Exeter Advocate, 1901-4-11, Page 3,
,: f
A Maiter Too Often Neglected In
Rural Distretat.
, In an address delivered before the
PennaylVania state board of agricul-
ture on this subjeet C. W. Broad read
First have your colts looked to as
soon as 2 years old, and as soon as
they begin to shed their nippers in
front, if they do not come out them-
selves as they should and are crowding
the new teeth out of,place, have them,
tidied, as this will save lots of cribbing
horses later on; also have the molaro
examined when they are beginning to
shed them, as the new ones crowd
them against the cheek or tongue, caus-
ing sores on both, and painful mastica-
tion is the result.
This branch of veterinary science has
been sadly neglected in the rural dis-
tricts, and two-thirds of the diseases
of the horse arise from painful masti-
cation and result In indigestion from
the fact that the teeth become uneven,
with sharp points wearing in decayed
cavIlle.s, the outer edges become sharp
and, turn against the cheeks, the inner
edges of the under teeth turning in and
cutting the tongue, causing sores on
cheek and tongue. This may be cured
by properly Operating on the teeth, as
also hie following: Driving on one line,
sloughing at mouth, quidcling, tossing
of head, shying, scouring when driven,
running at the eyes, gnawing the man-
ger, periodical balking.
Do not overlook the feet and teeth,
as has been done in the past, as I am
peeitive tbey both have deteriorated in
the last 20 years, especially in our
standard bred horses. They are easy
to overlook,, and in trying to bring
SOIne ot.b.Or 13011.1t or points to perfec-
tion, such as high knee action, good
mane and tall, the most particular
parts of the horse are lost sight of, and
once lost can never be renained.
Evidently the Day ot Miracles
Is Not Yet Over.
The Restoratkoi lo Ifraltit of Wm. Does
ifiad Not Left lina 11,1911k 1111 Ye11,1•71.
Rheumatism of he 'Worst Kind Coin-
pleiely Cured.
(Sundnialge, Eelhot)
'Zhe Echo' has taken the tnouble to
!Investigate the circumstanees and
can V1311311 for tho truth of thoefollenv-
ing interesting story in it every par-
Almoet everyone in this neighlong-
'hood known lqr. Wnt. Deng. In 1878
Mr. Doeg moved from the Township of
0,sprey, in Grey County, to lot 19 in
the, thirteenth concelsaion olf Strong
TOwnship. He has: since made many
friends, ati'd all who know hint! Spealr
af ihnn in the highest term.sls
Sente tim5 after he came to tlaie
part he was etrieleen with rheuma-
tism. It gradually grerw worse, and
Nr011S,0 til1 for the last four years he
bee been a confirmed invalid, and as
a consequence lai,g not been seen in
toiyn at all. He ,has at night and
Stay in 'hie chair, unable to move er
snail; a step for months. • The pain
never left hint. It conameaaced in
his back, and the torture lie had to
bear was terrible. From( hi S back it
would sometimes: mayc to other parts
of his body. knees ware fearfully
painful at times. The Lnuth is, that
f ox four long' year,s, thie poor man did
not have a single moraent'S respite
from the racking of this dreadful
,M.r. Doeg says: "It makes me shud-
der to look back upon that awful
four years, even the thought of it is:
dreadful. How I ever lived through
it I do not knob', but I tlhank God
that he has at last restored nte to
health and strength with nothing of
the rheumatism lett lynt the memory
Of it.
Mr. Deng ie a changed nutn. Hale
and hearty he riesv enjoys every moe
anent etc: his new, Itte to the full.
.„ Hear did the' change/ come „about?
This iS the question whicli lar.Doeg
Ls moat delighted to answer- He had
tried the treatment of several physi-
cianand had used almost every
medicine known an a: cure for rheu-
relatism, lyut he go't no relief.
"I gavethem all a fair chance,
too," Said Mr. Doeig, to -Th.e Echo,
"but nothing seemed able to give me
e.ven temporary relief. I grew de-
spendent and des'paired of ever leav-
ing that dreadful pain behind me.
'Ont day I read in a new.spaper the
'testinionialS of some who said they
laad been‘curecl Of rheumatism hv
Dodds Kidney Pills. I hand't much
faith in anything by this time, but I
sent Lor one box of the. pills and cone-
manced.. I noticed. an improvement
and kept on, and; look at me now."
