Exeter Advocate, 1901-2-7, Page 8F sesiaraavantexteiteettemmenerzeavezemateseeetem PERSONAL. 7 & f1E1 affActligUllVARIBII,l1M?..1811SETEMBEITA,LIallaYSIM:14.6 • ' e. • 4ite3.* • 11.112MCP.4111.111114Lnk , foloo t., le : lexanden- \ Don't, • • t 41 'N., , 'wz--rsz.,,,,,Amw.isuatorr .....ttovez,,,,-azomlam.",,,,4,7,,,,,-mayasszgailimer \. . ateiTaeeMaeareeraregKeieea:—Ineneereetaatanete Use I ilrimeti Seelp ood foi ,i Wig c entity etcetine, , ' ' ' f• 1 " ' • OV grey hair, it prevents dandruff and" Thet etitinal 'fleeting ot tbe Soutl , • rd. DO1N-GQ1 $`.°1 relieve- i'n,thing of the saalp Only 50C XX111 A...0)1 C 011 LI by. iuge Led ocv \ el e way °neer on leo, L.0 C A 'bottle at Lutz's Drug Stove. tieitelderal)h) exeltertioiat evEle atiesecl . Anetioe • . eele Eit-- • Dyee'e. ..C.Zattredaet.,.)- • • . • ' . .. • Divieion Come, will be held heeeon IlErednesday next, . Wm -Dining, a former resident of Meter, died in London reeently. Tie Exetev Hockey team will play a tne with the Peek -hill team in that Oven to -night (Thursclity.) Tilte M. Vincent Will sing several se- . • ,fetctions et a school concert to be held atlfaueley, to-nmerow, (Feklay) night, by the temporary eareet of an employe of the SvitherlEind-Innis \Yorks- on Tuesdey, by Chief Gin, for using tame- ive and obscene language. The reuow was under the influence of liquor and was hardly aecomitable for his ae- tiellS, but even that should not exeuse hm in the eyes of the law. Messrs. M- 'Vincent, G. Eaerett and J no Spaeltmen will essist at the Free Library concert on Feb. 15th. Ye editor was laid rip a few days during the week with an acute attack Mr. W. Lang has disposed ot his of grippe and tvhile not in his usual house and lot in Exetee to Mr. A. Hodgeet, late of En:glib:1e, for $1,100, What a Mee, fresh and clean groc- ery department, they have at Stew- Eerts. Prompt service, qnick delivery. Airs. Henry Jones, London Road, No fiereel storm than rafted my l rtAlYti/C stroke Tuesday and oon *Oath, MIS St.rit'kell With a very severe wet swelit, the, 13(iS of Fundy; I had I need riot mention, teared she will not recover. No other entertainment is so worthy of:your patrouege as the Alexandee- Helway concert in aid of the Free Library, Miss Vera Snell entertained a num- Faor of her most intimate friends very geasantly on Tuesday night. We un- derstand she will leave shortly for Sar - where she has accepted a situation store. health as yet is moving around the house -a: little.. Eugene Field echoes . • our sentiments,- and. doulitless 'many Others, in the 'following. line.si-a gree gods. at see that fiendish 'grip Upon me last week—Sunday What aches and Pains bone$ brain klaon it is It seemS to me such pangs !mist be Old Satan's' own invention. • „ The Misses Johns gave e verypleas:. ant Skating party at the Exeter rink on Monday night lest:. The Band was in attendance 'and dispersed. several be,autif ul airs ivhi le the merry rev ellerS glided over the treacherous element; ekehite ging their mirthful chitchat and enjeying:exhilevating pastimeto their hearts content. After all had here/Me eacire-or less weary a halt was Called and the "party-anumbering between thirty etid::fortyarepaired to•the heane of the Aliases .Johns . where luintheen Was served and the guests charmingly entertained for a shorttime. On the whole the evening was ineSt.' pleasant- ly spent.' • Farms For Sale. to Mr. Raymond McConnell, of Two or three improved hi:indeed acre liondesboro, for which they received a !forme for sale in the townships!. of IJs- otI price. borne and Stephen. For paaticiilars in 1. The Bishop Stoek-ihas been apply to DiCkson & Carthage =wed to the Big Cash Store. Go to The 7serni-annua1 meeting of the aewart's for baegaine. 