Exeter Advocate, 1901-4-4, Page 1Wii111,11111KONIMMIONMS.4101.7.1.0,121
wrctromarornseenceataargavvmsraupcmposrv....-....men......assm...m.c....e............-smar -
)101,1 -EY ,TO LOAN,
Wo have unlimited private funds for in.
vestment upon farm or 'village property, at
o west rates of interest,
Dioxsoti & CARLING,
Barristers, etc., Exeter.
have a largo 11,1.11ot:i11t of private funds to
loan on farm and village pre pertios at low
rates of interest.
Barrister, Main Street Exeter.
Sale Register.
Q ale of 50 acres and farm chattels of hitc
1...) Edward Stewart on Thursday. the 11 ill
April, iD01, at 1 o'clock p.su.
,TouN GILL' Anotionei r
Notice is hereby giyon that the parn tership
heretofore subsisting between us the under-
signed, as Oarria,ge Manufacturers, in the
Village of Orediton , County of Huron, has
been this clay dissolved by mutual consent.
All debts owing to the said. partnership are
to be paiti o William H, Wenzel, at the
Village of Crediton, aforesaid, and all
claims against the said partnership are to
be presented to the said William. B. Wenzel:
by whom faro same will be set tied.
Witness 5 W 11 WErzv,t,
1II1711131SRT Ertnin, tWittiig Ricistz,
Dated at,Croditon this .21st clay of March,
"'moa mat
el:dance the. Provisions of the Liqusr
License Act, public notice is 'hereby given that a
meeting:of the I3oard of License Conussioners for
he district of South iturort will be held at Scott's
)Totel, in the Village of Hensall, ottlie 19th day of
April, 01 10 o'clocic,a, m., 10 consador applicatIons for
the sale of LiquorRi the said district of ,SOutli Huron
fit 1001-1902. 'New applicants fm. Tavern Lit1g:15e.
are FriggieMertin. for Varna Ifetel; Mrs. Nicholson,
tor Iilake Hotel; CI. 0. Petty, for new Hotel in the
Village of Tiensall; for shop, L. C. .Tackson, Seaforth.
Licenses issued for current )•et.u.lvere Towo Tavern 5,
Shop 2; Village Tavern 0, shop ..);,Taverri six months
f; Township Tavern 20.
ApplientiOlIS foi ilc,uiltg year are Town Tavern 6,
hop 2. Villahe Tavern 0, shop 2. Township Tdvern
Any petition against she granting of License to any
new applierolu or Premises named must be lodged
witlt undersigmed at least four days before the
meeting of the Board.
License InSpector,
April 2 1001 Seaforth.
Take notice that, the Municipal Council of the Cor-
poration 01(1)0 Village. of Exeter intends to construct
a granohilec sidewalk, on the NVeSt side of Itlain
street, from the north side of Dr. Rollins' ofliee to
the north side of the :Metropolitan Rotel. Wall: .to
be5 feat in width from Dr. Roitins• office to tbeseuth
Ode of Cobbledielc 4,1 Son's mill property tind balance
sixfeet in width and to assess 00 per cont. of the
final cost thereof upon the property abutting (hereof,
and to be benefitted thereby, and that a statement
showing thalamic liable to pay she said assessment,
and the names of the owners thereof, so far as they
ran be ascertained front the last revised Assessment
Rell,, is now tiled 111 °dice of Clerk of the lfunicipality
and is open for inspeCtion.
The estimate cost of the work is h500, of which
40 per cont. is to be provided for out of the general
funds of the Municipality.
Dated at Exeter, this 11 10 BIS873191,
41h day ocAprii, 1001. olork.
3f Edward Stuart, late of the Town-
ship of Vsbonie, in. the ;County of
-Huron, Ycoman deceased
:zcocice is hereby given that all creditors
and others having claims agairtslt the estate
of 00101051 SIa art. lath of the TO vilishIp of
t'ilorne, in the 041-enty o Eturon,':\vh died,
on or .110111 the 29th da,y of Alea,cli,A.D., 141,
1E10t.'011 01' 130f0r0 the
-1Btli DAY OF IVIAY, A.D. I90t,
to send by post, prepaid to tho undersigned
solicitors for Antb ony tile Executor
of 010 will of the said deceased, their
clfrktian 0010105 and, surn attics, aclii.ressos
find descriptions, tit • frill, par tictilar8
of their claims, ft statement of' choir ac-
counts ancl tlionat nre o r the security (if any)
hel0 by them; and 111115 it.fter the sai(1 date
the said Excentor 10111 proceed to eittrittuto
:44110se3,9 el the 6ata deceased ainong the
'parties entitled thereto, 11501119 reh-ard only
to such claims of which notice sE.n,l1 have
been 51 0911 01 11 boys 111 411000; and the ,15 101
Executor will not 05 liable for ti said. fts _
ts or any part, thethof to airY person or
potsona 01 whose claim or elaimS notice
shall not 11 a VO been received at the time of
such distri but i rin
Dated rct Exeter, this ard day of .April, 1901.
DIGICSON & CA/min-4,
Solicitors for Executor.
To the value of tiing11511. Stock Food•
inanufactan•erl by 0, Lintz, Exeter.
This is to certify that I lave used.
'English Stock. Food, for a young colt
that WaS not thriving. lie inwrovecl
well mider its 550 1 also had two
young pigs that were scouring krui1
losing condition. On feeding English
Stool( Food, they inmiediately recov-
ed arid are now cloing well.
