Exeter Advocate, 1901-2-21, Page 8Observele—A syndicate is
iNfc lewen from 1, I3erry last fall. if
reihe wouldn't marry one who smoked,
She wouldn't wed with one who
wouldn't bave a Mall whose heart
'Had ever leaPed for love before.
S'he wouldn't. marry one whose height
Was less than five feet nine or ten.
The Man who came to win her heart
Rust have command o'er other men.
The mau that she was loOking fore
(Lune by, one day, arid churned her
The fellow snored to beat the band.
Lent begins on February ...0th,
7..itster falls on April 7th this year—
ieight days earlier than last year.
A number of young people from
town attended the young Bachelors'
Atsembly en .7tIonday night.
Mr. W. C. linston entertained his
See, how the label on your paper
stands. If marked in arrears have
tile proper a -mount sent and the label
changed. Don't have a label marked
arreme stare you in the face every
Absolutely pure I3aking Bowder sold
Lates Drug store. 10, 15 and 25
"The heavy and continued snow
storms of late have rendered the roads
in a great many places impassable.
V.. L. Eminer son, of Ottawa, claims
aat. be has a method of developing
light from coal oil that will revolution-
ise the lighting system of the city. He
. nays he can furnish a 2000 candle power
light forone-tenth of a cent an hom•.
1 King's Boots for men and women.
They're correct. Try a pair. Stew -
Mr. Wm. Bawden, who has been ii
the Old Country purchasing entire
horstet, returned home on Monday
with five excellent specimens, compos -
ad of Hackney, Shire and Coach clas-
Dix Culd Cure for the innnediate
telief rapid Ctire of Cold'. in the Head,
Neuralgia HeadaChe, etc. !Only 15c. a
hoi,. at Lutta's Drug ,Store.
The Underhill Star of last week,says:
..lortathan Miller was in Detroit a few'
this week looking over the, niir-
ci4ae. that will Shortly be finished and
ttenitto this town for the well-known
rlitatis friends are anxious for its tip-
. k$1.5.arance, and it is rumored that his
to. Detroit Was to take lessons' so
that he would,be master of the situa-
thin when the machine cenres home.
Th.e. large congregation at James
street church.last Sunday were in evi-
aence of the intereSt taken in the
ea.rtgeliistieServices noW in progress.
rtlisaMorton preached both. morning
and evening with deepp earriestnes5
road effect. She will (D., V.). speak
again at both services next Sunday,
and the meetings will be. continued
throughout.next week. Everyone i5
tile/come to attend these services.
Ork Thursday evening, Ilth inst. the
vitae staff of the Public School were
entertained by Mr. and Mrs. N. D.
Rurilon to an oyster supper. After
tan justice had been done to the edible's
icvery pleasant evening was spent. All
=eared sorry to part when the electric
light`.'s gave its blinking warning,. We
are informed Mr. H. said he hoped this
-iz%%zrzid be au aianual affair as he con-
ilia/erect those that had the training of
Vick- children should have the parents
ematest esteem and confidence.
Farr -Coates ftir men and women,
'For Claps, Fitt' Capes, Fur Caperines,
Far Mitts, Fur Robes all at money -
wing prices—Stewart's.
At the recent meeting of the various
Teri Associations' held at Stratford, it
was decided to hold circuit races for
this district as follows: -New Hambur
June 4, 5 and 6; Guelph,June 11,12,an
1.% London, June 18, 10 and 20; Wing-
/masa, June 26 and 27; Stratford, July 1,
land 3; Seaforth, July 9 and 10; Gode.-
Rich, July 17 and 18. Listowel and
Witigham both claimed dates for the
Maatte week and the meeting voted that
meek to Winghain, so it is not known
yet whether Listowel will race on that
meek or drop back after the Gocierich
Winan's Cough Balsam for
le= Best in the market. Only 25c.ta,
kettle, Sold by C. Lutz, sole agent
tor Dix Lang Syrup.
The following specimens of com-
yeamication.s received by teachers from
the parents of their pupils are not un-
neasonahle,—"Please excuse my boy
heing alrsent on Friday," ran one of
these:missives, "as 'is aunt was buried
and it will not occu re again." "Please
later tny two boys in your skull," was
a,note received on a Monday morning
tkp a school master at . Another
heather had the following from the
mother of a. child who had been at -
lending a 'physiology class: "Please
do liot, learn my little girl any more
ahent her inside, because it does her
no good and is rude."