Mr. Doeg certainly doesn't look like
an invalid now, and it isharci for one
'who had not seen him; in his sick
room to believe that six months ago
he couldn't walk.
n'llave you atny objections to mak-
ing and signing a -written statement
of the whole thing for publication in
The Echo?" Was asked Mr. Doeg.
None whatever, I will be glad to
do so, for I Nwant ovary person suf-
fering as I waS, with rheumatism to
lenOW 'that Dodtits Kidney Pillwill
care, them, and I do ,hope that ray
statemen.t, will be iread by all such
This is MT. Doeg's written state-
ment :—
For four years I euffered excru-,
elatingetorture, during Which time I
was Scarcely an, hour free froxn pain.
rhe trouble coramenced in my back,
Whe.re it often remained stationary
for months, and so intense was the
pain that I could not lie doevn or take
rest, but had to sit night and day in
a chola The pain would than re -
Move to oth,er parts of my body, an.d
whlan in my knees 1 vas; unable to
wlaik, and confined constantly t o•in,y
room. I wan treated for rheumatism
by several clocton1 and also tried
many , medicines witheitt receiving
any benefit. Almost in 'de spa. ir I
feared I would [never again exper-
tence the pleasure of 'being free from
Last spring, my attention was iii -
rented to soma remarkable eureR .or
Ateumati,srn effected by Dodd'S Kid-
ney Pills, recorded in tab public
prints. I procured a box, and noon
found tha.n. they were doing 1T1,f1, good,
so I kept on, till now I can say I am
a new man entirely i'ree from pain,
and have cont.inuled. so for over six
months, bating able to attend to my
Iaiy dutiels on, the 'farm) and feel
strong and able for work. •
I verily believe this great change
rhos been effected by the une of Dodd's
Kidney Plls, and I think it my duty
te make Cline etatemient public, for the
benefit of anyone afflicted' as I was.
W311:. DOefg,Sundridgc.
' This in, a plain unvarnished state -
Ment of fact, as we found it, and
every reader ot The Reim ,eopecel1y
those nivIto know how bad Mtr. Dong
.was, will agree that it is a case with-
out narallel in the Watery 0,t the loom-
That our food Nval eome day be built
• , up cheraleally frorn nitrogen, earlYen
end '011U3.1necessary elements is a
fascinating theory upon svincit most
scientific men look skeptically. fd
Derthelot, however, is cited aal an emit'
tient bel'ievera'and he is stated to fere-
,The "'moues our:thing 11T011110 SPIrDrig 1$
11eSeelided rPOIn ortfaIllerA,
. matt JI.I Go( ti Medical 18108OrfielliCHI—A.
lrl)W S fIggieStionis iktgarIliatt istitith.
Trying to Make Forty Dollars.
Here is a hard luck story apropos of
efforts to make a little sum in Wall
street: A young man started with $100
and ran it up to $0,960, or $40e less than
an even $10,000. The desire to round
out the $10,000 goaded him on. He
said to his broker, "If I can make that
additional $-10 on a quick turn I will
draw out my $10,000 and invest it in
real estate." It was a Strong bull mar-
ket, but things appeared sky high, and
he picked out an active stock to sell
short. I think he landed on T. C. and
I., which had a phenomenal rise and
was due to drop anywhere from 10 to
50 points. He sold 100 shares at par,
intending to close it out at 09. But
instead of going down the blamed
thing soared to 120. At every three
points' gain be sold another 100 until
he was carrying all he could tote. In
24 hours be lost nearly • every cent it -
had taken him three months to make.
With what little he had left he bought
T. I. on the recession to 116, friends of
the Hanover National bank assuring
him that It was going to 150.' Then
came the fireworks and the funeral.
The bottom fel{ out of the specialty
and young Dr. Knowall found himself
$15,000 In debt. He hasn't bona JO
Wall street since.
Color of Draft Horses.
Don't worry about the color if you
are buying a draft horse. Don't pick
an inferior one because he is your col-
or. Get a good horse, and his color will
suit the market. Of course if you have
a set Of breeders vvho Insist on black or
gray or chestnut they must be pleased,
but can they not be better suited with
a good horse than a good colored one?
Gray is the favorite color among the
buyers of draft horses in market It Is
not, however, the favorite =Ong
breeders. At least it does not seem to
be, when importers are forced to bring
over more blacks than grays to please
their customers.
.The Horse's Mouth.
