326 2387 61 Wawanosh D. 1933 1010 17 Wawanosh W. 2055 2091 39 43153 43100 421 728 Totals 60149 60175 602 928 Total decrease 326 BOWMANVILLB BOY SHOT. Bowmanville, One, April 5.—A sad ,-accident occurred here this afternoon, from the result of which a young lad, the youngest sou of W. D. Martin, of this town, is likely to lose his life. While out shooting his gun by some tmaceotin table means was discharged -while he waS crossing a creek at the fiats, near the town, on a foot blidge. The charge entered his right side, 'piercing his liver arid striking 0 rib, where it ecrit,terecl, Some of it entering his longS. As seon as the accident m - em ed he threw down the gun ami. overcool; and started for his home about a quarter of a mile. He lied to rest seyertil ehnes from exhaustion, but fint;113- Peached the house. Medi- c tf e id was at oncr, sminnoned, but the doctors have but little !winds of saying his life. Fee twenty-four years 'Mee-Croswell:a ear been extensively litsed for all forms of throat' and ,,beinctea, ucu1uicr Alilereetesa, SMALLPDX AT ARVA. Arva,, One, April 4.—A distressing sight was presented at the window when Dr. McNeil, medical health , offi- cer for London Township, called at the house of David C. McRoberts' on 16th eon., this morning, Cecil McRo- berts, with his face covered with the confluent, variety of smallpox came to the window and said he had chicken- pox, and not to be afraid, The whole ritually of five are down with smallpox, end the oldest air]. is in Clinton suffer- ing With_ the same disease, The doc- tor called at the school and escort:aid- ed that the McRoberts' children had been absent since the 19th February. It appears one of the boyst, while going with the hay presser's, contracted the dieettoe, and since one by one has beet, ill with what was supposed to be chicken -pox. Tire health officer wes all day vaccinating iend queranbining neighbors', and those who had been exposed. The young men who had reco vered has been all o ver, even to 01001011, to get shaved, ee tent is t te;y where it Will end A BOOK ON PouLTRY- COntailling 110 pages, a beautifullitlio- graphic plate of a. group of fouls in natural colorseengravingtoe zill kinds of land and water poultry,descriptions of the breeds, plans for poultry' houses, how to manage an inctibateir, alraeout Ca pduizing, and the' value of different breeds. It will be mailed to any of our readers for 15 cents by the Asso- ciated Fanciers, 400 North Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Comber, April 3.—The M.C.R. offici- als here were notified this evening that the body of a rnan was lying beside the track about oue and a half miles east of the village. The section men, ac- companiedby Coroner MeNevin left at once for the scene. The body- Ivirs identified as thet of Fred Palmerston, a young Englishman, who has made his home around Tilbury for some' time. The youngman had deliberate- ly committed suicide by cutting his throat with his jackknife, the imple- ment of destruction being clinched in his hand when the body was found. It is not known whether the youtig man has any relatives in this country or not. The retnains were brought to the village and hantled OVer to the under- taker. It is not likely an inquest will be held. WITH 'A TACK -KNIFE.' APRIL SHOWERS Wash away the filth and waste that have accunnriulatecl during winter. In like manner Hood's Sarsaparilla ;expels froni the blood impurities that have been deposited during the season -when there has been but little perspira- tion and perhaps constant confine- ment in impure and vitiated air. It is a boon to -tired mothers, housekeep- ers,- teachers and others who spend their time indoors. • It gives the blood richness and vitali- ty, fitting it to nourish and strengthen the nerves, muscles and all the great organs of the body. It cures all spring humors and banishes that tired feel - It is the best medicine money can buy for all diseases caused by impure or iinpoveeished blood. You should begin taking it today. Premier 'Roblin's libel suit against The Winnipeg Free Press has been withdrawn., The depopulation of India through famine and cholera is assuming alarm- • mg proportions. It is reported that a student of Michi- gan University, Ann Arbor, has con- tracted bubonic plague. - Donald Todd was sentenced to two years' imprisonment for manslaughter at the Winnipeg Assizes, SouthWellington Conservatives have ted Mr. J. P. Downey, of The Herald for the Legislature. h Trafton is held in $3,000 hail York on the charge of abduct - young girls from Montreal. E. Mutelfinore, aged 31 years, antly killed while in the act of G.T.R. train at Brockville. . Hall, of Feeetna re has ca used s arrest on ,the