Exeter Advocate, 1901-1-24, Page 8C. 9 Ve'vo inacte-•c totions anew, ,,as it's long been our custom to do, And, (the thought causes pain) We viU tuake theni agam 1.a the year 1902. Huron County Council is iu sessto Goderieb this week. Chiekeu nQIC is quite th.reinehout the towtti, Rev 'W. M. Martin and R. Milly',rd GNeltnIn.ed polpits on Sunday. 1m:riling last. Diyine serytet• will tie held in the Trivitt Memorial church to -night (Thursday.) :hisses' and children's shoes from '1 3- 11 '- 50e. up' to $ o ,st _Lane° a s. Wm. Beer commenced J\Joday to learen the harness tratking with Mr.' George Ftereit. New Prints, Ging nis. Ducks, Drill's, and Flanneletts at the New Store. W 9. YEO. he Libenals: of leld at Ilensall revaelen A convention or e'South 'Huron will be on jann;try 291. --la. • '•• •In'Qpitin af inen'e plough shoes at SOc. ner pairs at Gee. Mansons. troderic or a nntiortta hos decided against the poor inea-Oe ciow running et large in that town. • While we go to press the iremelfs concert is in progress, the particitlars of which will appear next week. Ladies' tine shoes $2.25 for $L50, at Geo. ManscaCs. Goderieli Signal: "Ed_ Swartz, pro- prietor of the _Huron house,. has been on the sick list for several days \vial an attack of pneumonia. New Art Afuslins and Cretonnes at the .New Store W. 9. YEO. The Rev. Mr. 'Martini-- B.D., will preach in the Preshyterien, :1 •eh Sunday morning uext, aspeeia1ser- mon on the life of Queen 'Victoria. , At the service in James st. ohurch next Sunday morning, the nastor,Rev. C. W. Brown, will inaktaspecial refer - on -e to the life of our late gracious Sovereign. - Men's fine shoes $250 for $1.90 at G. Manson's. 31r. 'William Hawkshaw of the On - {.:trio 1 -loose is not going to Owen benind as reported. The hotel which he bad leased thehe has been sold.—Sr, .M:tros Jo ernal. Use Turkish Scalp Food for falling or grey hair. It prevents dandruff end relieves iechinag of the scalp: Only 50e. a bottle at Lutz's Drug Store. , Owing to a severe epidemic of grip among the inmates, there is to be no visiting \-vhatever at, the flinon House, • of Refuge for the next week, the sup- erintendent, inatron and 00 others be- ing arnong the victirias. Phfflp Holt W4rdeli, ks was expected Philip 1-101t,Of Goa - 1, 1.).41$ been elected Warden of the Re Peti114.40. Mr. Joseph 1)avis will beat the ofhee of V. 'W. Glacial:to, Barrister, Main Sit Exeter on Monday 28th Jam at 11 o'clock a.m, to pay all accounts against the above estate. A GQ0C1 Cm%) For The Grin, Phenacetine, 2 scruples, salol, 2 scruples;- quinine salleYlate, 1 siiruPlei Mix into 20 pills. Take one pill every bony foe four- how's and theh one every two hours for three doses. Heath a Miss Marton, There passed away at the home of her father. Elizabeth Mary, daughter of Mr, George }lepton, on Thursday of last week, She was in her usual health until about a week previous to lier death when she was strieken with paralysis and never iaIIiect, , She was in the 18th year of her age. The fun- eral took place to the Exetee comed tery on Friday, "1rd'deoLTa 'ehtlot"a.eknowledge receipt of cheque from the Standard Life Assur- ance Co. for $1000, amount of insur-' aim° policy on the, life " -of the late Geo. T. Sandal's, and to te•itider` my sincere thanks to the company for the prompt manner in which the claim was settled. also desire to thank the agent, Mr. T. M. Ray, for the prompt and tlefACC service In having the claim adjusted. , District Mectilift, • The district meeting, of the Royal Tempters of the Col ID la; of Huron will , be held in Exeter, Jan. 25t1i. In the eveninga grand anusical and literary entertainment will be given in Gidleys' Opera House. Foreign and the best local talent has been secured. Watch for programs. 