Exeter Advocate, 1901-4-4, Page 711 >t le .d Id re fd c, :i. is fE Oyu t; le r, s.' is e- s- o - f e` et ta- to r-' of ta, P- ae 19a ar it ed Id r, zn .ft ed n• ad ea, aw ail t ho by •t- old fly as or it u- es, he n 'fe- le- fe-le- :0- .ta_ he he Lei ilia ky it ,cd o\? ed, dna aid al'• nn- Dry •ty, Oka tt` iI its SUFFERING WOMEN.r MESSAGE OF IIOPE TO THE WEAK AND DEPRESSED. l grateful `l5`a9s5.0a;t'1'c11s of iter lteleaa.sul Front thr, Agonies 'chat Millet ilcr Sex After Three Heelers 1101 Failed to Help Iter., I The amount oaf, suffering' 'borne �, by }.ayomf,en throughout the country, can never be eat inlet Silently, a1mo;st ]vol 1essly, they endure "from day to syay afflictions that can only fall to the lot of women. The following storyoff the e:ufferin and release of � G Mrs. Charleel.IHoeg, of Southampton, p , N.S., ought to bring hope arid health mriaird happiness to other sufferers. Mrs. Hoeg soya:—"For nine out ''of the thirty-two years of say lifei 7; have` suffered as? no woman, unless she has been similarly afflicted, can imagine 1 could suffer and yet have lived. Three weeks out of four Iwould be unable tb 'noove, about and, indeed, at no inre.„w,aa really ,fit to attend to my household duties:: 1 consulted physi- clans—three of the midst skilful doc- tors in the county of Cunberlaiid. at different times had charge- of my. case. Thesb "all agreed in their diag- nosis:, but the treatment Varied, and while at times I would experience Sento relief„ at no time was) there `any ;hope given me of a permanent cure. Many g a night when I;went to bed I. would 'have been glad if death had come before morning. I never had • , ranch faith in proprrgtmedicines, , but at one time nook a half dozen bottles of a blood -making compound that was ,hi hl reeognmcnded. This, ,highly litre anyf'hing else, failed to help me, There :seemed to be not a particle of blood in my body. My face was ab- solutely colorless, and my, appetite, ethane!: entirely deserted me. I often saw inI the newspapers letters testifying to the merit a of Dr. Williams' Pink Pille, but nine years of suffering and discourage meet had made: me too sceptical to eee any hope of relief, when, doctor% bad failed to effect a cure. But at last I came across thie story of a sure near h'om'e—that of Mr. Mosel Boss', of Rodney. T knc(w that: at one Inane he had been regarded as a hope- loss , consum tive and his cure' consumptive, through Dr. [<3'iilliam!s' Pink Pills, de- termined me to try them. I. had not taken two boxes be'fore I began ' to feel 'better, and grew confident of a cure. I kept on takingthe ill all I 9 ppills, 'he time fee in new blood in -ra m 1 � y „/eins; activity, returning to my linebu, -.tend the !feeling of depression gradu- 'illy wearing 'away. 'lo many women :it rosy seem ;incredible that the mere ainaking of • near blood in. my veins ;oouid restore to a healthy condition ;Yitisplaced -internal organs, but this .$as been my happy experience. My -rains have all left nee, and I am' now es healthy a woman • asthere is in .this place. This health I owe to Dr. ,iV1]lianf:s' Pink Pills, which have res - .cued mc. from a life of suffering, if. not from the grave.” Dr. Williams''' Pink Pills' are especi- ally valuable to women. They build up the blood, restore the nerves, and eradicate those troubles, which make the lives of so Many, women, old and young, :a burden. Palpitation of the Skeart, nervous headache and nervous prostration 'spee•dily yield to this wonderful medicine. These pills are. sold only in boxed, the trade mark: and wrapper printed in red ink, at 60 cents a box, or sits boxes. for 62.50, and may be had of druggists, .or direct by mail from. Di. yU 1liams', Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont. TORONTO'S WIRES. ea— 'l 'hey Would ➢teach to Srai:h Africa, Fence to the. Rebel States: and 'fang the ltebels. ,The length of wire used'= in the transaction of Toronto's rapid: transit and despatch bus]ness is sufficient to Inn a cable of our own around the ,world, with a 'branch line to the North Pole. It would be long enough to follow, the route of the first Cana- dian contingent to South Africa, and return, make a fence around the whole of the Transvaal and ' Orange River alm.