Exeter Advocate, 1901-2-28, Page 4Cleas, 11, Sanders, Editor arid. PrOp
FEB 98s' t
1 19011
The Toronto World is eadeavoriug
to introduce to Canadian writers the;
list of words with siinplilloa sPelhog
adopted at 'Washington. in Suly, 189S.
thedireetors of the National minea-
tint!. Association Inc use in all 1)111)14:a-1
tions of the a8sociation. Ii,, I
',ho wire g the (o.linlry004.1 la:foamed t
31S 3:013.0Ws: Peograin (pro -1
geanime), tho (though) ; altho (al-
though); thoro (thorough); thorotare
(thoroughfare); thrti (through); then -
out (throughout); catalog (ctitetugue);
prolog (prologue); deeidog (decalogue);
demagog (demagogue); pedagog (pedd-
gogue). While the World stands alone
among Canadian journals the refoian
nevertheless is worthy of considera-
tion and adoption. Because a whole
lot of useless ancl meaningless letters
have been attached to words and used
in ages prist is no reason in these days
of progress that the thing should be
continued, The World commenting.,
on the strbject says:
This is too practical an age to consent
to be handi-capped forever by the im-
pediments to learning that all of us
have to put up with. Surely in this
twentieth century men will not carry
crutches when they can MON' e aboat so
much more quickly wi thout thew. Our
clumsy-, burdensome and unscientific
system of spelling cannot long with-
stand the influence ofthe clean-cut,
scientific methods of the new era up-
on which we have just entered. If
for DO other reason, reformed spelling
is certain to be adopted because of its
economy. We spend over $600,000 a
it year in Toronto school system. Fully
one-fourth of this sum is wasted iti
teaching the pupils the intricacies of
an unnatural and useless system of
A movement more far reaching in its
effects than appears on the surface is
on foot among the professional politic-
ians which the public had better watch.
As usual it has money for its basis and
more money or something else behind
it. The Senators and members of the
House of Commons receive a sessional
allowance of $1000 per annum with
ten cents per mile travelled additional.
The Ministers each receive $7000,
which, with $1000 for the session as
members, makes their annual income
$8000. The Premier gets $8000, which,
with his allowance, nets $9000. These
sums make a yearly charge on the
cost of legislation, bringing it up to a
nice snag figure on which genius, as
represented by each Minister and
member of it starves may at least
starvewith considerable respectability-,
if not luxury. These figures were fix-
ed. at Confederation at the time when
the salary of the Governor General
was made $50,090 per annum and are
supposed to be in proper proportion to
it. At the beginning of Confederation
the Liberals, then in opposition, m :de
many a point and carried more than
one rural constituency on the score of
heir extravagance and sharnefid waste
of public funds. The general reply
was, it may be too much now, but the
country will grow richer and after a
while things will balance themselves.
Once or twice since that time attempts,
more or less successful, have been
made to increase the allowance of
members and Senators when the ses-
sion, owing to the protracted_ opposi-
tion of the Liberals,then sitting on, the
left of the speaker, has been unduly
lengthened. But it was never a popu-
lar measure. More than one political
speaker admitted that the House might
have risen weeks before had they
worked as public corporations were
obliged to ‘vork. Now we are inform-
ed a scheme is on foot to outdo any-
thing ever before attempted in this
line. The Premier $20,000, Cabinet
Ministers in proportion and Senators
and Commoners $1500 ,each. One can
see that a force is in dead earnest be-
hind this. Boards of trade here and
there are passing resolutions lookirg
to this end. But the Mali & Empite
wants to know who is behind it all
and what share Or office will the pro-
moter have? We may well ask. Paid
Parliaments have resulted in creating
the professional politicians a class
dangerous to the public weal and to
increase the pay will not remedy the
disease. But there is one other fea-
ture tacked on this scheme. It itS to
pay a certain sum anntially to the
leader of the Opposition. Take It all
in all the pill is a sugar-coated one, but
the country is not in need of such med-
icine just now. Why hot, pay Liberal
members $1500 a year and Conserva-
tives only $500? This would balance
tip nicely and serve the Tories right
for being Tories. We patent this idea
now and claim a royalty on it But,
seriously, this is no time for any such
`measure. We are nearer hard times
than many imagine and wise men
'shorten sail when they see a breeze
coming. Will our Ontario :rulers do
this? We shall see.