'All are cordially in- vited to be present 'at this concert. Doors open at 7:30; chair taken at 8 o'clock. Admission 10 cents. AixaciE M. VINCENT, Ree. Ser School Board Minutes. The folio Wing is the order of bOsiness duly submitted and -approved at the inaugural meeting held at the Town Hall, on Wednesday evening, Jan. 17. Signing declarations of 'office by R. N. Rowe, JrSenior and W. ,Trevethick, d Soltth 114.1rott AValcUltur,41 Secier The annual meeting (.)f tbo monibers Of the Sentli Iurou ta'icti1iura1 Soci- tY•Was held in Dixeir'sIitill,Brueeliold, 01), ANTQ11).esday last, Ihr.,Tohn Retaken, of Stanley, in the ellaine The directors' and auditor's reports VVIOVe read and adolibnh. Bythe latter we 'eat n that the receipts of the society for the year aniounted to $1,828.64, including the cbitirsltittlire:seeifli'oetitItst h.\\e,..1E.)ree,.$1)275, yeleear;ingThae balance'of $573 in the treasury. • There was Paid out for P_Itizes last year ' $685. The following 'officers and directors were elected . for the •current Year: President, Peter iMeGregor,Brucefield; 1st vice, John- 1.11eNevin, Kinnear; 2nd vice William Dixon )3rucetield. Di- rectors.--Messts. John Ketchen and John Murdock, Stanley; H. Smith laid Robert McAllister, Hay; Ed. Christie and' William Damien; Exeter; Thos. Russell, "Osborn e, Hc&gli McCartney, ciekersunto; D. 'Mein tosh, V.S., .1311 ce- Messrs, Thos.. Maser Sty, nley, and A. T Scott, Brueefield, were ap- pointed auditors. At a meeting of the. new board of , divectons sabsetptently- lrieetl:(11;',37A....1.t..r alnTeeri;ea.iitt aas,ep,LeisoAlytee(dt sote(-) , _ • hold the usnal spring show in -April, the date to be fixed at the next meet- ing of the board. • Reioltou To the \Vorshipfpl Master eras and. Brethren of -Exeter :Loyal Orange Lodge No 024. •' W , • otir eommittee ai pponted to prepare a resolution expressive of the1 soUPOW and regret felt by the'menabers of this Lodge upon 'learning ' of the ,cleath of Brother John ,White,'1 aftes an illness,of very short duration, passed peacefully away at hi § home in Exeter, on Friday laSt, the HUI day of, January, 1001, beg leave to submit the following: - 1 "NVIlereas, oar late dearly- beloved and much esteemed brother has been surinnoned tO,quit, his place if,: our fra- ternal circle hereto join the innumer- able band of trne and worthy brethren in our Grand Lodge above. ,Resolved that in the death of Brother 'John White, who has-been closely identified with this Lodge for more than a Tier - ter of a century, we Inive-sustaineclan irretrievable loss. We will miss our deceased brother„bot), -in and' out „of an election of officers and committees Lodge. and laTs N'-acant chair will serve - years ago and purchased h piece of d land in the village on .which lie erected 0 fine, beick house„ Wheve he .ias to, t with his married daughter, Maggie. 1 He leaves a son and she daughter to ; r mourn his loss. - S ' t: Mr. Clii•istopher 13ade has which continne durihg 1900. Pen R. N. Rowe and J. Senior, that the Board submit the 1)0010 01' J. T. Westeott as truant officer • for the current • year. Also that a trial term of the curfew would receive their support. Per Huston and. T. Senior. that W. D. Weekes be appointed to the Public Library Board. as the Board represen- tative for the full term of three years, viz: From Jan. 1, 1901,to Dec. 31, 1003. Per H. Huston and J. Senior, that the Principal and Secretary be a commit- tee of enquiry as to what further grants may be secured from the Pro- vincial Government and County' for the H.S. Department: Per W. J. Car- lin s- adjourn merit. to remind -us of his blight and cheer fill nature, his Upright Character an More especially his tintirine and never !ceasing labor and fidelity in all tha concerned the good and welfare ant the highest and best interests of cal noble Order. ThoughoOr Brother g-oe Mr. Ed, Sanders,. who Ykre. ported as beiN!.; very a'eonple of ago t.Eloya, is inaproV hi et but continues. ye1,-'3'.'wealit.,,lt will be '5D11.1 time.'be;- tore Ina able :to resume . work again.. • ,Mr, John „Iessery left