Exeter Advocate, 1901-4-11, Page 1trYi3-0177,
C. 11
1418111N 1JJ110111E31 01111111{S &111fIGE1S.
11. 1. GAtODEN & FIELkb saEb. c1/31DE1 TOOLS.
First Class No. 9 Cooking Stove,
. ,
- . ,
We have unlineited private funds for ix
vestment upon farm or yillage property, fi
O west rates of interest. ,
Barristers, etc., Exete
Lhave a large amount of private funds t
loan on farm and village properties at lel
rates ofinterest.
- F. W. GLA.nmAN,
Barrister, Main Street Exetei
Sale Register.
Sale of 50 acres and. farm chattels of lati
Edward Stewart on Thursday. the 1111
April, 1901, at '1 o,c1 (Mit p.m.
. .
JOHN GrALL Auction em
Notice is hereby given that the parn tershiy
heretofore subsisting between ns, the under
signed, as Carriage .151anufacturere, in the
Village of Grediton County of Buron, ha'"
been this day digsofved by mutual consent
All debts owing to the said partnership are
to be paid to 'William :H, Wenzel, at the
Village oe'Crediton,. aforesaid; , and all
claims againSt the said,' partnership are to
be presented to the said 'William II. -Wenzel,
by whom the same will be set fled.
Witness I, ' S W. H. WENZEr,
i Da ted at Crediton this 21st day • of March,
0 - " A. D. 1901.
. ..,-.... ) .
In accordance with the,R,rovisions. of the Liquor
License Act,' public notice is herebygiven that a
meeting of the Board of License Comissioners for
the district of South fruron will be held at Scott's
Hotel, in the Villiwe of IIensall, onithe 19th day of
April, at 10 o'clock's.. in., to cOneider applicatious for
the sale of Liquorin the said district of South Efuron
for 1901-1902. New applicants for. Tavern License
are Friggie Martin for Varna Rotel; Mrs. Nicholson,
tor Blake Hotel; G. C. Petty, for new Hotel in the
Village of Hensall; for shop, L. C. Jackson, Seaforth.
Licenses issued for current year were Town Tavern 5,,
Shop 2: Village Tavern 8, shop 2; Tavern six months
Il Township Tavern 20. '
.,1pplications for insuitig year are Town Tavern '5,
shop 2, Villahe Tavern 9, shop 2. Township Tavern
Any petition against 'the granting of License to any
new applicant or Premises named must be lodged
with the undersigned at least four' days before the
meeting, of the Board.
Ws. Batt.A.Nrvah,
License Inspector,
April 2, 1001 ' Sea/0M.
Take notice thattheMunidipal Council of the' Cor-
poration of the,lrillag,ebf Exeter intends to construct
a granolithic sidewalk, on the West side of Main
street, from the north side ,the
Dr. BollinS' office' to
the north side of the Metropolitan Hotel. Walk to
be S feet in width from Dr.' Rollins' office to the south
side of Cobbledick & Son's niillproperty-and balance
six feet in width and ,to ' assess 60 per cent. of the
final cost thereof upon the propertyabutting thereof,
and to be benefltted thereby, and .that a statement
showing the lands liable to pay the said assessment,
and the names of the owners thereof, so far as they
can be ascertained from the last revised Asseasinent
Roll, is now filed in office of Clerk of the Municipality
and is open for inspection. . .
The estimate cost of the work is $1500, of which
40 per cent. is to be provided for out of the general
funds of the Municipality. ,
..1 a1. Exg1er, • . ithis G. II. Bissinr,
4th day of April, 1901. Clerk.
if Edward. Stuart, late of the Town-
ship of Usborne, in the .County, of
aHuron, Yeoman deceased.
Notice is hereby given that 'all creditors :
and others having claims against the ,estate 1
of Edward Stuart, late of the Township of '
Usborne, in the County Of' Hurcin,:who died
on or about the 20th day pf March, .0..D., 1001,
sre on or before the , , .i
'19111. DY OF MAYA
....., . , • AD ,, .1901 r
to send by post, prepaid to the undersigned. t
;elicitors for Anthony Nevin, the Executor 7
if the ;wig of the said deceased' their 4
ihristian names ancl surnames, addreSses
tncl descriptions, the full particulars 1.
