Exeter Advocate, 1901-1-31, Page 411,
.A.Rt tr.: uotattli
Claas, Ha Sanders, Editor ana Prop
THURSDAY, JAN. 31st„ 1901
The whole world, civilized and bar-
•barian, this week i* occupied ivith but
one subject, the (loath and funeral of
Britain's Qneen. trolleys and sorrow -
fill messages have been paid and sent
with expressions unmistakable of gen-
uine sympathy and sense of loss. The
German Emperor stands out pre-etnin-
ently in the front and takes his place
of grandson with an imperial grace,
making him beloved by millions, who
once carelessly read his name athong
the list of foreign rulers with See011-
data- interest, The King enters his
capital city of London amidst cheers
from SO1TOW bac softened the
fervor. But he is her son and soon
will be the foreruo.st man in the teem-
ing world of Britain. That he will be
a worthy and 'noble soverign none
doab ts. "Xis splendid qualities of
heart and braha will now be known
and felt, -Among the -vile peess of
England and its -readers of years gone
by slander selected him for its highest
taa-go, :pales were invented (Int Of
whole cloth, harmless social incidents
made harmful and Nvotaby deeds and
words rendered etit ee tint bl u ntil
feona the goantity of mud theowli some
particles stuck, and society tinoligiaed
:when it should cli
bare ingnantly re-
pelled. Ignorant men in the pulpit,
often in the spit -it namby-ptuaby self
r ighteoueness, ha v helped. forward
• the slenneful syroana But we will not,
dwell upon latese things. Let loyal
and time men pin their fttitle to their
king's righteousabilify and he will hot
(disappoint them Ediverd I., bear-
, leg the name of the B)aeli Prinee, is
not behind. that great •soldiet. in cour-
age, or behind. the last before him, that
bolo the name in the noblest form of
religion. Meantime all is being made
ready for the funeral. On Saturday
the world will think with sympathy of
a nation bowed in grief. Carried to
the grave by soldiers, (me of their sad-
dest thoughts will be that they are
soldiers of tbe Qneen no more. Rest'
saintly woman,and matehless Queen,
thy example is, not lost. We thank
God for the life He has , given and
thank Him foe so many years prolong-.
t b
EaStern fa:airy)11011'a Association met
nt Smith's" FallS, and the facts brought
out at that meeting indicate that the
situation is as bad, if not worse, In the
east, says the Express. Mr. James
Alexander, a Montreal exporter, had
no hesitation in saying that the repu-
tation of Canadian eheese had fallen
bacts five years beeause of dishonesty
and carelessness. If we are to believe
the reports of the instructors the dis-
honesty on the part of the patrons in
supplying watered milk is very wide-
spread. To this autst be added dishon-
esty, on the part of some makers,care-
lessness in shipping,and the evil conse-
qeences that flow from dirt and you
haye the dangers that are threatening,
the reputation of Canadian cheese.
Ael.r. Hodgson, a well-known exporter,
declared that there was positive dis-
honesty in making. "Balls of rancid
curd have been put in eheese in order
to get rid oi them; In scone ease cut-
tings from old cheese have been incor-
porated in new makes. In one place a
piece of colored cheese WaS iicbiially
found in white cheese." Mr. Dan Der-
byshire, whose. fame is confined to no
district, went even further. He said
that in some cases makers who found
themselves with sour cheese which
was uot worth a dollar in the world,
had cut these into pieces and placed
them inside the new cheese, hoping
the flaw wouhl not be detected. Some
of the instr tc tors reported that in near-
ly half the factories tbe milk was wa-
tered. One reported that some of the
factannes were positively dirty, But
most significant was the statement of
Profs Ruddick.' hove," said be,
been particularly, impressed by the
amount of :num and space given in
these reports to the testing of milk.
The \ vatering a id skimming is a ser-
ious evil. but We lose ten times as
much from dirty as NVo do ftann water-
ed milk.'" la is not an easy 010 pleas..
ant mattee to deal with; hot it is of
far to much impoetance to be over-
looked, awl oniv by facing the difficul-
ties firmly and fighting thein honestly
and mon telly may -we hope to restore
ann maintai u the reputation of a grea
OE THE asaania'r4-- .SESSION 01?
THE NEW, COUNCI I 11011 1:9Sll-1902..
