Exeter Advocate, 1901-3-28, Page 5THE
exettr A xt u a#.e,
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at tare Office,
By the ---
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance
61.50 if not so paid,
Se,Zr•arrtiin Rca.ta ars .25.3pZxLicca
No paper discontinued 'until allarro rage
afro paid: Advertisements without specific
directions will be published till forbid and
charged accordingly. Liberal discount•made
for transeient advertisements inserted for
Long periods. Every description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate rates, Cheques,moneyord-
' ors, &o.for advertising, subscriptions,etq,to
be made payable to
Chas.11. Sanders,
ProfeSstoneal Cartes.
H. KINSMAN, L. D. S. & DR..•A.It.
KINSMAN,' L D. S., D.D. S., Honor
'++•j=• graduate of'Toronto University,
Teeth extracted without any pain, or any
bad effects. Office in Fanson's :Block, west
side Main Street,Exoter.
honors Graduate of the Toronto Uni-
rsitvand Royal College of Dental Surgeons
of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain.
All nodes of Dentistry: np to date. Office
in new block south of Carlings' block
1> the College of Physicians and Surgeons
Ontario: Physician, Surgeon and Aocouch-
enr. Office, Dashwood, Ont.
Solicitors, Notaries, Oon.veyancers,
, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsons
Qwest rates
loan at lowest • te. Money B nk
e l
Y tol
of interest. Offices, Main.Street, Exeter.
I. R. Certi.INC; , B. A.. L. H. DIcKSoac
rl W. GLADli,4N. (succossorto Elliot &
Gladman;) Barrister. Solicitor, Notary
Public Conveyancer, Etc. aloney to loan at
;;lowest rates of interest, Office Main Street,
- Auctioneers
gggg BOSSENBERRY,(,lranclBend, Licensed
19 . Auctioneer for County Huron: Sales
promptly attended to, and charges moder-
ate. Orders by mail will receive every at
DI BROWN,Wincholsea. Licensed Auct-
. ioneer for the Counties of Porth and
Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne
Sales promptly attended to and terms rea-
sonba1e.Sales arranged at Post office. Win-
Insurance Agent:•
Alain St. Exeter
The'undersigned has a few goodfarms for
sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms
Samweil's Block Exeter
Traveling salesmen to call on the retail merch-
rots. Special inducements to thele patrons. Sal-
uy and expenses. Experience unnecessary. Refer.
!noes required. Address, The National, Dep. A.,
7axton Bldg.., Chicago, I11.
For Fresh, good
of meat, 'call
While all our
finest, we make
,seat delivered
and the clioisest
on the undersigned.
cuts'of neat
a specialty
to all parts
are the
of meat
of the
:as sold
arm contains
tea concession,
the time'
d a very
Mrs. C. R. VanEgmond
her -farm in Edmnndville,
Colbert for $3,000,°
50 acres.
Tp: Mr: P. Cole,
had a ewe which
a lamb that weighed.
of birth. ` This is
large Iamb.
to '
the 1
D �
Look . as
_ By Use
Mrs, William, Sargent, Petrolia,
Ont., says: "Your Diamond Dyes are
the best I have ever used, and they
have done splendid work for mc. In
short tirue Diamond .Dyes saved the
ten c1o11Lrs, so that 1 think they de-
serve• a good word. My friends, to
''lvhom I have shown my goods,
cl ed,
say that Diamond Dyes: brakes old
things looks like new. The, richest
woman in our town, after seems nay,..
work, has become 11 reset' of your ,lyes.
thea t; you for such valualble money -
Savers .Ls 1)sill n and Dyes.,
Mrs. Thos. it'eicirmLnbltts.h. i Que.,
3. / nl, tc,
D .,
says: y� `T have ,been using Diamond
Dyes fbt many years mita find thein
most s ILisfactnryin renewing the col
ors of my ci)11,11 c?n's clatlxes• For
rLllcy;nrfastness, Diamond Dyes'
cannot be excelled."
Look at your tongue.