Tff,'S 1 XJ) 0 031'ilf /!;',ST_PS'
oitt0 th, 1,1: judges in Oniendo 11
1' 11, one Rotten': Chrtliolic:,
oho Preatiyterian and One 1:3antist,
For tv-trentY'-fotir yeato ,Vapo-diezoleri has'
.bece eetser,i1reiy eaed.fer all fortes of tit‘..nel aoe
t:..-uelen, ff:rteggirrin
No matter how pent: lion; cte Nea,
Ross spertds in -improving Ord:alit
roads, J. P, Vdhitney cant promise hiall
some rough travelling when, 1i tekee
it into hiShend to go to the eountry.----
'I'm:undo Telegram.
Mariam:1e annuu to 1 1 : ood deal
of ;.1. fainue The records
show that in ht. Clair County alone,
with a population 01 cuneideritble lose
than that OL Lind:ton; there ;:11i 00
Ole DO leSS 10;m two Inn:deed and
eighty-four 1.p))1 111.010 roe divorce.,
A eon i, 01 pora sa ye: "The peol)10
O r Cot avio enthUsi,ts'Liceilly vor 1,11°
kite:, or thie coin:try oameractering its
o‘vii einem% ('-inida is iust as suitable
ror the production or stigar 05 (0 wheat:
oats or barley. Sugar is ;in ageicultur-
(11 prodo et, and this is, pee excellence,
00. ageleillt:nal 0.000 , The con-
sunaption of 01.1ga0 in Canada is 300,-
000,000 pounds a year. Evevything is
favorable to tire production of every
pound of this in Ontalq.0."
The pompous man walked 'haughtily
up to the hotel register, seized a .pen,
looked way off over the (Jerk's head,
and inscribed, with great flourish, the
following: ''Prof. Heavlitt Howler,
Ph.D., LL.D., M,D." Then lie threw
the peu down and stared superciliously
at a man with a clay pipe, who h0.100(1 -
lately picked up the pen and wrote:
"Prof. Pat McCann, H.0.1). C.A.R.
R.I.E.R." After which they glared at
each other, and the bell -boy took the
professor's grip and die.d.-Indianapo-
lis Sun. '
* *
A bulletin just issued by the Ontario
Government gives a large batch of
correspondence from farmer''s in Vari-
ous parts of the province on the hired
help question. It is reported in many
instances that both hired men and
domestic servants are scarce. The
men go west, where they can get
higher wages; the girls flock to the
towns and cities. Many correspon-
dents say that it is becoming imprac-
ticable to carry on large farms in
Ontario oh account or the difficulty of
obtaining help.
Many of the school boards have not
tulopted Inc cash book for school treas.
prepared by the Provincial rtuditor, un-
der the ;tuthority of chapter 228, R.S.
O., 1897. EVery school board of any
city or town which refuses or neglects
to procure books, in accordanee with
the system pi os will be littble to a
p00 .11b of $50, and every other school
bo:trd will be liable to it 1100 of $25 for
every month it is in default. It is ad-
mitted by all that the school accounts
are usually kept in a very loose style,
and the proposed system is similar to
that adopted by the municipalities
which is working so satisfactorily.