ThCre is no such diseased condition of
the horse's mouth as lanapers. Some-
times, when they are changing their
' temporary teeth for permanentone,
there is a slight inflammation Around
the root of the Moth, but„this only lasts
a feW days and, never extends to the
bars of the mouth. Do not alldw any
one to cut or burn your horse's mouth.
tinder any circumstances, as there is
no disease that ,such treatment will
The practice of taking a tonic dur-
ing the inclement ,weatner of earl
spring, is one that has been bequeath-
ed tie by, our ;forefathers, .who lived in
days when a sturdy oonstitution and
vigorous health meant even, griore than
they do to -day. The eustom has the
highest medical endeersement, and the
healthiest people are thOse who fol-
low it. Thousands, not really ill,
need ,a tonic at thie season. Close
conf in ena en t in badly ,ven Mated
houses, offices, shops and school
roorna during the winter months,
ruakea people feel depressed and "out -
of -sorts." Nature must s be assisted
in throwing off the poison that has
acoumulated in the eystera else pen -
Te fat( an ea,sy prey to disease and are
subject to many discomforts from
boils, eruptions, and similar troubles.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo-
ple are the best tonic medicine known
to medical ncience, These pills naake
rich, red blood and strong nerves'.
Through their use in springtime,
jaded. listless, easily tired men, wo-
men and children, are made bright, ac-
tive and strong. Evidence of the won-
derful health restoring virtue of
these pills is given by Mrs. J.'Lang-
lois, 659 Lafontain street, Montreal,
who says :—"Before I began using Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills I was !under the
care of two doctors, who told me any
trouble was developing into consump-
tion. I was very pale and feeble ;had
no appetite and could hardly stand
on my feet, I was very much discour-
aged and thought death was staring
nue in the face. I had often read of
Dr. William's' Pink Pills and, finally
decided to try them. After I had used
three boxes nay appetite Was much
better, and I felt a little istronger. I
continued the use of the pills for thee
months when I felt fully cured. When
I began using the pills I only weigh-
ed, 92 pounds, 'and when I disectitinuecl
them my weight had: increaeed to 119
pounds. I also gave the pills to my
baby, who was pale and sickly, and
they made faim a bright, rosy, fleshy
child. I think there is no weak or
sickly person who will not find bene-
fit frorn Dr. Williams' Pink Pills."
It ia a waste of nacrney -to experi-
ment with other so-called tonics
which are all cheap imitations of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. Insist upon
getting the genuine, and if they are
not sold by your dealer send direct to
the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont., and the pills will be ,mailed
poet paid, at 50c a box, or six boxes
for $2.50.
Bishop Tugwell, of England, now
on his missionary travels in the
Sahara, sem/1s! an account of water
"too dirty for us to clean it (with our
bodies. It made excellent coffee,
however.' Taple yist c resignation of
this sort might. be copied by British
troops at the front or explorers',
"House burnt down by natirea in the
night. Cheerful blaze and wonder-
ful warmth; thanked the,m formally
in the morning. Slept soundly all
night On a prickly pear tree."
How is This!
We offer One Hundred.. Dollars reward for
any case 'of Catarrh that cannot he cured
by—Hall's Catarrh Cure.
P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned. have known P. J.
Cheney - for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable. in all business
transectiosa ,and enanciany able to carry
out any obligations made by their firm.
WEST & TRAUX, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo. 0. WADDING, KINNAN &
Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent
free. Price 75c per bottle. Said hy,p11 drug-,
SPITTING SHOULD STOP. The current issue of The Ladies!
The Most Prolific Means of Propagating
One of the worst and most unclean-
ly habits indulged in by some people
is spitting. Many people spit any-
where, everywhere and always. If
this habit were only filthy it would
not be so objectionable,but it is One of
the meet prolific means of propagat-
ing disease ill -every community. Spit.
Ling in public placen should stop. The
National Sanitarium Association in Its
campaign to check the spread of con-.
eumption, tuberculosis, claimthat
expectoration on the sidewalks fer
ladies' dresses to wipe up and carry
into their homes or to dry into dust
and float into the air ; expectoration
in public hall, conveyanees, places of
amueemenat, oia floors, carpets and in
dark corners of hotels and private
dwellings, must cease if we ever hope
to check this terrible disease, which
is responsible for so attany deaths and
so much suffering. Ladies 'should wear
shorter skirts, and those who must
expectorate shoal( use paper hand-
kerchiefs, which ehould be burned af-
ter using. There aro three important
facts about tuberculosis which should
be kepi in naiad
1. It iS a communicable disease and
is distincidynprevgniable.