Gcr CenWay
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie ()Lutz are visit-
ing friends in lIfichigan. -Mr. IV, D.
Stinson started for home last Thurs-
day. He intends visiting his sisters,
Mrs. Miller, of Traverse City, and Airs,
Batman, of Ant•Ora, 1cVilsoo
Eagleson, Jr,, bouglit the Jones 50 -acre
farm; near Corbett, for $2,700.-1.11r.
Fien'ry'Eggart arrived home Thursday,
after spending the winter in Miehig-an.
Mr. and Mrs. "'Relit. Simms, of Mani-
toba, are visitinghtheir danoghter-M
, rs.
Sylvester Corbett. --Miss .A. Ronald,
from, the seventh, visited...Mrs. J. 3",i)fc-
Williams over Sanday.----Miss Carrie
returned from Ripley, where
she had been visitirip.-; her uncle, 21Er, A.,
We are sorry to state t hat, Mrs..A1 b er
Berrylull is very sick, -We -trust she
may soon recover. -111r. Robt Stilton
has started to NVOrk for NIT. Wesley
Heywoodos-Mr. liarly Sanders also
g.oe.s back to his old place at Mr. Ohas
Orodbolts.-Mr, Francis Durdle is laid
up with a severe cold. -All fool's day
passed off with the usual "Oh, this is
the first of April". -Fall wheat is look-
ing well in this neighborhood and if
toe cold April winds does not dry it
up a. ga)ocl crop 1I1111, be expected. _5;1
1111 11 1 ui 00,1 duet.
now. -.Tho old poplar trees which
have stood north oC our burgh for the
past forty or fifty years have been
cat down, tints removing some very
ancient landmarks. We think this
is a cut in the right direction as they
have been a public nuisance.
Rarely ore lye thus favored, but all
things have an end and already the
bleak, winds of Mareh have stopped
their sighing. Spring time has come
and a number of stomper Songsters
are here. 'llere are lots of woodbees
but not many humble bees yet-. --3I,
Albert Gunning lost a very valuable
cow last week by her getting entangl-
ed in her tie rope. ---Mr. Wesnaan's
sale of last week was largely attended
and everthing sold at a high figure.
Mr, Dinsmore weilded the hammer.
The farm, containing 180 tict•es, \vas
sold for $8,000, 1\Ir. lioclgins of Stephen
being the purchaser, ---Our new mail
cal•rcer has cominenced his duties,
the 11 10,11 arrivbig licii•e at Iwo O'clock
insteacl of five. --Air. Thomas Moskiu
is on an e?ctenclecl visit with friends
an02 relatives in London.-IVilss Ida,
Squires, ot Bethel visited at her aunt's
here Frid;ty.---1111., Nelson Grinning
visited here last, week, the guest of
Mr. George INfillson.
St. Joseph
Mrs. T. Vine and sou. Hilliard, froth
near Parkhill were 'visiting' aocpiaint-
ances in these parts on Sunday. -,--Mr.
Win. O'Brien, wifeand family, of
;Zurich, spent Sunday visiting his
parents liere.---Master. Seth Dochnan,
of Brucefield, Sanclayed 111. home. He
says 13rncefield is all right. ---N•
Oontine ant" E. Be.cignetil, who have
been flaking tt tour of several of the
prirwipal cities of the 27. S. arid Can-
ticle, are expec tett horn e'shoi tls.-Afrs.
T. O'Brien, of Drucefield, is here at-
tendbig tire beCiside of her mother,
Mrs. S. Treffay; -who is laying at the
point of cleath.--We are plea,sed to be
able to state that Mr. „Wm. Ileyi•ock,
of whom. inentioli was made hi last
Week's issue, is iinproving anc1. is now
considet•ecl to be cnit of irninecliato
clariger.--)loswell gob his driver clip-
ped last weelc., and no50. we expect
Annie . \vill be 'getting some swift
drives, iNfr. Sam Taylor, our popular
horseinan,did the job in a very credit-
able mannev.--A surprise ptnty tool(
place at the residenee of :Air.' Sultan
a short distance sou of hove, one
night last week, 11.11(.1 117 lCi6011170(1 in a
surprise in moreways than one. At
about lialf past Cilght the guests be -
gala, to arrive oriel. -they- cotatinued to
come till the large ,11 limber of .t\vo
were there'ancl they Wer 1.)0t11 ye 11 11 g
nie'n. We suppose they tall(ed about
the weather and the prospect of the
coming crops for an hoar or so and
then took their , lone 1)15- ' ys Ji 'into
again. Better luck next time boys.
Sian says Ile \Ironic' b;lVe been there but
lie was catching suckers.
A card.