lost Thurs(la:,c= , tnOr ning fer,Bratitford, his son7int1aw Luther Iltationi,'-haying :had the inisfortunetto ,nave one of his minis crushed by the breaking of ,an ,etnery Winghtam The hardware business conducted by J, Clegg ,Go, is about to change hands. ' Burns, 'of To- ronto, is the purchaser, and he •gets possession -as soon as stdek' talcen, Mr. Olegar has not decided defiultely- ashltoeialshitellf:atiu"lhce. friends of 3.:dis's' 11°.se Youngblut, who was so serionslY burn- ed about the face and haiids, owing to the igniting ot aeetylene gas,•••• Will be pleased to learn that, she is getting - along nicely, although the pain has- heeri-severe ;irid the bores we reeittir_ ed constant treiatinelit. , Seaforth: 'The flint Of 111essrs.1‘.eats' ing Linnba Imnber .clettlers; Of this ift°e \s‘sdisieliii.lishh,er(eTufideitssoblevteccia.yri',-ellah on by 4 Mr. Lamb. • We are glad to learn. that Mr. 1 . Keating does . not -intend leav- me tow n„ out w con tame on in the wholesale lumber and shingle bushiess.e. • Seafeirthi' ,1-Vhat :night ,haVe; l'OV- ed.a more serious a,C0idellt happened to Mrs.. Charles Pe.trie one day last, week. , seems sh.e slipped.- and I 00 soinn ice, Whiell caused a • large hone to raise on her forehead, •and a couple a, days later a blood -vessel in her 11ead brokefrdm the effects in the fall. Elizabeth eth. Sinit,h, relict gf 'the -late William Smith, died sod_ denly at the hole of her' so ni sy, .Mr. 'G. A. Newton,. on Monday. De- / 4 c6ased was in her Sist year ancl was here visiting' with her daughter. She had been in' delicate health for some time, but on Monday nlorning appear: la ed 'balite brighter than she had .heen foy sPnIe tune. Hibbert: Ano,ther of the old settlers of Ilibbert InIS passed away in the'pers son of "Mr. _Malcolm Lannmel, at the advanced age of 81 years. Deceased retired from. the f t -e 'C.FIST-1 OR PPOIDIJC ONE STOCK TAKING SALE BOOMING. Bargains in every 'depart- -II merit of the Big Store. All Over Coats, all•Ladies Jackets, all Remnants and all odds and ends from Stook Taking are going out at money -saying' nices. A prominent- -fernier living near • ,f. GRreto, Seey. week for selling. beef that was infected ineeting'of'Societies cennection Seaforth was fined 35 and cosTts last Prcsilyyteiy 05 Huron.• • with lump jaw. Considering the seri- with the Presbyterian elmrell Wtt$ ousnes.s of the offence if the fine had held in Seaforth on Tuesday. Willis been made ten times that amounb it church Women's Auxiliary was 're - would have -served him login. I presented by its delegate., Miss McTag- Winan's Cough Balsarn surpasses all ,gart, and Mesdames R. IwinaStewart, --Tither medicines for the core of Coughs Lough, J. 'W. Irwin, O'Neil, Duncan, • accompanying Lagrippe. Colds -and son. The delegates from the Mission Bronchetic Troubles. Only 25c. a bot-113and Were Misses Clara Wiseman and tie at Lutls Drug store,' . Mrs. Wm. Harding receiised the sad intelligence on Saturday of the death of h,er siSteie Mrs. S. Knight, of Tel-. botville; Who died the same day, - -Mr. Harding left 'to 'attend the funeral on Tuesday., Harding being indis- posed was unable to Laccompany 'him. orzzie Claidley, who wereaccomparded by Mrs. Graham. Misses A. Houston and M. Dowser. and Misters George iggart and Robbie Stewart, The, proceedings were of an interesting nature, including addresses by Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm missionaries from Bon - en. The 'election of officers resulted as as follows: President, ihrs. Hamilton, 'At the annual meeting or the Pubac candericb towesbi.i; viee_prest, Libraxy, 'held Friday' night, the follow- Mdent, Graham; „ Oil/item; - 2n d Mg officers we:ere electeclfor thecurrent fries. awens,, 3rd-, tern-n—Presiel.en t; N. D. 'Hurdon; Coni- -musdnane; moxiiiep; ,seeretary, rnittee, Dr . Lutz , H. 