-Colony, and still have enough' wire 'to hangall the Boers captured dur- ing the war. iff all the electric wires in Toron- to were_ strung together their com- bined length would reach a distance of over 24,000 miles. Of this the "Het- --+aa--"�,f"'lo Girl" controls moresthan one half,: the 13e11 Telephone Co.'s "mileage being placed roughly at 13,500 miles, while the telegraph companies use 3000 miles between them. The Toronto El eetric anq the Incandescent Light Companies require nearly 6000 miles of wire for the transmis$ibn of light ern and power, while the Tdronto Street fora '( Railway uses only W15 miles ,in the •op-',' oration of the '85'miles 'of trolley road in the city. The Toronto Fire Depart- ment's signal boxes require 80 miles of'wiire and the Felice <Patrol .Depart- ment about 45 miles. ''A force', of over 200 men is employed constantly ;keep - 'mg y p \ng the' various lines in repai • and erecting new linea throughout the &ity. In. 1885 there ltvere at work on the Panama Canal 10,000 'men, 160`lecomd= lives, 12,000 waggons, and 7 4 c reel *e,rs€� each callable of digging 100,000 cubic 'yarrrla 4/lor bwy;. Dr. the «e'8 -ac- ti 0 a ' met nee, 7ple Jo X Ede Ilia lane eat, olvn ipt,/ I!' to lira' NEW SILK GOWNS. Smart Im'asleions In Ir oulnrds, IIloth the Costly and the cheap. There has come a departure from high priced foulards to those of mod- erate price and still further to very ebcap ones. Although any one buy- ing this last named ,cannot expect to get more than one season out of it, she will get a more economical gown than if it were a washable fabric. Accepting this fact, there are few prettier ways of making up•these cheap foulards for yowler persons than to plisse the skirts aucl bodices and, for matrons, to flounce the skirt lu fitted pieces or to gather them on slightly in straight stripes. Vogue, in giving the styles here enumerated, illustrates also two more elaborate and costly confec- tions. One costume is of violet and whife figured satin foulard over white taf- DAINTY SPRING COSTUMES, feta. The foundation is circular, with a deep shaped 'circular flounce with ac- cordion plaiting and black lace. The foulard drop skirt is also circular, with deep flounce edged with narrow lace. The waist fastens at the back; sleeves slightly full. The dace bat is banded with deep violet velvet and has a mass of violets on the crown and leaves trailing over the brim. The second figure is Ivory white fou- lard with biuet rings and polka dots over taffeta; the trimming, venise lace points; sleeves in two deep points, with venise undersleeves and a soft girdle of black velvet. A nenpolitan hat of folded black mousseline, with deep yel- low rose under the brim at the left, completes this costume. Carriage and: Clothes. "Carriage is one of the chief essen- tials,"`says a social authority. "I have seen women who simply by the way they held themselves appeared several inches taller and showed to greater ad- vantage than a companion to whom nature alone had been far kinder. The next thing, of course, is clothes; not alone what they are, but the man- ner to which they are put on. Every one knows that some women look dow- dy in the most elaborate confections from the best French ateliers, while others show style and grace in cotton gowns that have been made by a home dressmaker. Such adaptability is gen- erally a natural gift, but it ,can also. be acquired, and It behooves every wo- man to study her personal appearance and how she can make the best of her- self. Older women often score in this way over their younger rivals. We cannot look' young, but at least we may look new." Benzoin For the Toilet. Benzoin as a tincture is an excellent thing for the toilet. Tine fragrant, resinous substance soothes, heals, stimulates and whitens the skin. Three or four drops in a basin of water for a face rinse after -the morning bath will give a smoothness otherwise hard to obtain. Where the skin needs cleans- ing add a little pinch of refined borax to the benzoin water, dry well and, if needed, rub the ;face, especially at night, with the cold cream. Stylish, Nev Il.rding Coat.' A swell riding coat for the coming season is illustrated by Vogue. This coat is of covert cloth stitched with RRIAING COAT OF COn'BRT MOTE. silk in the same color. It has a fly front and flap pockets fastened with email bone buttons. The 'Value of Apples,. ' Apples are said pp to be tho best Poon for brain workers, as they contain r mote phosphoric acid than any other fruit. They also promote sleep and thoroughly disinfect the mouth. A raw apple is digested • in one hour and a half. If taken. freely at breakfast with breez breed and no meat. they have 'an admirable effect on the system. 