The new Comicil *iv Revon County
openedit first session 00 Tuesday week,
all the members. being present. The
first business -was the select:rico of a
warden. and according to a „tacit um-
denstanding or agreement of last, year,
Councillor Holt; of No.'l Division was
unanimously cbeSen to the honorable
office; and being so declared was sworn
iu before Rio Honor Judge Doyle.
In retairning thinks Warden Holt
xpressed a wish for a •continuance of
the goodh• feerinwhich Lad character-
ized -the Conned of last year, and then
referred to several m alters which woulcl
male up for consideration. • ,
The following were' appointed as a
triking committee to nominate stand -
ng committee for the, year: Messrs.
lot:ranee, Connolly,Ffays, McLean and
.ceer. Their repert afterwards ;:dopt-
d was as follows: • ,
Executive -Messrs. Hays, Connolly,
Kere,„Ptittersoitand Lamont,
-areintance-,,Measrs. lan) w non, To rran se
Spacatnan and ,
Education ---:Tdessrs. Bowman, Tor-
ance, McLean, Spackman and _Miller.
RoAd. and Bridge -Messrs. Chambers
oekhart, °antelope Hicks and Fergu-
°minty Property -Messrs. Chambers
,ockhart, ,Cautelon,' Ricks and Fergtp
The death returns for the Province,1
of Ontario for 1900 have been complied '1
by Chief Clerk Lindsay, in the Regis- 1
trar-Generars Department. The re- e
turns represent 90 per cent; of the po• -
pulation. The total deaths from all
eauses were 25,241, or. 11.5\ per thou. -
sand, which is an exceedingly low Jt
death 'rate. The deaths ff.* contagi-
ous diseases were as follows:-Scarla-
tine, 131; '
diplitheri: `477; measies, 93;
• whooping cough. 121; typhoid, 545; L
tuberculosis, 2,346. •s
• The clay we have celebrated for so
many years in honor of Queen Victoria
ought to be • perpetuated after her et
death as Empire Day. ale people of L
Canada, at any rate,will not allow the
• 24th of .Maysto pass into desuetude as „
a holiday. It is to be hoped the Corn- -
monwealth of Australia7 the Dominion
of Canada, the Indian empire, the t
South African colonies and the 'United t
Kingdoni will agree upon May 24111 as ja
the common imperial holiday. It is a
day that should. he held sacred as long ,
. as the British empire holds together.- la
Toronto World.
* ' it
Equalization -All the Council.
Warden's Com mittee-Messrs. Tor-
fnee, Chambers, -.Patterson and. Mc-
ean. •
House of Refuge-Messrs.Hays.Cone
olly and Kerr.
The -Warden addressed the Council
n the death of our beloved Queen Vic-
oria, and thought ib would be proper
o pass a resolution of Condolence, when
was moved by Mr. Miller, seconded
y Mr. Kerr, that a committee be an-
ohited to prepare a memorial or reso-
tion of condolencenind that the War -
en and Clerk sign the same and have
forwarded to the Governor-General
The _following statement shows the
gross revenue of each of the account -
mg post offices in this county, and the
remuneration received. by post masters
less allowance for rent and fuel,for the
past fiscal year, as shown 17y the last of
repoi.t of the Postanaster-General. It re
_ _will be found interesting, to our re, „'
ers: e,
pia( oteas oross and
Saltnies si
At:hi-ten $ 810 5 194
'Hayfield 403 319 th
Belgrave 557 310 m
Benniiller 1.11 • 70
Bilievele 860 130
„1327 549
360 205
t Ottawa. -Carried.
The Council then adjourned to 10 a.
The following - resolution was pre-
fred and telegraphed to the Govern -
'General' -- -
"The County Council of the Con nty
Iluron, in council assembled. desire
express the deep feeling of sorrow
nd regret at the demise of our of
ign Lady Queen Victoria, whosehmg,
icceseful and illustrions reign has
een the marvel of the world. • We
ust that our regrets may be conveyed
rough the proper channel to the
embers of the Royal Family."
Nine applications were rend for the
13russe1s .