2. It be acquireal by the direct trans-
aniesien of the tubercle bacilli from the
sick to the well, nenally by meanS of
dried and paivaidaed sputum floating
as dust iin the aiv° and
0, It can be largely prevented by
simple and easily applied reestmees of
1 nli e al diaipteetieu -
Journal, published by The Ladies'
Journal Co'y., of 73 West Adelaide St.,
Toronto, Canada, is a spacial Easter
numher of great excellerice. Tho
fashion review for the m'on th iS,
ly devoted to the Easter hats; and 11-,
lustrated wilh superb full tone and
half -tone engravings.
Rev'. Win. Patterson, of Philadel-
pa,stor of the largest Presby-
terian."Church in the UnitedStatesa
forineIly of Toronto, contributes "An
, Easter 1VIeasage, written in that sim-
ple, yet imp,reeelive style which made
himfam, oua as a pulpit orator and
caused hig name to be suggested as
the natura.1 aucceasor to the laic D.
L Moody.
Percy, M. Button, , manager of the
Poultry Department of the Dentonia
Park Farna, near Toronto, writes the
first of a s'erta,s of articles to be ran
in the jinni:ill:al on Pradtical Poultry
"What Can a Woman Do ?" se.ekst
to solve the problem of Woman'S
sphere in the business world and
contains many luelpful suggestions to
the young lye:manii who ha,s to face tam
world and light her own way. The
prize original Short stories, tile
Usual departments pertaining to the
household, the, page for the little
folks, and the page of opinions on in-
dielated topics a4e, ali or a high stan-
1149 ‘1.. COLD IN ONE ovic
TNlo TAxative Promo Quinine Tablets. All druggists
tefund the Money it it falls fo (Mrs. l W, 0 rinteS,
signatUre on ertehlsox.
nee0ie/410 axtificial meat and artifical.
Are Yon the proprietor of this re-
etanrant ? said the man who had
Waited for hie order until he became
eleopy, YeS, sir. What Can T. do for
you? You. tan give me some infer -
Malian. I want to know whsetiter you
have told the waiter to Stay away SQ
that you ban, bring in a bill for lodg-
ings against me I
Dear Sire—This is to certify that I
have been troubled with a lame back
for fatteen years.
I havc need three bottles' of your
pletely cured.
It gives me great pleanure to re-
commend it and you: are at liberty to
nee thie in any Way to further the use
of your valuable nieclicine.
. Two Rivers, ROBERT ROSS.
tWife--Why Chatges, .what do you
mean byburning our old love -letters?
Hue:band—I hare laeen reading them,
my dear. After I die ;someone who
wiehed to dispute my will might get
hold of thern and use them to prove
I was insane.
These eeyet Was, tind .never will be, a
universal panacea, it one Pellledy,' for all
ills to which flesh is beirthe very nature
of many curativesbeing euch thatwere
the germs of other and differently :seated
diseases rooted in the .system of the
patient—what would relieve one ill in
turn wouln aggravate the other. We
have, however, in Quinine. , when
Obtainable in a sound unadulterated i
State, a remedy for many and grevious ills.
Byte gradual and judicious use, the
frailest systems are led into convalescence
and strength, by the influence which Qui-
nine exerts on Nature's own restoratives.
It relieves the drooping .spirits of those
with whom a chronic state of morbid des-
pondency and lack of interest in, life is a
disease, and; by tranquilizing.the nerves,
disposes to sound and refreshing Sleep—
imparts vigor to the action of the 'blood,
which, being Stimulated, coarses through-
out the veinsa strengthening, the healthy
animal funenons _of the system, thereby
making activity a necessary result,
strengtneningthe frame., and giving life
to the digeStiveorgans, which naturally
demand Increased subStanceresultt im-
proved appetite.. 'Northrop & Lyman of
Toromo, have .given to ;the public their
$uperioe 'Quinine Wine at the usual rate,
and, ganged by theopinion of scientists,
this wine approaches nearest perfection of
any in the market:. All druggists sell it.
Johnny, to please hug sister during
the holidays, was reading out from the
morning paper an account of a grand
wedding. At the appointed hour, he
read, the blergynaan took his stand at
the chancel -rails, and to the music of
the 'Wedding March' the contra-
dicting parties moved down the—
Not "contradicting," Johnny, inter-
rupted his elder sister. "Contract-
ing," Well, stoutly tontended John-
ny, they'll be boiatradihting parties af-
ter a 'while I;
313""Sr3F4C).1%1* '31:720AL
is its purity, It, has been the standard tea'for a number of years ima at the rate e2
1t4,Preseat; increase it will continue to bold its place at the bend,
Lead Packages 25, 30 49 50 and SO Canto
re/tIVID"WW‘VIIIM1,16./aw, I,taNt,,50.^e, ^te.-5ii"20110
• ,
PA O TS...