'For those wbo da not care for raw apples baked "ones are, equally goon; ft ) S1ItT11!i' 8 :lDE'7L' E An Honest and Earnest : Friend of the Sick 8looaks. Ile Tolls 1Cta Patlentil to VierDahiai's kidney I'i11y end the ateults Prove Ills \I'is• dont in Bal IAolug.^ l'{icolet, Que., Mar. 25.—Special.—Dr., W. Smith, of thie place, reports two cases of Kidney Disease cured by Dochl s Kidney Pills, which are very. striking testimonials to the merit, of this great medicine. The subjects are Mr. Caleb Rivard and Mr. Joseph Hamel. Mr. Rivard suffered from incontin- ence of the urine day and night.He was eo worried by the discharge of urine at night, ,that' he: purchased from, Dr. Smith a rubber instrument to protect his bed. Dr. 'Smith, advised Kidney Pills. die bought -some' and soon reported to the doctor that he was quite cured. The trouble had en- tirely disappeared. air. Hamel writes of ,his case t— T'suffered. with Kidney Disease for three or four years so bad that I would hate to lay' off work two or three days every week. T was' con- tinually sick, and was forced to walk likean old man, being all bent with the pain. • I had lost all my energy. I heard of Dodds:Kidne'y. P'ills'. 'Af- ter Ihad taken a few 'doses, I was delighted to find myself improving. Thus encouraged, I continued, and after the third box my trouble had entirely disappeared. I could stand and walk upright without any pain cg stiffness whatever. This is over six months ago, and I have not had the slightest return of the trouble or pain." These cures have ,caused quite a sensation in this neighborhood, as both gentlemen are well known. Dodd's Kidney Pills: are very popu- lar in Nieolet. PARLIAMENTS OF THE WORLD. British House of Coauwons Ilan the aargtet I:ody of haiw-.11aatltcr�. The largest parliamentary body of lawmakers is. the British l House of Commons, the membership of which is 670. The French Chamber of De- puties, representing a constituency numerically smaller than, the British Commons, has a membership of 584, the Italian Parliament 508, the Hun- garian House of Representatives 453, the Spanish Cortes 431, the Austrian Reichsratl. 425, and the German Reichstag; the smallest of the Euro- pean. Parliaments, 397. The present membership of the Unit- ed States House of Representatives, is 357, which i$ less that that of any of the European law -making bodies, and the next House of Representatives will be made up of 380 members. In large American States the gen- eral tendency is to limit the member- ship of the Legislature, so that it shall not be unwieldly, though there are 250 members of the lower house. of the Massachusetts Legislature and 181 members of the lower house of the Georgia Legislature. The Canadian Parliament, under the apportionment of 1892, (consists of 213 members. The Iioule of Greece con- sists of 2x07 members and the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil has 212 mem- bers. T cured a horse of : the mange with MINARD'S LINIMENT. CHRISTOPHER SAUNDERS. Dalhousie. I cured a 'horse badly torn by a pitch fork. with. MINARD'S LINI- MENT. EDWARD LLNLiE'. St. Peter's C.B. 1 cured a horse' of a bad swelling with MINARD'S LINIMENT. T73OMAS W. PAYNE. Bathurst, N.B. j , When. Ding Edward VII. was a boy he very often event down from Wind- sor to Eton, 'where Sze, had more than one friend at the•school. It was by the express wish: of the Queen that evh'en the Prince of Waled -id -sated the college he was to be received with no ceremony. This was literally carried out on one occasion, When the young Prince, wandering away from the Gen- tleman -in -Waiting was suddenly ,greeted by a boy with the familiar question: "What's your name 9 Where do you board 9'Who's your tutor ?" The Prince saw: the situation and gravely 'replied : "My name is Wales ; I board at Windsor Castle; and my dame— not my ame--•not;my tutor—is the Queen." Then he shook hands with the inquirer, who so far fromibeing abashed, ',merely re- marked, " You're in ver,; good iqua.r- tern, sir." i Thlg signature, is en every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo. uinine Tablets Q: e remedy t cures a.eolai Lr. one 1,119 that _... :.