- 270 130
Clinton, , 4,226 1,540
Crediton . 575 ' 320
Cranbrook 170 - 139
Dashwboda, ' 375 212
Dublin 501 360
Dungannon 623 320
Ethel •
Fordivic,b. ,
Gorrie ,
iiensa.11 '
Krelcton 313 172
Londeshotp , "357- 177
Lucleilow 2,222 955
Mitchell , 2,018 .1,235
iklolesvVerth ,184' 120
Sen,forth 3,992. 1,048
Varna - 175'
Walton 862 .163 '
Wingham' 3,856 . -1366 ,
Woddharti .119 144';
Wroxeter 827 . ,412
Zurich , ,683 306
' 1'4 * '
1,077 8-17 P
esition of county auditor, and three
for appointment on the Board of Coun-
ty Examiners. An application from
Robert Deadman, of Howick, to be ap-
pointed a county student, was sent to
Executive committee.
A letter from J. Ross Robertson,ask-
ing a grant to the Hospital for Sick
Child ou
• ten; e asking aid for. the Pris-
337 232 onees Ata soaieby; one frnin the Mun-
2,144 825 icipal World for subscriptions, and one
778 309 from the manager of the House of Re -
5,55,e7 2:2,e.,e73 tuge, asking for an increase of salary,
*." were sent to Executive committee.
1'17S 500 Accounts from the various officers
379' 181 at.the re t
e en county council election
and forty others were read and sent
to Finance committee.
A motion by Messrs. Miller and,Kert,
to grant 5300 to Agricultural and
Horticultural societies was seut to
Executive committee. -
On tnotion of Bowman and Connolly
councillor Torrance and the clerk were
am:Jointed anditol's of criminal justice
• Six tenders for county printing wet e
bC111 to EXPOlitiv6 oominittee.
The following telegram ivas read:
Some time 'agOi4fie, tack-
pres:, uttered a note 'of :wanning -as' to
'the, quality of some ,of the western
cheese that 1,vas finding its Wayeto the'
Engli,sh niarket, The warning waS ht. -7
tered on the strength "of statement ,
node' by one of the hest known lalywas I
abbe:n(11Po; the local inarket, to the
ford that the 11101-1 einineter Ofweatern
Cheese was sniferitigalrOt,'"
cl ea id n ess in in filkatiga/:'
:a:;t8 ther s00,01y.
:',14:flarters at thOlf
• , • .,.
" "
To Philip Holt, Esq,
Ward„en County Of Huron. -
I MD direCtOd by Excellency to
:telt nowledge the iaiceipt of Your 'loyal, s
and synipatlitic message on 'behalf of
the County of Huron, anq to. inform. (
you that it will be duly 'for‘varded,
(Signed) Captain Grti,hatii, Go'. ' Gen. .3
Alessi's, D. 11" tilp9,1nd Mut,-
'•diVek waited on"sa ''(4tApjf' 1010
e, to pediees'116 ticrth t-
lalat t 'Eat Ommit ten
Hood's IV -1111
Report of the House of Refuff,e
W, 00atS, IIISpeCtOV Of the .11ouse of
Industry' and Refuge for the County of
Huron presents the following as ills
„report tor the year ending 31st Decem-
ber, 1900 '
Total No. of bin:fates admitted
since opening Of House , 198
No, of inmates 011 Jan. 17 1900 "82
No. admitted during the year , 18
No, ot deaths din.ing the year 12
No, absconded during the year • 2
No, discharged during the year 6
No, inmates in House Jan.1, 1901 • 80
No. of mules ,- 53
No. of females 27
No. admitted during year 1960 fl'om.
-rural inunicipalities:----
Townships-Morris 1, l'uhkerstnith 1,
• Turnberry 1, MeKillop 2, Us,borne 2,
Hallett 2, Howick 1, E.Wawanosh 1.
Towns mid Villages-Groderich, 2,Clin-
ton 1, Seaforth. 1, Exeter 1, Brussels
• 1, Wingliani 1. -
Cause ' of Pauperism --old age 10;
sickness 1, injury 2, Weakness of intel-
lect 1, paying patient 1,171indnesa 1, in-
temperance 2. ,
Nationality of inmates admitted dur-
ing 1900: -England 6, Scotland 5, Ire-
land 5, Canada 2.