The most radical finti-eigarette mea-
sure yet proposed is now under con-
siderittion in the Minnesota Legisla-
ture, having been introduced by Sena-
tor Httiverson, one of whose constitu-
ents receetly died f-rorn smoking too
many cigarettes. The pi °posed bill is
modelled on the Tennessee law, .which
the United States Supreme Court hits
held to be constitutiontd, and makes
it a misclemeetnor to use tobacco in this
formbars merch;rnts from bringing: -
cigarettes into the state, makes giv-
ing away cigarettes on equally- grave:of-
fense, and even protibits the sale of
papers used in rolling cigarettes. A
tine of not less than $50ds proyided for
anyone of the above enumerated of-
It Was a costly century of War that
Englishmen liad to look back upon a
hundred years ago. The fighting re-
cord began in 1702 with the war of
the Spanish succession, which cost
262,500,000. The Sp;inish War of 17:39
;:bsorbed 251,000,000 before it was
Settled at Aix -la Chippelle nine yerris
hiter. The Seven Year's War cost,
R112,000,000 and the American War
cost Z136,000,000. Most expensive of
all was the French revolutionztry war,
begun in 1793. It we extend the re-
trospect back to 1688 and up to 1815
we find there were in that period 62
years of peace and that the 65 years
of war cost 22,023,000,000. The in
ger item in the . vast total Was, of
course the campaign against Bona-
parte, which in 12 years cost R,1,150,-
The Canadian Fire Underwriters'
Assochttion met in Toronto last week
a,nd as a resalt the insurance rates will
go np. This is a result of the great
loss sustftined by the compttnies in con-
nection with the Ottawa,Montretil and
other great fires recently. An entire-
ly new system, of letting is to be. made.
There will be no fiat rate over a dis-
trict, but erich risk will he judged on
its merits, and advances will be inttde
not only on all hazardous risks, but on
buildings in the neighborhood of such
risks. All towns and cities that come
under the jurisdiction of the Canadian
Fire Underwriters' Association will be
rated in this way, and the result, it is
confidently expected, will be such an
increase in the revenues of the com-
panies as will repay them for the losses
they have already suffered. The de-
cisions arrived at will ttpply directly
to Ontario and Quebec.
The Montreal Butter and Cheese As-
sociation throws out the following sug-
gestion. Canada nmst go more large-
ly into the manufacture of fancy but-
ter, since ibis evident that we are now
making Os tnany cheese as can be con -
sir m ed in one season at profitable prices.
There is abundant room for expansion
in butter making, providing only the
best quality is made. All hope of do -
11.0 export trade of any importance
in dairy butter must be abandoned.
Nothing but the hest creamery butter
will sell freely and profitably. There
is proof enough that fancy butter 000
be made in Canada, bill; in 0111 progress
most yet be rinnle ere our average ena-
Iity will ;;;tand as high as that: of Don -
n:0010 ()I: Australia. We are espeeially
hehind these countries in regard to
packages. Only the best obtainable
should be bought uniform in style and
.SiZP, and where boxes are r15f,(1, no
mare and no less butter shookl 1 e
eeherl dam will 'est 56 lbs. When c'e-
3." • I , . ,
, 1
'When David Douglas W neon mid
John A. V'veson, o:'ofo1Lh, d
known far and with? through V,:testeril
Ontario as great egg el1[r,seeared
a due w anti usefurproceee of treating
eggs," thev ns ed it good enough
to take Mit patent rights 00 it. The
process is applied to pickled eggs and
it is said, restore to them many
of the properties of freshe„gas. Other
dealers evidently ;ipprove oithe t,l'eat-
kneut, for john \Volker, of Detroit
who IIS the ) Valk QV Egg and Produce
Company does business ie Chatham
and other Caead km towns, is accesed
with using it, for which the •Wilsoas
claim damages and desire an injunc-
tion from the court's. Also William
Muldru w, it dealer in Mout 100], a few
days ago entered proceedings to de -
clave the Wilsons' pa beet void, Vestee-
daY Walker's solieitor moved before
the Master of Osgoode Hall to stay
proceedings hi his case until the Val-
idity of the ita tent had 'been decided.
A New York coroner is authority
for the statement that there are ovee
three thonsand bodies or strangers
buried in that City which havd never
been identified. Hundreds of them
were interred as paupers, though they
bore unmistakable marks of having
been persons in good circumstances.