Is it coated r
Then . you have a bad
taste in your mouth every
morning. Your appetite
is poor, and food dis-
tresses you. You have
frequent headaches and
are often dizzy. Your
stomach is weak and
your bowels are always
There's an old and re-'
liable cure:
Don't take a cathartic
dose and then stop. _Bet-
ter take a laxative dose
each night, just enough to
cause one good free move-
ment the day following. �
You feel better the
very next day. Your
appetite returns, your
dyspepsia is cured, your
headaches pass away,
Your tongue clears up,
your liver acts
.your bowels no longer
give you trouble.
Price, 25 cents. Ali droggiste.
"I have taken-
v Ayer's Pi13s for 30
years, and I consider them the best
made, Ono pill does me more good
than half a box of any other kind I
have ever tried." -
March 80,1809. Arrington, Pians.
A. St. Magloire, Que., farmer stated
that during the recent storm' upwards -
of a
pwards•of'e hundred deer, whose escape was
made almost impossible by the depth
of the snow, were shot and stabbed in
the south parishes,
Leeming, Miles & Co's wholesale
drug house 'a it Montreal was burned
and Hudon:Hebert & Co's.,- premises
badly damaged. The loss will be sev-
eral hundred thousands of dollars.
Fireman Amedee Dumont Ives killed
during the flre.
Fire cut an ugly,caper at :Southam
& Co.'s printing and lithographing. es-
tablishment Sunday morning. The
stock room was practically cleaned lip
by the destructive element, and it is
expected that $6,000 or $7,000 will not
be more than sufficient to cover the
loss. There is ample insurance.
A very decisive defeat was ini3ct-•ed
by Babington's force on Delarey's 1:5-
00 Boers pear Ventersdorp. The Boers
reirguitrd was driven in and their con-
voy and guns captured. Two 15 poun-
ders,; one ponapou3, six maxims, 110
prisoners and a lot of ammunition rind•
toms were captured •
p ed by the British:
EMULSION of Cod ` Liver
Oil ?
There are others ;' why
The good one is SCOTT'S.
[t's nearly Mao years old; it is
sed by intelligent people al
Ver the world; and approved
Y physicians sicians all over the
When anyone . says "Emul-
ion of Cod Liver Oil," he
neans SCOTT'S. ' No other
wade in a certain way; of
ertain things , it keeps; : it' is
aways alike'; it does what it
The others --nobody; knows
hat they are or do. There
wouldn't be any" others but for
the 'S-•
there wouldn't be any counter-
feit money but for' the true.
The genuine has
this picture on it, take'
no other..
If yell have ' not
tried it, send for free
sample, its agreeable
' taste will surprise
SCOTT I30W1, r ,,,
I croute,
OC. and I: '. 11� rl1 1StS'
5,� OD , a d ��
tJ FRlllll{Nle true.
i0 what it had cost the owners: 11
Y would not be a just lazing to de-
' 'duct ;the, sudsidy then; whereas,_ 1f
the property had increased in value
it would be a very proper tiling to
Sir Wilfrid Laurier Is Apparently deduet the bonus. He could not
Swinging Round to the idea. favor the'latte1 par' 1' of the amend-
Xnent for this reason, Ile entire
favored theftrst part,
Not Prepared 10 Adopt tido Principle To- Dr, Sproule regarded as a pre-
day', But Admits That the Time MAYrlt for expropriation the British
(Changed every Wedr<asday)
Wearout per bushel 02 to t,8
Flour icor cwt 1.85 to 9,00
Barley 38 to 42
Oats 28 to SO
Pelts GO to 00
,titter 14 6;o 15
i'jgga 11
Cornu When "We May Do What Has sudsidy System to eteainboat5,
Mr. Bicllardson then ointed. out
Hoon Dono in other,; Couutaes"— that a., precedent for z tlwa . ex ro-
y. P
Dobato ,on the Propose, Toronto -Col-. nr'iatioti iS provided in fen Imperial
lingwooct Air Lino Railway. klct of x8d.d,
Hon. J. Sutherland opposed the
Ottawa, ' March 26:—Sir Wilfrid amendment as providing special re-
Laurier is being • rapidly converted strictions for this, company,
to the principle ;of 'Government own- Mr. It. L. Borden would vote
ership of railways. The zeal of the against bit amendment
convert is' so strong in him thin t unless that
g he latter . .Bart was luociiIled by such
rose ilz the blouse yesterday, and at- words as the following: "But such
tested the progress thus far of life subsidy shall not be deducted except
wards the close
political regeneration. It was to- to the extent' which the value• of the
of a spirited debate undertaking is in excess of the cost,
on the question_ of expropriating the 'together with a reasonable allow
proposed Toronto-Collingwood Air ,. ance for interest on such cost."