Men's colored wool DeLanes and
Opera Flannels jest in. ' They're
The concert given in Gilleys' Opera
noose, under the anspices of the Free
Tabrary, on Friday evening last, was
MIceptiontally fine and will go on re-
cord as one of the best ever given in
the town, but unfortunately there was
not the attendance the entertainment
no deservedly merited. Miss Alexan-
iler's elocutionary selections were of a
we'y high order and her every appear-
ance was greeted with loud applause.
Miss Se/way sang most beautifully,
al:teal-though a total stranger to her
listeners her selections were highly
appreciated. She has a powerful con-
tralto voice over which she has mar-
mite/Ions control, singing .,Vvi 03 wonder -
fel ease and artistic expression. The
'selections by the home talent were
excellently rendeeed and brought for th
londOpplatise. The committee is to
eellent talent and so Worthy of the
Amtronage of the people,
section. The building contemplated
is to be three stories high.
Farms For sale. '
Two or three improved hundred acre
farms for sale in the townships of Us -
borne and Stephen. For particulars
apply to Dickson & Carling.
smut lut Outs.
Mr. R. B. McLean, of Kippen, sends
us the following for publication as a
remedy for smut in oats, viz:—Take
41 oz. of Fornialin and ndx with 10
imperial gallons of water, stirring to
nux. Immerse the seed in the solu-
tion for 5 to 10 minutes. If the seed
is put in twitte sacks and the liquid in
a tub, or halt barrel, a man can treat
8 to 10 bushels per hour. Formalin
is a lie Md. itud. sells for abont 75c per
pound. One pound, will treat, enough
seed for the avevage, farmer to soW.
This Should Stick.
;I. L. \Vete of Chatham sent the fel-
lowing recipe for the cure Of la grippe
to Dr. Sheard, Health officer' for Torun-
to.—One ounce or a little less gum
arable and two teaspoonfuls of sugar;
dissolve in a pint of hot water. Take
that much in a day. If taken when
first attacked, the patient should be
well next day, but if the disease has
been running for seine time they will
have to take it lontrer,perhaps a week.
Dr. Sheard doesn't'. endorse the cure.
He thinks the prescription incomplete
withoat a mucilage brush, for gum
arabic anti water make the best and
cheapest mucilage vised.
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment, at Town Hall, Feb. 14. All pres-
ent. Minutes of previous meeting read
and confirmed. Levett—Armstrong,
that By -Law No. 2, 1901, to regulate
the conduct and operation of shooting
galleries for target practice, as read a
first time be now read a second time
and finally passed.—Carried. Evans—
Muir, that the following acconnts be
passed and orders drawn on Treasurer
for same:—White & Son, account,1900,
$3; ADVOCATE Printing Co., error in
account, 1900, $2; James F. Russell,re-
pairing cannon, $1.50; Israel Smith,
ammunition for Queen's funeral, $2,85
Canadian Express .Co., '7,0c.; James
Creech, charity to- Mrs. Sutton $7;
Geo. Ondmore, snoWplowing, $4.50; S.
Handford, do., $1.50: J. Creech, use of
horse on snow plow, $1.50; J. Creech,
wood for Town Haft, $5.15, broom 25c.
Mrs. Br i maco in be, ,Sr. , assistance fu n-
eral expenses, $20.—Carried. Levett—
Muir that Council adjourn to Friday,
G.H. BISSETT, Clerk.'
Dr. Cowen.
The following from the Galt Refor-
mer has reference to a former well -
k nown resident of Exeter:—Dr. H. M.
Cowen, of this town, has been appoint-
ed to the chair of pathology and bac-
teriology in the Post Graduate Medi-
cal School, Chicago, one of the most
noted institutions of the kind in Amer-
ica. Dr. H. M. Cowen, with his father,
Dr. Y. Cowen, has carried on profi-
table practice here, and he will be miss
ed in many ways. Professionally he
is held in the highest esteem by his
Galt colleagues; socially and promin
mit.- An orator of ability and a gen
tlemen of prepossessing personality
he has- won admiration and popularity
with Liberal principles, taking a ere
litable and conspicuous part in the
recent campaign. But despite his al
legiance to Liberalism, his friends are
confined to no party, but include the
uoinin unity as a whole. ' Dr. Cowen'
good fortune evokes the sincerest con
School Board Minutes.