In explanation it is stated that many
go to the city on business or pleasure,
are taken with illness, meet \vith ac-
cidents, and die before they can com-
municate with their friends or Make
known their identity. Before their
absence causes alarm sufficient time
elapses to destroy all trace of them.
As a means for establishing identity
01 all possible cases of this kind a bill
is to be introduced into the state legis-
lature for the formation of a bureau of
identification in New York city the
officials of which will be charged with
the duty of having photographs taken
of the unknown dead, They will also
keep records of the appearance and
clothing and place of burial of every-
The following is a copy of a billet
duly received by a knight, of the 10 1(1
front the house he represented turd
which by kind permission We were per-
mitted to copy. It speaks for itself
and from the othography it, will be
seen that it is purely German: -
. Columbus, Obio.
DEAR Sfh.--Ve haf recievedecl your
letter von de 13th mid exbenze agount
Vat ve v:tnt is orders. Ire fed big
1: unifies to neike exbenzes. Mr. Ern
stein ve lint in r youexbenze tigount
52 50 Ble;tse don't buy
no more billiards; vat ve vant is orders.
Also ve see $7.50 201 :1 horse and buggy.
Vere is de horse und vat did you do
not de bugg,y? De rest von your ex-
benze ttg,ount is nix but schleebei's.
Vy is it you don't ride more by day
Ve sended you toghty two boxes zi-
gars: one crested $1.40, de oder 90 cents.
You can scebrnoke de dollar forty cents
box, ;old give de oders on ,your gusfo-
niers. Ve did sended you also samples
of a necktie vet gosted us $7 a gross.
Sell dem for $7.25 a dozen; if you ekttl't
get $7.25, dake $2.25. Say de brices has
been redooced on agount of de new
dariff. Vat ve sant is orders. Dey- is
a novelty as ve haf dem in stock two
years und ain't sold one.
Louie says you should stop in Hum-
buldon, 0., vere his gonsin Max Blum
lifts. Louie says you should sellBlum
;t good bill. Dry him on dose $7.25
neckties first. Get good brices, -he is
Louie's gousin. Sell him mostly for
gash. Tell him we \ain't orders. Also
Louie•says vat you can leave Columbus
at 11.40 in de night und get by Hainbuldon at 1 30 in de morning. Do dis
und you yont need no schleeber. Don't
date ;my more bills ahead. begausede
days are getting longer. TJ tad remem-
ber, Mr. Ernsteina Vat ve 5 101 is or-
Yours (Trudy,
PiNsirET & Co.
To feel tired affertnexertion is one
thing: to feel tired lieldilKfilAat titer.
Don't say the latter 'shirt it
isn't; but its a sign that the
laeks vitality, is running down, and
needs the tonic effect of Hoods Sarsap-
arilla. It's a warning, to -and suffer.
010 should_- begin taking Hood's ;it
Buy a bottle to -day.
Windsor Feb. 22. --James McGurn
tnick, employed ;it Ferris' livery,stable,
Windsor, .was fatally injured this
itfternoon by a heavy cogwheel, which
fell down the elevator shaft near Whith
he was standing, and struck' him on
the top of the head. His skull si*.is
fractured and a deep cut made.
A. person that has lost appetite has
lost something besides -vitality. vigor,
The way to recover appetite ancl all
that goes with it is to take Hood's
Sarsaparilla -that strengthens the
stomach, perfects digestion and makes
eating a pleasure.
Thousands take it for spring 'loss of
appetite and every body says there's
nothing so good as Hood's,
St. Marys. Feb. 23. -The annual
meeting of the Sduth 1?erth Reform
Association WaS held here yesterday.
There was a full representation from
every nmnicipality in the riding-.
Prof. Dale, of the township of Blau -
shard, was elected president and 8. A.
Hodge, of Mitchell, secretary-(,reasur-
er for the ensuing year. Valentine
Stock, of TaviStock, was unanimously
nominated as the Liberal candidate
for the Ontario T.,egislature. Mr. Stock
necepted in a briefoppropriate 81)00011.