'E. Heston, DrMi . .frtnie, ceintein , Treasurer, , Amos and H., Bishop; Secretary, W 04. . A. Scott, Seaforth: Secretary of Sup -1 D. Weekes, Librarian; Capt. GeorgeplieS, ',NESS 111 Ta g,gart, Clinton; Lea - Highest peice.s paid for all • kinds of Couticil Proceedings. For West Huron the election ex- The Council for 1901 except the penses of Mr. Rolat. McLean we're S12-6; Reeve, (who is confined to h s ;bed Rein P. fief- St cretin' ty, Mrs. Henderson. Lien produce at. theNewStore. W D YEW of R. I-fohnes, $205: of ta L. Dickson. for East Huron, $80,85 (he practically-, had no Evers- expenses as he and Dr. McDonald travelled together) John Tohnie, for West Bruce 3114:, John George Wes' Bence 3253,10, Remember the great slaughter sale of boots and shoes for 60 dayss from Dee. 1st, at Geo. Manson's. The Public Library Board are ` ne- gotiatirip- for a concerti.° be held here -Vie first or second week in February and i it is likely t will be brought to a successful 'issue. It is expected that Miss :Jessie Alexander, the Popular elocutionist.will assist in the pro- gram, together with other first. class talent. •• Everybody as Using D x Laxative Cold (lure for the immediate relief and rapid cure of Cold -in the Hear-1.11111110n- za,, Lagrippe, Sick,, Nervous Pr Neural- gia Headache, etc. Only 15c. a box, at —Evans --that james Grieve be .,-the An exchange says the man who went out to milk and sat down on a boulder and waited for the cow to back up to him, was the brother of the man who kept store ,and did not ads Yertise, because he reasoned that the ,purchasingopublic would !melt up to his place when, in wanted something. Flanriel Sale this week. dome and get a bargain at the New Store. - W. a YECr. through iliness)'-met pill:so:tilt to sta- tutes, at Town Hall, Jan. 14th. and took arid subseribed to the: different declarationS ottiefice, in the presence of the clerk-, vi solTessrs. W. If. La- yette. Jno. oi,131, Evans and I. • Armstrong as 4.1,-4ats4ors. • _Minutes of last meeting oite4 for • 3000' Was read and conR—Uureie Owing to the ill- ness of the Reil_eg -ets-'it was moYecl by. -vie H. LeVett st1";*.ided by Armstrong that Connel:17.adjourn to meet at. the residence celheReeve-ori 'Wednesday, Jan 7.30 p m —Corried. COnn- Gil met 'Ars uan t to adj rn m en t a t th e - residence of the Reeve, Jan. 16t.h.- All present. The Reeve took and SubScribz ed, to the different declaration s'of office. Minutes Of last meeting read and con- firmed. Muir-LLevett, that Geo. -H. Bisspbt be reappointed clerk. —Carried. Levett --Armstrong—that W..S. Balk- willbe auditor for 1901.=Carried. Muir • Lutz's Drug Store.. other auditor for 1901.—Carried Evans Mr. Simon Downie, of Garner, Iowa, a former resident of Usbore town- ship, accompanied by his son, Freder- ick. After visiting friends in and armind Exeter, left Friday for Toron- to, from which city he will ship a car- load of entire horses, Mr. Downie says bis mother still lives, having at - tamed the remarkable age of 91 years end is still in good health, -R. T. .Couch, who has , been elerking for MeSsrS. Carling, BI•Os, for •several niceve With his anail•ti,'to Mit.chp.11. Sbortly•, he 0na,Mr. en Snider having pinchaseti Lhe'gen- elal store of Mr. Rab,b, of that ace,. Posseswillon l he taken, by. . , era eYt; rnalPeton ark'. 1st. • The naaity iencIS hero :of :Mr. and Mrs. Conch Will i-eg-et to learn, that blieYeate about o leaventoWn. • „. • .... ' three itopro II" CI red, acre, ps of, Us- hOb 11) —Muir that.the clerk netify the Medi- cal Health Officer to meet the _Council at the next meeting —Carried. Levett , —Evans—that Messrs. Hazelwood Me - Laughlin and Tennant be appointed Board of Health' for ensuing term.— Carried. Muir—Arinstrong—that, the Exeter Cemetery Board be granted the sum of $100 for the purpose of improv- ing the cemetery grounds.—Carried. LeVett-eMuir,---that James Weekes be appojnted'Fire Chief, at a salary -of 350 per annum.