�. F I For two; hours a faahlona'ble lady kept the draper exhibiting his goods, and at Itlhe enol ,elf that period she Sweetly aske .W "Are you euro you have shown Inc everything you have ?"' "No, madam," said the draper; ".I have yet an old account in nay ledger I'11` gladly show' you. He did not need to ,allow any More. : ( I'ATOIILNG UP TWO NAVAL RELICS Two of the most venerable, relics of the I'rencl.f cavy --the diepatch (boats Inconstant and Papia—have been bought by the republic of ?Ecuador and. are now; being patched up to be sent to their destination. Colonel lvl Ke e: ' k clf, during the siege of Kimberley, was `approached by a private who asked "Colon el, when do you expect were l � ,going 'to get some- thing to eat 2" ' Eat I ,excl'lif e n d the Colonel, '-did you join the armymere- ly ly: to get something to eat 2" "Well, that's about the size of it." " Here," ' calling an officer give this somethipg to eat:," gt him r and then have him shot." The officer understood the joke, and replied:. " All right, Colon- el." The private; exhibiting no alarm said: "Boil mea'ham, bap'n, stew up ,a couple of chickens, bake two or three pounds of potatoes, fetch'' a gallon .o' beer and loaduns. erg With g WiC h such in- ducements the man that wouldn't be willing to die is a blitherjn' .idiot." A :hearty meal was prepared for the soldier, but he still lives. You need not cough all night and dis- turb your friends there is no occasion for you running the risk of contracting in- flammation of the Tangs or consumption, while you can get .13iek1e's Autr-Con-. sumptive Syrup, Timis medicine cures coughs, colds, ]uflanzmatlon of the :lungs and all throat and chest troubles. I•t pro- motes a free and easy expectoration, which immediately relieves the throat and lungs from viscid phlegm. Fond Mother, g to daughter;—"Jen- pie, hter; Jen- nie did you kiss tyoung Gaskins again to -night 2" Daughter --"Yes, 1nam- Hila; he's just lost 'an uncle, and .1 was sot sorry for him. Fond Mother:— "Well, Jennie, let this be the last. I'm afraid if you keep on encourag- ing I g in'g him with your sympathy, Inc: won't ''have a relative left in the wide, wide. world." Iiiaard's Liniment Cures' Dandruff. Very Young Man—"You wouldn't think it, but I've just paid X5,000 cash for a house, all made 'by myf own pluck ;and perseverance." Young Lalcly-"Rs'aliy! What business are you in -2 Very Young Man -"I'm a son rn-la'at. •----mea--- ' Are your corns harder to remove than those that others have had? Have they not had the sante -king ? Have they not been cured by using Holloway's Core Cure ? Try a bottle. Well, you knots', Mr. Winters," said Miss Oldfield, airily "a girl of eigh- teen is quite, as' Old as a:man of twen- ty-one." "Oh, frequently," retorted Winters ; I know an eigliteen-year-old maiden who was born in 1872." Employer, sternly, to clerk, -"I'm not .nt . all. satisfied with your ac - a t r.Clerk—"Why e ' h coca�t ,s, B gs e Gl,xk.—"W y not, sir ? 'Aren't they well : dome 2 Em- ployer -"Yes, too well done; they're cooked. STATE of Onto, CITY' EP' TOLEDO, } ss. Luc,ls COUNTY. '• FRArrrc J. CHIENEY makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of, F. J. CHENEY &r. Co., doing busine s'in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE IO1JNDRJCD DOL - LA RS for each and every case of CATARRH that, cannot he cured by the use of Marls CATARIin CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 5th day of December, A.D. 1300. A. W GL EesON' i SEAL. : Notary P•ubllc.' hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. • F. J. CIIENISY Sr,. CO., Toledo, 0 Sold by Druggists, 75e. Ilal1 s Family Pills are the best. THA T : BOY AGIADT. Mrs. Eilkins, sweetly—Do have an- other piece of cake, Cousin John. Cousin john—Why, really, I:ve al- r'.eady had two ; but it's so good I believe I will have another. 