'We, the undersigned, do hereby
agree to refrind the nioney on ;t 50e.
bottle of Grecne's 1Varranted Syrup
of iDtr if it; fails to cure your cough
or cold. "We also guarantee a 25 -cent
bottle to prove ,satisfactory nioney
Ailed On rnie nc1 Alexander
tosh had a, 'wood bee on 1\fonday,-.--.3.11
Charles Holt was in ,London
his broth or -i 11 -low, Thomas Keys, wil(
went through tin operation at the Hos
)ital.-Di, RaLledge was called to Join
Ratz's 00 Saturday evening, for a siel
cow, bat 11 proved to be an .A.pril foo
on John. ha ,John you want to Searel
the stable 1/efore sending .for the Pio--
Patrick. Sulliv;in bits been -laid up for 4
'few days with La Grippe, NVe flre
to learn lie is able to be ;cround again
3 a cob q, errin says we are t(
have spring. 'Guess he's. rigliti.-1\171
John Q,1.1010.411 has gone away for th
00u0110e0. We -.CV iSla 11 1111 171‘it:il'y S001'0E.*"
„l'it.rney niogiam, oar popu
lar Iffit.elLkeeper; intends going to thC
r th WeSt• in a few days -Messrs. Jos
and. Andre\Y Q11511-rin have accepted p0
sitit.ins at ildp, Cierarge iifut1e bral
yarch-Mr. Prank has . Clisposee'
of a valuable young horse to Mr. Amy,
of Stephen. -Mr. A.-mrois Campbell in
tends raising his barn the corning sum
mei% les:about, time (5) A11,71S,
1.90 L.
Mi'. .i.se moved. his house
lq 1
Tit T%Tr)
11 1011'
• THE 1(IDNEYS r1. l'''''Cl) TI LE, S
- he reeet,n . nurcliased l'ioni \\'illielii • i In tile (,,pl'ing'• tin? Icidueys it, e
.. matn,.._, .,.. 1..,)aolio has 10‘,v ,,;ot s"et„, rrhe Grundy County IDern.oci•;it, (cr. ' much to do. If tlie.1-iti'e wQI1,10 01' 1101.' -
g tji,,(1 117 ^,11111 yoepwl„,',.i i101,9.'0,,_, \Los the 2.1st tilt, eontains the following- ile- pici, the.y \vitt not do it well, and ;do;
lc te(i).;(1..,r. fici'lLurt ,,1„,:rt.4\3,-,-(-)-t„\lzirsis. jeliiii,irilesoactif 1,11"Qil'a irothri. caLl,tIly)(1.;5-r.c,,e'nult(e1-1,, AiNtv'se'll.:\k\irtio-Kl\'\,11D ji•e,,'''). \IX', hire°11: is 11°,1,1,1,1(? -1's iol,'",,ei,s-111:„0,3,:',iiiiiIn1±111:0111;g1, ' I' ja 1,' i'l : ) Ss ' and
)_. 1.,:::::::14,1::::e:yi. azetii:ijul,111:ieisi_ta.s_irroliet,,000y.:110- ,10,cosNiv.:::11;i:zu:s114,0111,rit:L)e(..,:u,l0I4,cli,,:itilsie "\bl\.01-cci);;;',11,(11Niisn(a),,;,.,r.)e(:5•._1,0: 11,3v.,5;01-, ss‘ ;el.:1.111:1 stli i\p•:tiltilc:Ils,01t.teiti;n1.,...3:iiicil:L:ce:ess,lacii)It)(;,Ce'l,,s'i,1:'It•leldit:ptl. el.e.1...
pl5icetig ea in charge of Air. 3'. Kfillet- . , ,,, ,
1 sus en us, ...rotor for the t\vo polls Itere nt LIPPer -A-YII°I'd' (:)xfarcIsilit'e' '2°'''.- 00 -• Ds (..)-'41).;11fPft•',15(i)111t''(.) tole -it -
' will con - ',ice then. task on I\1011, -la Y. 1"(1-' ilna A-1111 3:)°kvilie NV(5:.i I'M'n °et.
'11: pric,liei \'';i!,.,(..Y , ,1,12. .1.437..1;t1",-.T(iec)tielt;.11-iffr)11.'' StItfenl:FlEnt- ci;1151,0,n1;,-8,1-1:..s.3:2Le:L'0(.1'1.1:;t11.[„ja'll•I,,'Ii.:11e/I:s((ii)(til'tleillf';Uiti,1111;(,011-11;11ITCei'l(t1;limol''LL•113.110:1 13111' '1' -b• ):.° LI3t1Dc'0.;1S7''10'Ll'11° TILO] T) 0 C''' •
' fishing - oeclitai nturci sueceeded in
' --8ev 0 1',' ' °f °Ill.' Yc'url g 1-1 ell went -t;`) 3A-581'321+frist.e.e.-sEvri'lswrpisirriotri,(•,,iir1 0:0111.111.11 toy! ii).1,•;;;,::, 0 51;i1\,,,:iti,irliciiievics., : „ct•.().0oi \,l 11,•oiliiir5citligt-.\,sS:1,.i.:;W:.t..