2 stock -s .in 1, Huron District Royal Templars was irnd ohsuch values. The largest stock held here on Friday. The following tef Black Dress Goods in the county. are the officers for the current year: - A friendly game of hockey was play- District Couneiller, Mrs. Colin ..CaMp- ou the rink here on Thursday night hell, re-elected; :Dist. V. C., Miss' E. Zaat between the Clinton and Exeter 'Lewis; Crediton; See. 'David' Jacques, teams. The game was close, fast and Exeter, re-elected; 0.; Wm. Lewis, teXeiting and wes watched with rim- Crediton; Treas., J. W. Johnston, mentary interest by the spectators. At Varna, re-elected; IL, J. T. Westeott; the end of the alloted tirne the score Exeter; Dep. IL, Miss Mond Andrews, atood 6-5 in favor of the home team. Varna; G., -M. Vincent, Exeter, repre- King's shoes are good. Stewart sentatives to Grand .Conneil, M. Vin - sells thein. cent, and Thos. Naftel. The next meet - On Thursday night of last veek aethesline thieves entered the On Wednesday evening, Jan. 30th, , . mises of Me. J. l(essell, Huron street; in. response to an itiViationby the and purloined several articles of cloth- W.M.S., over one hundred persons of Strove. seepicioes rest o„ eertee„ Janies street Methodist elaureh assem- in the neighbothoed 'fag. they' bled at the parsonage to spend what were triielted to their own -door. Some . oarties .proved to be a yery pleasant arid pre- fitable eveniug, When a long and well arrests may yet be made. prepared -pregraumie was rendered to A. greet combirration—'). iu 1—The the delight of all present, not the least - Bishop Stoek and The Stewart Stock pleasing feature being the address of hetBig Cash Store. Dent tell any-: the shaieman. Refreshments • were body, hut there are some bargains go- :provided by the ladies. At the close ing in fur coats, and other thugs. of the 'meeting the Society .sucCeeded. Mr. 3. A. Stewart, who recently laierehaSed. the general stock of Messrs. M., Bishop & Son and continued the .ransiness -in the same premises, has moved the goods to his own store. Messrs Bawden & McDonell last 'eek,disposed of another of their ina- alerted Shire- stallions, "Bankfield Bar- ' ing will be held in Varna in jiine. in then -hall, herr, on luesday laet. The meeting wae eepresentative and enthusiastic. The CeuritY 'Master's address dealt chiefly with our late Queou Victoria, A strong,' resolution, wEts peseed, condemning the Govern - urea for not granting the reqnest of the Governor-General for State church decoration for memorial for our late Queen Vietoria. It was decided. to hold the next 12th of July celebration11 St, Marys. The followirg officers were elected for the enseing yeer, vizi--A. Neyip, Co. Master, Centralia; Geo. B. Hanley, Dep. Master, Clinton; Peter Can telon, Secretary, Clinton: John Beacom, Treas., Bile.; Wm, Auderson, Finance Sec'y, Devon; \Vat. Craig„ Chaplain, Hensall; Frank Davis, 1). of Win. 0., Centrolia; W. Deacon, Lecturer, Lucan; Adam Cantelon, Dep. Lect., Hohnesville; W. 3. Davis; Dep. Leet., Saintsbury. John Scarlett, will be the delegate to attend the Beit- ish Ameuica meeting to be held at Winnipeg in May. • Exeter School Report, The following is the report for the month Of January:—Total No. of girls on roll 181; No. of boys 180; total num- ber of pnpilS 351. A very serious fall- ing -off in the quality and quantity of Work done by the pupils has Occurred on account of their.. sickness. The us - nal honor lists are materially reduced for the sarne reason. , Class A—Anna Martin, Russell Frayne. Class B.—None. class C. -- Dolly Diekson. No. on roll 44, aver- age attendance 33. S. J. A. Boyd, Teachers J. M. Robertson, t- The special services ii t Jatnes street in adding nine net Irl eS to their member, church this week are rilreadY awaken- ship, after which all repaired to their Seg much interest. Next Sunday the homes, feeling that Rev. Brown, with easengelist, Miss Morton, will (D.V.) his excellent wife, the president of the Breach:at both morning and -evening society, have certainly the faculty of =melees, and will continue to aid the showing such hospitality as could not wstair in special effort during the fel- help being appreciated. Theving weeks. The priblie are earnest- En`wire Day Ott May 24th. ty invited to these seevices.. So far as the schools are concerned Hear Miss Jessie Alexander in her at least, there will be a celebration on ell7Th COMpOSiti011.