Line, when the supporters of the bill The l'renrier"s Views.
were getting decidedly the worst of • Sir Wilfrid Laurier, on general
the argument. principles, was in favor of
support -
First feadln s. -ing the "reportofthe Railway Com -
To amend- the Inland Waters' Sea- niittee unless it conk' bo shown that
men's Act—Sir Loufs 'Davies, some gloss error had been corn nit
Respecting Enquiries and Investig'a- ` .ted, I3e thought if a beginning ere
tions into ShippingCasualties--Sir' to be made in w
' legislating on the.
Louis Davies, lines of the amendment, it should be
To amend the Railway Act, bill Dulyafter the fullest consideration.
containing a clause empowering the He said
insertion in every railway charter of This• Parliament has the right. a•t
a"provision for- expropriation—Mr. expropriate railway
•:i,nS� tiirie ' to ex
Richardson: 1 property, even the C. P, R. I think
A return containing the new inin-, n1y lion. friend from East York will
ing regulations in • the Yukon ' was agree with me that ' we have an un
tabled. doubted right to do so, and we earl
Questions and Answers.
lIon. An'. Patterson, in reply to
Mr, Clancy, said:
do so to -morrow.: I do not know
but the time may come which my
hon• friend from East York is sigh
Ike quantity of unclaimed or un- ing for, when we should have all the
hulled rice, or "paddy '' imported railways of this country under our
from Great Britain and entered for jurisdiction, that we should have the
consumption in Canada. in 1900 am_ ;. ownership of them, I am not pre=
minted to 10,675,075 pounds, vial- pared to adopt this principle to -day,
ued at 413'2,221, of which amount but 101110 time we may come to this
conclusion. We may do what has
10,609,779 pounds, valued at $131,-
450; were returned at preferential . been clone in other countries. But if
tariff rates: It was chiefly grown in : that time ever came, this Parliament
British India. would •have to consider the clauses:
Mr. Sutherland gave the following of expropriation, a.nci what -rule 01
figures in answer to a question by - expropriation should be followed.
11Ir. Wilson: In the present case he agreed. with
the z argument
The sum of 453,81, was paid the
e ent that the arnendment
Doulchobors by way of bonus, $32,-
apply special conditions to
008 of which was banded over to one hill of a private company.
the committee in Winnipeg, Ihe, ba1- Word "National" to Be Dropped.
ance being: expended, in lirovisiozis, After stating' his total disa •roe
'Phe rate .was if;l per'head. Nothing
silent 1i'fth the' Premier's view ¢hat
was loaned to them, but $20,000 was the Railway Committee does the
paid for supplies, liens being taken whole thing, leaving practically no-
on their lands. thing to the House Mr. Maclean,
Hon. rBlair"' � sale . Sir . ,
M informed Dir. . .L+ _ P. d. z expect ui � 1
1Z ifiYds
Clarke that no labor clause had been : statement on the expropriation of
inserted in the contract' for the 20 railways, I am glad to have heard
locomotives given by the Government this confession of the -hon..gentle-.