Minutes of the Board held in the
Town Hall, Monday evening, Feb. 18
The following is the order of busines
duly submitted and approved. Per
chairmanuni mites orprevious meeting
Per R. N. RoWc and J. Senior, that in
view of this being the first 'session o
the Board since the accession to the
the throne of His Most Gracious Ma
jesty, King Edward VII., and the firs
since the death of our late beloved
Sovereign Lady Queen Victoria of eve
blessed memory, we feel it our duty
as servants of the Crown as well a
loyal subjects of Her Late Majesty to
-place on record our sense of the los
sustained to the Empire by her remov
al. For a term equalling the lives o
two generations and nearly the ful
span of life, she has held the throne
to the joy of her subjects and the sat
isfaction of sisterly nations. .Asking
wisdom to rule in the fear of God and
for the best interests of her people, she
has been given the wisdom required to
which have been added, as to anothe •
ruler, riches,honor and length of'days
with a proSperity to her nation, indus
trially and politically, unexampled it
the world's history. Occupying as she
has the most prominent social position
in the Empire, her character has stood
for and as the accepted standard of the
British national life, a type which
has secured for the Motherland, no
only the approving reverence and nn
wavering support of her people, bu
the homage and strcngthened loyalty
of her colonial possessions throughou
the world. Because her life has stood
for the virtues we most highly prize in
the home as well as the nation, we be
lieve it to be perhaps the most collie
sive force in the iDresent unifying of
the Empire and that it is destined to
become perhaps the most potent fac
tor in making our world -Wide Empire
for the future one in thought and pur-
pose. Truly she has left us a glorious
heritage and glorious possibilitieS and
we feel that we cannot offer a greater
tribute to her memory, nor One she
would more gratefully appreciate than
by transferring our humble allegiance
to her son and singing with heart. and
voice for the term of our days,/ "God
Save the King" and make more truly
one, His Victorian Empire, for truly
we believe a greater Britain has been
born to her. Per J. Senior and H.
Huston that the High School Commit.
tee's report be accepted as read. Per
J. Senior and W. J. Carling that the
following accounts be paid:—Ross &
Taylor, $6.60; also that the following
prepayrnents be sustained:—W. Pfaff,
$30 be tendered to the Steinberger
Hendry Co, in full of account to date.
Per W. J. Cat•ling and J. Senior that
the chairman and H. Boston be a
teacher's Supply Committee for the
current year. Per W. J. Carling' ad -
Miss SelwaY delighted the Presby- inc600.-ralten
terian congreg'46011 with twg beauti- A quiet wedding took phtee on the
fully reialered solos on Sunday even- cerner of Ann itnd 'William streets" on
ine• last. 1Mouday evening laet, the contracting
The hockey • parties being 'Me. Ernest _McGee, Jill
In`ttQu, Ing"" employe of the Sutherland -Junes Co.,
between the Parkhill and Exeter teams1
n iy, Was Perforitted. by the Rev. J.
ing 1-,er,Ye.on;e-st.id6d, ;sem' 1W. Ten EVelt, in the presence of only
resulted in favor ot Exeter' by tt score
of 11-1.
unusual scene in a Chureh.
A eorrespondent at Bright, Ont.,
writes to the London Free Press as fol-
lows: During a meeting held in the
Presbyterian church at Chesterfield!
Ont, condueted by Evangelist A. 1-1.
Ranter:, an incident occuret•al D‘hich
caused considerable excitement. A
lady, a member of the church,came in,
and in trying to gain a'seat, spoke to
the awe, who was placing a board up-
on a chair in the aisle, when the rever-
end gentleman threw his hymn book
at her, saying, "You have been an-
noying nie there all evening." The
lady immediately left the nre4ing.
trying to make an apology later, Mr-
Minton said, hope that lady will
not be offended. I merely tossede,the
book to get her attention. If,she • is I
don't care, I did it •in boyish play."