)l their, claims, is statero.ent of their ac- 1
Mints and the nature of the security (if any C
iold by them; and. that after the said date
he said Executer will.proceed to distribute
hp assets of the said deceased -among the 9
,,..,4.,teS entitled thereto, having regard- only, a
V'such claims of which: notice ehall have
,een given as a neve required; and the said
bxec IA tor will not he liable for the said as- a
ets or any part, thereof to any person or ,.
lerSOT)S of whose ciaiar or elaims notice 4
hall not have been received at the tithe of
nolo distribution.
ertea at Exeter, ibis 3rd day of Apra], isce. u
Incase:I & oat/alma cee
solicitors for Executor
. v
. ,
,.....___ ,
0 the value of English Steck rood
menufadtured by O. Lutz, Exeter. a
This is to certify' that I have used a
, .
tiglish Stock Food, for a young colt
sat was not thriving. Fie improved ...
ell tinder its tise- I also had tWo ,.7..
iung pigs that were scouring and er
sing condition. On feeding English .
,ock Food, they immediately recov- fo
I and are now doing well.br
iiiilix GOBNUIER. Tp. of Hay. do
Will Willis spent Easter with his
brother Frank in Forest.
Mrs. Friend, of Port Huron, visited
Mrs. E. rollick this week.
Miss Rebeccallawkinsvisited friends
in Hensall for the holidays.
Mrs. Reg. Elliot, of Norwich, spent
Easter with relatives in town..
o Mr. Bert Ross, of London, speut
Sunday With his parents here.
• Mr. and Mi.s. Wan. Hellen spent
the Easter vacation ia London.
Rev. Maetin's brother visited here
a couple of days during the week.
Miss Elliott,of eitchelaw as the guest,
of her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson.
Miss Nena Kinsman spent a few
days in Seaforth during the week.
Miss Maggie Russell, of ,St. Marys,
is visiting at her home in Usborne.
Miss Stella Gregory, of Goderich, is
t spending the holidays at her home.
I Miss Wilson, of St. Marys, spent
' Easter holidays with Miss A. Oddy.
iVliss Carrie -Davis, of London, is
evisiting at her home, Exeter, North.
Mr. Thos. Hatter, of Loudon, spent
a few days in town during the week.
Mrs. F. W. Collins spent Monday
and Tuesday with friends in Clinton.
Mr. Frank Willis, of Forest, spent
Thursday last with his parents liere.
License Inspector Ballantyne, of
Sea forth, wason official duty here Tues-
day. ,
Miss Gertrude Laidlaw, of Seaforth,
is Visiting friends and relatives in
Ed. Eacrett, of Goderich, is spend-
ing the Easter vacation at his home
Chas. Westaway, of Brantford; visit-
ed friends here during the Easter holi-
Wilber Handford has gone to Lon-
don;where he has secured a position in
a studio.
The Misses Drink.water spent sever-
al days with friends in London during
the week.
Miss Loulla Hohnes, of Brussels, is
the guest of her cousin, Miss Pearl
Rollins. -
Mrs. (Dr.) Holloway, of Wingham.,
p t Easter with her mother, Mrs.
spent Easter
Mr. Fred Gillespie, who spent a few
days in Detroit, returned home Tues-
day night.,
Mr. E. J. Christie' returaied Satur-
day after a pleasant visit with friends
in London.
Miss Eva Carling, of Brantford, is
spending the Easter vacation at her
home here.
Mrs. Young and Miss Bell, of St.
farys,are the guests of Mrs.P.Gowtin,
of Usborne.
Robt. Sanders, who has been
confined to the house for the past few
weeks, is able to be out again.
Mibs Mabel Tona who was visiting
her geandparents here, returned to
her home n Goderich, Saturday.
Barrister Stanbury r'eturned from.
Whitby Tuesday evening, where he
hod been on professional besiness.
Free Press: -Mr. and Mrs. T. W.