Resolutioes of confidence in both the
Dominion and Ontario Governmeots
were adopted. A resnlution, strongly
urging the advisabilit y of INc Domin-
ion Gov etn ment ppoin ting ra ilo• y
commission, WAS 2150 adopted. -A res-
olution, relating to the Queen's dt;,Lti.h,
elirtiteri nnmy Ver y feeling remarks
and touching eulogies to 1. -Ter Majesty
in memory, The principal speakers of
the meeting were ThOP • RIllantyne,
I). R. Erb, M.P and Mr. Pettypiece, ,
Press G
Ptielhuneet el" b..?
5-, Feb. 2tl:.
I lie nast week was binkset an the woa
notialug else was done. In its Own
.1..0,S1 5505 101, 63.0 \ eumiem. thoueht the
eounmencemtmt ot the budget was sot-
licieet toe a week's week, hat there aro
PeOple ,,vho pay INC tames 01111 tney
don't think so• this budget, de -
1e oolioneueed Thursday Alterman',
Ha:11M, W.Rose,the,Preinier Treasurer:
per fprOA :ug the fmt oi! delivering. a 1; ad -
get. 1311.1. 1115 debate from 1lre Govern-
.1ne tit VieW 5 31 a 001 :1 roaeing success so
it eame 1)10 early: adjeliennient
tee .111r, Ross had eeneladed.Col. Mo 10-
001) thee oppoSitien critic, took up his
cudgel a u3 with his steong 'UglkU:( 01 he
Completely demolished the iirgaments
or the, Pvovi.neio Treas ever. It took
Col, Matheson 1)1.11 11.0 him]; to 551e0 the
Sta 10 1110015 :tittered by Premier Ross.
Wired the' opposition speakea coaclud-
edithere WaS it pause. From one to
the other mein leer§ pn the (*ore:reline-at
side theylook about and then Andrew
Pattnilo junipS up and moved the ad-
jourament of the House. , 'Everybody
WaS,SilyprIsel, aS 11) 5(05 only 95 and
night seseions lash to eleven .1) clock,
but it did Mr t take long to .fatlithn. the,
:lotion of the Government. Col: Mathe-
son s arguments had been too .strong
and the Government was: alitrined so
they fell back on the adjournment that
an opportunity might be given them
to hold a .consultation and decide Itehr
they should proceed With the debate.
:1 saY :that Col: Matheson demolished
the arguments of Hon. (LW. Ross and
10 show that the.statement isnot an
idle one,'I shall noint out how in One or
two instances that Was done. He show-
ed that in the revenue 01 1900 there was
inclinled $030,000 bonus' received as hal-
ahee on •the thobet' sale - held by the
Government in ,Dec., :1899. In addi-
tion there was an item Of 57000 ss hieh
had. been received in the Common
SchoolLand fund and another amount
of $31,000 for. 'Drainage Debentures.
None of these copld :be regarded as :or-
dinary reven tie and this $677;000 should
be deducted leaving the gross revenue
at $3,515;000, which Hen. Mr. Ross had
it placed at $4,192,000.
In the same Way Col. Matheson
showed how the expenditure had been
Cooked: The actual expenditure 'mi.§
$3,803,000 and the deficit for the year
1900:Was $283:000'
That is one example of ignorance of
finances: Which the .prermer showed'
and 'whieli Col. Matheson pointed Out
mach: to the discomfiture of the Minis-
terial benches. Space does' riot permit
o general review of the financial con-
dition of the province, nor is such a
general review .necessary, for it has
been d;scussed time after . When
the Liberal administration first took
the reins of power there was.a surplus
of millions, but now there is a deficit
of 111111101S. Besides an :this the re-
sources of the penance have been :frit-
teredaway to.saye the party from un-
favorable -revelations.