charge of ab - their two-year-old daughter at on. nonaina Guelph Josep at New ing two Wm. was inst boarding Jas. A his wife' ducting Burlingt A young son of Mr. J. B. Martyn of Bowmanville accidently shot, himself while out hunting. He is not expect- ed to recover, The two-year-old son of Dr. Warren fe,White of Hamilton was fatally buen- ecl by- CI celluloid comb setting flee to Iris nightdress 00404 Signature ib Ott eVory, box of the rg'enttine LaXafriite Br0,1119'QUinille Tabicts . ;be rezneuy tam ets.wers 0 co;lel ;ire 000 0.ay re,a, tre:: -4,14 ••4•4 •••••••••,• ..:Fr • ' , F, N. Mid-rketi, M.D., Rogersville, Pa.: 'I find your remedy to be the best I have ever tried in the treatment of whooping - cough, catarrhal fere', asthma, also for disinfecting roorns where scarlet fever and diphtheria prevail." You don't take Vapo-Cresolene into the stomach, you breath it. Put some Cresolene in the vaporizer, light the lamp beneath and then breathe -in the vapor. It's easy, convenient, safe. It can be used with success, even for infants. Don't you see at once how valuable such a remedy must be for hay fever, diphtheria, sore throat, catarrh, asthma, and other diseases of the air passages? For whooping -cough it is a perfect specific, often curing the disease in from one to three days. What is Vapo-Cresolene ? It is what the doctors call a coal -tar product; that is it's something like carbolic acid, only it destroys disease germs. Keep Vapo-Cresolene on hand; it's not ." expensive, for the vaporizer lasts a life- time and the Cresolene costs but little. You Bredib e 11 Vape-Cresolene is sold by druggists everywherO. The Vaporiser and Lamp, which should last a life -time, and a bottle of Cresolene complete, $1.50; extra supplies of Vapo-Cresoiene og cents and 50 cents. Illustrated booklet containing physicians' testiraornals free upon request. VAPO-CRESOLEZCE Co rite Fulton St.. New York, as ate a • '''',k1.:(:`,"elerect-?-tratar Lucan Beef Suit TO EDITOR ADVOCATE. DEAR SIR.—Pei.nait me to reply to the charges made by. McCann against me arid. Mr. F. F. Downing, of Lucetn, in theheef seit 'case that canie mip be- fore Squire E.B. Smith, of Ailsa Craig on Saturday lac After hearing all the evidence that spite and venom could produce the case was dismissed before hearing the defendant's side of the case. None of the witnesses' sworn, saw the steer after March 26th and the animal was only noticed to be off its feed the day before Tennant gave med- icine for it; also on Thursday 21, and that was the last medicine it got,- only a dose of salts. Mr. Downey and Mr. d a rry Stanley, prominent farmers and cattlemen, saw it on Friday the I 22nd and said they could not have told it was sick if 1 had not told them. There was no talk of either buying or selling the steer that day, but on the following Monday I sold the ,steer to Downing. I was not in Ltleall, nor did I see Tennant after I saw him on Thursday, Mach 21, until the follow- ing week and when we find men like McCann, that would swear, or offer to swear,the animal was not on itsfeet for ten days beforai it was killed and when sworn say he never saw it during that time but once, what wouldhe not swear. The -only witness eor the de- fence called was Dr. Hutchinson, the health officer, of London, who svvore that after -hearing all the evidence ad- duced on the case and after seeing it analysed as he did, he mould have no hesitation in buying itlor his own and family use and would consider the meat fit to lie sold on the market. — W ILBERT flEVINGTON Mooresville, April 8th. Drysdale: Mr. Angus Murray Met with an , accident one day last week while engaged threshing clover with Henry. Talbot at My. Peter Durand's. Mr. Murray was coming down from the mow, his foot slipped and he fell to the floor, landing on his shoulder. Medical aid was summoned and found that Mr.Murray's collar bone bed been broken. This is the second time that Mr. Murray has had his collar bone broken, and much sympathy is felt for him.—A very sad accident took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs Edward Etue the other day when their eldest child. Berth?, was scalded to death. It appears thafeMr.Etue had just taken a pail of boiling water from the stove when the child not noticing the water had backed into it and received a se- vere scald which resulted in its death. The child was just in his third year. The bereaved parents have the sympa- thy of the whole community. "Good atirzset ..11a$ No Price." Wise hundredsadviceiso/11!thoreus suadssv0ha lin'of ex 7:encvee. The used Hood".9 SarSaparilla, America's Greatest Medicine, counsel those 'who rcbould purify and ,enrich Me blood to avail 'themselves of it'S virtues. He is cruise 'who profits by this good advice: Stomach Troubles — "/ was greatly troubled !with rn_v stomach, and even the sight of food rna,de are sick. Was tired and languid. A few bottles of Hood's 'Sarsaparilla made me feel like myself again." James McKenzie, 350 Gladstone Ave., roronto, Ont. f° hE Rt - LLg :70741 4-MaWri RE ARTLfrq0 FAdTS FOR PISEASED, VICTIMS. SQ -C r.