') Idle Ben' •0,1v. triglit Itisb week. on. a
e seo,,,ploo.,,,, hag,. of fine ,,,,,1,,,0,,,,....__st forming the eerciniony. , dolphin, 15'; .1 c -5.1 , of thcm• 1 - -5•1
• bus-intr.., „ocing 10 (-5(5,111COtion with - l'e' 1111 (30 t°c)k PLi'c'e 111 , a ,-i' evs' Gidde. It enntan,1„,{1110iv 0.4,0001-
.; cii;11,2;11 1, 1,'',.1113-";-',iS'''g1;.`,.„:,..,, ‘.111,,.'t,1,134,1,.;01 -11,11,1,',:l.,11117.1.:111.1.).1.11'001:0''111:-'1:1,11 '',.,liv115;.11.1 Iiiiii;;11iii, 1,11,i)112„..)ii'7g17s:''',127..71)((•1().7.C.: ,s161, ft .1t,LJ.117ar1e1;1.11111.:4•113.1.iiii iani.,(;10-11,(?)Qc, ok.111111';111i 1 31:2)a.1%, fiirCel \inV° Tg1:1• 1,11.?ctiV!s:Tiligi!.ic11)1d1t5.1 01.),rut,11tv).1,v,r(1,...tr:niit4;)13.1ettelii.,,,, ogloc.",ia,,,,r,,,,
c.,.. co,;.ired 11.0 lios..,1)i,,,,,,; 0011 111,o 0,....11 (0_
0 r) r14,,r,, m.c,I., ,,,: ,whi c 11 . will (nice pini,,, in ..1,1 1,. 1115 311,s. .1.). e \ v rosicled i i i (:)fi- (-),(:).7;„i.1-'‘.t.'9,.;1,1;I;11.011,tilt :cjilec,...11.:21:Xii(")1r4c'iLI:tol'i,1.))1("oc1111'1.)(5t);:‘:'tliii'''tts'i '
- up tint- r ',,' - t)f t be 0i1.00;1 1,,,,,,i0,,,,, 111 I, es 1111 1' sob tin 011111 tiie fores,t.
i I3(51';nL'Illil.11.(o..°;,...,..(')'ntsi Leill'''‘'-5(i5lei “.‘11/SiPil,iii.10' LtiAfcttlerti;115'1'3 i1.11fric'Pel(i'iziltrii'''''.t(Ctil'il'otlifi1if t(41)I‘bill'C'S":"1>l,111'1.1C'1111.14.1(1:>1111 On tal abtwhorce:e)itfi:n.,TILIze.;iice,ice.,,sitto,..,Lc,s1,111'711-;:icil,..:)/111.:`5.cs,ntrco°s•rilec,C1's11(lcii-0111:1,11,;(1.1 ,,c,tliece,
- ank-1,,01,,,,' ,,0 „thind,„,y.„ sevovni iye.„., (\vo of -\vhoin died in infalie- ancl the
- inLei-4„e.1:;v:e1..etoken 5ttothecdn\51r, 1tlleicciil 1 ie;n,„ tlle0,s°)s 01)02 tour
are 2i11".4: on Aloirlity evening next 011 tins' \In11;111,PY occasion. `1110Y 1..e-1.1-1
,300111io, ..„ 1 110 0 ;2.1,11115 s„,000ss, II): Geo. Dow. Benjamin Dew and John
Ar. Vil;,_,,,,.• ',I-7, of 1-5.." xe te 1,, "' I 'sin 0- ' at; .ew, (11! 'tills ee LI n Ly: .3.1:41 rt. hn, now
tis ... s4.,.. • - _3[1, I, weit,io fi..„'" 1,0- Mrs, John Minter, of Exeter, Canada;
ceiveil tbe agency for the Sylvester -19111, now Mrs. ,Tohia ,T. 2\ratistiong, of
Aftichin„.,,..ry and, will no 11Q111)t So
,•, good 11 1001'0 (iet.y, ; Ia.•Ain y, now z.-.1Mrs.
vo_i40 tIgcorasrii,--ili..JoV1i\;rr: of11orlisoiiEIi1.o(h,\vt13),ib1rastrr0,tith;rr)_,,11..ZgrsieQ.rrr0, of 311_
(lining the 'coni:c5renee SeSSiell 7/10i.e..City.
' it'll .1)1-0.e(). "I'H1‘,711:3.1tt II ; S11.1•Tet L11°111. S'St:i1)1'11,1°1700'tC11.111) 1'177 ,i07-',11-1:111('S.11:;C:L(';C21°;)N„-1- 'isf,,("1,1411(t),thlre.,e1(')fistil si St`i ille (1' 'il \S',ii r1(,)gri.
his temn (Ind. niO4. 01, his wo•okm..,4 01117 1110S too .1 eouie co de. 1)00.5dat... . 'orie
avtAsles,..;„....31,-.1,..s 77ezt,v(.3),,, or Elmira, is li V ini VC i th If i.II.,' son 11,,L (3111101, . TilWd,
visiting lit 1 sister, AIrs....1,[ens'y -me_ and is in her nhaery-thircl year.