SO - unfavorable was the financial
statement that Hon. G. W. Ross had
to present that he dealt Yery sparingly
with the figures and passed on With a
great rush 'to the Government's policy
and its promises. He was in his ele-
ment as 2.11.1' ;IS the promise part of it
was concerned. gillthat he said has
been said before. The Ontario Govern -
merit promises well, that the members
are good promiSers. The new feature of
the record of promises was in connec-
tion with the proposed railway which
is proposed Shall run front North Bay
to Lake Temiseathing. As this qties-
thin is likely :to .be heardof frequently
again it might pot he out of place here
to say a few words regarding it. There
is a district of ,good agricultural land
in the district of Tendscaming. It was
there) where the Liberaladministra-
tion came .into power Years: age but
the Department Of Crowh Lands has
justfound out at this late date when
hundreds of people baYe gone to .the
Western States and Manitoba. Why
Aid they nOt 'find it oat before? Before
Crown:Larids, heretofore, Were looked
upon by.the Government as timber
larids which were to be disposed of to
friends or squandered to make up the
annual deficits: . •
But this district is in'need ofat: road
as the settlers in theNorth desire com-
munication with the -outside world.
The_district is 106 miles .frorn North
ay. Mr. Ross in his speech said that
ps the Government Would build
leasing it intiine to
the Gra k or other railway. .
As a qties statereanship the
moye by the GO t has been a
laughing one and the thing orig-
inal in the plan. The pp r
tation to the Roblin Railway'. n
Manitoba. But the Ontario Got
merit :timorous and cowardly as ithas
always been„is timorous and Cowardly
to the end. The Roblin Government
thonght the matter opt, • considered
their action and when' anything was
complete annetinced the policy..
• No oneettaS to wonder very far to
understand the action of the Govern-
ment. At the present time Govern,
;pent ownership of railways is a live
question. It may he called one of the,
burning questions and upon it every
Government muSt soon pronounce it-
self. The Ontario Goverinnent under-
stands this. A survey of that read
will take two years and that will tide
the Government' Over' the next general
election. .
Therefore the Ontario Govannient
will go to the. country When it has to,
and grasping after the support of the
03 Vocate8 of : Goyennment ownership,
they will give no alarm to the oppo,
'bents of GoveeriMent. : That is. the
Story in brief Of the. Government pol-
icy in connection With the ,Teinisea up'
ing Road: But one other matter of
general importance heeds to bp referred
to and that is With regard 10 the "scrap
iron." assessment laW, that anomaly ih
iegislation which has been Unparalled
in 48 iiiiiiStialenOrinity since time
gari. It was first instituted by the Lib -
0101 GoVerninent arid satiCtioned by
the Liberal Government, By it street
railway Shonld be vained for the pin,
.poses of assesstnent foth the: ainonnt
which itlould brittg if torn 11 atid
Old tot scpap iron. The assessment
nornmission which was appointed by.
the Govttroineht to coh8idet' the ;tssess-
Merit. system were ttiMble 10 tblerate
this iniquitous piece of legislation and
repotted against it. The GOvernment,
y.nOW havii loaitietid the
SiN.q,y,two tbcasiihrl riv,e hiindred ahd
(if teEni ilOrnit.srfi,11tS Ved 10 Canadian
)(term ports during. the year ending
/mid 30 last,' inelediee 21,015 1(011. (1
tarough 11; Lie ‘..:Lsit•ea
IT N 0 PA Yll
N.'r7(111,517151(i.?,;(10•5 'e001 Weak Or d,OhIlitalod; tiredmornien07.0; tnhorour::;
L recl told 11:: :ed; I) n3 PLOS 1,0 face; dreams and night
; too 1,1t.'n),n. pour_ eicatyrseacedi excitable and ;irritable:
00010084011m00; wok rpe
eacia, aaa,treeeilt---evEi; 0.1.1P1 01 1.-I `1h0111
P 0(7)13 BY ORS. K
/ ,, .-----t; :,:r4tV\V\ ' , 1 t.......... ‘.1..i.