Ilawkshaw and child, of this city, are
the guests of Mr. R. Eacrett, at Brant-
, Mr. and Mrs. G. IV. Holman and
family, of Bayfield, spent the Easter
vacation with friends in and around
Me. and Mrs. Ww. Daw, after a
short visit with velatives here, return-
ed to their home in Benmillea Wed-
Master Fred Bawden'of London, is
spending the Easter holidays with his
Grrandpareut s, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Mv. Senior, of Blenheim, was the
guest, of his son, Joseph, Easter. He
was accompanied by his daughtealVIrs.
ThOLIVIS Snell spent a fe* days
in London during the Week with his
wife, who is still at the hospital there,
but who expects to return home short -
Mrs. D. Rozel returned from a visit
with friends in Walkerton Tuesday,
accompanied by her niece, Miss Dipple,
of Hanover, who will visit with here
for a short time.
Messrs. Thos. Bissett, Geo.. Hodgins
and Wm. Melville left for the Prairie
PrOVIIICO 'Wednesday morning. Mr.
Ilodgins will reside in future with his
son in Winnipeg.
375,000 first class building brick for sale at
Mitchell's -old yard ,1 + miles east of Crediton.
WiLsON arrnElt6ON, orediton East.
McGillivray COntatC11-
. Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment in Town Hall, .McGillivray,April
1st. Present R. I-Iutchinson, Reeve;
M. Miller, A. H. Hodgins, D. Dorman
and T. Prest, Councillors. Minutes
of last nieeting read, approved of and
signed. Miller --Hodgins, that R. Hutchi-
son is hereby authorized to call tt friend-
ly meeting, under the Ditches and
Watercourses Act, to settle the grief,-
ance on centre road, opposite Harri-
son's lot. Carried. Hutchinson -Dor-
man, that this Board appoint an Ar-
bitrator in compliance with petition
presented -at last Council meeting- for
the formation of a Union School Sec-
tion in the Northwest corner of this
tearnslrip. Lost. Miller -Hodgins,
that accounts Os read, amounting to
$77.60 be paid. -Carried.
Miller, that this Council adjourn to
meet in the Town Hall, on the first
Monday in May at ten o'clock, a.m.,
-When gravel contracts will he let and
pathinasters appointed. -Carried.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Dickson, of Lon
on spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs.
'.J. Knight.
Mr. J. H. Grieve attended the funer-
1 ef his aunt Mee 'Webster, at Wing
am Tuesday.
' Mr. 0.. W. Sanders, of Huron College,
Loudon , is spending the holidays at
ns home here.
Mr. R. N. Creech, teachev, of Oriel,
s spending the Easter vacation under
he parental roof.
Master Will McGregor, of Ridge
own, spent Easter with his aunt,
les. Geo. Manson.
Miss Alice Welsh last week visited
er mother, Mrs. `Thos. Welsh, who
ontinues quite ill.
Miss Nellie Stonehouse, of Belgra,ve,
pent Easter holidays with her sister,
les. 13irney, town. '
Mr. P. Dignan, after spending the
olidays at his home here, returned
o London Tuesday.
Miss 0. Rogers, of Parkhill, visited
er brother, Mr. R. Rogers here a few
ays during the week.
Mr. W. 0. Huston, after a pleasant
bit with his brother at Princetown,
turned home Tuesday-.
Miss Maggie McNamee, whO has
en visiting in Lucan and Bicldulph,
terned to town last week.
MiSs May, daughter of Mr, john
nell, has been quite ill for some titne,
dieting from rheurnatigne
MP, Vanderbilt, of Brantford was
10 guest, of his cousin, Mr. P. Dignata
few days during the week.
Mr, L. IT. Dickson is in London this
eek on business in connection with
e Kent -S. Johns law suite
Mr. Alex. Mc/Veyin, late of Sea.
rth, but who is now living with his
other' jolm at Kippen spent it few
ys in town this Week with friends.,
SCHOOr. REponTs.-Fellowing /tee the
names of the pupils who h/tve been suc-
cessful in the Easter Promotion Exam-
inations at 5.S, No. 4., Stephen -Jr
IV. to Sr. IV. --Freeman Morlock, Ar-
thur Amy, F. W. Amy, W. J. Rowe,
R Bastard. Sr. ITL to Jr. IV. -Tom
Roeszler. ' Jr. III. to Sr. III. -Elgin
Arny,W. II. Smith, William Roeszler.