Mr. Banton was interviewed' the fol-
lowing morning and an apology de-
manded, which was . given 111.onday
evening, but the matter will not rest
..A,quiet house wedding took plaee at
the residence of Mr, Win.: Wil -
Bain street, at about 1.30 o'clPek p.m.
on Tuesday ..last, .when his danghter
Miss Lillian g: was married tb Die W. -
T. HollOWay, Wingham. !Rev. R.
which was witnessed only by relatives
and immediate friends of the happy
couple... Miss Gibbon% of Clinten,
tended the bride tko the greem was
assisted by Mr. Kerr, Of Clinton. . The
bride was attired in a beautififf cream
Silk,trimmed with chiffon and carried
a shower boquet Of rose,s. After the
ceremony was :performed: and congrat-
ulations Were. :received the Company:
repaired.te thedining room Were the.
tables Were laden' with luxuries and
all enjoyed -the. gOod. things ppyvided
for the occasion. , The bridal: presents'
formed a:MagnifiCent array, cOnipris-
ing "articles of use and:value. Dr. and
for Detroit and other Western. 'Mints
and after. their . boneyMoon jannt they
haM. Among those. from -a distance
in attendance,Were Mr. and Mrs.
Inksater, ,Paris; Mr.. and Mrs. John
Floyd, :Seaforth;. the :Misses Gibbons;
Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. 'G.; Sputhcombe
Walters and dauehter 'of London..
newly wedded cOuple drove to Den.:
field the next:day and will there take
up housekeeping, May' their joys 'be
nizmy and their Sorrows few.
Miss Lottie Dennis is visiting frieuds
in London.
Miss Jessie Willis is visiting friends
Mrs. A. Bennett has recovered from
her recent. illneSS.
Mrs. Peter Robertson is confined to•
her bed through illness.
Mr. Chas. Rowe still continues t
very low sta te of health.
R. R. Rogers is in Montreal this
week 00 a business trip.
Miss Maggie Buchanan, of Hensall,
is the guest of Miss Horne.
Miss Mabel St. John, of Lucan, is
Visiting Mrs. Jos. Hodgins.
Mr. Nelson Case spent Sunday visit-
ing his brother in London.
Miss Ratherford, Ridgetown, is
the guest of Mrs. Chas. Gidley.
Miss Dina 'Wood, of London, is vis-
ing friends in and around Exeter this
weMeki;s Vera Snell left Monday for
Sarnia where she has eitken a position
House. of Refuge Notes.
Tnesday of last week a meeting of
tbe,Hotise.of Reftige' Committee Was
chair. ' It was decided to purchase hvo
.additional cows which 'make..fiye;
to plant' a dozen. Mere treeS nekt
spring; to retain all an tornatiC mattress
.to be used in places where the. patients
are nnable,to me:ye abont in: an ordi-
nary bed; to have a 6.foot tight board'
fence:put tip between the yardS tor the
men and women find have a new water
oloSet built for the latter.- The Com.,
new pin and the health orethe large!
fainily.pf inmates on the.: whole 'yet'y
good. An organ will be purchased :to
aid in. the Service of praise in cennec-
in the House. Dr: Shaw and:Mr. and
Mrs. French have had their hands .fult
lately with a la geippe ,epideMic but'
the most ef the inmates are once mere
on their "pins,".!. A good Supply
ice has been hOused for next sununer's
consumption and barring the limner-.
in:IS-deaths of pla people everything
leading up to the House was so badly
blocke"d with .snow On Tuesday that
Caretaker French sent out the farm
team and sleigh te break the road so
.to enable the Corinnittee tb get
through with 'their team.„ and light
sleigh. ,
Forcasts For March.
Following are Rev. hi R. Hicks,
weather forecasts for the month of
March, vizt—Thedst and 2nd days, of
March will be colder and clearing in
"Western extremeS of the country.
Tfiq higher barometer and sliarp
change to colder following these storms
will rapidly subside on the. approach
of the 5th, and from the '5th to the 7th
decided storm conditions will return.