11‘' f.P. 5
r.CF01-1. 011EAT1111NT. A0100 TREAT:0LN T. BEregg Tan.VratEtrl.‘. AFTER latraermexr.
John A. Manila says: -“I vials one of tho count'ess vIc..
thus oros.rly ignorance commenced at 15 Tears of age. 1
1r1e,.1 sovea medical firths and spent $900 without avail.
I gave up M despair. The drains on my syst. Ill Were
weakening rnY intellect, as v,,01.1 as my sexual L.ncl physical
life, My brother ativised me as 0 lust resort to consult
Drs. 11.000e1)y ck..Kergan. I commenced their Now INIethod
Troatmont and in a few weeks was a new man, wlth. new
life and ambition. This was four years ago, and now I
am married atid happy. I rec.:mint:1W these rs.labls
specialists to alt my Ilfilleted fellowmen." .
"'rhe vices of early boyhood laid the foundation of ir.y
rain. Later on a '"gay Efe and exposure 0, hlood di-
seases completed the wreck. I bad all the symptoms of
Nervous Debility -sunken eyes, emissions, drain in urine,
nervousness, weak beck, etc. Syphilis caused my hair to
fall out, bone pains, ulcers in mouth and on tongue,
blotches on body, etc. I thank God I tried Drs. Kennedy
liergan. They restored me to health, vigor and happiness." CHAS. POWERS.
Varicocele, Cared,
MT• We treat and cure 2"izricoce12, Emissions, Nervous Debility,
Weakness, Gleet, Slriclure, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abyese
Kidney and Bladder Diseases.
READER ! Aro Vett fl TiCtim? ITLIS(4 V011 loot hope? Are TOrl CM' t'urplatitm nsr-
New Method Troatinet will enro Ton. What it liar. done for others it will ‘l() for • nu, t.
Liege? Ilas your Blood h: en disetu, ;a? 11,,,..0 ..,., . ' . , ' 5 ',....
, , . nt ,..p.:‘..,.(,) 0r..I.,, S. 4.,17
CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who hrs. treated you, write for an fionesr minion rr,),-, r
of Charge. Cbarges reasonable. BOORS FREE- "Tho Golden Monitor" ,,ili(istrate,l), ott
Diseases of Men. Inclose postage, 2 cent1. r coed, .
• W-1.:10 NAM e.S USED Wai2-10U'. -0 PITTEN CONSENT. rill - .---,
VATE. No roPclicine 5 tit; C. O. Ls. iqo narnes (.0 b)x., s t•z• r•pv.:,11--, V.-
opes. Ever_ythirig confidential. G ut.stion list and oc,.;Dt of 'r.,,,- ;;:t:
rnent, FREE.
ow; rErizTj rvEngt1/4
;IS p 44„„
3S.P .+d ar.eregat..reeS2
For weif' is the surest way for this
nation to maintain peace. That is
the opinion of the wisest statesmen.
It is' equally true that to be prepared
for spring is the best way to avoid the
peculiar dangers of the season. This
is a lessen multitudes are learning,
and at this time, when the blood is
sure to be loaded with impurities and
to be weak and -sluggish, the millions
begin to take Hood's Sarsaparilla,
which purifies, enriches and Vitalizes
the blood, expels all disease - germs,
creates a good appetite, gives strength
and energy and puts the whole sys-
tem in 'a healthy condition, prevent-
ing pneumonia, fevers, and other
dangeroas diseases NYhich are liable to,
attack a Weakened system.
One of Many Enthrialasts„
Joe Mitchell Chapple, editor of The
National Magazine, published at Bos-
ton, was in Buffalo recently and be-
came much interested in the Exposi-
tion. On his return to Boston he wrote
to an official of the Expositionas fol-
lows: "I was indeed sorry uot to have
seen you when in Pniffalo, but 1 did see
the 'Exposition and sons astonished be-
yond measure. I wish that you would
send on anything that you think might
be of Interest to our readers and make
It as attractive as possible, and I shall
keep on hammering avvay at the Expo-
sition editorially until it opens, because
I thoroughly enthused over the
MURDER NEAR HAVELOCKHfLvelock. Feb. 21. --Frank Sharpe,
about fifty years of age, was last sum-
mer married to a wotnan, who hrld
been living with his nephew, Wm.