Sr. IL to Jr. IIL-Nora Brown, Melia
Smith, C. Rowe, W. Wein, Della Xes-
tle, 0. Clark, Annie Hartman, W.M6r-
lockainildred Either. Jr. II. to Sr. IL
D. Deitrich, 111. Kestle, August Hart-
11.1an, W. Presecator. Pt. to Jr. IL
Schw/rrtz, L, Hartman, Elde; Wein,
L. Schwartz. Merner.Eilber, Ed: 'Wein
G. Kestle. Part I to Part IL --:Sybella
Matlock, Ethel-Kestle. No op roll 47,
Average attendance 39.
_ H. W. MAY, Teacher.
The following is the list of promo-
tions made in S.S. No. 3, at the recent
Uniform examinations: -Sr. IL to Jr.
III. -Alfred Wuarth, Violet Woods,
Sam Hicks, Tommy Sanders, Earl Box.
Jr. II. to Sr. IL -Ralph Willis, Annie
Hicks, Harry Triebner. Part IL to Jr.
IL -Victor Sweet, Tommy Penhale,
Earl Parsons, Flilda Preszcator, Vinnie
Cookson, May Sanders, Lillie Woods.
Part I. to Part IL -Sherman Willis,
Gladys Deering, Harry Sweet, Eddie
Triebner, T. Whittaker.
T. B. HOOPER, Teacher.
On Friday eveninoelast the families
of 1VIeesrs. Richard, john and William
Delbridge assembled at the hotne of
Mr. Wm. Westcott, and spent a very
enjoyable time. -Mr. W. j. Roy and
wife drove to Mitchell on Tuesday. -
Mr. G. W. Holman, a former teacher,
accompanied lay his wife, has been
visiting friends in the neighborhood --
Mr. Hahlie BrOwn leaves Friilay for
Glencoe where he has accepted a po-
sition in a creamery for the summer. -
The Farmers are busy on the land now,
preparing, for another crop. -Miss
Ethel Godbolt, of St. Marys, is home
for a week's holidays. -Mrs. Bavid,
Arming, of Pickering; visited with her
brother, Thos. White, the past week
SOHoon RIIPORT.--The school report
for the month of March is as follows: -
V. -Linda notate', Dora Delbridge,
Toria, Miners, Sr. IV. -Robert Wilcox,
Ila Delbridge, Gertie Miller, Jr. IV. --
Mable Sawyer, Cecil Camm, May Jones
Sr.III.-Plossie Francis Ella I3erryhill,
Olive Berryhill. Promotion from Sr.
11. to Jr. UL Total maalcs 610; pass
:nark 305:-Wil1ie Elford, 548; Victor
Sawyer, 476; Vera Smale, 455; Vera
Washburn 440; Newton Clarlco 481;
Almena Heywood, 423; Beatrice Wil-
cox, 403; Clarence Miners, 388; George
Coward, 383, Clarence Fletcher, 377;
Addle Johns, 376; Jackson Woods, 810;
Eddie Coward, 326; Othello Heywood,
306, PrornOtion froin Part L to Part
IL --Jack Easson; Earl Johns, Lille
Heywood; Gee. Eason, Alex, Berry -
hill, Clarence Creery.
E, E. Hanna, jeac'ers°
Rat Bros, started their saw mill on
Monday. 'rhey have it large stock of
logs on hand, therefore will be able to
supply lots of lumber to their custom-
ers. -Mr. Allen Currie went to work
on Monday at Farquhar for the s1101 -
mer. Allen will be. missed by young
and old as he was an -all round gem"
fellow. We wish him success. -Our
hotel keepeihad no thoughts of go-
ing to the Not-thwest. Barney says
Khiva is good enough for hitt-a-Mr,
William Holt has been laid rip for
some time with latne back. --The next
time you attempt to sugar -off wait
boysamtil the old lady is away.
A pretty wedding took , place on the
131i141 line, Hay, on Turesdey, when
Mr. MeBride and Miss Willett were
milted in the holy bonds of matrimony,
Three brothers have now married
three sisters, making quite a family.
onfurnoig--Another of our old resi-
dents has passed away, in the person
of Henry Otto, who departed this life
on Sunday' evening: having reached
the ripe old age of 75 yeare. Mr, .Otto,
has been it resident of the, township
of, Hay for the past 40 years. -The
remains were interred in the Lutheran
cemetery on Tuesday. -Mr. E. J.