ovarizjdo- 1-Tr,,..,,ir:,,,r.0,11•11111.01.5(,51fonir citizens went, _-\.11. et their children with their wives
a3. and husbands and their graMichildren
4 • . were present. •
Eden..,In thie 'fir.st year o' if the'i-m'ar, ried
xto,„"ajuls.joi1Huntel,'wm1life, treysettld in what \ .as (hill a
have?,,ristio,tilelattei,spal,c:e 1 : „Ages , making it 11000950111 to
eitsii70liiis1111 51) ce1.11v3tiitl be1/oIi1 eler ,f(oto
I-"lair isi vislring friends in Eketer.-- f',11. betN,v,eerl,”, -n°11e, .„1),ein,.g.,- 1.,leare);',,t,islan
.i'3e-fli:',., \`'I.j,h11,11) '1.11;:;,:;,'E34‘biled:.ii' DvellsuiPishv:;):' 1,6elfailLI.I,,,x,ee-s" ililint rcilewl•11-15'1,i1c.'esst"'1111.Ile.1)1•0.1ge'Io' iit''s?tett I'lltIll\rIeSii't'Ol•S'jf'.itt.lti.l'i'
and 1.„,.,,,,d,.3 here 101, .rlthe. ,,,hst bwo ;Mr. Dew can relate 501110 of Ills exper-
rvenks, ..1, ,i,...,,a 10 Tarot) i. 0 01,1t-su. tnrday ienees in hunting the same. 011011
to reside la (Ctituve.--Mr. Ekl. Belback iNI:rs' Dew 511011)0 of tieing' sent' bare
of Roct,...;;; „ono, lin, ono.ged with ia,h,. footed to 1:11 lit 171.1e 00100 and would be
Geo..Rlas.., for -the eoi-nin,„ summer. startled 15y connue. onto 0 sleeping
l\liss .1\frIggie Luxton roan:nod. hbear back of it log..ouie •
Saturffa,- after visiting frie,tids 1.11 T-Inle vOI-164 `11.1 al'a bY Pers'iseri toil
- '. -. 4.... ' , • 4, - . and' struggle they began to, enjoy a
'StlIT1i11, ,..1'01LI1G past three mont'.hs.-
danglater' 012 1\1" filee7c1r trihil'e°yrbse..creinitLc\I'ig13-1°;'01\0'10S10111.need 1.V01d1141111
1.-'Nerill) 'Irti1,1,1 \‘11;1';(1110., 17' elsititsleill with bronchitis. , rf
-1\fisdg,10.111 Deinsey of Footer .snent ...,111..d,e,13:i.:°Y,t,h6. ,t57. tin (,-.).‘1.1-1 y :wit'eTi e. .,s,lt.
Of her 1'.. sin, Miss Retta E1ssery;" i
l'hursIttlit.nd ,Fricla'y her:e. the'. gti-eSt I:" 19ving '1' t°- thel:silar-'1.,10ju'l bread.
11101 1.10‘.. , trier) furnishings consisted
•172,irle,:i:e,,t,,,FAt:,:,ovi':. ,...E,...:7:.„.zrIt).e,,,,:..:i:ili:aili,,,•;(-,,',.,;)„,..„):..j'Eiiiiiii•:-',c,i`,6!fvoiout74,`-_"3.(ii., 'veld; toad, a fire, pia ce on which' ' (1.'11
of ..171V0 elniirs, some homenuade s.tools.,
B..C.1,c, EmvAdtp STE wArtr...-
Deepi ,....,- -,,...... 44.04. , ,,,,,,_ _,„ it twine made. table and a dicane made
thislits- 11 was a real shock to all
1-iiitiei.ic1ss5'feW knew that he was so
sei•ionSly ill. 1.51e .1.uis 'been in failing
health for the past two .years. About
two weeks' previous to ,his death he
w -as taken 'ill with la grippe " after
\11111C11 inflammation of the lungs set
in and after a week's illness he -was
removed to .11fr. S. McCoy's, at. Oen-
bralia, o hero-• Pc. r., .eivecl the best
medical ti•eittineirt. but he .past peace-
fully awity,on Friday at 11 o'clock a. m.
I-16 1005 45 year's of age, hut was never
married, fie leaves' to mourn his 'loss
a father, two brothers and one sister
in the oicl 00111)1550 besides a large
number or friend's here. The funeral
took place on Sunday and thereon -tins
IVOR e laid to rest, in the Exeter cerne-
t ' 7
5't1e1)11J,Ial ColinCl.
The eolii,leit of the township of Step --
1011 conYenecl' at the TOW ft liall. Cred.-
iton, 00 Aronclay, April Ist, tit 10 aotn.
All pi -sent. 3/Tit-lutes of previous meet-
ing read andapproved.. Anderson-
\\Tuerth, that the council f.Yroint the
stun. oe $25 to the 'Exeter Union Burnt'
Grounds on COilditions that the corpor-
ation of the -Township of Hay grant a
similar arraorint.-Carried, \Viler:tit-.
Anderson, .that no inentber of this
00111lci1 shall let any ' con tract exceed-
ing the sum of $10 unless stall contract
or work be lei) by public auction or ten-
cler.-Carried. Tie,sobved that "Wm.
Anderson attend to the wash-out 'at
Essevy's bridge, on the San 1110 River;
1'11;5 t the Reeve attend. to Capt. How -
id 'S a.CCOLltlt, 1,e drawing lumber and
that no action be taken as to the poll -
tion of Robert Hamilton, et ;II, re Un-
ion School Se.cition. The foliowing 301-
901)5 11010 appointed Pathinasters: W.
Hit:stable, G. Sheardown, J. Ilocigins,
S. Davis, W. Rollins, 3+. Hill, W. R.
Elliott, G. Fl. Windsor, It. 51311, Silo.
Pres ze atm., Jr., Gr. S11011, I'. liestle, Sr.,
\Vat \\Thite, R. .14;mdf000, 12. Ttly.loi•,
IV. Midden, E. Hoist, "F',. Triebner, j.
IVe have nice weather and it is mak-
big business lively in our town.--Skie
Bolt has again returned to our town.
Glad to see him back 'Once inore;--
Bert Holt, paid our town a flying visit
last S;ttlirC1/1`, S 'tte
that Mr. john :McNeil is very, lo \s, at
present. His dauoliter is here (131111
the Soo on account' of his illness. -
Vincent Cain has left, our to wn.-MV,
and Mrs. 'Ohas. Zwicker visited our
town on Wednesday . Their
friends were pleased to congratulate
them. -Mr. EL Wing is busy laving
cattle. Harry is a hustler and 'if you
have anything to sell Harry bnY
it.--Soine of our farmers are •-bosy
malcing maple syrup.--Sainnel •SW.(15t-
zer intends starting his saw mill t -he
coming Week, He has a,•lovoge stock et
logs on hand. -1.1115. Dongall McIsane
has returned licime froni Uncle Siim's
doh) ains, looking hale a tic" hearty.