—Carried. Evans—Levett that the Clerk ask for tenders for 'the rase of weigh scales and for printing, also application§ for the following posi- tions, viz:—Street commissioner,asses"- sor and bell ringer.—Carried. - Evans —Armstrong—that ,Council adjourn to Jan, 31st, at 7.30 pan. 0. H. BrssETT, Clerk. A Goderich township correspondent, says:—A farmer hired 0 very inexper- ienced boy a short time ago to help about the place..; Onernorning he told the lad to go aral salt the calf in the Pasture,' ' The boyoek about a .1qiiart of salt,rnhhed it all over the calf,wat•k- ing it into the hair. A gang of colts in the pasture, scented the salt and got after the calf. They licked the hair all off the calf's back and tried to lick the r, hick off too. The farmer tried to cateh the calf and wash it off but the erea- " from s ,theey chi ng Of- ' long c - 'the 6th conceSSion. The • farm is a 1 purchased Mrs. James Snell's farm on useful difefull of h0/10I'S be long to, a stounch- and consistent Or angeman, and though we feel that hi death has been his -we still 100011 and lament his departure from us anel findit difficult, to restrain .the heart- felt sigh or to coustraia in the unavail- ing tear when we think of his many acts of love and kindness, his well re- membered words of fraternal God speed and good will. • , In tile death of our Brother, Exeter has lost a citizen of \Omni she was al- ways prouel; a citizen who was punct- ual and faithful in the discharge .of his public duties, and society will miss a man of splendid repute, ar man of since affection for those he believed to be his friends. We condole NC -ith the family of our deceased Brotifesiii".' and commend. thera to our -Grand Master in Heaven, who cares for and emir forts His people in -the hom• of theii affliction and bereavement. We in scribe in the roll of menibers of out Lodge opposite Brother White s reline She words "Well done good and faith fol servant." - •• • - JORN SPACKM.IN Signed 1)ATTE DEW"; '- good one, contains one hundred' acres s land was secueed at a good figure. • Mr. ; Dale now-oWns 1.000 acres ail in Rut-. lett, and all first glass farming land. and most of it in a High state of 'Culti- vation.'. He started' in thh and paid $3,000 for the -first farm lie ever owned, and he is still a ,comparatively young man. Bayfield: •The ;um tial 0'. of the Stanley Branch 'Agricultural tsSeiciety wits held- on lArednesebiy, last Wee.`,,, swhen phe following officers were ap- pointed foe 1901:. Presideut, R. Snow- den; 1st vice, R. Penhale; 2nd vice, A. Anderson; 'secretary, H. 1)rehmanu; treasurer; F. A. Edwards; directors, 'Wm. Stinson, Dr. "Wood, James Don- aldson, V. Wild, B. A. Higgins John Woods, Jo R Cha D nardson„ A. Naftel, D.H. AleNanghtorti auditors 3-. A. Falconer, Thos. Cameron: • Zurich: johaBetschen. awell-known resident ot Hey, died on Sunday niorn-3 . mg, after a. brief. illness of -four or five days,: His many friends here were 110 larvare of his illness and the news of ." his death Was'very uneXpected • Jelin LEWIS DICK,.$'0N. „patecl• Exeter. • Jan, 18,1901. -,irpii;jweppwetieoweep: PEI1SONAL. . 1513i&5,. 11 -miss pena, Dodds visitieg 'friends .Mr. janaes" Abbott, of .'London, spent Monde y tOWn. 51:.;ind Mrs. Win Hawksliow, Jr spent Sundaa- in -town. . - Miss Rose Elliott, of Wingliame is visiiulg ft•iemls in town. a Mr. J. G. Stanlatilir was in London Friday on legal Rt. ness. e Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Senior spent 0, few days Chatham last week, igen Ross left Mo da ntoy Visit his brother, Will; et, Clinton. Miss Maud Sharon, of Si. ThomaS' is visiting at ..11r. John Speakman's. , ...Miss 011ie McLaughlin has returned from a visit with • her sister in St, was a ,genial good hearted fellow and was liked by everyone,• d t 1 ' off is generally regr H leaves -a wife and several sons and daughters. who have the sympathy f • 11 a' loss of it kind husband and father. T3lanshtual: • The, many friends or litles. *NV111. Thompson Will be, shocked td`letirti'of-heiestielden death N:,11ich eurredrit net' honle on .concession 8,211 : Tuesday,. Jan. 15. Besides her hirs, • hand tht cleceased lad 7- l'etves a fam- ily af four children the oldest of Whom is only num years of age. -,"las. lacma - son was a daughter of Mr. • and Mrs, Johnston,• :of Kirkton to which place' ;her funeral toe k -place this (Thursday) afternoon. The.s",vmpathy of the com- munity willbeextended to the ber- eaved husband and • Seaforth: On Friday evening Mrs. 