Hagan has resigned his position as
principal of our school, and left on
Friday last. Mr. Stelck, of Hills
Green, has been engaged in his place,
and has already commenced his duties.
SOdOlfla '
: Quite .a Dumber of muskrats 'are be-
ing 'eaught along the Sauble by the lea
cal trappers,-MaJohn Penhale is pre-
paring to erect a barn this;.aunitmir.-a.
Mr. Sallee el S tan lake had a.11 timber . of
men helping him to raise the mill pipe.
He has 'commenced sawing,- Miss Lin-
ny-Pronty is spending a few days .vis-
iting her uncle, James Green, of Hay.
as -Our teacher, Mise 0. Ferguson, is.
spending her Easter vacation with her
-parents in Manchester.Mr. Joseph
Green, President of the League; deliV-
eredhiS inaugural- address on Sunday -
evening last. -Mr. Win. Snaith has en-
gaged to work on a, farm. in Usborne
the coming sernm er.-MieFrankTrieb-
nee had the misfortune tolose a foal
oii Saturday -7 -The land aronnd here
is drying rapidly and some, .are pre-
paring for spring work.
St. Joseph
The "Canadian lewd" is again get
big tuned up and those tortunate
enough to reside near a swamp will
notavaat for tretsie for a few weeks
to come. -The Messrs. Charrette and
`Beaver are now busy "buzzing" wood,
crushing grain and cutting straw for -
the farmers of this vicinity. -Miss T.
McLeod, teacher of S, S. No. 11, is
spending her holidays visiting her
parents at Kintail. -Mrs. „ T. O'Brien,
who has been visiting her mother,
Mrs. Treffry, who is very sick, return-
ed to her home at Brucefield on Satur-
day. Mrs Treffy still continues very
low. -Several of the farmers in this
vicinity have started spring work. -
N. M. °entitle and E. Becigewnal have
returned home. St. Joseph expects a
boop.-The road grader started work
on the Zurich road on Monday.
Grand Bend
Miss Harriett Gill visited friends in
Boston Sunday. -Quite a number of
our young people attended the ball
held in Hai -non's Hall, Shipka, Mon-
day evening. -Mr. Dan. Bohannon
spent Saturday evening at the Bend. -
Mr. John Spackman, of Exeter, spent
Fricla,y and Saturday here. -Mr. Har-
vey Bossenberry,who has been attend -
mg the Business College at Stratford,
spent Easter under the parental roof.
,-Mr. Ware Oliver, sr., is now attend-
ing to his binder twine business. -Ex-
pect to hear wedding bells soon;
biculars next week. -Farmers have
commenced seeding here. -Messrs. Ed.
and Harmon Gill spent Tuesday in
Exeter. -Mr, Jos. Rayelle intends
taking in the Exposition at Buffalo
this season. -Suckers are done run-
ning to bad boys.-MaPaulter preach-
ed a very interesting sermon in the
Methodist church 'at Grand Bend. -
Mr. Thomas Farell's baby, which died
on Sunday, was buried in the G. B.
cemetery on Monday. -Mr. Bill Oliver.
census enmnerator for this polling
division, is on his rounds.
Too late for last week.
Sucker fishing is the order of the
day. -Mr. Shaw is putting up a black-
smith shop on the corner here which
is a great improvement. -One of Mr.
S. Green's children is tit present very
sick. We hope soon to hear of its
recovery. ---Miss Id, Ravelle, of Forest,
'is home on it vocation. --Mr. Bert
Holt's many friends are sorry to hear
of his departure. He is leaving our
midst fax Shipica, where he has got 11
position for the summen-Mr.
Clarke has taken up his residence on
his farm at Brewster.---IVIr. Joe Ravine
spent a few days in 13uffalo and reports
things booming. -Mr. Walter Jamie-
son, of Klondyke, visited friends here
Sunday. -Mr. Arthur Mollard,of Grand
Marie, is spending it few weeks with
his parents here. -Mr. J. W. Holt is
seen around the corner quite often.