—How we conquered the Qt -teen's Inethclay in Ontario in Kthis and succeeding years. By an en- ruger. actment of the Government .during A meeting of the teachers of Dise Hon. el,. Ross, tem, ae minister of trict No. 1, West Huron, will he held Education, on the death of the Queen iilt- tile Exeter Pnblic School on Satin.- Empire DEiv, whieh has hitherto been e.3'..ty, Feb. 16t1),Eat 2 p.m. The program on the '..)31'd of May or the nearest pre - ns follows: ---The Public School Leav- ceeding school day to the 24th, will 14ig ehnrse, Mr' Win• Bagshaw; How thereafter be on the anniversery of to create a teste for the beautiful,,Mis.e the late Queen's birthday, Busk; Enclid, 'Mr. Pete)! Gardiner.. . Teachers Annual illeeting. PETER. GARDINER. See y . . . - The next annual meeting of the Everybody is using Dix Laxative West Huron Teachees' Association, Gold Cure for the immediate relief and will be held on May 16 and. 17. Sala rapid cure of Odd in the HeachInfluen- jects for discussion are as follows:--lst zaeLagrippe, Sick, Nervous or Neural- How to develop a taste for the beanti- gtelletEdaelle, etc. Only 15c. a box, at fill, Miss B. Rask; 2nd, Is the present Lutz's Drug Store. regulations satisfactory. Ma. Bae- , gives Inc following show; 3rd School punishMent, Mr. ,j. An exchange readers H. Tigert; lth, Schocil incentives, M mr. athematical problem for its R St . t• 5th Should Latin be re- ' \ ' 1 " en Iris lee . . ewat , , . , '''1' s'Ilvei rr-' 'Lt.— A' in' ' tainecl as an obligEttory subject for P. apples which •he w-islies to dispose of, S. teachers' exagiinatien S.? Mr. 1.3... I, and gives ellen' to his three sons to sell. To the first he gave 85, the second, 50, Strang; 6d).. How can we secure in - zed the third le. The second two were dependent - work among out' pupils? M. S. DelgattY; 7th, Preside's ad instrueted to sell at trn he sae price as r. j dress, The relation di the schnt- ool th elee first. How could this, be done to. . . , . . . .. • citizensnip, 11Ir. G. Bloomfield; Sth .teive each s the amm rre aoune ot oney. ' ' i . Horne work and method of correcting, Th,i Bishop Stock and the Steivart Mr. .f. Kilpatrick. It was also decid- Utocktnake a gren t conibination. Both ed to hold au open parliament each -.•4'. the. Big Cash Store. Are you going clan, Eit which several topics of interest '-----. tepariss the bargaius ? You'll be sorry to frustes, parents, pupils itild teag11- ' * — -- .you c o. A lde 11'se-* 1 nd Boy's over coats ers will be introduced. Sr. IV.—Mary ParSODS, John Gardi- ner, Alvin Brintnell. Jr. IV.—Viola Davidson, Olive Elliott, Hazel Brown- ing. No. on roll 48, average 38. • C. Vosper, Teacher. Sr. IH.—Fred Trevethick. Jr. Hugh McKay, Irene Handford, Eddie Vosper. No. on roll 49, average 35.8. M. Gill, Teacher. III.—Harvey Gardiner, Lilly Acheson. Jr. IlI.--Willie Bissett, Sophia Werry, 'Arthur Cann, Fred Smith, Emmit Heideman, Frank Baw- den. No. on roll 45, average 35. H. E. Walrond, Teacher. Sr. IL—G. Sweitzer, L. Martin, E. Vesper, I. Rowe, M. Carling, L. Amos, B. Sheere, L. Gould, L. Day, D. Stew- art, M. Johns, M. Makins. Jr. II.— E. Staab, E. Farmer, 11. Dow, J. Man- son, L. Gould, R. Horn, E.Mtitchell, A. Campbell. No. on roll 62; average 52.5 11. D. Pringle, Teacher. n II. --Lois Birneya Sr. Pt. II. --Edith Brock. Mid. Pt. IL—Frank Kelland. Jr. Pt. IL—Willie Birnie. No. on eon 52, average 86. S. J. Irwin, Teacher, •1`4_ , :eve being hit hard. Memorial service, , eaneet Sanclay school a menaorial t.c.1- community, 113 uniS013 With 10)7;11 citi- . Last Sunday afternoon at James' On Saturday lEist the people of this • vhess on the life nnd character of the zens , throughout the whole empire, Aueen eels given bY Mr.J.A.Boyd ; paid the last tribute of affection and Iteincipal of the Exeter Public School. 