0 Little Johnnie, excitedly,—Ma's a 0' winner ! Ma's a winner 1 She ,said she'd bet you'd 'make a pig of your- - self ! 1 st. atvaltata.ear as mw WE CIIALLI NQls' Till, NO1 D to produce a dunk as gratifying - s You notice the fine' paints when you drink it. Little style, best of quality and accurate quantity. Lead Packages 25, 30, 40, 50 and 60 Cfxsits, REGULAR ANNIVERSARY. i l[Terey—Girls; take things 'tio litet ally, you know. Ferd-As .for example ? Five years ago, when in sister Y wail 25, I wished her many happy re- turne. And ifu o y believe it, her twenty-fifth birthday returns regia+ larly every Year. .1 A SUBTLE ISA.NC , , L,L+ VLRUIat�.NC'L. What, nralceso m y u ;iau..,ll at every- thing that young man says ? Because I dislike 'flim, answered ,Miss Cayenne. T want to get et Ili m to thinking he can't open, his lips with- out saying something' clever, and: then watch him make a fool of him- self. l'tinar ' a Neuralgia., +� s LIni11Ic1It igclioves A Magistrate who prided hinfself on his sense el justice ';vias called upon to estimate tlhe damages which : a cow; had/ done bd a garden. He viewed the premises] and ,gave liberal dam- ages, whereupon he wat introduced to the•mar'auding cow, which turned out to be his own, whereat: the consci'en- tiduS mlagistrate was enraged. Prevent Disorder.—At the first symp- toms of internal disorder, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills should be resorted to im- mediately. Two or three of these sani- tary pellets, taken beforegoing to bed, followed by doses of one or two pills for, two or three nights in 'succession, will serve as a preventive of attacks of dys- pepsia and all the discomforts which fol- low iu the train • of that fell disorder: The means are simple when the way is known Workmen's wages average 48s. 'a week in the, `United States, 40s. in Aus- tralia, 31s. in England, ' and only 15s. in Italy. One trial of. Mother .Grave's Worm Ex- terminator will convince you that it has no equal as a worm medicine. Buy a bot- tle and see if it does not please you. [Compared with the death -rate be- tween 1874-1878, improved medical sci- ence saves 400' lives a day in the pnit- ed Kingdom. . Minard's liniment for see ev erpviiere In 1890 there hvere 17,760 papers and magazines published in the United States and Canada. To -day there are 24,230. FOR OVER 0' FT'rYEARS MRS.'WINSLOW'S SoOrrtING SYRUP has been - used }iyanbtherafor their children tecth teething. Itsoo hes the child,softens the Sums, :allays pain, cures wind, colic, and isthe best remedy for diarrhxa. 25c.a bottle. Sold by nil. druggists' throughout the world. Be sax* and rile fa " Mra. wind CM'S Soothint Syrup,". Tobacconist -cigars ?: Yes, sir. 'Here Messrs. Northrop & Nyman Co, are the proprietors of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, which is now being sold in immense quantities throughout the Dominion. It is welcomed by the suffering invalid everywhere with emotions , of delight,, because it banishes pain and gives inerant relief. This valuable specific for almost "every i11 that flesh is heir to," is valued by the sufferer as more precious than, gold. It is the elixir of life to manya wasted frame. To the farmer it is iuuis pensable, and it should be in every house. Poet—"Did you get my book of son- nets that I Sent you?" His friend "Oh, yes—delightful! L couldn't sleep till I'd read 'em." A Cure for Costiveness. ---Costiveness comes from the refusal of the excretory organs' to perform their duties regularly' from contributing causes usually disor-, ordered digestion. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills,preparedscientific i ,nn scieut f,. principles, are so compounded that :certain ingredients in them pass through thestomach and. act upon the bowels so as to remove thcir torpor and arouse them' to propel ,action Many thousands are prepared to bear ter timony to their power in this respect. ,. After the .adoption of a proper drainage system, mortality in Bristol fell from 100 do 65 per 100,000 inhabi ants. , 1 iliilld rd's Liniment' (dregs Burns etc, The Yedrlo earthquake of _ 1703 !was a world's record for destructiveness. One hundred' and ninety thousand were killed. T, N. U 317 AVENUE HOUSE—\IOGiII-College Avemre Family Hotel rates *Lot/ .. : For day., Hotel Balmoral Montreal. Fre 4)B Am. P. 51.50 up. mt.'