to the Kingston -Locomotive !Yorks, man with regard to Government own
Replying to a' long question by Mr, ership, and 1 say we could never
Lariviere, Mr. Fisher said the •Cloy • have had: that confession but for the
eminent is -considering the matter of discussion 'Which, has taken place in
Canadian horses for the army.. this House. (Ilear, h.Apro
Mr, Jennett wase informed that "Reil- ,gross that we envy snakeear.) can onlyll be`
liam` Stubbs, former representative of by the kind of discussion we had,:
Cardweljhad been appointed official here zvi' x, the ;House went into com-
veterinary to the Department , of Ag- Mittee 'on the •Air' Line bill,. the 'style
riculture in regard to tuberculosis, of which is to incorporate the. Can
at a salary of $1,200, and that W. ada National Railway and Transit
E. O'Brien of Shanty Bay had been "Company.
appointed Commissioner to the Gl•as- Mr. W. F. Maclean objected to the
gow Exhibition, at a salary of 42, word "National" ational" in the title. That
500, living expenses of $5 a day and word should, he said, be reserved for
traveling allowance. the Government road. The Intercol-
To. Expropriate the Road. onial is the National. Railway of
Mr. E. F. Clarke moved• that His and that road only should'
Majesty shall have the right at•ling have such an appellation
time to expropriate the proposed` To-
fir G. Blair saw no objection
to str'k
i in
r nt - t the word,
0 o C• lain S o d '
O w if
g cod Air -Line, and there
that on the taking over of the same, was a feeling in the House about it.
the Lmount of any bonus granted to•Hon. J. Sutherland said the third
the ..,ir
th roadg' proper "
shallI P for be deduct r ma
price: Mr. Clarke stated that ing the alteration in the the It was ,•agreed to omit thetitle.word
road is not intended to serve any lo-
cal purpose, at the third reading sta•ge,
Hon. Mr. Blair: replied that the Mr, Gourley compared ' the railway
clause proposed by Mr. Clarice bad development of Australia and Can -
been very `thoroughly threshed out ada, and brought down the House by
an allusion to "Little Canadians.
before the Railway 'Committee. lie,
as Minister of Railways, ' had' sub- He believed Canada to be only in
nlitted _to the committee, an .amend_ the initial stage of its railway de-
ment identical with the proposal : of. °elopment, and if this bill were go
Mr. Clarke, but it did .not find favor ing to 'affect in'. anyway the grain
with the committee: The incorpora-
transportation problem it•was of the
tion of the clause could not possibly utmost importance that the amend
mitigate against .the'�sizccess of the i went should be passed.
undertaking, as "Parliarilent wouldP,oth A'mondments rejected. •-
always have - the "'right to expro-'I , Col. Sam Hughes' amendment to'
priate. The committee "should'; eon- the amendment was lest, only three
eider whether the' deciding of the standing up for it. '
bonus was :a proper condition to an- i The amendment wad also declared
,nex to the charter.:. He was in favor lost 'on a division,
of the amendment, and he could not ' The committee then rose,
see how it would harm anybody. The third reading of the bill then
Col; Sam Hughes spoke in favor of and there was:' objected to by Messrs.
as compared
Ma.cle ,
with the an
pert; t and
c E.
I Clarke, e
It was
of Collingwood. He gloved as an allowed 16 standover till the change
amendment that, should the Govern- in the title was offered the House.
ment take over the road, r the, bonus- :After , recess, these gentlemen dis-
es voted by any municipality should cussed the miltual,.preference rc'solu-
be paid back to the. municipality.' : tion . of the leader of the Oppdsition:
Why So Much Money Spent? • iitessrs, Scott •(Assinlboia'Lan-
W. F. Maclean was ladcaster, Hughes (Icing's, P.Ifl.L.
g the: Minis- g ),
ter of Railways had'given his sup- Minis -
Richardson (Lienar j, and Robinson
port to the amendment` proposed by
(West Elgin).
the member for West Toronto. But, Mr. Richardson- (Lisgarf, the Most
he understood that the: Mini -ter I',of Independent of the .liberals in the
Railways did not think much of thepeaking more in sorrow
undertaking at all. :The clovernlltent than in anger, gave the Government
was acting unwisely in letting this,a sore overhauling; Ire recalled the.
charter fall into the hands of a ` it i- days when he Yearned all his' High
I principles at: Sir Wilfrid Laurier's
vate company. The Government
should take over the G. T. R, be-' knee, Ile''had sat at the :feet of
tween Torontoand the Georgian" Oav diel -and 'where was he now?