1 honor to our noble Queen. Business was entirely suspended from 12 noon to 4 o'clock.. At 2 o'clock the people were called to nroeship by the 'pealing of muffled ,bells, and the solemn strains of the Dead. March played by the town Many important lessons were drawu rroto her long and noble career. De- spite the absence, of 01)0011)01' through iarness the attendance for the day was tho Opera House in Ant of the Free Library. Scrofola in the blood shows itself 5000(1. or biter in eivellroge, sores, . . eruptions. But Hood's Saueaparilla completely cures it. Three hundred schoolboys were nek- ed for a writtenainswer to this ques- tion. '' Would yon ranee be a inan or a woman, and why?" Of the entire 800 only two expressed 0 desire be a woman: one bee,ause." the female sex is good withont any trouble, but-lt is heed for the male sex to be good," The second boy wanted to be a women because ''women have more sense than men." 130th these answers are to he commended to the inasculine sex. On the other hand, of -300 girls who were ask -ed the same question, 35 per cent. wished to be men. One of these de - &yeti it because men e`ill vote and talk politics." Sr. IL—Minnie Amy, De Lemme Millyard, Lee Wilson. Jr. IL—Sr. Pt. II.—Kathleen Stewart. No. on roll 50, average 38. B. J. Rusk, Teacher. Council Proceedings. Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment, at To W n Hall, Jan: 31. All pres- ent except the Reeve, who is still ill. In the absence of the Reeve, Conncillor Levett was voted to the chair. Min- etes of previous meeting read and con- firmed. Evans --Muir, that N. D.Hur- don and E. J. Spackman be appointed members of the Library Board for the current term. —Carried. Evans --Muir that the Auditors' report be accepted and that the Auditors be cougratulat- ed. on the manner in which their work was done. --Carried. Arinstrong— Muir, that A. E. Enke be appointed Assessor at fennel. salary. --Carried. Evaus—Muir, that the following ac- counts be passed and orders drawn on Treasurer for sarne:—S. Sanders post- age'account, $2.23; G. H. Bissett, post. office box, $1; James Creech, balance salary 1900,$85: Hart & Riddle, minute book, 36; W. J. Heaman. coal N. end Five hall, $8.03; ADvooarrE Printing Co., deC011nt, 1000, $20.75; Jas. Creech, wood for town hall, 36: Geo. Cudmore, snow plowing $5; Geo. Kemp, insur- ance on power house, $4.S0; W.S.Balk- will auditor's fees, $S; James Grieve, do- 88.—Carried. Muir—that -Me. Creech's account for electric light be accepted and that Tremaine & ,Snell's account of 381.36 be passed, less $14.30 for reduction as per Mr. Creech's ac-, count,no seconder. Armstrong—Evans that Messrs.Trernaine& SnelPs account of 381.30 be passed, less a reduction of $9.75 and order be passed for $71.61. -- Carried. Armstrong—Evans, that the tender of the Times for printing, being the lowest,. he accepted.—Carried. Evans--Armstrong,-that a liscense of $50 be charged for privilege of ruuning aahooting gallery and that a by-law be passed:confirming the same.