'Alex. ;Wilson met with a somewhat serionsaccident. It seems that a1 door, leading from the kitchen, 'to the 0011111, 11113 been inadVerten tly left open Mrs. 'Wilson,in' walking across the floor withea ' basin of water in ,her tram, which. was ready to follow No. hands,and not, seeing the danger ;thead. 91 express, was strinding on the side of her, Walked right into the opening track. A, big new Klondike engine was and tell to -he flour belON • She hall< ,attached to 'tern . the cliginees st p withir few days Pe so oetall e ts61).cevIril VV f fo this -week, Claas. Rowe bed through illness is doubtful, s confined to his el his recovery' MP 1. Spackman spent Friday and Saturday in Loudon and St. Thomas On birsiness. -Miss Amy Johns returned home on Fri ay la t, aftei 0 pleasant risit, -ivith friends jim Aurora. 'MissGrace Baw-den, of Blyth, iting relatiYes in town, the guest- of Miss -Eva BroWnidg. •• "Miss Boggarth, of Exeter, is viSit- ihg- the Misses washington, +East street.”—Goderich • Mr. ,Chris. Balsdon, of Melborne, spent,a few days in town last -weekt , with his sister, Mrs. Quance, • Mr. W. A. Westeott, who has been on the Seaforth Sun staff for the t fewweeks, returned to town last week an CI. intoods remaining here,. 'Mr.,R. R. Rogers 'is at present con- ned to his home stiffening, froni an at- tack of.nrhscultir rheumatism. , Mr. H, Sp:Mt:man left Tiiesday morn- ing.to attend a meeting of the"County Council inhas official capacity. • • Mr. T. B. Carling 5Va0 unable to tend to his duties at the store IhmulaY through illness but is again able to be Mrs, John Sanders and daughter, 'Tore, vi:7ho have heal visiting in' Lon - on for the past few weeks, returned orne Friday. the former in very poor 31.00 each for Ladies' Pare Wool, Heavy Cashmere Jerseys, trill -oiled N'ith plain Ayorsted braids. 3 ust the thing for hot -Ise wear. Regular 'aloe wets'2.25. Clearing at 31.00. „ Is yoin• hand small ir1 We 'levee few pith of 1..a-idies' Black Rid Gloves size 6 for 2,904';s420 0,1efor 50o,' Regular \-alue $1.00 and 31.25. The last lot on the ct-rtinten. -Ladies' llitcleessecl- Rid Gloves, sligh ch aged "20c. tile pair or cl pair for 50c. A stista). . • - 25c. "the yard, for Corded Velvet. Regular value was 31,00 the yard. sliade,§,•to pick fronn Come quick.- ' „ ,S1.00. , The dreSs•length for your-cheiee'•of a big let- of .Fithey'lleess .. . 'Goods. ,,,:This is a clinker. •• • • - :Mena and Wonien's,Fur Coats are lines that we can save you Money •onjuiet riehy,t -If you have a,funceat thotight,come and think to its. ', You will not be Sorry. , • • only Ladies' Fur FianerineS. 17 bargains, for every Caprine will - he•sold. at a bargalin• 32.50 up: ' , • , „ Men'simd May's Oyercoate and ,WoOren's and ,Children's Jackets •are ,feeling the effects of Our great stock-taking:sale. The values'arehig. • Special values in Ladies- Astrachan Fur' Capes and. Monntain Bear Capes. We 'don't want to carry -them over. A STEWART ari eans oine WE look on the 13rand of a SLATER SI -10F as a sm. t of protection.' You never know what you are getting in a pair of COILMON SI-IOES unx til you •wear them, Then you probably discover yon have made a bad (heal. The SLATER SHOE. has a repotatiOn and sale over. Canada that - cannot be eXcelled by any other manufacturer to our knowledge. Their goods give always the best' of satisfaction and the name SLATER, being, stamped on each shoe sufficient to