. $10i; PRINTED in one, or many colors or STRIPED at low prices. Sam; pies furnished on request. Special quotations for car loads or large are some I got in specially for Pres- lots. Write for prices. LL, PEC PAPER salts. Cums'o-They fvon't do. 'I want TORONTO WRAPPING some to smoke myself. PAPER COMPANY 75 Adelaide-st. West. .rC t best results Sii11' sour 8 ��d�l J `6l ilk OUTTER, CSOS, POULTRY, APPLES. other FRUITS U011 PI100IJCE, to r "� 0 Limitod,Urr;Westimiarketand Daws G®l'':'B Bssion Co. ColborneSt.,Toianco. exg,i 9otyaarav®nC& '®e3 e E � �"✓fl4 qvicartlyv..14b.W20 If I use.that Paint on my house will it do any good ? Of course di it will if it's the right Paint. The right Paint will : preserve the house, beautify it, increase its value and give it a smart appear- anee among its fellows. Ramsay's Paints will do all this for you and more. I1 you want to see inodels of beautiful homes painted, and learn all about Paint, drop a card and ask for BOOKLET "K," free. A..RMEJJSAY & SDN Paten P,ARKERS M RITREAL.' Est'd 1542 en 1,"%2, tbistv'C4/st►•'FY'rr''SRJtimr-zPo,'m'7i,,Na/4•Yavit,1i'. is a sure indics tion 'of Sexual ' Weakness or other Nervous trouble, Failing Powers or Diseases of the KidneysandPelvic Region. A w'o plan's backache tells of that weakness which makes it a labor and agony to live. Backache „ �„f .,�;ti :'at home by the and its numerous causes can quickly 4 , 'q., vie• t , -, , -. St.%.a: �: and positively be c `"� a unique, safe and successful method of electric treatment which gently and soothing ly dispels pain and saturates the whole body with renewed vigor, mak- ing life worth living. It' is known as MoLoughiin's Method of self -Applied EEact icat Treatment. It' is worn comfortably at night while the patient sleeps, and DOES NOT BURSA OR RUSTIER, as do other, appliances which have enough power to be curative. patient applying to the aching spot q p HN-Q,PAY,. After you are cured you can pay me, and then the price will be only one-half what is asked for the old style belts, which have been blistering and burning the backs of the wearers for the past 36 years. Aly Belt is three times as strong as any other Felt sold, and is the only one 6xtraots from a Few of the Testimonials on File in Otw Of?ica % Iwouldas to nil who are trorlblel:with lame Dear Sit,-Yonrl3o11Sascurecitnywelnir tank, I Iwon11maty that y,ac belt has done alt•ou back mitt all cLscases emumOri nmerng mini, i,hat .Hover fCel any pam note. I told yoit bcfmo 7gof claimed ,E �Fndld. Ihv,Cr, iaot nn Hobo or ie pair youriioltio what they want to get. Yews truly, yotlr Halt 1. could hallclly a15 en: after a hod clay's now, I world net mite treble what. I pn id for it. c •idge Ont. : A. L. Widdifielit : work, ' A ila �'s work to not toil to me now. J1'nluta ibec Labe , at ' M Uxbridge u . vo S 1 0 w:] , 1_c7)e,irlott.. I woritd not takorloalble what 0 paid for your Thos., W. Terris,.. 1 am perfectly Satisfied with your Belt es far as r ,. bco til Ont., 4 ,.. belt;t I could not get another, I haven't @ I1opc 1 c, haul n.pillt, 1 Jiepi ti gu,tl don Lottei, troubled whir my back since rasing it, : Yoere Truly _ Y,onca very trn}y,.. The �•ir'0tif to Ont. FL'illranc ail;9 h. an icon . Ont H. Davis: n pe ,ee0tvhi l coal to IncSic that ano_ heer , t IC , 0 , name. stomas. tau. I feel confident Si.Ll b ,cub tont in another er ..:o i :Dear have disappeared pares in knee and ty back port's o saki entirely well, •h minis allgoneniiil ionbi.'ltvillbeeulircl� 1Vry b s e y tv e t e Hai month y cured, limbs have tit nppeai'ed entirely, My baric is O. 1C. at}mntmeiv troubles have leftnio. DcILm•tliou^e 1t, A. 11 erinrcn' Renfrew, Ont.' Janreshargnlinrson 21 FairAvcune, "Brantford, Ont. Chnl,mr,il2an. • 'CALL. T0•DAV OR Iliire FOR My 80.550:3 ROOK, MITA IttrORMAT(SN. ,100:1m55; 180 Yt14t Il STI15Ii3T, OF'.FIOE 10015718; „ r�re a �eO W+'.L ,•U431 -11.1m-. _.,. g.. 9 n,.in.. to B.,,Q p.m arra tM