There must be,some
Weddings are growing quite, commori
id this vicinity. -Mr. Shaw tete pUr-
chased the house occupied by theIllev.
Carriere.-Mr. jos. 13renner is in-) i,ov-
ing his lots in "Scotland." by it vire
fenee.-Mr. Harmon Gill is stji seen
wending hi S way to Spider TOwn.
Mrs, A. Mollard, who has heernion th
sick list, has, recovered. -Our lat
shoetna,ker, E. Brenner has resigned
his position m'favor of Mr. 3. Staddon.
-A manber of our young men had a
wheeling exhibition this Week. --Mr.
S. Green is at present mending his
pond nets fOr this season's fishing. --
Our citizens are doing all in their
3otver to make tlie-eelehration, May
24th, it success, t
Gree way
Mr. Chas. Carts r eel ved a telegrain
last week bearing the sad news of his
brother William's death in Pocatello,
Idaho. --Mr. ;John Belling who has
been visiting his daughter in Detroit,
returned home last Pridoy.---The Bea-
tee services in, Grace ehorch on Sunday
were attended hy very large congve-
gations, 'The choir, assisted by a num-
ber from. POrklaill,gaVO el, very fine pro-
gram of music. M. Farnney, of Lon-
don, assisted the pastor in the serviees
and Sarlg SeVerii.,1 bealltiful Easter songs
Suitable for the occasion. --Dr. Gunne
preached a forcible and appropriate
sermon at the Boston alethodist c13urch
on Sunhe day. Tsr
ces ere very
impressive. The church was decorat-
,ed \yidh. flowers, very tastefally group-
ed about the pulpit. The Set'ViCE,S were
rendered specially attreetive by the
excellent Easter music by the choir.
The paR
stor., ev. J. W. Baird, 13, .'i.,
preached it Very inteeesting and ap-
propriate sermon and baptized sever-
al young people and ieceived fifteen in
full connection with the chm-ch.-Miss
A. M. Wilson 81)0(1 Saturday and Sun-
day with Miss belle Baird, in Parkhill.'
-At the annual vestry meeting- held in
Grace church last Monday Messrs.
John R. Wilson and W. J. Baker, wei.e
appointed wardens, and James I. Mc-
Pherson caretaker.
Mr. Frank Coates is spending his
Easter holidays with his brother,Chas.,
at Pontiac, Mich. ---Mr, James Blair
sold a valuable horse one day last
week for which he received a hand-
some figure. ---Mr. Frank Harmer, of
Resseldele, spent Sunday here with
his cousin. Mr. George Harmer. --Mr.
Wm. Blair left on Tuesday for :Mani-
toba. He will be greatly missed among
the fair sex. -Misses Maud Qun
ace and
Olive Dempsey, of Exeter, spent a few
days here last week, the guests of Mrs.
m. Skinner. -Mrs. John Her
eurned home Tuesday, afte,r- visiting
her sister in Mitchell for the past two
weeks,--Miss'Laura Hicks, of Cromer-
ty, is visiting friends here.-MoAubry
Buswell has acce,pted it position as tai-
lor with Mr. Jenkins, of Listowel. -
Miss Viney Fisher, of Exeter, spent
Good Friday here with her consin,Mrs.
Richard. Coates. --The farmers are busy
making preparations for their spring
work --Mr. Sohn Essery has engaged
Mr. Gee. Hockey, of Crediton, foe the
coing summer. -The school is closed
for Easter and the teacher is taking
his well earned holidays. -Mr. George
Buswell has parchased a handsome
driver. -A number from here attended
the concert at Centralia on Thursday
evening and rei,ort it pleasant time.-
The othceee theEPworth League for
the corning year are as follows: -Hon.
Pres. Rev. S. Salton; Pres., R. E. Bus-
well;lst Vice Pres.,Miss Botta Essery;
2nd Vice Pres., Miss Blanch Rook; Or-
ganist, Miss Clara Luxton; Treasurer,
Homer Buswell.
CreditOn. •
Fon, SAcc.--The undersig,ned has for sale a quanti-
ty of very choice Red Clover and Alsike seed; alSo
a quantity of Timothy.