Within forty,eight hours of 5 o'clock,
p. rmeon • the 5th; no one should be
surprised by the appearance of tropical
storms, with pogsible hurricane to the
sOuth, with counterpart of a great
boreal storm of rain, wind and snow
from the north west. The full
Moon on 'the celestial equator on the
5th and the day following is a time to
be prudently watched by all whose in-
terests and safety are liable to be
jeopardizad by dangerous storms on sea
and land. Lightning and thimder will
visit most sections during the first
stages of these perturbations, but a
blizzard of no mean proportions will
likely come out of the northwest on
and tonching the 6th and 7th. Watch
and see! From the'Oth to the 13th is
the 9th to 13th, abnormal electrical
phenomena, such a auroras, electric
winds charging objects on the earth's
surface with electricity, earth currents
disturbing telegraphic instruments.
thunder storms and volcanic seismic
disturbances. The Venus perturba-
tion, which is central in April, also
comes in as a disturbing factor at the
crisis in our Marcb distnrbances. Ex-
pect, therefore, many very decided
storms and other happenings of peca.
liar but not necese•u•ily d•mgerous
character. The 15th to 17th will con-
stitute a reactionary time of storm,
and 'general! y n Sett led 'and n plea s -
mkt weather, whieh will scarcely sub-
side until we enter what we believe to
be' the greatest storm period of the
month. This period is shown by the
seorm diagram to be from the 16fh
to 25th. Onr own coasts, especially in
the 'South, will hardly be exempt front
a ehare in the disturbances due at or
near this period. Heavy rain and
thunder-stb-rms, with p(issible torna-
does, will visit many interior sections.
ind snow sleet and bliz'Xiud will wind
ip the general turmoil in northwest-
ern, central and northern parts of the
country. The last storm period rims
from the 26th to 29th, arch Closes
Gnmo, Sec'y. fan' and cool.
Miss Florence Jeckell left Wednes-
day morning to attend the millinery
openings in London.
Mrs. (Dr.) Rollins, who underwent a
surgical operation a few days ago, is
doing as well as could be expected but
Agitelistsees1.11.W. Ross, W. A. and Edgar
Westcott, returned last week from a
northern trip. '-
Miss Mary- Meteer left Wednesday
morning for Chatham, where she iii -
tends remaining.
Mr. Frank Snell, who has been in
SI. Islarys for some time, returned
home last week. -
Mr. Frank Willis, of Forest, Sun-
dayed under the parental roof here,
and returned Monday.
Mr. Geo. Orr, Exeter'North, is in a,
Very loW etate of health.and. his end is
eXpeCted almost any' tithe..
Ross -Holland, who has been on the
his home here, haYing 'quit the job. '
Mrs. E. Maguire returned .home.
Monday after an extended, visit .with
relatives and .friends in Brown City,
tion, is able to leave her.bect for short
in te
urday for Parkhill where they .Will
visit prior to leaving for their hothe in
.'11-tiSs Via White, Of Detroit, re-
tUrned home .Monday owing to the
Miss:Della Crocker, Who has been
the ernest of . her Cousins, the. Misses
johns, returned be her home in St.
'Marys Saturday.. •
.` Mrs. Bleasdell and Miss G. Young,,
H. Collins; returned to their :home in.
Set:forth' Monday; accompanied by
'Miss Kate BOnthron, who will visit in
that town a.short time.
Woodham: At the ripe old age of
81 years Mrs. Hogg of this village pass-
ed awaY to her reward last Tuesday.
The funeral service was conducted by
the Rev. Mr. Stout of Kirkton.
Varna: Mr. J. T. Cairns has bought
the stock of a general store at Kirkton
and will move about the first of March.
.T. T. is shrewd, progressive business
man, and is as well always genial and
'obliging so will be much missed in and
about Varna but what will be our
loss will be Kirkton's gain.
Clinton: The last seven, consecu-
tively, funerals in charge of Under-
taker Chidley were of persons whose
combined ages amdunted to 583
years or an average of 81 years. The
oldest was 101 years and the youngest
68; the others bad seen 89, 97, 80, 81
and 73 years respectively. The first
year of the new century is thus being
a 'severe one upon the pioneers, so
'many of whom are responding to
Death's Roll Call.