satifiy former customers. Others „say theirs are just as good but don't buy a shoe until you try a SLATER. SHOE and after one purchase you are a, Wearer of a SLATER lc:ire vett A company with a reputation like the SLATER people would hardly risk putting their brand on inferior goods. Your are :always sure of a ,perfeet fit„ easy, comfort, godd wear, and first-class satisfaction.' e are the agents for the Celebrated 4202i1ETZERSESIEM SHOE - J. SF3ACKEVIAN Headquarters for W. E. hndford'a Clothing. ' The following is the .ylial 'statistia§,for poo'; of 'this' tewiaship:- 1BirthS„02.,' deaths 30; marriages 13: Of 1 the deathsel are registered'as•still 1 • 14 under 10 years of age- • 9 under 50 years of eget 5-u0der 79 years..'of age;. 7 °Vet- 70 year--• The oldest -Jr -was 78 years. old: , . YOUR .BEST WORK -Cannot be done unles§ you have .good, heolth.e Yon cannot have goodbealth. Without pore blood. You may have pure blgod by ., taking 'Hood's Sereap- ;utile now.. • You , can not:. realize' • the good it will do you itatil, yon try it. Begin taking it to -day and- see how strength and yigor and • cure your rlieuniatisin eatat•rho -se •of /la , All liver ills are cured by Hood's 'Piils. .25c, , .COLLISION ON THE M.C.E. • st.Thotnas, jan.21.—E:tely this inorn- ing an accident occurred in the M.C.R. , •trds at Victoriawhich tor gun a ie did net rest -tit very set -ions. A freight quickly it will give you an appetite, 1conple 0,rffnisbesdbartoaliesibl'aaitildn-wriaps f)c)nristihde" Posed Ile was clear off the main track. erubiy However, When No. 2100100 along the fall. She %vas confined' to. bed for seV- steam chest a the engine e,,,,aght, an 9 -Len, days, bob is doing well now. , the eYlifider of the Klondike nd both • , , P11:(:.elranta t: h eArne-istii Sveinecseti nog': 1Z1Yre. riRt otkele°1ka brokentilesteaolifi. Thehest VV011110dle' wereesYidlienOCIfelt'lleex- MoClilic e y, Goshen Iine,' Stanley, on •Press train "%yea scraped, but none of Tuesday, the Occasion being the ,iiaiit•- the coaches were damaged to such an liege of his sister, Miss. Agnes MeClin-• extent, as to be unfit for use. The en - (Trey, to ,Mr.. Win. Hart, of • the 5th gine of the express was disabled and 11' concession. The ceremony was per_ new one had to be secured to bi•ing the formed 1)y Rev, E. B. Jennings, in train here: John LeWry, brakeman the presence of a number of .invited on the freight had his g,t'oin slightly ,guests. The bi•ide, and groom took the evening trainfor Marlette, , Michi- 1 where a grand re:ceptionawaits them. The bride was tip reciPlent of It large nuniber usaftil and bearitil fol'presents; which testify to the es- teem in which the young couple are hold. The wish of their' many friends is that they may have a long, happy and Prosperous married life: Goderich One of the mos p pallingand painful accidents happened itt Coderich township early, Monday morning. With lantern in hand. Bert the ten -year-old 'son of Edward Wise, Bayfield road, went out to., put the Windmill out of <gear and in doing so was the victim' of the accident. To put the windmill from working the shifting of 5 leaver is necessary, and in this :act his mit eanght to a pinion firre thinking he wanted to lick. too, kept out of his may. The boy, calf and farmer were all Unhappy, the colts be- 4tif Betuniiler, and Air. IPO, DaW, Agetenvit; were'in town, feW days to itY.40t l0 Wing to the s,ers, 010 illness 10,*othor,-,Irsf'v v in g the only ones- that got any fun out io 9r Westcott of it, rz'ilis otary is trlie, t , 'For 13reael, Buns, White Bons; ,I3rown ,.Btins',,.G-rahani,BilscrtitS, Cakes of 'ell „ kinds,'(irearn VVitfers, • Raney Biscuits, Plain,Biscalts. Wedding03;.tke1 a specialty -Teed and laatuti oily oenamented • at a reaso- nable price. Calces Or Pies made to order. XXX , Bread delivered to all ,parts 'of ,' tare 'shafting, Irdirela twisted his . : right arm , breaking 10, at ti)e noriet Saturdays. we be pleased- to , • and again above, elhow, at the se- -06 you. ' ceind fr•atiture the'lictric :projected, the , •man 1):arely- hatiaring on. It Was found, Vire are , heceS§ary by the'doctors to • amplitate Florist,,. 