No. of.days board ofinmate 28930
No. days board Keeper's fatuity
and help • ' 2 1095
sav'ege No„inmates during 1000 79.26
With Keeper's family & help S2.26
Expend iture on Iiouse & farm 54116.10
Add value of provisions and '.
fuel 011 hand Jan, 1, 1900' , 1200.83
Add ten per cent. for depreci-
Lien of 11113)1mi-tents 01..48
Total expenditure ' 55387:71
Deduct expenditure (77i capital
ceount 120,82
Stock and permanent innirov-
inputs 233.10
Provisions,producenew cloth-.
big zind fuel on hincl „Inn, 1,
1901, as per inventory 1118.50
Produce sold dm.ing 1000 and
other receipts ' 2:37.60
ReceiVed from paying patients -(02.40
„ $1052.13
Expen'd for in mates' support 53435.58
Av'ge daily expense per 10 nate ilas c
Av'ge weekly • "
This expenditure of.. the House and
Farin accounts is as 10110101t „
Hired help to,House & Faisin 96.00
StoOk, teana and iniprovem en ts 175.00
Salaries ---Inspector, Keeper &
• Ma troll , 650.00
Provision's salary,appliance, etc. 239.86
Rep. to building ;pal fueniture 153.79
PrOViSiOnS and clothing * 1820.60
Fuel and, light 4.80.31
Books, statiOnery and postag,e • 17.68
Tending inmates to friends &
bring.cing"b;:ck absconders 8.00
Supplies for stock and Farm 125.06
On capital accotint ' 120.82
Incidental expenses 120.16
Permanent improveinents ,102.19
, Total • $4116.40
• North Bay, Jan. 20. --About four
o'clock this morning fire broke out in
Dan Delaney's summer l'eS0121;ai,
Lakes aboat fear miles from li'eres,' and
before anything could be done the
whole place WaS in a blaze. Mr. De-
laney set to work to rescue his family,
who were all in the burning
and managed to get all out withsafety
excepting one little • girl., ,went
Slqs: speaking of the part taken by
the Canadians at the battle of Paarde-
berg, that it was their forward Posi-
tion which was the final 'novo that
coinne11e4 Commandant Cr01110 to lay
doWn his arms on the anniversary Of
Majuba Day. The Weekly Globe is
enabling its yearly subscribers to hand
down to theft' children an excellent
memento of that important event by
Presenting them with a cleverly exe-
cuted picture which conveys 0 very
correct, idea of the Boer laager and the
position of the Canadian troops at
Mr. Frederick Hamilton, The Globe's
correspondent, and others, who were
eye witnesses, express the greatest
satisfaction with the picture, and
it is certainly worthy of that jour-
nal's enterprise in leaking it possible
te keep the event ever in memory.
The picture" ean be secured by becom-
ing a subscriber of The Weekly Globe
at the regular price. The picture can
be seen at this office,
,Zurich: It is reported that Jonathan
111erner will leave town shortly hav-
ing d.isposed of his business to his
brother Jake.
Kirkban: Mr. David Foster moved
on Tuesday onto the farm of Mr. Robt,
Fletcher, 3rd line, Blaushard. The
house vacated by him will be occupied
by Mr. H. 13ann.
Blarishai.al: A very much respected
resident of Blanshard, in the person of
)11.. John Dufton, died last Friday
niormug. Mr, Delt011 lid b( s it -
ken with pai..alysis several years, ago,
but had been able to go about until -a
few Faiontlis since when had a, se-
cond stroke , which ul t Lely caused
hiS death.' Hedeaves it widow and. a
family of Six.children, font. boys and
two girls to niourn his loss. ,
Brussels: We are soliy to slate Lli?tt
Miss Lizzie Leatherdile has been un-
conscious the Most of this week. Last
week she was taken sick with tonsilitis
then complained of a pain i the glands
in the hack of. her head, followed by
erysipelas on hen forellettd, it has
since spread dowa as far ab her breast.
'Erysipelas ;vent to the brain and the
doctors hou out -no hopes at all to the
sorrowing family. Miss Lizzie has al-
ways been a most estimable young
lady and a general favorite with • old
(- •
and yolMg. Dr. Gunn, ,of Clint( was
ca.11ed to a consnitation 01.1 Tuesday
night. Since the above notiee WaS-
Wri t ten Miss Lizzie bus passed away to
the Better Land on Thursday. Her
death will be generally felt throughout
the coin:II-unify and sincere sympathy
will be extenc ed to the bereaved fam-
ily. - -
,;„ •
‘Man • s trnlittes•,,'
Telt him, P;Ither,.how bo get rid Of thein.