Parkhill: A pretty wedding was sol-
eMnized at the residence of Mr.Daniel
Burr, Parkhill, a week ago, by the
Rev. J.. E. Ford, When Miss Maud,
eldest daughter of Mr, ,Burr, was. neir-
ried to Mr. Percy IL Wilkins. son of
Mr. James Wilkins, barber of London.
Miss Lizzie McKenzie of Paris and
Mr. James Wilkins,- jun., of London,
were the assistants of the bride and
groom, Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson their
return here were met by a large num-
ber of friends and relatives at the
residence of Mr. Wilkins' father, Wept
London, where the young couple will
reside for the present.
Mitchell: There is a dangerous 'WO -
Mall in town who ought to be sent
out of harm's way. She has written
many anonymous letters to some of
our best citizens,, in which the most
filthy and libelous language was used.
It will be remembered also that not
long ago , she swore that a certain
Young Man: of linimPeachable charac-
ter, had e,ntered herbouse at the dead
of night, when it was proven that he
was borne in his own' bed'at the time,
Last Saturday she paraded tip and
down the ft ont street, holding a large
black bottle 1:y the„ neck, with which
ghe swere she woold break the face of
a certain councillor if 'she could ,ordy
find him, because, forsooth, he had re-
fused to send her a load of wood at the
town's ex pen se. the earl y or 1: s (Ale r-
ed her husband work, but he pnsiiivelY.
refused to do it Land he first got" the
wood. Althongh both are healthy
they have been living on ,eharity for
years, 'and the council has now very
properly decided that they must either
work or starve.
e 'Bralid
.e.ans. '60010-040,
, IVE look On the Brand of a SLATER SII0E as a sort of protection.
Yoat never know whitt You are getting in a pair of COMMON S.1-10ES un-
til you wear them. Then you probably discover you have made a bad,
deal. The SLATER SHOE has a reputation and sale over Canada that'
cannot be excelled by any other manufacture!! to our knowledge. Their
goods give always the best of satisfaction and the name SLATER being
stamped on eaeh shoe sufficient to satfiy former custOmers. Others Say
theirs are just its good but don't buy a shoe until you try a SLATER
SHOE and after one ptirchase you are a wearer of a SLATER forever.
A coinpany with a reputittion like the SLATER people would
risk putting their brand on inferior goods. Your are always eure of it
perfect fit, easy, comfort, good wear, and first-class satisfaction.
e are the agents for the Celebrated
Headquarters for W. E. Sandford's Clothing.
Call and
be convinced that the
above statement is correct
Many bargains still left in
Wood taken in
exchange for Furniture
OPERA. HOUSE 13110Cli.
Zeverley uston,
IThe_Prosprous Fa
MIN 11.11.116
14. til
til II II
Farmers intending to purchase FARM MACHINERY should call on us be-
fore buying elsewhere. We 5ell the best and the best is what the farmer wants.
While starting: a blast at Calabogie,
Cyrus Holder received a portion of t e
charge in the fa Ce. He may lose an
arm and Ids sight.
William Crosier. aged 70 years, was
found in a dying condition at his home
in Mechanics lane. He is supposed to
have taken carbolic acid. -
While Mr. Fred Hill, of Glenora was
driving to Picton his horses ran away
and a heavy turbine wheel fell from
the sleigh on top of him. He died in
a few minutes.
A Vancouver despatch says Civil
Engineer de Pieverre of Ottawa killed
Mr. Rowand, of Toronto. in a quarrel
originating over racial taunts.
Joseph Col v i le, section forernitti On
the Grand Trunk Railway, was. crush-
ed tO death beneath the wheels of an
engine in the yards at Point St. Char-
,Tohn McCra41, a miner, was shot at
room wall rel. MeOrae. ta en to
Winnipes for treatment, and died in
the hospital
For Bread, Buns, White Brms, Brown
Buns, 'Graham, Biscuits' Cakes of all
kinds...Cron In Puffs, Wafers Fancy
Biscnits," Plain Biscuits,
Wedding *Jakes speeialty-L Iced and
Cakes or Pies made to order. XXX
Bread delivered to all parts of the
town, on Nfondays, Wednesdays arid
Sattirditys. We will be pleased to
call on you.
Florist, London.
Floral designs for funerals or flowers
.of till kinds on the shin•test riotice