We are glad to welcome him as. he is
a jolly good fellow. - As Monday was
all Fool& Day several in our town ±511
victims to the joker: -No Shipk-o, it-
ems last week on aCCOMIt of .your cor-
respondent being absent.
The funeral of the late Edward Ste-
wart, book place -last Tuesday af femora]
and WiLS largely attended. .The Te-
nants were intcrtocl inhite:54-xe er ce-
metery. --The Rev. 0. 0. °orisons, of
the Educational Society last, Sunday.
""hp „Tos;isoote oJ
SatUrday afternoon, Officers 05 fol-
lows: --Supt, Rev. S. Salton; A.ssi.st.
Supt., Miss M. ColliVilb Pres., Alvina
Wilson; "V iee-POIS., Gra e Do \vn Sec:,
Fleeda Baker; Ass; Sec„ Minnie Boyn-
ham ; ,Treasurer, Vera; Essery.-S'ever-
al young 111011 been m e`Oteti v e or n hers
of the Sr. League,last Tuesday night.
-The Anniversary of the Si'. Leagne
w ill probably be held on the 111100 1.3
of April. The election of Officers en
the 22nd inst.-We are sorry to record
the serious illness of little Russel
Bloomfield, with inflammation of the
lungs. :1.1r. 0. W. Vail and Miss Jones
are also on the sick list. -The Pnblic
School. entertainment to be held to-
night, (Thursday) promises to be a big
success. -Last Saturday, Mr. Robert;
Laker attained the ape age of 84 years,
He and Mrs. Dorothy Handford, now
visiting in Mitchell, were born on the
stuOo day. The3 have 110011 unblemish-
ed characters for a great many years,
and we wish them many happy returns
of their birthday, and 11,t last an abun-
dant elltrance into ths Father's House
of many mansions.
, •
For. Sia—The undersigned has for sale it quanti-
ty of very choice Red Clover and Alsike seed; also
O quantity of Timothy.
' Cuss. ZwiCana
Mi.. Fraser Gninter, of St. Johns,
was the guest of Mr. Henry Either a
few days last week,..;,Messrs. Taylor
& Jennings, Hypnotists and Mind Rea-
ders, gave two entertainments in The
r.Cown Hall this week to well-fliled
honses.'• On Monday Prof. Taylor gave
the blind -fold street drive. The com-
mittee, composed of Messrs. Sweitzer,
Clark, .Brown arid Young, a ccom pan i ed
P110. In the meantime a letter had been
placed in a post office box addressed to
another party in town and the keys
P112 on another person. The Prof.
formil all these and delivered the hit-
ter to the proper person. He f,(1.1,Viel
Birr, preached sermons on behalf of
A1thoc1i., chureli was reorgnizeklast
Alf.. a tun for his life. Fronk Taylor's
solo on Monday evening while under
hypnotic influence WaS greatly adndr-
ed.-Air. The did5 TreVe thic Is has been ,
triable to work this week. owing to
P01 ing. blood poisoning. We trust 1 -gr
will soon recover.---Gouncil meeting
was held. in the Town Hall, Monday.
Path -'i asters were appointed, besides
a great dcal of othov lousiness transact- ,
c5c1.-An Easter Cantata entitled 'Eas-
ter Echoes " 10111 be held in the "Metho-
dist church next Friday evening, at S
p.m. in aid'of the Solidity School.
;dresses will be delivered on Easter
Son 5113' by Rev. Powell, of Dutton,
Mr. AlberI Hoopor, of Clinton, and
Dr. Rivers of (1159 village. ' A silver
co1141t,ion w'll be 11-ci t do
OV 0111 17g. tat (iveryo 11 e coin). s
-Monday 11V1151 .3.11 Fools' Day.
any 0,e you talo a hol i day ?•-•The , colt" T
weather on Tuesday still make us feel
that winter has not left us. ---Messrs.
Lewis & Holtzman started taking the
en, 111 on Monday. Ts, ow Ladies be
(most and give your age! -A„ wedci-
ig took place west of Crediton ono
ay last week, more porticalars next
eek. -Mr. Richard Baker' has heel)
warded the con ti1241Ct for erecting the
re hall. Well clone Dial -Mr. Thos.
ichie, of Brussels, has been re-engag-
I by' Mr. Wm. Wenzel, as blacksmith,
are glad that 110110..1,1 Staying with
Infauto too young to take medicine natty roo
teed of croup, whooping cough and colds by
sing Vapt).Cresolene-they breathe it.
Stanialce, Lainpoit, Stahl,, Jos,
Hoist, S. E. Alorlock„ J. G. Wein, T.
Chambers, S. Lawson, M. Einkbeiner,
Tos. Mart:elle, .Aany, P. Kiigallen, S.
3..../fencler'On, R.' Glanville, S. Etart-
111;111, Kestla, P. Hall, P. S 1111 Van
tzel, T,' C. Finkbein- and was a, novel sight a taper lairning
• •,
ev, A.ngus McCournick, Geo. Keys, W. for every year Of their Married life.