Look a little farther than the
coler card, They can make a
handsome sample card with
cheap paints, but the paint will %
fail. To paint a house right tt
you must have pure paints. Be .
careful of what paint you use.
The best is not too good.
are made to last, to give style to
a house, to pre9erve buildings.
Ramsa.y's Paints are sold at reas-
onable prices for the best that can
be made. Paint your house well
while you are at it. Drop us a
post card and.ask us for Booklet
K" free. It shows how some.
beautiful homes are painted and
tells all about it
EGvd 1642
%.-virovq. tA2.-arla•Nav42./7...War"ToWle."30013/1i?"^c2k10.,,"ir,i1100,190,4
Of, You Afiv a let + best results 3
_SUIT all 0, u
ourrEa, ECC3,P0Dr.1:FRY, APPLES, ether FRUITS end PRODUCE t
The Dawson ornmissr,„,w'n 00. Limited, 0.3r. West., Market tind*
Colborne St., Toront o.
AIR RIFLE given for scll.
Ing only ilk doz. packages Sweet Pea Seed at 10e.
each. Each package contains a splendid Mixture a the mostfrag.
rant varieties of all colors. The Rifle is of the hest make fold moth ,
el, with polished I 1 ickel barrel, trigger guard and side plates. It ha s Improve4 Globe
sights, pistol grip and walnut steelsand shoots withterrlfic force and great accuracy
1,R111 to tido advertisement and vre will forward the Seeds. Sell thcm,returnthemoneynnd IiliiotU be sent
you free by Express. The season for selling seeds is short, 10 order at once. Seed Su mely ere.. `1‘0,,,,
Goodness! wbat's the trouble?
Boo-boo 1 nil de kids on dis block
are either too tough for me to play
with, or else they's got the measles,
Boo-hoo 1
It is a Liver Pill.—Many of the ailments
that man has to contend with have their
origin in a clisoi:dered liver, which is a
delicate organ, peculiarly susceptible to
the disturbances that come from irregu-
lar habits or lack of care in eating and
drinking. This accounts for the great
many liver regulators now pressed on the
attention of sufferers. Of these there is
none superior to Parmelee's Veeetable
Piils. Their operation though geutle is
effective and the most delicate c n use
Burglar, Sternly,— Where's yer
Woman, trembling,---Encler the bad.
Burglarfftein I won't take noth-
ing. It's bad enough to have such a
'Ituelsand, stithont being robbed, too.
Minard1 s Linimenty
Lumberman's Friend
We give tlas beautiful
Solid. Gold Ring, s e t
with Pearls, for selling
only 10 packages of
Sweet Pea Seedatl0e. cacti. Each
packs go contains a splendidoilk.
tun) fifth° !nest fragrant varia.
ties, ofall colors. 0Iail iis this
advertisement and WO wilt for-
ward the Seeds. Sell them. re.
turn the money, and this beau.
aful, Sol Iti Gold,Pourlset Ring
ed in a, velvetlinecl box. Write to day. The season for sell.,
iiag seeds le short. Seed Supply Co., Toronto, Can.
An Englishman 30 yearn old may
expect 33 years 2 months more cif
life; a woman, 34 years 1 month.
A Magic Pill.—Dyspepsia is a, foe w t
which men are constantly grappling but
cannot exterminate. Subdued, and to all
appearances vanquished in one, itmakes
its appearance in. another direction. In
turiuy the digestive apparatus is as deli-
cate as the inechanism of a watch or
scientific instrument in which even a
breath of air will make a variation. 'With
such persons, disorders of the stomach en-
sue from the most trivial causes and
cause much suffering. To these Panne,
ees Vegetable Pills are recommended as
mild and sure.
Twenty-nine thousand five hundred
stray dogs are taken up in London
Fame is not an honest mountain streets in a single year.
We Cain conquer for all tiro.e;
No; it is a moving hillside—
Sl:pping backward as we climb.
The people of Great Britain eat 1,-
409,000 tons of meat a year, against
30.0,000 tote of fish.
e/d41-&.,-4414/ e44t,44
teal -en
Freddie—How long does it take a
tree,. to grow, clad?