.Vost'infirmiites come from, bad brood and
are .cured by Hood's ,Sarsaparilla. Every'
person .who hits scrofula; satt rheum,
, humors, catarrh,dysPipsia'' or Meum.atistn
shoUtd at' once begin taking this ,niedicinc
That the infirmity may be removed. '
'W6a,kries,s -"I' have iiven ,Hood's
Sarsapariara my bay 4vhose,..blood 417as
poor. He was Tery <weak ,,could not keep
warm, and 'suffered frOrn pairzs hisf
stomach. Hood's Sarsaparilla' Made .hirn
.strong,and cYlrs.",W.' C. Stratton,
Thornas St., Oeserrinto,,Pnt. ,
bacic into the burningtsbutilding, for her,
dies have not yet been recovered.
and Was,overtaken by the flames and
both were lairned to death. The bo- -";'w1WO,Y7.70.647.,,OFTPfi 0)/4,
9 • 7
Nothing is known as to the origin of
the fire. •
e wheat per ovanfol . 62 ,to 65
Flour per owt.. • 1.85_te 2.00
13arley 3, to 35 of loronto; from 8 to 1.2 pages through 'the week-, and 16 pages on sat,
e, Oats 23 to 16 urday. , It ishright and readable; news for old and young.
Btu t,Fx 17 to 18
Second Editioirat a-bur:post office for 52.00 per year. Now is the time to sub-
s scrib
EliagS;Lti°e-erst ba/.`,;: --- ----- - 40
7 75 1 8, 0 The -London. Pree Press. Co. Ltcl ',London t
--------- ------------- ° '
t rk•
throwing bricks several hundred -feet --- -- -------- **' ' 4 "
in every direction. Beside the wreck- porn -- - fe to
ed buildingewas found the remahis of ------ --- -- ---- --
Williaw Brindle, captain of the ehemi-
cal department Cif the , fire brip,:ade, ' °° • ' ' • • ' ' ' • • .. 1') te 16 T. he Pios'perous Farraeralways has a
with „ large hole; the ,back of his
teer firetna,n, also perished in the ruins. -
'Windsor, Jan. 25, -(Special.) -Fir
broke ont in the warehouse 01 th
• Walkerville match factory early this
evening, arid when the flames ,wer
nearly subdued by the .-volunteer fire
brigade several barrels of chemical._
ignited. causing,aslreadful explosion.
The toof of the building with a ,sheet
of flames shot into the air to ;t heigh
of 250 feet, while the wallS burst out, t
EXETER hillititETS
(Changed every Wednes.cla.y)
1.7===`-`74.•(..raM.Triaka-A.F!i7 $8 • • ill1F.MA, iiwt.#041:411.01 '::A,,,',;•••k,
ARE YOU 9 Nervous and d'eaPO4.denti !Yank tlabllitetedt tired me,r.riiiri nape-
, bitton-lifaleoc;f-noraorapoor; 907311y tatiiaea; excitable an irritaole;.
' •' eyes sunken,' 'red and blarted;'pimplee fOcli dreanas end night,
atoses; restless; haggard looking,• Weak back; bete.Pains: hair loose; Ulcers; pore throat"
varloocele; deposit in urine and. drains at Stool; distructftd; want.of confidence; lack Cre
energr aaastronath- WE CAN ouPg, YOU 17
. . ,
• John A. Isfanlm says; -"I was one of the dount less vie-
- VA R1COCELE tims of early iknoianne cofamenced at 15 years of age..
'EMIS, . 7 tried -seven medical. firms, and spent $900 withOut 117777.11.
SIONS AND , I gave, up in despair.' The drains oh my system. were
. _ - weakening my intollest'ad wen 05 103' sexual and ptiysical
IMPOTENCY life. My brother advised me as a lust resort to consult
PURED• , , Itsaaocla &Kargan; I oonffneassa their:Now Method. ,
. Treatment and in a tow weeks was'a new man; With new
- and. ain fition. Ins was four years ago, and now 1
, am ;flurried and aanny. I recontniond these reliable
ocialists to all my ailliotecl fellowinen."