Go ss, ZW1CRER
Miss Mabel Hill, of Clinton, is spend-
ing Easter holidays here, the guest of
her aunt, Mrs. (Dr.) Rivers. -Our Pub-
lic school closed last Thursday for the
Easter holidays. The teachers have
left for their respectiye homes to spend
the vacation. -Mr. and Mrs. Matthew
Chambers and family moved to Sene-
lac, Mich., on Tuesday, where they in-
tend to live in the future. -Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Zwicker were in London
last Friday. -Our Chief gave the boys
a run last Friday to test their alert-
ness in case of a fire.-Wuerth; Haist
& Co. have engaged a few men from
Stratford and Dashwood to fill the
vacancies in the flax mill, caused by
the men legving to work on the brick
and tile yards this spring. -Mrs. Um-.
bach, of Wavle°, is Visiting her par-
ents, Mr. and Nies. Diebold Stahl. -
The Misses Ella Link and Edna Eilber
are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Willi/1,ra
Kunz, Exeter. -Mr. Piney, of Chicago,
spent last Sunday here, the guest ofr
Mrs. Mathew Winer. -M. Henry Eil-
bee attended the Directors' meeting of
the Hay Company in Zurich last Sat-
urday. -Mr. George Bloomfield is at-
tending the Teachers' Associatien Con-
vention in Toronto, this week. -A
number of our citizens attended the
Public School Concert in Centvalia
last Thursday. -Mr. Wib. Clark, of
Grantor), spent Easter here with his
parents. --The Cantata entitled " Ras-
ter Echoes " given in. the Methodist
church last Friday night by the Sun-
day School was a great suacess. The
Cantata was greatly enjoyed as WAS
also the address given by Rev. Powell,
of Dutton.--Bieycles have been taken
rom their winter quarters and are
now to be seen everywhere. -Mr. 0,
Ewald spent Easter with, his aunt,
Mrs. &own, of London. -Mr. and
Irs. Jolla Preeter, of Zurich, were the
uests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brown
ast Sandaya-Our census enumerators
ire making slow progress. Some of
he people absolutely refuse to give
he information requirect-Misa Rap-
ey, of London, is visiting Miss Emma
ewis this week. -A number of our
ownsmen were off fishing at the lake
1st Friday, hut they came back empty
anded.-Miss Wyatt, of St. Thomas,
s the guest of Miss Aggie Fa.hner.-
r. Fred Weiti is having brick drawn
or his new dwelling. -A quiet wed-
ii$g took place on Tuesday, 2nd inst.,
tithe residence of Mr. and, Mrs. Ro-
eel., Gower, when their daughter,
liss Mary, was wedded to Mr. Fred
terker, of London. Rev, Hesser, B.
tied the knot in the presence of
he relatives of the contracting par-
es. The happy couple left the same
yening fax Lendon where they Will
eside. 'We Wish them it long , and
woe, married life. -Easter Sunday
roug1.3t out the Spring hats, but
asn't it a little premature, consider -
g the weather ?-Mr. -Frank Smith
ft for London last Friday, where he
irs secured a sititation as barber.--
ticcess Frank,
Large stook of Leather -pine and hemk
70,000 feet of hem leek I era b or for barns, etc. ,
also.shingles, lath and cedar posts. Prices
reasonable JAS. WILLIS, Yard: East side
Alain ,,t.•—•
The Public school concerti` gotton uP
by our popular school teacher Mr. W.
13. Bagshaan was given last Throaday
night night in the Town Hall and was
a decided success. The hall was filled
inside and out, and those who took
part in the detunt entitled "Out iu
the Streets" acquitted themselves in
a very creditable inanner. The aetors
were Edgar Buswell, T. 13o 03, W.
Lane, M. Mitchell, Geo. Hieks, 1,V.
l3aynhaan, and Misses Lillian Salton,
L. Elliott, A. Heatable and M. Bayn-
hana The ellair was token by the
Rev. S. Salton. --The Easter services
iu the Methodist church were yeey tn
terestffig on 3D stet' Sunday. --Mrs.
Cattertnole, of Ildertnn, spent Easter
with friends here and Miss Millice
Payne, of St. Thomas, spent the holi-
days at the Methodist paesonaele.---
Lao. Sunday a very ceitieal operation-,
-was performed. by Dr. ,I,yisharp, o,„
London, and local docters upon Ma'.