Cobwigger—That depends, my boy,
I've known a family tree to spring
up in no tinl,s.
keep. Minard's Liniment in the !louse
Mrs. Bentham—Aren't you glad I
decided to do the cooking? „
Benham—Yes; we never have
tramps., stopping here for grub nowa-
FOR OVF:R 7--Pr1'sr '513 APS
used by smothers far their children teething. 01 000 hes
thc child, softens the gums, allays .pain, cureS wind
colic and is tha best remedy for'diarrliren. Vic,a bottle.
Sold. by bit druggists throughout tho world. Be S11.X4
and wilt for "510 Natioairov's Soothing Syrup,"
Great Britain's fite,torieS consume
Over a quarter of all the textile fibre
in the world.
"Any novel features at the wed-
ding ?"
"Yes; the bride 11-0Tt1 her arctic
oviershoeg up to the altar under her
white satin' gown."
Totally Deaf. —Mrs. S. E. Crandell, Port
Perry, writes: "I contracted a severe cold
last winter, which resulted in my becom-
ing totally deaf in one ear and partially
so iu the other. After trying VarIGLIS
remedies, and consulthw several doctors,
without obnidning any relief, I was ad-
vised to trtr Dr. Thomas' Eclectric On I
Miriard's Liniment is used 1.4 Physiciar,it
In „one, year recently, England. sold,
to Russia 303 steam threshers', and 256
par table steam-engines'.
The great ling healer is found in that
excellentMedicine sold as Bickle's Anti
Conelimptive Syrup. It soothes and di,
minishes the sensibility of the membrane
of the throat and air passages, and. is a
sovereign remedy for all coughs, cOldsv
hoarseness, pain or soreness in the chest,
bronchitis, etc. It has cured many when,
supposed to be far advanced in consurnp-
Belle—I had an awful fright the oth-
er day while out for a walk with Will.
Betsy—lIovr ? Belle—Why, we met the
minister, and Will asked him to join
AVENUE HOUSE McGill—Col lege AV Mille
--Family Hotel rates §1..,0)
per day.
Hotel Balmoral MoutrerehAm P$150ual1. I-' lca
We give a handsome, re
E, lia.bylo, naillef,lodorVcice
g B 'SW , I oiling
unly 2 doz. beautifully
finished. full.
sized Cabinet
Photographs of
tho Queenat 10c
each, or, thi s
handsomely en -
gra ecil, gold fire.
Watch Lady's or CSonta size, with stem
,iivIndltera set, reliable je vcitillgniovterurt,
irr tleel ibni4T 010 s. 0L. tAr lu';- .tri rn7oen 0 y
your Watch, postpaid. Art Supply Co., 11e, L Toronto
„ . . .
werined the 011 and poured a little of it „
O to my eftr, and before one-half the bot-
tle was usea my hearing WaS completely
restored. I lia've heard of other eases of
deafness being cured by the use Of this
Belgium's hoese-po wer employed i.n
factories has grown from 20,003 to
25,000 in 50 yeasts.
Ask for Ninarirs and take no other.
An acre of grosviug wheat ueeS 61)
tons of water a month.
The I..ravorito Tea of Britain an(' her Colonies.
Amusing to Elee foreign teas .ativortisecl as clean,
Is it not filth that colors thein ?
, givo this
,leantiftil 0015
/ finished Ring,
set with 5meg,
for selling only 1.0 ceooesLeos,o,
beautifully firdsh...„,Lzaae
ad, full sized
Cabinet Photographs o 1 the
Queen at 10c. oath, Everyone
wants a good Tiletfiro of Her
litalc)ty, Writelerrhoto9. Sell
them, return the money, and
reteive this su lorh Ring free.
Toronto, Canada.
.1krt Snsjijfly Co., nt)
PRINTED in one or many coloto
or STRIPED at lovr prices. Sam-
ples furnished on request. Speeial,
quotations for car loads or large
lots. Write for prices.
75 A.delaide-at. West.
Asuoitaaana .
, rtir,aill• .,c ---4:::_i_.
*Emma, eit 6 tO. '
2 9 iOeli#1,60 Toas era sold Ireas0led
,: 10 ' 'dt°r‘ f.,..VVP).gteach
lead PaC:k crtis t'fi^ 111kto rAwl°r±1tr?Se)1
Ofedd coy dete 'ttoilt16§•oii aopitcb,a"tiioti: Andlitaitt