—Car- ried. Muir—Armstrong, ,that james Creech be reappointed street commis-, sioner for the year 1901. Heito patrol the streets until 12 o'clock p.m., to April 1St. Salve:, .same as last year. Evans --Armstrong, that Geo. Kemp's tender of $15 for stades be accepted and that he be paid the sun), of $40 per year for ringing bell at 7 and 12 ann., and 1 and 0 p.mu ., also for curfew if re- Miss Edith Sanders is visiting friends in Blyth. , Miss Mutart, of London, is visiting friends in town. Mrs. Frank Gill is confined to her bed throngh illness. , Miss Sophia Sweet, of Detroit, is °visiting at her home here. Mts. 1VIerner,of Zur.ieh,wEis the guest of Mrs. L. Roeding last week. Mrs. Owens, of Maple Lodge, is visit- ing her mother, Mx.s.,E. Jones. Mr. B. Ross, of London, spent Sat- urday and Sanclay at his home here. Mrs. E. J. Spackman and her son, John, spent Wednesday in London. Mrs. Manning, of Bownianville, is visiting her sister., Mrs. J. A Stewart. Mr. Duncan McGregor left Thurs- day for Aplmer where he will reside. Miss Olive Wright spent Sunday in Henson, the guest of Miss Ethel Col- well. W. T. Goodison, barriaer,of Sarnia, spent a few days in town during the week. -Mrs. A. Cottle attended the wedding of Mrs. L. J. Fortner, at London this week. band. As .previouely announced a quired to do so.—Carried. Evans— "Miss un- EnnlY SelwaY justified her ion. Servie.e of all Was. Mena, that Council adjourn to Feb. 14, ' title t0 the ceoWn of gold rnedelist: held in Trivia Memorial church. The 110,70 P.M—Carried. Bvery note seundea rich and tree and • sPacio'us .edifiee Was crowded to the 1 &. 11. BISSETT, °1e"rk• ,-.; ear."—Carleton Place—Central Cana- • doors, the centre' aisle 'being seated Advice to a Venlig Wife, . Elm' ennuciation was. a' charm to the — . . with chairs and . many scores of .per- Never disturb e.' man while reading aem. sons standing thrceighout the entire his paper. e An Orangeville Policeman arrested service. The municipal council, with Never ask 0 Lit Mall for anything . . . . atateep walker a few nights ago who other• prominent citizens, occupied while pulling on his boots. Neel wandered away from home in his places at the front of the churclawhile Never speak to a num until he has sight clothes. "Sure yen are not go. a large representation from the public had something good to eat. flys to lock me up,' said the sleep school, marshalled by the Principal welker. aqi can't be held responsible and staff, were seated in the south Nehver discu.ss servants at the table, ameba position you found me in, I am transept. The chancel, reading desk W en you 'want anything wait un- vesonmanbulist." "It don't make any turd pulpit, were, heavily draped, the t1 your husband has had his break- cligetence whatahurch you area mem- sombre black being only relieved by fast, and then help lilin tenderly into ttoasof," sets' the officer. "You cant the folds of the Union Jack. A large his coat, and while behind him smooth - walk the streets of this town in your union choir from the different church- ing his collar the right way, ask him stilagt tail, if you belong to all the es of the town led the service of song, for it. ehtirehes it) the city." which was marked hy a deep and ,srib- When he looks injured' and plaintive :ee ha . deed. earnestness. The addresses were examine his plate there as sure to be a Yolifilg rathl,, don't, swear. T1 KIs appi,opriate and pressive and were vacancy. ., t - ' me- oeeasion for it outside of a printing listened' to with closest rittention by Te a „ , effiee, whel'e it is liseftll when the Pap- the lai.ge congregation. In every par- II he "es on tile snfli' after ci•inflei' aria behind time. 3. It Ids° chilies iu tioular the proceedings were a fitting and shalses the house with Ills snores pen -sable when the ink works bad Etrad- iktribute by this community to the accuse him not of eleeping, for he is rendy in proof reading, and is indis_ memory Of the best loved Queen the ' merely thinking wifh his eyesshut." f";5S he'ins hiwk" It is 4hille- world has ever known. 'rhe order of reams brougrit into nse nAren the fore' service was as follows:—Ilyam, "For, 111,1.14 is mad, and it has been known 'to ever with the Lord"; Psalms and eat:Hely remove that tired feelieg of pre yers fax burial service, read by Rev. She edithr wilic1n he i(xiki °vet' the J. NV. Ten Eyck; Seri [Ail re lesson,Rev. paper after it has been printed. Get- 0: Pletcher, M. A.; Hymn, " Hush, eede of a printing offine it is a very blessed are the dead"t, Addresses, Rey. tolfSh habit. W. M. Martin, 13.1)., and Bev. C. W. Winan's Cough Pallsain SilliaisSes all Daown, B,D.; Num; Dirnittis, Choir; 'ettiber medicines fin, t -he ettresof Cotighs brief address. Rev. J. 