Smith, J,Schroecler, Jo, 3no, Ehlers, At hall' -past, ten all gathered 'rennet
T: Holuban, T. Keogh, 0, Finkbeiner, the organ tindfSang, " GOcl be With
1. Bo -te • R AAhtms R Hodginst F. 1;7's Till' We .1\feet Again," then separat-
lionitznitt11, T. flas.tard, So, A. 'Ireland cd going to. their hOmes, and wishing
1-1. Adair, G. ET.artle, C. Stone, j. Love, the happy couple. might be spared
G. Webb, F. D. Tetreiiii, W.liaggarty, many inore happy years together.
Hamilton, E. Gill, Balker, Eag- ' It was a fainilY ('0 1111011 as well as an
esoii, R. D;tvy. 'H. Bartran J. Webb, air ni,versarY and AVUS hear tilY otrioYed
AV. ;r0119 'King Jas. by all the family who 'have nob been
In a coveted btiggy, tile top Corciwr
back, brawn by a spirited horse, going -
at adieadlong speed, johu _Keyes, of
Galt, fought for his life against man,
six feet and :010r0 height, weighing
over 200 pounds, bereft .'of his s'enses,
and ei!de wed with the,streligth of Hiroo
men. -che Galt RefollIler says that the
struggle took- 111 12(1 about 11 o'clock,
Tuesday night:M:areli 26. on the road
between Ayr arid Roseville, abont rnid-
Way between the two places. William
20 well wa s Keyes' assa dant. Key eS,
after all awful expeniencen threw the man out of the Lcnvell •
took to the fields. Mr. Keyes \vent
back soln e nee, but Lowell disap-
peared in the woods near Roseville. , •
Mi...Keyesi,robe still gat-int:lets bad fal1-.
on out Clniug stile( terrible Utile and
his coat was torn to ribbons, Ile i•oneli-
ed. Galt a112.30.fie had ese;;ped bodily
but is stiff. saffering from 1 he
nervous shock. Mr. Keyes is one of the
1r100t .posyciTtil men in the district. "'is
gareat strength may hove as It
tragedy. It is certain that 0 weaker
man would 'have been nmeh inore
roughly handled.'
St. -Marys: It is with 1 -be deepest re-
gret that \ve arincamee the (100(11 of
Mrs. D 1 t y, 011 11N11'.S. 1-) ty, \ leli
occurred Sationlay evening. '1.7lie no
00)1100(1 \V•fe., 1<o ed and respected -1,5y
those wlio 1,1 011' 111011(1 t 117ii 011 ce-
ment, of lier death will he a shock to
liar wally f i•ie• ids. elShea yes te 1110(1011
(101111-.:1:1• 1011 si:SLOr$', 11. broth, .1. six.
;), --
kettle. Dishes were also scarce and -
the nearest store \i';nts thirty Indies -AreGLI'llvT'Y' the deal -1-1 (1f, -
. Andrew Sind 111 on the 10th inst.,
They got their farm under eilltivatirni,
Ti.1/1:2 brought changes to this home, 11,;•iganeL;Tttsua(ril QMcGtllIsro cf)111f-0$-,(101fclet'i't.'.
awaY. , , greozt
had ail' abundance of fruit, a comfor- inDeeneJelt.tIns:cillal:It:c1; bheie.ttn bore
table stone house and ;ill the out build99110000 Pc -
his cross with, great patience and re -
fogs necessary and began to think they
signabion until Tuesday morning, last,
conld enjoy life. wheil in the fall of
11;e.' ilveonn passed
bar:11'5)5'UL.° 115:1111ieSSegetrellInt.
1830 they lOSt 3.11. their CrOpS ainiCittoult,
buildings by Bre. They (lieu so c len the' neighborhood as he 01119 01 0 kind,
Iowafcl vro, a -Es oftenl831hcaad 10 ickni ednodb 111 thtiugl. doi 01 100(11)10.
a 111.1 e a.tv 1t1 sr true
sity, he wished he had seen the beauti-
member of the Methodist GhlirCh 1111d
ful prairie when he was a voting man.
They 11011 01V11 0 nice farm south of Tilleli),e°1-ii,:iieesf t 1110 sot.")1L1.1111:10111 j(-2:10un.isoesrsvaot
Go Indy Center, on which their young-
cst st°11112011.1\1111,sf`.1-DilleilwY, 000 enjoying aNV‘vb(ille10101.4 i rhItsipl.etil'I'tf-4°1 (1,111'. 1.10r i!fea111 idasvciti0g0.1). (.1parleigclhe:
earned rest at their comfortable home etielaeseInc101-1',i111311:.1131 atid j.)/Q1Carl-g8t0023e.
int us-
TGhleln,`".1.1?'ijnietse,enit,setl;r' y eame on sonday, side at 110100,01100 mad Robert on
1'7, bat wns °Ilserved on "aiedit'claY-' 1:thoii‘illicriCc+,,i1.Tlic\;11:'1.117onat01(12(51711'1.esetOtInVOilfil :P1 :re!
S a t urd ay morning tile sula rolled 113 51.1
0 perfect sky ancl the cl.ay pro \-ed per- G'illivraY.
feet all throtigh.