VZ1 "The vicos of early boyhood laid the,fonndation, of my
16 ruin Liter on a "gay lde" ana oenosuro to blood slis Fmic,,-,:an a ae
14 io7'egrss`'esacs°:Siorifititt7cyl-tis'inie wisreeicilsza' ehltilsG11i1on.11i;),)Syi10101115 'of, v pi";
3*4 Doryouslie-=, weak. back, °to. call8t'd ut-t.r Faj • WV'
Tait car, bona pains, 010 001 11111100131 anct on tongue, t 11 1,1 A
,NoteilcV 011 body, oto, ilumn1s. God. .I..trieci Drs. ICennedV
F.; .Kera...a. They restored trio to hecith, yigor aga happiness." CITA5. P0lVEIIS, '.k
T,:r7LCCO,,,,,,/:,2T,:,;2s, ,cazi ds,c,ce .41 :le oc • sE, 2). inrlluraf so el/ ;5"i eeb si i„)eyeAyS ; ,':47/
jild.q, C iZ1,1 Diseas,,s. • '
17• • -E..F7.ETROIT. 200,000 CURED. 1\10
yr. 7 0:10 you a Y:C717112 HUTT, you 1pst. hop,o? Aro rott
•d"- Trio; -.Four Blootj 1)• en dtr,eascq.1?: Rays you ;slay Cf7,7:".•
1., New ".,Y,;,t1,1,-,d,T-c,,inaohi; cari"..tor, 1\. hal, it Ilas dead' .for others 11 • do For
c."';''';9(.91S,,VTL-T,A1iON "S;;;t111 1°C5h5v.ii C;11.18-0 t('`I'.9171110-." N\e-Igenn.1:11(1%.
.1 J.liooamo of mci,, • it certs
714 ,ED T ,OU TEN C C PQ .
11 ij,f7, 0l rr1, tit 0. O. 07 No ;,7"1.1•VI'Ffn. 130X. --,'S 01 (441.,•;-,..,
Q;.; st-1;.;n nst and oo..st Of T
.= rag
F‘ v•,: • F"',r''''"•,) ' d
, A .0 1
. „
(:)01 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 ,82 $2 S2 $2
d_Pli.ItdddddddddYEAR. youR posT oFFic PhR YEAR,
Second Edition
2 001
. -
ESSENTIALLY A NE WSPAPER--The.Free Press is Pow in its Efey-first
year. It is essentially a newspaper for the home circle, While distinguish-
ed for enterprise, care has been taken from the beginning of its career to a,
respecting people. .
- admit nothing to its colimans,that,would offend the moral sense of self- ;
THE MARKET REPORTS. -Are full and up to date, containing, all the lat,est
Canadian, AMerican, an n English live stock and grain markets, with the
, mOst up-to-date news. '7 e • •
VETINARY COLU)IN-A IMPAli and special feature, conducted by J. E. Hod-
gins, V. S., Honor Gradnate 0. V. C. Articles appear every Saturdtay
dealing with all classes of Veterinary Scienceealso questions and ansWers
'daily relative to all diseases of animals, &c. Contains valuable home in-
struction for the fal..111e1' and stock owner.• ,
FORET(IN NEWS -A comPlete higtory of the , doings „all OVe.l. the known
• world in the latest, and up-to-date despatches. •
COMPLETE CANADIAN NEWS -By telegraph and mail from all piirts of
:Canada, particulm attention being paid to Western Ontario.
SPORTING NEWS -Is full :and comPlete with Amateur and Professional
• Sports -Base Ball, Cricket, Lacrosse, Golf, Bowling Foot Ball, Hooky,
Skating, Iforse Racing, Trotting and Runming, Hand 1101, etc.
IN POLITICS -In Politics it is Conservative, but its Conservatism has never
prevented it froin.doing justice to Or upholding men of both parties who
do right, .ft is the organ of the people irrespective of party, and make
the puhlic well-being itsfirst consideration. ' ' ' •
In fact, the Free Press is the most •complete and up-to-date paper west
head. Lieut. G. R. S. Phillips, voluri- The !viols° r2s Bank ,
Ilia body was recovere(lat 10.30 from (Chartered:13Y Parliamont71955.) ...
Paid up Capital.. a a .....32 500 000 pa „ 7
• Reserve Fund... . . ... .....2,050,000.
Ea.ad office m.oittreati.
beneath a mass of,debris. He was one
of the South .African heroes, •and was
immensely- popular in Walkerville and
with the officers of the 21st Regiment.