'W, Ten Eyck; ' AecorrapanYirtg' LEagrippe, ,Colde and Iatontehetie Troubles.- Only ,g.45e, a hot-, ae sase goiegt, to the club for an hour, dear," bid turn Etdiea for the evening. If he loses his hamIkevehief every- where but et home. let hien have his own way about, it—that the Vrfl sher- woman is dishonest with on 130)1 k110 W- ing 11, ff you want him to de anYthing Prayees for the Ring; taken frottt the ,never tell hm), it is good for hum for _ A ecession eervice: NEitional earithete he will not 1)0 '11 -el to a women's: enr- Lasztz'$ Drug store, .2 7Lp - „ 0 2 ! Mrs. Bleasdell, and- Miss Bete, Young, of Seafoith are. visiting' Mrs. . R. H.: Collins. t . Miss Edith Beers returned ;to ! Lon- don Monday, having recovered from , „ her recent illness. • Miss Nettie Waltees is; visiting in Wingharn,the guest of her cousin, Miss Clem Eliiott. ; Mise Gertie Johnston, ;Who Was visit- ing Mis. Lang, has retnened to her home in Stratford: Messrs. 0. Tweedynnd L.G.lIoward, of Gloderich, visited at the latter's home a few days hist week. Mrs. and:Miss -Fewell:have returned home from tin ...extended visit with friendain'Woodstock." 3[r..and Mrs. JuEmeS Grieve attended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. „ Lati- . mer, Seaforth, Sunday. MissesW. and E. Dow, of Mitchell, spent a few days here, this week the guests of their aunt, Mrs. A. Dow. Mr. B. S. O'Neil, who has been quite ill for some time, is able to attend to his duties again at the bank. Mrs. Hunter. of Elimville, is spend- ing a few days with Mrs. I.Bowerinan, who hes been ill of la grippe. Mrs. Thos. Snell wite taken quite ill Wednesday morning and is . confined to her bedunderthe doctor's care. Mr.. and Mrs: Andrew Stewart, of Seeforth, Snept a. few. days in -town with friends. the latter' .part- of last Mrs. Wrn. Mitchell was coiled to St. 'Marys yesterday (Wedpesday) 'owing to the severe illness bf her father,' 'Mr. . Mr. F. W. Gladman, who has been confined to his home through illness, is able to take Charge of his mew prac- , -bee agam. Mrs. Thos. Ellett and two children, after a pleaSant visit here with friends and relatives, returned to Wingham yesterday (Wednesday.). Mr. Chas. Elyndman, who ,has been on the Times staff for some time, left Tuesday for Buffalo,_ N. Z., where he has accepted a similar positiOn. A liensall. correspondent says: --- Mrs. M. Ellwood was confined to her . . room through Illness during the past week or so, but is now much improv - "Miss Bawden, after visiting with relatives in Exeter and Henson. for the past few Weeks returned to her home in Blyth -on Saturday evening."—Hen- sell Observer. - Miss Annie Srnith, of 'London Road' South, has accepted a position as clerk in Newcombe's store, Wood- ward ave. Detroit, and her sister Miss Emma has taken a position as miliner in the' same city. Mrs. Hooper, who, for many years has resided.on nuron street,,left Wed- 'nesday morning, aeconmanied by her daughter,,Loraine, for Buffalo. N. Y., where they intend residing it) future. Their many friends here will Wish them every prosperity in their new home over utheEhEorNder.liERs ELF THE Q , THE A.UTHOR. From the Guelph Perald. Jan. 1101 yesterday,gave a review of the forthcoming LIFE AND REIGN OF'QUEEN VICTORIA, to be publish- ed by the WOIaLl) PUBLISHING COMPANY of Guelph. It is now learn- ed that the WORLD PUBLISHING COMPANY, have purchased the Cana - dint copyright of the latest published wot k Her Majesty wrote, namely, "Afore Leaves hirom the Jointed of a Life in the Highlands." THE WORLD PUBLISHING