Hull, aged 35. Hull was then away
from home, but on returning this win-
ter he induced the woman to live with
him again. It wits sitid that he Was
not married, although they had lived
together for two.years previous to her
marriage to Sharpe. lItdi had 1)000 00-
e in shantying and boarding with
osed wife at the home of Step
hen -
near Long Ltkke, :Wove fif-
teen mile h of here. Last night,
;tbout 8.30, drove to the Davis
house in conipan h two men,posh-
ed open the door ii uncd a Win-
chit:der yifle at Hiill w vas silting
in the room. The latter v up his
hands ;Ind said: "Don't do Grod
help me!" but Sharpe fired, the 11
shattering Hull's band and piercing
heart Sharpe then got in the sleigh
and drove away with the other men,
who were neighbors. He was seen this.
morning, by George Hull, a brother of
the murdered ni;tn, and appeared quite
unconcerned. He has established him-
self at his house, and threatens to
shoot anyone who attempts 'his arrest.
°Minty Constable Cochritne, of Peter
hero, left here Att 4 p.m. to irest hun
"To Be or
Wot to 73e."
7hat is the question that concerns every
mortal: whether it is better to be half ill,
nervous, worn out, or to be well, strong,
cheerful and useful.. rhe latter condition
vial be yours if you take Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla, America's Greatest Blood Medicine, -
there is nothing equal to it.
After a Cold ---"1 was comPtelet.9
tun down by a cold. My son persuaded
tne to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and after
the use of two bottles I found .1 was
getting an appetite. When I had taken
three bottles .1 was cured." 7. P. Vernot,
10 Champlain Street, Montreal; Can.
The Molsons Bank.
(Ohai-tered by Parliament,185S.)
Paid up Capital $2,500,000
Reserve Fund 2,050,009,
Head office Montreal
Money advanced to good Farmers3,
own notes with one or more enders .o
at 7 per cent. par. annum.
Open every lawful day from 10 a.m. to 3
p.m; Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 pan,
A general banking business transacted
CURRENT RATES allowed for money 08
Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 11 cent.
& Artra No. N D titranoS,
Solicitors. Manager.
Pulpers and Straw Cut-
ters in Stock at all times
All kinds of' Pulper and
Strawcutter knives of
every description on
Steam Pipe and fittings
of all kinds.,
A good Williams Sewing
Machine for sale.
Ji• MW1Th4l
Ferry's Seeds aro
own the country over ae
the out reliable Seeds that
can be bought. Don't save a
nickel on cheap seeds and lose a
dollar on the harvest.
1901Seed Annual free.
I). M. FERRY & CO„,
Windsor, Ont.
Brussels: Anothee Brussels baelic-
lor, in the per.son of CO,. Pest, passed
over to the great -majority, vvlien on
the, 2010 inst. he Was united hi the
holy 1 oods OE inatrimOny to Miss
Maggie, y-oungest, d;tugl.ter of Jas.
Fel grison, 910 eon., (:1(1)'. Tht: happy
coinde drove to Sue:forth vvliere the
10;:trim00ial 'tans. \yes sect:rely lied by
13,e0. 1)1r. Lar kin, of I'reebytetian
eh tirch.
1.2:0 thha t,1;11
only 16, paekegoe of
Sweet rea,Sne.latleo,61011. 0115
taro ofthe theca Mare fitvo.tle.
Hee, ofalleolor0). thlq
31)1v0r1190851t8 nma wowni tor'
7i, 6
rn thalsercy., alai this beau.
0 Int gel id sol,•IleArl art lung
tyofteereqlytalek, 13)if 111A111