--7 GLIA RAivrEEE) OR NO PAY! rADr vnui, 1*.NPrvons end daqpnur'ent; weak or debilitated tired mornings; no am. Illt" 4,3 Eel fr Lon—fifel. ss; memory poor: easilyfatigued': etcitable end irritabl vnoasrsieca,:corpies;ti __s; pge:aerseis juonok‘ an, rerl and blurred; pmples on face; drearas and. niekiet eliereir atm strength — CAN CURE Y deeesft in mine Irmiinctg;di':raeirnits lamteskto; ohio;ndeetariusnstft tahair lent of confiden e lack a ose; ulcers; sore throe ; ou c ; R E$TOR Er) TO ILI A I l-fOOD BY DRS. K.- 4a K. JOHNsA. NANLIN. JOHN A. ItANLIN. CEee. TOWERS. CHAS. POWER'S,. e... - it -- e 1 =rune ',..1.1EIATHENT. AI"l'Ele T.alitialanra: =Fong Tuaaa'SILNT. AIVER TRIDATIlLiiiNT., NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS 08E0 VI/TROUT Weil -tee CONSENT. John A., Manina says:—'I ems one of the connMess vie. tuns of early ignorance doufmenced at 10 rears °Lege. I tried SOV011 medical firms and spent 6000 without avail. - I gave tip in deepair. The drains on my,.SYstirn were weakening myintellect as well iis my sexual:end physical life. My brother advised me as a last resort to consult Drs. Kennedy & Kergan. I commenced their New Method Treatment end in a reW weeks was a new man, with new life and ambition.This was ,four years ago, and now 'I am married min happy. 1 recunimend those reliable specialists to all nir afflicted fellowmen." - ' CURES COARANTEED' OR, NO PAY.— OONFIDENTAL. 'The vices of early boyhood laid the foundation of My senses completed the wreck. I had all the symptoms of rnin. Later on a `gay life" and exposure lo 111.0011 di- Syphil.is, Emistions :lensed rny hair to fall out, bone pains, Arleers. in mouth and on tongue, Nervous Debility—sunken eyes, emissions, drain in urine, VariCePered ; Cur cd weak back, ale. syphilisa blotches on body, etc. I thenkOod I tried Drs. E"nredy . cla Horgan. They restored :no to health, vigor and happiness." CHAS. POWERS. , (nr We treat and clere Pam-of:fib,.,1n7.,Alons, .Arervous P.ebility, Seminal Weakness, Cleat, Stricture, Syph(7, ilzs, -maturat, Dzschar.6-es, Self Abuse, Kidney and Blada'er _Diseases. . . . 17 YEARS IN DE.,,TROrr. 200,000 CURED, NO RIEK..- ftEs A..DT Method TEI 0 RN. r e aF'•1 T i E E . C N No matter v;ho lists treat( d you,writorforniXrIRIO inte;1015(11°11ifoonr P'. (5)413:1s; y Aro you a victim? Drava you lpst hope? Aro yon cortr.rnplating mar. . l'Illge? Tins yon:. -Blood b on ,:seaaed? Ili 3 u rrny wPakness? our New 1 tni eat will en re :: or. What itLhas' .done'fo'vecit'191 Diseases of Men. inclose post nee, 2 CPI/ t8. Venied,, - of Charge Charges reasonable, BOORS FREE -- "Thtio 'don Monitor" eueserated), on VATE. No ryciiPine s tat C. 0. L.L No names no boos A - rig -NO NAMES USED WITI-ICU"- V R1TTE:N CCNSE0Nr: TriPvfler.. opes. Everything conficientaieut..:..21,:in list arid coat of Treate_ DHSSKENNEDY ‘14 ‘llge:PRBILe ll'ri°1".gil8i1C4SiHTE;LMFIVOg,T." nientLgaw, FRE,10Erziw.7. 1046 sarELIKV:zat,73,:".; :1 -7.4=E -ma , VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AN IMPOTENCY CURED, Harry Lindsey was killed at Nichol, near Fergus, by the bursting of. a fly- wheel. The,Copp Bros. Company, of Hamil- ton is in financial difficulties. The will of the late Senator Paguet, ot Quebec disposes Of an eetate of 500,000, His employees have been gen- erously remembered. The jury in the trial of Donald Todd at Winnipeg for the Gordon murder could not agree upon a verdict and were locked up for the night. The body of David 1101600) ft former employee of the Niagara Fall, N. y., Power Company, was found in the pen- stock of the wheel pit. He was a beotber of Rev. John Ilolden,of Hamil- ton. - A bridge over the Oswego Cenal on James street, Syracuse,collapsed 'under a trolly Cal', and the car and fifty pas- sengers dropped 30 feet in the bed of the canal. Several persons were i- juted,, Ms, George Arnold, wife of the Po- st, , maater of Louisville, Kent County, was driVing with her children, Nvilen the, horse een 0, NV d ',17 and threw thpin over a foetvefoot embankment: • Mos, Ar- nold was 11 110(1, EXETER FfItINDRY • Pulpers and., "Stram,r Cut- ters in Stock at all times All kinds of Pulper and Strawcutter knives of every description on hand. Stearn Pipe and fittings of all kinds. A good 'Williams Sewing Machine for sale. J. IVILIPRAY te sc rct li fe 11 gt hi se 40 of T1 1)1