CO. will ndd this to their books without change of price. Imagine snob nuthors, namely, Her Majesty the Queen, Dr. John ()mace., and John A. Cooper, editor of the Ca- nadian Magazine. This will make the book about 700' pages, quality nevey equEilled, a only ID ptIce, WE leok on the Brand of a SLATER SHOE as a sort of protection. You never know what you are getting in a pale Of COMMON SHOES un- til you wear thern. Then you probably discover you have -made a bad deal. rl'he 8LA,TER SHOE has a reputation and sale over Canada that cannot he excelled by any other manufacturer to our knowledge. Their geods give always the best, of satisfaction arid the name SLATER being Stamped on each shoe sufficient to sadly former customer's. Others say theirs are just as good but don't buy a 51100 until you try a SLATER., SHOIThand after one purchase you are a wearer' of a SLATER forever, ; A company with a reputation like the SLATER people would hardly risk putting their brand on inferiee goods. Your ave always sure of a perfect fit, easy, coinfOrt, good wear, and firSt-class satisfaction. We are the agents for the C&ebrated • SHOE - E. J. SPACKMAN„, Headquarters for W. E. Sandford's Clothing. m-poru um Call and be convinced that the above statement is correct . . . Many loargains still left in PANCY GOODS, PARLOR SUITES, BEDROOM SETS, SIDEBOARDS, COUCHES, Etc., of GIDLEY STOCK ood taken in exchange for Furniture - OPE RA HOUSE STACCIi. Beverley 4!-;( Oustoil, FACE3031 PLE11 ENTc' The Prosperous Farmer always has a A. k\',1 cteritm:, Oti THE " AGEN-r. ql'r"""' 1'4 .r..! • ,„ „ 'SkiE1):111tha".• (fr • -WE sgLi. TfilE BEST. (44111/1V9 MCO 11 A4.7' -49 MICK 1111 ° • FarmerS intending to purchase FARM MACJIIINERY should call Oh us be- , fore buying elsewhere. We sell the best and the best, is what the farmer wants. illieCC)RriiiCK- LEADS. WE HANDLE THE WE HANDLE THE BINDER SYLVESTER, MO:WER DRILLS, PLOWS, and RAKE. - CULTIVATORS, -DISC, Etc. WE SELL THE WOODSTOCK WAGON. SOIJTHOF WES SNELL HAWFSHAW'S HOTEL. . • Usborne: Mr. James Cottle, a pros porous Noting farmer, was married on N1Vedneeday of last week to Miss Maud Brimacombe, at the residence of the bride's mother.. The interesting cere- mony was witnessed by about 40 invit- ed gnests and a real pleasant, social time was enjoyed. The worthy young couple enter upon the sterner realities of life on the comfortable homestead recently purchased by Mr. Cottle and which is situated two miles north of Winchelsea. Cromaity: It, is with feelings of sincere sorrow that we learn of the sad death of Mary Allen, beldved wife of Mr. Scott, Barr. It is just a little over a year since Mr. and Mrs. Barr were married, and just when hopes seem to aspire and earthly joys are inoturing, suddenly death casts Et. gloomy 8h:1 de. She leaves behind her to mourn her loss a young la itsband and little daughter, only a few days old when its mother passed away. Her vemains were followed to their last esting place in SOME cemetery by a very large 00 00010.50 SOITOW- g friends, on Thutaday of last week. Children Cry for A TOR .FOLLICI( " oeket4 For Bread, Bun, White Buns, Brown Buns, Graham Biscuits, Cakes of all kieds, Cream Puffs, Wafers, Fancy a ,--- Biscuits, Plain Biscuits. Wedding Cakes a specialty—Iced and beautifully oenamented et a reaso- nable price. ; Cakes or Pies made to oi'der. XXX Bred delivered to all itrurts of the town, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Settirdays. We will be pleased to *cell on you. Wo are agent for J. Gatirning & Sons, , Florist, London. Flo°f1.Ett111(11°xsinigdrIsf so1(151t,' lire" I °1 s1 st1,011wt,°i coe. is ' E' A FOLLICK A 1?irv store le is riot alwErys ab liztricl. Guard yorruself EigEtitist sudden coughs and colds 1-ty tec.pirig, a liottle of Pain- Killer iri 1110 heuse. Avoid subs0tlites4 f)here is 1uit one ntin-Kilter, Perry Davis'. 25e, end a0c,