• Their childven \vere all home, none ,
were present but the family, except tr1;,)3V-I1
Mrs. Agnes Garcliner„ an old' fasiend
and neighboi. from Canada, who now
lives in :Morrison, Grundy county,
Iowa., tvvelve o'clock all were in-
vited to tbe dining room, where the
table \vas very prettily decorated. in
the center stood a high pyramid cal(e,
(bride's cake) pure white, which wa.'s
clecioratecl with white hyacinths and
golden yellow daffodils and golden
yellow ribbon. The other flowei•s used up to the. diseased, part.?
for titbie decora (ions were \vhite and 11 1001010 reaSonabie, doesn't it ? And
piuk carnations and asparagus ferns,
At halfpast five all again repaired to
the dining room where the table was
prettier, if possible, than at noon,
During the clay they were h;tppily
ixinny times by flowers and
congratulations froni lcincl neighbors,
whioli Were very 111u 011 appreciated.
tok eu s renielYlberance from their
(-511[1cl-con ;Ind friends were very pretty
and appropriate, a geld so venir being
sent from Canada by a. niece of 11fr.
As soon as it grew dark and the '61o: -
tains could be drawn, Ere nailer tV0 5
lighted with fifty \SAN: tapers arrange('
as 0 center niece 013 1110 parlor table
ou've tried almost ,every.
thing for it, haven't you?
And we presuzne you are
'about: discourage.d. Now
what do•you think of our
idea 'of ,breattiing-in t Pc
medinine, bringing it right
.i.cOn'rty;Jnc").McCitirty:.',.f. Hays, 'Geo, fbbie to ga,their at home" at one time tor
St ( r Ryon T 'Whitside Had vears
on.; Goleenq S' br, Stan- In the afternoon all \vent to Frost's
ake, jvu <I. WurtZ, _A.. 1 ft tut nlae, 81:udriV t1 a d had. a a 11111 y i111 c)e 111
raft, 11. Schroeder, P. Schroeder, j, those present made.
levriott, Sr,, C. "Milner. .Eenee view -
1181 -11.. Slapton, N. 13,t.k5r S. Ford
(iInuvilIe, 11. Doyle. C. Hol (. er "T' THWI: AS MAN T(I'LLED.
„MaLincliey, Peter'Farrell. Pound .Petettniro, Match 23.-„,\ shocking
Keepers: -W. 'Moffatt, T; Shapton, NV,' Recid e 13 'lin ppeued at the Canadian
Fritz, C. Finkheiner, J. 'Hickey, Lords General Electric Co'S works this morn -
Wolper, P. Hall,. J.' E'dwards, T. 5. ing, by which J. Beck, S011 of II:G.:Bock,
Amy, 0, :Holt, Brenner, :E. Pretter, of'St. Thomas; lost his life. Mr. .13ock
S,'Stanlake, 0, L. Alosse,r, J.Shaddock. 10119 1) machinist, and \Vas running. a,.
The following orders wore passed: -.T. planer.' While interested in his -work
Stickler, graveli .0.R. 75(5.; T. Shapton Ise unthinkingly lowered his head,
00311. werk drabis across road, when it ,Wasf c;th t betW0011 tWO ie
"10 75. W. Penhtie cOverin enlvert es of irdn which carte together, crush-,
eon, 2, $2; S.Sweitzer, et al, shovelling. mg. his brains out. Death. was ahnost
snow, $4; W. B. balance of ctil- instantaneous., The 'whole works at
vett contract, $6. Council adienrned. once. Shirt dOwn on aceMint of 'the Sad
till May 6,thi, at 1 ' acCident,,
it's successful, too.
\Viler?, you itt 1a1e Vapo-Cresolene
yarn: breathing becomes easy,- the
wheezing ceases, and you dt-op to
For croup and T1,71.100,1tng.,
co, -,11-1 it's 0colicir cure, 10
vaa...or,snle in 15 5o1d. by, ,irtif;,e,ists fver;,-tvhere„
The 'Vhporit.ti: and Lam') ,,“.0111,1 14,1 5. life.
timo, 1115 a. b;,,,,11,: 0E' ,,,rosolatte orimpiato, $7,50;
extra supplies of (71.0s.0le,le 09 001.15 5id 5e cents.
311,1)'-.: '0 001)) 1)11)' pitySician,` te0ti.
naomaIs i1071 Varo-C;z0,..or„t,tto 00„
:80 nhon St , A.
Cow.-- In 'Henson, ori March. 20, the' ,
. wife of If. T, D. Cook, of, a daughter.
17.1 MO
1:174;',113000---WAist ---At the Parson-
age; Clinton, on March '27t1), by
Rev, G. A. Gifford, -11.1.r. ,Toh-ii
Winothain, to Miss lodit 11 w;ti tor8,;
cloughten' oythe tate .(\o's0Citt Wal-
ters,. of Exeter. "
STEnvAtia..---In Centralia, on Alrarch 29,
Edwarcl Vitemurt, a god 15
DARPA". Tut St. Mal•ys, 011 511o1e1;
tory 5071 Barry, aged. 70 yea
months, and 2 01113S.
LE0310T0IN.17. F1.11 101'{,011, on 511areir
29, George a dstone, aged 51 years,.
IToniiy±' .5,1 3frdiriuo 1101,' N. \V. 11,
on 'the 28111 ulto 'Samuel Harris,
aged .10 yeats, son of Mr, FIenry
'Jarvis, Huron street, Exeter.
G,uErtx\vo0o,-At Cypress:River, Nrt
on the 200h ult., Philip Green Wood,
formerly of Stephen township, .oged
87 yea vs, 5 mon uhs, father of Aft's. 3,
T. VVesteott, Exeter.