W. B. Bagshaw, principal' of our
Public School. The operation was
successful, but Mr. B. is in a critical
condition and doubts are entertained
of his recovery. Mrs. Ross, the inoth7
er of Mrs. 13. arriyed on Sunday a -flee&
noo e an niversary services of
the. Epworth League will be held
here neat Sunday and Monday. On
Sunday the Rev. H. J. Fair, of Lateen,
will preach morning and evening a/3d
at Eden at 2.30. On Monday it public
tea will he given in the basement,
after which an entertainment will be
given, consisting of music, solos, and
addresses by local-eninisters. Admis-
sion 20cts., children ItIctts. A good
time anticipated. -Mr. Atkinson, jr.,
who recently moved into our village
from Biddielph township, has taken to
his bed with pneumonia. -We sym-
pathise deeply with Mr. Chris. Basker-
ville,sa, a former ,resident.of this place
in the loss of his aged partner, who
died in Exeter last Saturday. Mrs.
Baskerville was a good neighbor and
always ready to help where there was
sickness and death. She Will be great-
ly missed.
Blanshard: An utiusually sad death,,
was that of Miss Rolston, on Tuesday.
She was just entering young woman-
hood when that dreaded disease, con-
sumption, gained a foothold in. her'ays-
tem and piarked her for its Own. De-
ceased has been ill for about two years
and her death was therefore not unex
Clinton: On To riatty a.m. Mrs,
John W. Watkins passed from time
into eternity. She had enjoyed „ good
health up to the Satuaday previous, it
was not until Monday that she became
seriously ill, and passed away on Fri-
day, the disease defying the combined
skill and experience of the medical
men. The deceased was only four
years married and leaves a husband
and two small children to mourn their
great loss. Mrs. Watkins, who was
only in her twenty-sixth year, was a
daughter of the the late Richard
Brown of Londesboro.
Don't 'think our Vapo -
Cr esolene” is 'something
, new, for it isn't. For more,
than twenty years it has .
been extensively used* for
all forrns of, bronchial and
throat trouble, .Mrs.. B,allington
Booth said of it, years ago, that "No
family where there are young child,' -
ren should be without Vapo-Creso-
lene." You breathe -in the vapor, it
does all though the bronchial tubes
soothing, healing, curing. It'f
pleasant, safe, economical. is
Vapo-Cresolene is sold by druggists everywhere
The Vaporizer and Lamp, which should last a life
time, and a bottle of Cresolene complete, $T,50
extra supplies of Cresosene 05 cents and so cents
Illustrated booklet containing physicians' testi-
monials free upon request. VAPO-CRESOLUNE
tdo Fulton St,, New York, U.S.A,
DUNCANT--Ab Winchelsea, on April
3rd, the wife of Wm. Duncan, of a
DainfRo-Htno-E8.-At the residence
of the 'bride's parents, on April 3rd,
by the Rev. Clargis, Mr. Seines Dear-
ing, son of Mr. \VIII. Dearing, Step-
hen, to Miss Clara Hedges, London
1?alaKE11,-- GOWER --At the residence of
the liride's parents, on, April 2nd, by
the Rev. J. Hussrue Mr. Fred W.
Paticer, of London, to Miss Mary B.
Gower, of Crediton.
BASKERVILLE.-Tn Exeter, on alpril
6th, Jane Harding, beloved wife of
Ma.. Christopher Baskerville, sr.,
aged 82 years.
ROLSTON.--In Planshn rd, on April 2,
Fannie Rolston, aged 26 year's.' '
DuuTON. --In 131/trishard, on March 31,
Elizabeth Sheldon, relict of the late
John Dutton, aged 46 years.
1)ql8TY.-Ill St. Marys, on March 80,
Janet McIntyre, wife of Samuel
Dusty, aged 70 years.
MORRIE:a-1n Clinton, on April 1st,
Mrs. W. D, MCBrien, aged 24 years.
TOWERS -1n Clinton, on April 1, Mrs,
Peter TOWCVS, aged 79 years.
Mareli 20,
Mrs. John W. Watkins, aged 20
years, 2 months, 15 days,