Bay, and extend • the' road to .Sud- The house adjourned at midnight.
bury, where . it would connect with
the Ontario system of railways. This POLITICAL POINTERS.
could probably be done for the ail-
ount of the subsidies this ;company The official return of the result of
would receive: Be .thought the muni- the':: bye -election in,. North Bruce was
cipalities should be allowed to make made by the returning 'officer at. Tara
their own bargains: on Saturday, James ilalliday, coria
Mr. Calvert argued that the amend- servative, was officially declared
merit would interfere with the ;sue- elected by a majority of 11.
cess of the bonds
Col. Tisdale favored the charter, NOWSpaPOIr nen on Strike.
but did not think the road one ,en- Columbris, Ohio. March 26.-T
titled" tea subsidy: he
entire local: Staff ".employed on The
Mr•, 13. M. Britton disapproved the Press -Post struck yesterday,
amendment. 5 d ' .The
• proprietor of file paper had :been
(`ousee tiv
Leader's v e L
a o s views.
- givetl until 9 o'clock to sign. the
Mr, 11. L. Borden—You mast begin scale of the newly-forcnecl N'es's
g �
some Hine orother with a, :p1.OviS7.on "1Vriters' ASSoClati0n, but railed to do.
of this kind, There \V0uld be just'90
the same Objection to FL general law,
and theta can. be 010 in nstice in be- A Guilty :Ne.Tro Hanged,
with ginning' 11t1r.this company. As to I?tiltinli>r•e;:11id.. 141 rc
a IL
• ti,
tit"'d "'rli'Ic u
the Z. t i of fairbonus,.
,. "i ''
t:Vir. . Dor- Rir7, 1i ge'e's a °19 C cara.' >f a ,p,estclda} found ,
Glen thought: while' in seine cases it yc.._ • nous
guilty or tetunioirs
1vor1ld, be proper to do 5O, tin others assault upon Mrs, Barbaro, Green
it (voalld , ,1101,.. :4 JppclS0 (11,11 ;'hrt0- and; sentencedp s
t.o he liatl,;.,d,h•k
1 , tj, its, tlit;time- of its t;reinE, ex- confessed on the .'witness ,stand .to
kr•opr1i1•toll, 1116 on -1r S,9rth: 1J.alf '.1 9o'(age Committed;tae erhLe..
^lay porton. ,.:,n.,... 75 to 8o0
Dried,A,pples pet
Curlieys .• . .. . ... to 9
Chicken .,. , 5c, lb.
910 11... .7
C n oth.v - ,, ., , ,:rn...,i 25 to 1.4 10 50
01ovev ,450 to 523
Wook;,. 15 to 1.fi
I.,00 a year 10c, a copy.
The Best_ Illustrated Monthly Ma-
gazine of the kind Published,.
Its pages are filled by a brilliant ar-
ray of writers and artists, Its author-
itative and : independent reviews of
Books, Plays Music and Art, its clever
stories, strong special articles, humor
and verse, with fine illustrations, make
it necessary in every intelligenb Home.
The very low subscription price; .$1.00
per year puts in within the reach of'
all. Reliable agents" wanted in every
town. Extraordinary inducements.
Write for particulars and sample copy.
A trial subscription: will prove it.
Criterion Publication Co.
Subscription' Department,
41 East 21st St., N. Y. City.
Galt; March 20. -What looks like a
case of di bollc ti murder came to light
here about 10 o'clock this morning;
Mrs. Cowan,elict
, of WuY. Cowan, who
since the death of her busbanl, about
five years ago, had been livid, alone,
leas found dead in a one-story flume
house on Pollock avenue, which she
had been occupying for the pest two or
three'yerrs, elude which, th several
otherhouses, h sex, tom ether with other ro-
e •
t of
z er<
Lble value, •i
y e had -
p keen
left her her husband, The body was
srtting in cliaie,with the head thrown
back, the niouth wide open and the
forehead covered wich'blood. Tbe con-
dition of
on-dltionof the body and the blood-spilt-
tered table, conch, bed and. wails, indi-
cate ti foul murder, as it seems very
difficult, if not impossible, to believe
that it was a case of suicide, Mrs Cow-
an was about Go years of age, ; An in-
quest is being held this afternoon.