Charles Houser) a small lad hod. I 's
'skullsmashed by a flying. brick, He
will likely die. Others in3ored were: -
Frank Deniarais; fcreman; severely cut
on chest; Chauncey Bennett, fiteinan,
ankle broken; Alex. Lauglois, fireman,
seriously injured; • ex -Mayor Thomas
Reid, chief of fire department, cuts on
face and hands: E G. Russell dee
gash on head ancl nose, and Fred Coop-
er, cut on the face. The cause' of the
fire is unknown. Dr. "teatime, coro-
ner, has decided to hold and inquest.
(op 4
Another charge of forgery has
been laid against ,Janies Pearson, who
is a,t present in Woodstock jail on re-
mand charged with forging a note on
Valentine Ficht. The note was cash-
ed in E. W. Nesbitt's office. It seems
that. when Pearson went to ,the jail
the cpstomary search of his person
was made, and something over $25
was found. •This Pearson agreed to
transfer to Mr, Nesbitt in part pay-
ment of the $30 note he had forged.
On Monday, says the Express, the
manager of the Norwich hank came
up to Woodstock and laid another
charge of forgery against Pearson.
The ba nker alleges that Pea,rson forg-
ed another note and cashed it in his
bank. Ole money he, received was
probably the "inOney 2011116 on him at
the ,jai .
R AND roRE 0 'T
n the field of medicine is Hood's, San-
aparilla. It possesses actual (.ind un-
equalled. :merit by which it cures all
liseases co used or promoted by impure
or impoverished 1Flood. • ff you have
'herninttism, dyspepsia, scrofula, Or
catarrh you inay ta,ke Hoods Sausap-
milla and be cured. If you. Ole 14111
doWn and feel weak and tired you
inty be sure it will do you god.
Thef Ode fatiO: ';+:(-7tatbarlie
money 4ay,l.need to f',,ocei Farmers on
;(4ENERAI. '
t11,411 oivr, notcs wi71). 0110Ormore onaorsera
at, 7 per cent. per annum_
Open every lawful day from 3,1,0 aerns to 3
p.m; saturda:5-s Ao, a.m.. to 1. p.m,'
A: general banlaingl'ausineas transacted
, •
etn3,11ENsfRarrEs-- allOweit for'nPoney E SELL THE, BEST.,
Deposit Receipts. SaVillgS'Bank at 3 'cent. ,
'DICKSCN & naattibra N D HUE Dow, "•" Farmers Intentling,to Purchase FAR41.1\1A.0,1.-IINERY. should call en us
--.801,Fater3, Manager. fore bai-ying- elsewhere. We sell the best and the best is what the fa,rinet: wants
TfiZ ,
1,0 \io
7. 77 7111 7::;•,.:76 d*,;'
. 111
• I 11161..6./p „•
Pulpers and . Out- MNDER SYLVE,STEr13,,
,tersin'Stock t tim.ps ,
cuLTivAqloRs, PIS°, Etc.
All kinds of, • Pi.i.lp.er and WE SELL THE iir9ODSTOCK 14/A:ON.•
Strawcutter knives of SOUTH or HAWKSHAW'S HOTEL'. WES' SNELL
. .
,._overy de8cri.ptiob, , ,on •
usawroierarnosm••tmirea•mr..rwmma,a,vs..,,,....,„ ..10.111100111.1
• hand.
Steam Pipe and fittings
of all kinds.
A goodl;Villiams Sewing
Machine for sale.
U 11
A carriage containing Mr. and Mrs
Edward Sthroan was struck by a train
(.1\ /111,. s
30 e t1nwasI01r$Solang nearkilled 1,0his
rfo -d7Thursday.
probably fatally injured; ;
Card. •
We, the undersigned, do hereby
agree .to refund the money .on a 50c,
bottle of Greene's Warranted Syrup
of 'Tat' if 'it fails to pure your cough
or cold. tv6 ,Lisc7'guta/qiitdo a 25 -cent
bottle to 1)300e satisfactOry 5)5 niOney
refUndecl, ,
,•, C, Lit7TZ.
1 Clinton: We understand that the
livery business eonducted successfully
by Jas. McCool for a few years, (hav-
ing bought out S. Beattie) is a b014, to
Pc taken over by J. W. Elliott, son of
G. Elliot, of Croderich township, who
takes possession as soon as lie recoyers
from his illness,
Phis signature is on OVOrY IION: Of th0 &Fermin°
Laxative Bromo.Qainine Tablets ,
'lie remedy t•ttitt auras oF cold An ona dew,
.5 ss8• "t, ).-"`,„