'the ;tiara at the slieitilder. the- ' fsoYiinioliwats.11,716,iiss- ebx1parveesisyedilificAr et,hh6eeilfittlitilye. Of itl.tglifti10'0i1 the shortest tiotie,e.• • r4 • town on Mondays, Wednesdays and nt hay, 3. Cram onclOn,•- rnill still.,been 'goal., iv? would • ina. • donlitedly 'have -been tkilleda, •1 Great '311°r'li:i, design6 r°P funerOs't fl° Sour: is. hrin his injux37 A. FOLLICK South Huron Farmers Institute Meetings. ' :Veeting§. Of the South Etni'pri Farmers' it,stitalte will be liqld at -the following places on the' dates named,. when. addresses tvill 'be delivareri by Tile $pealcets and on the suhiects named below: SEAFOI-1,T.1-I, TOWN HALL, TTJESD_AY,'FET3RUARY 5a -n, 1001.. ' II. Glendenniiy, INianilla '' The ..lioe• , 1 E ' , , , , ii.n x-i.iso Bacon Trade.". Mrs, T.'E.,' Smith, Whitby, "Won r,'"'s' lns4.-,ittites,'(heir,...ohject and an' •Janies MOE'wing, Draytoh, "Wlaysinci how to underdrain.lt :. _kcidresines by Id. Glendenning,- "raraer's Frait ie,m.s.,, , EV. ENING ilIEE.TING Domestic Econonty.' J. illeIllwing, "Doming, prob.. , and 'Vegetable Garden," Mrs., Smith, '‘,'.A_ Talk 61) , .. VARNA, TOWNSHIP HALL, - . . : __ — WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY &TIT .}::::... g,:,:n.,;-:::::::::t, i,.:gThE.f7;1,. ,II.ioi ig,rxb,y'ai.ni.c.trthii.e„ export bacon, tracle;" '‘' cultivation of corn for the silo," Mrs Smith, The boy who stays on, the am. J. MO-. ' If qlendenning, " The farmer's fruit and vegeta-ore- garo co..' Mrs. Smith, "In 1,tiel about tile farm liouse.11 J. McEwing, "5,07111 things boys should be taeeht." - TilinfEcTRI`TsSDA .ALry-4, SF.0..2013TRItu'SAiI-IAT,7.4TLI,I. • II. Gi6ndenning, "FeedS all(1 feedings." Mrs. Smith . " Farmer's wives and datighterSl their duties, delights and discouragements.", -I... Melsiwing, "Systematic ,anrnllg - • . EVENING . , . 15, Glendeoning,"•Y The.arrner's fruit and vegallale'e garden." ,Mrs. Smith,gengtraolirmi'-(1.17..,-4,-roc tut tety,,, 5. ateEtville, e Soine things, boys shorld be ... , . • 1.?RIDA dr, FEBRUARY STH, ELIM-VILT_:E, TOWNSIIIP, HALL II. Glendenning, "Colaivatio'n' of co li.for thesilo." Mrs. -Smith, "In and about the farm hiouse." •' T. MO - 'Ewing, llMistakes 'Made in farming," ' IL Glendenning,'" The farnieit's fruit and veg'etable garden." flit's. Srnitli, "The food Inc eat slid the pre- paration," J, ItIcIdwing, "The gospel Of i10/11C DASH -VT -001), _MOSER'S HALL, SATURDAY, FEBR,IYA1IY Orn. Glendenning, "Poultry, for export tUarle." Mrs. Silliuli, "The boy who stays on the farm." 5.1\ IeEwing and how to underdrain." EVENING.11 . Glendenning, "The fariner'fS fruit and yegctable garden," Mrs. Smith, "The days and •wnys of ou grandmotheis." iNfeEtving, "Some things•''boys should learn." , ITANNAN'S ,HALL, , , 'TUESDAY, FEBRI1A11,Y , , IT, GI eraienni ng, •-• The hog and export liacon trade.' . Ifrs,:SinitIgs'IFariner's VV5VC13 and daughters., their delights and tliseouragenients." ,-3. MeEwing, the'lertilitY' of tlie •0. raleneieneten,eTinetarn"let's- fruit and re4etab1cl garden.' Mrs. Sinith. "A, ,coromoil 'sense tall: te 3050' finis and.thei'r'wIt,es," 1 Me,Ewinfi:, The ' gospc1 of hople.itiflitenac." 111 , erAi*thAriatiornoon clef:ono, addresses, 11111 ,131 eaeli of Ike 'evening niee(,rs the rlrogram.,Wil be varied 00 ,v9ea1'14110 instrumental mustC. The r.k.ftern*(Conr.ireetin.58 corwrence at 1.80 and theefdin.agcncseongs• . ' 'All 'are ecik'ditiltraiivited,i1m1 ladies ‘111 bo made: • 15001111yv;toreo,me ale aftern0of1 Is ,WCH, IS the evening ireohtige. 1,00.i••. , .See,.ietary; A, MOFFATT PresiAent, Zuriell'. B. 1.1.owald and family left this week for Stratford Whore Mr, IloWIcl has leased tile Arlington ho- tel ftha terB). ofyoars. '