The Best Friend
of the
Mother,' Wife and
Pane's Celery
reat Srii MetIio!ae
That 1sthres il!1iig
FeIjia1s 10 Perfect
Can Never Say Too
Much in Favor of
Paine's Celery
One of the oldest and "best edited
monthly magazines published in Am
erica, in a recent leading article, de
clares that more than half the revenue
of physicians is derived from the treat-
ment of females, and that about -one
case in every hundred. is correctly dia-
gnosed, showing that, cures are ex-
tremely rare.
The important knowledge gaained
by women of every age about Paine's
Celery Compound and the, special and
peculiar benefits it bestows on females
suffering from ailments peculiar to
their seq, as well as from the common
ills of life, haye• made Paine's Celery
Compound the Most popular and trust-
ed home medicine of the day.
In spring time,,: when woman's ner-
vous strenght is overtaxed by home
work and duties and the constant de-
mand of social functions, it is (hen
that Palne's Celery Compound shows
invigorating and vitalizing effects, as
the precious medicine is used from
clay to day. It quickly banishes ner-
vousness, prostration,' weakness, de-
bility, ]angour, despondency, and the
many nameless ill that come to wo-
men of all ages.
Mrs., R. Adamson, Head of Mill-:
sti ellen, 1.ings (o., N. B,, says:
I fed ita duty to briefly testify re-
garding the value of .Paine's Celery
Compound. Since childhood I suffer-
ed from 51Ch heada
s, neuralgia
constipation JIad attacks once a
reek which. keptme confined to bed.
1:1,ive been treated by n number of
0111 sici.Ltis without bcneGelal results.
1 p000ur011 SIX bottles of Paine's Celery
it g
;oro 0lu which was strongly rCC0111:
Yi(�ndcd 10 use, it'iid,ifter 11 short time
1 found that new life end health corn -
mg that 1 so long wished' for. Two
'cite; have pissodrlrid 1 have not had
' 1'1 1i rn _bi.. toy 1.old troubles.
rlov ,r say too mocih in favor of Paine's
Celery Compound,"
from a question that niust'interest you.
Have you your New Suit i? . If
not, drop in and see us at the
firstopportunity and let us
show you a 'fe=, prices • of tha"
Fancy, Worsteds and Scotch.
Have you seen the nes' Staples and
Therrngbone patterns, They
are l •
e beauties.
A big range of Blues and Black, Irish
Serges at the old prices, ,
If you want <L black wa Havre what you
want in Twills, 'Venetians and
Overcoats in Beavers, Meltons, Curls,
Naps and Montanacts.
All work done in the latest style and
fit guaranteed.
Js s , IEV
Opposite Post Oface
ors HhteniloL .
• ,9) t
Ea hve procured a
car load of°Thomas
Phos hatez
po�rder which
is thebee., t Fertilizer ,t
slizer on
the market.
Give us a Call,
ti.O.ilY &
We areconstant1Y z
goods and it is a pleasure for us to
show them to you. _
Our Pianos and Ol;gn.ns are the
most beautiful in
tone and appearance
that money can buy.
We also .. showViolins, .V furs, CTutars,
Mandolins, Mouth Organs, Methodist
Hymn andSundaySchool Books, also
Presbyterian Books of praise.
Sewing Machines and Repairs al-
ways in stock.'
Sheet Prinsic of all Kinds.
We have moved into our new pre-
mises opposite the Central Hotel and
are now open for business. Our pre-
mises are modern and we give you,
modern and up-to-date goods and
made in the most modern • style. •
We Personally ... .
:.:Cut Every Garment
That's made up at this establishment
—asell as fit t Yt—and look after
all the details. This is only one
reason why our prices are model..
' ate.
Gent's Fur1ishings
Oonie and see us in our new plane
of business and examine our stock of
Gent's Furnishings.,
Bert. Kn gat.
1f you want; your,
well, done
ge toRi;1[c s Watches,, Cleok
and jewelry a specialty.
t, n ,
Marriage Licenses iss Ledand
d ti $'Ih,iu)rs allvays on hand.
' ue-' z'- Block, , Exeter^